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Academic year: 2021



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Past Perfect Simple

Časovno obliko Past Perfect Simple tvoriš s pomožnim glagolom had in preteklim deležnikom. Če je glagol pravilen, polnopomenskemu glagolu dodaš končnico -ed (worked, finished, answered, ipd.), pri nepravilnih gla-golih pa uporabiš 3. obliko glagola (done, made, gone, ipd.).


I had do�� �y ho�ewo��. (Naredil sem nalogo.) Nepravilni glagol do v trdilni obliki.

They hadn’t forgotten �y �irthday. (Niso pozabili mojega rojstnega dne.) Nepravilni glagol

for-get v nikalni obliki.

She had �i�is�ed her wo��. (Končala je delo.) Pravilni glagol finish v trdilni obliki.

We had not war�ed them. (Nismo jih opozorili.) Pravilni glagol warn v nikalni obliki.

Pri tvorbi vprašanj pazi na besedni red, saj se osebek in pomožni glagol zamenjata: Primeri:

Had �� t�ld yo� the �ews? (Ti je povedal novico?)

Had Tin� read the bo�� before she wat�hed the film? (Je Tina prebralo knjigo, preden si je ogledala film?)

Why had you t�ld them the bad �ews? (Zakaj si jim povedal slabo novico?)

Where had you wo��ed before yo� go� yo�r presen� j��? (Kje si delal, preden si dobil sedanjo


Kdaj uporabiš časovno obliko Past Perfect Simple?

S časom Past Perfect Simple opisujemo vsa dejanja, ki so se zgodila pred nekim drugim preteklim deja-njem. V povedih se čas Past Perfect ponavadi uporablja skupaj s časom Past Simple. S tem časom na-mreč označimo preteklo dejanje, ki se je zgodilo kasneje, s časom Past Perfect pa dejanje, ki se je zgo-dilo pred njim v preteklosti.

Za lažjo predstavo si oglej primer predstavljen na časovni premici:

Primer: When we arri�ed a� his fla�, the party had alrea�y started. (Ko smo prišli k njemu v stanovanje, se je zabava že začela.)

Past Perfect Past Simple Now

---X---X ---X---→

had star�ed arrived

Pom���� �lag�l ‘had’ �e ena� za vse os�be, � ��rajša�� ��li�� ga zapi�e� ko� ‘d’.

opisujemo vsa dejanja, ki so se zgodila pred nekim drugim preteklim

deja-Pre�pre���la �eja�ja.

Časo�na ��lika ‘Pas� Per�ec� Si��le’ se pogost� poja�lja � ve��i��i�� beseda��

‘afte�’, ‘befo��’, ‘��en’, ‘as soon as’, ‘�� ��� ti��’, ‘a��ead�’, ‘�ust ’, ‘�nt��’.




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Vpraša� se, ka�er� �eja��e se �e zgo�il� na�pre� in ga opi�� s časom ‘Pas� Per�ec� Si��le’.






Past Perfect Continuous

Časovno obliko Past Perfect Continuous tvoriš podobno, le da glagolu dodaš končnico -ing (sedanji deležnik), in pomožnemu glagolu had dodaš še en pomožni glagol – been.


I had been watering flowers. (Zalivala je rože.)

He’dbeen walkingfor a while when she stopped him. (Nekaj časa je hodil, ko ga je ustavila)

We hadn’t been waiting long. (Nismo dolgo hodili.)

How long had you been standing there before she finally arrived? (Kolikočasa si tu stal,

preden je prišla?)

Past Perfect Continuous se uporablja v podobnih situacijah kot Past Perfect Simple, le da z njim opisuješ nedovršena dejanja. Uporabi ga takrat, ko želiš opisati predpreteklo dejanje, ki ni bilo dovršeno oz. po-navljajoče se dejanje:

Primer: She was tired because she had been shopping all day.

(Bila je utrujena, ker je ves dan nakupovala.)

Past Perfect Past Simple Now



had been shopping was









4. S pomočjo besed v oklepajih združi sledeče stavke v povedi.

Primer: The audience left. The film finished. (after)

The au��en�e lef� af�er the film had fi�ished.

1. I arrived home and looked round. I saw that a burglar stole my TV. (when) 2. I got home. The others ate all the food. (by the time)

3. Bill sold his car. He bought a yacht. (before)

Za �eja�ja, �� s� se zgo�ila na�pre�, �pora�� ‘Pas� Per�ec� Si��le’.

Na�pre� se �e končal film, zat� za opis �ega �eja�ja �pora�i� ‘Pas� Per�ec� ’. Si��le.

1. Glagole v razpredelnici postavi v Past Perfect Simple in Past Perfect Continuous.

2. Glagole v oklepajih postavi v Past Perfect Simple. 3. Glagole v oklepajih postavi v Past Perfect Continuous.

Osnovna oblika glagola Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous

rain had rai�ed had been rai�ing

happen pay do tell get watch

Primer: When Sarah returned to her hometown,the local cinema was no longer open.

It had �losed (close) down.

1. At the reunion I didn’t recognise my high school teacher. She 1 (change) a lot.

2. I wasn’t hungry. I 2 (just/have) lunch.

3. I 3 ( never/be) in love until I met my wife.

Primer: He was out of breath. He had been r�n�ing (run).

1. Mia finally gave up smoking a few months ago.

She 1 (try) to stop for a long time.

2. My father was very tired when he came home. He

2 (work) all day.

3. How long 3(you/wait) when the bus finally came?

Pa�� pr� zapi�� �lag�la. Pr� en��l���i� �lag�li� se za���� so�la��i� po�vo��, k� doda� kon��ic� ‘-ing’: �pr. r�n – r��ning, ��im – �����ing, �e� – �etting, �u� – ��tting.









5. Izberi pravilno obliko glagola.

6. Glagole v oklepajih postavi v ustrezen čas. Možne so vse časovne oblike.

Primer: We �i�n’� reco��ise/ha�n’� reco��ised Frank, because he �u�/had �u� his hair. 1. I didn't have/hadn't had 1 much money after I paid/had paid 2 all my bills last month.

2. Elizabeth never travelled/had never travelled 3 by plane before she went/had gone 4 to Australia.

3. Ivan didn't play/hadn't played 5 in the game on Saturday because he hurt/had hurt 6 his leg.

Primer: He �lays (play) basketball four times a week.

1. She 1 (burn) her hand while

she 2 (cook) dinner.

2. A: ‘Is Jake still here?’

B: No. He 3 (leave) before you


3. I’ll phone you when I 4 (get) home from work.

4. When we 5 (get) home last night, we 6 (find)

out that somebody 7 (break) into the flat.

5. The show wasn’t very good. I 8 (not enjoy) it very much.

Bo�� p�zoren na ve��i��e bese�e (‘afte�’,

‘befo��’, ‘a��ead�’ …), �� t� poved�, ka�er�

�eja��e se �e zgo�il� na�pre�.














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1. Glagole v oklepajih postavi v past Perfect Simple ali Past Perfect Continuous.

3. Glagole v oklepajih postavi v Past Perfect Simple ali Past Perfect Continuous. 2. Glagole v oklepajih postavi v Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple

ali Past Perfect Continuous.

1. When I returned to the kitchen, I realised that someone 1 (eat) all

the cakes. I had to bake some more.

2. My throat was really sore. I 2 (sing) all evening.

3. Diana 3(change) her dress four times before she finally decided

which one to wear to the event.

4. Graham and Pauline 4 (try) to find a perfect house to live in for

months when finally the agent showed them the one in our street.

1. Someone 1 (eat) my chocolate. There was only half of it left.

2. I had a terrible headache. The neighbours 2 (play) loud music all day long.

3. I was really sorry. I 3 (break) my grandfather’s glasses.

4. We 4 (drive) for hours before we found the right road.

Sue had her birthday party last Saturday. When I 1 (arrive), some people

2 (dance) but I 3 (not see) some of my friends because they

4 (already/leave). I was a little disappointed but then I 5 (see)

Sue’s little brother whose eyes were all red. He 6 (cry). I found out it was

becau-se he 7 (not like) the music. Sue 8 (want) to have a barbecue

in the garden, but it 9 (rain) all week before the party so we 10

(cook) the food in the kitchen. While everybody 11 (eat), we 12

(sing) ‘Happy Birthday’ and 13 (give) Sue presents.

_ /4

_ /4 _ /13

Čas reševanja: 30 minut Zbrane točke: /29 Ocena:











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4. Glagole v oklepajih postavi v ustrezen čas. Možne so vse časovne oblike.

1. Mary usually 1 (phone) me on Sunday but she 2 (not

phone) last Sunday.

2. How was your holiday? you 3 (have) a nice time?

3. A: ‘Ben 4 (break) his leg yesterday.’

B: ‘Really? How this 5 (happen)?’

A: ‘He 6 (fall) off a ladder.’

4. Karen didn’t want to come to the cinema because she 7 (already, see)

the film.

5. What you 8 (do) this evening?





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Tvoriti znam glagolsko obliko za Past Perfect Simple in Past Perfect Continuous. Tvoriti znam nikalne in vprašalne povedi za Past Perfect Simple in Past Perfect Continuous.

Poznam tipične vezniške besede, s katerimi se Past Perfect Simple najpogosteje uporablja.

Poznam razliko med časoma Past Perfect Simple in Past Perfect Continuous.

Vem, s katerim preteklim časom se Past Perfect Simple in Past Perfect Continuous v povedi največkrat pojavljata.

Znam uporabljati Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous in Past Simple v sobesedilu.


2. 1 had changed, 2 had just had, 3 had never been

3. 1 had been trying, 2 had been working, 3 had you been


4. 1 When I arrived home and looked around, I saw that a

bur-glar had stolen my TV., 2 By the time I got home, the others had eaten all the food., 3 Before Bill bought a yacht, he had sold his car.

5. 1 didn’t have, 2 had paid, 3 had never travelled, 4 went, 5

didn’t play, 6 had hurt

6. 1 burnt, 2 was cooking, 3 had left, 4 get, 5 got, 6 found, 7 had

broken, 8 didn’t enjoy

Vaje 1.

Osnovna oblika glagola Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous

rain had rained had been raining

happen had happened had been happening

pay had paid had been paying

do had done had been doing

tell had told had ben telling

get had got had been getting

watch had watched had been watching

1. 1 had eaten, 2 had been singing, 3 had changed, 4 had been


2. 1 arrived, 2 were dancing, 3 didn’t see, 4 had already left, 5

saw, 6 had been crying, 7 hadn’t liked /didn’t like, 8 had wanted/wanted, 9 had been raining, 10 cooked, 11 was ea-ting, 12 sang, 13 gave

3. 1 had eaten, 2 had been playing, 3 had broken, 4 had been


4. 1 phones, 2 didn’t phone, 3 did … have, 4 broke, 5 did …

ha-ppen, 6 fell, 7 had already seen, 8 are … doing


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