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Casper College Health Science Division Prospective Paramedic Technology Associate Degree Survey Spring 2005


Academic year: 2021

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Casper College Health Science Division

Prospective Paramedic Technology Associate Degree Survey Spring 2005

Letters and this survey were mailed out to 1934 certified EMTs/emergency room physicians and 188 were returned for a total return rate of 10%.

If you are an employer, please complete the following questions: 1. Do you currently employ or utilize EMTs in your facility? 69 Yes 10 No 108 No answer (NA)

If yes, how many EMTs are employed or utilized:

NA Number Range NA Number Range a. Employ-EMT-Basic 119 None reported Volunteer-EMT-Basic 123 2-14 b. Employ-EMT Inter. 148 0-20 Volunteer-EMT-Inter 141 1-20 c. Employ-Paramedic 165 1-20+ Volunteer-Paramedic 177 0-5

Based upon your experience and expectations, complete the following projections: In the next year our organization expects to hire the following number of paramedic personnel.

NA Number Range

Full Time 175 1-26 would be hired

Part Time 177 1-23 would be hired

None 133 54 reported none would be


How many of these will be new positions?179 1-24 would be hired

In the next three years our organization expects to hire the following number of paramedic personnel.

NA Number Range

Full Time 174 1-18 would be hired

Part Time 139 2-9 would be hired

None 139 45 reported none would be


How many of these will be new positions?183 1 respondent reported 12 would be new positions.

Are you authorized to provide paramedic level of care?

17 YES 61 NO 110 No Answer

If you are authorized, how many responses do you have each year? 162 did not answer. Those who responded provided a range from 2-27,500.

If you do not currently provide or offer care at the paramedic level, do you foresee paramedic level of care in the future?

23 YES 34 NO 3 Undecided 128 No Answer

If you have EMT-P ambulance services, do you have need for full-time paramedic positions?

19 YES 20 NO 149 No Answer

If you have EMT-P ambulance services, do you foresee a need for full-time paramedic personal in the next five years?

19 YES 17 NO 152 No Answer

If you have EMT-P ambulance services, are you looking for part-time personnel currently?

9 YES 24 NO 158 No Answer

Volunteer personnel?

13 YES 17 NO 158 No Answer

Part-time in the next five years?

11 YES 18 NO 159 No Answer

Volunteer personnel in the next five years?


Are you willing to pay for an employee’s education or provide scholarship funds for the employee to attend this program?

21 YES 34 NO 4 Maybe 129 No Answer

Will you require your employee to work during their time in school?

27 YES 11 NO 1 Undecided 150 No Answer

If you answered yes, would you require

27 Full-time 11 Part-time 1 Both 161 No Answer

Will you guarantee their job position while they attend the paramedic program? 24 YES 12 NO 5 Undecided 147 No Answer

As an employer, would you prefer to:

24 - Send employee(s) for paramedic education 8 - Hire paramedic(s) from outside of your agency 5 – Unknown

147 – No Answer

Would you be willing to serve as a field internship site?

23 YES 24 NO 5 Maybe 136 No Answer

Would you be interested in presenting content as a guest speaker for paramedic students?

21 YES 20 NO 12 Undecided 135 No Answer

Area of Expertise: 20 respondents with the following comments: Hyperbaric Medicine, Dive Medicine

EMT-I 3 Yrs



Communications & Documentation All Areas Of EMS

EMT, ICS, Communications, Etc.

Forensic Medicine, Mechanism Of Injury RN/Telemetry

Field Medicine Fire Service

Int. Med Overlapping With Cardiology & Pulmonary Pre-Hospital, Life flight, ER


Rnl Hespe Emergency Care Fire Admin.

All Of Para medicine

Anything In Emergency Med

Certified Since 1989/Chief SINCE 2000, COORDINATOR 1989-2000 Cover All Aspects

If you are an individual, please complete the following questions: 1. Is emergency medical care your primary occupation?

56 YES 103 NO 29 No Answer

2. Are you willing to make the time commitment (2 years+) to attain the degree? 72 YES 72 NO 7 Undecided 37 No Answer 3. Do you have the financial support for the program?

65 YES 82 NO 3 Undecided 82 No Answer

4. Are you able to attend the primary coursework at Casper College for a 2 year+ time frame?

45 YES 97 NO 6 Maybe 1 Undecided 39 No Answer

Employers and individuals, please answer the following:

Would you be willing to serve as a member of an advisory committee to assist in developing and providing on-going evaluation/support to this program?


Would you be willing to provide a letter of support for Casper College initiating a paramedic program?

70 YES 58 NO 59 No Answer

If yes, please include the letter of support with your survey response…and I greatly appreciate you taking time to provide the letter.

Do you have any suggestions for the proposed paramedic program? Please comment: As an EMT-I and hospital board member, I think the need for paramedics is limited in most of rural Wyoming. Their patient contact <?>would be quite limited in areas / towns the size of Thermopolis. Your support for this program will no doubt come from larger communities along the Interstate corridors.


Send the people to established programs and stop trying to re-invent the wheel. A paramedic program would be no better than your poorly taught, poorly supported EMT program. Let these people receive good instruction in a supportive environment. By the way, I have a BA degree.

To benefit rural units, and volunteers who have full-time jobs, make as much of the course self study, or computer work, distance learning. I do see a need in WY for a paramedic program. I, personally, would love to do this but I feel, at 57, I am too late in life for this.

Our ambulance is a county entity which relies heavily on volunteers. We have no future plans for paramedics. In addition, our volunteers would have difficulty <?> expense for volunteer position. At present, Wyoming has a limited employment opportunity for medics. Would you consider outreach programs to reduce travel?

We use AMR rendezvous from Cheyenne for Paramedic need. There are not enough paramedic tasks to stay certified.

Sorry, I couldn't be more helpful. We provide very basic first aid services at our site. I would love to have some EMT-P's, but can't see it happening.

Coursework online(?) or via compressed video. Practical work or labs in Casper. I'm not experienced enough to be on advisory board.

I have actively involved in EMS for 20+ years. I have worked all levels including FCEMS-Director for 10 years. At this time I work full time in law enforcement and part-time EMT-I instructor. I would like to talk with you about this. This sounds great! Thanks.

Check with Weber State Univ. Jeff Grunow 801-626-6521 or Mark Frankum reference dealing with Wyoming EMS Office. State doesn't seem eager to have

paramedics in the state. They forget that patient assessments are the most important skill they offer.

I have let me EMT-Basic status lapse to have this and be in a voluntary status and no pay if you are with local ambulance service unless you are called out, takes too much time and money to keep current.

Make the program also through an outreach program through the Gillette campus and CCMH


Allowing on-line or satellite classes for the majority would work to allow EMT's to become paramedics while working around their other jobs. Most can't afford to quit and uproot to go to Casper for their degree.

At this time I'm attending LCCC working towards a nursing degree. As a volunteer I don't that I could get the CMES to keep my certification. I feel very strong about the need for paramedics in Wyoming. Especially on the paid departments.

I am glad you are looking into this program. I think there is a need in our larger cities and in fast growing areas like Alpine will need Paramedics in the future - but when? That's the question - we wish we could foresee the answer.

As a full-time EMT-B now daytime course would be hard get. Having night courses would assist a lot of the EMTs I know who would be interested.

We are a volunteer and do not have paramedics however I think it would be great if you would be able to certify paramedics. Good Luck.

Hopefully in the future - Torrington can upgrade to a Paramedic level service. We utilize full module EMT-I.’s which is close to the skills of a Paramedic.

It would be difficult to commit to coming to Casper for 2 years

Good luck--it would be great for area students to have the option for a program in central Wyoming.

I think this program would be wonderful, I just am at a poor point in my left to attend. Thanks!

We do not the volume of call to support a paramedic service in Converse County and our people would have to work somewhere else on a part-time basis to maintain skills.

In the past it has been noticed that paramedic programs are accepting applicants who have gone through the basic class in order to be able to participate in the paramedic program but have no practical experience in the field. I would suggest strongly

encouraging all applicants to have a) a minimum # of PT contacts; b) at least 1-2 years at a basic level or c) Be an intermediate-EMT. This may help decrease drop out rate.

The program needs to work closely with local Casper agencies. I think a close cooperation with the Casper Fire Dept. and the WMC would greatly increase the chances for a successful program. I would like to have the chance to attend such a program at a pace that fits into my work schedule at the fire department.

I would support the program except Fremont Co doesn't utilize paramedics. Therefore I would have to leave the service I am with now and I do not see that

happening. Also as an Intermediate, there are few other skills a Paramedic can do. I may be interested if my modules would transfer over to the Paramedic level.

Casper has all necessary ingredients to provide EMT-P training regionally. It would be easier for the Casper Fire Dept. to hire paramedics who have completed the program rather than sending people duty. Some personnel would take the program on-duty-depending on time requirements and cost. I would be happy to speak further about this or put you in touch with appropriate person.

Make very certain your instructors actually work in the field. This cannot be just an academic class - skills-based only. Instructors must have a stake in the performance of their students as partners, etc.

I certainly support the concept of a paramedic program at Casper College. Currently I have 3 EMTI in training through Weber State in Utah and will be supporting


them first. I will be writing a letter to the State Board of EMS in support of them at this time regarding some issues thus the reason I am noncommittal at this time. Once our issues are resolved then I can be much more supportive as well as my colleagues here in Cody. We have a lot of motivated EMT's that if possible would be very interested in your program. Distance ED for basic coursework would be much more feasible for them, then doing clinical rotations at designated sites would be more affordable from our perspective and I think would draw more interest. Keep me abreast of the process. P.S. Have you proposed your idea to the State Board of EMS? That might be your biggest hurdle. They have recently told some of our individuals that they were reluctant to give permission to allow any Wyoming Training Sites. My letter to them will work to resolve this issue hopefully. My email is [email protected]. Good Luck.

Yes, I would like to see a program where we could get college degrees rather than just spend hours in class.

I think having paramedics in the service is a good idea, but I know of some paramedics in another service and they say that they don't use their paramedic skills very often and I wonder if it is really needed. I am at the intermediate level and they say that generally that is enough. But you never know, it just takes one case to be useful. Thanks. Salty

I'm not sure there are enough jobs in Wyoming yet - but our children may wish to train here for jobs in larger cities.

Here in Newcastle, we don’t have the call volume to support paramedics so we only have EMT-I.’s which I am and I'm also a registered nurse. As a nurse, I would be interested in helping teach.

We need to have online classes for lectures and only require skills done at the college.

I'm a paramedic student through GFR/LCCC. I believe the state could benefit from a paramedic degree program. I would first be inclined to support one in my own community/college, however one should be established somewhere so I support your efforts to explore this possibility.

How about outreach classes in communities other than Casper?

Because so many EMS providers have other full-time jobs - a program similar to Weber State's utilizing long distance ed. -either via computer or teleconferencing with occasional onsite skills camps would be ideal for the State of Wyoming. I have been in EMS in WY since 1990 and would love to attend your paramedic program! Also..at the same time, I have heard thru the grapevine that Central Wyoming College has

discontinued its Surgical Technology Program - that's another good 2 year Health

Sciences program. Surgical Techs are always in short supply. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Thank You - Karen Warner EMT-II, CST

The paramedic program is a good idea, however the 2 year associates degree is useless. Why go to college for 2 years and make $18,000-25,000 a year when you can get an associates of nursing in the same time frame and make more money? Wyoming EMT-Is would in most other states be considered a paramedic. The EMT-P program should be offered by module by the state not a college.

I feel this to be good for larger areas but for smaller towns it is harder because of lower volume and skill deterioration. The EMT-I program through the state is better for rural Wyoming.


Employment outlook is poor for this level of healthcare provider. Wages are poor too! I would like to see a quality program succeed in Wyoming.

Is this part of the EMS study that the state EMS office is conducting over the next 5 years? I would be hesitant in the certification requirements due to the lack of population that our state has therefore certification may be hard to keep. The study will help prove we need or do not need paramedic in the rural settings.

Need to know more first before writing a letter of support.

You could gain the support of more people if you do a comparison study of BLS runs vs ALS runs and let people know what additional skills would be available at a paramedic level.

The personnel in our department will not be interested in the paramedic program unless we become a paid service.

Outreach of curriculum via compressed video. I would like to see the community college of the state take on providing BEC, EMT-B, Paramedic curriculum in a consistent format.

Extremely hard to maintain paramedic skill levels with the call volume

experienced by most Wyoming areas. Hospital support would be key to assisting with practical experience and continuing skill requirements.

I would like to see more money going into funding RN programs instead. I feel Wyoming would benefit more from nursing.

It would be extremely nice to have a paramedic program for those of us fellow EMT followers to utilize within the state of Wyoming. I would love to assist with the program any way that I can.


Find focused instructors - not war story. Require ride time in Colorado at Denver General, initiate changes at the state level in certification to cover all that medics can do. Do not put down BEC, EMT or EMTI during course. Nurses OK.


The value of additional paramedic training programs in Wyoming should be better defined by the recent initiative to evaluate paramedic services statewide by the state EMS advisory board who ultimately grant approval to each ambulance service for the level of providers needed.

I think it's a good program, but I'm not sure if the area can or has the potential to use paramedics.

We don't make enough calls to keep a EMT-P current

I hope that if you are planning to provide this education, that Wyoming laws need to be looked at to support a rural (paramedic) Ambulance Service

I know that the physicians’ task force will determine the level of care that each facility can provide to their community. Without their support the small communities will be limited to the level of care we provide now.


Would like to know more about the proposed program before deciding to write letter of support. Distance learning - there is a need to keep staff on the job during training.


I am a full-time ranch wife and volunteer EMT. It would be wonderful to have a paramedic program in the state, even if I don't have time to attend it.


I am in A2 at Tucson Hospital with my father at current time and am unable to do so {letter}

I am an anomaly in Wyoming because I live in Montana and YNP supports a paramedic program through NPS. But we use paramedics, and have started with them last year. I was unaware till last year that Wyoming didn't have a para medic program. I think it would be very good for the state citizens to have one, I wholly support it--but I am a Montana resident.

None at this time, although I think this program is great for Wyoming and much needed.

I feel we could utilize the EMT Intermediates we no have in the state as there are only a couple of modules-missing to obtain the Medic status. There isn't enough work on a full-time basis for EMTs much less paramedics--unless there is a way to create jobs across the state that are FULL TIME! The paramedic status/skills would require working in another state unless you were lucky enough to land a position in one of the 4 cities who offer the service. Just food for thought - the state is losing the revenue/tax base the

position would provide as the certification has to be obtained and used out of Wyoming. On-line courses if possible. I am currently EMT-I status, and have over 100 credit hours through the University of Wyoming.

I would really like to see a paramedic program in Wyoming and wish I could take advantage of one. I work at the Noyes Health Care Center here in Baggs as a MA and our ambulance service in 100% volunteer. With such a low call volume, we couldn't utilize a paid paramedic position. We also have one RN and one PA-C on our service, who are employed here at the clinic (PA) and the hospital in Craig, CO (RN). Good luck, and I wish you success.

I am also medical director for 3 local ambulance services. We probably would not have much gain in our county from paramedics over what we have now.

Long distance learning would help for all those that can't leave their families for 2 years.

My participation in a paramedic program would be based entirely on a distance learning / uplink basis with clinicals through your affiliates. I suspect that Rock Springs would have many participants if we can attend video courses/distance ed. at WWCC.

I would recommend making medical terminology and A&P prerequisites to the class. My class had A & P incorporated into the class and it was challenging for a lot of the students. Might have been easier if A&P was a separate class.

I do not foresee the population of Star Valley supporting a paramedic program. As an EMT-1 I would like to have the option of attending a paramedic program.

No time to write letter now. I am currently 1/2 done with the Avery McKennan Program in Sioux Falls SD, a large part for going here instead of MSU was the 10month program, and the $5000 cost compared to the $20,000 at MSU



A online program would help for students with families who cannot attend Casper College


I think it would be a great asset to the community to have a program like this available.


Just a word of support. Working in a county without a hospital, the need for ALS during long transport times is crucial. Thank you for proposing such a progressive and needed profession in the state of Wyoming.

The need for paramedics is obvious. Getting equipment and facilities to accommodate and the state to recognize and pay, I think, would be an issue, from the "public" side.

I would love to earn my paramedic degree but I just don't see the ability to attend 2 years of classes in Casper. I work another full time job and have 4 kids. An online program would be perfect with clinicals being at WPH or even in Casper.

#12 as a volunteer service the state will not let me use paramedics. The only services in Wyoming at this time are hospital services.

Distance learning courses via satellite would greatly help those of us who can't relocate to Casper due to family and other job commitments. The education is extremely valuable, but let's face it--around here you can't make a living in EMS.

If a student is already an EMT or EMT-I there should be an accelerated program to get them through sooner and back on our Wyoming streets doing what they do best.

I have mixed feelings. While I think a paramedic program in Wyoming is a good thing, I think employment opportunities are limited in number and in financial offerings. Our service and the majority around us are 100% volunteer.

I think you need commitment from employers, services providing medical care first. For those interested in this course and wishing to remain in their area, knowing that there is a place of employment would be important.

Jolene - I was shocked to say the least that Wyoming and dense population does not acknowledge paramedics - how stupid on your part - sounds like you would also recognize D.O.'s and not M.D.s - same philosophy. Now wouldn't that be

stupid-.Wyoming is so laid back in everything! The best patient care is what I tend to give and not get paid for it. That's ludicrous! No wonder with so few hospitals in the state why wouldn't you want top medics paramedics?

As someone wanting to become a paramedic, I think this program would not only benefit those individuals like me wanting to become a paramedic but also our town. Our hospital and the individuals in Casper.

There are not very many opportunities in WY for paramedics. Most students would have to leave the state for work. Casper, Cheyenne and a handful of other towns use paramedics, other places don't have Drs. or hospitals that would support paramedics.

Forget it. Why go to school for a 2 year degree when you can have an ADN in the same time and make more money? The majority of the communities in Wyoming can't afford to pay paramedics and full module EMT-I.’s provide the ALS they need at a more cost effective rate. A modular program for EMT-I.’s to upgrade might make sense, but most of them will leave the state if they do upgrade due to lack of paramedic

employment. Yes, your facility could make good money with the program, but it not only would not improve our statewide EMS system, it could be detrimental.

I think it would be great if you had a paramedic program. Provide as much as possible by distance or internet.


I think this is a great idea. I would be very interested in a paramedic program. I think it's great. Sorry I don't have time to write a letter. However I can say that we are always strapped for staff here as all positions are not paid.

I know a large interest group willing to attend if an outreach program could be established.

I am currently enrolled in the Weber State University paramedic program which became available last year. Any continuing education courses would be of interest to me.

I am an EMT-I volunteer and would love to obtain paramedic certification, but I would like to see the course offered through the CWC campus here in Jackson.

I am not convinced that a paramedic level of care is feasible is most parts of the state. The pay scale available makes it difficult for folks to invest the time and money, plus the call level may make it difficult for medics to keep up their skills.

I think that a paramedic program would be good for Casper College. Many people in the area that work or volunteer as EMTs and EMT-Is might like to move up if a course was to be offered. I think with the fire science program a paramedic program would hold its own with getting people to attend and keep the course around.

Online classes would be great. Many of us EMTs in Wyoming have full-time jobs and do EMT as a part-time basis.

There are several of us in the Midwest area that do have full time jobs and would like a night course if possible.

Would it be possible to do some classes via the internet?

That the program would be good in the larger cities, but here in Green River, our transport time and diverse county it would not be helpful. As to the program, might be worth checking if paramedics are needed.

If some of the coursework could be completed by correspondence, internet, etc. you would probably have better luck in drawing experienced EMTs that are employed into the program. I do think this is something Wyoming has needed for a long time.

We need this program in Wyoming. Please get some people with real life experience to be instructor. I hope it all works out.

Most places are volunteer units and it is hard for them to take much time to go to class.

I would be interested in participating in this program in any way needed. [email protected] or [email protected]

I feel this program is needed due to the growing number of nursing home and assisted living facilities. Also the population growth that is going on in and around Natrona County.


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