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AP Government Classroom Procedures FA-18.pdf


Academic year: 2020

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Course Packet- Classroom Procedures & Responsibilities: 20018/19

Mr. Kennett AP Government Room 207

E-mail: kkennett@rockfordschools.org

Class website: https://sites.google.com/site/mrkennettsgovernmentsite/

RHS Family & Student Access: http://rpsfamily.rockford.k12.mi.us

Article I. Daily Work In Class:

Students will either work independently (that means on your own, doing your own work), or in groups on assignments. This will involve working collectively toward a common goal, each having specific duties. I will designate when an assignment is group work. All work should be well written, neat, legible and complete. Your name and number must be on every assignment or you will lose all points automatically—no exceptions. If I cannot read your work, I will not be able to grade your work. If I cannot grade your work, you may be doomed to forever repeat this class or live in a van down by the river.

Article II. Homework:

Everyone wants to know if there will be homework. Yes there will, probably on a regular basis, but not every night the entire trimester. Why homework? Good question. The textbook answer sounds like this... “Homework reinforces and enhances or extends the lessons you have learned in class, helps you to develop study skills, encourages self discipline and provides an opportunity to check your mastery of material prior to a test or quiz.” Wow! That was an awful lot to comprehend. In a nutshell, homework prepares you to demonstrate your knowledge on a test. Preparation is the single most important study habit you can acquire. If you’re prepared for a test, you will do well on that test. Having said this, here is the homework policy:

Section 1. Due to the extremely complicated and busy lives everyone seems to lead these days, homework will be due at least one week from the day it is assigned. It is comparable to a grace period given to you on a credit card. I will not however, accept any work after this grace period ends for full credit. Furthermore, I will not accept any homework that is not completely finished at any time during the grace period. Do not turn in to me work that is half finished, or half thrown together at the last minute, simply take the hit and do a better job of preparing next time! It has been my experience that those who put off the assignment for a week, will forget the assignment and then try and turn it in late. Because I am already giving you at least a week in which to complete your assignments I do not accept late work for any type of full credit. If you come to me after the grace period has ended wanting to turn in an assignment the best you will score on the assignment is 50%. I will give you ONE MULLIGAN each trimester that you may use as an “excuse” as to why your work was not turned in on time and still have the potential to receive full credit. For example; if you send me your assignment through e-mail and I do not receive it, you can use your mulligan and still be eligible to receive full credit even though you turn your assignment in late.

Remember, you only receive one mulligan each trimester so use it wisely…

Section 2.

In some cases homework will be due earlier than one week.

If I give you time in class to work on homework or any other assignment, many times these assignments will be due the following day. I make this policy change so that you are using the time I have given you during class in a constructive and meaningful manner. I have heard the expression “I’m not going to work on it now, I have a week to turn it in” too many times. I realize you are involved in many other activities during the week, which is great, so use the time I give you wisely. You may find that your homework burden can be greatly reduced!

Section 3. Homework will always be due at the beginning of the hour. There will not be time to finish up, put your name on it, find it, etc. This wastes valuable class time. Please have it ready to be collected. If I ask for

assignments and the assignment is not ready, expect to lose credit. If you are absent the day an assignment is being collected you are expected to turn in the assignment the first day you return.


Article III. Mr. Kennett’s Government Website…

In an effort to keep up with the information age and to continually seek better methods of instruction and learning, Mr. Kennett’s classes are now hooked up to the information superhighway! This will give students (and parents too) the ability to continually monitor and access important dates and data right off the web. In addition, I have linked my website to your Schoology account for easy access. Simply open the “Government” icon under your “Courses” heading in Schoology. Good luck and I hope that this will make your time in Mr. Kennett’s class more enjoyable and worthwhile and will result in you somehow winning the lottery...

The easiest and most direct method for finding “Mr. Kennett’s Government Website”

 Do a quick search for “Mr. Kennett’s Government Site” and then click on the results. (You may want to bookmark this address for future reference)

 Click on the appropriate heading on the left hand side AP Government or “In The News”

 If you have selected one of the classes, you now have a choice between clicking on the heading “Class Agenda” or “Handouts”

 Clicking on “Class Agenda Section” will allow you to view what we have done in class throughout the trimester. Each day that we meet has been numbered throughout the trimester. The first day was called “Day-1 of the First Trimester.” Under each “Day” the information is broken into three main categories:

o “Lesson”: (What we actually did in class during the hour)

o “Handout”: (The name of the handout that was distributed during class)

o “Homework”: (Whether any homework was assigned or if there are any objectives the students should be working on that will be due in the future)

 By clicking on “Class Agenda Section” the students can keep up with what we have been doing in class on a regular basis. This section will be extremely helpful for those students who have missed class and are concerned about what we did in class and whether or not there will be any work that needs to be made up.

 Clicking on “Handouts” will allow students to access most handouts that have been distributed in class. For example; if a student was absent or has lost their Unit 2 “Key To Your Success” they can simply click on the heading and print off their own copy! Or if they did not bring home their “Info Packet” for a unit simulation they can simply open up the document and see when something is due.

 If you have clicked on “In The News” you will be able to see Mr. Kennett’s daily political news headline along with bullet information that will most likely appear on the “Friday In the News” quiz.

 If you need to contact Mr. Kennett through e-mail or send Mr. Kennett any assignments over the Internet you may do so by clicking on kkennett@rockfordschools.org in the middle of the main web page. One word of caution, if you e-mail between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening there is a strong possibility that I will not read it until Monday morning when I come back to school. The best way to reach me is through e-mail. My e-mail address is: kkennett@rockfordschools.org

Article IV. Testing:

If we are taking a test or quiz on the day you are absent make-ups will only last for 1 week from the test or quiz date and the only time I have available for make-up begins at 6:30 am for a unit test and 7:15 am for a chapter quiz. It is your responsibility to schedule a test make-up with me; failure to do so will result in a 0 for that test or quiz. If the make-up time will not work for you then do not miss a test or quiz. I have provided a schedule for the trimester with the dates of all of our unit tests and quizzes in this handout. Remember the window of a test/quiz make-up is only 1 week from the test/quiz date! If you are absent prior to the date of a test/quiz and you have had “prior exposure” to the test/quiz date you are required to take the test/quiz on the scheduled day with the rest of the class. Waiting until 5 minutes before the test/quiz and then asking me a question like…”Do I have to take the test/quiz since I was gone yesterday?” is not wise and my answer will be a firm… “YES you do have to take the test/quiz now.” Since I am providing you with the entire unit test and quiz dates today you have now been


Article V. Class Discussion and Participation:

Class discussion is fun, rewarding, meaningful and vital to any social studies class. It helps to clarify issues and promote critical thinking skills. Students are expected to actively participate in these discussions. I know each of you have opinions on many different subjects. It is important that you voice your thoughts in a polite manner so your view can be heard. Pleas refrain from engaging in partisan side chatter. If you would like to comment, simply raise your hand and wait to be recognized. In this manner everyone in class will be able to hear your thoughts and all will have an opportunity to respond in a polite manner.

Article VII. Tardy Policy:

When a student is tardy to class it disrupts the classroom environment. If the door is closed after the bell has rung that means that we have begun class and you are now disrupting the learning environment. I understand and accept excused lateness. Simply give me your pass and I will let you into class. I do not understand nor accept unexcused lateness. According to RHS policy each student is allowed two unexcused tardies per trimester. Michigan is known for inclement weather and therefore this will not be an excuse for lateness. Get up earlier and plan for hazardous roadways. Zero Hour and First Hour Set Your Alarms Early and Watch the Snooze...

Section 1: What Will Happen If I Am Late To Class Without A Pass…Besides Disrupting Class…

You are considered tardy once I have shut my classroom door for the first time after the bell has rung. Once the door shuts that means that I am signaling the beginning of class and I want to keep interruptions to a minimum. As stated in my earlier discussion about tardies, my biggest problem with you getting to class late is that it disrupts class and creates more work for me. I am very much opposed to these two problems. Therefore, if you are late to class expect the following scenario to take place.

1. Because you are late to class there is a good chance that you have missed an opportunity to have your work checked or turned in for credit.

 If you are using an “unexcused pass” for the first or second time you will be able to turn in your work for credit and not suffer any consequences.

 If you have exceeded your two unexcused tardies for the trimester I will not accept your work for credit if you were unexcused tardy.

2. After you have exceeded the number of unexcused tardies (2), you will be assigned a 30-minute detention and will surrender 1 participation point from your trimester total. (See Article IX for further explanation on participation points)

 The detention will be completed within three days of the offense and will be completed in room 207 from 7:00 am to 7:30 am. If you show up late to this detention or are unable to make up the detention at my designated time I will refer you to the assistant principle for further disciplinary action.

 For each unexcused tardy after the first 30-minute detention I will simply send a behavioral referral to the office and subtract another participation point from your trimester total.

Article VIII. Grading:

Section 1: How Will My Grade Be Calculated?

Your trimester grade will be determined using a weighted grading system. Tests will count for 50% of the trimester grade, Quizzes will count for 20% of the trimester grade, Homework will count for 20% of the trimester grade, and Participation will count for 10% of the trimester grade. Your final trimester grade will be determined by averaging the above mentioned categories (90%) with the exam grade, which will count 10%. Each trimester will end with a trimester exam that will count for 10% of your final trimester grade. The following grading scale will be used when determining your grade.

93%=A 90=A- 87=B+ 84=B 80=B- 77=C+ 73=C 70=C- 67=D+ 63=D 60=D- 59=F

Section 2: Will I Be Able To Check My Grade In Class Or Will I Have To Use Family or Student Access On The Web?


Section 3: Why I Don’t Round Up. Hint… I Already Have…

The reason I do not round up is that I believe I have already rounded up in regards to your grade. Let me explain. You'll recall that your grade is based on four weighted categories. Test = 50%, Quizzes = 20%, Homework = 20%, and Participation = 10%. Participation is really just my way of rewarding students who follow the rules, work hard and act like an adult. Throughout the trimester students have opportunities to maintain an "A" in this category, which clearly helps out their overall grade. (i.e. your grade is constantly being rounded up) If I did not include this category your grade would actually be lower than the 89.98% and the need to round up for an A- would not be present. Please do not come to me and ask why I will not round up your grade… My response will be… “I already have…”

Article IX. Classroom Behavior, Expectations & Participation points: (This is worth 10% of your grade!) As stated in Article VIII your trimester grade will include points earned in the “participation” category.

Participation is one of the essential “life skills” I believe we need to learn in order to be successful beyond our formal schooling. Therefore, at the beginning of the trimester you start out with 10 participation points. It is up to you to make sure you do not reduce your points during the trimester. If I observe a behavior that I believe is hindering your or any other classmates learning environment or instruction, I will deduct 1 point for each behavior. For example; if you choose to sleep in class during a specific lesson I will simply reduce your trimester participation grade by one point each time I observe this behavior. I will only update your participation category once you hit the 5-point reduction, the 10-point reduction or the trimester ends. You may always inquire during the trimester where you stand regarding your “participation grade”, since I will not update it each and every time I reduce your

participation points. Here are some behaviors that may affect your trimester participation score.

1. Follow directions, pay attention, and listen at all times. Sleeping in class is not an option!

2. Do not talk while I have the floor and I am addressing the class or a fellow classmate has the floor and is addressing the class.

3. Use class time in an efficient and wise manner and do not work on any other material not directly related to each day’s lesson for the unit we are currently studying. This is rule will most definitely apply to any work done during our one-to-one laptop lessons, so stay off the “naughty sites”. Mr. Kennett defines a “naughty site” as any website address that is not directly related to our lesson for the day.

4. Do not use electronic devices (smart phones, IPod’s, Kindel’s, etc) in the classroom unless we are in the “green zone”. (see Article XIII for a detailed explanation)

5. Use of the bathroom should take place during the “green zone” time frame. Remember… “Green means go and red means no”… Remember, back packs are not allowed in class per Rockford School Board policy. 6. Make sure to bring your 3-ring binder, a writing utensil, and lined paper to write on each and every day the entire trimester.

7. Make sure you raise your hand if you would like to speak to the class or myself. 8. Make sure you do not exceed the tardy limit.

9. If I give you time in class to work on various government assignments, make sure your “on task” until we move into the “green zone”.

10. Make sure you stay in your seat until you are given permission to move about the classroom.

11. If we are in the computer lab or working one-to-one in class, make sure you are on appropriate websites that are directly related to the objectives outlined prior to going to the lab.

 Make sure you use your computer time in an efficient and wise manner and if I give you computer time to work on various government assignments make sure your “on task” until I tell you to stop.

 Do not use the computer for any other school work, games, checking the snow base at Cannonsburg, checking your stock portfolio, checking your e-mail, yada, yada, yada.

 Using the computer is not a right, but rather a privilege and it should be treated as such.


Article X. Typical Daily Routine:

 After the bell has sounded I will take role. Students should be sitting in their assigned seats and be in Distraction Free Mode (DFM). DFM means that students ready to work with their daily planner, a writing utensil, a three-ring binder, and any assignments that are being collected. I will always have the day’s agenda on the left hand side of the board. It will be during this time that the students will be required to write down what is on today’s agenda in their daily planner on the appropriate day. In addition, I will require each student to copy down the “In The News” headlines on the LCD projector. These activities should take place as soon as the bell rings to begin our period. During this time, I will take role and it is imperative that each student be sitting in his or her assigned seat so I do not mark you absent. After role has been taken, I will verbally go over the agenda and focus for today’s lesson, answer any general questions, and collect or check any assignments, and briefly discuss the “In The News”. We will remain in DFM for the entire class period. DFM will require that all materials students bring to class be put away except those needed for the upcoming lesson in

government class. Any material not directly related to our lesson should be kept on the floor. Once we shut down DFM and “GO GREEN” you may talk quietly, work on other subject material, write a love letter, etc.

Article XI. The Computer Lab Behavior Manifesto”

Throughout the trimester we will be using the computer lab on a regular basis. Listed below are the expectations that I expect.

1. “No Liquid in the Lab”…This includes food!

 We actually have a cafeteria where food and beverages may be enjoyed and the administration does not allow any food or beverage in the computer labs…

2. Sit at your assigned computer station. It will correspond with your class number. So if you are #16 in class, you will sit at computer #16.

 When you first sit down check your workstation to see if there is any “vandalism” or “missing parts” and report them immediately…

3. Remember your lab responsibilities…Participation points and the ability to continue using the computer lab are on the chopping block; therefore…

 Do Not…engage in high school gossip, Check e-mail for messages from friends or enemies, check the weather in Cancun or the snow base @ Cannonsburg, play yahoo games online, check your stock quotes, check your investment portfolio, yada, yada, yada…

4. Stay On Task!!! We have a ton of objectives that need to be completed; with a limited # of computers…If you are not on task the following consequences will be followed.

 First Trimester Warning: Verbal direction to “get back to work”

 2nd Time Your Behavior Must Be Addressed: Sit in the corner; work on other government

work and your computer privileges will be suspended for the rest of the lesson or simulation…

 3rd Time Your Behavior Must Be Addressed: When we begin our simulation you will not

have any room for error. I will restore your computer privileges, but if I must speak to you again anytime during the remainder of the trimester you will lose your computer privileges for the remainder of the trimester and follow the instructions outlined in #2. All simulation work will need to be completed outside of class for the remainder of the trimester.

5. Please Do Not Kill A Tree…When Printing!

 The Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency has jointly expressed their concern about the amount of paper that is wasted each day in the computer labs at RHS. You must use the copy/paste method when printing.

6. As always… Green Means Go and Red Means No… We will remain in the “Red Zone” until we “Stick A Fork In It”…


8. If these rules cannot be followed you will lose the privilege of working in the lab and all work must be completed on your own time. Please take advantage of the opportunity provided. You will discover that your homework burden will be greatly reduced!

***Failure to comply with these concepts will result in detention, loss of participation points and computer lab privileges and further actions by the administration, your parents/legal guardians and/or society as a whole.

Article XII. Items To Be Aware Of The Night Before A Paper, Project, Or Any Other Assignment Is Due….

1. Your computer will spontaneously combust, your printer will melt as you attempt to print your document, Rockford will be hit with a hurricane or other weather anomaly rendering all machines that rely on a power source inoperable, a virus distributed by a rogue nation supporting an off-shoot of Al-Qaeda will be in the process of implementing “Operation Late-Paper” throughout the nation’s public school system.

2. I do not accept these or other problems as an excuse for why your paper, project, or any other assignment is not completed on time. Remember, I do not accept late work for full credit. Therefore, you must think like a

Marine…When faced with a challenge or obstacle in life you must “Improvise, Adapt, & Overcome!” Please do not come to me shortly before class with your “problems” seeing as I have enough of my own and I never seem to come to you for help…If we ask ourselves the simple question of “Whose problem is it anyway?” and seek to find the answer ourselves all of us will be better off in the long run…Helping one another is not a bad concept, but enabling is…

Article XIII. Electronic Device Policy

It is extremely important that students understand and follow Mr. Kennett’s classroom policy regarding “Electronic Devices”. Mr. Kennett’s policy is clear-cut and easy to understand. From the time we begin class until the time we “shut down for the day and go green” electronic devices are not allowed for any purpose. This includes, but is not limited to, communications with friends, family members, the United States government and foreign nations. Electronic devices need to be put away and out of sight until we shut down for the day. If students and parents are concerned about any potential consequences that might be leveled, then simply leave your electronic device in your locker before our class begins. In this manner your electronic device will never be confiscated for any purpose. To help students understand when they may use an electronic device if they do decide to bring it to class I have created a “traffic light” system. When the traffic light is “green” students may use their electronic device. When the “traffic light” is “red” students may not use their electronic device for any reason. This system is fairly simple. “Green means go and red means no…” In emergency situations in which family members need to contact their

son/daughter, please call the main office and they will get a message to your child in a matter of minutes. This is the way it was done in the past prior to the advent of electronic devices and it worked well. All other situations can be handled by waiting until the end of the class period when we have moved into the “green zone” and making contact then.

Consequences will be leveled against students who are unable to conform to this policy, including but not limited to confiscation of the electronic device and turned into the office that day. If I confiscate your device once, you will not be allowed to bring it to class ever again. All electronic devices will need to remain in your locker each day the remainder of the trimester. Further consequences will occur if this is ignored. If confiscation of your electronic device is a concern, there is a simple way to avoid this consequence… follow the policy. Seriously, just follow the policy. If you follow the policy, I will never confiscate your electronic device. Ever.

Article IX. Students Not Taking The AP Exam in May


Article X. After The AP Exam

Once students have taken the AP Government & Politics exam we will alter our approach to the study of

government and politics slightly for the remainder of our time together. This usually involves about 10 class periods and will utilize two Hollywood movies that focus on our subject matter. A power point will set up each days viewing throughout and students will be expected to focus their attention on the movie that is being shown. I expect your attendance in class each day, the same I have the entire school year. Please do not come to me and ask to go somewhere else because “we are not really doing anything anyway”. In reality, these final class periods are a vital concluding activity to many of the concepts we have been learning the entire year. I have never asked you to miss another class so you could “hang out with me” or “finish up a project” and I expect the same courtesy.

Article XI. A Final Word…

Sometimes, students think that I don’t like them or that our personalities clash. I have never believed this to be the case. Whether or not I like you will have no bearing on your final trimester grade. Furthermore, I have had enjoyable and lasting relationships with those who follow the rules, listen attentively, contribute in a meaningful way, and give this class their best effort. If you keep this in mind and practice these principles your trimester will go smoothly and I believe you will enjoy the class. I consider these “life skills” essential and a key to success beyond your schooling. I plan on treating you as an adult and I expect that you will act in an adult manner. Remember that participation accounts for 10% of your trimester grade. I believe these are the easiest points to earn so take full advantage of this opportunity and make the most of your “AP Government” experience.

Small Print Disclaimer…The schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of


Government Agreement

***Please detach this final page, complete the information, and return this page only to me by the date due. Keep the rest of the pages for your reference during this course.

Please Print Legibly...

Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Last First Hour

I have read and understand the information for this class on pages 1-7. I understand that this class is required for graduation from Rockford Public Schools and will do everything within my legal power to ensure a worthy grade. I have also taken this information home for my parents/ legal guardian to read and understand the terms and

conditions and they have completed the following section below. In addition, I along with my parent/legal guardian, am aware that classroom grades are available at all times by using “family access” through the Rockford Web Site and that I was given a username and password for this service at the beginning of the year.

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _______

Name of Parents or Guardian: ______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: _______

ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY: ______ (Parents Initial Here After Reading This Section)

It is extremely important that students understand and follow Mr. Kennett’s classroom policy regarding “Electronic Devices”. Mr. Kennett’s policy is clear-cut and easy to understand. From the time we begin class until the time we “shut down for the day and go green” electronic devices are not allowed for any purpose. This includes, but is not limited to, communications with friends, family members, the United States government and foreign nations. Electronic devices need to be put away and out of sight until we shut down for the day. If students and parents are concerned about any potential consequences that might be leveled, then simply leave your electronic device in your locker before our class begins. In this manner your electronic device will never be confiscated for any purpose. To help students understand when they may use an electronic device if they do decide to bring it to class I have created a “traffic light” system. When the traffic light is “green” students may use their electronic device. When the “traffic light” is “red” students may not use their electronic device for any reason. This system is fairly simple. “Green means go and red means no…” In emergency situations in which family members need to contact their

son/daughter, please call the main office and they will get a message to your child in a matter of minutes. This is the way it was done in the past prior to the advent of electronic devices and it worked well. All other situations can be handled by waiting until the end of the class period and making contact then.

Consequences will be leveled against students who are unable to conform to this policy, including but not limited to confiscation of the electronic device and turned into the office that day. If I confiscate your device once, you will not be allowed to bring it to class ever again. All electronic devices will need to remain in your locker each day the remainder of the trimester. Further consequences will occur if this is ignored. If confiscation of your electronic device is a concern, there is a simple way to avoid this consequence… follow the policy. Seriously, just follow the policy. If you follow the policy, I will never confiscate your electronic device. Ever.

BEST WAY TO COMMUNICATE WITH MR. KENNETT: _____ (Parents Initial Here After Reading This Section)

The best way for me to communicate with parents is through the use of e-mail. My address is kkennett@rockfordschools.org My e-mail can also be accessed at my class website:


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