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The Role of Pedigree Information in Combined Linkage Disequilibrium and Linkage Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci in a General Complex Pedigree


Academic year: 2020

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DOI: 10.1534/genetics.104.033233

The Role of Pedigree Information in Combined Linkage Disequilibrium

and Linkage Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci in a

General Complex Pedigree

S. H. Lee


and J. H. J. Van der Werf

School of Rural Science and Agriculture, University of New England, New South Wales 2351, Australia Manuscript received July 2, 2004

Accepted for publication September 20, 2004


Combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage (LDL) mapping can exploit historical as well as recent and observed recombinations in a recorded pedigree. We investigated the role of pedigree information in LDL mapping and the performance of LDL mapping in general complex pedigrees. We compared using complete and incomplete genotypic data, spanning 5 or 10 generations of known pedigree, and we used bi- or multiallelic markers that were positioned at 1- or 5-cM intervals. Analyses carried out with or without pedigree information were compared. Results were compared with linkage mapping in some of the data sets. Linkage mapping or LDL mapping with sparse marker spacing (ⵑ5 cM) gave a poorer mapping resolution without considering pedigree information compared to that with considering pedigree information. The difference was bigger in a pedigree of more generations. However, LDL mapping with closely linked markers (ⵑ1 cM) gave a much higher mapping resolution regardless of using pedigree information. This study shows that when marker spacing is dense and there is considerable linkage disequilibrium generated from historical recombinations between flanking markers and QTL, the loss of power due to ignoring pedigree information is negligible and mapping resolution is very high.


OMBINED linkage disequilibrium (LD) and link- process needed in (fine) mapping of QTL is to estimate age mapping has been implemented in a variance IBD probabilities on the basis of LD and other available component approach, and analysis of simulated as well information including observed marker data and pedi-as real data hpedi-as proven that genomic regions containing gree information. This could cause difficulties when pre-quantitative trait loci (QTL) could be narrowed down to dicting IBD in general pedigrees as genotype probabili-within a few centimorgans (MeuwissenandGoddard ties are hard to derive when pedigrees are complex and 2000;Faniret al. 2002;Grisartet al. 2002;Meuwissen there are many missing genotypic data.

et al. 2002;LeeandVan der Werf2004). As LD map- Although the general pedigree structure with missing ping can take into account the great number of histori- data is very common, accuracy or efficiency of combined cal recombinations reflected by identity-by-descent (IBD) LD and linkage (LDL) mapping for this situation has probability between haplotypes, positioning QTL can not been reported. This is because there is no obvious be very precise even with a relatively small number of ani- method of pedigree analysis dealing with complex rela-mals (Meuwissen and Goddard2000). Lee and Van tionships and a large proportion of missing data for der Werf(2004) investigated the efficiency of LD map- multiple closely linked markers. Exact methods for seg-ping in livestock using records of a few hundred progeny regation analysis such as pedigree peeling (Elstonand in a half-sib design and reported a high mapping reso- Stewart1971;Canningset al. 1978) or chromosome lution with confidence intervals up to just a few centi- peeling (LanderandGreen1987) are well-known

algo-morgans. rithms for estimating genotype probabilities on the basis

However, it is noted that in general such a design

of pedigree. However, the first method increases expo-may not always be available. Rather, a general pedigree

nentially in computational complexity with the number structure is commonly available and often used for

map-of markers, and the latter becomes infeasible with a ping of QTL. A general pedigree structure can span

large proportion of missing data. several generations with complex relationships, and

an-The locus sampler (Kong1991;Heath1997) uses a cestors’ genotypes are often unavailable and the

num-modification of the peeling algorithm and is much more ber of genotyped progeny is not always enough to

de-efficient and flexible for multilocus problems in a com-duce parental genotypes (Haley1999). However, a key

plex pedigree. It computes genotype probabilities using all pedigree information subsequently at each locus, conditional on flanking loci. However, this algorithm

1Corresponding author: School of Rural Science and Agriculture,

UNE, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia. E-mail: slee7@metz.une.edu.au requires that pedigrees must be peelable at each locus.


lation alleles. In generationt, one of the base alleles surviving Alternatively, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

algo-with a frequency of⬎0.1 and⬍0.9 was randomly chosen and rithms have been used to estimate genotype

probabili-treated as favorable with effect ␣ compared to other QTL ties, updating latent variables at a single locus subse- alleles. From generationt1 to generationt4 ort9, quently for each individual, which makes it possible to pedigree was recorded and polygenic values were simulated. The recorded pedigree had complex relationships between deal with complex relationships in a pedigree. Examples

individuals because of random mating and selection. The base of algorithms are single-site genotypic samplers (Lange

parameter for population size wasNe⫽100 (t⫽100), with andMattyhysse1989;Sheehanet al. 1989) or

single-Ne⫽200 (t⫽200) orNe⫽800 (t⫽800) as alternative values. site segregation indicator samplers (Thompson1994). In the multiallelic marker model (e.g., microsatellites), the However, the irreducibility of the Markov chain is not number of alleles assumed in each marker locus was four and base allele frequencies were all at 0.25. In the biallelic marker easily guaranteed in complex pedigree structures and

model (e.g., single-nucleotide polymorphisms), the number mixing problems also appear in using multiple marker

of alleles was two and starting allele frequencies were 0.5. The loci (ThompsonandHeath1999;Canningsand

Shee-marker alleles were mutated at a rate of 4⫻10⫺4per genera-han2002). The meiosis Gibbs sampler (Thompsonand tion (Dallas1992;WeberandWong1993;Ellegren1995). Heath1999) greatly improves mixing by updating seg- A mutated locus was changed between the two existing alleles for biallelic markers whereas a new allele was added for multi-regation indicators jointly for all marker loci. However,

allelic markers. this approach is limited to pedigrees of moderate size

The role of pedigree information was investigated in linkage (⬍1000) since many MCMC cycles are required for an

mapping and LDL mapping, respectively. Analyses were

car-analysis. ried out for a complex pedigree spanning either 5 generations

Unfortunately, it is currently infeasible to use all avail- (generationstt4) or 10 generations (tt 9). IBD probabilities were estimated either considering all relation-able information for a large complex pedigree with

ships across the recorded pedigree or considering only rela-sparse genotypic data (CanningsandSheehan2002).

tionships in the last generation (i.e., the parents of the last One may not be able to use complex relationships, and

generation were treated as unrelated).

the loss of information can affect the accuracy of posi- For a fair comparison between results, phenotypic values were tioning QTL. However, LDL mapping, as mentioned ear- available only for 100 individuals in the last generation in all

cases. Phenotypic values for individuals were simulated as lier, can use historical recombinations. If mutation age

is high, e.g.,⬎ 100 generations, recorded pedigree of

y⫽ ␮ ⫹ ␣ ⫹ue. (1)

a few generations may contribute little to the

informa-The population mean (␮) was 100, values for polygenic effects tion for positioning QTL. In this situation, it is

worth-(u) were drawn fromN(0,A␴2u) with2

u⫽25 (Ais numerator while to investigate the decrease of accuracy of LDL

relationships among individuals calculated since generation mapping when ignoring pedigree information. Note t1), and values for residuals (e) were fromN(0,2e) with that omitting some pedigree information makes analy- 2

e⫽50. The favorable QTL allele had an additive value of ses much easier and faster. 7 (␣0⫽0 and␣1⫽7) and variance of QTL (VQTL) ranged from 8.8 to 24.5, depending on QTL allele frequency (0.1ⵑ 0.9 The aim of this study is to investigate the role of

pedi-in this study), withVQTL⫽2p(1⫺p)␣2(FalconerandMackay gree information in LDL mapping with a general

com-1996). The frequency of 0.1ⵑ0.9 may be reasonable for a plex pedigree. LDL mapping is carried out for a complex QTL that was previously detected by linkage mapping ( Meu-pedigree spanning 5 or 10 generations considering all wissen and Goddard 2000), and loci with more extreme pedigree information or considering the pedigree infor- allelic frequencies would contribute little to genetic variation and thus would not be appealing candidates for gene-mapping mation only in the last generation (i.e., ancestors of all

studies (unless in the case of a rare disease). animals in the last generation are treated as being

un-Analysis of data sets:Mixed linear model for detecting QTL:A related). The power advantage of LDL over linkage alone vector of phenotypic observations simulated from (1) can be is shown. The efficiency of LDL mapping with various modeled as

levels of LD in relation to pedigree information is

inves-yX␤ ⫹ZuZqe, (2) tigated. In addition, it is shown how to efficiently

inte-grate the case of a complex pedigree with incomplete whereyis a vector of phenotypic observations on the trait of interest,␤is a vector of fixed effects,uis a vector of random genotypic data (genotypes are available only for the

polygenic effects for each individual,qis a vector of random progeny in the last generation) using Gibbs sampling.

effects due to QTL, andeare residuals. The random effectsu, q, andeare assumed to be normally distributed with mean zero and variance␴2

u,␴2q, and␴2e.XandZare incidence matrices MATERIALS AND METHODS for the effects in, anduandq, respectively. From (2), the associated variance-covariance matrix of all observations (V) Simulation study:A population of sizeNewas simulated for for a given pedigree and marker genotype set is modeled as 10 marker loci and a QTL fortgenerations to generate LD

beyond recorded pedigree between QTL and flanking mark- VZAZ⬘␴2

uZ GRM Z⬘␴2qR, (3) ers. In each generation, the number of male and female parents

wasNe/2 and their alleles were inherited to descendants on whereAis the numerator relationship matrix based on addi-tive genetic relationships, GRM is the genotype relationship the basis of Mendelian segregation using the gene-dropping

method (MacClueret al. 1986). Parents were randomly mated matrix whose elements are IBD probabilities between individu-als computed for a putative QTL position and conditional on with a total of two offspring for each ofNe/2 mating pairs.

For the QTL, unique numbers were assigned to the base popu- marker information, andRI␴2


Since the value of IBD probabilities between animals depends indicators of the flanking marker loci (Kong1991). The sam-pled genotypic configurations at the locus are converted to on the putative QTL position within a tested chromosome

re-gion, a number of different GRMs are generated. In this study, segregation indicators for sampling genotypic configuration we used 10 markers and tested QTL locations at the middle at the next marker locus. Therefore ordered genotypes and point of each marker bracket; therefore, nine GRMs were gen- segregation indicators are sampled across all individuals locus erated. Variance components for model parameters (␴2

u,␴2q, and by locus. The locus sampler has been implemented in MCMC

␴2e) were estimated with each GRM, using average information linkage software “LOKI” (Heath1997). We obtained one config-restricted maximum likelihood (AIREML;JohnsonandThomp- uration of the segregation indicators using LOKI in each

sam-son1995). The maximum values of the log likelihood for the pling round when using complete genotypic data or incom-different QTL locations were compared. plete genotypic data without parental relationships.

Gibbs sampling scheme for deriving IBD probabilities for GRM: Sampling segregation indicators by using the meiosis Gibbs sampler: With marker genotypes available for all individuals in the This algorithm makes joint updates for the inheritance of all recorded pedigree,i.e., parental and progeny’s genotypes are genes at linked loci, in a single meiosis. For example, for the known in each nuclear family, the correct linkage phase can mth meiosis, segregation indicators at all loci can be sampled often be assigned with a high certainty (MeuwissenandGod- using a forward-backward algorithm (ThompsonandHeath dard2000). Pong-Wonget al. (2001) reported that if ⬎10 1999), according to all possible segregation states for themth biallelic markers are used, the proportion of individuals having meiosis, conditional on the other meiosis (seeappendix). This at least one informative marker locus to assign correct phase sampler was used for incomplete genotypic data with all avail-is⬎90%. Therefore, the true set of haplotypes is close to the op- able relationships in a pedigree.

timal set of haplotypes estimated with the highest likelihood Haplotype reconstruction: Since LD-based IBD probabilities among all candidate sets of haplotypes. Therefore, we used are derived from haplotype similarity between unrelated base true haplotypes when using complete genotypic data (see also animals, ordered genotypes for base animals are required to

discussionand Table 2). However, when few genotypes are reconstruct haplotypes. The ordered genotypes can be sam-recorded on parents or further ancestors, there are many un- pled on the basis of the distribution of compatible allele assign-informative markers and many more possible sets of haplo- ments to founder genes that are consistent with the sampled types that can have similar likelihoods. For this case of using segregation indicators (Sobel andLange1996). When this incomplete genotypic data, all possible states of segregation procedure is implemented for multiple marker loci, haplo-need to be taken into account in an analysis. The meiosis types for base animals are established. This procedure is per-Gibbs sampler and the locus per-Gibbs sampler are considered formed in each sampling round.

to be suitable for this problem. Both samplers are supposed Initial legal configuration for the Markov chain:The meiosis to give the same result if they work properly. However, the Gibbs sampler requires a starting configuration, consistent with former is more efficient for sparse genotypic data (many miss- observed marker data, which is essential to start the Markov ing genotypes) while the latter is more efficient for dense chain.Heath(1998) used a combined method of pedigree genotypic data (few missing genotypes;Heath2003). As both peeling and a genotype elimination algorithm to sample geno-use segregation indicators as latent variables, the distribution type configurations, consistent with the observed marker data. of segregation indicators is described first, followed by a de- These can be converted to a legal configuration of segrega-scription of the sampling procedure. tion indicators. However, in the method, each locus should Distribution of segregation indicators given observed marker data: be peelable, which is not always guaranteed in the case of a One realization of segregation indicators (S) in a pedigree can complex pedigree with many missing genotypic data. Instead be expressed in anMLmatrix whose elements are 0 or 1. of using a peeling-based algorithm, the genotype elimination If the gene in themth meiosis at thelth locus receives the through inheritance constraint algorithm suggested by

Hen-paternal parental allele, the segregation indicatorSml⫽0, and shallet al. (2001) overcomes the problem of sampling for a Sml⫽1 for the maternal parental allele. The maximum number complex pedigree with genotypic data at a single locus. After of possible configurations for S is 2ML when none of the the algorithm samples segregation indicators for each locus pedigree members are genotyped. The probability ofSgiven independently, the Gibbs procedure obtains the desired con-observed marker data is ditional distribution, taking into account the linkage between


IBD probabilities based on LD and linkage information:As ele-pr(S|G)⫽ pr(G|S)pr(S)

pr(G|S)pr(S), (4) ments of GRM, IBD probabilities between all members are estimated on the basis of LD and linkage in each sampling whereGrepresents the observed marker data, pr(S) is prior round. Sampled haplotypes for base animals are used to esti-probability of the segregation indicators, pr(G|S) is the proba- mate LD-based IBD probabilities between unrelated base ani-bility of the observed marker data givenS, and the denomina- mals, using the method ofMeuwissenandGoddard(2000; tor is summed over the probabilities of all possible configura- 2001). Sampled segregation indicators at multiple loci for tions ofS. Since the computation of the denominator is not descendants are used to recursively estimate IBD probabilities feasible in general pedigrees, a Gibbs sampling scheme is between relatives given LD-based IBD probabilities of base required to obtain the posterior distribution of the segregation animals, using the method ofWanget al. (1995).

indicators. A brief summary of the sampling procedure: Sampling segregation indicators by using the locus Gibbs sampler:

When pedigree is peelable at each marker locus (e.g., with few Do 1ⵑNcycles:

Sample segregation indicators for all meioses at all missing genotypic data with simple relationships), the locus

Gibbs sampler (Kong1991;Heath1997) can be used to ob- marker loci.

Sample haplotypes for base animals. tain segregation indicators and reconstructed haplotypes in

each sampling round. This method jointly updates the inheri- Estimate IBD based on sampled haplotypes and segrega-tion indicators.

tance of all genes for individuals (or meiosis), in a single locus.

Genotypic configurations are sampled from the distribution Construct GRM based on IBD. End do:

of genotype probabilities estimated by recursive peeling (



Distribution of estimated QTL position

Deviation of estimated from correct position (cM)

Method ⫺4 ⫺3 ⫺2 ⫺1 0 1 2 3 4

5 generations with biallelic markers

LDLa-PEDb 5 4 6 18 28 15 14 3 7

LDL-NPEDc 3 4 10 16 26 18 15 4 4

L-PED 20 7 7 13 10 11 6 3 23

L-NPED 23 4 12 9 10 10 5 5 22

10 generations with biallelic markers

LDL-PED 11 4 7 14 28 14 9 6 7

LDL-NPED 10 5 4 18 27 14 11 2 9

L-PED 17 8 3 11 19 18 11 7 6

L-NPED 25 13 10 7 8 12 4 3 18

5 generations with multiallelic markers

LDL-PED 2 3 3 22 36 22 10 0 2

LDL-NPED 1 5 2 21 37 24 8 0 2

L-PED 15 9 12 10 11 11 10 7 15

L-NPED 28 2 4 6 9 6 11 9 25

10 generations with multiallelic markers

LDL-PED 5 3 5 16 43 20 4 3 1

LDL-NPED 6 2 3 17 42 18 4 4 4

L-PED 17 2 8 9 29 16 9 6 4

L-NPED 27 12 5 8 8 10 9 3 18

The estimated QTL position in 100 replicates with various mapping methods is shown.

aLDL, mapping using combined LD and linkage (L) information (linkage, using linkage only information). bPED, considering all pedigree information.

cNPED, considering only relationships between animals in the last generation.

Joint updates for the whole meiosis or the whole locus sam- the analysis considering all pedigree information (PED) pler result in better mixing properties and the process to be and the analysis ignoring relationships between individ-much more reliable than that of a single-site Gibbs sampler

uals until the last generation (NPED) for both 5 genera-(ThompsonandHeath1999). In addition, a sampler

updat-tions and 10 generaupdat-tions of pedigree. With the LDL ing segregation indicators rather than genotypic configuration

has a much smaller state space (Thompson1994). Therefore, method, the most frequently estimated position is in convergence of IBD probabilities could be reached quickly. the correct marker bracket and55% of replicates posi-The Gibbs sampler was carried out for 5000 cycles, discarding

tion the QTL within 3 cM of the true position with the first 1000 cycles. In every tenth sampling round, elements

biallelic markers and⬎75% of replicates do the same of GRM were estimated and stored. They were averaged after

with multiallelic markers. the final sampling round. In the sampling procedure, allele

frequency at every marker locus was assumed equal (flat prior Linkage mapping alone:With linkage mapping, the ef-distribution). In each sampling round, it took ⵑ1.5 sec to fect of using pedigree information is large as the pattern obtain haplotypes and segregation indicators and ⵑ2.5 sec

of the distribution is quite different between PED and to estimate IBD probabilities in the pedigree spanning five

NPED. The difference is largest for the pedigree span-generations (CPU: 2.4 GHz).

ning 10 generations. Linkage mapping with biallelic markers and the pedigree spanning 5 generations most RESULTS frequently estimates the QTL position at the boundaries of the tested region with both PED and NPED, showing

Complete genotypic data: Distribution of the

esti-there is little information to position the QTL. A simi-mated position that deviated from the true QTL position

larly poor mapping resolution is obtained in the analysis in 100 replicates is illustrated in Table 1 for the case

for the pedigree spanning 10 generations with NPED, when all genotypic information is available on all

indi-but the QTL is more frequently positioned on the true viduals in the recorded pedigree (generation 100ⵑ104

position with PED;ⵑ45% of replicates position the QTL or 109).

within 3 cM of the true position (Table 1). In the multial-Combined LD and linkage mapping: In LDL mapping,


genera-Figure 1.—Pedigree spanning (A) 5 or (B) 10 generations. Likeli-hood ratio (LR) averaged over rep-licates in each putative position con-sidering all pedigree information (LDL-PED) and ignoring relation-ship between ancestors (LDL-NPED) and linkage mapping with pedigree information (L-PED) and no pedi-gree information (L-NPED) in the multiallelic marker model LR ⫽ 2(log LQTL ⫺ log Lno QTL). Solid diamond, LDL-PED; shaded box, LDL-NPED; solid triangle, L-PED; shaded dashed line, L-NPED.

tions, the results are similarly poor as with biallelic mark- typic data, genotypes were available only for the progeny ers although PED positions the QTL in the correct in the last generation and all ancestral genotypes were marker bracket more frequently than NPED does. With missing. Figure 2 presents the distribution of estimated the pedigree spanning 10 generations, NPED gives poor QTL position deviated from the true location and the mapping resolution whereas PED frequently positions value of LR averaged over replicates when LDL mapping the QTL in the correct marker bracket;ⵑ50% of repli- is carried out with multiallelic markers and a pedigree cates position the QTL within 3 cM of the true position spanning five generations. The frequency of estimated

(Table 1). position near the correct QTL position is reasonably

The averaged likelihood ratio:The value of the likelihood high;75% of replicates position the QTL within 3 cM ratio (LR) across the genomic region, averaged over of the true position. This result is similar to that with replicates with the multiallelic marker model, is plotted complete genotypic data. Although overall values of LR in Figure 1. The value of LR is almost flat in linkage are reduced compared to that with complete genotypic mapping with NPED in the pedigree of 5 generations data, there is an obvious peak, showing that there is (Figure 1A). Although the overall LR is higher in link- sufficient information to locate the QTL at the correct age mapping with PED, the difference between the high- position. As with complete genotypic data, the differ-est LR and lowdiffer-est LR is small, showing that not much ence between PED and NPED is not significant. information for positioning the QTL is provided by the The results with biallelic markers are similar to those pedigree spanning 5 generations. In the pedigree

span-with multiallelic markers in that the distribution of esti-ning 10 generations (Figure 1B), it is shown that linkage

mated QTL position is similar to that with complete mapping with NPED has no power to detect the QTL,

genotypic data, and the LR curve shows an obvious peak but linkage mapping with PED gives a considerably

at the true QTL position (results not shown). higher LR for the correct QTL position and there is an

The effect of marker density and past effective size

obvious peak, indicating much more information for

in relation to LD: Lower LD could arise from either positioning the QTL is provided when considering all

using a lower marker density or a higher effective popu-pedigree information compared with considering

rela-lation size. Figure 3 shows the pattern of LR values from tionships only in the last generation. This additional

in-LDL analyses averaged over replicates with 10 multial-formation from pedigree must account for the higher

lelic markers positioned at 5-cM intervals. The value of frequency of estimated QTL position in the correct marker

PED increases slightly with 5 generations of pedigree bracket in linkage mapping with PED compared with

and the increase is more significant for 10 generations NPED in the pedigree of 10 generations (Table 1).

of pedigree, compared to NPED. The value of LR with With LDL mapping, the LR curve is clearly peaked

NPED in each position is similar between 5 generations and highest at the correct QTL position, showing LDL

and 10 generations. When comparing with a marker mapping to be much more powerful than linkage

map-spacing of 1 cM, the LR values are much lower and the ping. In both pedigrees spanning 5 and 10 generations,

LR curve is flatter, indicating that LDL mapping with a it is also shown that the curves of LR in LDL mapping

sparse marker spacing does not give sufficient resolution with PED and NPED are similar, indicating that

pedi-(Figure 3). gree information is not so critical in LDL mapping

(Fig-Figure 4 shows LR values averaged over replicates ure 1).

whenNe⫽100, 200, or 800 for 100, 200, or 800 genera-The pattern of LR curves with biallelic markers is very

tions was simulated. The LR values were substantially similar to that with multiallelic markers although overall

decreased with higher values ofNeand results for PED LR values are lower (results not shown).


Figure 2.—Distribution of esti-mated QTL position deviated from the true QTL (A) and the value of LR averaged over replicates in each position (B) with the pedigree span-ning five generations in the multial-lelic marker model with incomplete genotypic data (genotypes are avail-able only for the animals in the last generation) using LDL mapping. (A) PED (lightly shaded bar), NPED (darkly shaded bar). (B) PED (solid triangle), NPED (shaded box).

The relationship between LD and the length of a broken up for 5 or 10 generations. This was the reason that with a lower LD, LDL mapping with PED gave chromosomal region that is IBD can be described as

higher accuracy than that with NPED in the marker spacing of 5 cM (Figure 3); however, the difference

be-LD ⫽ 1

1⫹4Nec ⫺2c⫺2Nec2⫹c2


tween PED and NPED was very small with a marker spacing of 1 cM (Figure 4).

(Svedand Feldman 1973), where Ne is past effective

Alternative QTL location: To test the performance size andcis the recombination rate of the chromosomal

of LDL mapping for QTL not centered in the studied region. LD is defined here as the probability of the

region, a QTL located at one-third of the tested region chromosomal region being IBD when two random

hap-was investigated. Figure 5 shows the distribution of esti-lotypes are taken from the population. The observed

mated QTL position and the value of LR averaged over value of LD based on simulated data agreed with the

replicates when LDL mapping is carried out with or expected value from (5). The averaged value of LD

without pedigree information. As in the case of a cen-observed over 100 replicates was 0.19⫾0.07 (expected

tered QTL, the frequency of estimated position as well value is 0.2) for a chromosome segment of 1 cM with

as the LR is highest at the correct QTL position and Ne⫽100. The value decreased to 0.04⫾0.01 (expected

the LR curve is fairly peaked. value is 0.05) for a segment of 5 cM withNe⫽100. Note

that the LR values were much lower with 5-cM marker intervals than with 1-cM intervals (Figure 3). The value

DISCUSSION also decreased with higher value ofNe,e.g., 0.11⫾0.04

(expected value is 0.11) and 0.03⫾0.01 (expected value While linkage mapping could greatly benefit from additional pedigree information, knowledge of relation-is 0.03) for a 1-cM segment with Ne ⫽ 200 and 800,

respectively. Note that the LR values were much lower ships between ancestors was not critical in LDL mapping with closely linked markers (ⵑ1 cM). The additional forNe⫽800 than forNe⫽100 (Figure 4). Given these

results, it is clearly shown that the levels of LD are closely information generated from the recorded relationship in a pedigree was very small compared to the LD infor-related to the efficiency of LDL mapping. With a lower

LD, pedigree information became useful if (and only mation generated from the historical population be-yond recorded pedigree. However, when using a lower if) the tested region was wide enough to be sufficiently


Figure4.—Pedigree spanning (A) 5 or (B) 10 generations. Values of LR averaged over replicates in each position for LDL mapping with vari-ous values of effective size when using complete genotypic data with multi-allelic markers. Solid diamond,Ne⫽ 100 with PED; shaded box,Ne⫽100 with NPED; solid triangle,Ne⫽200 with PED; shaded dashed line,Ne⫽ 200 with NPED; open circle,Ne⫽800 with PED; shaded circle, Ne ⫽ 800 with PED.

marker density (ⵑ5 cM), the degree of LD between correlations between parameters estimated with the true haplotypes and those with sampled haplotypes for 20 markers is much decreased and the recorded

relation-ships become more informative. In such cases, it is desir- replicates. For all variance components, the correlation between the two results is close to 1. Also for LR values able to use available pedigree information whenever

possible. at the true position, the results agreed very well. For the

estimated QTL position based on sampled haplotypes, When parental (ancestral) genotypes are absent, the

loss of information for positioning the QTL is small as 90–100% of replicates position the QTL within a dis-tance of one marker interval from the estimated QTL shown by the limited reduction of LR values in LDL

mapping with a 1-cM marker spacing;i.e., the most fre- position using true haplotypes for both 1- and 5-cM marker spacing. These results show that using true hap-quent estimated position was on the true QTL and the

LR curve was fairly peaked around the correct QTL lotypes is very similar to using sampled haplotypes in complete genotypic data.

position. This implies that parental haplotypes can be

reasonably well reconstructed from relatively few geno- Similar results were shown byMorriset al.(2004) in that the efficiency of fine mapping was not much re-types in the last generation in a general pedigree

(ap-proximately two to three progeny per family in our duced using a MCMC approach, compared with using the true haplotypes. The authors also showed that a study). These results agree with those ofAbecasiset al.

(2000), who reported that in the case that parental MCMC approach that considered all possible sets of haplotypes was much more efficient than inferring a set genotypes are missing, the loss of power for detecting

QTL is negligible when at least four genotyped progeny of haplotypes based on maximum likelihood. This was probably due to the fact that the likelihood was flat with per family are available. In our study, we used 10

mark-ers, which might help to assign linkage phase more respect to different haplotype configurations because no pedigree was used in deriving these haplotypes. Infer-correctly.

With complete genotypic data, we used true haplo- ring haplotypes in the case that parents’ and progeny’s genotypes and their relationships are fully known is types under the assumption that linkage phase is

as-signed with high certainty when parental and progeny expected to give better results, as was also shown by Pong-Wonget al.(2001).

genotypes are known. Results from true haplotypes and

those from sampled haplotypes were compared, using Since the locus sampler is based on a modification of the peeling algorithm that considers all compatible complete genotypic data spanning five generations with

a marker spacing of 1 or 5 cM. Table 2 shows high states simultaneously in a single locus, it does not have


TABLE 2 because the number of genotyped progeny per parent was low enough not to constrain parental allelic types. Correlation between parameters estimated with

Therefore, there were few or no noncommunicating true haplotypes and sampled haplotypes

classes in the Markov chain. Moreover, nearly identi-cal results from two very different MCMC approaches LR on the Positiona


␣ ␴2u ␴2P true QTL (%) proved the process to be reliable.

With sparse marker spacing (⬎5 cM) too wide to find 1-cM PED 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 100

LD information between QTL and flanking markers, it 1-cM NPED 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 100

is necessary to consider all pedigree information as the 5-cM PED 0.98 1.00 0.99 0.99 90

5-cM NPED 0.99 0.99 1.00 0.99 90 accuracy with PED and NPED was much different espe-cially in a deeper pedigree (Figure 3). The meiosis Gibbs Complete genotypic data spanning five generations with a

sampler can be an efficient tool to deal with complex marker spacing of 1 or 5 cM.

pedigree information in such cases. However, in some aProportion of replicates with sampled haplotypes

position-ing the QTL within one marker interval of estimated QTL data structures where allelic types of founders in a re-position with true haplotypes. corded pedigree are fully constrained by direct (if found-ers were genotyped) or indirect observations (foundfound-ers having a large number of genotyped progeny), the prob-lem of reducibility in the meiosis sampler would occur. reducibility problems (Heath 1997). However, its use

Block updating segregation indicators for a number of of computer memory requirement is too large to

oper-relatives simultaneously can be a way to increase irreduc-ate for a complex pedigree with a large proportion of

ibility although the large number of relatives can make missing genotypic data. The meiosis sampler is robust

it infeasible to compute genotype probabilities (i.e., the to complexity of pedigree and a large number of missing

number of segregation states is 22⫻nwithnthe number genotypes; however, when founder allelic types are

con-of individuals for which segregation indicators are strained, it can be reducible (Thompson and Heath

updated jointly). A random-walk approach (Sobeland 1999;Heath2003). Given the results from the analysis

Lange 1996) could be applied to noncommunicating based on the meiosis sampler (PED in Figure 2), there

classes using the Metropolis algorithm (Metropolis were no apparent problems of reducibility affecting the

et al. 1953). Further study is required to increase irreduc-results in our case. The pattern of distribution of

esti-ibility in the meiosis sampler. mated QTL position with PED, which was based on the

In linkage mapping especially with biallelic markers, meiosis sampler, was normal and similar to that with

the QTL was estimated more frequently at the bound-NPED, which was based on the locus sampler. The LR

aries than at the center in the tested region and the curve with PED was highly peaked at the true QTL

distribution of estimated positions did not seem normal position and the difference between highest and lowest

(Table 1). If the length of the tested region was in-position was significant. The pattern was similar to the

creased from 9 to 19 cM with the same data, estimated case of NPED. For a more reliable comparison, the

QTL positions were more normally distributed. Figure 6 accuracy and the values of LR with NPED were estimated

shows that the replicates positioning the QTL at the using the meiosis sampler and compared with those

boundaries in the tested region of 9 cM were actually based on the locus sampler. Ninety-four percent of

repli-the sum of repli-the estimates beyond this boundary. Probably cates with the meiosis sampler positioned the QTL

the most likely position was outside the tested region within 1 cM of that positioned on the basis of the locus

of 9 cM and the QTL was estimated at the boundary of sampler in LDL mapping. The correlation between

esti-the tested region that was closest to that point. It is ex-mated parameters based on the two samplers was 0.95

pected that the estimated positions would be completely for QTL variance, 0.98 for polygenic variance, and 0.99

normally distributed if the tested region is wide enough for phenotypic variance, and correlation between LR

values was 0.98. This similarity of results is probably (⬎ⵑ100 cM). Note that the distribution of estimated


position within⫺3 cM or 3 cM from the true position complex relationship with missing genotypic data could is very similar for either length of the tested regions. be efficiently integrated for fine mapping of QTL.

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be-sity of New England research assistantship.

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Forward-backward algorithm in the meiosis sampler:FollowingThompsonandHeath (1999), we describe how to jointly sample segregation indicators of all genes at linked loci, in a single meiosis.

Forward working:In the forward working, the cumulative probability (Q) for the segregation indicatorSm,lis computed, conditional on all meioses at marker loci up to and including marker locus lexcept the mth meiosis itself, which is updating at the current stage. The working order is from the first marker to the last marker (1ⵑ L),

Ql(x)⫽pr(Sm,lx|Sall⫺m,l,Gl,Sall⫺m,l*,Gl*), (A1)

wherex⫽ 0 (being transmitted from paternal) or 1 (from maternal),Sall⫺m,l ⫽all segregation indicators at locusl except the mth meiosis,Glis the observed marker data at locusl,Sall⫺m,l*is all segregation indicators from locus 1 to locus l⫺ 1 except themth meiosis, andGl*is the observed marker data from locus 1 tol⫺ 1.

The right-hand side in (A1) can be divided by two parts as

Ql(x)⫽ pr(Sm,lx|Sall⫺m,l,Gl)pr(Sm,lx|Sall⫺m,l*,Gl*). (A2)

The first part in the right-hand side in (A2) can be obtained, using Bayes theorem:


pr(Gl|Sm,lx,Sall⫺m,l)pr(Sm,lx) 兺1


. (A3)

pr(Sm,lx) is a prior probability with a value of 0.5; therefore, (A3) can be simplified as

pr(Sm,lx|Sall⫺m,l,Gl)⬀pr(Gl|Sm,lx,Sall⫺m,l). (A4)

The second part of the right-hand side in (A2) can be computed using the cumulative probability of the previous locus and recombination rate between locusland the previous locusl⫺1,

(Sm,lx|Sall⫺m,l*,Gl*)⬀Ql⫺1(x)(1⫺ ␪l⫺1)⫹Ql⫺1(1⫺x)␪l⫺1, (A5)

where␪l⫺1 is the recombination rate between the locuslandl⫺1. Note that for the first marker locus, the right-hand side in (A5) is negligible (⫽1) because there is no previous marker.

From (A1), (A4), and (A5),

Ql(x)⬀pr(Gl|Sm,lx,Sall⫺m,l){Ql⫺1(x)(1⫺ ␪l⫺1)⫹Ql⫺1(1⫺ x)␪l⫺1}. (A6)



Simple pedigree with genotypic data

Marker locia

IDb Sire Dam M1 M2 M3

1 0 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0

2 0 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0

3 1 2 1, 1 4, 1 3, 2

4 1 2 2, 2 4, 3 2, 2

aGenotypes are not ordered and 0 represents missing genotypes. bIdentification of animals.

QL(x)⫽ pr(Sm,Lx|Sall⫺m,L,GL,Sall⫺m,L*,GL*). (A7)

Therefore,Sm,Lcan be sampled from this posterior distribution.

Backward sampling: In backward sampling, the segregation indicator Sm,l is sampled conditional on the already sampled marker locus (Sm,l⫹1 ⵑ Sm,L) and using the cumulative probability for locus l that was computed in the forward working. The sampling order is the second last locus to the first locus (L⫺1ⵑ1):

pr(Sm,lx|Sall⫺m,l,Gl,Sall⫺m,l*,Gl*,Sm,l⫹1, . . . ,Sm,L)⬀Ql(x){|Sm,l⫹1⫺ x|␪l⫹(1 ⫺|Sm,l⫹1⫺x|)(1⫺ ␪l)}. (A8)

A numerical example: Table A1 shows a simple pedigree with genotypic data for three markers (M1 ⵑ M3). Table A2 shows one legal configuration of segregation indicators in the pedigree as sampled in the first round. Joint updates for the third meioses (paternal gametes for animal 4 in italic letters) using the forward-backward algorithm are shown as an example. It is assumed that each marker has four alleles and allele frequencies are equal (0.25), and the recombination rate between each marker pair is 0.1.

The first term in the right-hand side in (A6) can be estimated for each marker locus using a descent graph:

pr(G1|S3,1⫽0,Sall⫺3,1)⫽ 0, pr(G1|S3,1⫽1,Sall⫺3,1)⫽ 0.0039 pr(G2|S3,2⫽0,Sall⫺3,2)⫽ 0.016, pr(G2|S3,2⫽1,Sall⫺3,2)⫽0.016 pr(G3|S3,3⫽0,Sall⫺3,3)⫽ 0.008, pr(G3|S3,3⫽1,Sall⫺3,3)⫽0.016.

For example, pr(G2|S3,2 ⫽ 1, Sall⫺3,2) is computed as follows. According to segregation indicators for the second marker, animal 3 has sire’s maternal gene (1M) and dam’s maternal gene (2M), and animal 4 has sire’s maternal gene (1M) and dam’s paternal gene (2P). Note that animals 3 and 4 are genotyped as (4, 1) and (4, 3), respectively. Therefore, the founder gene 1M, 2M, and 2P must be allele 4, 1, and 3 (no other allele assignment is possible). The probability of the allele assignment is the product of the frequencies of alleles involved in the allele assignment. Therefore, pr(G2|S3,2⫽1,Sall⫺3,2)⫽0.25 ⫻0.25⫻0.25⫽ 0.016.

The second term in the right-hand side in (A6) can be easily obtained using the cumulative probability for the previous locusl⫺1 and the recombination rate between locuslandl⫺1. For the first marker, the second term is negligible; therefore,Q1(0)⫽ 0 andQ1(1)⫽1. For the second marker,

Q2(0)⫽ 0.016{Q1(0)(1⫺ ␪1)⫹ Q1(1)␪1}

0.016{Q1(0)(1⫺ ␪1)⫹Q1(1)␪1}⫹0.016{Q1(1)(1 ⫺ ␪1)⫹Q1(0)␪1}

⫽ 0.1

Q2(1)⫽ 0.016{Q1(1)(1⫺ ␪1)⫹Q1(0)␪1}

0.016{Q1(0)(1⫺ ␪1)⫹ Q1(1)␪1}⫹0.016{Q1(1)(1 ⫺ ␪1)⫹Q1(0)␪1}⫽ 0.9.

For the last marker,


Segregation indicators in the pedigree

ID Allele origin M1 M2 M3

3 Paternal 0 1 1

3 Maternal 1 1 1

4 Paternal 1 1 0


Q3(0)⫽ 0.008{Q2(0)(1⫺ ␪2)⫹Q2(1)␪2}

0.008{Q2(0)(1⫺ ␪2)⫹Q2(1)␪2}⫹0.016{Q2(1)(1⫺ ␪2)⫹ Q2(0)␪2}⫽0.099

Q3(1)⫽ 0.016{Q2(1)(1⫺ ␪2)⫹Q2(0)␪2}

0.008{Q2(0)(1⫺ ␪2)⫹Q2(1)␪2}⫹0.016{Q2(1)(1⫺ ␪2)⫹ Q2(0)␪2}


FromQ3, either 0 or 1 can be sampled forS3,3. Now let the value of 1 be sampled for the last locus. From (A8) in the backward sampling,

pr(S3,2⫽ 0|Sall⫺3,2,G2,Sall⫺3,2*,G2*,S3,3)⫽0.012, pr(S3,2⫽1|Sall⫺3,2,G2,Sall⫺3,2*,G2*,S3,3)⫽0.988.

Now, let the value of 1 be sampled for the second locus:

pr(S3,1⫽ 0|Sall⫺3,1,G1,S3,2,S3,3)⫽0, pr(S3,1⫽1|Sall⫺3,1,G1,S3,2,S3,3)⫽1.

The value of 1 is sampled for the first locus.


Figure 1.—Pedigree spanning(A) 5 or (B) 10 generations. Likeli-hood ratio (LR) averaged over rep-licates in each putative position con-sidering all pedigree information(LDL-PED) and ignoring relation-ship between ancestors (LDL-NPED)and linkage mapping wit


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