Corporate Trainer, Professional Speaker & Management Consultant
Participant’s Introduction
Professional Experience
Current Role
Course Overview
Service Management – Common Terminologies
Service Strategy
Service Design
Service Transition
Service Operation
Continual Service Improvement
Technology and Architecture
1980: Industries stared using IT as Services 1980: CCTA in UK to study best practices 1989: First Version V1 – 61 books
1999: Second Version V2 – 7 books
-Focus on Service Support and Service Delivery 2001: CCTA merged with OGC
2007: Third Version V3 – Major Structural changes 2011: Forth version ITIL©2011 with additional processes
What is ITIL?
ITIL is a framework
-of best practice techniques
-to facilitate the delivery of high-quality IT Services ITIL outlines
-An exhaustive set of Management Procedures
-to support organizations in achieving both
-Value and Quality in IT Operations ITIL provides a systematic approach
-To the provisioning and management of IT Services
ITIL Philosophy
Capture industry best practice Organization should adopt and adapt No standards!
-Set of guidelines used by organizations worldwide
-Scalable to any size of organization and platform independent
-No organization has to go for certification for ITIL
-ISO/IEC 20000 provides a formal and universal standards for organization seeking to have their service management capabilities audited and certified
-ITIL offers a body of knowledge useful to achieve the standard
Organizations’ dependency on IT service is increasing Higher visibility of failure
More exacting users requirements
ITIL Objectives
Reduce Cost
Improve Availability Tune Capacity Increase Throughput
Optimize resource Utilization Improve Scalability
Alignment of Business & IT
Organization Objective
-Revenue generation $$$, Brand & Reputation, New Markets Core Business Processes
-Retail, Advertisement & MKT, Procurement, Online Stores IT Service Organization
-Website, Email, Online Store, HW, SW, ERP etc. IT Service Management
-Ensures that IT Service Provisions are as per what is needed, available when needed and are with right cost and time
IT Service Management (ITSM)
-The effective and efficient, process driven management of quality IT Services
What is the value add?
-ITSM is business aligned and has a holistic Service Lifecycle approach
Service Management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing values in the form of services
ITIL V3/2011 Core
Foundation Course
Fundamental Understanding
IT Service Management IT Infrastructure Capabilities Processes Functions Best Practices Good Practices Role & RACI ModelIT Infrastructure
Hardware Components-Desktops, Servers, Networks, I/O Devices etc.
Software Components
-OS, DB, Mail, App’s, Tools etc.
Service Management Overview
Service Management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities which take the form of:
The core of service management is the act of transforming resources into valuable services, providing value to its customers in the form of services
These organizational capabilities are functions and processes for managing services throughout lifecycle
Process is a structured set of activities designed to accomplish a specific objective
Takes one or more inputs and tern them into defined outputs
It includes all of the
-Roles & responsibilities
-Management Control
Process are closed-loop systems
-Provide change and transformation towards a goal
-Use feedback for self-reinforcing and self-corrective action Processes become strategic assets when they create
competitive advantage and market differentiation
Process Characteristics
-Process is performance driven and measurable on the aspect of cost effectiveness, cycle time and productivity
Specific Results
Process Elements
To manage and control the process to get desire outcome they need to be monitored and measured
Care must be taken on what to measure and how Measurement will impact behavior – so if you measure wrong parameter or record correct parameter wrong, it would result into wrong behavior
Only the metrics that encourage movement towards business objective should be used
Metrics Types
-Milestones and deliverables in the capability of the process Compliance
-Compliance of the process to governance requirements, regulatory requirements and compliance of people to the use of the process
-The accuracy and correctness of the process and its ability to deliver the ‘right-result’
-Productivity, speed, throughput & resource utilization
The Process Model
A process model enables understanding and helps to articulate the distinctive features of a process
Process control can be defined as the activity of planning and regulating a process, with the objective of performing a process in an effective, efficient and consistent manner Processes should be defined, documented and controlled.
Process – Example
-Bake a Cake
-Ingredients like Milk, Sugar, Chocolate, Eggs, Flour etc.
Activity or Interrelated Activities
-Mixing ingredients, pre-heat the oven, back, decorate
-How much, how long, what temperature etc.
Guidelines / Norms
-Recipe Guidelines
!!! CAKE !!!
Functions are units of organizations
-Specialized to perform certain type of work -Responsible for specific outcomes
Functions are:
-Self contained entries
-Provide structure to the organization -Define roles and associate responsibility -Leads to specialization and optimization
Best Practice
Best Practice is a set of guidelines based on the best experiences of the most qualified and experienced professionals in the particular field
Best Practice is based on:
-More than one person
-More than one organization
-More than one technology
-More than one event
Why Best Practice
It provides a starting point
It presents guidelines, not regulations It promotes internal direction
Good Practices
Good practices: Practices that are widely used in industry by companies getting good results
Reason to adopt good practices:
-Dynamic environments
-Performance Pressure
Benefits: They help organizations benchmark themselves against peers in the same and global markets to close gaps in capabilities
Sources: Public frameworks, standards, proprietary knowledge of individuals and organizations, community practices etc.
Service is:
-A means of delivering value to customer by
-Facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve
-Without the ownership of specific costs and risks Service can be made up of hardware, software and communication components, but is perceived as a self-contained, coherent activity
Service & Customer Satisfaction
-The satisfaction comes after usage Service:
-The satisfaction happens while it is being consumed
Process Owner Vs. Service Owner
Process Owner:
-A process owner is responsible for ensuring that the process is fit for the desired purpose and is
-Accountable for the output of that process Service Owner:
Service Owner
Acts as a primary customer contact for all service related enquiries and issues
Ensure that ongoing service delivery meet agreed customer requirements
Identify opportunities for service improvement and take actions
Liaise with required process owners throughout the service management life cycle
Accountable for the delivery of the service
Process Owner
Defines the process strategy Assist in the process design
Ensures that the process document is available and updated
Define policies and standards to be employed through out the process
Audit the process to ensure compliance to policy and standard
Review the process strategy and change it if required Provide process resource
A set of responsibilities, activities and authorities granted to a person or team
One person or team may have multiple roles
RACI Model
Responsible (the “Doer”)
-The individual(s) who actually completes the task Accountable (the “Manager”)
-The individual who is ultimately responsible
-Only 1 person can be accountable for each task
Service Strategy
1. Service Portfolio Mgt 2. Finance Management 3. Demand ManagementWhat is Strategic?
How services provide differentiated Value Being lower-cost provider is not sufficient You also should give strategic advantage
Goals and Objectives of SS
Goal is to help service providers to:-Operate and grow successfully in the long-term
-Provide the ability to think and act in a strategic manner
Objectives are:
-To provide direction for
Business Values of SS
Sets clear direction for everyone for quicker decision making thereby improving business efficiency
Helps service organization to prioritize investments to get planned returns
Helps building strategic assets which add value to business
Guides entire SD, ST & SO in a coherent manner for effective service operations
Service Provider and Types
Service Provider:
-An organization supplying services to one or more Internal or External Customers
Types of business models or service providers
-Type I – Internal Service Provider -Type II – Shared Services Unit -Type III – External Service Provider
Different sourcing approaches
In sourcing: Utilizing internal resources
Co-sourcing: Often a combination of in & out sourcing Partnership: Strategic partnership
Outsourcing: Utilizing external organization resources
-Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Entire business process or function is outsourced
-Application Service Provision (ASP): Application on demand -Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO): Domain-based
processes and business expertise
Business Case
Business case is a decision support and planning tool that projects the likely consequences of business action.
A financial analysis is frequently at the central of a good business case
Business Case
Risk is defined as uncertainty of outcome, whether positive opportunity or negative threat
Managing to risk requires the identification and control of the exposure to risk, which may have an impact on the achievement of an organization’s business objectives.
Service Strategy - Overview
What services should be offered and to whom?
How the internal and external market places for these services should be developed
What you do and how you do, will it differentiate you from the existing and potential competition in these market
Service Strategy - Overview
How customer will make service sourcing decisions with respect to use of different types of service providers How visibility and control over value creation will be achieved through financial management?
How the robust business case will be created to secure strategic investment in service assets and service management capabilities
How the allocation of available resources will be tuned to optimal effect?
How service performance will be measured?
Service Assets used for value creation
Key Processes in SS
Strategic Management of IT Services Service Portfolio Management Demand Management
Strategy Management of IT Services
-To access the service provider’s offerings, capabilities, competitors and well as current and potential market places in order to develop a strategy to serve customers
-Once the strategy has been defined, Strategy Management for IT Services is also responsible for ensuring the
implementation of the strategy
Service Portfolio
The Service Portfolio is the complete set of services that is managed by a Service Provider
Manages the entire Lifecycle of all services and includes three categories:
-Service Pipeline (Proposed on in development)
-Service Catalog (Live or available for development)
-Retired Services
Acts as the basis of a decision framework because it allows the management to compare and contrast various ideas so that the most viable and valuable can be further
Service Portfolio
Designed in SD but owned and managed in SS Focuses on:
-Why should the customer buy these services -Why should they buy these services from you -What are the pricing and chargeback models
-What are my strength, weaknesses, priorities and risks -How should my resources and capabilities are allocated
SPM – Goals
-To manage Service Portfolio by considering services in terms of the business value they provide
-Define: Inventory services, ensure business case and validate portfolio data
-Analyze: maximize portfolio value, align and prioritize and balance supply vs. demand
-Approve: finalize process portfolio,
SPM – Objective
-Ensure Business Case & Validate
Portfolio Data
-Maximize Portfolio Value
-Align & prioritize and balance supply
vs. demand
-Finalize process portfolio
-Authorize services & resources
-Communicate decision
Demand Management – Goal
-Understand and influence Customer demand for Services and provide capacity to meet these demands
Please note:
-At a Strategic level Demand Management can involve analysis of Patterns of Business Activity and User Profiles -At a Tactical level it can involve use of Differential Charging
to encourage Customers to use IT services at less busy times
-It is very closely linked to capacity management
Demand Management – Concept
Consumption produce demands and production consumes demand in highly synchronized pattern. Unlike products, services can not be produced in advance and stocked ready for consumption
Service Strategy Processes - DM
Business Processes are the primary source of demand for services. Patterns of business activity influences the demand pattern seen by service providers
Where there is capacity plan in place, this increase in demand will have been foreseen, and so created for when planning the services
Different users and business units will have different requirements on the services. Part of the role of Demand Management is to understand these patterns and profiles Once these patterns have been understood, different Service Level Packages (SLPs) can be compiled to meet the different needs of each users
Finance Management
Important Concepts:
-Budgeting – Total budget after planning
-Accounting – Actual expense tracking and its accounting -Reporting – Providing reports and P&L to top authorities -Charging
Business Relationship Management
-Establish a strong business relationship with the customer by understanding the customers business and their customer’s outcomes
SS – Key Roles and Responsibility
Business Relationship Manager (BRM)
-Establish a strong business relationship with the customer by understanding the customers business and their
customer’s outcomes. BRM works closely with the Product Managers to negotiate productive capacity on behalf of customers
Product Manager (PM)
-Takes responsibility for developing and managing services across the life-cycle, and have responsibilities for
productive capacity, service pipeline and the services, solutions and packages that are presented in the service catalogues
SS – Key Roles and Responsibility
Chief Sourcing Officer (CSO)
-Is a champion of the sourcing strategy within the organization, responsible for leading and directing the sourcing office and development of the sourcing strategy in close conjunction with the CIO
SS – Roles
Director of Service Management Contract Manager
Product Manager Process Owner
Business Representative
Service Design
1. Service Catalogue Mgt 2. Service Level Mgt 3. Capacity Mgt 4. Availability Mgt 5. Service Continuity Mgt 6. Information Security Mgt 7. Supplier MgtService Design
Objective:-Design services to satisfy business objectives, based on the quality, compliance, risk and security requirements
-Delivering more effective and efficient IT Services
-Coordinating all design activities for IT services to ensure consistency and business focus
The 4Ps of Design
-People, skills and competencies involved in provisioning of IT services
Product / Technology:
-The technology and management system used in the delivery of IT services
-The processes, roles and activities involved in the provision of IT services
Partner / Supplier:
-The vendors, manufacturers and suppliers used to assist and support IT service provision
Five major areas of Service Design
Design of:
-New or changed service – A Solution
-Service Management systems and tools, especially the Service Portfolio, including the Service Catalogue -Technology Architecture
Service Design Package
Service Design Package (SDP) is a document defining all aspects of an IT service and its requirement through each stage of its lifecycle
SDP is produced for each new IT Service, Major change or IT Service Requirement
Service Level Management – Goals
The goal is to ensure:
-An agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT Services
-Future services are delivered to agreed achievable targets -Proactive measures are taken to seek and implement
Service Level Management – Basic Concepts
SLA – Service Level Agreement OLA – Operational Level Agreement UC – Underpinning Contract
SLR – Service Level Requirements SLAM Chart – SLA Monitoring Chart
-RAG / Red Amber Green Chart
Service Level Agreement
An agreement between an IT Service Provider and a Customer
The SLA describes the IT service, documents Service Level Targets, and specifies the responsibilities of the IT Service Providers and the Customer
Operational Level Agreement
An agreement between an IT Service Provider and another part of the same Organization
An OLA supports the IT Service Provider’s delivery of IT Services to Customer
OLA defines the goods or services to be provided along with the responsibilities of both parties Examples
-Service Provider, Procurement Dept. to obtain HW on time -Service Desk, Support Team for incident resolution on time
Underpinning Contract
Contract between an IT Service Provider and a Third Party Provider
The Third Party Providers gives goods or services that support delivery of an IT service to a Customer
Define targets and responsibilities that are required to meet agreed Service Level Targets committed in SLA Enforceable at LAW
Service Level Management – Objective
The objectives are:
-Define, document, agree, monitor, measure, report and review the level of IT services provided
-Provide and improve the relationship and communication with the business and customers
-Ensure that specific and measurable targets are developed for all IT services
-Monitor and improve customer satisfaction with the quality of service delivered
-Ensure that IT and the customers have a clear and unambiguous expectation of the level of service to be delivered
-Ensure that proactive measures to improve the levels of service delivered are implemented wherever it is cost-justifiable to do so
Service Level Management – Definitions
Service Catalogue (SC)
-List of all IT services provided which can come into scope for SLAs. Also lists users of the service and their
SLA – Framework
Service-based SLA
-This is where an SLA covers one service, for all customers of that service
-Example: An SLA may be established for an organization’s Premium Internet Service covering all the customers of that service
-This is more common where common levels of service are provided across all areas of the business, such as e-mail or telephony, the service-based SLA can be an efficient approach to use
SLA – Framework
Customer-based SLA
-This is an agreement with an individual customer group, covering all the services they use
-Example: Agreement with the finance department to maintain the finance system, the accounting system, they payroll system, the procurement system or any other IT systems that they use
-Customer always prefer such type of agreements, as all of their requirements are covered in a single document -Single Document which simplifies the issue
SLA – Framework
Multi-level SLAs
-SLA at the multiple layers of the organization
-Corporate Level – Covering all the generic SLM issues appropriate to every customer throughout the
organization. These issues are likely to be less volatile, so updates are less frequently required
-Customer Level – covering all SLM issues relevant to the particular customer group or business unit, regardless of the service being used
-Service Level – covering all SLM issues relevant to specific service, in relation to a specific customer group
SLAM Chart / RAG Chart
Service Level Management – KPIs
Percentage reduction in ‘SLA targets missed’ Percentage reduction in ‘SLA targets threatened’ Percentage increase in customer perception and satisfaction of SLA achievements, via service reviews and Customer Satisfaction Survey responses
Percentage reduction in SLA breaches caused because of third-party support contracts (unpinning contracts) & internal Operational Level Agreements (OLA)
Service Level Management – Challenges
Identifying suitable customer representatives with whom to negotiate
A lack of accurate input, involvement and commitment from the business and customers
The tools and resources required to agree, document, monitor, report and review agreements and service levels
The process becomes a bureaucratic, administrative process rather than an active and proactive process delivering measurable benefit to the business
Determine, document and agree requirements for new services and produce the SLRs
Monitor Service Performance against SLA
Collate, Measure and Improve Customer Satisfaction Provide Service Reports
Service Catalog Management
The Goal is to ensure:
-That a Service Catalogue is produced and maintained -It contains accurate information on all operational and
planned services
The Objectives are:
-Manage the information contained within the Service Catalogue
-Ensure accuracy in current details, status, interfaces and dependencies for all services in scope (Scope: All services that are being transitioned or have been transitioned)
Catalog Manager’s Activities
Ensuring that all operational services and all services being prepared for operational running are recorded within the Service Catalogue
Ensuring that all the information within the Service Catalogue is accurate and up-to-date
Ensuring that all the information within the Service catalogue is consistent with the information within the Service Portfolio
Ensuring that the information within the Service Catalogue is adequately protected and backed up
Service Catalog – Business & Technical
Service Catalog
Business Service Catalogue:
-Details of all the IT services from customers perspective -Relationships to the BU and Business Processes
-Customer’s view of the Service Catalogue
Capacity Management – Goal & Scope
Goal is to ensure that:
-Cost-justifiable IT Capacity is matched to the current and future agreed needs of the business in a timely manner
-IT Services -IT Components -Resources
Capacity Management – Objectives
Produce and maintain an appropriate and up-to-date Capacity Plan, which reflects the current and future needs of the business
Provide advice and guidance to all other areas of the business and IT on all capacity and performance related issues
Ensure that service performance achievements meet or exceed all of their agreed performance targets, by managing the performance and capacity of both services and resources
Capacity Management – Objectives
Assist with the diagnosis and resolution of performance and capacity related incidents and problems
Assess the impact of all changes to the Capacity Plan and the performance and capacity of all services and resources
Ensure that proactive measures to improve the
performance of services are implemented wherever it is cost-justifiable to do so
Capacity Management – Concept
Balancing costs against resources need Balancing supply against demand Sub-processes
-Business Capacity Management
Business Capacity Management
Translates business needs an plans into
-Requirement of IT Service -IT Infrastructure
And ensure that future business requirements
-Designed, Planned and Implemented in timely manner
Service Capacity Management
Focuses on
-Management, control and the prediction of the end-to-end performance and capacity of the live, operational IT
services usage and workload
And ensure that performance of all services
-is monitored and measures as defined in SLAs and SLRs -Data is collected, recorded, analyzed and reported
Component Capacity Management
Focuses on
-Management, control and the prediction of the performance, utilization and capacity of individual IT Technology Component
And ensure that all components with finite resources
-Are monitored and measured
-Data is collected, recorded, analyzed and reported
Capacity Management - Responsibilities
For IT Services and IT Components
-Ensuring adequate IT capacity to meet required levels of services
-Identifying capacity requirements of business
-Understanding current usage profile and the maximum capacity
Capacity Management Process
What is Availability
Availability of Configuration Item or IT Service to perform its agreed function when required Note:
-Availability is determined by Reliability, Resilience, Maintainability, Serviceability, Performance and Security -Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This
calculation is often based on Agreed Service Time and Downtime
-It is good practice to calculate availability using
Some Definitions
-A measure of how long a service, component or CI can perform its agreed function without interruption
-Refers to the ability of an IT service or component to remain functional when one or more components are failed
-A measure of how quickly and effectively a service, a component or a CI can be restored to normal working after a failure
-The ability of a third party supplier to meet the terms of their contracts
Availability Management – Objectives
Produce and maintain Availability Plan reflecting current and future needsProvide advice and guidance on all availability-related issues
Availability Management – Activities
Ensuring that all existing services deliver the levels of availability agreed with the business in SLAsEnsuring that all new services are designed to deliver the levels of availability required by the business and validation of the final design to meet the minimum levels of
availability as agreed by the business for IT services Assisting with the investigation and diagnosis of all incidents and problems that causes availability issues or unavailability of service or component
Participating in IT infrastructure design, including
specifying the availability requirements for hardware and software
IT Service Continuity Management
Goal is to:
-Support the overall Business Continuity Management plan
-Services, computer systems, networks, applications, data repositories, telecommunication, environment, technical support and Service Desk
ITSCM – Objectives
Objectives are ensuring that:
-Required IT technical and service facilities can be resumed -Within required and agreed business timescales
-Following a major disruption
Business Impact Analysis
The purpose is:
-To quantify the impact loss of IT service would have on the business.
ITSCM - Responsibilities
Performing Business Impact Analysis for all existing and new services
Implementing and maintaining the ITSCM process, in accordance with the overall requirements of the
organization’s Business Continuity Management process and
Representing the IT services function within the Business Continuity Management process
Ensuring ITSCM plans, risks and activities are capable of meeting the agreed targets under all circumstances
Performing risk assessment and risk management to avert disasters where practical
Information Security Management
Goal of ISM is to:
-Align IT security with business security and
-Ensure that information security is effectively managed in all service and Service Management activities
-Should cover use and misuse of all IT systems and services for all IT security issues
Information Security Management
The Objective of information security is to:
-Protect the interests of those relying on -Information, systems and communications
From harm resulting from failures of
ISM – Concepts – Security Policy
The overall Information Security Policy Use and misuse of IT assets policy An access control policy
A password control policy
An e-mail / internet / anti-virus policy An information classification policy A remote access policy
Supplier access of IT services & component An asset disposal policy
ISM – Responsibilities
Developing and maintaining the Information Security Policy and a supporting set of specific policies
Ensuring appropriate authorization, commitment and endorsement from senior IT and business management Communicating and publicizing the Information Security Policy to all appropriate parties
Ensuring that the Information Security Policy is enforced and adhered to
Identifying and classifying IT and information assets (Configuration Items) and the level of control and protection required
ISM – Key Activities
Production, review and revision of an overall Information Security Policy and a set of supporting policies
Communication, implementation and enforcement of the security policies
Assessment and classification of all information assets and documentation
Implementation, review, revision and improvement of a set of security controls and risk assessment and responses
ISM – Key Activities
Monitoring and management of all security breaches and major security incidents
Analysis, reporting and reduction of the volumes and impact of security breaches and incidents
A Third Party responsible for supplying goods or services that are required to deliver IT Services
-Commodity hardware and software vendors
-Network and telecom providers
-Outsourcing Organizations
Signing a contract is must. These contracts are known as Underpinning Contracts (UC)
Supplier Management – Goal and Scope
-To manage suppliers and the services they supply, to provide seamless quality of IT service to the business, ensuring value for money is obtained
-Should include the management of all suppliers and contracts needed to support the provision of IT services to the business
Supplier Management – Concepts,Terms
Supplier and Contract Database (SCD):
-Holds the information needed by all sub-processes within Supplier Management
-Legally binding agreement between two parties Supplier Categorization:
-The amount of time and effort spent managing the supplier and the relationship can then be appropriate to its
Foundation Course
Service Transition
1. Change Management
2. Service Asset & Configuration Mgt 3. Release and Deployment Mgt 4. Transition Planning and Support 5. Service Validation and Testing 6. Evaluation
Service Transition
The ultimate goal of the Service Transition Lifecycle is to assist organizations seeking to plan and manage service changes and deploy service releases into the production environment successfully
Goals of Service Transition
Set customer expectations on how the performance and use of the new or changed service
Enable the business change project or customer
Reduce variations in the predicted and actual performance Ensure that the service can be used in accordance with the
Scope of Service Transition
Managing the complexity associated with changes to services and Service Management processes
Allowing for innovation while minimizing the unintended consequences of change
The introduction of new services
Changes to existing services, e.g. expansion, reduction, change of supplier, acquisition or disposal of section of user base or suppliers, change of requirement or skills availability
Decommissioning and discontinuation of services, applications or other service components
Transfer of services
Principles of Service Transition
Define and implement a formal policy for Changes through Service Transition
Maximize re-use of established processes and systems Align Service Transition plans with the business needs Establish and maintain relationships with stakeholders with effective controls
Provide systems for knowledge transfer and decision support
Principles of Service Transition
Anticipate and manage course corrections
Proactively manage resources across Service Transition Ensure early involvement in the service lifecycle Assure the quality of the new or changed service Proactively improve quality during Service Transition
Service Transition Processes
Transition Planning and Support Change Management
Service, Asset and Configuration Management Release and Deployment Management
Service Transition Processes
Transition Planning and Support Change Management
Service, Asset and Configuration Management Release and Deployment Management
Service Validation and Testing Evaluation
Knowledge Management
Transition Planning and Support
-Plan and coordinate the resources to ensure that the requirements of Service Strategy encoded in Service Design and effectively realized in Service Operation
-Identify, manage and control the risks of failure and disruption across transition activities
Transition Planning and Support
-Service Design Package is created in collaboration with customers, external and internal suppliers and other relevant stakeholders
-This SDP is designed and developed in the Service Design Phase and passed on to Service Transition Phase so it can be passed on to Business / Service Operation
Service Transition Activities
Transition Strategy
Prepare for Service Transition
Planning an Individual Service Transition Integrated Planning
Service Change
The addition, modification or removal of authorized, planned or supported service or service component and its associated documentation
The Service Portfolio provides a clear definition of all current, planned and retired services
Understanding the Service Portfolio helps all parties involved in the Service Transition to understand the potential impact of the new or changed service on current services and other new or changed services
Change Management – Purpose, Goal
Goals are to:
-Respond to the customer’s changing business requirements while maximizing value and reducing incidents, disruption and re-work
-Respond to the business and IT requests for change that will align the services with the business needs
-Standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all changes
-All changes to service assets and configuration items are recorded in the Configuration Management System
Change Management – Objectives
Objective of ChM Process is:
-To ensure that changes are recorded and then evaluated, authorized, prioritized, planned, tested, implemented, documented and reviewed in a controlled manner Change authority:
-Formal authorization is obtained for each Change from a Change authority that may be a role, person, or group of people
Request for Change (RFC)
RFC is:
-A formal communication seeking an alteration to one or more configuration items (CI)
CI is:
-Any component that is managed through formal control of Change Management
Change Types
Change Types are: Standard and Emergency Standard Change
-A change to a service or infrastructure for which the
approach is pre-authorized by Change Management that has an accepted and established procedure to provide a specific change requirement
-Example: upgrade of a PC to use pre-budgeted S/W or Desktop move for a single user
Change Types
Emergency Change
-A change that must be introduced ASAP
-Emergency change is the highest priority change that can be defined in an organization
-Emergency change needs to be evaluated, assessed and either approved or rejected in short space of time
7R’s of Change Management
Impact Assessment
-Who RAISED the change?
-What is the REASON for the change?
-What is the RETURN required from the change?
-What are the RISKS involved in the change?
-What RESOURCES are required to deliver the change?
-Who is RESPONSIBLE for the build, test and implementation of the change?
-What is the RELATIONSHIP between this change and other changes?
Change Manager - Role
Role of Change Manager:
-Receive, record, prioritize, categorize the RFC
-Evaluate RFC
-Select CAB members and coordinate CAB/ECAB meeting
-Assess authorize and schedule changes
-Review changes to have met their objectives
-Analyze the change trends
Change Management Process - Board
Change Advisory Board (CAB)
-CAB is a body that exists to advise the change manager
-About the decisions on change and
-To assists change management in the assessment and prioritization of changes
-It should comprise of Change Manager, User Manager, Developers, Technical Consultants, Third Party Representative
-Change Manager normally chairs the CAB activity
-E-CAB: A subset of a CAB members designed to be convened in for decision making in case if urgent / emergency changes
Change Management – KPIs
Top five indicators
-Unauthorized changes (Above zero is unacceptable)
-Unplanned outage
-A Change Success Rate
-Number of Emergency Changes
-Project Implemented on Time / Delayed by how much
Change Management – Benefits
Prioritizing and responding to change requests Reducing failed changes to service disruption Delivering change promptlyTracking changes through the Service Life Cycle, contributing to better estimation of the quality, time and cost of change
Service Asset & Configuration Mgmt. - Goal
The goals are to:-Support the business and customer’s control objectives and requirements
-Support Service Management processes by providing
accurate configuration information to enable people to make decisions
-Minimize the number of quality and compliance issues
-Optimize the service assets, IT configurations, capabilities and resources
SACM – Objective & Scope
-To define and control the components of services and infrastructure and maintain accurate configuration
information on the historical, planned and current state of the services and infrastructure
-It covers service assets across the whole service lifecycle
-It provides a complete inventory of assets and who is responsible for their control
Configuration Item (CI)
A configuration item (CI) is an asset, service component or other item that is, or will be under the control of Service Asset & Configuration Management
-Entire / Partial IT Service
-Hardware / Software
-Documentation / Technical / SLA
-People / Staff
Configuration Management System
A set of tools and databases that are used to manage an IT Service Provider’s Configuration data
The CMS also includes information about Incidents, Problems, Known Errors, Change and Releases; and may contain data about Employees, Suppliers, Locations, Business Units, Customers and Users
Definitive Media Library (DML)
One or more location in which the definitive and approved versions of all software Configuration Items are securely stored The DML may also contain associated CIs such as licenses and documentation
The DML is a single logical storage area even if there are multiple locations
All software in the DML is under the control of Change and Release Management and is recorded in the Configuration Management System
Only software from the DML is acceptable for use in a Release
ChM and SACM Roles
Service Asset Manager Configuration Manager Configuration Analyst
Configuration Administrator / Librarian CMS / Tools Administrator
Change Manager CAB and ECAB
Release & Deployment Management - Goal
Release and Deployment Management aims tobuild, test and deliver the capability
to provide the services specified by Service Design and that will accomplish the stakeholders’ requirements and deliver the intended objectives
Release & Deployment Management - Goal
The goal of Release and Deployment Management is to Deploy releases into production andEstablish effective use of the service in order to Deliver value to the customer and
Release Unit
Components of an IT Service that are normally released together
A Release Unit typically includes sufficient Components to perform a useful function
Example unit 1: Release Unit could be Desktop PC, including Hardware, Software, Licenses, Documentation Example unit 2: Release Unit could be a complete Payroll Application, including IT Operation Procedure and User Manual
RDM – Objectives
To ensure clear and comprehensive plans are in place To build, install and deploy release package
To ensure the new or changed services are capable of delivering the agreed requirements w.r.t. utilities, warranties and service levels
To minimize the unpredicted impact and operations To ensure customer, user and SM staff are satisfied with the output like user documentation and training
RDM – Scope
The scope of RDM includes
The processes, systems and functions to package, build, test and deploy a release into production and establish the service specified in the Service Design package before final handover to service operation
RDM – Approaches
Big Bang Vs Phased Push and Pull
Automation Vs. Manual
V Model
Knowledge Management
-To enable organization to improve the quality of management decisions by ensuring that reliable and secure information and data is available through the Service Lifecycle
Service Knowledge Mgmt. System
A set of tools and databases that are used to manage knowledge and information
The SKMS includes the Configuration Management System as well as other tools and databases
DIKW Structure
Knowledge Management is typically displayed within the Data – Information – Knowledge – Wisdom structure:
-Data is a set of discrete facts about events
-Information comes from providing context to data by asking question on the data
-Knowledge is composed of the concepts, tacit experiences, ideas, insights, values and judgments of individuals
-Wisdom gives an ultimate discernment of the material and guides a person in the application of knowledge
Foundation Course
Service Operation
1. Event Management 2. Incident Management 3. Request Fulfillment 4. Problem Management 5. Access ManagementGoals of Service Operations
Coordinate and carry out the IT operational activities Work on processes required to deliver and manage services at agreed levels
Manage the technology that is used to deliver and support services
Service Operations
Business Value:
-Balance between cost Vs. quality -Clearer and improved communication -IT operational health management
Balances in Service Operations
IT Services versus Technology components Stability versus Responsiveness
Quality of Services versus Cost of Service Reactive versus Proactive
Service Operations Processes
Event Management Incident Management Request Management Problem Management Access ManagementEvent Management - Scope, Goals & Obj.
Provide basis for operational monitoring and control by detecting events, make sense of them and determine the appropriate control actionProvides the entry point for the execution of Service Operation processes and activities
Event Management – Basic Concepts
An event can be defined as any detectable or discernible occurrence
-That has significance for the management of the IT Infrastructure or the delivery of IT service
Please Note:
-Events are typically notifications created by an IT service, CI or monitoring tool
-Events that signify regular operation
-Event that signify an exception
-Event that signify unusual, but not exceptional operation
A warning that a threshold has been reached, something has changed, or a Failure has occurred
Alters are often created and managed by System Management tools and are managed by the Event Management Processes
An unplanned interruption to an IT Service or a reduction in the Quality of an IT Service
Failure of a Configuration Item that has not yet impacted service is also an Incident
Example: Failure of one disk from a mirror set
Incident Management – Scope & Obj.
-Restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact on business operations, thus ensuring that the best possible levels of Service quality and availability are maintained
Incident Management – Concepts
Incident Model:
-Steps taken to handle the incident
-The chronological order in which the steps should be taken
-Responsibilities, who should do what
-Timescale and Threshold for completion of the actions
-Escalation Procedures, who should be contacted and when
-Any necessary evidence preservation activities (this is relevant for security and capacity related incidents)
Incident Management – Concepts
Major Incidents:
-A separate procedure
-With shorter timescale and greater urgency
Impact, Urgency and Priority
ImpactHigh Medium Low High critical -1 < 1 hour high -2 < 8 hours medium -3 < 24 hours Medium high -2 < 8 hours medium -3 < 24 hours low -4 < 48 hours Low medium -3 < 24 hours low -4 < 48 hours Planning/ planned Urge n c y
Priority = Impact X Urgency
Incident Management – Process
From Event Mgmt From Web Interface User Phone call
Incident Identification
Email – Technical Staff
Incident logging Incident Categorization Incident Prioritization Major Incident Service Request Major Incident Procedure To Request Fulfillment Y N Y N
Incident Management – Challenges
The ability to detect incidents as early as possible Convincing all users that all incidents must be logged Availability of information of problems and known errors Integration into the CMS
Integration into the SLM process
Incident Management – KPI
Breakdown of incidents at each stage Size of current incident backlog
Number and percentage of Major Incidents
Mean elapsed time to achieve incident resolution or circumvention, broken down by impact code
Percentage of incidents handled within agreed response time
Service Request
A request from a user for information, or advice, or for a Standard Change or for Access to an IT Service
For example to reset a password, or to provide standard IT service to a new user
Service Request are usually handled by a Service Desk, and do not require a RFC to be submitted
Request Fulfillment
To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard services for which a pre-defined approval and qualification process exists
To provide information to users and customers about the availability of services and the procedure for obtaining them
Request Fulfillment – Basic Concepts
Service Requests will usually be satisfied by implementing a Standard Change (frequent changes, low risk, low cost) The ownership of Service Requests resides with the Service Desk, which monitors, escalates, dispatches and often fulfils the user requests
Pre-defined Request Models which typically include some form of pre-approval by Change Management
Unknown underlying cause of one or more Incidents The cause is not usually known at the time of a Problem Record is created, and the Problem Management Process is responsible for further investigation
Reducing or eliminating the Impact of an Incident or Problem for which a full Resolution is not yet available For example by restarting a failed Configuration Item Workarounds for Problems are documented in Known Error Records
Workarounds for Incidents that do not have associated Problem Records are documented in the Incident Record
Problem Management – Goal
Goal is:
-To prevent problems and resulting incidents from happening, to eliminate recurring incidents and to minimize the impact of incidents that can not be prevented
Problem Management – Goal
Goal is:
-To prevent problems and resulting incidents from happening
-To eliminate recurring incidents and
-To minimize the impact of incidents that can’t be prevented
Problem Management – Activities
Proactive Problem Management:
-Initiated in Service Operation, but
-Generally driven as a part of Continual Service Improvement Reactive Problem Management:
Foundation Course
Continual Service Improvement
Primary purpose is to align and realign IT services to the changing business needs by identifying necessary improvements
-Review, analyze and make recommendations on improvement opportunities
CSI and Service Lifecycle
CSI Register
Used to record all improvement opportunities Categorized into
-Large/Medium/Small, Quick/Medium Term/Long Term Potential Benefits
Foundation Course
Major Service Management Functions
TMF – Technical Management Function
-Custodian of technical knowledge and expertise related to managing the IT
AMF – Application Management Function
-Custodian of technical knowledge and expertise related to managing the Applications
-Can overlap with Application Development ITOMF – IT Operations Management Function
-Responsible for the daily operational activities needed to manage the IT infrastructures
Major Service Management Functions
SDF – Service Desk Function
-SPOC –Single Point of Contact
-Focuses on service restoration
Centralized Service Desk
Foundation Course