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More connectedness in topological spaces


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University of Mazandaran, Iran http://cjms.journals.umz.ac.ir ISSN: 1735-0611 CJMS.8(1)(2019), 74-83

More connectedness in topological spaces

Shyamapada Modak 1 and Md. Monirul Islam2 1,2 Department of Mathematics

University of Gour Banga P.O. Mokdumpur; Malda 732103

West Bengal; India

1 Email: spmodak2000@yahoo.co.in 2 Email: moni.math007@gmail.com

Abstract.In this paper, we introduce the concept of

-connected-ness which lies between semi-connected-connected-ness and connected-connected-ness. We also characterize this type of connectedness and discuss its relation-ships with the various types of connectedness from the literature. We further consider the components of this type of connectedness and its properties.

Keywords: Semi-connected,β-connected, Preconnected, Hyper-connected;-connected.

2000 Mathematics subject classification: Primary: 54A05; Secondary: 54D05.

1. Introduction

The study of connectedness via generalized open sets is not a new idea in topological spaces. The authors Pipitone and Russo in 1975 have in-troduced and studied semi-connectedness [5] via Levine’s semi-open sets [10], Popa in 1987 has studied preconnectedness [6] via preopen sets [11],

1Corresponding author: Shyamapada Modak (Email: spmodak2000@yahoo.co.in)

Received: 24 February 2018 Revised: 3 November 2018 Accepted: 20 November 2018


Aho, Nieminen, Popa, Noiri, and Jafari have studied semipreconnected-ness (= β-connectedness) [2, 4, 7], via semipreopen [3] (= β-open [1]) sets, and some other connectedness have been introduced by Modak and Noiri in [12, 13, 14, 15] and Noorena and Khan in [16].

In this paper, we are able to place a new type of connected space which is called-connected between the semi-connected spaces and connected spaces. We also characterize -connected space and interrelate it with the various types of connected space. For this job we will further study -open sets [9] and its properties.

2. Preliminaries

Let (X, τ) be a topological space, then we will denote ‘Cl(A)’ and ‘Int(A)’ the ‘closure ofA’ and ‘interior of A’ respectively. A topological space (X, τ) will be shortly denoted by X.

Definition 2.1. A subset A of X is said to be semi-open [10] (resp. β-open [1]) ifA⊆Cl(Int(A)) (resp. A⊆Cl(Int(Cl(A)))).

The complement of a semi-open (resp.,β-open) set is said to be semi-closed (resp.,β-closed).

Definition 2.2. [9] A semi-open subset A of a topological space X is said to be -open if for eachx ∈A there exists a β-closed set F such that x F A. A subset B of a topological space X is -closed, if

X\B is-open.

The family of all semi-open (resp., β-open, -open) subsets of a space (means topological space )Xis denoted bySO(X) (resp.,βO(X), SβO(X)). The family of all semi-closed (resp.,β-closed,-closed) sub-sets of a spaceX is denoted bySC(X) (resp., βC(X), SβC(X)). Definition 2.3. [9] A point x∈X is said to be an-interior point of

A, if there exists an -open setU containing x such that x ∈U ⊆A. The set of all -interior points of A is said to be-interior of A and it is denoted bySβInt(A).

Definition 2.4. [9] The intersection of all-closed sets containingF is called the-closure of F and it is denoted by SβCl(F).

The examples below illustrate that -open sets are obtained from open sets but this collection is neither a sub-collection of open sets nor a collection containing the collection of open sets (see following example). Thus, the study of -open sets is meaningful.


Example 2.6. Let X={a, b, c, d},τ ={∅,{a},{b},{c},{a, b},{a, c},

{a, d},{b, c},{a, b, c},{a, b, d},{a, c, d}, X}. ThenSO(X) =βO(X) =τ and SβO(X) = {∅,{b},{c},{a, d},{b, c},{a, b, c},{a, b, d},{a, c, d}, X}. Here{a} ∈τ but{a}∈/ SβO(X).

However the following result holds:

Lemma 2.7. Let A be a subset of a topological space X. If A is both open and closed, then A is both Sβ-open and Sβ-closed.

Proof. LetAbe a subset ofXwhich is both open and closed inX. Then Int(A) =A=Cl(A) andA ⊆Cl(Int(Cl(A))). Thus A is β-open. Let B = X\A, then B is β-closed. Since A is both open and closed, B is also open and closed. So B Cl(Int(Cl(B))) and thus B is β-open. Hence A = X \B is β-closed. Thus A and B are both β-open and β-closed inX. AgainAandB are semi-open asAandB both are open. Therefore for the semi-open set A, and for each x A there exists a β-closed set A such that x A A. Thus A is -open. By similar

argumentB =X\A is -open. Hence the result.

The converse of the above Lemma 2.7 need not hold in general: Example 2.8. From Example 2.5, {b} and {a,c,d} are both -open and -closed but they are neither both open and closed.

Definition 2.9. [11] A topological space X is said to

(1) Locally indiscrete if every open subset ofX is closed.

(2) Hyperconnected if every nonempty open subset of X is dense. Definition 2.10. [9] LetXandY be two topological spaces. A function f :X Y is -continuous at a point x ∈X, if for each open set V of Y containing f(x), there exists an -open set U in X containing x such that f(U)⊆V. If f is -continuous at every point x of X, then it is called-continuous.

Proposition 2.11. [9] Let X andY be two topological spaces. A func-tion f : X Y is Sβ-continuous if and only if the inverse image of every open set in Y is Sβ-open in X.

3. -connected spaces

Definition 3.1. Two nonempty subsetsA andB of a topological space X are said to-separated ifA∩SβCl(B) ==SβCl(A)∩B.

It is obvious that two-separated sets are disjoint.

If A and B are two -separated sets in X with ∅ ̸= C A and ∅ ̸=D⊆B, thenC and D are also-separated sets in X.


Example 3.2. LetX ={a, b, c, d}andτ ={∅,{a},{b},{a, b},{a, b, c}, X}. ThenSO(X) =βO(X) ={∅,{a},{b},{a, b},{a, c},{a, d},{a, c, d},{a, b, c},

{a, b, d},{b, c, d}, X}. We take A = {a, c, d} and B = {b}. Then A, B SβO(X) and also A, B SβC(X). Thus SβCl(A) = A and

SβCl(B) = B. Therefore A∩SβCl(B) = SβCl(A)∩B = A∩B =. ThusA and B are two -separated subsets of X.

Definition 3.3. A subset S of a topological spaceX is said to be -connected ifS is not the union of two-separated sets inX.

Below we give an example of-connected space:

Example 3.4. Let X = {a, b, c, d} , τ = {∅,{a},{a, b},{a, b, c}, X}, thenSO(X) =βO(X) ={∅,{a},{a, b},{a, c},{a, d},{a, b, c},{a, c, d},

{a, b, d}, X} and SβO(X) ={∅, X}. We cannot expressX as the union of two-separated sets inX and so X is-connected.

Theorem 3.5. For a topological space X, following hold:

(1) If X is semi-connected, then X is Sβ-connected. (2) If X is Sβ-connected, then X is connected.

Proof. 1. Proof is obvious from the fact thatSβO(X)⊆SO(X).

2. See later.

The following example shows that the converse of the Theorem 3.5 (2) is not true.

Example 3.6. (i) LetX ={a, b, c, d}andτ ={∅,{a},{b},{a, b},{a, b, c}, X}. ThenSO(X) =βO(X) ={∅,{a},{b},{a, b},{a, c},{a, d},{a, c, d},

{a, b, c},{a, b, d},{b, c, d}, X}. Only subsets of X which are both open and closed in X are and X. Next {a, c, d} and {b} are both -open and -closed in X. HenceX is not-connected.

(ii) Suppose that every -connected space is semi-connected. As every semi-connected space is connected, then every-connected space is connected. This contradicts the above. Thus every -connected space is not necessarily a semi-connected space.

For further counterexamples against the Figure 1, see [4].




-R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R

semi−connected +3

% -S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

S connectedKS ks preconneccted


Figure 1

The inverse implications in the above diagram are not true in general. Theorem 3.7. A topological space X is Sβ-connected if and only if

X cannot be expressed as the union of two disjoint nonempty Sβ-open subsets ofX.

Proof. Let X be-connected. Let U and V be two disjoint nonempty

-open subsets of X such that X = U ∪V. Put A = X \U and

B = X\V. Then A and B are-closed in X. Thus A∩SβCl(B) = =SβCl(A)∩B andX=A∪B. ThusX is not-connected. This is a contradiction. ThusX cannot be expressed as the union of two disjoint nonempty-open subsets ofX.

Conversely suppose that the condition holds. Suppose X = A∪B, =∅ ̸=B andA∩SβCl(B) ==SβCl(A)∩B. PutU =X\SβCl(A) andV =X\SβCl(B). Then U andV are nonempty-open sets, and

U∪V = (X\SβCl(A))(X\SβCl(B)) =X\(SβCl(A)

SβCl(B))⊆X. This implies that X = U ∪V. Again U ∩V = (X\SβCl(A))(X\

SβCl(B)) =X\(SβCl(A)

SβCl(B)) = (sinceX =A∪B ). This is

a contradiction. ThusX is -connected.

Corollary 3.8. Let τ1 and τ2 be two topologies on X with τ2 ⊆τ1. If

(X, τ1) isSβ-connected, then (X, τ2) is also Sβ-connected.

The following example shows that the converse of Corollary 3.8 is not true:

Example 3.9. Let X = {a, b, c}, τ1 = {∅,{a},{b},{a, b}, X}, τ2 =

{∅,{a, b}, X}. Then τ2 τ1. Now in (X, τ1), SO(X) = SβO(X) = {∅,{a},{b},{a, b},{a, c},{b, c}, X}, and in (X, τ2),SO(X) =τ2,SβO(X) = {∅, X}. So (X, τ2) is-connected, but (X, τ1) is not-connected.

Theorem 3.10. For a topological spaceX, the following statements are equivalent:

(1) X is Sβ-connected;


(3) X cannot be expressed as the union of two disjoint nonempty Sβ-open sets;

(4) There is no nonconstant onto Sβ-continuous function from X to a discrete space which contains more than one point.

Proof. (1) (2):

Let X be -connected. LetA ⊆X which is both -open and -closed in X. Then B = X \A is also -open and -closed in X. Since A, B are -closed, therefore SβCl(A) = A and SβCl(B) = B. Therefore SβCl(A)∩B =A∩B = and SβCl(B)∩A =B∩A =. SinceX is -connected, one of the setsA andB must be empty orX.

(2) (3): Obvious from Theorem 3.7. (3) (4):

LetY be a discrete space with more than one point and letf :X→Y be an onto -continuous function. Let Y = U ∪V, where U and V are two disjoint nonempty -open sets inY. Sincef :X→Y is onto,

f(X) = Y = U ∪V X = f−1(Y) = f1(U)f1(V). Since the

topology of Y is discrete, both U and V are open in Y. Again since f is-continuous, the inverse image of every open set in Y is-open in

X. Consequently,f−1(U) andf1(V) both are (nonempty)S

β-open in

X, which contradicts (3). (4) (1):

By the way of contradiction, suppose thatXis not-connected. We decomposeX asA∪B, whereAandB are nonempty subsets ofX such thatSβCl(A)∩B = orSβCl(B)∩A=. We see that bothA and B are -open sets in X. In fact, B =X\SβCl(A) and SβCl(A) is the smallest -closed set containingA and hence -closed inX. So B is

-open in X. Let Y ={0,1} with discrete topology. We define a map

f :X →Y by

f(x) = {

0 if x∈A 1 if x∈B

Thenf−1() =, which is-open inX,f−1(Y) =f−1({0} ∪ {1}) =

f−1({0}) ∪f−1({1}) = A∪B = X, f−1({0}) = A is -open in X and f−1({1}) = B is -open in X. Again ∅,{0},{1}, X are open in

Y ={0,1}with the discrete topology. Hence we have the inverse image of every open set in Y is -open in X. Thus f is -continuous and

onto which contradicts (4) forX.

Following is the proof of the second part of Theorem 3.5:

Proof. Let X be-connected. Then only subsets of X which are both


Then there exists a nonempty proper subsetAofX which is both open and closed inX. By Lemma 2.7, Ais also both -open and -closed in X. Hence A is a nonempty proper subset of X, and both -open and -closed in X, a contradiction. ThusX is connected. Theorem 3.11. If a topological space X is hyperconnected, then it is Sβ-connected.

Proof. Proof follows from Proposition 2.16 of [9]. Theorem 3.12. Let X be a topological space and {x} is closed in X for each x ∈X. Then the space X is Sβ-connected if and only if X is semi-connected.

Corollary 3.13. Let X be a Housdroff space. Then the space X is Sβ-connected if and only if X is semi-connected.

Theorem 3.14. Let X be a locally indiscrete topological space. Then the space X is Sβ-connected if and only if X is semi-connected.

Proof. Obvious from Proposition 2.19 of [9] Definition 3.15. [8] LetXandY be two topological spaces. A function f :X Y is said to be -irresolute if the inverse image of every -open set inY underf is -open inX.

Theorem 3.16. LetX andY be two topological spaces. Letf :X→Y be an onto Sβ-irresolute function. If X is Sβ-connected, then f(X) is


Proof. Let X and Y be two topological spaces and f : X Y be an onto -irresolute function. Suppose that X is -connected. If A is a subset ofY which is both -open and -closed, thenf−1(A) is both

-open and -closed in X. Since X is -connected sof−1(A) must be all ofX or the empty set (i.e.,f−1(A) =Y orf−1(A) =). Therefore A=f(Y) =X orA=and hence Y is -connected. Theorem 3.17. Let A be a Sβ-connected set of a topological space X and U, V are Sβ-separated subsets of X such that A U ∪V. Then eitherA⊆U or A⊆V.

Proof. Since A= (A∩U)(A∩V), we have (A∩U)∩SβCl(A∩V)

U ∩SβCl(V) = . Similarly we have (A∩V)∩SβCl(A∩U) = . If

A∩U andA∩V are nonempty, thenA is not-connected, which is a contradiction. Therefore, either A∩U = orA∩V =. Then either

A⊆U orA⊆V.

Theorem 3.18. If Ais a Sβ-connected set of a topological space X and


Proof. Assume N is not -connected. Then there exist -separated setsU and V such that N =U ∪V. Then U and V are nonempty and U∩SβCl(V) ==SβCl(U)∩V. Thus we have eitherA⊆U orB ⊆V (from Theorem 3.17).

(i) SupposeA⊆U. ThenSβCl(A)⊆SβCl(U) andV ∩SβCl(A) =. Next by hypothesis, V N SβCl(A) and V = SβCl(A)∩V = . This is a contradiction to the fact that V is nonempty.

(ii) SupposeA⊆V. Then from (i),U is empty, a contradiction. Thus

N is -connected.

Corollary 3.19. Let A be a Sβ-connected subset of a topological space

X. Then SβCl(A) is Sβ-connected.

Theorem 3.20. Let A and B be subsets of a topological space X. If A and B are Sβ-connected and not Sβ-separated in X, then A∪B is


Proof. SupposeA∪Bis not-connected. Then there exist-separated setsC, DinXsuch thatA∪B =C∪DthenA⊆C∪D. From Theorem 3.17, either A⊆C orA⊆D. Then either B ⊆C orB ⊆D. IfA ⊆C and B C, then A∪B C and D = , a contradiction. Therefore A C and B D. Similarly A D and B C. Thus we obtain SβCl(A)∩B ⊆SβCl(C)∩D=and SβCl(B)∩A⊆SβCl(C)∩D=. Hence A, B are-separated in X. This is a contradiction. Therefore,

A∪B is-connected.

Theorem 3.21. If {Bγ|γ Γ} is a nonempty family of Sβ-connected subsets of a topological space X such thatγΓ ̸=∅, then

γ∈Γ isSβ-connected.

Proof. Suppos N = ∪γΓ and N is not -connected. Then N =

U∪V, whereU and V are -separated sets inX. Since

γ∈Γ ̸=, we can choosex∈γΓ. Since x∈N, either x∈U orx∈V.

(i) Supposex∈U. Since x∈Bγ for eachγ Γ, and U intersect for eachγ Γ. Then by Theorem 3.17, either ⊆U or ⊆V. Since

U and V are disjoint, U for all γ Γ and hence N U. This means thatV is empty which is a contradiction.

(ii) Supposex∈V. Then similarly we obtain thatU is empty which is a contradiction. Hence∪γΓ is -connected. Theorem 3.22. If {An|n∈N} is an infinite sequence ofSβ-connected subsets of a topological spaceX andAn∩An+1̸=∅for each n∈N, then

n∈NAn is Sβ-connected.


Theorem 3.23. For Sβ-connected spaces X and Y, X ×Y is -connected.

Proof. Proof is obvious from Theorem 2.31 of [9]. Definition 3.24. Let X be a topological space and x X. The -component of X containing x is the union of all -connected subsets ofX containingx.

Theorem 3.25. For a topological spaceX, the followings hold:

(1) Each Sβ-component of X is a maximal Sβ-connected subset of


(2) The set of all distinct Sβ-components of X forms a partition of


(3) Each Sβ-component of X is Sβ-closed in X.

Proof. Obvious.


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