1.0. Intrductory
... 1
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Main Campus ... 2
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - IoE Buildings ... 3
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - ICH Buildings ... 4
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - IoN Buildings ... 4
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - Inst of Ophthalmology ... 4
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Mill Hill ... 4
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Stanmore (IoOrth) ... 5
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – School of Pharmacy ... 5
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – PAMELA ... 5
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Crusiform Building ... 5
1.0. Intrductory
The maintenance schedule for building fire alarm systems follows the guidance provided in the latest edition of BS 5839-1, Detection and Alarm Systems for Buildings - Code of practice for system design, installation and servicing. In addition to the quarterly and annual servicing of fire alarm systems there is a requirement for a functional test to be carried out each week and recorded in the fire alarm logbook.
Generally, UCL Estates Maintenance Team (EMT), Academic Estates Maintenance Team (AEMT) or Contractor (Fisk) carry out the weekly testing. In some premises the Landlord (or in a few places) local UCL Dept. Managers are responsible for carrying out the weekly test and record the details.
The weekly test will normally mean that the alarm will sound for approximately up to a minute1 on the day and between
times shown below (or as per local arrangements). In some buildings where more than one fire alarm systems are interconnected, there will be more than one short test (up to 2 or 3) – see notes below **:
General Notes:
Note 1 - if your building is not shown then the Landlord (or other e.g. Hospital) is responsible for testing and will publish their own schedule. Please find out when your building(s) or where you are working or teaching are tested.
Note 2: - **indicates that one or more building fire alarm systems are interconnected and there will be multi-tests. Note 3: - ##indicates that these building should not tested before 8am to stop annoyance of neighbours.
Note 4 - maintenance and testing of the building fire alarm systems within the core campus area and some outlying sites is the responsibility of the UCL Estates, Facilities Engineering, Maintenance & Infrastructure (EM&I).
2.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Main Campus
Week Day ofTest
Buildings on the Main Campus:
MONDAY Between: 8.00 hrs - 10.00 hrs (EMT) (1). DMS Watson Library (Bldg: 042) **
(2). Main Boiler House, Malet Place (Bldg: 041) ** (3a). Foster Court** (Bldg: 040)
(3b). Malet Pl 1-4** (Bldg: 046) (4). Gordon Sq., 16-18 (Bldg: 035)**
(5). Gordon Sq., 19 + Anechoic Rm & Wren Hut (Bldg: 31&33) (6). Gordon Sq., 20 - 21 (Bldg: 030 & 032)** (7). Gordon Sq., 22 (Bldg: 029) (8). Gordon Sq., 23-26 (Bldg: 024 to 028)** (9). Gordon Sq., 48 (Bldg: 116) (10). Gordon Sq., 49-51 (Bldg: 371) (11). Slade Studio - Woburn Sq. (Bldg: 094) (12). Construction Welfare Site (Bldg: 158) #to Jan 16
TUESDAY Between: 8.00 hrs & 10.00 hrs (EMT) (1). Bedford Way, 26 (Bldg: 085) (2). Chandler House (Bldg: 235) (3). IoN - Wakefield St, 1 (Bldg: 236) (4). 33 Bedford Place (Bldg: 149) (5). IoN - 7 Queen Sq. (Bldg: 307) (6). IoN - 12 Queen Sq. (Bldg: 242)
(7). Alexander House, Queen Sq. (Bldg: 244) (8). Eastman Dental Grays Inn Rd, 123 (Bldg: 347) (9). The Ear Institute Grays Inn Rd(Bldg: 280 & 348) (10). Camley Street 103, (Bldg: 156)
(11). Bidborough House (Bldg: 400) + Sprinkler Alarm Testing (Fire Team not EMT)
WEDNESDAY Between: 8.00 hrs & 10.00 hrs
(1). Christopher Ingold (Chemistry - Bldg: 067) (2). Gordon House, Gordon St, 29 (Bldg: 088) (3a). IoA - Gordon Sq., 31 - 34 (Bldg: 090)** (3b). Anthropology Taviton Street, 14 (Bldg: 090)** (3c). SSEES, Taviton Street, 16 (Bldg: 126)**
(4a). Rubins House**, Tavistock Sq., 29-30 (Bldg: 117) (4b) Tavistock Sq., 31** (Bldg: 399)
(5). Central House (Bldg: 388)
(6). Central House (Bldg: 388) (7). Tavistock Sq., 34 (Bldg: 377) (8). Tavistock Sq., 35 (Bldg: 389)
(9). Bentham** (Bldg: 056) & Hillel House** (Refurb) (10). Taviton Street, 2 (Bldg: 386)
(11). Taviton Street, 3-4 (Bldg: 081)
(12). Wates House, 22 Gordon St (Bldg: 082)(Refurb)
THURSDAY Between: 7.30 hrs - 10.30 hrs (EMT) (1). Engineering, Gower St, 66 - 72 (Bldg: 087) (2) Roberts & Front Eng. Bldg, (Bldg: 045 & 363) + Sprinkler Alarm Testing
(3). Torrington Pl, 33-35 (Bldg: 047)
(4). Malet Place Engineering Bldg (MPEB) (Bldg: 350) (5). Darwin Building (Bldg: 044)
(6). Building 000
(7). Henry Morley Building, South Quad (Bldg: 036) (8). South Quad Pop Up Learning Hub (Bldg: 410) (9). Andrew Huxley Bldg (Bldg: 125)
(10). Main Quad Pavilion (Bldg: 161) (11). Slade (Bldg: 004)
(12). Pearson (Bldg: 003)
(13). 136 Gower St & 23 Gower Pl (Bldg: 048&095)
FRIDAY Between:
(1). Japanese Garden Pavilion (Bldg: 161) (2). Bernard Katz / ACBE Building (Bldg: 050)
(3). Wilkins Terrace & Service Yard (Bldg:392)
(7). Physics Building (Bldg: 006)
(8). Health Centre, Gower Place (Bldg: 100) (9). Kathleen Lonsdale Bldg (KLB) (Bldg: 001)
2.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Main Campus (cont.)
Week Day ofTest
Buildings on the Main Campus (Cont.)
SATURDAY Between 8.00 hrs & 13.30 hrs
(1). 1-19 Torrington Place** (Bldg: 086) + Tottenham Court Rd, 188** (363) + Sprinkler Alarm Testing (2). Rockefeller Boiler Hse, Chenies Mews (Bldg: 375)
(3). Chenies Mews, 86-96 (Bldg: 204)
(4a). Paul O’Gorman Building, 72 Huntley Street (Bldg: 374)##**
(4b). Rockefeller, University Street (Bldg: 201)##**
(4c). Medical School Building, 74 Huntley Street (Bldg: 374)##**
(5). Rayne Institute, University Street (Bldg: 202) ##
(6a). Anatomy Building** (Bldg: 016) (6b). Medical Sciences** (Bldg: 016) (7). Wilkins (Main) Building (Bldg: 005)
(8). South Wing & Chadwick ( Bldg: 012 & 013)** (9). Medawar Building (Bldg: 037)** and (10). MRC Building, South Quad (Bldg: 053)**
(11). CCB - Bloomsbury Theatre Only (Bldg: 009) + Sprinkler Alarm Testing
(12). Charles Bell House (Bldg: 257) (Refurb) (13). Courtauld Building (Bldg: 255) (Refurb)
3.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - IoE Buildings
Week Day ofTest
Inst of Education - Academic Buildings:
MONDAY Between: 8
& 11am (EMT)
(1). Main IoE Building (20 Bedford Way) (1st) (2). Woburn Square, 10, 11 & 15 (Bldg: 163/164/168) (3). Woburn Square, 16 (Bldg: 169) (4). Woburn Square, 18 (Bldg: 171) (5). Woburn Square, 24 to 28 (Bldg: 173) (6). Gordon Square, 55 to 59 (Bldg: 394) (7). Endsleigh Gardens, 9-11 (Bldg: 084) (8). Endsleigh Street,14 (Bldg: 174) (9). Emerald Street (Bldg: 165) Week Day of
Inst of Education - Student Halls & Residences:
TUESDAY Between: 12 Midday & 1pm (Residence Staff)
(1). Woburn Square, 12 (Bldg: 165) (Residence Staff) (2). Woburn Square, 13 (Bldg: 166) (Residence Staff) (3). Woburn Square, 14 (Bldg: 167) (Residence Staff) (4). Woburn Square, 17 (Bldg: 170) (Residence Staff)
4.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - ICH Buildings
Week Day ofTest
Inst of Child Health Buildings:
MONDAYS & TUESDAY between 08.00 - 09:30 am (AEMT))
(1). ICH - Main Building (30 Guildford Street) (Bldg: 237)
(2). ICH - Wellcome Trust Building (30 Guildford Street) (Bldg: 238) (3). ICH - Philip Ullman Wing (30 Guildford Street) (Bldg: 237) (4). ICH - Wolfson Centre, Mecklenburgh Sq. (Bldg: 240) (5). ICH - Great Ormond Street, 43 (Bldg: 306)
Note – timing may be subject to some drift depending on staffing, other duties & emergencies.
5.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - IoN Buildings
Week Day ofTest
Inst of Neurology Buildings:
Various Days & Times:
(1). IoN Main Building (Queen Sq. House) (Bldg: 242)on Tuesday between 08.00 - 09:00 am (Fisk Fire Ltd) (2). IoN Wellcome Centre (12 Queen Sq.) Bldg: 246) on Tuesday see Item 1 (EMT)
(3). IoN Queens Square, 7 (Bldg: 237) on Tuesday see Item 1 (EMT) (4). IoN - 1 Wakefield St (Bldg: 235) on Tuesday see Item 1 (EMT)
(4). Russell Square House, Russell Sq.,10 (Bldg: 404) on Wednesday between 12.00 pm (Landlord) (5). Ormond House (10 Bolsover St.) (Bldg: 306) on TBN (Landlord)
(6). Monomark House (Bldg: 391) on TBN (Landlord)
6.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule - Inst of Ophthalmology
Week Day ofTest
Inst of Ophthalmology (Bath Street):
THURSDAY Between: 07.00 & 7.30am (AEMT) (1). Inst of Ophthalmology (Bldgs: 231/232/234/366/367/368)
7.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Mill Hill
Week Day ofTest
Mill Hill Observatory Buildings:
TUESDAY Between:
8.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Stanmore (IoOrth)
Week Day ofTest
Inst of Orthopaedics Buildings:
MONDAY Between: 09.00 & 10.30am
(1). Stanmore (Woodland Site) (Bldg: 267/268/269)on between 09.00 - 09.30 am (2). Stanmore (BME Site) (Bldg: 270/271/272/273)on between 09.30 - 10.00 am
9.0. Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – School of Pharmacy
Week Day ofTest
School of Pharmacy Buildings:
Various Days & Times:
(1). SoP Brunswick Sq. (Bldg: 131)on Wednesday at 08.00 am (AEMT) (2). SoP Tavistock Sq. (Bldg: 132)on Mondays at 11.00 am (Landlord)
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – PAMELA
Week Day of
PAMELA (Tufnell Park) Buildings:
MONDAY Between: 09.00 & 09.30am
(1). PAMELA (Tufnell Park) (Bldg: 359)
Weekly Fire Alarm Testing Schedule – Cruciform
Week Day of
CRUCIFORM BUILDING, 90 Gower Street (Bldg. 212)
SATURDAY and SUNDAY Between 8.00 hrs - 09.00 hrs