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Risk Management - Assessment Report


Academic year: 2021

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Work Area or Activity: Risk Area: Assessment Framework: Competent Person: Assisted by: Groups Affected:

We have consulted the following government guidance in the preparation of this risk assessment and action plan:




What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered


1. Numbers of students in school on any day will be at a level

appropriate to the size of the school and staff team. All year groups to return to school. Students to be restricted to year group bubbles 2. Class sizes to return to normal.

3. Non-zonal model to by implemented where students move from class to class using outdoor walkways. Teachers to remain in their faculty teaching rooms and move around the school using internal corridors. (See entry and Exit plan)

4. Teachers have been advised that if their classes are under 30 in size, to ensure the desks nearest to their own desk are not used by students

5. Practical class room layout will reflect the specific make-up of the furniture in those rooms. For example, DT classrooms will use regular tables plus work bench spaces for students to sit at. Where possible and group size allows please ensure students are forward facing 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Covid-19: Interpreting the Government Guidance in a PESSPA Context - A practical self-review tool for risk assessment

Planning guide for secondary schools - NEU/GMB/Unison/Unite Commentary and checklist

Risk Findings

Severity 4

Whole School

Management and Site Maintenance

Re-Opening Schools in September - COVID-19 Gill Hakin

All staff

Below 9 – Low Risk 9 to 12 – Medium Risk Risk Rating:

Year 7 to 11 Students Parents/Guardians Visitors

Assessed on: 04/01/201 (Version 3)

Notes This assessment is a temporary adjustment whilst the 2 week staff rota is in place following the return to school for the spring term.

To be Reviewed on: 18/01/2021 15 to 16 – High Risk

20 to 25 – Very High Risk

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-schools-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/guidance-for-full-opening-schools Guidance for full opening: Schools

CLEAPSS Guidance for science departments returning to school after an extended period of closure – Ver. 1.2 – 18th May 2020


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings

6. Students to sit shoulder to should but must not be seated opposite or at right angles to other students. Teacher must maintain a 2m distance between themselves and the first row of students.

7. Monitoring of student work will observe social distancing. Staff will be advised that to remain at or by their desk for the duration of the lesson, to practice and model stringent social distancing at all times. Staff may though, walk between desks to offer support where they may continue to offer guidance to students within a 2 metre distance for short periods of time. Staff will be advised not to have very close proximity to students and not to touch any student.

8. Students will bring their own equipment to school so there should not be a need to share equipment.

9. Teachers to plan lessons where they can deliver the content from the front of the class room.

10. Windows and external doors to be kept open. This aids air circulation and means door handles are not repeatedly touched. The legal limit for temperature is 16 degrees. The site team will endeavour to open windows however teaching staff should open all windows on arrival. Teaching staff should also ensure the room is very well ventilated during break and lunchtime.

Wedging of fire doors in the open position to establish a free flow of air should be avoided as this procedure could possibly lead to unprotected fire spread, which would compromise safe evacuation.

11. Perspex screens will be sited on the reception desk and student enquiries, offering further protection to reception and support staff. 12. All staff are expected to adhere to social distancing and good hygiene practice at all times while on site.

13. All staff and students to wear a Face Covering in line with government guidance in communal arears on entry to the school building this includes the corridors, the dining hall but no classrooms. 14. Should staff wish to wear a face covering or a visor in the

classroom whilst teaching they are able to.

15. Should staff need to work in close proximity with a pupil in the classroom situation they can request that a student puts their face covering on for this time.

16. During the first two weeks of the spring term staff will work to a rota system reducing numbers of staff in school at one time. Whether in school or at home, teachers will continue to deliver online work to students with live lessons commencing the 6th January 2021.

17. From the 4th January 2021, School will be open to children of key workers and vulnerable children. When in the classroom these students would be seated 1m+ apart and are expected to wear a face covering at all times in the building and when in classrooms. Class bubbles should not exceed 15.

18. Staff should wear a face covering at all times in the building including classrooms.

19. Weekly rapid testing of all staff will commence on Wednesday 6th January. As many students as possible will be tested on their return to school provided parental consent has been given. Close contacts of a positive case will be tested for 7 school days to allow them to remain in school. Severity 3 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 6 Severity 3 Likelihood 2

1.1 General risk of contracting infection Yes

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

Yes 1.2 Premises not checked to ensure it is safe to


We have completed the reopening checklist and all issues have been

actioned Yes

1.3 Moving and handling of furniture to facilitate


satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Rating 6

Severity 3

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 6

The school has no plans to hold face-to-face all staff meetings in the new academic year and will reflect on further government advice at the start of the new academic year. It is likely that smaller groups of staff (e.g. department teams) may be able to hold meetings albeit in accordance with strict social distancing measures.

Severity 4

Staff briefings / bulletins will be sent via email. Likelihood 1

Where meetings cannot take place, the school will instead utilise the

Microsoft Teams platform. Risk Rating 4

Letter sent to all parents/guardians before the school opens. Weekly

updates planned on school Facebook page Severity 4

In order to continue to share key messages with pupils the intention is that Pastoral/Academic Progress Leaders and other staff will utilise the Microsoft Teams platform in order to broadcast assemblies on a regular basis. This is considered essential in terms of sharing key messages and celebrating the successes of pupils.

Likelihood 1

The school will be holding no public events/gatherings until further notice. This includes: parents’ evenings, Year 6 open evening, Year 7 induction evening, Carol Service, etc. Where appropriate (e.g. parents’ evenings), other forms of communication will replace this.

Risk Rating 4

Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

2.0 General Area of risk: Staff & students

Staff levels checked each day by SLT. Contingency plan in place if staff ratios drop below set levels. Including consideration of partial closure if necessary.

Yes 2.2 Lack of up-to-date information for students

and parents/guardians. Yes

2.3 Failure to maintain supervision levels if staffing levels drop.


1.4 Storage of furniture or equipment removed

from classrooms workspaces and other areas. Yes

Premises site office used for extra storage space. All tables and chairs stacked safely

2.1 Lack of up-to-date information for Staff. Yes

1.3 Moving and handling of furniture to facilitate


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 10

Pregnant women are in the "clinically vulnerable" category and are generally advised to follow the advice above, which applies to all staff in schools. A risk assessment for pregnant women will be conducted.

BAME communities are known to be particularly worse affected by Covid-19 + variant than other ethnic groups.

A member of SLT (JCD) to meet with BAME staff, to identify any concerns they may have or mitigation which could be put into place to best support their physical or mental health (given the level of anxiety about Covid-19 + variant may be more heightened for BAME members of staff).

This process to be done using a specific BAME risk assessment and mitigation plan.

Outcomes of this could include: (a) working in a different work setting, which applies stringent social distancing and away from any imminent risks (such as working with children who require intimate care), (b) access to further PPE if required, (c) not coming into the work setting at all, and working from home (d) agreement to continue in the current role with the current school risk assessment plan.

Risk Rating 10 Severity 5 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 10 Severity 5 Likelihood 2

Concerns, fears and mitigations will be discussed and mitigation

measures will be put into place pending the requests of parents. Risk Rating 10

Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

Students or staff who display Covid-19 + variant symptoms will be held in the Meeting room 2, in the main corridor.

The disabled toilet in the open plan toilet block will be used solely for students showing Covid-19 + variant symptoms. This toilet will be cleaned regularly by the premises team during the day with Dettol wipes and deep cleaned by the cleaning staff at the end of the day. 2.7 Students who are identified as shielded or

clinically vulnerable coming into contact with Coronavirus

The government continues to advise all students to attend school. Students will not be able to social distance from one another during the school day and in particular in class rooms. As a school we will work with individual families to support and address any concerns. Only students who are clinically extremely vulnerable and advised by their GP or Clinician will be allowed to work remotely and have their attendance authorised. The school has written to parents to ensure that parents notify the school if this is the case.


Severity 2.6 Risk for BAME, Vulnerable and Pregnant Staff

and Coronavirus Exposure

4 Yes

2.8 BAME students being disproportionate high risk category

2.9 Staff or students who live with someone who is identified as shielded or clinically vulnerable to Coronavirus attending site.

People who live with those who are clinically extremely vulnerable or clinically vulnerable can attend the workplace

2.10 Staff or Students displaying symptoms of Corona virus

RAS / NIH to make contact with the parents of BAME students to discuss the school’s risk assessment management plan. Consider an individual risk assessment for BAME students with underlying health issues. Yes Yes Yes 5 Likelihood 2 Severity 5 Yes Government advice is that staff in any extremely vulnerable medical

capacity should stay at home and work from home. Clinically vulnerable can attend work where social distancing measures are in place and observe good hand and respiratory hygiene. This is the case with this plan.

Yes 2.5 Staff who are identified as clinically vulnerable

coming into contact with Coronavirus

Severity 2.4 Risk of school closure if key staff, DSL, SENCO,

caretaker/cleaning staff unavailable

Leadership team available every day in school. DSL and SENCO available either on site or remotely. Premises team available every day. Cleaning contractor to provide appropriate staffing levels.

Staff who remain concerned or anxious about a return to work to liaise with JCD to discuss the matter further


satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Parents will be contacted immediately to collect their child and remove from the site.

Staff will be sent home immediately and cover set.

Protocols advised by Public Health England for reporting, testing and isolating will be followed. The first action is to call local health protection team/DFE Helpline.

Risk Rating 12


Likelihood 3

2.10 Staff or Students displaying symptoms of Corona virus


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings

Protocols advised by Public Health England for reporting, testing, isolating will be followed. The first action is to call local health protection team

Severity 4

PHE South West Centre Health Protection Team, Follaton House,

Plymouth Road, Totnes, TQ9 5NE. Likelihood 3

Tel: 0300 303 8162 option 1 then option 1/ DFE Helpline 0800 046

8687 Risk Rating 12

Severity 3

Likelihood 3

Risk Rating 9

Immediately a child reports that they are feeling unwell, they will be assessed by the First Aider. They will be sent home or kept in isolation (meeting room 2) until their parents can pick them up. The First Aider will advise parents that their child needs to take the Covid-19 test and inform the school as soon as they receive the result of this.

Severity 4

A member of the Admin team will email other parents in the teaching group which that child belongs to, to inform them that a child has been sent home because they started to feel unwell. The email will advise that there is no immediate need for their own child to self-isolate as Covid-19 + variant has not been diagnosed, but if their child does become unwell, to inform the school and to ensure their child self-isolates and is booked to take the Covid-19 + variant test.

Likelihood 3

As detailed earlier in this risk assessment the school will engage with NHS track and trace who will contract staff and students in the even of a positive test result.

Risk Rating 12

All staff and students who are attending an education or childcare setting will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus, and are encouraged to get tested in this scenario.

Severity 4

Follow the link below or call NHS 119 Likelihood 2

https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ Risk Rating 8

Staff are permitted to use their faculty staff rooms but must adhere to social distancing. Its is recommended that no more than 2 staff are in a faculty base at any one time. Staff should bring hot drinks in a non-spill flask to avoid sharing of crockery

Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Yes Yes Yes

2.15 Social distancing not observed in staff areas Yes

Staff can use the table tennis areas as an outside eating area or may choose to eat in their vehicle. A free rooming timetable has been shared with staff to indicate areas where staff can eat during wet weather.

If schools have 2 or more cases of Covid-19 + variant in 14 days or an overall rise in sickness absence where Covid-19 + variant is suspected. They may have an outbreak and must work with their local health procreation team who will advise on further action. Contact details as above.

2.12 Risk of an outbreak within the school community

2.14 Understanding and therefore mitigating risk

via testing Yes

2.11 Managing a confirmed case

2.13 What happens if a student falls ill during the day


satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

This is detailed more fully in the Covid-19 School Management Plan. Students will remain in their designated outside area in separate year group bubbles until 8.25am and will be called into lessons by year group. They will go straight to their tutor bases where they will register.

Should the weather be poor, students will enter the building on arrival to school and go straight to their tutor bases.

At the end of the day, students will exit the building in staggered year groups in order that they can sit in their year group bubbles on the buses

2.25pm: Year 7 2.30pm: Year 8 and 9 2.35pm: Year 10 and 11 2.45pm: Buses depart

Pupils should be encouraged to walk or cycle where possible. Severity 4

Parents and students to be informed of the school’s insistence that: I. Students should sit in year group bubbles on school bus services (Y7 at the back, Y11 at the front)

II. All students to wear a face mask on the school bus (if that is still government / LA advice in Sept 2020)

Duty staff to check students are in year group bubbles on exit from the bus and as the bus departs at the end of the day.

At the end of the day, staff to select random buses and check that all students are wearing a face mask prior to departure. If students do not wear face masks, the duty member of staff will take their name, pass it on to the admin team and an email will be sent home.

Note: this aspect of risk is determined to be medium to high risk due to the proximity of students of different year groups together and the inability of the staff to monitor journeys in person.

Likelihood 3

non-touch hand sanitiser units will be placed at the bus bay for

students to use before boarding the buses. Risk Rating 12

Additional supervision provided at pick-up/drop-off points at the front entrance of school/bus bay. Plan parents’ drop-off and pick-up protocols that minimise adult to adult contact. Parents should remain in their vehicles.

Severity 4

Only one parent should attend. Parents will not be permitted to enter

building. Likelihood 2

Exit from the school at the end of the school day will be by staggered

groups, under the direction of the SLT members of staff. Risk Rating 8

Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

Until February half term, students will not wear uniform. Severity 4

Students will arrive to school in their school PE kit or Drama/Dance kit on any day they have PE as the changing rooms are too small to permit half year groups changing. They will remain in

PE/Drama/Dance kit throughout the day (If a student wears a ‘skort’ or lycra shorts they must have additional clothing i.e. trousers or skirt to put over these items. Black sports leggings are acceptable wear to PE.). Students should also bring a change of footwear and waterproof jacket for PE days as it is likely that lessons will take place outside even in inclement weather.

Likelihood 1 4 2 Yes Severity Likelihood Risk Rating

Parents instructed not to allow students to attend before school starts. Students will meet in there designated outside areas at 8.25am. Students reminded about the need for social distancing.

2.19 Social distancing not maintained by students before school starts

2.16 Students from different year groups mixing at the beginning and end of the school day


Yes 2.18 Social distancing not maintained at school

gate or drop-off/pick-up point


2.17 Social distancing not maintained during home-to school transport if transport is boarded

directly from school premises?

Yes 2.20 risk of transmission via clothing caused by

pupils/staff not routinely wearing clean clothes each day?


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings Parents have been informed of the requirements for school uniform,

with additional detail to the above Risk Rating 4

Yes 2.20 risk of transmission via clothing caused by

pupils/staff not routinely wearing clean clothes each day?


satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

There will be whole school movement with staggered morning break and lunch break for whole year groups. There is a 5 minute window included in the timetable to allow for cleaning of desks and chairs. Staff are to use network clocks on their computer to synchronise timings with other classrooms.

See School Covid-19 Management Plan for timings of lesson periods and break times)

Staff must ensure that students adhere to the entry and exit instructions for each classroom.

Students should use outside walkways to move around the school and enter using the designated entry door for their classroom (with the exception of students who have been issued with an internal corridor pass).

Staff should check the duty rota as per normal practice

In the event of a wet break, all staff will need to be on duty, students will remain in their P2 classroom.

The risks involved include:

I. Staff absence on the duty rota: Duty rota to be checked alongside daily cover by Mrs Perryman

II. Staff lack of punctuality to their duty points: Staff must dismiss their class in a timely manner to be on duty on time.

III. Student cooperation with the plan: Regular reminders for students re behaviour expectations.

All class rooms have been arranged to ensure there is a 2 metre gap between the teacher and students.

Support staff, by arrangement with JB2, will ensure they are able to support students and maintain a 2 metre rule. All support staff who work in close proximity to students should wear a mask and visor, staff can request in 1-1 or small groups that students wear a mask. (and if they cannot, to ensure that any closer proximity is not for a sustained period of time).

Staff have been advised not to use text books (and if they do, to ensure they are cleaned at the end of use). Staff should make use of visualizers as an alternative, or digital text books.

The alternative is to use work sheets instead of text books and interactive white boards. Students should place work sheets in a specific box at the end of the lesson and these should not be used by other classes for 48 hours.

Staff have been advised not to mark books within 48 hours of their use. Instead, work to be assessed should be done on paper, put into a box and marked after 48 hours. Work can also be submitted

electronically via Class Charts.

Some subjects will need to have an element of practical work and this should be planned in consultation with the Head of

Department/Faculty and relevant advisory bodies such as CLEAPS and AFPE. Heads of Faculty/Department need to inform their Leadership Line Manager of their plans going forward following advice from professional bodies. Drama Dance and PE should consult the AFPE advice. Science, Music, DT and Art should follow CLEAPS advice. All staff have been offered PPE to wear should they choose to. (Current government advice is that staff should not need to wear face masks.)

(See management plan for further details)

Yes 3.1 Social distancing not maintained when moving

between lessons Yes

3.2 Social distancing not maintained in classrooms

Severity 4

Likelihood 3

Risk Rating 12

3.0 General Area of risk: Teaching and Learning


Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings

Appropriate guidance given to staff.

CHF to issue separate risk assessment plan for the EHCP students. These should be published to staff who are supporting specific students.

SEND Students:

Staff should be aware that reasonable adjustments may need to be made to support SEND students with managing new protocols and procedures.

Where possible, staff to retain a 2 metre distance. This will be difficult to maintain in and EHCP context and government advice is that staff should be mindful of this and (a) work to ensure students get into good habits – e.g. regularly sanitising hands, (b) remove soft furnishings, (c) ensure appropriate PPE is used where there is intimate care being issued or where specific students’ behaviour requires it. All support staff who work in close proximity to students should wear a mask and visor, staff can request in 1-1 or small groups that students wear a mask. (and if they cannot, to ensure that any closer proximity is not for a sustained period of time).

Students will be allocated an appropriate level of adult support, which will enable their needs to be met.

Students should not share equipment or resources. Use of equipment or resources should be kept to a minimum and cleansed after they have been used.

Effective home / school communication is important to ensure that the needs of students are met whilst ensuring the health and safety of other students and staff.

CHF to oversee all EHCP matters.

Students should bring their own equipment to school. This will be

conveyed to parents in writing Severity 4

The school will purchase additional stocks of pens and pencils should

a student forget to bring their equipment. Likelihood 2

Teachers should only issue resources to students if they can be sure students can sanitise that equipment before it is returned, or not use the same equipment for 48 hours.

Risk Rating 8

Some students may need to self-isolate for a period of 14 days. Work

will be provided for these students as per the detail below: Severity 4

Staff should upload their lessons to Microsoft Teams so that it is available for the students to continue to study from home. This should be done in advance of the lesson taking place preferably the day before.

Likelihood 2

MIE to steer this work. Risk Rating 8

Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

3.6 Social distancing not maintained in school toilets

To reduce the number of students using the toilet facilities at one time, students may be given permission to go to the toilet during lesson time on an individual basis. Students should not use the toilets during other year group’s breaks or lunch times.

Yes 3.5 Students missing lessons whilst self isolating

3.4 Sharing of equipment Yes

3.3 Safety of staff and 1:1 teaching assistant

against contracting Covid-19 + variant Yes

Severity 4

Likelihood 3



satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

No more than 2 year groups will go to break/lunch at the same time as identified in the Covid-19 School Management Plan.

The 2 year groups will enter the dining hall through different entrances, be served at different servery points and will sit at different congregation points. This will be overseen by duty staff.

Students who do not wish to use the dining hall facilities should use their designated outside space

Wet break/lunch plans are in place whereby students who do not use the dining hall facilities should return to their last class room used. SLT on duty during the lunch period.

(See Covid-19 School Management Plan for more details.)

Severity 4

Likelihood 3

Risk Rating 12

The return to school, including the staggering of break/lunch arrangements increases the risk of behavioural issues including punctuality to lessons, student compliance etc. The school’s SLT and pastoral staff need to be aware of this and plan accordingly..

The referral room will be disbanded which may further stretch the school’s ability to manage persistently poor behaviour

The SLT/pastoral team also need to recognise that poor behaviour may be a result of students’ sustained absence from school, anxiety about returning to school or personal tragedy.

The school’s sanctions system will need to be addressed so that it does not put undue pressure on the pastoral team whilst maintaining high standards of student behaviour. An adjusted behaviour

addendum has been produced and shared with all staff.

The school must ensure it retains an ethos of care and support as well as upholding the highest of educational and behavioural standards.

If any student is endangering the safety of other students or staff we will seek parental support. This could result in a fixed period of exclusion.

The staggered school day will mean it will not be possible to run lunch

time clubs. Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

School trips will only be conducted in line with current government

advice. Severity 4

Currently, no residential trips can be planned.

CHF (Educational Visits Coordinator) will offer appropriate advice to staff who would like to plan a trip or visit.

No member of staff will be directed to undertake a trip or visit. Risk Rating 8 Yes

Yes 3.8 Social distancing not maintained during

physical activities (PE etc.)

PE have been advised to follow National Governing Body Guidelines in relation to the Covid 19 as advised by the DFE.

3.7 Social distancing not maintained during break-times and lunchbreak-times

3.9 Students who misbehave and refuse to socially distance


Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 12


4.0 General Area of risk: Trips, Visits & Clubs

4.1 Risk of mixing year group bubbles during

extracurricular clubs Yes

Severity 4




Likelihood 3

After school clubs will be run in line with the proposals of the staff team and so long as social distancing can be maintained. No extra-curricular club will be permitted which mixes students from different year groups.

4.2 contracting Covid-19 + variant on school trips

and visits Yes


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings

Desks and resources used during the day will be cleaned / sanitised by teachers and students, under the direction of teaching staff. Cleaning / sanitising solution is safe to use.

Staff dress code relaxed for the first half term to reduce the risk the transmission through fabrics. Appropriate clean clothes to be worn each day.

Hand sanitiser, sanitising spray for desks, tissue rolls and Dettol wipes will be provided for each class room. Additional stock available from the general office.

All class rooms will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day. Department bases will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day. Additional bins will be provided in class rooms which will be large enough to dispose of the significant number of tissues, used for wiping tables.

If a teacher is mobile (i.e. teaches in more than one room in the course of a day), they are responsible for wiping down the computer keyboard and desk which they will be working at.

Risk Rating 8

As the school is not operating a zonal system for teaching, separate toilets cannot be issued for separate year groups. Students will be advised about using the toilets in a considerate fashion and to wash hands after toilet use.

Identified boys’ urinals will be decommissioned in order to space out the boys using them

Students should be reminded to adhere to social distancing whilst using toilet facilities.

Toilets will be cleaned on a regular basis throughout the day by the premises team followed by a deep clean at the end of the day by cleaning staff.

All wider facilities used by student and staff will be thoroughly

cleaned at the end of each day. Risk Rating 8

The are 12 boys hand basins and 13 girls hand basins in 12 toilet blocks around the school. All hand basins provided with anti-bacterial soap dispensers and checked twice daily. Paper towels provided.

Severity 4

Pupils and staff encouraged to regularly wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly, or use hand sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered. Posters will be mounted on the bathroom walls to remind students.

Likelihood 2

Hands to be cleaned on arrival at the setting, before and after eating,

and after sneezing or coughing. Risk Rating 8

Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Yes 5.3 Lack of hand-washing facilities.

5.0 General Area of risk: Hygiene and cleaning

Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Likelihood 2


5.5 Cross-contamination from used tissues etc.

Bins with liners in each classroom. Ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. Cough or sneeze into a tissue of elbow crease. Posters to be mounted in classrooms to remind students.

Yes Dining table and chairs to be sprayed with Milton spray and tissue roll

regularly by on duty staff. Students and staff encourage to wash hand before and after eating.

5.7 Cross-contamination from sharing equipment Yes

5.6 Disposal of potentially contaminated waste. Bin Liners double-bagged and stored for disposal. Yellow hazardous

waste bags provided for contaminated waste. Yes

Equipment sharing discouraged as much as possible. Parents notified in advance what students must bring to school. Each classroom provided sanitising wipes to clean equipment between usage

5.1 Hygiene within the classroom Yes

5.4 Hygiene within the dining area Yes

Severity 4



1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources Severity 4

Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 1 Risk Rating 4

Staff use of IT should be wholly in line with the school’s Acceptable

Use of IT policy and Online Broadcast protocol. Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

5.8 Cross-contamination from sharing personal

possessions (water bottles, Etc.) Yes

5.9 Cross-contamination from contact with frequently touched surfaces (door handles, hand-rails, tables, etc.)

Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned at the end of each day, using standard products such as detergents and bleach. Deep clean on Fridays whilst school is closed

Yes Students to bring own water bottles. Sharing of personal possessions

not permitted.

5.10 Cross-contamination from use of welfare

facilities – toilets, sinks, water fountains etc. Yes

5.12 Lack of appropriate cleaning materials and personal protective equipment for cleaning and catering staff

Cleaning & catering contracted out to third parties. staff to be provided with appropriate PPE by contractors. SBM to monitor catering and Cleaning provision to ensure acceptable levels of hygiene and cleaning are maintained.


6.0 General Area of risk: Use of IT

6.1 Risks associated with use of IT and online

broadcasting Staff should also be mindful of the safeguarding risks involved with Yes operating lessons which may be live streamed home via the webcam

facility. GLH /AWH to update the school’s staff and student Acceptable use of IT policy ahead of the new academic year. Toilets and sinks etc. will be deep cleaned at the end of each day.

5.11 Cross-contamination from food served on premises

Chartwells to conduct a full risk assessment of providing a lunchtime


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings

Severity 4

Likelihood 1

Risk Rating 4

All staff who are undertaking first aid provision will have access to appropriate PPE. This includes: aprons, gloves, face masks & face shields.

There will be a supply of PPE in each of the rooms which are being used as medical rooms (medical office & DT Technician room and Meeting Room 2), which will become a medical facility for students who are displaying Covid-19 + variant symptoms)

There will be a yellow medical waste bin in each of the medical rooms which will be used for the disposal of disposable PPE (gloves, face masks and aprons).

All medical areas will be cleaned regularly and thoroughly using commercial grade disinfectant. Relevant areas will be cleaned immediately after a student with potential Covid-19 + variant symptoms is sent home.

All first aid equipment will be sanitised after each use and disposable items disposed of immediately after use in a safe manner. All cleaning materials used will be disposed of after each use.

All injury and illness will be logged on to AccessNet and students’ individual SIMS records. If a student is showing symptoms of Covid-19 + variant (a new, continuous cough or high temperature or a loss of their normal sense of taste or smell) parents will be contacted immediately and asked that their child be collected. In an

emergency, 999 will be called (if the student presents as potentially seriously ill).

Students who are more generally unwell will be held in the normal medical room.

Students who display Covid-19 + variant symptoms will be held in the Meeting room 2, in the main corridor.

The disabled toilet in the open plan toilet block will be used solely for students showing Covid-19 + variant symptoms. The designated toilet will be thoroughly cleaned after it has been used by a staff member or student with suspected Covid-19 + variant symptoms.

Protocols advised by Public Health England for reporting, testing, isolating will be followed.

Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8 Severity 4 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 8

Processes in place to identify and support staff mental health. Refer to Occupational Health Unit if appropriate.

Effective induction process to be put in place for new members of staff, including NQTs (MIE / MKW). Note: NQT’s have had limited teaching practice experience due to the prolonged school closure, so will need more support than in previous years.

GLH to take advice from the NeoPeople regarding appropriate adjustments to the application of sickness absence policies to reflect Covid-19 + variant related absences/issues.

Likelihood 2

Disposable gloves, fluid-resistant face mask and disposable apron available in first aid kit where appropriate. Care plan reviewed where appropriate


Yes 7.2 Safety during provision of first aid (including

paediatric first aid where appropriate) support to students


7.5 Providing care for students behavioural needs Individual risk assessment updated. PPE provided where required Yes 7.3 Providing care (dispensing medicines etc.) for

students with medical needs

7.4 Providing care for students with specific care needs.

Individual risk assessment and care plan reviewed and updated. PPE provided where required.

Severity 4

Likelihood 2

Risk Rating 8

7.6 Effects on staff wellbeing Yes

Severity 4

7.0 General Area of risk: Health, Safety and Wellbeing

7.1 Transitions of year 6 students

Consideration will be given to our new Year 7 students, to ensure that their transition to secondary school will be enriching, given these unprecedented times. Some Year 7 may be especially anxious, given the lengthy absence they have had from school.


What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings

Consideration given to the fact that there is no dedicated whole school break or lunch time and therefore limited opportunities during the school day for staff to support and spend time with one another.

Risk Rating 8

A ‘recovery curriculum’ will be put in place to address student emotional and welfare needs, for individual students who need this support.

Teaching staff to undertake student assessment within the first half term to identify individual progress gaps which are then reflected in whole class planning and individual teaching through Gräpple forms.

Performance management for teaching staff (whole school target 1 and2) to reflect Covid-19 + variant and intervention strategies used to address gaps in students knowledge and understanding.

Counselling support and referral to relevant external agencies will be put in place for students who need it.

Tutors to have a role in identifying students who may have welfare

concerns and engaging with the pastoral team. Likelihood 2

Attendance, behaviour and progress data to be analysed regularly to identify further students who may have unmet welfare needs.

Students should not be sent to Student Welfare Officers unless there has been a critical incident in the class or there is no other class to which a student can be sent. This will be for a temporary time period.

Focus to be given to staff workload issues. This may include the following:

1. Staff needing to present to the class as well as delivering remote based learning (which may require additional planning)

2. Staff workload associated with preparing Year 11 for GCSE exams given the extended absence of all students

3. Additional workload or concern regarding staff managing sanitising processes in their class rooms

4. Staff being asked to self-isolate at short notice and the additional workload of having to plan and broadcast work to students in school.

actions to address workload to include:

Staff encouraged to have regular dialogue with line manager and in turn head of faculty / departments to raise any concerns with the leadership team / Manager

School has invested in IT facilities to include new staff laptops and visualisers to ensure greater staff efficiency, time management and ability to work remotely.

Performance management targets to reflect Covid situation

Governors have approved inset day 6 to review curriculum and school procedures in light of Covid 19

1265 directed time maintained and considered in light of new school processes and procedure including earlier finish time

Teachers and staff to take a supervisory role of cleaning of own classroom spaces during lesson change overs.

Staff under capacity will be utilised to support colleagues to have a comfort break during the morning school session


Likelihood Severity 7.7 Effects on student welfare and academic

progress Yes

Risk Rating

7.8 Effects on staff workload Yes

Severity 4




What are the Hazards What is already being done? Is this considered satisfactory 1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources

Risk Findings

Teaching staff will not have to move rooms therefore minimising travel around the school and potential associated anxiety in transporting resources and equipment.

Visitors to the school will be limited to those carrying out essential services or curriculum delivery. Face to face appointments with parents should be avoided but are at the discretion of individual staff members. We encourage staff to make use of the telephone, email or MS Teams. Severity 2 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 4 Severity 2 Likelihood 2 Risk Rating 4

Visitors to the school should report to the school reception Visitors only allowed into reception if they have a booked appointment

Visitors hand sanitise upon entry to the school. Likelihood 1

Perspex screen between reception staff and visitors. Risk Rating 4

RAS to ensure the fire alarm policy is understood by all students and staff. The muster point will remain as per normal procedure on the school astro turf pitch

Severity 5

RAS to ensure that a fire evacuation procedure is undertaken within a week of the whole school returning. This will be carried out for years 7 and 11 on Thursday and 8,9, and 10 on Friday

Likelihood 2

Fire risk assessment reviewed, and evacuation procedures updated. Should there be a fire evacuation, students should line up on the Astro turf in their year group bubbles and registers will be taken by the teachers who is teaching that bubble at the time. The SLT lead will have overall responsibility for any fire evacuation

Risk Rating 10


7.12 Fire and critical incident evacuation procedure

GLH to produce a Covid-19 document for visitors to the school, who should read it on entry.

7.11 Ensuring reception staff are protected from

Covid-19 + variant Yes

Severity 4

7.10 Peripatetic staff visiting the school

Peripatetic music staff will resume work at Penair only with the full agreement of HFL (Head of Music), given the current advice in the new academic year and with regard to appropriate rooms being available for this.


7.8 Effects on staff workload Yes

7.9 Visitors to the school site.



1.0 General Area of risk: Site, Facilities, Resources Severity 3

Likelihood 1

Risk Rating 3

Headteacher Signed Dated

Chair of Governors Signed Dated

7.13 Review relevant policies and communicate to staff and governors

Coved -19 risk assessment and action plan - Health and safety

including fire evacuation - Safeguarding Inc. addendum - DFE and PHE guidance


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