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Lipopolysaccharide Signals Activation of Tumor Necrosis Factor Biosynthesis Through the Ras/Raf-1/MEK/MAPK Pathway


Academic year: 2020

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Through the Ras/Raf-1/MEK/MAPK















of Internal






Medical Center


Dallas, Dallas,

Texas, U.S.A.





Arthritis Research



Texas, U.




Hughes Medical Institute,


Texas, U.S.A.


Background: Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is known to activatemacrophages, causing the releaseof toxic

cy-tokines that may provoke inflammation and shock. One of the mostimportant andbest studied of these cytokinesistumornecrosisfactor (TNF). Detailsof the

signalingpathwayleadingtoTNFbiosynthesisremain unclear. The pathway is branched in the sense that

TNFgenetranscriptionandTNF mRNAtranslationare

bothstronglystimulatedbyLPS. Recent evidence has

indicated that MAP kinase homologs become phos-phorylated in LPS-stimulated cells, suggesting their possible involvement in signal transduction. We

soughtto testthishypothesis.

Materials and Methods: Measurements of

LPS-in-duced MEK and ERK2 activity were undertaken in LPS-sensitive and LPS-insensitive cells. Transfection studies, in whichdominant inhibitors ofrasandraf-I

were used toblock signaling to the level ofMAP ki-nase, were carried outinordertojudge whether the

TNFgenetranscriptionandTNFmRNAtranslationare modulatedthroughthispathway.

Results: In RAW 264.7 mouse macrophages, both ERK2 and MEKI activity are induced by LPS treat-ment.Inthe samecell line, dominant negative inhib-itorsof ras and raf-1 block LPS-induced activation of theTNFpromoter, aswellasderepression of the

trans-lational blockade normally imposed by the TNF

3'-untranslated region.Aconstitutivelyactiveformof raf-1 (raf-BXB) wasfoundtoaugment,but notreplace, the LPSsignal.InLPS-insensitive cells (RAW 264.7 X

NIH 3T3fusionhybridcells andprimarymacrophages derivedfrom C3H/HeJ mice), ERK2 activity wasfound

tobe refractoryto inductionbyLPS.

Conclusions: The ras/raf-1/MEK/MAPK pathway is

chiefly responsiblefor transductionof theLPSsignal to

the level of theTNFgeneandmRNA. rafandraf-1 lie

upstream from (or actually represent) the physical

branchpoints of the transcriptional andtranslation ac-tivation signals generated by LPS. The lesions that prevent LPS signalinginmacrophages from C3H/HeJ

mice, orin RAW 264.7 X NIH 3T3fusionhybrid cells,

occupyaproximal position inthesignalingpathway.


Bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide; LPS) is

believedto elicit mostofits untoward effectsby

provoking cytokine synthesis in cells of

reticu-loendothelial origin, e.g., macrophages (1-3).

Addresscorrespondenceandreprintrequeststo:Bruce Beutler, HowardHughesMedical Institute, U.T. Southwest-ernMedical Center, 5323HarryHinesBlvd.,Y5.210,

Dal-las,TX 75235-9050,U.S.A.

Tumornecrosisfactor (TNF) is believed to be one of the mostimportant of these cytokine

media-tors. Within 2hrfollowing LPSstimulation, TNF iselaborated as oneof the major secretory

prod-uctsofmacrophages (4,5).Passive immunization

against TNF offers strong protection against the lethal effect ofLPS (6), and directadministration of TNF causes shock andtissue injury (7).

For these reasons, the signal transduction

pathwayutilizedbyLPS, leadingto thesynthesis


and release of TNF, assumesconsiderable impor-tance. Moreover, responses oftheTNF gene are

anexcellent endpoint for studies ofLPSsignaling inmacrophages since the rate of TNF biosynthe-sis increases 1,000-fold or more following

stim-ulation byLPS (8).Previous work has established

that LPS is concentrated through the formation of complexes with lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) and then engages CD14, a

GPI-linked plasma membrane protein (9, 10). As

CD14hasnoobvious meansof generatingsignals within the cytoplasmic compartment, the initial triggering mechanism for LPS signaling remains obscure.

It is recognized that the LPS signal traverses a biological "bottleneck" in the sense that it is

minimally dependent upon the product of a

single gene, known as the Lps gene (11-13). It is widely assumed that this gene, defective in

LPS-unresponsive C3H/HeJ and C57B1OSnCr mice, encodes anearly component of the signal

transduction apparatus. Once a signal has been initiated, the activationpathwaybifurcates, ulti-mately yielding both transcriptional and

trans-lational activation of TNF biosynthesis (8).

Tran-scriptional activation of TNF synthesis is

minimally dependentuponNF-KBtranslocation,

insofar as deletion of the NF-KB motifs presentin

the TNF promoter/enhancer region is sufficient

toabolish LPSresponsiveness (14).Translational activation depends upon defeat of translational repression imposed by the UA-rich element present in the 3'-UTR of the mRNA encoding

TNFand several other cytokines (15,16). TNF biosynthesis can be blocked by

glu-cocorticoid agonists, which impede both

tran-scriptional andtranslational activation pathways

(8), by cAMP analogs or phosphodiesterase

in-hibitors, which selectively block the transcrip-tional response (17), and by pyridinylimidazole derivatives, which selectively block the transla-tional response (18). The molecular targets of each inhibitor remain to be determined; how-ever, these data lend credence to the view that the signaling pathway bifurcates into transcrip-tional and translational components.

Certainaspectsof theLPS signaling pathway

appear to be unique to macrophages. Notably, when an immortalized mouse macrophage line (RAW 264.7) is fused with an immortalized fi-broblast line (NIH 3T3) the resulting hybridcells

are endotoxin unresponsive (19). Presumably, essential component(s) of the LPS signal

trans-duction pathway, like the TNF gene itself (19),

are extinguished following fusion.

Although little is known about the biochem-ical signaling pathway responsible for transmit-ting signals generated by LPS to the nucleus, recent studies have suggested that it may be ini-tiated by a tyrosine kinase (20-22). Thus, LPS

induces tyrosine phosphorylation in monocytic cell lines and this response can be blocked by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (20,21). Moreover, several functional consequences of LPS exposure

can be inhibited by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (20,22).

A number of tyrosine kinase initiated path-ways activate a cascade of signaling molecules termed the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) ki-nasepathway (23,24). Activation of the tyrosine kinase by receptor ligation leads to autophos-phorylationof the kinase and association with an

adaptor protein such as Grb2 through the SH2 domain of theadaptorprotein (25). The adaptor protein is thought to bind to a guanine nucleo-tide exchangefactor whichinturnpromotesthe

association of the proto-oncogene ras with GTP. GTP-boundrasbindstothe proto-oncogeneraf-I transporting it tothe membrane where it is

ac-tivated (26-28). raf-1 isaserinethreoninekinase that phosphorylates and activates a family of protein kinases termed MAP kinase or extracel-lular signal-regulated kinases (MEKs) (29).

MEKs phosphorylate MAP kinases on threonine and tyrosine residues increasing their catalytic activity 1,000-fold (30-32).MAPkinasesinclude extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) 1, ERK2, ERK3, ERK4, p54 MAP kinases (JNK or SAPs), and p57 MAP kinases (33-37). One or

more ofthese kinases are known to phosphory-late other protein kinases (e.g., Rsk, MAPKAP kinase 2), transcription factors (e.g., c-jun, myc,

p62tcf/elk, tall, NF-IL6, and ATF-2) cytoskeletal proteins (microtubule-associated protein 2, tau), andanumber of enzymes(phospholipase A2and tyrosine hydroxylase) (38). This pathway is

thoughttoplayanimportant roleincell growth and differentiation (39,40). In addition, recent evidence has demonstrated that some members of this pathway are required for T cells to pro-duce IL-2 following antigen recognition (41,42).

Recentwork has alsosuggested that LPS may triggerthe activity ofMAP kinasesin monocytic and lymphocyticcell lines (21,43-45). Based on these findings, we considered that the MAP

ki-nase pathway might transmit signals generated

by LPS that are responsible for regulating TNF gene transcription and/or TNF mRNA


LPS-in-duced TNFproductionin macrophages. Inorder to do so, we studied the effect of LPS on the activity of the MAP kinase pathway in

LPS-re-sponsive andLPS-refractory cells.Inaddition,we

sought to determine whether dominant

inhibi-tory forms of ras and raf-1 blockedLPS-induced

TNF promoter activity, and finally, whether an

activatedmutantofraf-1 stimulatedLPS-induced TNFpromoter activity.


DNA Constructs

raf-BXB and raf-C4B have been described previ-ously (46,47). Bothconstructs wereplacedintoa

metallothionine-driven expression vector, pMEP (Invitrogen). pMEP containsthehygromycin

re-sistance gene driven by the thymidine kinase promoter. AcDNA encoding a dominant inhibi-tory form of Ras (17N, 59T) was obtained from

Dr. L. Feig (48).The cDNA was insertedintothe pCEP4 vector for use in these studies. A con-struct containing the cAMP regulated enhancer

element (CRE) driving CAT (49) was obtained

from Dr. Marc Montminy (Salk Institute, La

Jolla, CA, U.S.A.). Constructs in which a TNF

promoterdrives the expression of CAT, inwhich

a CMV promoter drives the expression of CAT, and inwhicha CAT codingsequence isfollowed

by the TNF 3'-UTR were described previously


Reagents and Antibodies

Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA; Sigma Chemi-cal Co., St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.) was dissolved in

ethanol and added to cells at a final concentra-tionof 10ng/ml.E.coliLPS,from strain 0127:B8,

was obtained from Difco. The LPS wasdissolved

at a concentration of 1.0 mg/mlin sterile saline and frozen at -200C until use. It was added to

cultured cells at the concentrations and for the

lengthof timeindicatedineachfigure.

8-bromo-cAMP (Sigma) was added to RAW 264.7 cells cultures at a concentration of 100 ,ug/ml for a

period of24 hr prior toharvest andCAT assay. RabbitpolyclonalantiseraraisedtotheERK2

peptides A249 and 691, an antiserum raised to

MEKi1 specific peptides A2227, and preimmune

antiserum were generously provided by Dr.

Melanie Cobb (51). The production and bio-chemical characterization of recombinant

histi-dine-tagged mutant K71->R human ERKI (rERKI) has been described previously (30).

Stimulation ofERK2 or MEKI activity by


Peritonealmacrophageswere elicited fromC3H/ HeJ or C3H/HeN mice by injecting the animals with2.0ml ofsterileBrewer'sthioglycollate

me-dium4dayspriortoharvest of the cells.

Macro-phages were obtained by peritoneal lavage with

10 cc of sterile heparinized Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The cells were

allowedto adhere to 10 cmplastic tissue culture dishes foraperiod of2 hr. The disheswere then washed to remove nonadherent cells, leaving a

purified population of macrophages.

RAW 264.7 cells [ATCC] and NIH 3T3 cells

[ATCC] werefused toproduce hybrids as previ-ously described (19). The RAW 264.7 cells, and thefusionhybrids, weregrownuntilnearly

con-fluent in DMEM containing 10% FBS. Sixteen hours before stimulation ofRAW 264.7cells, the fusionhybrids andperitonealmacrophageswere

cultured in medium containing 0.5% fetal calf

serum (FCS) to minimize basal ERK2 activity.

LPS or PMA were added to the cultures as indi-cated.

ERK2 and MEKI Immune Complex Kinase Assay

Cells werelysedat40CinRIPA-Hbuffer (20mM

Tris, pH8.0, 1.0% NP40, 0.5 % deoxycholic acid, 0.1% SDS, 150 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 6 mM EGTA, 1 mM DTT, 20 mM p-nitrophenyl phos-phate, 50 mMNaF, 50 ,uMNa3VO4, 10 ,ug/ml of aprotinin, 1 mM leupeptin, 1 mM PMSF, and 5 mM benzamidine). The lysates were clarified by centrifugation (15,000 X g; 10 min), split into

two equalfractions, and incubated witheither 5

,lIofA249, 5,l ofpreimmune sera, 10


A2227 (anti-MEK1 antiserum), or 10 ,l of control

se-rum.Immunecomplexes were precipitated using

SPA agarose. The immune complexes were washed oncewith RIPA-Hbuffer, once with 0.5 MLiCl, 100 mMTris, pH 7.5, and once with 50

mM Tris, pH 7.6, 100 mM NaCl. The resulting pellets were incubated at 300C for 30 min in a

reaction buffer containing 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 10 mMMgCl2, 1 mM DTT, 1 mM benzami-dine, 1 mM EGTA, 50 ,uM [T-32P]ATP (5,200


assay whereas K71->R rERKI (25



used asasubstrate forMEK1. The reactionswere

stopped by boiling in gel loading bufferand

ex-amined by 12% SDS-PAGE, Coomassie staining, and autoradiography. The amountof phosphate incorporated into MBP orK71->R rERKI bands was determined by excising the bands and

sub-jecting them to liquid scintillation. Data are

ex-pressed aspicomoles of phosphate incorporated per milligram of protein in the cellularlysate.

Transfection and CAT assay

Cells werecotransfected with CATreporter plas-mids and with plasmids encoding dominant

in-hibitors of ras, raf-1, or empty control vectors using the method of Chen and Okayama (52). Forty-eight hours after transfection, the cells

were harvested for CAT assay as previously

de-scribed (53,54). CAT activity was quantitated, when specified, byphosphorimager analysis.


LPS Stimulates the Activity ofMEK1 and ERK2 inRAW 264.7 Cells, but Not in RAW

264.7 X 3T3 Hybrid Cells

In initial studies we examined the effect of LPS

onthe activity of theMAPkinase signaling

path-way in the highly LPS-responsive RAW 264.7

cell line. This was assessed by measuring the effect of LPS on MEKI and ERK2 activity in RAW 264.7 cells using immune complex kinase assays. LPS stimulated MEKI and ERK2 activity

in RAW 264.7 cells (Fig. 1) but in an atypical

fashion. MEK1 and ERK2 activity were detect-able 30min after LPS was added to the cultures and activitypeaked60minafter stimulation. The response was independent of LPS-induced

pro-tein synthesis, however, as indicated by the fact that cycloheximide did notdiminish kinase

acti-vation (data not shown). ERK2 induction was

detected when LPS was added to the culture at concentrations as low as 10 ng/ml. Higher con-centrations of LPS stimulated higher levels of

ERK2 induction, and a maximal response was

observed with the addition of LPS at a concen-tration of 1


(Fig. 2).

By contrast, ERK2 activity was not induced

in RAW 264.7 X 3T3hybrid cells which, as

pre-viously noted, fail to support LPS-induced TNF

promoter responses (19) (Fig. 3). Thehybrid cells were, however, responsive to PMA induction; higher levels of ERK2 activity were induced by

c 25

m 20

1 5




a 10



U) 5


0 20 40 60 80 1O0 12

Time (minutes)

0.7 c




0.5 W

0. 4 ID


0.3 CL


0.2 a


0.1 0



FIG. 1. LPS stimulates MEKI and ERK2 activ-ity in Raw 264.7 cell

RAW264.7cellswere culturedin medium contain-ing 0.5% FCS overnightto minimizebasalERK2 andMEKI activity. LPSwas addedto thecultures at aconcentration of 100ng/ml, and the cells were

lysedin RIPAbufferatvaryingtimesthereafter. MEKI andERK2 activitywas assessed using

immune complex kinase assays as described in

Materials and Methods. Eachpoint representsa

single determination.

PMA in hybrid cells than in RAW 264.7 cells.

Moreover, the concentration of ERK present in the hybrid cellswascomparable to that in RAW 264.7 cells as determined by immunoblotting

(data not shown).

LPS Does NotActivate ERK2 inC3H/HeJ Macrophages

In arelated set ofexperiments, primary thiogly-collate-elicited macrophages from C3H/HeNand

fromC3H/HeJ micewere stimulated with LPS in

vitro. While LPSdid notstimulateERK2 activity in peritoneal macrophages isolated from C3H/

HeJ mice, it did stimulate ERK2 activity in peri-tonealmacrophages from C3H/HeN mice. ERK2

could be activatedbyPMAinbothcelltypes (Fig.

4). The concentration of ERK2 in PMA-stimu-lated C3H/HeJ macrophages was comparable to

that observed in C3H/HeN macrophages. * ERK2

* MEK1





m 0~





co 0







-v I I


10 100 1000 LPS Concentration (ng/ml)

FIG. 2. ERK2activity in RAW 264.7 cells stim-ulated with varying concentrations of LPS RAW 264.7 cells were exposed to varying concentra-tions ofLPS orleft unstimulated after overnight cul-ture in medium containing 0.5% FCS. Immune complex kinase assaywas performedas describedin Materials and Methods. Each point represents a single determination.




D z

J 0






- C3H/HeN

m C3H/HeJ


FIG. 4. LPS does notstimulate ERK2 activity in peritoneal macrophages isolated from C3H/HeJmice

Peritoneal macrophages isolated from C3H/HeJ or C3H/HeNmice were cultured overnightinplastic petri dishes inmedium containing 0.5% FCS. LPS

(250ng/ml) orPMA (10 ng/ml) was added to each culture, and the cells were lysed in RIPAbuffer 1 hr later. ERK2 activity was assessed using an immune complex kinase assay as described inMaterials and Methods. The results are expressed as a ratio of the ERK2 activity presentin LPS- or PMA-stimulated cells tothe ERK2 activity present in unstimulated controls (i.e., fold induction).

Dominant Inhibitors of ras and raf-l Effectively Block LPS-Induced Responses

of the TNF Promoter

Since MEKI and ERK2 activity can, inother

systems, be activated through activation of ras

and raf-l, we attempted to determine whether

LPSsignaling entailsactivationof theseproteins. Mutant forms ofboth raf and ras, which inhibit the activity of the endogenous signaling

mole-cules when expressed in cells, have been identi-fied previously. These mutant molecules are termed dominantinhibitoryras orraf-1.

Cotrans-Experiment 1 Experiment 2

0 20 40 60 0 50 100 1 50

Time (minutes) Time (minutes)

FIG. 3. LPS doesnot

stimulate ERK2 activity in

ahybrid cell line

U.UJ LPS was added ata

concen-tration of 1 jig/mlto RAW

264.7 cells orfusion hybrid

cells that had been cultured overnight in medium

con-O*0.02 taining 0.5% FCS. Atvarious

times afteraddingLPS the cells werelysed in RIPA

bufferandERK2 activitywas

assessed usingan immune 0.01 complex kinase assay as

de-scribed inMaterials and Methods. To assaythe re-sponse to PMA, cells were

stimulated with thisagent

* ° ° andharvested 15 min after-ward. Two representative experimentsareshown.


a1) 0







E 0.03


c 0.02

a 0.01






0 E







Ras Raf Raf Control Inhibitor Inhibitor B X B



-LPS Induction Ratio





4.5 1.2 1.4 5.8

FIG. 5. Effects of dominantinhibitors ofras

and raf-1, and theactive raf-BXB protein, on responsesof theTNFpromoter to LPS

RAW 264.7 cells were cotransfected with expression constructsencodingeachof theseproteins, or with an empty vector (control), and with a TNF promot-er-CAT construct. Cells werestimulatedwith LPS at a concentration of 1 ,ug/ml24 hrafter transfection

and harvested andlysed for determination of CAT activity 48 hr aftertransfection, asdescribed in Ma-terials and Methods. Theratioof CATactivityin

stimulated versus unstimulated cells (LPS induction

ratio) was calculatedonthe basis ofphosphorimager analysis. CM, chloramphenicol; AcCM, acetylated

forms of chloramphenicol.

~0 IL

c 0

I5 rla

fection of a dominant inhibitory ras expression

constructintoRAW 264.7cellsmarkedly dimin-ishedLPS-induced TNF promoter activation over arange ofconcentrations beneath 1 ,ug/ml (Figs.

5 and 6A); at higher concentrations of LPS, co-transfection with thedominant negative ras

con-structdidnotblock promoteractivation. A dom-inant negative raf-1 inhibitor also consistently decreased the response to low concentrations of LPS (Figs. 5 and 6A). As with the ras inhibitor, high concentrations of LPS were capable of stim-ulating the TNF promoter even inthe presence of co-transfected raf-1 inhibitor. A deletion mutant ofraf-1 lacking the regulatory domain (raf-BXB) has been found to be constitutively active in some cell types (46,48). This construct aug-mented the response of the reporter gene to all concentrations of LPS (Figs. Sand 6B).

In some experiments (Fig. 7), a cAMP-re-sponsive promoter was cotransfected with each of the two dominant-negative expression con-structs and was still found responsive to induc-tionby8-bromo-cAMP. Moreover,the activityof the LPS-unresponsive CMV promoter was not influenced by cotransfection with either the ras orraf-1 inhibitors. Hence, theeffect ofthe inhib-itors was a specific one and appeared to impact



LPSng/mL LPSngtmL



FIG. 6. TNF promoter responses to different LPS concentrations inthepresence of dominant inhibi-tors ofrasandraf-l orinthepresenceofraf-BXB

Cells werecotransfected with ras,raf-1 (A),or raf-BXB (B) expressionconstructs oremptyvector (control)and with aTNFpromoter-CAT construct as describedinMaterials and Methods.Twenty-fourhourslater, theywere inducedwith LPS at the concentration indicated. Forty-eight hourspost-transfection, the cells were lysed and CAT activitywas measured. The relativeactivityof CATin stimulatedcells, with respecttothe activityincontrolcells,


CMV Promoter



TNF 3'




CM-LPS Induction Ratio

Ras Raf Control Inhibitor Inhibitor

- + - + - +

3.4 1.0 0.7



Ras Raf Control Inhibitor Inhibitor ACCME


CM-a-t5rorn cAMP % Inhibiton ofresponse

+ --8+ +

- 8.7 0

FIG. 7. CMVpromoteractivityand CRE pro-moteractivityarenotinfluenced by

cotrans-fection with dominant inhibitors ofras orraf-l

The CMVpromoter, whichis expressed constitu-tivelyin RAW 264.7 cells, anda CRE-containing

promoter, which is expressedin RAW 264.7 cells in

response todibutyryl cAMPstimulation, wereused

todrive CATmRNAtranscriptionand cotransfected into RAW 264.7 cellstogetherwithempty vector

(control) orconstructsencoding dominantras or

raf-1 inhibitors. CATactivitywas assayed48 hr after transfection and24 hr after stimulation with 8-bromo-cAMP (inthecase of the CRE promoter-CAT

system). Little or noinhibitoryeffect resulted from inhibitor cotransfection.

upon signaling rather than upon the expression

of CATactivity perse.

Finally, a reporter construct designedto

de-tectsignalsthat affecttranslationalefficiencywas

cotransfectedwithrasandraf-1 inhibitors.Inthis

reporter a CMVpromoter was used todrive

ex-pression ofa CAT-coding sequencetowhich the

TNF 3'-UTRwasappended.Aspreviously noted,

the reporterwas observedto be LPS-responsive

in RAW 264.7 cells. Cotransfection of ras and

raf-1 inhibitor constructs abolished the LPS re-sponse of this construct, just as it abolished the

FIG. 8. Release of translational blockade

im-posed bytheTNF3'-UTRisprevented by dom-inantinhibitors ofrasand raf-1.

RAW 264.7 cellswere cotransfected withareporter constructinwhichaCMVpromoterwas used to

drivetranscription ofa CAT mRNA in whichthe

TNF 3'-UTR wasappended, togetherwithempty vector (control) orvectors encodingdominant inhib-itors of rasor raf-1. Cultures wereinduced withLPS

ataconcentration 1 jig/ml24 hr aftertransfection,

and cellswere harvested for CATassay48 hr after transfection. Quantitation of CATactivity, and calcu-lationof the induction ratio,wasperformed usinga

phosphorimager. CM, chloramphenicol; AcCM, acetylatedforms of chloramphenicol.

response of the TNF promoter CAT construct (Fig. 8).


We have examined the role ofthe MAP kinase pathway in LPS-induced TNF gene activation.

The data demonstrate that LPS induces MEKI and ERK2activityincelltypesthatproduceTNF when exposed to LPS, but not in two cell types

that have lost the ability to produce TNF when stimulatedbyLPS.Thus, theactivity of theMAP kinasepathway correlates with LPS-inducedTNF

production. In addition, dominant inhibitory forms of raf-1 and ras block LPS-induced TNF

promoteractivation.The LPS responsive 3'-UTR, which confers translational blockade in resting cells (15,16), also fails to react to LPS in the

presence of dominant inhibitory ras and raf-1

proteins. We conclude that at least two compo-nents of the MAPkinase pathway, rasand raf-1, are required forLPS-inducedTNF production.

The finding that LPS does not stimulate

ERK2 activity in macrophages from C3H/HeJ mice is consistent with previous work

demon-AcCM [




strating that LPS does not stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation or a crude increase in MAP

ki-nase activity in cells obtained from mice of this

strain (44,55).The data suggest that the defectin

C3H/HeJ mice is an early one, which lies up-stream ofERK2.

It has been suggested that LPS triggers changes in cellular physiology by activating a

tyrosinekinase (20-22,44).The observation that a variety of tyrosine kinase-initiated signaling pathways activate ras, raf-1, MEKs, and ERKs is

consistent with this conclusion. It is interesting to note, however, thatinmost of the previously described signal transduction pathways, the

rel-evant upstream stimulus induces ERK activity within minutes. For example, ERK and MEKI

activitypeak 5minafter stimulation via theTcell receptorin Tcells (56).Asimilar rate of response is observed when NGF is applied to cells that express the NGF receptor (57). The delayed

re-sponsewitnessedinmacrophages exposedto LPS

may suggest tardive activation of a certain

up-streamtyrosinekinase. Notably, however, ERK2

activity is stimulated in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors (datanotshown), indicating

that stimulation of a pre-existing pathway,

rather than the assembly of a new pathway

through protein synthesis, occurs in the course

of activation.

It is interesting to note that the inhibitory

effect of dominant negative forms ofraf-1 andras on the transcriptional activity of the TNF

pro-moterinducedbyLPSvariesdependinguponthe concentration ofLPSthat is used. Thus, whereas the stimulatory effect of a low concentration of

LPSiscompletelyblocked, higherconcentrations ofLPS do effect a TNFpromoter response. There

are at least two plausible explanations for this finding. It is clearthat increasing concentrations of LPS leadto increased activity of thepathway.

It ispossible that, ifsignals of sufficient intensity

are generated, dominant inhibitoryraf-1 and ras

proteins cannot fully block the pathway, thus preventingenhanced TNF promoter activity.

Al-ternatively, LPS may activate several parallel pathways that regulate TNF gene transcription.

At high concentrations of LPS, the activity of

these alternate pathways may be sufficient to

stimulate the TNF promoter despite effective blockade of theMAPkinase pathway. Taken

to-gether, the data indicate that the MAP kinase pathway playsanimportant roleinLPSsignaling

and that this roleisparticularly important when

LPS concentrations are low.

Although we used MEKI and ERK2 activity

as a measure of the activity of the MAP kinase pathway we do not intend to imply thatMEKIL

orERK2 are necessarilyinvolved in transducing signals to the level of the TNF gene or mRNA. It is now clear that there are a number of MEKs

and ERKs, that each may have different require-ments for activation, and that their activity may regulate different functional events. For exam-ple, the MAP kinase pathway is known to deliver signals that increase the transcriptional activity ofAP-1 which consists of c-jun and c-fos (58). It

is now thought that the MAP kinase homolog that phosphorylates and activates c-jun is JNK (59,60). ERKs, incontrast, are thoughtto phos-phorylate c-jun atsites thatinhibit the ability of c-jun topromote transcription (61,62). Avariety of signals that activate ERKs also activate JNK. While the identity of the MAP kinase homolog that functions to transmit signals generated by LPS remains unknown, recent studies by Han

etal. (45) suggest that the mammalian homolog of the yeast Hog genebecomes phosphorylatedin

70Z/3 cells following LPS stimulation. This pro-tein then may represent one of the distal

com-ponents of the signaling cascade that leads to enhanced TNF gene transcription and TNF mRNAtranslation.

It is interesting to notethat expression of the free catalytic domain of raf, which is

constitu-tively active in a variety of cell types, is not sufficient toinduce TNF promoter activity. There

are several potential explanations for this find-ing. First, raf-BXB may be inactive in macro-phages unless stimulated by LPS. We have ob-servedasimilarphenomenonin Tcells,inwhich

raf-BXB is not constitutively active, but is regu-lated by engagement of the T cell receptor for antigen (T.D. Geppert,unpublished data). Alter-natively, the MAP kinase pathway may be nec-essarybutnot sufficient for TNF promoter activ-ity. Thus, there may be a parallel pathway that doesnotinvolveraf-BXBthatisrequired for TNF promoteractivity.Whatever the explanation, the finding that raf-BXB activity promotes LPS-in-duced TNF promoter activity supports the

hy-pothesis that raf-1 activity is required for LPS-induced TNF production.

Activated raf-I has recently been shown to phosphorylate IKB in a manner that allows


compo-nents. Viewed from this perspective, it seems

likelythatspecificMAPkinasehomolog(s) lieon

thepathway leadingto activation ofthe

transla-tional response.


This workwassupportedinpartbyan NIH

Can-cer Immunology Training Grant, the Texas

De-partment Ladies Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars, The Council for Tobacco Research (3634 RI), and an NIH grant (5-PO-1DK42582).


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