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SE Uppsala. SE Stockholm Sweden


Academic year: 2021

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Pär Hansson

born August 1, 1957

Office address Home address

Growth Analysis (Tillväxtanalys) Stiernhielmsgatan 13 B

Box 574 SE-753 33 Uppsala

SE-101 31 Stockholm Sweden


Phone: +46 70 215 75 33

E-mail: par.hansson@oru.se or par.hansson@tillvaxtanalys.se Homepage: www.oru.se/hh/par_hansson

Academic Degrees

B.A. in Economics, Statistics and Business Administration, Umeå University, 1983. Ph.D. in Economics, Umeå University, 1990.

Docent (Associate Professor) in Economics, Umeå University, 1994.

Current positions

Professor in International Economics, Örebro University, June 2003 − Senior Analyst, Growth Analysis (Tillväxtanalys), April 2009 −

Research Fellow, Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (UCLS), December 2010 −

Previous employment

Researcher, Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (FIEF), October 1990 − January 2006.

Senior Analyst, Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies (ITPS), January 2006 − March 2009.


B1. Intra-Industry Trade: Measurements, Determinants and Growth - A Study of Swedish Foreign Trade. Umeå Economic Studies no 205 (Dissertation), 1989. B2. Internationalisering och produktivitet (Internationalization and Productivity),

with Kerstin Krafft, Lars Lundberg och Birgitta Swedenborg. Expertrapport nr 8 till Produktivitetsdelegationen. Allmänna Förlaget, 1991.

B3. Från basindustri till högteknologi? Svensk näringsstruktur och strukturpolitik. (From Natural-Resource Processing to Hi-Tech? Industrial Structure and Industrial Policy in Sweden), with Lars Lundberg. SNS Förlag, 1995.


B4. Technology and International Trade. Editor with Jan Fagerberg, Arne Melchior and Lars Lundberg. Edward Elgar, 1997.

B5. Svenskt näringsliv i en globaliserad värld. Effekter av internationaliseringen på produktivitet och sysselsättning (Swedish Business Sector in a Globalized World. Effects of Internationalization on Productivity and Employment), with Patrik Karpaty, Markus Lindvert, Lars Lundberg, Andreas Poldahl and Lihong Yun. ITPS A2007:004, 2007.

Articles in refereed journals

J1. Determinants of Intra-Industry Specialisation in Swedish Foreign Trade. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 93(3) 391-405, 1991.

J2. The Discipline of Imports: The Case of Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 94(4), 589-597, 1992.

J3. Catching Up in Industrialised Countries: A Disaggregated Study, with Magnus Henrekson. The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 3(2) 129-145, 1994.

J4. A New Framework for Testing the Effect of Government Spending on Growth and Productivity, with Magnus Henrekson. Public Choice, 81(3-4) 381-401, 1994.

J5. What Makes a Country Socially Capable of Catching Up?, with Magnus Henrekson. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 130(4) 760-783, 1994.

J6. Technology, Resource Endowments and International Competitiveness, with Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall and Lars Lundberg. European Economic Review, 43(8) 1501-1530, 1999.

J7. Relative Demand for Skills in Swedish Manufacturing: Trade or Technology? Review of International Economics, 8(3), 533-555, 2000.

J8. Exports as an Indicator on or Promoter of Successful Swedish Manufacturing Firms in the 1990s, with Nannan Lundin. Review of World Economics (formerly Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 140(3), 415-445, 2004.

J9. Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer Within Swedish Multinationals. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(4), 673-692, 2005.

J10. Inward FDI and Demand for Skills in Manufacturing Firms in Sweden, with Roger Bandick. Review of World Economics, 145(1), 111-131, 2009.

J11. Do Firms Learn by Exporting or Learn to Export? Evidence from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert. Small Business Economics, 39(2), 453-472, 2012.

J12. Jobs and Exposure to International Trade within the Service Sector in Sweden, with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert. The World Economy, 35(5), 578-608, 2012


Chapters in books

C1. Intra-Industry Trade and its Consequences for Adjustment, with Lars Lundberg, in Greenaway, D. and Tharakan P.K.M. (eds), Imperfect Competion and

International Trade. Wheatsheaf Books, 129-147, 1986.

C2. The Country Pattern of Swedish Trade in Manufactured Products: An Econometric Analysis, with Lars Lundberg, in Andersson J.O. (ed), Nordic Studies on Intra-Industry Trade. Åbo Academy Press, 103-129, 1987.

C3. Comparative Costs and Elasticities of Substitution as Determinants of Inter- and Intra-Industry Trade, with Lars Lundberg, in Kol J. and Tharakan P.K.M. (eds) Intra-Industry Trade: Theory, Evidence and Extensions. Macmillan Press, The book has been translated into Japanese, 31-50, 1989.

C4. The Effects of Trade Barriers on Domestic Market Performance: Evidence from the Swedish and Norwegian Manufacturing Industries, in Fagerberg, J. and Lundberg, L. (eds), Europen Economic Integration: A Nordic Perspective. Avebury, 107-128, 1993.

C5. Catching Up, Social Capability, Government Size and Economic Growth, with Magnus Henrekson, in Government and Growth. FIEF Studies in Labour Markets and Economic Policy, Clarendon Press, 61-126, 1997.

C6. Technical Progress, Capital Accumulation and Changing International

Competitiveness, with Patrik Gustavsson and Lars Lundberg, in Fagerberg, J. et al (eds), Technology and International Trade. Edward Elgar, 20-37, 1997. C7. Trade, Technology and Changes in Employment of Skilled Labor in Swedish

Manufacturing, in Fagerberg, J. et al. (eds) Technology and International Trade. Edward Elgar, 200-216, 1997.

Popular science and debate

P1. Den svenska tillväxten: Blir vi omsprungna eller bara upphunna? (Is Sweden Lagging Behind?), with Magnus Henrekson, Ekonomisk Debatt, 19(3), 261-266, 1991.

P2. Internationalisering och produktivitet (Internationalization and Productivity), with Kerstin Krafft and Lars Lundberg, Ekonomisk Debatt, 20(1), 39-51, 1992. P3. Do Rich Countries Grow More Slowly?, with Magnus Henrekson, Skandinaviska

Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review, 3-12, 1992.

P4. Satsar Sverige tillräckligt på forskning och utveckling? (Are Swedish R&D Expenditures Sufficiently High?), in Bergström, V. (ed) Arbetsmarknad och tillväxt. Tio års forskning med facket. Ekerlids, 129-162, 1997.

P5. Utländska direktinvesteringar och sysselsättning (Foreign direct investment and employment), in Näringslivets internationalisering: Effekter på sysselsättning, produktivitet och FoU. ITPS A2004:014, 73-101. Commissioned by the Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communication, 2004.


(New Rapidly Growing Economies – Threat or Opportunity for the Swedish Economy), Tillväxtpolitisk utblick 3/07, 2007.

P7. Exportfrämjande − en hörnsten i en framtida internationaliseringsstrategi? (Export promotion − A Cornerstone in a Future Strategy of Internationalization) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys Rapport 2009:05, 2009. P8. Är exportfrämjandet motiverat? (Are Export Promotions Justified?), with Kent

Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Ekonomisk Debatt, 38(1), 31-45, 2010. P9. Svensk tjänstehandel − omfattning, utveckling och betydelse. (International

Trade in Services in Sweden) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys WP/PM 2010:15, 2010.

P10. Tjänsteexporten allt viktigare för Sverige (Export of Services is Becoming More Important in Sweden), with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert. Ekonomisk Debatt, 39(7) 28-40, 2011.

P11. Direktinvesteringar inom tjänstesektorn och offshoring av tjänster (Direct Investments within the Service Sector and Offshoring of Services), with Kent Eliasson och Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys WP/PM 2011:51, 2011.

P12. Global Value Chains and International Competitiveness, with Kent Eliasson och Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys WP/PM 2012:23, 2012.

P13. Flyttar forskningen från Sverige? – svenska koncerners FoU i Sverige och utomlands (Are R&D Activities Moving from Sweden – R&D in Swedish Enterprises in Sweden and Abroad) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys PM 2014:15.

Unpublished paper

U1. Are Workers More Vulnerable in Tradable Industries? Uppsala Center for Labor Studies Working Paper 2013:16 and Örebro Economics Working Paper


Book reviews

R1. Bhagwati, J. (1989), Protektionismen (Protectionism). SNS förlag. Ekonomisk Debatt, 17(7), 587-588, 1989.

R2. Bhagwati, J. (2001), Till frihandelns försvar − tre essäer (Free Trade Today). SNS förlag. Ekonomisk Debatt, 30(1), 77-80, 2002.

R3. Mason, G. et.al. (eds) (2000), Productivity, Innovation and Economic

Performance. Cambridge University Press. Review of International Economics, 10(3), 577-578, 2002.

Teaching media

T1. International Trade: Theory, Policy and Evidence (Lecture Notes). Spring 2012. T2. Modelling International Trade. Building Simple Numerical Models for


T3. Trade and Wages. Lecture Notes and Assignments. Fall 2002.

Teaching experience

Mid-Sweden University:

International Trade, Masters course (C/D level), Spring 2000 Umeå University:

International Trade, Masters course (C/D level), Spring 1994 – Spring 2006 International Trade, Undergraduate course (A-level)

Microeconomics and National Accounting, Undergraduate courses Örebro University:

International Trade: Theory and Evidence, Graduate course, Spring 2013. Globalization, Advanced level, Spring 2009 – 2013.

International Trade, Masters course (C/D level), Spring 1997 – Spring 2001 Topics in Applied International Trade, Graduate course, Fall 2001

Applied International Trade Analysis, Graduate course, Fall 2002


Supervisor for Magnus Lodefalk, Örebro University, Ph.D. June 2013.

Supervisor for Roger Bandick, Örebro University, Ph.Lic. December 2005 and Ph.D. February 2008.

Supervisor for Nannan Lundin, Örebro University, Ph.Lic. September 2003 and Ph.D. September 2004.

Supervisor of Masters’ Theses in Economics, Umeå University and Örebro University.

Supervisor of Theses in Social Studies.

Research grants

G1. Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS), “Global Value Chains and the Costs of Structural Change”, 2013-2015.

G2. Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS), “Globalization and the Labor Market: Effects of Foreign Direct Investments and International Outsourcing”, 2006-2009.

G3. Jacob Wallenberg’s Research Foundation, “Foreign Direct Investments, Employment and Wage Formation”, 2004-2007.

G4. Jan Wallander’s and Tom Hedelius’ Foundation and The Swedish Research Council. International research conference

“Internationalization of Markets and Ownership: Effects on Innovations, Productivity Growth and the Labor Market” in Saltsjöbaden September 23-25 2005.


Other assignments

O1. Junior Research Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Fall 1988. O2. External discussant on Johan Torstensson’s Ph.D. dissertation manuscript,

Lund, March 1992.

O3. Discussant appointed by the faculty on Karolina Ekholm’s licentiate dissertation, Lund, May 1993.

O4. Organizer of a research conference/Nordic graduate student course in Oslo, October 1995.

O5. Discussant appointed by the faculty on Helena Johansson’s licentiate dissertation, Lund, June 1998.

O6. Discussant appointed by the faculty on Hans Nilsagård’s licentiate dissertation, Umeå, December 1999.

O7. External examiner of the applicants on two lectureships in Economics at Örebro University (with Runar Brännlund), November 2000.

O8. Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, Fall 2000 – Spring 2001

O9. Examiner of a textbook manuscipt for Oxford University Press, August 2002. O10. Organizer of a research conference in Örebro (with Lars Lundberg), January


O11. Examiner of a reseach grant application to the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foudation, August 2003.

O12. Organizer of a research conference at Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden, September 2005. O13. Member of the grading committee at Lihong Yun’s defence of her doctor’s

thesis, Örebro University, November 2005.

O14. Member of the grading committee at Ted Aranki’s defence of his doctor’s thesis, Örebro University, May 2006.

O15. Project leader ”Handel, direktinvesteringar och tillväxt” (International Trade, FDI and Growth), ITPS, February 2006 − April 2007.

O16. Project leader “Internationalisering av små och medelstora företag”

(Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Firms), Growth Analysis, March 2008 − April 2009.

O17. Project leader ”Svensk tjänstehandel” (International Trade in Services in Sweden), Growth Analysis, January 2010 − December 2011.

O18. Member of the grading committee at Lars Bohlin’s defence of his doctor’s thesis, Örebro University, November 2010.

O19. Member of the grading committee at Jaewon Kim’s defence of her doctor’s thesis, Stockholm University, June 2011.


O20. Swedish expert in the OECD project “Helping Displaced Workers Back into Jobs by Upgrading Their Skills” 2011 – 2013.

O21. Project leader “Globala värdekedjor och internationell konkurrenskraft” (Global Value Chains and International Competitiveness), Growth Analysis, 2012 – O22. Board Member, Users of Economic Statistics, Statistics Sweden, 2013 −


1. Professor (emeritus) Lars Lundberg, Mickelbergsvägen 330, 141 71 Segeltorp. 2. Professor Lars Hultkrantz, Swedish Business School at Örebro University,

701 82 Örebro.

3. Professor (emeritus) Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, Department of Economics, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå.

4. Ph.D. Peter Vikström, Former Head of Department, Entrepreneurship, Business Sector Analysis and Statistics at Growth Analysis, Swedish Consumer Agency, Box 48, 651 02 Karlstad.


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