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Clark University Worcester, MA M.A. Simmons College, Graduate School of Management. Boston, MA


Academic year: 2021

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Professor of Management 950 Main Street Clark University Worcester, MA 01610

Graduate School of Management e-mail: [email protected]


1991 D.B.A. Boston University. Boston, MA

1982 M.A. Simmons College, Graduate School of Management. Boston, MA


1990 - Present Clark University, Graduate School of Management. Worcester, MA

2001 - present: Professor 1996 - 2001: Associate Professor 1990 - 1996: Assistant Professor

1986 - 1990 Simmons College, Graduate School for Health Studies. Boston, MA

1989 - 1990: Assistant Professor in Health Care Administration

1986 - 1988: Adjunct Instructor in Health Care Administration

1971 - 1985 Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Boston, MA 1983 - 1985: Executive Vice President

1981 - 1983: Associate General Director 1979 - 1981: Assistant Administrator

1971 - 1979: Various administrative positions

1964 - 1969 Volkswagen of America, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, NJ

1957 - 1963 Olympia International. Wilhelmshaven, Germany


1998 - 2005 Brandeis University. Waltham, MA Adjunct Professor of Women's Studies

1999 - 2003 Co-Editor, Health Care Management Review. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Inc., publisher

1975 Aide to Special Committee of State Rate Setting Commission, Blue Cross of Massachusetts, and Massachusetts Hospital Association to study alternative reimbursement mechanisms for hospitals in Massachusetts

1972 Member of project team to evaluate the District of Columbia General Hospital and report to the Commission on the



Arndt, M. 2013. The first men in leadership positions in the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Nursing Forum. Forthcoming

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2011. The Role of Mission, Organizational Culture, and Cultural Competency in Furthering the Development of Health Care

Organizations: A Commentary. Advances in Health Care Management, 10:69-74

Arndt, M. 2010. Education and the masculinization of hospital administration. Journal of Management History. 16(1):75-89

Arndt, M. 2009. Changing the social identity of hospital administration. Nursing Forum. 44(2):129-143

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2009. Evidence-based management in health care

organizations: A cautionary note. Health Care Management Review. 34(3):206-213

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2009. Evidence-based management in health care organizations: A cautionary note. Response to commentaries. Health Care Management Review. 34(3)

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2007. Hospital administration in the early 1900s: Visions for the future and the reality of daily practice. Journal of

Healthcare Management 52(1):34-37

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2007. Self-interest and opportunism in the hospital industry: A historical perspective. Advances in Health Care Management vol. 6. (J.D. Blair, M.D. Fottler, E.W. Ford, and G.T. Payne, eds). Elsevier/JAI

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2006. Towards the creation of an institutional logic for the management of hospitals: Efficiency in the early nineteen hundreds. Medical Care Research and Review 63(3):369-394

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2005. Professionalizing and masculinizing a female occupation: The reconceptualization of hospital administration. Administrative Science Quarterly. 5O:233-261

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2005. Transformational change in health care: Changing the question. Hospital Topics 83(2):19-26

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2003. Teaching evidence-based management: Where do we go from here? The Journal of Health Administration Education. 20(4):305-312

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2000. Presenting structural innovation in an institutional environment: Hospitals' use of impression management. Administrative Science Quarterly. 45(3):494-522

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2000. The transfer of business practices into hospitals: History and implications. Advances in Health Care Management. JAI Press, Inc. vol. 1:339-368

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2000. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Health Care Management Review. 25(1):65-72

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2000. Commentary: The potential of chaos theory and complexity theory for health services management. Health Care Management Review. 25(1):35-38


Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1999. In their own words: The presentation of corporate restructuring in hospitals' annual reports. Journal of Healthcare Management. 44(2):117-131

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1998. Reengineering: Deja vue all over again. Health Care Management Review. 23(3):58-66

Arndt, M. and S. Crane. 1998. Influences on nursing care volume. Journal of the Society for Health Systems. 5(4):38-49

Arndt, M., R. C. Bradbury, J. Golec, and P. M. Steen. 1998. A comparison of hospital utilization for Medicaid and privately insured patients. Medical Care Research and Review. 55(1):32-53

Bigelow, B., M. Arndt, and M. Stone. 1997. Corporate political strategy: incorporating the management of public policy issues into hospital strategy. Health Care Management Review. 22(3):53-63

Glynn, P., M. Arndt, et al. 1996. The interconnectedness of nurses' lives: Implications for nursing management. The Journal of Nursing Administration. 26(5):36-42

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1996. Benefits and disadvantages of corporate restructuring. Hospital Topics. 74(1):21-27

Bigelow, B., M. Stone, and M. Arndt. 1996. Corporate political strategy: A framework for understanding nonprofit strategy. Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 7(1):29-43

Arndt, M., R. C. Bradbury, and J. Golec. 1996. Surgeon volume and hospital resource utilization. Inquiry 32(4):407-417

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1995. The implementation of total quality management in hospitals: How good is the fit? Health Care Management Review. 20(4):7-14

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 1995. Total quality management: Field of dreams? Health Care Management Review. 20(4):15-25

Bigelow, B. and Arndt, M. 1995. Authors' response to the commentaries. Health Care Management Review 20(4):32-33

Arndt, M., R. C. Bradbury, and J. Golec. 1995. Indications for hysterectomy: Variation within and across hospitals. Medical Care Research and Review. 52(3):342-363

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1995. The adoption of corporate restructuring by hospitals. Hospital and Health Services Administration. 40(3):332-347

Arndt, M., R. C. Bradbury, and J. Golec. 1995. Admission severity of illness and resource utilization in the hospital: A comparison of Medicaid and

privately insured patients. Hospital and Health Services Administration. 40(2):210-226

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 1994. Great expectations: An analysis of four strategies. Medical Care Review. 51(2):205-232

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1994. Individual and contextual influences on nursing care volume and the implementation of AHCRP guidelines. Medical Care Review. 51(1):61-82


Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1992. Vertical integration in hospitals: A framework for analysis. Medical Care Review. 49(1):93-115

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 1991. Ambulatory care centers: Are they a

competitive advantage? Hospital and Health Services Administration. 36(3):351- 363

Skydell, B. and M. Arndt. 1988. The price of nursing care. The Nursing Clinics of North America. 23(3):493-501

Friedman, E. and M. Arndt. 1985. Do eye hospitals have a role in our future? Ophthalmology. 92(July 1985):981-983


Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2012. Worker Cooperatives: Organizations on the margin of management research. Academy of Management. Boston, MA (August)

Bigelow, B., P. Elsass, and M. Arndt. 2012. The Global Business Seminar: Understanding difference through dialogue. Eastern Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA. (May)

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2009. Identifying and suspending taken-for-

granted assumptions: The practice of dialogue. Sixth International Critical Management Conference. University of Warwick, UK. (July)

Arndt, M. 2008. The role of education in the masculinization of hospital administration. 24th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS). Amsterdam, Netherlands (July)

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2007. Evidence-based management in health care organizations: A critique of its assumptions. Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA (August)

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2007. Changing the social identity of hospital administration. Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA (August)

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2006. The impact of economic assumptions on

hospitals: A historical perspective. Aberdeen, Scotland. Fifth International Conference on Organizational Behavior in Health Care.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2004. The early years of hospital administration: Prescription vs practice. Academy of Management. New Orleans, LA

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2004. The impact of institutionalized assumptions on strategic change: The hospital industry in the United States. April.

International Conference on Organizational Behavior in Health Care. Banff, Can.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2003. Creating a male occupation: The early years of hospital administration. Academy of Management. Seattle, WA.

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2001. Acceptance: Implications for hospitals. Academy of Management. Washington, DC

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2000. Transformation: The promise of reengineering. 2000. Academy of Management. Toronto, Canada


Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1995. In their own words: the relationship between hospital motivations for restructuring and environmental and organizational characteristics. Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1994. The Implementation of TQM in Hospitals: How Good is The Fit? ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting. Anchorage, Alaska. June 1994

Bigelow, M., M. Stone, and M. Arndt. 1994. Corporate political strategy in nonprofit organizations. International Association For Business and Society Meeting. Hilton Head, SC.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1993. The impact of individual and contextual factors on nursing care and the implementation of practice guidelines. 1993. Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1993. The adoption of corporate restructuring by hospitals. 1993. Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 1993. Political strategy in the hospital industry: The influence of professional and institutional factors. International

Association For Business and Society. San Diego, CA

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 1992. Impact of institutional forces on strategic and operational decision making in hospitals. 1992. ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting. San Francisco, CA

Bigelow, B., M. Arndt, and J. Higham. 1989. The impact of hospital sponsored ambulatory care centers on inpatient admissions. 1989. Academy of Management. Washington, DC


Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2007. Evidence-based management in health care organizations: A critique of its assumptions. Best Paper Proceedings. Academy of Management.

B. Bigelow and M. Arndt. 2006: the impact of economic assumptions on hospital management: A historical perspective. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Organizational Behavior. Aberdeen, Scotland. (April)

B. Bigelow and M. Arndt. 2004. The impact of institutionalized assumptions on strategic change: The hospital industry in the United States. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Organizational Behavior; Banff, Can., (April)

Bigelow, B., M. Stone, and M. Arndt. 1994. Corporate political strategy in nonprofit organizations. Proceedings of the International Association For Business And Society. Hilton Head, SC

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 1993. Political strategy in the hospital industry: The influence of professional and institutional factors. Proceedings of the International Association For Business And Society. San Diego, CA



Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow 2012. Qualitative research focusing on archival material. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Boston, MA (August)

Arndt, M. 2009. The role of theory and practice in maintaining a research agenda. Brandeis University. Waltham, MA (September)

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2009. Evidence-based management: A cautionary note. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management. Cambridge, MA. (May)

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2008. Excavating assumptions. Yale University, School of Public Health (Nov.)

Arndt, M. 2008. Discussant at 24th EGOS Colloquium. Amsterdam, Netherlands (July).

Arndt, M. 2007. Creating and sustaining a research agenda. Academy of Management, Health Care Division. Philadelphia, PA (August)

Arndt, M. 2007. Publishing health care research. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Philadelphia, PA (August)

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2006. Qualitative research: The agony and the ecstasy. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Atlanta, GA

Arndt, M. 2005. The maintenance and elaboration of a research agenda. Oct. Waltham, MA. Brandeis University, Heller School. Doctoral seminar.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2005. The masculinization of hospital

administration. Worcester, MA. Clark University. Women's and Gender Studies Conference.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2005. Hospital administration in the early nineteen hundreds. Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Nursing Leadership Council. May).

Arndt, M. 2004. The use of archival data in qualitative research. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. New Orleans, LA

Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2003. Transformational change in health care: New solutions to old questions. Jan. New York University

Arndt, M. 2002. Research skills for the 21st century: The use of practice as a source of knowledge creation. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Denver, CO.

Arndt, M. 2002. How to get published early and often. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Denver, CO.

Arndt, M . 2001. How to build a research agenda. 2001. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University, Heller School. Doctoral seminar.

Hospital and Physician Payment Systems. 2001. Center for Health Policy and Research. University of Massachusetts Medical School. Worcester, MA.


Arndt, M. 2001. The joy of teaching. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Washington, DC

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2000. The use of qualitative research: A personal journey. 2000. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Toronto, Canada

Arndt, M. 2000. Designing and delivering courses for students in health care management. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Toronto, Canada

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2000. The role of the editor in the publishing process. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Toronto, Canada

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 1999. How to build and sustain a collaborative

research relationship. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Chicago, IL

Arndt, M. 1997. The role of organizational theory in health services research. Heller Graduate School, Brandeis University. Waltham, MA

Arndt, M. 1997. Research and teaching, teaching and research: striking a balance. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Boston, MA

Arndt, M. 1996. The value of management education. Massachusetts Medical Group Management Association

Arndt, M. 1996. Gender Issues in Management. Massachusetts Medical Group Management Association:

Arndt, M. 1996. The road to academic tenure and promotion: some insights

learned along the way. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. Cincinnati, OH

Arndt, M. 1995. Teaching management theory and skills. Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.

Arndt, M. 1994. Creating an academic career. Heller Graduate School, Brandeis University. Waltham, MA

Arndt, M. 1994. Gender issues in hospital administration. Women Doctors'

Group, Beverly Hospital. Beverly, MA and Medical Grand Rounds, Salem Hospital. Salem, MA

Arndt, M. 1989. Influences on the volume of nursing care: A conceptual framework. Women Health Care Executives. Framingham, MA.

Arndt, M. 1988. The differential impact of nursing intensity and unit cost on the cost of nursing services. Annual Conference of Pew Fellows. Napa Valley, CA.

Arndt, M. 1987. Unit cost for nursing services. Chattanooga League For Nursing. Chattanooga, TN

Arndt, M . 1986. Cost and productivity measures in the hospital. Invitational Conference of Deans of Nursing Schools. Nashville, TN

Arndt, M . 1985. Unit cost of routine inpatient services in general hospitals. Health Care Financial Management Association. Boston, MA


Arndt, M. 1985. A decentralized approach to the selection and introduction of management information systems. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, MA

Arndt, M. 1984. Adjusting hospital staffing to reduce labor cost. American Hospital Association Seminar. San Diego, CA and Boston, MA

Arndt, M. 1984. Hospital management: One aspect of patient care in a changing World. Executive Committee of the Massachusetts Society of Eye Physicians. Boston, MA

Arndt, M. 1984. The intensity and cost of nursing care in the hospital's case mix. Center For Cost Effective Care. Boston, MA

Arndt, M. 1983. Nursing: A fee-for-service enterprise. New England Hospital Assembly. Boston, MA.

Arndt, M. 1982. Nursing: A fee-for-service enterprise. University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing Alumni Association. Pittsburgh, PA


Bigelow, B. and M. Arndt. 2001. Great expectations: An analysis of four strategies. Reprint in Health Services Management: Readings and Commentary. (A. R. Kovner and D. Neuhauser, eds.). Chicago, IL: AUPHA, sixth edition

Arndt, M. 1993. Adding school to other responsibilities. AUPHA Exchange. September/October: 3, 14

Arndt, M. 1992. Womanpower (U. Sekaran and F. T. I. Leong, eds). Book Review. Journal of Management. 18(4):809

Arndt, M. and B. Skydell. 1985. Nursing services: Productivity and cost. In Costing Out Nursing: Pricing Our Product. (F. Shaffer, ed.). NY: National League For Nursing.


Arndt, M. 1986. Alternative methods for overhead allocations and the effect of standby services on the cost of ambulatory surgery. Final report to the Blue Cross/Massachusetts Hospital Association Fund For Cooperative Innovation

Arndt, M. 1985. Volume of nursing care and the cost of nursing and routine inpatient services in five general hospitals. Final report to the Blue Cross/Massachusetts Hospital Association Fund For Cooperative Innovation


Clark University, Graduate School of Management . MBA capstone seminar

. Women in management . Global Business Seminar . Introduction to strategy

. Strategic management in the health services sector . Business and corporate strategy


. management control in health services organizations . topics in institutional health care management . topics in ambulatory health care management . Women in the health care system

. Hospital management

. Supervision of field projects . Directed readings

Clark University, Undergraduate College . Women in the Health Care System . interdisciplinary course on AIDS

Brandeis University, Women's Studies Program . Women in the health care system

Simmons College, Graduate School of Management . Policy and management issues in health care

Simmons College, Graduate School for Health Studies . Introduction to the health care system . Hospital administration

. Management information systems . Capstone course

. Supervision of independent field studies


Member of Committee on Planning and Budget Review (2011 – present; chair 2012-2013)

Member of Search Committee for Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (2012 - present)

Member of Academic Affairs Committee of Board of Trustees (2012 - 2013; 2011) Member of Faculty Steering Committee (2012 - 2013; 2011)

Faculty Marshal (2008 to present)

Member of Faculty Advisory Council, Mosakowski Institute For Public Enterprise (2009 – present)

Member of the Mosakowski Distinguished Research Fellow Search Committee (2012 - present)

Moderator for panel on The Future of US Health Care; alumni reunion week, May 2012

Member of Committee on Personnel (2008 – 2011; chair in spring 2011) Member of Institutional Review Board (2007 - 2010)

Member of Trustee Committee on Development and Alumni Affairs (2007 - 2010) Member of Academic Orientation and Convocation Committee (2008 - 2009) Member of Faculty Review Committee (1998 - 1999)

Member of Subcommittee on Faculty Governance (1992-1993)

Graduate School of Management

Member of Strategic Planning Committee (2011 - 2012; 2012 - present) Faculty representative on GSOM Advisory Council (2011 - present) Member of AACSB Task Force (2001 - 2002; 2007 – present)

Member of Faculty Evaluation Committee (2010 – 2012)

Faculty Advisor to GSOM Women in Business Club (2006 – 2009) Member of Search Committee for Director of Career Services (2007) Member of Undergraduate Program Review Committee (2006 - 2007) Member and Chair of Graduate Program Review Committee (2003 - 2004)


Member of Faculty Search Committees Participation in student recruitment

Member of MHA Program Committee (1990 - 1998) Member of MHA Admissions Committee (1990 - 1998) Member of GSOM Curriculum Committee (1991 - 1993)

Coordinator/Moderator, 12th Annual Health Care Management Symposium (1993)

Women's Studies Program

Member of Women’s Studies Program (1991 - present) PHD Program Committee (1996 - 2002)

Steering Committee (1995-1997)


Member, by-laws committee, Health Care Management Division of the Academy of Management (2003 - 2004)

Co-Editor, Health Care Management Review (1999 - 2003).

Editor of Footnotes, newsletter for the Health Care Management Division of the Academy of Management (1995 - 1999). Included working with Division Chair on preparing the Division for accreditation by AOM.

Reviewer: Annual Academy of Management meetings (Health Care Management Division)

Ad-hoc reviewer for: Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Academy of Management Review, Social Science and Medicine, Health Services Research, Journal of Healthcare Management, Journal of Management, Health Care Management Review, Journal of Health Administration Education.

Discussant or session chair at annual meetings of the Academy of Management (Health Care Management Division): Montreal, Canada, 2010; Chicago, IL, 2009; Anaheim, CA, 2008; Philadelphia, PA, 2007; Atlanta, GA, 2006; Washington, D.C., 2001; Chicago, IL, 1999; San Diego, CA. 1998; Boston, MA. 1997; Cincinnati, OH. 1996; Nevada, 1992.

Organizer, chair, presenter, or facilitator at Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium, Academy of Management (Health Care Management Division): Boston, MA, 2012; Montreal, Canada, 2010; Chicago, IL, 2009; Anaheim, CA, 2008;

Philadelphia, PA, 2007; Atlanta, GA, 2006; New Orleans, LO, 2004; Denver, CO, 2002; Washington, DC, 2001; Toronto, Canada, 2000; Chicago, IL, 1999; San Diego, CA, 1998; Boston, MA, 1997; Cincinnati, OH, 1996; Vancouver, Canada, 1995.


Academy of Management

American College of Health Care Executives (Faculty Associate)


VNA Care Network Foundation. Worcester, MA

Chair, Strategic Planning Committee (2009 – 2011) Board of Directors (2000 - 2010; chair 2005 - 2007) Finance Committee (2000 - 2011; chair 2004-2005) Audit Committee (2000 - 2011)


First Vice President (2002 - 2005) Executive Committee (2000 - 2007)

Strategic Planning Committee (2000 - 2007) Technology Committee (2006)

VNA Care Network. Worcester, MA Board of Directors (2010 – 2011)

VNA of Central Massachusetts Home Health Systems. Worcester, MA Board of Directors (1993 - 1999)

Finance Committee (1993 - 1999; chair 1996 - 1999) Audit Committee (1996 - 1999)

Subcommittee on Organizational Affiliations (1999) CEO Search Committee (1998)

Hospital Laundry Association. Boston, MA Board of Trustees (1983-1986)

Massachusetts Nurses Foundation. Boston, MA Board of Directors (1983-1985)

Metropolitan Hospital Council

Board of Directors (1984-1985) Case Mix Task Force (1983-1985)

KLH Child Development Center. Cambridge, MA President (1974-1975)

Board of Directors (1973-1975)


Outstanding Reviewer. Health Care Management Division in the Academy of Management. 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.

Myron Fottler Award for Exceptional Service. Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division. 2008

Participant, Doctoral Consortium "Social Issues in Management". Academy of Management. 1988

Pew Fellowship in Health Policy. 1986

Principal investigator of two studies funded by the Blue Cross/Massachusetts Hospital Association For Cooperative Innovation to study (1) alternative methods for overhead allocations and the effect of standby services on the cost of ambulatory surgery and (2) volume of nursing care and the cost of nursing and routine inpatient services in five general hospitals

Beekhuis Award For Academic Achievement. 1982. Simmons College, Graduate School of Management. Boston, MA

Butler Award For Accounting. 1982. Simmons College, Graduate School of Management. Boston, MA



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