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Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia: ORIGIN OF



Philip J. Fialkow

J Clin Invest. 1978;62(4):815-823. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI109193.

In three patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia who were heterozygous at the X-linked glucose-6-phospháte dehydrogenase locus, lymphocytes were studied to determine if they had the same stem cell origin as the leukemic myeloid cells. Normal tissues such as skin had both B and A glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase isoenzymes, but the leukemic myelogenous cells displayed only one isoenzyme type, consistent with their clonal origin. A population of cells with undoubted thymus-derived (T)-lymphocyte characteristics had both isoenzymes. Presumably, then, these T cells did not arise from the leukemic stem cell, either because they antedated the development of leukemia in that stem cell or, more likely, because they arose from progenitors not involved by the disease. In contrast, another

population of lymphocytes showed only one isoenzyme type, suggesting that it arose from the chronic myelocytic leukemia stem cell. However, although this population contained many cells with the characteristics of bone marrow-derived (B) lymphocytes, it is not certain that the single enzyme produced by the cells over all can be attributed to B lymphocytes rather than to contaminating non-B-lymphoid cells.

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Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia


PHLIPJ. FIALKOW, Medical Genetics Section, Medical Service, Veterans

Administration Hospital, Seattle, Washington, 98108 and Departments of Medicine and Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 A.MICHAELDENMAN,DivisionofImmunological Medicine, Clinical ResearchCentre,

Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex HAl 3UJ, England

ROBERT J. JACOBSON andMARK N. LOWENTHAL, Baragwanath Hospital and

Department of Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

A B S T R A C T In three patients with chronic myelo-cytic leukemia whowereheterozygousatthe X-linked

glucose-6-phosphaie dehydrogenase locus, lympho-cytes were studied to determine ifthey had the same stemcell originasthe leukemic myeloid cells. Normal tissues suchasskin hadbothB andA glucose-6-phos-phate dehydrogenase isoenzymes, but the leukemic myelogenouscellsdisplayed onlyoneisoenzyme type, consistent with their clonal origin. A population of cells with undoubted thymus-derived (T)-lymphocyte characteristics had both isoenzymes.Presumably,then, theseTcells did notarisefrom the leukemicstemcell, either because they antedated the development of leukemiainthat stem cell or,morelikely, because they arose from progenitorsnotinvolvedbythe disease. In

contrast, another population of lymphocytes showed

onlyoneisoenzyme type, suggesting thatitarosefrom the chronic myelocytic leukemiastem cell. However,

althoughthispopulation contained many cells with the characteristics of bone marrow-derived (B)

lympho-cytes,it is not certainthatthesingleenzymeproduced

by the cellsoverallcanbeattributedto Blymphocytes rather than to contaminating non-B-lymphoid cells.


Isoenzyme (1-3) and chromosome marker studies (reviewedinreference 4) indicatethatchronic

myelo-This work was presented in part at the 5th Cold Spring

Harbor Conference on Cell Proliferation, 6-11 September

1977. Aportionofthis work appears in summary form in those proceedings.

Dr.Jacobson'spresent address isDivision of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Georgetown University, Wash-ington, D. C. 20007.

Receivedfor publication 11 January 1978and in revised

form12 May 1978.

cytic leukemia (CML)l is a stem cell disorder which at the time ofdiagnosis, has unicellular origin. Thus far,it isknown that thesiteof theabnormalityis a

plu-ripotent stem cellfrom which granulocytes,erythrocytes, platelets, and cultured blood monocytes/macrophages arise (2). That theCML stem cell maybe pluripotent forlymphocytes as wellasformyeloid elementsis sug-gestedby similarities betweensome cases intheacute phase (blast crisis) ofCML and the common type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (5-8) andby reports of the Philadelphia (Ph')chromosome inseveral patients with "acute lymphoblastic leukemia" without docu-mented antecedentCML(e.g.,9-11).Incontrast, when blood lymphocytes from CMLpatients are stimulated to divide in culture by phytohemagglutinin (PHA), they are reportedly Ph1-negative (12, 13). For this reason, someinvestigatorsbelieve that lymphocytes do not arisefrom the CML stem cell. However, these PHA-responsive cells are presumably long-lived; therefore, they may have antedated the development of the leukemic clone. Alternatively, they may reflect only one subpopulation, so that it is possible that other lymphocytes could be descendants of the CML stem cell. It is also conceivable that the development of CMLrequires several steps,one of which (e.g. forma-tionof Ph') occurs onlyinmyelogenouscell precursors andnot in lymphocytes.

To investigate the origin of different lymphocyte populations westudiedthree women with CMLusing as cell markers their chromosomes and the


used in this paper: CML,chronic myelo-cytic leukemia; E, erythrocyte; EAC, erythrocyte antibody complement; G-6-PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;

Ph', Philadelphia chromosome; PHA, phytohemagglutinin;

PWM, pokeweed mitogen.


phoretic pattern of glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-genase(G-6-PD),anX-linkedisoenzyme. Becausethis locus undergoes X-chromosome inactivation, onlyone G-6-PD gene is active in each somatic cell ofadult females (14-16). Consequently, women heterozygous for the usual gene (GdB) and a variant such as GdA, have two populations of cells-one synthesizing type Benzyme,and the other, typeA. Normal tissues con-tain a mixture of cells and manifest both B and A enzymes (hereinreferred to asdouble-enzyme pheno-types). However, clonal proliferations display only single-enzymephenotypes,B or A (seereference 4 for review). G-6-PD heterozygotes with CML have double-enzyme phenotypesintheirnormal tissues,but only one isoenzyme is found in blood granulocytes, erythrocytes,platelets, and culturedblood monocytes/ macrophages (2). Of the eightreportedG-6-PD hetero-zygotes with CML, four have had type A enzyme in their leukemia clones andfour, type B (2). These ob-servations strongly suggest clonal origin ofCML and provide formal proof that itarises from hematopoietic pluripotentstemcells. The datareported here indicate that onepopulation ofthymus-derived (T)lymphocytes does notarisefrom this CML stemcell. However, the results also suggest that atleast one other population of lymphoid cells does arise from the CML stemcells.


All threefemalesinthis report had typical Ph'-positive CML. They are subjects 6, 7, and 5, respectively, in reference 2. M. K. was 60 yr old when first seen in May 1975. Her leukocyte count was 253,000/mm3

in-cluding 10%-myeloblasts. V. M. was 28 yr old on

initial presentation inMay 1975. She hada leukocyte count of 140,000/mm3 with3%myeloblasts. F. M. was 35yrold when first seeninDecember 1973. Her leuko-cyte count was 191,400/mm3 with2% myeloblasts. On the patients' initial presentations, Ph'wasobservedin 28of30marrow metaphasesfrom M. K. and in all of 30 metaphases from eachofthe other patients (2). After the diagnosis was established, the patients were treated with busulfan to control leukocytosis.


Collection and


of leukocytes

Samples ofvenous blood were anticoagulated with

pre-servative-free heparin (2 IU/ml) and flown to London at

ambienttemperature.Processingof thespecimenstherewas

begun within 20 h of collection and all the preliminary manipulationswerecompletedwithin the next 24 h.

Initial preparative manipulations inall experiments were two cycles of density sedimentation on Ficoll/Hypaque gradients (PharmaciaFineChemicals,Div.ofPharmacia Inc., Piscataway, N. J.) (17). Thisprocedure removed erythrocytes

butnotgranulocyteprecursorsandimmatureformsevenafter several attempts tomodify the method.



In most experiments,thesequential steps to isolate T cells were velocity sedimentation, rosette formation, and culture with PHA.

Velocity sedimentation. Nucleated leukocytes obtained by Ficoll/Hypaque sedimentation were first separated on the

basis of differencesintheir sizeby velocity sedimentation at 1g using a variation(is) of the methodof Miller and Phillips

(19). The volumedistribution ofthe cells in each fraction was

measured with a Coulter counter(Coulter Electronics Inc.,

Hialeah, Fla.). Differential counts were also performed on

cytocentrifuge preparations of selected fractions to monitor

their composition. Fractions werepooled which contained

predominantly small lymphocytes sedimenting at 2.5-6.5

mm/h,or morerapidlysedimenting cells including occasional "blast" cells andnumerous immaturecells of the granulocyte

series. Theheight of the "buffered step" gradient,duration

ofsedimentation, and volume of fraction collected (25 ml)

werekeptconstant sothatsmalllymphocytes and other cell

types werealways removedinthesamefraction.

Erythrocyte-rosette formation. Erythrocyte (E) rosettes wereformed with neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes

(20). In afewexperiments, E rosettes wereformed from cells

remaining after erythrocyte antibody complement (EAC) rosetting (21). The E rosettes were separated on Ficoll/

Hypaquegradients (22).

Nylon fiber filtration. Nylon fiber ifitration (23)was also

usedto improve the enrichment ofT cells insome experi-ments,but2-5%of the lymphocytes that passed throughthe

columnwerebone marrow-derived (B) cells.

Mitogen stimulation. To promote the preferential

pro-liferation oflymphocytes, cells were culturedwith PHA for 4-5daysbefore G-6-PDanalysis.



Two setsofexperiments wereperformed.In most instances,

the procedure was asoutlined above forTlymphocytes and

the cellsnotremovedbyE-rosetteformationwere considered tobe enriched withnon-T lymphocytes.To promote prefer-ential proliferation of lymphocytes, these cell populations

werestimulated with pokeweedmitogen(PWM) for4-5days beforeG-6-PDanalysis.Inthesecondsetofexperiments,the leukocytes separatedby Ficoll/Hypaque sedimentationwere

cultured with PWM for7days beforelymphocyte isolation. Silicawas addedtothe cultures ondays 3 and6 todestroy macrophages (24). Subsequent steps involved EAC-rosette

formationandlinear density gradients.

EAC-rosetteformation. EAC rosettes were formed with

erythrocytes sensitized with antibody and complement(21)

andwereisolatedonFicoll/Hypaque gradients (22).

Linear density gradient. In some experiments, slowly sedimenting, lymphoblast-enriched fractions were obtained before and after EAC-rosette formation by centrifuging the cultured cellsinlinear sucrose-serumdensity gradients (25). This technique was noteffective in isolating unstimulated lymphocytes before culture.

Cell characterization

Morphology. Slide-centrifuge preparations were made

from eachfraction with a Shandoncytocentrifuge (Shandon

Southern Instruments Inc., Sewickley, Pa.). The cells were stained with May-GrunwaldGiemsaand classified

morpho-logically as myeloblasts, erythrocyte or granulocyte pre-cursors, maturegranulocytes,monocytes, smalllymphocytes,

andlymphocytestransformed byexposure to PHA or PWM.


Thesemitogen-transformed lymphoblasts were identified by

theclumpednuclear chromatin, indistinct nucleoli, and dark-blue agranularcytoplasm. Atleast500cells were scoredin making thedifferential counts.

Lymphocyte characterization. E-rosette formation was usedastheT-cell marker.Insome experiments reactionwith

ananti-T-cellantiserum (26) was alsoemployed.

B-lympho-cytemarkerswerecell-surfaceIg receptors(27), intracellular

Ig (28),andIgsynthesis. The ability ofTand Blymphocytes

from patientswith CML to participate in Igproduction stim-ulatedbyPWM wasassayedbymeasuringthe "helper"

func-tion ofTcells and thesynthesis ofIgbyB cells. TheCML Tand B lymphocytes were prepared by the techniques ap-propriateforeach blood sample.Eachpopulationwasassayed separately in combination with normal lymphocyte

popula-tions (29, 30). Normal T and B lymphocytes were tonsil

E-rosetting and non-E-rosetting cells, respectively. In most

experiments,normal andCMLlymphocyteswereculturedat

the optimal ratio forIgsynthesis of75% Blymphocytes and

25% T lymphocytes in microtiter plates, 0.25x 106 cells/ cultureor in modified Marbrookchambers,20.0x 106cells/ culture. Thecellswerestimulatedwith PWMand the

super-nate washarvestedforIg measurementafter7days. Lymphocyte response tophytomitogens was determined by culturing cellsin microtiterplates with PHA, concanavalinA, or PWM(31).

Monocytecharacterization. Monocytes were identifiedby phagocytosis oflatex particles and fluorescence microscopy afterstainingwithacridineorange orbytheesterasemethod (32).

G-6-PD analysis. Cell lysates made by freezing and thawingweresubjectedtostarchgel electrophoresis and the relativeactivityofthe isoenzymebandswasestimatedvisually

(1, 2). The sensitivity of this technique allows 5% activity ofa minorisoenzymecomponent tobe detected (33).

Cytogeneticanalysis. Mitoses wereexaminedafter

cultur-ingthe cells in thepresence ofPHAor PWM for96-120 h

from patients V. M.and M.K.,and, for48hfrom F. M.The preparations were exposed to 0.05 ug/ml colchicine for 1h

before fixation andstaining.Randomly selected, well-spread metaphases inwhich all G-groupchromosomes were identi-fiedwerescored forPh'.


Themajortechnical problem inthese experiments

in-volved isolating populations of cells which were ac-ceptably homogeneous and recognizable unequivo-cally as small lymphocytes initially or as "lympho-blasts" after exposure to mitogens. Operationally, we

defined a homogeneous population as one that

con-tained at least 85% of cells fulfilling the morphologic

criteriaconventionally accepted for small lymphocytes

or mitogen-stimulated lymphoblasts. In early experi-ments, the lymphocyte-enriched fractions were

rou-tinely tested formonocyte admixture and always had <1%monocytes.

Freshly separated lymphocytes were identified as

smallround cellssedimenting at avelocity ofbetween

3.5and4.7mm/h whichweretransformedbymitogens

in culture. Forexample, inone representative

experi-ment (Table I, exp. F. M. 1), the transformation ratios

measuredbytritiatedthymidine incorporationof

stim-ulated small cellstounstimulated small cellswere21.9,

16.9, and 10.1 for PHA, concanavilin A, and PWM, respectively.

Not all the methods for characterizing the isolated populations could be carried out in every experiment since the numbers oflymphocytes isolated were very limited. Thus, 200 ml ofblood, the largest blood sample weobtained, even from anormal person only contained 20x 106 Blymphocytes. Furthermore, unusually large proportions of lymphocytes appeared as "null" cells (i.e. cells with neither T- nor B-lymphocyte surface markers);this we haveattributed,atleast in part, to the deleterious effect of repeated separation maneuvers. Similar manipulations onhuman spleen, lymph node, andtonsil cells ledto acomparableincreaseinthe pro-portion of cells lacking T- and B-cell markers.2

G-6-PD in

non-lymphoid cells

Onelectrophoresis,extractsofskin and cultured skin fibroblasts from each patient manifested both B and AG-6-PD isoenzymes (i.e.,thepatients were heterozy-gous forG-6-PD). Patients M. K.and F. M. had50%A

and 50% B; V.M.hadaboutone-thirdAand two-thirds B. Incontrast, as on previous occasions(2),cells of the granulocyte series, erythrocytes, and platelets

con-sistently displayed only one isoenzyme, type B.

G-6-PD in

lymphoid cells

For simplicity, most of the preparative data have been omittedfrom the tables. Finallymphocyte

prep-arations wereincluded inthe tabulated results only if they contained sufficient cells forsatisfactory G-6-PD typing (at least0.5 x 106_1 x 106viable lymphocytes) and iftheywerejudgedto containatleast 85% lympho-cytes. In fact, the great majority of fractions included hadover 95%lymphoid cells.

Fortabulation, the fractionsweregrouped according to whether they had T- or non-T-cell characteristics and whether they showed both or only one G-6-PD type.

T-cells displaying both isoenzymes. In multiple experimentsinvolvingallthreepatients,alymphocyte populationwas isolatedwhichexpressed bothtypes of G-6-PD isoenzymesandtherefore didnot arisefrom the CML stem cell (Table I). When tested for surface markers, these cells manifested T-cell characteristics. They were most readily demonstrable when the pa-tients were in complete clinical remission. The two exceptions are that atthe times ofexps. M. K. 4 and F. M. 1, the patients were inpartial clinical remission. Only3of585PHA-stimulated cellsinmetaphase from the three patients werePh'-positive.

Cells with T-lymphocyte characteristics displaying

2Denman, A. M., and B. K.Pelton. Unpublished



Isolation and Characterization of T-Lymphocytes DisplayingBoth G-6-PD Isoenzymesfrom Patients V. M., M. K., and F. M. with CML*



Exp. E Surface G-6-PDI

no. Date SeparationproceduresI Mitogen§ rosette Ig' (A:B) %of cells %

V. M. 1 9/4/75 Veloc. sed. PHA 20 <1 20:80

5 8/17/76 Veloc. sed.; Erosetting None 100 6 10:90

Veloc. sed.; E rosetting PHA 27 <1 35:65

6 6/7/77 None PHA ND ND 35:65

Veloc.sed. PHA ND ND 35:65

7 7/5/77 Veloc. sed.; Erosetting** PHA ND ND 45:55

Veloc. sed. PHA 77 ND 40:60

8 8/16/77 Veloc. sed. None 100 0 45:55

PHA 72 4 45:55 M. K. 1 9/4/75 Veloc. sed. None ND ND 10:90

2 8/18/76 Erosetting PHA 87 7 35:65

Nylon fiber filtration PHA 92 13 35:65

Veloc. sed. PHA 92 0 30:70

Veloc. sed. PWM 36 0 10:90

Veloc. sed.; E rosetting PHA 74 0 35:65

4 4/6/77 Veloc. sed.;Erosetting PHA ND ND 40:60

F. M. 1 8/8/74 Veloc. sed. None ND ND 10:90

* TheCMLclonein each patientdisplayed only typeB G-6-PD.

tOnly those cellpopulations that hadenough cells totype for G-6-PD andatleast 85% cells (95% in most fractions) judgedmorphologically to be lymphoid are included. The other cells werepredominantly mature granulocytes. All other populations that contained enough cells to

testdisplayedonly type B G-6-PD.

§Unstimulated cells were studied for G-6-PD immediately after separation and cells exposed

tomitogenwere studied after4-5daysinculture.

'Anti-T-cell serum was used only in exp. M. K. 1. 25% of the cells reacted with the serum. ¶ Ig, immunoglobulin-positive; ND, not done; veloc. sed., velocity sedimentation.

**Inthisfraction, E rosettes wereformed from cells remaining afterEACrosetting.

onlyone isoenzyme. The dataaregiven in Table II. Since these cells were isolated by E rosetting and lackedsurfaceorintracytoplasmicIg,their characteris-tics were more consistent with T-, rather than

B-lymphocyteorigin.Thesecells appeared only when the diseasewasunderpoorcontrol.Inthetwoexperiments inwhich chromosome analyseswere done,4outof76 metaphases were Ph'-positive (exps. V. M. 3 and 4).

Non-Tcells. Thefractions giveninthe upperpanel of Table III were enriched for lymphocytes before mitogen stimulation. These fractions were prepared from the non-E-rosetting cells and contained ap-preciable numbers of cells with surface Ig.Only type

Benzyme wasdetectedinthese cells, indicatingtheir origin from the CML stem cell clone.

The supposition that the single enzyme typefoundin

thesenon-T-cell fractions reflects the lymphoid cellsis

strengthened by exclusion of admixture with other

cells. Important admixture with such cells as mono-cytes, granulocytes, and small myeloblasts was

ren-dered unlikely by the high transformation ratios of mitogen-stimulated cells to unstimulated cells in the small cellfractions from which thenon-Tlymphocytes were prepared. Moreover, admixture with monocytes insuchexperiments as V.M.2,5,7, and8 wasexcluded by histochemical studies of the non-T-cell fractions before exposure to PWM and by morphological

ob-servations after mitogen stimulation. The latter pro-cedure also revealed absence ofgranulocytes. Small myeloblasts could be confusedwithPWM-transformed lymphocytes,but they were not detected in the

prep-arations before the mitogen was added and were not

found in the patient's blood (she was in complete clinical remissionatthetimeofexps.7and 8). Further-more, cell survival studies (trypan blue exclusion) suggest strongly that after 4-5 days in culture with



Isolation andCharacterization of Cells with T-Lymphocyte Attributes Displaying

OnlyType B G-6-PDfromPatients V. M. and M. K. with CML*


Exp. Separation E Anti-T-cell Surface

no. Date proceduret Mitogen§ rosette serum Ig G-6PD$§


V. M. 3 1/7/76 Erosettingi PHA 22 60 <1 B V. M. 4 4/7/76 Erosetting' PHA 25 ND 0 B M. K. 5 6/7/77 E rosetting' PHA ND ND <1 B

Symbols *, t,§areexplainedinTableI.

Erosetting wasdoneonthe small cells obtained by velocity sedimentation.

PWM, the blast cells are PWM-transformed

lympho-cytes rather than myeloblasts. Cell survival in PWM-stimulated cultures regularly exceeded 50% when the cells werecultured initially from small cellpools

en-riched for lymphocytes andwhen at the time the cul-tures were terminated they contained at least85% of cells resembling lymphoblasts or small lymphocytes.

Incontrast, cell survivalwas much poorer whenpools

oflarge, rapidly-sedimenting cells depleted ofsmall lymphocytes were stimulated with PWM (data not

shown intables).

The lower panel of Table III shows the results of experiments in which the leukocytes obtained by Ficoll/Hypaque sedimentation were stimulated with PWM without any initial efforts to prepare small lymphocytes. B-lymphoblast enrichment was

at-temptedafter the stimulated cells had been cultured for 7days.Inkeeping with the data presentedinthe upper panel of Table III, only typeBenzymewasdetectedin these cells.

Inexperiments involving the culture of PWM-stimu-lated cells without any initial attempt to isolate small


Isolation and Characterizationof Non-TLymphocytes fromPatientsV. M.andM. K. withCML*

Lymphocyte markers


Cellsenrichedfor Rosette

lymphocytesbefore or Exp. Sur-

Intra-afterculture withPWM no. Date Separationproceduret§ E EAC face cytoplasmic G-6-PD


Beforet V. M. 2 11/25/75 Non-E


0 ND 25 ND B

5 8/17/76 EACrosetting ND 100 6 ND B

7 7/5/77 Non-Erosetting 0 ND ND 11 B

8 8/16/77 Non-Erosetting 20 ND ND 18 B M. K. 5 6/5/77 Non-E rosetting ND ND ND 10 B

Aftert M. K. 6 1/3/78 EACrosetting 0 100 ND 29 B

7 211/78 EAC rosetting 0 100 ND ND B

9 3/16/78 Sucrosegradient before and 0 100 ND 46 B

afterEAC rosetting

10 4/12/78 Sucrosegradient before and 0 100 ND 38 B

afterEAC rosetting SeeTableIfor explanationof footnote symbols *and t.

§ Fractions listed in the upperpanelwere isolated by velocity sedimentation before rosetting and culturing with PWM for 4-5 days. Fractions listed in the lower panel were stimulated with PWM for 7 days before lymphocyte enrichment

pro-ceduresweredone. Inallof the lattergroupofexperiments, silicawas added to the cultured cells ondays3and6. "This fractioninitially contained lymphocytesandgranulocytesin a 1:1 ratio.Thegranulocytes were removedby allowing


lymphocytes from other cells, admixture with mono-cytes was an additional problem. Contamination by these cells was reduced by exposing the cultures to silicaduring thecourseofPWM stimulation,a maneu-verwhich does notinterfere with thematuration ofB lymphocytes stimulatedby this mitogen (24).

The non-T-cell lymphoid populations displaying only oneG-6-PDisoenzymeweredemonstrated bothin remission (Table III, exps.V. M.5,7, and8) and when the CML was under poor control (exps. V. M. 2, and M. K. 9and 10). Inthe onechromosome analysis done, Ph' was found in one of 37 PWM-stimulated meta-phases (exp.V. M. 5).

Ig synthesis. In experiments designed to demon-strate that cells judged to be lymphocytes by other criteriaindeed hadimmunologicalfunctions,Ig secre-tion was measured in T- and B-lymphocyte prepara-tionsfrom normal persons and from patients withCML. The results of one such experimentare giveninTable IV.Both theTandBcells alone madesomeIg, presum-ably because neither fraction was entirely homoge-neous. Nonetheless, it is clear from this and similar experiments thatsynthesis of Ig by normal Bcellswas increasedbyTlymphocytes butnotby other cells from patients with CML. Similarly, cells with B-cell char-acteristicsfrom patients withCMLmademoreIginthe presence of normal Tcells.


The three patientswhose lymphocytes form thesubject

ofthisstudyareamong thepreviouslyreportedpatients


IgSynthesis byLymphocyte Subpopulations fromaNormal

PersonandFrom PatientM. K. withCML

Sourceof cells*

Tcells Bcells Igt


CML None 0.6 None CML 1.2

Normal None 1.8

None Normal 2.2

Normal Normal 4.8

CML CML 1.5 CML Normal 3.8

Nonnal CML 5.8

(CML non-T) Normal 1.2 * See Methods for


ofnormal and CMLTandB

lymphocytes. CML non-T cells were the large cells after velocitysedimentation. TheCMLT-cell andtheCMLB-cell

preparation had 100% lymphocytes. The CML non-T-cell

preparationhad12%lymphocytesand 88%myelocyticcells.

tIgsynthesis inmicrocultures ofBandT


stim-ulated with PWMfor7days. Resultsare meansof triplicate


and theirCMLmyelocyticcells are type B. Theresults provideevidence for the presence of two, and perhaps three lymphocyte populations inCML.

Tlymphocytes which do not arisefrom CML stem

cells. The most convincing conclusion reached from the data is that in each of the three patients there isa lymphocytepopulation which types as B/A forG-6-PD and thereforedoes not arise from the CML clone (Table I). Thesecells were mosteasily demonstrated when the patient was in complete clinical remission. This non-clonal lymphocyte population has many T-cell char-acteristics, such as spontaneous formation of rosettes with sheeperythrocytesandabsence of readily detect-able cell surface or intracytoplasmic Ig. Furthermore, these cells function as T lymphocytes in the synthe-sisof Ig. Cells within this population that entermitosis inthe presence ofPHAlack Ph'.

One possible reason that these T lymphocytes are nonclonal is that they are long-lived and antedated the development ofCML. Alternatively, nonclonal T lymphocytes may have been produced after leukemia is manifest. An argument in favor of the latter pos-sibilityisprovidedby experimentsV. M.6,7, and 8 in TableI whichwere performed more than 2 yr after the onsetofCML. It is likely thata significant proportion ofTcells arose during this period andifall such cells originated from the CML clone, the greatest propor-tionofG-6-PD should have been of type B (the same type foundinthe CMLclone). In contrast, the propor-tion of B:A in the T lymphocytes was the same as it was in skin.

Lymphocytes which arise from CML stem cells. The data also suggest that there are lymphocytes with the samesingle-enzyme phenotype as that found in the leukemia myeloid cells. Using lack of E rosetting as a criterion, one population of these lymphocytes con-sistspredominantly of non-T cells. This population was demonstrated when the patient was in relapse or in clinical remission (Table III, exps. V. M. 2 and 7, re-spectively). Many of the cellsinthis population mani-fest B-lymphocyte characteristics such as cell surface and intracellular Ig, and Ig synthesis (Tables III and IV). However, since not all cells in the non-T-lympho-cyte fractionsshowed,norwouldbe expected to show, these characteristics, it waspossible that the prepara-tions had important admixture with myeloid cells which had a single-enzyme phenotype and obscured thephenotype in the lymphocytes themselves. For the reason given in the Results we feel that we have ex-cluded contamination with the most obvious non-lymphoid cell types. Although some T-"lymphoblast" admixture is tobe expected, ifitwere considerable it would, ifanything, have favored the appearance of a double-enzyme phenotype (cf.G-6-PD inpreparations from Tables I and III, exps. V. M. 5, 7, and 8).

These resultssuggest stronglythatthere are


cytes which arise from the CML stem cell. Although the percentages of these lymphocytes that have B-cell characteristics resemble the percentages found in similar preparations of PWM-transformedB cells from normal subjects (28),2 we do not know the extent to which the cells withoutT-or B-cell markers represent Blymphocytes which have lost their markers as a con-sequence of the prolonged separation procedures or represent physiologically "null" lymphoid cells. We recognize that ultimate proof for the CML-stem cell origin of B lymphocytes requires G-6-PD assays of pools inwhich the great majority of cellscanbe defini-tively identifiedasBlymphocytes orof B-cell colonies grown in culture. However, there are few criteria by which B lymphocytes and precursor cells of the my-eloid series can be firmly distinguished in CML. la antigens are not confined to B lymphocytes but are expressedby both normal myeloid stem cells (34, 35) and neoplastic granulocytes in CML (36). Moreover, thereisevidence thatinblast crisis leukemic cells may display both lymphoid and myeloid properties (37). Indeed in blastic CML, cells with myeloblastic mor-phology may express terminal transferase (38), an enzyme usually considered to be characteristic of primitive lymphoid cells. On the basis ofthe semi-quantitative datapresented herewesuggesttentatively that the single-enzyme phenotypes inthe non-T-lym-phocytefractions may representB cells and,therefore, that B lymphocytes mayarise from CMLstem cells.

T lymphocytes which may arise from CML stem cells. Thereis apopulationof lymphocytes which has a single-enzyme phenotype and T-cell characteristics including lack of cell-surface Ig, formation ofErosettes, and reaction with anti-T-cellserum (Table II). In con-trast tothe non-clonal Tcells which were mosteasily demonstrated in clinical remission, this "clonal" sub-population has thusfar been demonstrated onlywhen the disease is inrelapse. However, conclusionsbased on these findings must be guarded. Thus, since the diseasewasactive atthetimesofstudy, the still greater preponderanceof cellsof the granulocyte series inthe starting material increased the difficulties ofisolating and characterizing lymphocyte populations. Further-more,itcannotbefirmly concluded that this clonal sub-populationisanalogous tonormal Tlymphocytessince it may consist of B lymphocytes or undifferentiated cells ofthe leukemic clone which have acquired

T-cell markers during the evolution of the leukemia. Previously ithasbeen concluded that the lymphoid andmyeloid systems shareacommonmultipotentstem cell in mice (39-41) and that in these animals there arealso restricted stem cells committed todifferentiate onlyinto Tlymphocytesoronlyintomyeloidcells(41). Independent differentiation into B lymphocytes was not observed. The dataforman are less clear,but our observations suggestthat there are similar stem cells in

humans and that CML involves a pluripotent stem cell. The occurrence of lymphocytes which arise from the CML stemcellmayexplain whyin some casesof blast crisis,the cells havemorphologic,enzymatic, immuno-logic, and other characteristics which resemble those found in the common type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (5-8). The demonstration in patients with CML in remission of T lymphocytes that do notarise from the leukemia stem cell may reflect persistence of restrictedstemcells committedto differentiate only into T cells.

Philadelphia chromosome (Ph'). PHA- and PWM-stimulated mitoses within the lymphocytes having single-enzyme phenotypes (and thereby presumably arising from CML stem cells) generally lacked Ph'. It is possible that the cells in metaphase are not repre-sentative ofthe vast majority of enzyme-producing cells or that cells which are clonally derived only acquire Ph'atalater stageinleukemogenesis or perhaps even afterithas occurred.Ourdata donotallowus to distin-guish between those and other possibilities, but this question can be resolved by analysis of both G-6-PD and Ph1 in the progeny of single cells derived from hematopoietic cell colonies grown in culture.

In summary, the likely demonstration in CML of clonallymphocytes, be theyBcells, null cells, or both, suggests that there is a common hematopoietic stem cell for some lymphocytes as well as for myelogenous cells and it is this stemcell which is involved in the leukemia. Some cells with T-lymphocyte characteris-tics may also arise from the pluripotent progenitor, but one population ofT cells does not arise from the CMLstem cell either because itantedates the develop-ment of leukemiainthat stem cell or, more likely, be-cause it arises from progenitors not involved by the disease.


We thank Dr. George Janossy for advice in the design of

separationprocedures,Dr. GracePenfold andDr.IvanA. F. Dukes for hematological studies, and Peta Basford, Jean Buiter,Camille Campbell, Michelle Henfrey, GabeHemer, Trevor Perkins, Armi Salo, and Laura Steinmann for their skillfulassistance.

This researchwas supported by grants CA 16448 and GM 15253 from the National Cancer Institute and Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health,

DepartmentofHealth, EducationandWelfare; the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration; and by

NATOResearch grant 742.


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