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(1)We’re glad you joined us! Sunday, October 22, 2017. Located at the ! Church of the Navity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! 152 Main Street, Brockport, New York! (585) 6374500! www.navitybrockport.org! !. ! cnavit@dor.org!. Navity Brockport. Sacrament of the Eucharist! Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm! Sunday: 9:00 am, 1:30 pm  Español! Weekday Mass: MTh8:00 am, FNoon! Holydays: Noon & 7:00 pm! !. Sacrament of Reconciliaon! Friday: 1:001:45 pm; Saturday: 3:154:15 pm;! or by appointment!. Eucharistic Living. !. Arrangements for the Sacrament of Anoinng of the Sick/Communion, Bapsm, and Matrimony ! may be made by calling the Parish Office.! ! PARISH OFFICE HOURS! Monday Friday: 9 am4 pm!. with Deacon Dan Callan St. Charles Borromeo, Rochester. How does serving the poor help us appreciate the Eucharist? How does receiving the Eucharist encourage us to serve the poor?. Staff! Fr. Joe.McCaffrey, Pastorfr.joe.mccaffrey@dor.org! Deacon Tom Schragetschrage@rochester.rr.com ! Deacon Paul Virgiliopvirgili@rochester.rr.com ! James Pude6, Financial Directorjim.pude6@dor.org! Pamela Rickerl, Parish Secretarypamela.rickerl@dor.org! Sco8 NatherMaintenance/Cemetery Supervisor cnavit@dor.org! Lisa Sachs, Bookeeper! Grace Adams, Contemporary Choir Director musict111@yahoo.com! Bridget Bishop, Seasonal Choir Director meanmom5@rochester.rr.com! Jean Marn Brooks, Organist! William Campbell, Pianist! Jorge Salgado, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry jorge.salgado@dor.org! !. Pastoral Council! John Lemke, Chairjlemke55@gmail.com!. !. THIS Wednesday, October 25 7 pm, Church An event in a series on “The Year of the Eucharist.”. ! ! !. ! ! !. ! ! !. ! ! !. THIS COMING! Saturday, October 28! 9 amNoon! !. !. Like being outside? Don’t mind yard work? Need some community service hours for Confirmation class? Mount Olivet Cemetery needs some attention before winter sets in. Won’t you consider taking a few hours the morning of Saturday, October 28 to help with some cemetery ministry? Mark it on your calendar. Scott Nather, cemetery supervisor, has some tools, but you can bring your own gloves and rakes, if you wish. He hopes to see you there!.

(2) Page 2!. Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York. Fr. Joe’s Week: Last Tuesday before supper I went to Joe and Maria McCracken’s home to prepare them for baptism. We had a lovely visit and scheduled their daughter’s baptism for November… Wednesday during the day I went to the Apple Store in Eastview Mall. I needed an adapter so my Mac can connect to our computer projector. We use the projector in the Confirmation class all the time, so I decided to connect up my machine… Wednesday our Spiritual Exercises group met in the afternoon. We are in the last six weeks or so of the retreat—a blessed experience…Thursday I joined Fr. Bill Leone for a trip to his cottage in the Italy Hills. He has about 30 acres or so, with a pond and lots of hunting lands. The house is simple, but comfortable, with a huge porch overlooking the woods and pond. It was a lovely day—relaxing, reading, & cooking a fine steak dinner; not to mention a lovely drive through the Finger Lakes. Bill has been trying to get me down to see the cabin for a while—I’m sure he will not have to press me to return. Thanks, Bill…Saturday at noon we prayed the Rosary in front of Church—it was a nice group in public witness of prayer. Thanks to Connie Mesiti for gathering us. That afternoon, and Sunday afternoon, I sat outside between the Church and the Rectory. There’s a quiet, shaded space there that we will set up as a kind of patio for the Rectory. It’s far away enough from the road and sidewalk that no one knows that I’m there. Cindy Graves has begun to move plants and stuff from behind the Collins House to the south side of Church. The monument for the Unborn will be moved in the next few weeks to that area, as will, eventually, the Marian Shrine…Sunday we had our confirmation class on “The Gospels.” After an icebreaker brainstorm about what we know about Jesus, I did a presentation on what is a Gospel, where did they come from, what each is like, and so forth. I used the computer to put the presentation on PowerPoint, so it could project on the screen while I talked about it. The kids were good about paying attention. Then we saw a wonderful video about the story of the paralytic who was lowered through the roof to be healed by Jesus...Monday morning I joined the family of Ann Martin Fisher for her committal at our cemetery…That evening our Parish Center Planning Committee met. Details are elsewhere in the bulletin…God bless and have a good week!! 3OHDVHSUD\IRU Nicole White & Anthony Williams! ZKRZLOOEHHQWHULQJLQWRWKH 6DFUDPHQWRI0DWULPRQ\QH[WZHHNHQG. !. October 22, 2017!. ! Office News! BULLETIN DEADLINE ! Please submit items Monday the week before the weekend you wish it to appear by: ! 1) E-mail it to cnativit@dor.org OR 2) Drop it off during open office hours HOSPITAL VISITATION If a member of your family is in Unity, Strong, Highland, or General Hospital, please call the Parish Office a nd let u s k no w so Fa ther Joe ca n v isit.. 7KLV6XQGD\2FWREHULV DKRPHVHVVLRQ 1H[WZHHNHQG2FWREHU LV WKH $OO 6DLQWV 3DUDGH 3DULVKLRQHUVDUHLQYLWHGWRVWD\ DIWHUDP0DVVWRZDWFKWKHSDUDGH )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW &RQQLH 0HVLWL JUDGHV .



(5) . Sunday Financial Offering ! !. October 15, 2017 Budget amount for weekly collection…..…….$5,950.00 Actual amount received…………………...…..…..$5,111.00 Over (under) budget year to date……..........($5,566.72) Attendance……...….…………………………...……..……....425 Thank you for your continued faithful giving!. In today’s Gospel we hear proclaimed a profound teaching by Jesus on stewardship. What belongs to Caesar? What belongs to God? Christian stewards recognize that everything they have belongs to God. God created them, and God has claims on every part of their existence. They also realize that the sovereign is an institution whose nature and purpose is to promote the common good and protect the welfare of its citizenry. As long as it accomplishes this mission while treating every single person with deep respect, justice and compassion, it merits the steward’s support and cooperation. Christian stewards know what belongs to the Lord, and they are better citizens when they live their lives according to his Gospel..

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(8) 7. Call to Nativity This past Monday our planning committee and Gerry DeRomanis met to consider tweaks to the design and more detail on flooring, ceilings and walls. Gerry and his team have adjusted the design to provide cleaner lines joining the open spaces. We still have 8 areas available for Religious Education use, and can seat about 150 for a meal, and still more for a presentation. We are also putting in a coffee bar in the foyer area around the office entrance, so we could service a coffee hour in that area as well. That foyer will feature, as inside walls, the stone walls of the church and windows. We particularly like this use of the church walls inside the new building. November 15th our Schematic Design goes before the Diocesan Building Committee for reactions & suggestions. We are also on the agenda at the Diocesan Board of Consultors. In the meantime, Jack Kearns is studying our contribution and CMA reports to help us plan for our Campaign. Please continue to pray for our projectthings are moving right along.!. We remember our parishioners, as well as the family members of parishioners who died this past year at the.... Annual Mass of Remembrance Saturday, November 4, 2017 11:00 am If it is not already inscribed, you will have an opportunity to write your loved one’s name (s) in our Remembrance Book, w hich will be displayed until the First Sunday of Advent. Family is invited to bring a framed standing photo of your loved one to the sanctuary before the Masses of October 21-22 and October 28-29. Please place it on the table by Mary. The photos will grace the sanctuary from October 31-November 19. Y ou can pick them up from the Parish Office that following week. Please be sure to put your name and phone number on the back of the frame. Please invite members of your family and friends to this special liturgy. Needed at the Brockport Food Shelf:!   8(  ((  !"#$%&'(#)**#$+,(%'-#+.-%#'))/)/0#. 



(11)  QHZPDQRU#IURQWLHUQHWQHW  0DUJRW9DQ(WWHQ!"#$%&'# campusminister1@aol.com ! 1HZPDQ&HQWHUDWWKH&ROOHJH DW%URFNSRUW !. 6XQGD\0DVV DP³\HDUURXQG. Homecoming Mass Welcome alumni, parents and friends! Help share our “God is love-no exceptions” awareness campaign. Take a free button -and wear it! On campus, in town, anywhere. Feel free to take some for your friends, too. Everyone is welcome to take a button (or buttons!). You’ll find them in the Gathering Space or at the Kenyon Street entrance. Coming Up: Saturday, October 28– Apple Picking expedition—meet at 11 am at Newman & we’ll go from there. Sunday, October 29 – “All Souls” memorial at Mass. If there’s someone who has died in the past year, and you want their names read as part of our prayers at the service, print (!) it in the Book of Remembrance in the small Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament –or call Maggie. Sunday, November 5—Lunch With the Lord, 1-2 pm in Newman House. “Speaking of saints…” Newman Food Shelf Collection for the month: Canned Fruit They also need 12-count egg cartons. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Alex Boatman (Jim Neary’s nephew),Tim diagnosed with cancer, Shirley Mitchell (Margot’s cousin, with pulmonary fibrosis), Dr. Walter Brautigan ,Deacon Larry (dealing with Cortical-Basal Degeneration), Gary R., Fred Carbone, John, Larry, Bobby, Alicia Chase,Audrey Liao, Olamma Okolo, Joseph Spilly, Zoe Davis, Dave, , Sheila Stempel, Jessica Infantino, Matt,Sue (heart surgery), Helen,Rick, Judy, Jill, Nicole Larose, David Reynolds, Barbara Kochan, Bob, Caleb Metherell, Diane Corbin, Leonard Long, Stacy Kronberg, Sandra Kissleback, Pat Wheeler, Danny (dealing with depression, Men/women serving our country/families, Mickey Stack, and Prayers for the victims of violence & their loved ones and for peace in our world, our nation and our communities..

(12) Page 4!. Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York!. The Joy of Praying the Rosary Our Rosary group will meet again on November 6 at 3 pm in the Parish Center. Mark it on your calendar!. Nativity in November The Ecumenical Clothing Center looks to volunteers from Nativity for the month of November: Sundays 3-4:30 pm and/or Thursday 7-8:30 pm. It is a wonderful place to do community service. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board near the Main Street entrance. For questions about donations or to sign up to volunteer, call Sharon Wheat at 637-5329. The Cold Weather is Coming… The people served by the Ecumenical Clothing Center will be in need of work boots (size 8-up), rubber boots, long-sleeved shirts, flannel shirts, sweatshirts and winter coats (mediumsized), work pants/jeans (32-36 waist, 30-40 length) and men’s socks. Please consider donating clean, unused, repaired items to the Center on State Street. Drop off times are Thursday: 7-8:30 pm and Sunday 3-4:30 pm. For questions, call Sharon Wheat at 637-5329.. Mt. Olivet Cemetery E. Canal Road, Brockport, NY 8 am-dusk, April 1 - November 30; December & April, weather permitting; Closed January 1 –March 31 Please adhere to the rules & regulations posted. Graves: $700/each. !"#$%$#&'()*$(($+,)-#"#./.,#0!"#$%"%&!'()*+"&,$)$-.) :HDUHD&DWKROLF&RPPXQLW\FDOOHGWREHIDLWKIXOFDULQJDQG HQWKXVLDVWLF GLVFLSOHV :H EXLOG XS WKH NLQJGRP RI *RG E\ ZRUVKLSLQJDQGSUDLVLQJ*RGSURFODLPLQJWKH*RRG1HZVRI-HVXV &KULVW LQ ZRUG DQG ZLWQHVV JLYLQJ ORYLQJ VHUYLFH WR RXU QHLJKERU DQGVWUHQJWKHQLQJWKHSDULVKFRPPXQLW\ 6RPRVXQDFRPXQLGDGFDWyOLFDOODPDGDDVHUGLVFLSXORVILHOHV FRPSDVLYRV\HQWXVLDVWDV&RQVWUXLPRVHO5HLQRGH'LRVDGRUDQGR\ DODEDQGRD'LRVSURFODPDQGROD%XHQD1XHYDGH-HVXFULVWRGH SDODEUD\FRQWHVWLPRQLR. . October 22, 2017!. CAMBIO DE HORA DE LA MISA EN ESPAÑOL Por favor, avisen a todos los que asisten a nuestra celebración que la misa en español empieza a la 1:30 pm., y el estudio bíblico a las 12:30pm. “Nadie está demasiado ocupado. Es sólo cuestión de prioridades”. DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS El jueves dos de noviembre, a las 7pm, tendremos la misa por los fieles difuntos. Allí oraremos y recordaremos a nuestros familiares, amigos difuntos. Habrá un altar en el que podremos poner las fotos y objetos que nos recuerdan a nuestros familiares que se nos han adelantado. Invitemos a todos nuestros familiares, amigos y conocidos a participar de esta Eucaristía. NOVENA A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Ya estamos organizando la novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, que la tendremos en parroquias, casas y campamentos. Solamente están disponibles el sábado 2, el domingo 3, el jueves 7 y el viernes 8. Avísanos si quieres celebrar la novena en tu casa. FACEBOOK: Dan os un “me gusta”, pon tu comentario, o hazte amigo de nosotros en facebook. Búscanos en: Ministerio Migrante Hispano, Brockport, NY. Pasa la voz a tus amigos y familiares. COMUNIDAD HISPANA - Si te gusta cantar o tocas cualquier instrumento te invitamos a unirte a nuestro coro, ensayamos los domingos a las 12:30pm. Necesitamos personas comprometidas que quieran cantar o tocar algún instrumento. - Si quieres aprender a leer la Biblia, conocer la fe católica y seguir creciendo en tu fe, te esperamos en el centro parroquial todos los domingos a las 12:30pm. _ Si deseas que tengamos el estudio bíblico en tu casa, háznoslo saber y te visitamos el día que elijas. - Si conoces alguna persona que es católica y no viene a misa, que está alejada de la Iglesia, o que está enferma, y crees que podamos visitarla, háznoslo saber. - Los domingos después de misa tenemos café en el centro parroquial. Si quieres traer algo para compartir te agradecemos, especialmente los segundos y cuartos domingos de mes que tenemos comida. ¡Te esperamos! - Todos los cuartos domingos de mes oramos y celebramos los cumpleaños de mes. Si tú, o algún familiar, cumple años en el mes de agosto, háznoslo saber para anotar su nombre y pedir por él o ella. - Si tiene algún niño que no esté bautizado, pide la ficha de inscripción para programar el día y la hora de la charla y del bautismo..

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(16) "0+. Nativity Calendar! !. Saturday, October 21 4:30 pm Deceased members of the Rosary Society Sunday, October 22—29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 9:00 am Elena M. Roth—Daughter, Sandra Jack Mazzarella—The Rosary Society 1:30 pm For the people of the parish Monday, October 23—St. John of Capistrano 8:00 am Diane Wood—Al & Teresa Benson Tuesday, October 24—St. Anthony Mary Claret 8:00 am Lynne Hertweck—Mother, Diana Wednesday, October 25 8:00 am George Toth—The Family Thursday, October 26 8:00 am For the intentions of Jeanne Olson— Marie Elphick Friday, October 27 12:00 pm Deceased members of Tombokan & Immanuel Families—Tombokan Family Saturday, October 28—Sts. Simon & Jude 4:30 pm Theresa Corbin Guske—Kemblowski Family Bill Conners—The Family Sunday, October 29—30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 9:00 am Herbert & Mildred Wahl—The Family For the Intentions of Diane Hertweck— Dave & Joanne Kleehammer 1:30 pm For the people of the parish. Parish Prayer List We pray for those in our faith community and those that we hold in our hearts. May God grant them healing and strength. Rosalie Albano; Rose Anselm; Mary Ellen Baker; Peggy Banks; Milford Bibby; Joyce Brawn; Muriel Burns; Melanie Cantabrana-Reisman; Cheryl & Michael Conner; Joseph Walter Corcoran; Helen Chuma; Katherine Dabney; Nancy Danko; Dave Ellis; Michael Ferris; Kevin Flannery; Dolores Flow; Bernardine Foley; Nate Foley; Tracey Gauda; Paul Gugino; Mark Jackson; Peter Kemblowski; Heather Kacprzak; Tim Krurnowski; Kailee Kwiecien; Clark Lindsay; Eric LoMonaco; John Lupisella; Lhessa Lyons; Joseph Malinowski; Glenna Matela; Brian McCoullough; Carol McNeil; Chuck Muscolino; Elizabeth Nash; Joanne Nicolucci; Pat Nisdeo; Mary Overmeyer; Tony Pacilio; Alice Ann Purdy; Ron Raleigh; Lynn Ramsey; Mary Rice; George Rickerl; Beverly Ruggles; Lorraine Sheflin; Carolyn Skill; Liam Williams; Janice Wilson; & Phyllis Wright. Names remain on for one month. Please call the Parish Office to add, remove or resubmit a loved one’s name.. Sunday, October 22 Religious Education Home Session 9 am Children’s Mass—Church 10 am Cantor Workshop/Practice—Church Mission Sunday Collection 12:30 pm Estudio Biblico—Parish Center 2:30 pm Hisp. Gathering—Parish Center Monday, October 23 7 pm Seasonal Choir—Church Tuesday, October 24 7 pm Contemporary Choir—Church Wednesday, October 25 4:30 pm Spiritual Exercises—Conference Room 7 pm RCIA—Parish Center Thursday, October 26 7 pm Human Concerns—Parish Center 7 pm Nocturnal Adoration—Church Friday, October 27 12-2 pm Mass, Confession, Adoration & Benediction—Church Saturday, October 28 9am-12pm Mt. Olivet Cemetery Fall Clean-Up— E. Canal Road Sunday, October 29 10-11:45 pm Religious Education Classes—Church, Parish Center, Rectory & Office 12:30 pm Estudio Biblico—Parish Center 2:30 pm Hisp. Gathering—Parish Center The Sanctuary Candle is bur ning before the Blessed Sacrament during the month of October for Joseph Harkin requested by the family. Since a?er the Parish Fesval there has been a blue cooler exactly like this near the heater by the door by the back church parking lot. If it is yours, please claim it. If not, it will be taken to Goodwill next week.!. Scriptural Readings for the Week! Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/Ps 96:1, 3-5, 710/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Monday: Rom 4:20-25/Lk 1:69-75/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21/Ps 40:7-10, 17/Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18/Ps 124:1b-8/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Rom 6:19-23/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Rom 7:18-25a/Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94/Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 2:19-22/Ps 19:2-5/Lk 6:12-16 Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40.

(17) FOWLER FUNERAL HOME, INC. Over 125 Years of Caring. Owner Operated 40 years 19 S. Main St., Churchville, NY 14428. 293-1111. 585-271-1280. Accepting applications for our one (1). www.tripleomechanical.com. bedroom apartments, 62 years of age or older. SEMCO CONSTRUCTION, INC. 340 West Ave. Brockport, N.Y.. Michael J. Nicpon. 100 Royal Gardens Way Brockport, NY 14420 585-637-8220 Fax: 585-637-4296 TDD/TTY 1-800-662-1220. Serving Dinner T-Sat. from 5 P.M. Music at the Baby Grand Fri. & Sat.. (585) 637-6100 Cynthia A. Root. ROYAL GARDENS APARTMENTS. Naughton’s Johnson House. Engineering Proud to provide design services to Architecture Nativity of the Environmental Blessed Virgin of Planning Brockport www.labellapc.com. or mobility impaired, regardless of age. Stove/refrigerator, wall to wall carpeting.. John Lemke - 585-317-4791. Rents based on income eligibility.. 93 Gallup Rd., Brockport. !"#$%&'("))(*"+%&(,-.(/&012'(34'1567. Windows • Doors • Siding Decks • Awnings, etc.. Call or write for an application.. Since 1984 jlemke55@gmail.com. Professionally managed by Christopher Community, Inc.. Brungard Income Tax & Bookkeeping Service Nat O. Lester, III ATTORNEY AT LAW. 52 State Street, Suite 1 • Brockport. 637-0760 “ Income Tax- Bookkeeping-Payroll & Sales Tax Prep”. Email: info@Brungardtax.com. Visit us on Facebook!. WILLS & ESTATES • REAL ESTATE & POWER OF ATTORNEY 5500 Ridge Rd. West, Spencerport 585-637-8114 • Fax 585-637-8657 lester.lesterlaw@gmail.com. Why Lifetime Assistance, Inc.?... Why Not? Lifetime Assistance, Inc. The leader in providing services to people with intellectual disabilities is looking for Direct Support Professionals to work in our Community Habilitation Department in the Brockport area.. BROCKPORT. Opening Soon! Francis Apartments, Brockport N.Y. CUSTOM CARPET. Are you looking for a career with an Agency that offers a wide variety of promotional opportunities?? Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life?? We can fit literally anyone’s scheduling and location needs! Please visit our website at www.lifetimeassistance.org to apply or learn more about our Agency and our mission. Parishioners Charles & George Hage. Family Owned • We Sell & Install Carpet, Vinyl, Laminate Hardwood & Ceramic Tile. 637-7551. • Real Estate Inspection • Septic System Maintain & Repair. ing Celebrat 20+ Years!. • New Septic Systems Installed • Pump Station Service, Repair & Replacement • Leach Field Repairs & New Installations • Sewer Laterals and Water Service Installed & Replaced • Top soil available spring thru fall. 247-8210. vendiexcavating.com. 71 West Avenue , Brockport, NY 14420. 585-637-4450 www.presidentsvillage.com. 585-395-0424. at Landing of Brockport. 5384 Brockport Spencerport Road, Brockport, NY Fax 585-395-1235. Enhanced Assisted Living and Memory Care Community • Individual Care Plans that combine independence, assistance and safety • 3 chef-prepared meals daily • Wide varieties of activities • Housekeeping & Laundry • Transportation 90 West Avenue in Brockport (585) 637-3140. cwilcoxlaw.com. Law Office of Christopher T. Wilcox Introducing our Mobile App Download through App Store or Google Play: SPXFCU. LAKESIDE BEIKIRCH CARE CENTER Personal Trusted Care close to home. 2998 Chili Ave., Rochester, NY. (585) 247-0724 CD Special: 10 Months - 1.50 APR/1.51 APY $500 minimum; Rates are revised each week on Thurs.. We provide 24 hour daily care for your short term rehabilitation or long term care needs. “Your Locally Owned & Locally Managed HomeTown Dealer”. “Your Locally Owned & Locally Managed HomeTown Dealer”. FREE LIFETIME NYS INSPECTION WITH PURCHASE OF ANY NEW/USED VEHICLE with this Coupon. FREE LIFETIME NYS INSPECTION WITH PURCHASE OF ANY NEW/USED VEHICLE with this Coupon. 585-637-3999 • www.spurrdealerships.com. 585-637-3999 • www.spurrdealerships.com. Call us to schedule a tour today 395-6052 170 West Ave. Brockport, NY 14420. www.lakesidehealth.org. 424 Hair Salon Walk-ins and Appointments Also Specializing in Nails. 1651 Nathaniel Poole Trail, Brockport, NY 14420 Contact Greg Sheldon to place an ad today! gsheldon@4LPi.com or (800) 477-4574 x6391. (585) 637-6380 Hours: Mon.-Wed. 9-6 • Thurs. & Fri. 9-8 • Sat. 9-5. fourtwofourhairsalon.com. Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • www.4lpi.com. The Stewart Insurance Agency Darrell Stewart Auto • Home • Business 50 Main St South, Brockport, NY 14420 585-637-6030 • Fax: 585-612-3219 darrell.stewart@stewartinsa.com www.thestewartinsuranceagency.com. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Brockport, NY 06-0124.



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