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Welcome to Public Speaking


Academic year: 2021

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Welcome to Public Speaking

We have an exciting journey ahead. Public Speaking is a wonderful class to not only improve your speaking skills, but also to improve your confidence. Best of all you will learn about yourself and others.

Prepare yourself. I don’t do a lot of the talking---I let you do it. You learn Public Speaking best by doing it and you will have a lot of opportunities to do just that in this class!

So let’s get started. I have attached a copy of the syllabus for you to look over before class on Monday. Please read it over and be prepared with any questions you might have. I’ll spare us all the long, boring syllabus talk and we’ll get started with the fun right away.

See you soon, Lynn Meade


Public Speaking Comm 2303

D r . L yn n M e a d e

Office Location: Kimpel Hall 704

Office Hours: M/W 2:30-3:30 or by appointment

Unofficial hours: (I’m usually in the office preparing for MWF class at 8:45-9:10 you are welcome to pop in)

Please come and visit me if you need help.

Helping you is never a bother—it is my pleasure.

Email Hours: Email checked Monday - Friday at 9:00 and 3:00 Email Address: lmeade@uark.edu

Cell Phone: 479-445-4967 Course Website:


S u p p l i e s N e e d e d :

There is not a textbook for the class.

You will need to print many items from the class website, so you may have to buy some additional paper and ink or you can use the computer labs where printing is free.

Supplies to make or buy an award (less than $5.00)

Money for the toast speech -- $15 (collected at the end of the semester)


Introduction Speech

Main Focus: Storytelling. Creating word pictures

Brief Description: Students make a speech where they tell a story about an event that changed their lives


To train students in storytelling by learning how to create word pictures To create winning introductions

To emphasize voice projection and eye contact

To introduce basic speaking organization and delivery To give students opportunities to gain confidence as speakers

Demonstration Speech

Main Focus: Managing the complexities of working with visuals

Brief Description: Students make a speech where they demonstrate how to do something. Objectives:

To train students to work with visuals while maintaining audience contact To create winning transitions

To develop strong voice projection and eye contact To develop speaking organization and delivery

To give students opportunities to gain confidence as speakers

TBA Speech

Main Focus: Using a microphone Brief Description:


Award Speech

Main Focus: To learn the mechanics of presenting an award

Brief Overview: Students create and give an award to another student in class.

This is a fun day and a much-needed boost late in the semester. This speech helps students gain confidence and is a great way to help everyone regain momentum. Objectives:

To learn the mechanics of giving an award To pace a speech

To celebrate the achievement of others


Persuasive Speech

Main Focus: To organize persuasive arguments which are sensitive to the needs of the audience and to use inoculation effectively

Brief Description: Students make a speech where they persuade the audience to do something


To build arguments using ethos, pathos, and logos

To focus heavily on connecting with the audience through eye contact, body language and voice control

To integrate visuals seamlessly

To create conclusions that asks the audience to do something

To learn to use detailed research while continuing to maintain eye contact To give students opportunities to gain confidence as speakers

To effectively incorporate research To avoid common fallacies

Ceremonial Speech:

Main Focus: To move an audience emotionally through narration and identification Brief Overview: Students make a speech that celebrates a person, event, or monument. Objectives:

To use colorful language to create distinct emotions

To focus on timing of the speech to create building sensations To use a manuscript

To effectively use pacing and voice control To utilize magnification and narration effectively To relax and enjoy speaking

Toast Speech

Main Focus: To learn the mechanics of doing a toast

Brief Overview: Students attend a luncheon and give a toast to a classmate. This speech is a great way to close the semester on a positive note


To learn the mechanics of giving a toast

To develop occasion specific and person specific statements To learn the manners of giving a toast

To deliver a memorized speech

Speaker Introduction Speech

Main Focus: To learn the mechanics of introducing a guest speaker

Brief Overview: Students will interview the speaker (a classmate) and craft and deliver a speech of introduction.


To learn the mechanics of writing an introduction speech To deliver an introduction speech


Fallacy Exam

Main Focus: To identify fallacies in speeches Objectives:

To allow students the opportunity to read and examine famous speeches To teach students to look for fallacies in persuasive arguments

To make students aware of fallacies so they are less likely to have them in speeches

Colorful Language Exam

Main Focus: To identify colorful language in speeches Objectives:

To allow students the opportunity to read and examine famous speeches To teach students to look for colorful language in speeches

To help students learn colorful language so they will use it in their own speech

Outline Clinics

Main Focus: To help students prepare arguments and ideas in advance Objectives:

To help students build better speeches by providing peer and instructor feedback To allow student the opportunity to read and learn from other’s speeches

To have students prepare speeches before the delivery day so they will have time to practice

Riding the Bike and In-Class Activities

Main Focus: To help students gain confidence as speakers

During the semester, we will do many activities. Some will be serious and others may seem silly at first. Each is designed to help you develop a specific skill as a speaker. These activities are never just filler but each has a specific objective that is designed to help you develop as a person, as a listener, and as a speaker.

What is riding the bike?

If I taught a class on bike riding, I would have us ride the bike as much as possible. After all, the only way to learn to ride a bike is to get on the thing and start peddling. The same is true for public speaking. The way to learn to speak well is to get up and speak. As an instructor, my role is to help you fine-tune your speaking skills. I will do this by describing and

sometimes demonstrating the sill and then I will have you get up and try it. Since this is a public speaking class, you will be speaking as much as possible. Bear with me because some of the activities may seem downright silly. It’s not until the last speech where you will see how those silly activities helped you to become a more confident speaker.



In order to receive the grade of A or B in this class, all speeches (introduction, demonstration, controversial, persuasive, tribute, toast, introduction, and award) must be completed. Poor attendance can lower your overall class grade. You are given 3 free absences. After that, each absence will cost you five percentage points. You may loose points if you text or your cell phone rings

during someone’s speech.

What scores will make up my grade?

Speech of Introduction 100

Demonstration Speech 100

Demonstration Speech Outline and Clinic Participation 50

TBA Speech 100

Speech Outline and Clinic Participation 50

Miscellaneous: Quizzes, and Activities Riding the Bike

Last Lecture, Flag Burning Debate, Charts Activity, Extreme Voices 100 Toast Speech -- Final Exam ** Will be at lunch** 50

Award Presentation 50

Persuasive Speech Outline 50

Persuasive Speech 100

Ceremonial/ Tribute Speech 100

Ceremonial Speech Outline and Conference with teacher

_________________________________________________________ 50 Speech of Introduction (If time, if not this will be dropped) 50

Fallacy Exam 100

Colorful Language Exam 100


Take Your Total Number of Points and Divide by 1150 for your grade Deduct 5% for each absence over 3

Grading Scale

A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C=70-79

D = 65-69, F= Below 64


Methods of Instruction:

You can expect any of the following methods of instruction in this class

Selected reading:

The website will provide reading packets of information about Public Speaking topics. Students are expected to keep up with the

readings as outlined on the course schedule

Classroom discussion:

Learning will be enhanced by guided discussion of specific topics.

Warm up activities

: Short activities are designed to stimulate thought and to allow you to get to know others in the class. These are always purposeful and have specific learning objectives.


The instructor will introduce and reinforce important public speaking concepts.


Numerous educational videos and feature films will be used to help explain pertinent concepts.

Practice Speeches and Critiques:

The best way to learn public speaking is to speak. Students will be given many non-graded opportunities to speak in various formats. Students will be asked to give impromptu speeches and the instructor and other classmates may provide oral or written critiques.

Outline Clinics.

Before each speech, students will bring a prepared, complete outline of his or her speech. Students will exchange outlines and make recommendations for improvement. Before each outline clinic, students will print off a checklist and bring copies to class to be used in the clinic.


Attendance Policy

A considerable amount of the learning in this class takes place as a result of in-class activities, class discussion, practice speeches, and lecture material, it is therefore very important that you attend class. Attendance is mandatory, however, students will be granted three ―free‖ absences before points will be deducted from his/her grade. If you are sick, going out of town, having a day with mom, etc., you do not need to notify me—that is why you have free absences. Free absences cannot be used on days when speeches or other assignments are due.

Five percentage points will be deducted from a student’s overall grade for each absence after three. If you miss 9 classes or more, you will receive an “F” for the course.

Students who have perfect attendance will have the privilege of having one percentage point added to their overall class grade.

There may be individual circumstances that will cause repeated lateness or special

circumstances that will create absences, please notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester so these will not be interpreted as a discourtesy. Any student who is consistently tardy may be asked to do additional work or asked to give an impromptu speech.

An absence is defined as:

 Any day that you do not attend class

 Any day that you miss more than 10 minutes of class

 Any day you sleep in class

 Any day that you use class time for personal items such as texting, doing crosswords, doing unrelated reading, etc. –in other words days when you purposefully mentally check out.

Excused Absences

Students will not be counted as having a missed class if the following conditions are met:

The absence is due to a university-required activity or a university recognized religious holiday and I am notified in advance.

I receive documentation from a supervisor or you have a documented case of H1N1—swine flu

If you miss a class, it is up to you to find out what you missed. You should get any classroom notes from another student. You will be held responsible for any information, announcements, or assignments that were made during your absence. Most everything you need will be on the class website.

If you miss on the day we draw speech numbers, you should have someone draw a number for you otherwise assume that you go first and be prepared.


Good for One Free Absence


Good for One Free Absence



Late Work Policy

It is not fair to people those who make an effort to turn in their work on time to treat their grade the same as those who turn in work late. All work must be turned in during class time on the day that it is due. Speeches must be made on the assigned days. If you are not in class on the day that speeches are assigned, you should be prepared to speak the first day.

If you know that you are going to miss the class when an assignment is due you should:

(1) turn it in early;

(2) have someone else bring it to class for you; or (3) e-mail the work to the instructor by the deadline.

You should e-mail the work to both your own e-mail account as well as to mine. If I do not receive your e-mail due to some ―computer glitch,‖ you can simply print off the copy that you e-mailed yourself (with the sent date) and I will accept it. If I do not receive the mail and you do not have your own e-mail confirmation, then the work will be penalized for being late.

Late work will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances. The instructor reserves the right to make individual exceptions. Even when exceptions are made, the work will loose 10%.

It is very difficult to schedule make up speeches, therefore, students must give speeches on the day that they are assigned to speak. Make-up will only be allowed in extreme circumstances and is at the sole discretion of the instructor. If a make-up grade is permitted, there will be an automatic minimum 10% reduction in the grade and an additional 10% for each class period that it is late. It is the responsibility of students with University

approved absences to notify the instructor in advance of the absence and then those students will be scheduled accordingly.

We draw speech numbers randomly. After everyone has a number, students are encouraged to negotiate with one another if they need a different day. That way a student athlete, a parent with a parent-teacher conference, a student with a sick parent, and a student with too many exams that day each have an opportunity to make their case to the class for why they should change days. In my experience, students are very flexible and work things out.


Students with Disabilities

If you are registered with the Center for Students with Disabilities, you should notify the instructor during the first week of class of any certified accommodations that you may need. Reasonable accommodations will be made. If you need to contact the Center for Disabilities, they can be reached at 479-575-3104.

Inclement Weather Policy

If the University should officially close due to inclement weather, your class will not meet. You can easily find out if the university is closed in one of the four following ways:

 Call 575-7000

 Listen to KUAF Radio, 91.3 FM. The University's Radio Station makes regular announcements if the university closes.

 Call the University Switchboard at 575-2000

 Access the University's Inclement Weather Policy on the Homepage

 In the event of questionable weather situations, I will try to e-mail you at your uark address to notify you if we will be having class. If Fayetteville Public Schools are closed, we will not meet in class.

Off-campus students who find travel too hazardous to attempt, will not be penalized, but will be responsible for any work missed. If (in your best judgment) you are unable to get to class because of inclement weather, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor via e-mail. You should exchange contact information with two of your classmates as early as possible in order to find out the information that you


Generally, I email students early in the morning on days that I cancel class do to weather.


Course Rules and Expectations

 Students are expected to read before they come to class as outlined on the syllabus. Pop quizzes may be used to check whether students are reading the material and watching the online videos.

 It is important that we are respectful of one another particularly during speeches. Any distractions-- whispering, texting, note passing, cell phones ringing, pagers beeping, or entering class during a speech-- presentations will result in a lowering of the offenders grade for that speech by a letter grade for each offense.

 Please, do not enter class while a student is making a speech.

 Text messaging during classroom time is a form of disrespect both to the instructor and to your classmates; please do not use classroom time for this purpose. Please turn your cell phones on vibrate or mute before class


Academic Honesty

All class assignments and exams must be completed independently. Cheating and plagiarism will be punished according to the University of Arkansas standards. You are expected to conduct yourself and perform course work in accordance with the highest standards of honesty. Plagiarism means using any person's work without acknowledging its true source, including your own work used for another class or school. In addition, recycling all or part of someone else’s speech, "borrowing" a speech outline, using internet material without citing it, cheating on an exam, or sharing exam questions with other students are all considered academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated!

Take home exams should be done independently. Any student caught using

material from another student (present or past) will be punished under the academic dishonesty policy. Cutting and pasting chunks of information (more then 10 words) from the Internet or a published source without referencing it is considered academic dishonesty.

Students are expected to be familiar with the College Catalog and adhere to the rules specified by the college, particularly those regarding academic honesty. Students will work independently on assignments, exams, speeches, and classroom requirements unless directly specified by the instructor. Students who are caught plagiarizing classroom assignments may experience any of the following as a result. Other penalties may result as outlined in the catalog.

If a student is caught in any form of academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism, then all of the following penalties will result.

o The student will have to redo the assignment but will not receive credit for the assignment. If the assignment is not redone to an acceptable (If graded would be at least a ―C‖) level, then the student will receive an ―F‖ for the overall class grade. The student has 3 class periods to complete the assignment.

o The student will have to write a five-page paper describing what academic dishonesty is and why it is a problem. The paper should have no less than five scholarly sources cited in APA. The student has 3 class periods to complete the paper, or the grade of ―F‖ will be given for the overall class grade.

o The student will automatically receive a ―0‖ on the assignment or 10% deduction in overall class grade (whichever is greater). ―I did not know‖ is not a legitimate excuse for academic dishonesty. It is important therefore to be familiar with what the university considers to be academic dishonesty.


Academic Dishonesty Policy

From the University of Arkansas website http://www.uark.edu/ua/ethics/academic1.html

Definitions of Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty involves acts that may subvert or compromise the integrity of the educational process at the University of Arkansas. Included is an act by which a student gains or attempts to gain an academic advantage for himself or herself or another by misrepresenting his or her or another's work or by interfering with the completion, submission, or evaluation of work. These include, but are not limited to, accomplishing or attempting any of the following acts:

1. Altering of grades or official records.

2. Using any materials that are not authorized by the instructor for use during an examination. 3. Copying from another student's paper during an examination.

4. Collaborating during an examination with any other person by giving or receiving information without specific permission of the instructor.

5. Stealing, buying, or otherwise obtaining information about an examination not yet administered. 6. Collaborating on laboratory work, take-home examinations, homework, or other assigned work when instructed to work independently.

7. Substituting for another person or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take an examination.

8. Submitting as one's own any theme, report, term paper, essay, computer program, other written work, speech, painting, drawing, sculpture, or other art work prepared totally or in part by another. 9. Submitting, without specific permission of the instructor, work that has been previously offered for credit in another course.

10. Plagiarizing, that is, the offering as one's own work the words, ideas, or arguments of another person without appropriate attribution by quotation, reference, or footnote. Plagiarism occurs both when the words of another are reproduced without acknowledgement or when the ideas or arguments of another are paraphrased in such a way as to lead the reader to believe that they originated with the writer. It is the responsibility of all University students to understand the methods of proper attribution and to apply those principles in all materials submitted.

11. Sabotaging of another student's work.

12. Falsifying or committing forgery on any University form or document.

13. Submitting altered or falsified data as experimental data from laboratory projects, survey research, or other field research.

14. Committing any willful act of dishonesty that interferes with the operation of the academic process.


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