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IJST, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. E2, pp 165-175 Printed in The Islamic Republic of Iran, 2014

© Shiraz University




School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Shiraz University. I. R. of Iran Email: sinasoltani@shirazu.ac.ir

Abstract– In this paper, an array calibration method focusing on Direction of Arrival (DOA) on narrowband signals is presented. An array calibration procedure expresses adaptive beam forming and direction finding, which includes unknown phase and gain perturbation of the active sensor. The main purpose of this study is estimation of DOA on two or more known signal sources using Iterative Learning Control (ILC) method. Due to ILC learning ability, the amount of required calculations decreases. Furthermore, ILC method has a simple structure for working on-line. As ILC is a model-free method, it requires little modeling knowledge, making it suitable for use in DOA. In this paper, a new method is proposed for finding DOA of long distance targets in sonar systems. Moreover, in the last section the simulation results approves improvement in performance of the proposed method and helps show the capabilities of the method presented.

Keywords– DOA estimation, iterative learning control, active sonar and radar


Increase of the accuracy and speed of target detection is an important goal in sonar and radar systems. Currently, a high-resolution frequency method that is being used for detection, is mainly based on the structure of the distribution function of the Cohen family [1]. This article introduces a new method for finding DOA in multi-input, multi-output sonar systems and array signals in active sensor devices.

In active sonars and radars, estimation of DOA in presence of noise requires a high resolution and a robust method. Since ILC is a robust optimal method in various control fields [2], it is appropriate for solving DOA problem in active sonar and radar system.

Uncertainty in array manifold sensors can be expressed in one or any combination of parameters such as location, frequency, gain & phase and mutual coupling with sensor. These errors are inevitable in practical systems. Since the uncertainty is in the actual array system, the array manifold is only nominal and not true. Therefore, estimation of the true one is required before processing array data [3]. Furthermore, in most of the published papers, it was supposed that the array manifolds in the field of array processing systems are known [3].

In this paper, we focus on the narrow-band signals. Of course, we know that in order to find DOA on wide-band signals the output of each sensor can be converted into a narrow-band signal with the aid of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and filter banks [4]. Therefore, wide-band signal and its applications will be discussed.

Since the new method that is presented in this paper has not been used for sensor calibration on sonar or other applications, we will look at the history of this method, which has been employed in control systems.


S. Soltani and P. Karimaghaee

IJST, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, Volume 38, Number E2 December 2014 166

Today, in modern technology smart control systems play an effective role in the development and improvement of industries. Therefore, by developing science and technology, industries are built with intelligent control algorithms which are aimed to improve the safety and operation of machines. In control engineering, studies on learning control are inspired by human capabilities and behavior. The main feature being employed in control engineering is the use of control signals to improve system performance. Iterative Learning Control (ILC) is a new field and yet stabilized in the control. In 1978 in Japan, Uchyama published the basic idea of iterative learning control in Japanese language. Later, in 1984 and 1989, Arimoto, Kawamura, et al and Goodwin, et al presented the exact definition of ILC in English [5-6]. ILC has a large number of control applications, such as robotics, control task, etc [7].

The main idea behind ILC is derived from the ability of human learning. Human beings learn by rehearsing until the end of practice. The basic idea of ILC is that when the earliest trial is completed, the algorithm uses earliest trial outputs, inputs and errors to improve performance from trial to trial.

Although all previous references for application of ILC are in control field, in this paper, control aspects are not considered and the proposed method focuses on calibration.

By storing the error signal and control input in previous iterations, ILC method calculates a new command. Thus, learning process in ILC method, is similar to human memory. There is a difference between ILC and other methods, using the idea of learning such as adaptive control and neural networks. The idea of adaptive control and neural networks is to modify the controller that is a system itself. On the other hand, in ILC the input control signal is modified at each iteration.

Note that in this article we talk about calibration process. Therefore, we try to perform a repetitive process of the calibration method, which is used with ILC. The adjustable complex vector weights in each dimension can be improved.

In this paper, ILC method is introduced and is employed along with Weighted Iterative Learning Control (WILC) to solve DOA problem. Afterwards, WILC is compared with the Weighted Least Means Square (WLMS) and Weighted Recursive Least squares (WRLS) methods. Finally, the effect of WILC method on Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is evaluated.


a) DOA signal model

To define an array reference in a sonar system coordinate in Fig. 1 consider a narrow-band sonar system with arbitrarily N radiation transmitting sources and M receiving sensors for the sonar identical system. In addition, we can assume a wide-band sonar system with N transmitting orthogonal sources and decompose output of the sonar identical system by using an N point FFT in each segment into the L segment. Targets of DOA are assumed to be in the far field of the array.

In Fig. 2, the structure of the L segment narrow-band array is shown. The array response into the plant waveform in direction of (φ, ɸ) is defined as:

, , ∗ , , (1)

Where is Hermitain transpose and W is adjustable complex vector weights of L dimensional:


December 201

Based on Fi

Where T is



where c is th an array:

And in ,

where simplificatio

14 ig. 2 we can

transposed a

he propagati

, ∅ , is

is the prop on we can w

Fig. 2. S introduce:

and , ,

, , ∅

ion of wave s

sensor locati

pagation of w write:

Direction of a

IJ Fig. 1. Array

Signal structur


is a vecto

, , ∅

, , ∅

2 c

speed and

ion (distance

wave delay

arrival calibrati

IJST, Transacti y and wave co

re for narrowb






r of L dimen

, … ,

cos cos ∅

is a com

| |

e between sen

between nt

ion using…

ions of Electric o-ordinates

band beam for

( )



∗ , , ∅


sin sin ∅

mplex respon

nsor 1 and n)

th sensors a

cal Engineering  



sin ∅

se of receivin

). According

and mth sou

g, Volume 38, N

ng sensor sig

g to Fig. 1 we

urces. In Fig

Number E2 167






gnals with


e have:



IJST, Transac 168

The output

where is exclusive. B

Using ILC can be intro

where is s

b) Iterative

In mos they are usu this case, it idea of ILC iteration to drive equati


Where input-outpu input and ou in Laplace d

Where As it c processing p

ctions of Electr of nth sensor

s mth emitter By employin

method, we oduced as:

steering vect


st repetitive p ually used fo t is known a C is using con

iteration. Co ion of ILC to

g Fig. 3 and E

is a


ut in each ite utput of the domain, whic

is the mag can be seen, problems as

rical Engineeri r elements ca

r signal sourc g Fourier tra

1 √

find that W


processes, ite or repetitive t as an iterativ ntrol input fr onvergence o

o find stabilit

Eq. (12), we


transfer eration and system in the ch has freque

gnitude chara this configu well as contr

S. Soltani

ing, Volume 38 an be written

ce and is i ansforms, the

W is a correla

erative learni trajectory tra e learning co rom previou of algorithms ty convergen Fig. can assume x t function in denotes th e previous sa ency charact

acteristic and uration may b

rol problems

i and P. Karim

8, Number E2


n as:

ith sensor no e output signa

ation of steer

ing algorithm acking proble ontrol (ILC) s force of ea s is the most nce condition

3. ILC structu the closed lo

G θ ∗ u t

terms of an he noise com ample as illu teristics as:

d is the be used in ev s.



oise sample a al in the freq

ring vector in

ms are well-k ems, but they ) [2]. Inspire ach iteration important m ns.


oop system m


ngle, which e mponent. Fur ustrated in Fi

e phase chara very feedbac

additive. quency doma

n each way.

known metho y are not lim ed from hum to improve matter. Theref

model as:

explains the rthermore, u ig. 3. G θ i

acteristic. ck and close


1 are ain will be:

Output patte

ods. In contr mited to these man learning, the performa fore, in this s

relationship uk-1(t) and xk

s the transfe

ed loop form

ember 2014 (10) (11) e mutually (12) ern signal (13) rol theory, e cases. In the main ance from section we (14) p between (t) denote r function (15)


Direction of arrival calibration using…

December 2014 IJST, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, Volume 38, Number E2 169

Let us introduce the Laplace transform of the ILC law as follows:

u γ ∗ s ∗ (16)

Equation (16) provides an estimation of the present value of input from data provided by the previous sample. Where γ and ψ s are the learning gain and the compensator in the Laplace domain, respectively. In Eq. (15), e is the error at k-1th iteration. The frequency characteristic of learning compensator is.

jw (17)

where k w is the magnitude characteristic and θ w is the phase characteristic. In order to find the condition of error tracking in ILC, we have:


Where S(s) and X s are source signals (reference trajectory) and output sensor signals (plant output at iteration k), respectively. By replacing X sfrom Eq. (14) and substituting uk(s) by Eq. 16, we have:


Therefore, Eq. (18) can be rewritten as:

1 γ (20)

1 γ (21)


According to Goh, (1994) [8] and Hideg & Judd, (1988) [9], after taking norm of side of the above equation and using Schwarz’s theorem in Inequality matrix, the tracking error at steady state and converge, if the condition below is satisfied:

1 & lim → 0 (23)

According to condition of G 1 and if γ 0 [10]

γ 2cos (24)

90° ∗ 360° 90°; 0, 1, 2, 3, ⋯ (25)

According to Yongqiang Ye, et al. (2009) [10], condition of Eq. (25) is critical since when the condition is satisfied we could always find a (learning gain) sufficiently small to satisfy Eq. (24). So the frequency range in which condition (25) holds, ultimately learnable band is named. For minimum phase systems, in condition (25) is normally negative and 0 and according to at Eq. (21), must provide positive phase. For non-minimum phase systems that start from 360 at dc, 1 so that

∗ 360° is 0 at dc and negative at other frequencies, where must be positive again. In either case, development phase is needed to ensure a wider learnable band. This ensures higher tracking accuracy.

According to Hebb rule [11-12] and Eq. (3), adaptive law for weighted vector can be defined as:

* 1

( ) ( ) ( )

k k k k

W jwW

X jw e jw (26)


IJST, Transac 170

ILC h Proportiona types of ILC

ILC m optimal gain speed and increase acc uniform dis

In this

c) D-type IL

Since tracking pro learning law condition of al. [10]. In a

Finally, we

d) P-type IL

The sc According t

ctions of Electr as six types al-Integral (P

C can be foun method work

ns for appro accuracy ca curacy and v

tribution of c paper, we fo


the derivativ ocess, Also, w of D-type f D-type in L a similar fash



cheme of (2 to D-type and

rical Engineeri s: Proportion PI) and Propo

nd in [2, 13-s in both tim oximation are an be change vice versa. In convergence ocus on tradit

ve of error less error is e. In 2001 a Laplace dom

hion for D-ty


8) is called d with slight

S. Soltani

ing, Volume 38 nal (P), De ortional-Integ

14]. Furtherm me interval e unknown. ed. For exam n [15], detai e in ILC by c tional P, D a

is used in D s made comp and 2005 by main was deri

ype accordin Fig. 4 1 L ∗ P-type, sinc t manipulatio Fig. 5

i and P. Karim

8, Number E2 rivative (D) gral-Derivati more, the con

and discrete Therefore, b mple, smalle ls on the tra hoosing lear and PD-types

D-type, fewe pared to P-ty y Chen et a

ved and fina g to Fig. 4 w

. D-type struc



∗ 360° 0°;

ce a derivat on of D-type

. P-type struct aghaee

), Proportion ive (PID). M ncept and sta e-time doma by altering

er values of de off betwe rning gain ca s of ILC for s

er numbers ype. In 1984 al and Wang ally in 2009 i we have:



0, 1, 2,

ive is obvio equations, fo


nal-Derivativ More details o ability of ILC ains. In all t

(the learnin


decreas een smoothin an be found.

solving DOA

of iterations 4, Arimoto e g et al. [16-it was revised

, 3, ⋯

ously not use for P-type (Fi

Dece ve (PD), Int on the aforem C are discuss types of ILC ng gain), con e learning s ng noise inte

A problem.

s are require et al. [5] pro -17], the con

d by Yongqi

ed for track ig. 5) we hav

ember 2014 tegral (I), mentioned sed in [2]. C method,

nvergence speed and ensity and

ed for the oposed the nvergence iang Ye et





December 201 and

e) PD-type I

In the control usin laws. In thi current itera nonlinear sy have:

By employi


Now we try with n=8 s represents f

in 20

in ILC meth

14 ILC

improved c ng current tr s scheme, th ation and the ystems with

ing frequency

y to extend t sensors for N far-field sour

0 and 2 hod. In Fig. 7


ontrol schem racking error he control law e first and hi h perturbation

y characteris




the aforemen N=500 (N d rce that work 20. We use IL

7 - learning c

Direction of a



∗ 3

me, PD-type r since PD-ty w for next it igher-order d n [18-19]. W

Fig. 6.

1 L

stics h

2 c


∗ 3


ntioned contr denotes the ks in f=50 Hz

LC to find D curve is show

arrival calibrati

IJST, Transacti



360° 90°;

of ILC is t ype ILC wo teration is ob derivatives o With combin

PD-type struc





2 √2 cos

360° 45°;


rol algorithm number of z, with SNR DOA, we use wn for P, D a

ion using…

ions of Electric


0, 1, 2,

the full form orks with pre btained from of the error. T

nation of P&




90° cos


0, 1, 2,


ms to a DOA samples), d=

10dB for ea e i=200 in w and PD-type.

cal Engineering

, 3, ⋯

m of the P-ty evious tracki m the control The PD-type &D-type, for


, 3, ⋯

A problem. C =λ/2 (λ is w

ch source. T which i shows


g, Volume 38, N ype and PD ing error for l input inform e of ILC is o

PD-type (F

Consider a lin wavelength) Two targets a s number of

Number E2 171




feedback r updating mation on offered for Fig. 6) we







IJST, Transac 172

In Fig. 8 no iteration and

ctions of Electr Fi

ormalized DO d the same p

Fig. 8

rical Engineeri ig. 7. Normali

OA is shown parameters.



8. Normalized d

S. Soltani

ing, Volume 38 ized learning c

n for three typ

direction of arri (d) P-Type W

i and P. Karim

8, Number E2 curve. P-Type

pes of ILC (

(e) ival. (a) WRLS WILC. (e) PD-T


e, D-Type, PD

P, D and PD

S. (b) WLMS. (c Type WILC


D), WMLS an



c) D-Type WIL

Dece nd RLS with




December 201 In Fig. 9 squ array square

Fig. 9.

In Fig. 11, Simulation


^ an

14 uare error of e error for W

Square error i

root mean results of all

nd m are esti



in the last itera

Fig. 10. M

square erro l five method

imations of 

Direction of a

IJ hown in the la S and WRLS

ation (i=300).

Mean value of

or (RMSE) ds are averag







in the kth

arrival calibrati

IJST, Transacti ast iteration S, respectivel


. (a) P-Type W

f array square

is presented ged form 100

2 ^ *


( )

m m


run of Mont

ion using…

ions of Electric (i=300), Fig. ly in each ite

WILC. (b) D-T

error versus it

d in terms o 0 Monte Carl


2 2




e Carlo and n

cal Engineering . 10 exhibits eration.


Type WILC. (


of ranging f lo runs [20].

number of so

g, Volume 38, N the mean va

c) PD-Type W

from -60dB RMSE is de

ources, respe

Number E2 173

alue of the



to 60dB. fined as



IJST, Transac 174

Iterative Le a new innov radar system repeating in it suitable fo paper, two w with WILC Simulation

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ms. In contr n a finite tim for online sys well-known C. Finally, the

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or improving t

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Fig. 1. Arrayy and wave co
Fig. 3. ILC structu
Fig. 4. D-type struccture
Fig. 6. PD-type struc


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