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The detour hull number of a graph


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Journal “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics”

The detour hull number of a graph


A.P. Santhakumaran and S.V. Ullas Chandran

Communicated by I. V. Protasov

A b s t r ac t . For verticesuandv in a connected graphG= (V, E), the setID[u, v] consists of all those vertices lying on auv

longest path inG. Given a setS of vertices of G, the union of all setsID[u, v] foru, vS, is denoted byID[S]. A setS is a detour

convex set if ID[S] = S. The detour convex hull [S]D of S inG

is the smallest detour convex set containing S. The detour hull number dh(G) is the minimum cardinality among the subsets S

of V with [S]D =V. A set S of vertices is called a detour set if

ID[S] =V. The minimum cardinality of a detour set is the detour

number dn(G) ofG. A vertex xinG is a detour extreme vertex if it is an initial or terminal vertex of any detour containing x. Certain general properties of these concepts are studied. It is shown that for each pair of positive integersrands, there is a connected graphGwithrdetour extreme vertices, each of degrees. Also, it is proved that every two integersaandbwith 2≤abare realizable as the detour hull number and the detour number respectively, of some graph. For each triple D, k andn of positive integers with 2 ≤ knD+ 1 and D ≥ 2, there is a connected graph of ordern, detour diameterD and detour hull numberk. Bounds for the detour hull number of a graph are obtained. It is proved that dn(G) =dh(G) for a connected graph Gwith detour diameter at most 4. Also, it is proved that for positive integersa, bandk≥2 with a < b ≤ 2a, there exists a connected graph G with detour radiusa, detour diameterb and detour hull numberk. GraphsG for whichdh(G) =n−1 ordh(G) =n−2 are characterized.

1Research supported by DST Project No. SR/S4/MS: 319/06

2010 MSC:05C12.


to [1, 9]. Thedistanced(u, v) between two verticesuandvin a connected graphGis the length of a shortestu-v path inG.Anu-vpath of length d(u, v) is called anu -v geodesic. The set I[u, v] consists of all vertices lying on some u - v geodesic ofG; while for SV,I[S] =S

u,vSI[u, v].

The setS isconvex ifI[S] =S. Theconvex hull [S] is the smallest convex containing S. A set S of vertices of Gis ahull set of Gif [S] =V. The hull number h(G) ofGis the minimum cardinality of a hull set and any hull set of cardinality h(G) is called a minimum hull set of G. A set S of vertices of G is a geodetic set if I[S] = V, and a geodetic set of minimum cardinality is aminimum geodetic set ofG. The cardinality of a minimum geodetic set ofG is thegeodetic number g(G). These concepts were studied in [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11]

For vertices u and v in a nontrivial connected graph G, thedetour distanceD(u, v) is the length of a longestxv path inG. Anuvpath of lengthD(u, v) is anuv detour. It is known that the detour distance is a metric on the vertex set V of G. The detour eccentricity eD(v) of a vertex v inG is the maximum detour distance from v to a vertex of G. Thedetour radius,radD(G) ofGis the minimum detour eccentricity among the vertices of G, while the detour diameter, diamD(G) of Gis the maximum detour eccentricity among the vertices ofG. The detour distance of a graph was studied in [2].

The setID[u, v] consists of all vertices lying on someuvdetour ofG; while forSV,ID[S] =S

u,vSID[u, v]. A setSV is called adetour set


For more applications of these paramters, one may refer to [13] and the references therein.

The following theorems are used in the sequel.

Theorem 1.1. [7] Every end vertex of a connected graphGbelongs to each detour set ofG. Also if the set S of all end vertices of Gis a detour set, thenS is the unique minimum detour set ofG.

Theorem 1.2. [7] If G is a connected graph of order n and detour diameterD, thendn(G)≤nD+ 1.

Theorem 1.3. [7] Let G be a connected graph of order n ≥ 4. Then dn(G) =n−1 if and only ifG=K1,n−1.

Theorem 1.4. [7] Let G be a connected graph of order n ≥ 5. Then dn(G) =n−2 if and only ifG is a double star or K1,n−1+e.

2. Detour hull number of a graph

A set S of vertices is a detour convex set if ID[S] = S. The detour convex hull[S]D of S inG is the smallest detour convex set containingS. The detour convex hull ofS can also be formed from the sequence{Ik

D[S]} (k≥0), where I0

D[S] =S, I


D[S] =ID[S] andIDk[S] =ID[Ik


D [S]]. From some term on, this sequence must be constant. Let p be the smallest number such thatIDp[S] =IDp+1[S]. Then IDp[S] is thedetour convex hull [S]D. A setSof vertices ofGis adetour hull setif [S]D =V and a detour hull set of minimum cardinality is thedetour hull numberdh(G).

Example 2.1. For the graph G given in Figure 1, and S = {v1, v6},

ID[S] =V − {v7}and ID2[S] =V. Thus S is a minimum detour hull set

of G and so dh(G) = 2. Since S is not a detour set and S ∪ {v7} is a

detour set ofG, it follows from Theorem 1.1 thatdn(G) = 3. Hence the detour number and detour hull number of a graph are different. Note that the setsS1={v1, v2} and S2={v2, v3, v4, v5, v7} are detour convex sets


Definition 2.2. A vertexv in a connected graph Gis adetour extreme vertexif it is an initial or terminal vertex of any detour inG containing the vertexv.


F i g u r e 1 . G

Remark 2.4. Every end vertex of a graphG is a detour extreme vertex. However, there are detour extreme vertices which are not end vertices. For the graph Gin Figure 2, wis a detour extreme vertex of Gof degree 2.

F i g u r e 2 . G

It is defined in [7] that a vertex v in a connected graph Gis a detour vertex if it belongs to every minimum detour set of G. It is clear that every detour extreme vertex is a detour vertex. However, a detour vertex need not be a detour extreme vertex. For the graphH in Figure 2, the set S ={u, v, w}is the unique detour set of H and sow is a detour vertex of G. Since w lies on an xy detour in H,w is not a detour extreme vertex.

Proposition 2.5. Each detour extreme vertex of a nontrivial connected graph Gbelongs to every detour hull set of G. In particular, each detour extreme vertex belongs to every detour set of G.


It is clear that the set of all end vertices of a nontrivial tree is a detour set as well as a detour hull set and so we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2.6. IfT is a tree withkend vertices, thendh(T) =dn(T) =k.

Proposition 2.7. For a connected graph G of order n, 2 ≤ dh(G) ≤ dn(G)≤n.

Proof. This follows from the fact that every detour set is a detour hull set and any detour hull set contains at least 2 vertices.

Proposition 2.8. If a connected graph G6=K2 has a full degree vertex

v, thenv is not a detour extreme vertex of G.

Proof. Suppose thatv is a detour extreme vertex ofG. Letu, ube two

vertices such that D(u, u) =diam

D(G). Let P :u=u0, u1, . . . , uk=u′ be a detour diameteral path inG. ThenN(u)⊆V(P) andN(u)V(P).

Ifu=v oru=v, say u=v, thenP is a Hamiltonian path. Hence the

path P together with the edge vuis a Hamiltonian cycle inG and so

vID[u1, u2], which is a contradiction to the fact that v is a detour

extreme vertex of G. So, assume that u 6= v and u6= v. This implies

thatvN(u)⊆V(P), which is again a contradiction. Hence the result follows.

Theorem 2.9. For each pair of positive integers r and s, there is a connected graphG withr detour extreme vertices each of degree s.

Proof. Ifs= 1, thenG=K1,r has the desired properties. Assume that s= 2. For eachi= 1,2,3, letPi

4 be auivi vertex disjoint paths of order

4. Let H1 be the graph obtianed from P4i ′s by identifying the vertices

u1, u2, u3 asu and identifying the verticesv1, v2, v3 as v. Let H2 be the

totally disconnected graph Kr on r vertices such that H1 and H2 are

vertex disjoint. Let Gbe the graph obtained fromH1 and H2 by joining

each vertex of H2 to both u and v. The graph G is shown in Figure 3.

We claim thatV(G)− {w} is a detour convex set for each wV(H2).

Let wV(H2). If r = 1 orr = 2, then w /ID[x, y] for x, yV(H2)

withw6=x, y. Forr ≥3, it is clear thatD(x, y) = 5 for allx, yV(H2)

and anyxy path which containsw withw6=x, y has length 4. Hence w /ID[x, y] for allx, yV(H2)− {w}. Also, we have D(u, v) = 3 and

P :u, w, v is the uniqueuv path which containsw. Thus w /ID[u, v]. Let x, yV(H1)− {u, v}. If x and y are adjacent, then D(x, y) = 5


F i g u r e 3 . G

nonadjacent, thenD(x, y) = 6 orD(x, y) = 7; and anyxy path that containswhas length D(x, y)−1. Hence it follows thatV(G)− {w}is a detour convex set and sow is a detour extreme vertex ofG. ThusGhas r detour extreme vertices, each of degree 2.

Assume thats≥3. LetMsbe the complete multigraph withV(Ms) =

{w1, w2, . . . , ws}such that there are exactly two edges between every pair of distinct vertices ofMs. Subdividing each edges ofMs twice, we obtain a graph S2(Ms). For each pair i, j of integers with 1 ≤ i < js, let

wi, uijl, vijl, wj (l= 1,2) be the two wiwj path of length 3 inS2(Ms). LetH be the totally disconnected graph onrverticesKrsuch thatS2(Ms)

andH are vertex disjoint. LetGbe the graph obtained fromS2(Ms) and

H by joining each vertex w of H to each of the vertices wi(1≤is). The graphGis shown in Figure 4 fors= 3. We show that every vertex of H is detour extreme. We prove this for the case whens= 3 only, since the argument for s≥4 is similar. Let wV(H). Ifr= 1 or r= 2, then it is clear thatw /ID[x, y], where x, yV(H) withw6=x, y. For r ≥3, it is clear that anyxypath containing the vertexwhas length at most 7 for x, yV(H)− {w}. SinceD(x, y) = 8 for all x, yV(H), it follows that w /ID[x, y] for all x, yV(H)− {w}. Also, D(uijl, vijl) = 8 and any uijlvijl path containing the vertex w is of length at most 7. Similarly, D(uij1, vij2) = 10 and anyuij1−vij2 path containing the vertex w is of


F i g u r e 4 . G

Theorem 2.10. For each paira, bof integers with 2≤ab, there is a connected graphG withdh(G) =aand dn(G) =b.

Proof. If a = b, then K1,a has the desired properties. So, assume that a < b. Let Gi(1≤iba) be the graph given in Figure 5. Ifba= 1, then H =G1. Ifba≥2, then let H be the graph obtained from the


i s by identifying the verticesvi, ui+1(1≤iba−1). LetG be the

graph obtained fromH by addinga−1 new vertices s1, s2, . . . , sa1 and

joining eachsi(1≤ia−1) to vba. We show that the graph G has the desired properties. LetS = {u1, s1, s2, . . . , sa1} be the set of end

vertices of G. Then it is clear that ID[S] =V − {w1, w2, . . . , wba} and I2

D[S] = V. Hence by Proposition 2.5, S is a minimum detour hull set of G so that dh(G) = a. Now, each wi(1 ≤iba) lies only on the xizi, xiti, yiti and yizi detours and so wi is a detour vertex of G. SinceS∪ {w1, w2, . . . , wba} is a detour set of G, it follows from Proposition 2.5 thatdn(G) =b.


F i g u r e 5 . Gi

Proof. If wS, then SID[S− {w}] and hence S− {w} is a detour hull set ofG, which is a contradiction to S a minimum detour hull set of G. Thus the result follows.

Theorem 2.12. LetGbe a connected graph with a cut vertexv and S a detour hull set ofG. Then

(i) Every component ofGv contains an element ofS.

(ii) IfS is a minimum detour hull set ofG, then no cut vertex ofGbelongs toS.

Proof. (i). Let C be a component of Gv. Since v is a cut vertex, it is clear thatV(G)−V(C) is a detour convex set ofG. Hence it follows that V(C)∩S 6=φ.

(ii). LetS be a minimum detour hull set of Gand letC1, C2, . . . , Ck (k≥2) be the components ofGv. By (i), we see thatV(Ci)∩S6=φfor i= 1,2, . . . , k. Since v is a cut vertex ofG, it follows that vID[u1, u2],

where u1∈V(C1)∩S andu2∈V(C2)∩S. Now, it follows from Lemma

2.11 thatv /S. This completes the proof.

Corollary 2.13. IfGis a connected graph havingk≥2 end-blocks, then dh(G)≥k.

Theorem 2.14. Let G be a connected graph with p end vertices and k end-blocks B1, B2, . . . , Bk such that |V(Bi)| ≥ 3 for 1 ≤ ik. If dh(Bi) =ki, then dh(G)≥p+ (Pki=1ki)−k.


connected graphG withp end vertices and kend-blocksB1, B2, . . . , Bk

such that|V(Bi)| ≥ 3 and dh(Bi) =ki (1 ≤ik) for whichdh(G) ≤ p+ (Pk

i=1ki)−k−1. Then G contains a detour hull setS of cardinality p+ (Pk

i=1ki)−k−1. Consequently, at least one of the end-blocks Bi

contains no more thanki−2 vertices ofS. Without loss of generality, let B1 contain at most k1−2 vertices ofS and let S1 =SV(B1)∪ {v},

where vV(B1) is the cut vertex of G. Then |S1| ≤ k1−1 and S1

is not a detour hull set ofB1. Hence there exists uV(B1) such that

u /In

D[S1]B1 for anyn≥0. Now, we claim that I



for anyn≥0. We prove this by induction on n. If n= 0, then the claim is obvious. Let xID[S]∩V(B1). If xS, then xS1 ⊆ID[S1]. So,

assume that x /S. We have xID[y, z] for some y, zS. If x = v, then xS1 and so xID[S1]. Letx 6=v. SinceB1 is an end-block, it

follows that at least one ofy andz, say ybelongs toB1 and so yS1. If

zV(B1), then zS1 and soxID[S1]. So, assume thatz /V(B1).

Let P be a yz detour which contains the vertex x. Then the yv subpathQofP is ayv detour inG. HencexID[y, v]⊆ID[S1]. Thus

ID[S]∩V(B1) ⊆ID[S1]. Now, assume that the result is true for n=k.

Then Ik

D[S]∩V(B1) ⊆ IDk[S1]. Let xIDk+1[S]∩V(B1). If xIDk[S],

then by induction hypothesis,xIk

D[S1], which is a subset ofIDk+1[S1],

and so we are through. So, assume that x /Ik

D[S]. Then xID[y, z] for some y, zIk

D[S]. Since xV(B1), as above, we see that at least

one ofy andz, say y belongs toV(B1). Hence by induction hypothesis,


D[S1]. IfzV(B1), then again by induction hypothesis,zIDk[S1]

and soxIk+1

D [S1]. If z /V(B1), thenxID[y, v] with yIDk[S1] and

vS1. Since S1 ⊆IDk[S1], we see thatxIDk+1[S1]. Thus by induction


D[S]∩V(B1) ⊆IDn[S1] for alln≥0. Now, sinceS is a detour hull set

of G, there is an integer r ≥ 0 such that Ir

D[S] = V(G). This implies that V(B1) ⊆ IDr[S1]. Also, since B1 is an end-block of G, it is clear


D[S1] =IDn[S1]B1 for all n ≥0 and so I


D[S]B1 = V(B1). This is

a contradiction to the fact thatu /In

D[S1]B1 for any n≥0. Hence the

result follows.

Remark 2.15. The lower bound in Theorem 2.14 is strict. For the graphGin Figure 6, each of thek end-blocksBi is such thatdh(Bi) = 2. Note that x is a detour extreme vertex of G. Since the set S =


F i g u r e 6 . G

Theorem 2.16. LetGbe a unicyclic graph with the cycleC andk≥1 end vertices. Then

dh(G) = (

k+ 1 if exactly one vertex of C has degree≥3

k otherwise.

Proof. Let S = {u1, u2, . . . , uk} be the set of end vertices of G. For each vertexui, there exists a unique vertexvi in C such thatd(ui, vi) is minimum. If exactly one vertex ofC has degree≥3, thenv1 =v2=· · ·=

vk =v, say. Then it can be easily seen that [S]D contains at most the vertexv fromC and so S is not a detour hull set. Let vbe a vertex in

C such that vis adjacent to v. Then ID[S∪ {v}] =V and so it follows

from Proposition 2.5 thatS∪ {v}is a minimum detour hull set ofGand

so dh(G) =|S|+ 1 =k+ 1. Now, assume thatC has at least two vertices of degree≥3. Since Gis unicyclic, it is clear thatID[vi, vj]⊆ID[ui, uj] for vi 6= vj. Let Pi be the uivi path in G and let Qij be a vivj detour in G. Then V(Qij)⊆V(C), and forvi 6=vj, Pi together withQij followed by Pj is a uiuj detour inG. Now, let x be a vertex ofG. If x /V(C), thenxV(Pi) for someiwith 1≤ik. SinceC has at least two vertices of degree ≥3, it follows that xID[ui, uj] for somej with 1≤i6=jk. Now, letxV(C). Letvandvbe vertices inC such that

deg(v)≥3 anddeg(v)3. Thenv=vr andv=vs for some r, swith

1 ≤r 6=sk. IfxQrs, then xID[ur, us]. Otherwise, xID[v, y], where v, y V(Qrs) such thatvand y are adjacent. Thus we see that


D[ur, us]. Hence it follows from Proposition 2.5 thatS is a minimum detour hull set ofG and so dh(G) =|S|=k.

3. The detour hull number and the detour number


Theorem 3.1. IfGis a connected graph of ordernand detour diameter D, thendh(G)≤nD+ 1.

We give below a characterization theorem for trees.

Theorem 3.2. For every non-trivial treeT of ordernand detour diameter D,dh(T) =nD+ 1 if only if T is a caterpillar.

Proof. LetT be any non-trivial tree. Letu, vbe two vertices inT such that D(u, v) =DandP :u=v0,v1, . . . ,vD1,vD =vbe a detour diameteral

path. Let k be the number of end-vertices of T and l the number of internal vertices ofT other thanv1, v2, . . . , vD−1. ThenD−1 +l+k=n.

By Corollary 2.6,dh(T) =k=nDl+ 1. Hence dh(T) =nD+ 1 if and only ifl= 0, if and only if all the internal vertices ofT lie on the detour diameteral pathP, if and only if T is a caterpillar.

Theorem 3.3. For each triple D, kandn of positive integers with 2≤ knD+ 1 andD≥3, there is a connected graphGof ordern, detour diameterDand detour hull number k.

Proof. LetGbe the graph obtained from the cycleCD :u1, u2, . . . , uD, u1

of orderDby (1) adding k−1 new vertices v1, v2, . . . , vk−1 and joining

each vertex vi(1 ≤ ik−1) to u1 and (2) adding nDk+ 1

new verticesw1, w2, . . . , wnDk+1 and joining each vertexwi(1 ≤i

nDk+ 1) to both u1 andu3. The graph Ghas order nand detour

diameter D and is shown in Figure 7. Now, we show that dh(G) = k.

F i g u r e 7 . G

LetS={v1, v2, . . . , vk−1}be the set of end vertices of G. It is clear that

ID[S] =S∪ {u1} andID2[S] =ID[S]. Thus [S]D =S∪ {u1} 6=V and so


number can be prescribed as well, whena < b≤2a.

Theorem 3.4. For positive integers a, b and k ≥ 2 with a < b ≤ 2a, there exists a connected graph Gwith radD(G) =a, diamD(G) =band dh(G) =b.

Proof. If a = 1 and b = 2, then G = K1,k has the desired properties. So, let a≥2. Let Ka and Kba be the complete graphs of ordera and barespectively such that both are vertex disjoint. LetH be the graph obtained by identifying a vertex v ofKa andKba. Let H1 be the graph

obtained fromH by addingk−1 new verticesu1, u2, . . . , uk−1 and joining

each ui(1 ≤ ik−1) to a vertex x 6= v of Ka. Now, if ba = 1, then Gbe the graph obtained from H1 by adding a new vertexuk and

joining it to v; if ba ≥ 2, then G be the graph obtained from H1

by adding a new vertex uk and joining it to a vertex y 6= v of Kba. Then it is clear that the set S={u1, u2, . . . , uk}of end vertices of Gis

a detour hull set of Gand so by Proposition 2.5,dh(G) =k. Note that

D(v, z) =     

   

a−1 ifzV(Ka) and z6=v, a ifz=ui(1≤ik−1), ba−1 ifzV(Kba) and z6=uk, ba ifx=uk.

Sinceb≤2a, we havebaa. Hence it follows thateD(v) =a. Similarly, it can be easily seen that eD(ui) =b fori= 1,2, . . . , k andeD(x) =b−1 for all x 6= v, ui(1 ≤ ik). Hence it follows that radD(G) = a and daimD(G) =b.

A graph Gis said to be hypohamiltonianifG does not itself have a Hamiltonian cycle but every graph formed by removing a single vertex from Gis Hamiltonian.

Proposition 3.5. IfGis a Hamiltonian or hypohamiltonian graph, then dn(G) =dh(G) = 2.


is adjacent tov. Now, P :v, u1, u2, . . . , un1 is a vun1 Hamiltonian

path inG. Hence S={v, un1} is a detour set as well as a detour hull

set ofGand so dn(G) =dh(G) = 2.

Now, we introduce two classes of graphs Γ and Ω given in Figures 8 and 9, respectively, which are used in the proof of Theorem 3.6.

F i g u r e 8 . Γ

Theorem 3.6. If G is a connected graph with diamD(G) ≤ 4, then dn(G) =dh(G).

Proof. IfdiamD(G) = 1, then G=K2 and so the result follows. Also, if


F i g u r e 9 . Ω

Now, let diamD(G) = 3. IfGis a tree, then by Corollary 2.6, dn(G) = dh(G). So, assume thatcir(G)≥3, wherecir(G) denotes the length of a longest cycle in G. Since diamD(G) = 3, it is clear that cir(G) = 3 or cir(G) = 4. If cir(G) = 4, then G = C4 or G = C4 +e or G = K4

and so the result follows from Proposition 3.5. Let cir(G) = 3. Then the graph G reduces to G = K1,n−1 +e and so it is easily seen that

dn(G) =dh(G). Now, let diamD(G) = 4. If Gis a tree, then the result follows. Assume that G is not a tree. Since diamD(G) = 4, we have cir(G) ≤ 5. If cir(G) = 3, then G belongs to the family Γ. Hence it follows from Proposition 2.5 and Theorem 2.12 thatdn(G) =dh(G) for eachGin Γ. Letcir(G) = 4. Then it is clear thatGbelongs to the family Ω. It follows from Proposition 2.5 and Theorem 2.12 thatdn(G) =dh(G) for each G in Ω. Now, let cir(G) = 5. Since diamD(G) = 4, it follows that order ofG is 5 and henceG is Hamiltonian. Then it follows from Proposition 3.5 thatdn(G) =dh(G). This completes the proof.

Theorem 3.7. Let G be a connected graph of order n≥ 4. Then the following are equivalent:


Proof. By Theorem 1.3, it is enough to prove that (i) and (ii) are equivalent. Suppose thatdh(G) =n−1. Then by Theorem 3.1, diamD(G)≤2 and so it follows from Theorem 3.6 thatdn(G) =n−1. Conversely, Suppose that dn(G) = n−1. Then by Theorem 1.2, diamD(G) ≤ 2 and so it follows from Theorem 3.6 thatdh(G) =n−1.

Theorem 3.8. Let G be a connected graph of order n ≥5. Then the following are equivalent:

(i)dh(G) =n−2 (ii)dn(G) =n−2

(iii)G is a double star orG=K1,n−1+e

Proof. By Theorem 1.4, it is enough to prove that (i) and (ii) are equivalent. Suppose thatdh(G) =n−2. Then by Theorem 3.1, diamD(G)≤3 and so it follows from Theorem 3.6 thatdn(G) =n−2. Conversely, Suppose that dn(G) = n−2. Then by Theorem 1.2, diamD(G) ≤ 3 and so it follows from Theorem 3.6 thatdh(G) =n−2.


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C o n tac t i n f o r m at i o n



Department of Mathematics, Hindustan Uni-versity, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai - 603 103, India

E-Mail: apskumar1953@yahoo.co.in

S.V. Ullas Chandran

Department of Mathematics, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam - 690 525, India

E-Mail: ullaschandra01@yahoo.co.in


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