Outcomes addressed
P2, P3, P5, P6, P7, P9, P10
Students develop the following knowledge, skills and understanding reading and interpreting mobile phone bills
reading and interpreting mobile phone plans
calculating the cost of calls, given the time and duration, based on different phone plans calculating the cost of sending and receiving messages, given the details of the phone plan constructing and interpreting tables and graphs of phone usage and the cost of making phone calls. (Graphs should include step-wise linear functions.)
investigating patterns of usage for a given mobile phone bill
determining a suitable phone plan using calculations based on a typical usage pattern.
From Mathematics General 1 - Outcomes and content, BOS, 2009
Student self assessment
Click the link to go to the page. Check the To Do box when task is completed.
Task 1 -Assessment on mobile phones and plans
Task 2- terminology and acronyms related to mobile phones Task 3 - charges
Blue Mobile Bill
Task 4 - bill activity
Task 5- Mobile phone plans Blue Mobile plans
Task 6Blue mobile plans
Task 7 Prepaid v contract
Task 8 Radar chart
From the following knowledge and skills,
I can:
Confidently Need Practise Not sure a) Read and interpret a mobile phone bill
b) Read and interpret mobile phone plans a) Calculate call charges on a mobile phone bill 2.
b) Calculate messaging charges on a mobile phone bill
a) Calculate the cost of calls, (given the duration of call ) based on different phone plans 3.
b) Calculate the cost of sending and receiving messages, given the phone plan Interpret a table of phone usage and the cost of making calls
Construct step function graphs showing phone usage and cost of making calls 5.
Identify patterns of usage for a given mobile phone bill 6.
Determine a suitable mobile phone plan using calculations based on a typical usage pattern.
Mobile phone plans
Complete the following self assessment before you begin this focus study.
At the completion of this focus study redo the self assessment to see your progress.
Students may use this database glossary to assist understanding of mathematical words, meanings and concepts for this focus study. This pre-prepared database, which students can use as their personal glossary, is provided here for use on the laptop.
Your parents have offered to buy you a new phone on a plan for your birthday. They have asked you to choose the mobile phone and plan you would like. Your parents are happy to pay for your phone use as long as you put forward a business case stating why the phone you have chosen is the best mobile phone for your use and the most cost effective for your family to afford.
Your task is to write the business casefor your birthday present.
Research at least two mobile phone providers such as Telstra, Optus or other providers .
1. Select a mobile phone and mobile phone plan which will suit your needs. 2. Explain why you have selected this phone and mobile phone plan. 3. Compare and contrast the mobile phone plans offered by both providers.
4. Present your findings in a PowerPointpresentation or similar of no more than 10 slides.
Your presentation should include:
a) A picture of the phone and a list of the phone's features e.g. 3.2 MP camera, GPS, Facebook etc
b) The phone cap you have selected and the reason for your choice, listing the features of the plan
c) National and international standard calls, SMS, MMSetc provided in the plan d) Standard voice calls within the same network provided
e) Internet access and downloads - amount of allowed data for mobile internet f) Extra inclusions
g) Exit fees if you wish to cancel the plan.
Refer to the marking criteriato help maximise your marks!
This task will assess how well you have understood the entire Focus Study 1.1 Mobile phone plans. Information about the task and the product you will produce is
explained on this page. Throughout the unit of work you will learn more about the task.
Activity 1
Find and discuss the meaning of the following terms and acronyms: Prepaid mobile phone
Recharge for a mobile phone •
Mobile phone contract plan • Cap • National call • International call • Video call • Voicemail • SMS • MMS • Megapixel camera • VGA camera • QWERTY keypad • Skype • Touch screen •
FaceBook , Twitter and You Tube player •
Windows live messenger • Subscriptions • Bluetooth • Connection fee •
Free mobile to mobile • Activity 2 Match the acronym to the phrase.Open Activity 2 Notebook file. activity2 Activity 3
Match the terms to the definition.
Open Activity 2 Notebook file.
↙ Click here to open Notebook files
Task 2- terminology and acronyms related to mobile phones
Many mobile phone plans calculate the cost of calls in set blocks of time, or part thereof, e.g. 30 second blocks. SMS is usually calculated based on the number of characters within the message.
Activity 4
- Obtain a copy of mobile phone bills, yours and a friend's:Analyse your own mobile phone bill and compare it to a friends.
Discuss the details of the bills, compare and contrast the cost of calls and SMS. 1.
Calculate the cost of a call - based on 30 second blocks. 2.
Calculate the cost of sending an SMS. 3.
Calculate the cost of sending multimedia messages . 4.
Which provider has the cheapest call rates? 5.
What are the free options? 6.
How can you maximise the use of these free options? 7.
Your Blue Bill
Cap Eligible
Talk-national $49.80
Talk - special $21.20
SMS $36.25
MMS $4.00
Total Cap eligible $111.25
Cap discount $62.25cr
$49.00 Balance brought forward
$0.00 This bill $62.00 Total due $62.00
Your service summary
$49 Cap ($49 Minimum spend, $350 cap limit includes $100 Talk-international)
Non-Cap Eligible
Planet 3 $0.00
Subscription $13.00
Total non- Cap eligible $13.00 $13.00
$62.00 Total
The details
Brad Pitt 1 Greenhill Drive Sans Souci NSW 2219Blue Mobiles
5 Jan 2010Talk
Date Time Number Destination Description min:sec Amount
11 Nov 07:20pm 0432783946 Other mobile National call 00:30 0.70 11 Nov 07:21pm 0422987640 Other mobile National call 03:30 3.10 11 Nov 07:34pm 0432783946 Other mobile National call 01:00 1:10 12 Nov 08:54am 0411567334 Blue mobile Free Blue to Blue 01:30 0.00 12 Nov 11:40am 0432783946 Other mobile National call 02:00 1.90 13 Nov 06:20pm 0295673022 Sydney National call 06:00 5.10 14 Nov 11:05am 0445267134 Other mobile National call 01:30 1.50 15 Nov 08:45am 0443221982 Other mobile National call 02:30 2.30 16 Nov 10:05am 0432783946 Other mobile National call 03:00 2.70 17 Nov 03:22pm 0422987640 Other mobile National call 04:00 3.50 18 Nov 12:35pm 0295882234 Sydney National call 06:30 5.50 20 Nov 08:22am 0433785429 Blue mobile Free Blue to Blue 04:00 0.00 Consider the mobile phone bill below, use it to answer the questions on Task 4 - bill activity.
20 Nov 08:22am 0433785429 Blue mobile Free Blue to Blue 04:00 0.00 23 Nov 07:30pm 0412377810 Other mobile National call 07:00 5.90 24 Nov 11:04pm 0432788890 Other mobile National call 01:00 1:10 26 Nov 06:00am 0295678891 Sydney National call 02:00 1.90 28 Nov 12:30pm 0295432234 Sydney National call 04:30 3.90 30 Nov 08:00pm 0422562732 Other mobile National call 00:30 0.70 02 Dec 10:20am 0422562732 Other mobile National call 02:30 2.30 03 Dec 07:55pm 0295678900 Sydney National call 04:00 3.50 05 Dec 08:45am 0433786289 Blue mobile Free Blue to Blue 07:00 0.00 07 Dec 12:30pm 0433786289 Blue mobile Free Blue to Blue 10:00 0.00 09 Dec 07:55am 0422678902 Other mobile National call 06:00 5.10 10 Dec 10:06am 0456883902 Other mobile National call 02:00 1.90 11 Dec 09:33pm 0422789908 Blue mobile Free Blue to Blue 12:00 0.00
Sub-Total $49.80
Quantity 09 Dec National SMS 51 12.75 10 Dec National SMS 18 04.50 11 Dec National SMS 76 19.00 Sub-Total $36.25Special
10 Nov 06:06pm 132244 Special 13 Number 13:00 10.70 15 Nov 05:30pm 124124 Special Connect-In-One 00:30 2.50 18 Nov 08:40am 122723 Special 13 Number 06:30 5.50 04 Dec 04:36pm 124124 Special Connect-In-One 01:00 2.50
Sub-Total $21.20
27 Nov 02:49pm 0413789220 Other Mobile Picture Message 0.75 28 Nov 10:58pm 0422376877 Other Mobile Group Picture
28 Nov 10:58pm 0422789001 Other Mobile Group Picture message
28 Nov 10:58pm 0403776288 Other Mobile Group Picture message
3 Dec 08:37am 0422765446 Blue Mobile Picture Message 0.50 9 Dec 06:14pm 0422765446 Blue Mobile Picture Message 0.50
Sub-Total $4.00
Bumper pack $13.00Refer to the
Blue Mobile Billon the previous page to answer the questions below:
What period of time is covered by this bill?1.
How many calls were made during this period of time ? Calculate the average number of calls per day. 2.
What is the average length of a call? What is the cost of an average call? 3.
How many SMS and MMS were made during this period of time? 4.
This account shows that Brad is on a mobile phone Cap plan, what is the Cap for this plan? 5.
At 6:20pm on the 13 November Brad made a phone call to a landline in Sydney. What was the cost of the call and how long was the call.
How much do Blue Mobiles charge for a 30 second call? 7.
On the 11 November Brad spoke on the phone for 1 minute, how much was he charged? 8.
What would be the cost of a 45 second call? Would it appear on the bill as a 45 second call, give reasons. 9.
Find the cost of a 1 minute and 30 second call? 10.
How much is charged for each 30 second interval in the first 2 minutes of a call? 11.
When did Brad make a 5 minutes and 30 seconds call? How much did the call cost? 12.
On the 20 November a call was made, how long was the duration of the call and why was it free? 13.
Complete the following table showing the rate charged for each interval of time. 14.
Time interval for a call ( minutes : seconds)
Cost of each time interval 00:00 - 00:30 00:30 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:30 01:30 - 02:00 02:00 - 02:30 02:30 - 03:00 03:30 - 04:00
Complete the following table showing the cost of calls with Blue Mobiles: 15.
Length of the call min:sec
Cost of the call 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00
Represent the data above in a stepwise linear function . Show the cost of a call against the duration of the call. 16.
Calculate the cost of a 9 minute call. 17.
What was the cost of the SMS sent on the 9 December? How many characters was the message? 18.
What would be the cost of an SMS with 29 characters? 19.
If Brad was charged $5.75 for an SMS how many characters was the message? 20.
Why would the cost of the MMS sent on the 27 November and 3 December vary in cost? 21.
Link to Algebraic Modelling AM2 Outcome P2
Access and use the Mobile phone planslearning object from TaLE.
Description of learning object: Compare monthly call costs quoted by different phone companies. Use line graphs to work out the costs for talk time, text messages, photos and total costs.
Recommend the best plan. This learning object is one in a series of six objects.
Student access
Save code X056V for students to retrieve this resource on the Tale4Students site
Teacher access
uid=aHR0cDovL3RsZi5kbHIuZGV0Lm5zdy5lZHUuYXUvbGVhcm5pbmdvYmplY3RzL0Nvb nRlbnQvTDExMTAvaW1zbWFuaWZlc3QueG1sLmh0bWxAVGFMRV8yMDA1X1RMRl9W Mg==
Selecting the right mobile phone plan is essential. Many mobile phone providers offer numerous options to suit each individuals needs and corporate needs. Analysing usage patterns and being realistic about how you use your mobile phone, will assist you in making the best choice.
Consider the options below and answer the questions on the following page.
National calls 90c per 60 sec + 35c flagfall
SMS 28c National, 45c international MMS 50c Blue to Blue,75c Other mobile Special
$19 cap
Connect -in -one $2.50 per call, 1300 & 1800 numbers 90c + 35c flagfall
National calls 40c per 30 sec + 35c flagfall SMS 28c National,45c international MMS 50c Blue to Blue, 75c Other mobile Special
$29 cap
Connect -in -one $2.50 per call, 1300 & 1800 numbers 90c + 35c flagfall
National calls 88c per 60 sec + 35c flagfall SMS 25c National, 45c international MMS 50c Blue to Blue, 75c Other mobile Special
$39 cap
Connect -in -one $2.50 per call, 1300 & 1800 numbers 90c + 35c flagfall
National calls 44c per 30 sec + 35c flagfall SMS 28c National, 45c international MMS 50c Blue to Blue, 75c Other mobile Special
$49 cap
Connect -in -one $2.50 per call, 1300 & 1800 numbers 90c + 35c flagfall
Blue Mobiles
Cap per month What you get
Calls SMS plus more
Free national calls to Blue Mobile
Total Value
$19 minimum spend per month Minimum cost over 24 months is $456
$70 + per month $70 = 75 minutes $140 Great value
$29 minimum spend per month Minimum cost over 24 months is $696
$150 + per month $160 = 200 minutes $310 Great value
$39 minimum spend per month Minimum cost over 24 months is $936
$250 + per month $200 = 250 minutes $450 Great value
$49 minimum spend per month Minimum cost over 24 months is $1176
$350 + per month $240 = 300 minutes $590 Great value
The questions below relate to the tables on the previous page -Blue Mobile plans. What are the different Blue mobile phone plans available?
Which plan offers the cheapest call rate? 2.
Which plan offers the dearest call rate? 3.
Which plan offers the cheapest SMS rate? 4.
What is the cost of an SMS on the $19 Cap? 5.
What is the cost of an MMS on the $49 Cap? 6.
Compare and contrast the $39 Cap plan with the $49 Cap plan. How many extra calls and SMS do you get with the $49 Cap?
Calculate the cost of a call of duration 3 minutes and 35 seconds on a $29 Cap. 8.
How many calls does Ally typically make in one day? a.
Estimate the number of calls Ally would make per month (30 days)? b.
Calculate the cost of Ally's calls per month based on the average cost for 30 second blocks of time plus the flagfallfor each call?
Calculate the approximate cost of SMS charges per month (30 days)? d.
Calculate the average cost of her calls and SMS based on her usage pattern i.
Compare the Cap options and justify your answer. ii.
Ally always exceeds her current phone cap and would like to purchase a new mobile phone plan. Her current telephone usage pattern appears in the table below. Most of her calls last 2 minutes on average. Find the most suitable Cap for Ally.
Refer to the table below, Ally's typical mobile phone usage for one day, to answer these questions 9.
Time of day Tally of calls Tally of SMS 8am - 10am / / 10am-12pm / / 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm / / 4pm -6pm / // 6pm-8pm // 8pm-10pm // 10pm-12am /
Ally's typical mobile phone usage for one day
Compare a prepaid mobile phone plan with a mobile phone contract
Search on the internet to find information about prepaid plans and contracts. Select one of each and complete the following:
Clip the prepaid plan here. (Use the snipping tool ) 1.
Clip the contract here. (Use the snipping tool ) 2.
Compare and contrast the prepaid plan with the contract. 3.
Features of the prepaid plane and contract that are the same
Features of the prepaid plane and contract that are different
List the details of the call costs, SMS rates, optional extras for each. 4.
Which is better for your personal needs - a prepaid plan or a contract? Write a short report based on your findings.
Construct a radar chart showing when calls are made and duration of calls
Research - Obtain a two monthly mobile phone bill:Complete this frequency table of the number of mobile phone calls made at different times of the day for the two months.
Time of day Tally Number of mobile phone calls made
12:01 - 2am 2:01 - 4:00am 4:01 - 6:00am 6:01 - 8:00am 8:01 - 10:00am 10:01 - Midday 12:01 - 2:00pm 2:01 - 4:00pm 4:01 - 6:00pm 6:01 - 8:00pm 8:01 - 10:00pm 10:01 - Midnight
Construct a radar chart to display this data. Use theMS Excelchart wizard or GeoGebrato create the chart.
Create a frequency table for the duration of calls. 3.
Construct a graph to display this data. Use MS Excelto create the graph. 4.
Task 1 -Assessment on mobile phones and plans is an assessment task to be completed throughout the focus study.
Task 1 -Assessment on mobile phones and plans
Your parents have offered to buy you a new phone on a plan for your birthday. They have asked you to choose the mobile phone and plan you would like. Your parents are happy to pay for your phone use as long as you put forward a business case stating why the phone you have chosen is the best mobile phone for your use and the most cost effective for your family to afford.
Your task is to write the business casefor your birthday present.
Research at least two mobile phone providers such as Telstra, Optus or other providers .
1. Select a mobile phone and mobile phone plan which will suit your needs. 2. Explain why you have selected this phone and mobile phone plan. 3. Compare and contrast the mobile phone plans offered by both providers.
4. Present your findings in a PowerPointpresentation or similar of no more than 10 slides.
Your presentation should include:
a) A picture of the phone and a list of the phone's features e.g. 3.2 MP camera, GPS, Facebook etc
b) The phone cap you have selected and the reason for your choice, listing the features of the plan
c) National and international standard calls, SMS, MMSetc provided in the plan d) Standard voice calls within the same network provided
e) Internet access and downloads - amount of allowed data for mobile internet f) Extra inclusions
g) Exit fees if you wish to cancel the plan.
Refer to the marking criteriato help maximise your marks!
This task will assess how well you have understood the entire Focus Study 1.1 Mobile phone plans. Information about the task and the product you will produce is
explained on this page. Throughout the unit of work you will learn more about completing this task.
Assessment task marking criteria
Marking criteria
Marking criteria - Mobile phones and plans assessment task
Name: ____________________________ Due Date: ___________________ Your business case will be assessed on the following criteria:Criteria Description Marks Marks
awarded Mobile phone
Name and picture of phone evident 2
List of the phone’s features included 3
Explanation of why this phone was selected 2 Mobile phone providers selected Providers stated 2 Mobile phone plans provided
Two phone plans clearly outlined listing features of the plans including URL of internet page where the
information was sourced
Phone caps included 1
Types of calls provided in the cap / plan 2 Description of amount of allowed data for mobile
internet usage
Extra inclusions in plan stated 2
Exit fees stated 2
Comparison of the two phone plans clearly stated 2 Contrast of the two phone plans clearly stated 2 Business case
Information clearly presented in chosen format 2 Equivalent to 10 PowerPoint slides or less 1 Conclusion to business case evident – explanation of why you have selected this mobile phone and plan for your birthday present
Total 30 Teacher comment: