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II. The


of Parathyroid







of Tetany

in Vitamin

D Defkiency


in South




L. S. Taitz, M.B., Ch.B., B.Sc., and C. D. de Lacy

The Department of Pediatrics, Baragtvanath Non-European Hospital, and the Human Biocheniistrt, Research Unit, South African Institute for Medicat Research, Johannesburg

(Submitted June 19, 1961; accepted July 20, 1962.)

ADDRESS: (L.S.T.) 1106 Von Brandis Heights, Petersen Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, South Africa. PEmKriucs, December 1962



EVERAL WORKERS have drawn attention

to the varying biochemical patterns in

patients with rickets and 2

Calcium concentration in serum usually is

normal or slightly decreased, and

phos-phorus in plasma is often low, but on

ocas-sion may be normal or even slightly

ele-vated. Occasionally however, calcium

con-centrations may fall to extremely low levels

leading to hypocalcemic tetany. These

vari-ations have been interpreted as indicating

differing levels of parathyroid activity.

Rei-fenstein3 has suggested that normal calcium

concentration and low inorganic

phos-phorus values indicate marked

hyperpara-thyroidism, low calcium and phosphorus

in-dicate a moderate parathyroid response,

while low calcium with tetany and high

phosphorus means a failure of the

para-thyroid response. \Vhile this view has

gained wide acceptance, it has never been

proved conclusively, and Nelson has stated

that the mechanism of rachitic

hypocalce-mic tetany remains obscure. Although some

workers have shown elevation of calcium

concentrations by parathyroid hormone in

rachitic subjects, the problem is further

complicated by reports that tetany

associ-ated with rickets or osteomalacia is

some-times refractory to administered parathy-roid hormone,6’7 thus raising the possibility

that low calcium level may result, not from

a failure of the parathyroid gland to keep

pace with increased demands, but from an

acquired failure of hone and kidneys to

respond to increased circulating

parathy-roid hormone. Such a state of tissue

refrac-toriness may constitute a form of secondary

“pseudo-hypoparathyroidism.” Finally the

whole problem must be viewed in the light

of current opinions regarding the action of

the parathyroids. It has been suggested8#{176}

that the two actions of these glands, i.e.,

calcium mobilizing effect and phosphaturic

effect, are independent and may he

medi-ated by separate hormones. Recent work however has suggested that the hormone may consist of a single polypeptide chain

which mediates both effects.1

These unresolved problems prompted the present study, which attempts to elucidate

the role of the parathyroid glands in the

pathogenesis of tetany in rickets. An

en-deavor will be made to relate the calcium

level and radiologic findings to the degree

of parathyroid activity represented by the phosphorus excretion index (PEI) of

Nor-din and Fraser,1#{176} and the plasma inorganic

phosphorus levels.


The findings reported in this study were partly described in Part Jhl and consisted of

data obtained from 36 of the Bantu

chil-dren between 4 and 24 months with active

rickets described in that paper. Nine

sub-jects had clinical evidence of tetany as





convulsions, together with a positive

Chvos-tek’s sign.

The following investigations were carried

out: phosphorus excretion index (PEI)

ac-cording to our modification of the method

of Nordin and Fraser11; calcium in serum,

according to the method of Langendorf’2;

alkaline phosphatase in serum and

inor-ganic phosphorus in plasma, according to

methods described by King and


X-ray observations of one wrist, shoulder

joint, and the rib ends of each subject, were

classified into five grades of severity on tile

basis of the radiologic findings by a

radio-logist unaware of the respective

biochemi-cal findings. Grade 1 (±) indicated

doubt-ful irregularity and cupping of tile

meta-physes of the lower ends of ulna and radius

and costochondral junctions. Grade 2



indicated slight but definite cupping of

metaphyses of radius, ulna, and costochon-dral junctions. Grade 3 (+ +) indicated

marked irregularity of metaphyses of ulna,

radius, and costochondral junctions. Grade

4 (+ +


indicated gross changes of

meta-physes of ulna, radius, and costochondral

junctions, with well-marked irregularity of

upper end of humerus. Grade 5 (+ + + +)

indicated extremely gross rickets with

disor-ganized metaphyses, fractures and chest


Five patients were in Grade 5 (mean age

14 months), 8 in Grade 4 (mean age 7

months), 11 in Grade 3 (mean age 8 months), 5 in Grade 2 (mean age 7 months), and 2 in Grade 1 (mean age 6 months).

Five patients could not be classified

be-cause of unsatisfactory x-ray pictures.


All nine patients with tetany had calcium levels less than 3 meq/liter. Two of these

subjects had PEI values exceeding + 0.35,

while 6 had values below +0.2. The PEI

values in the tetanic subjects ranged from

-0.10 to +0.93, with a mean of +0.20. In

tile remaining 27 subjects, the PEI ranged

from -0.17 to +1.6, with a mean of +0.51.


Calcium in Serum

<3 :iieq/1 3-4 meq/l <4 i;eq/l

Number of PaiienL



7 4 7

6 10

The difference between the PEI values in

tetanic and nontetanic subjects is

statisti-cally significant (p < 0.001).

Plasma-phos-phorus levels in the tetanic group ranged

from 2.5 to 5.1 mg/100 ml, with a mean of

3.7, as opposed to a mean of 3.18 for

non-tetanic subjects. The considerable overlap

between the tetanic and nontetanic groups

at relativtly low PEI values suggests that

patients with less-marked

hyperparathy-roidism constitute a heterogeneous group.

Further analysis was therefore undertaken

to separate these patients into homogenous

pathophysiologic entities.

In order to avoid bias, patients with

rela-tive hypoparathyroidism were separated

from those with marked

hyperparathyroid-ism simply by dividing the subjects into

two equal groups of 18-those with PEI’s

of less than + 0.32 and those with PEI’s of

more than + 0.32. A similar arbitrary

divi-sion was carried out on the basis of the

plasma phosphorus level. A level of 3 mg/

100 ml divided the patients into two equal

groups of 18 patients.

Table I shows tile calcium concentrations

in serum in the subjects according to a

PEI of less than or greater than + 0.32. The

uneven distribution is not quite statistically

significant on analysis of variants (p <0.2

> 0.05). Table II shows the calcium levels

in the subjects according to phosphorus

levels greater or less than 3 mg/100 ml.

Analysis of variants shows the uneven

dis-tribution to be statistically significant (p












0 S

#{149} 5 5 100











#{149} I 4




#{149} I

#{149} I

I I #{149}-#{149}

#{149}. . I

#{149} s-i

#{149}-1#{149} I 1-41 I

3 #{149} 50

3 I-I #{149} I .

#{149} I-i.4 II #{149} I

1I I

I 1-4


#{149} .


2 2’ 25

I- #{149}





* +



+ + +



+ + 4




+ +

+ ++

+ + +


4 + t

+ 4

+ 4

+ 4



+ + 4



Fic. 1. Relation of phosphorus excretion index, calcium in serum (meq/l), phosphorus in plasma (mg/ 100 ml), and alkaline phosphatase (King-Armstrong units) to the degree of radiologic severity of

infantile rickets.






Calcium in Serum

<3 meq/l 3-4 meq/l > m nteq/l

Number of Patients

>3mg/lOOm! <Smg/lOOmi

7 9

8 8

lationship of various biochemical data to

radiologic severity of the bone changes.

PEI values are highest in Grade 5, lowest

in Grade 4, and intermediate in Grades 3

and 2. Grade 1 is not considered, because

only two patients were in this group.

Anal-ysis of varients shows that these differences

are significant (p <0.05). Calcium values

in serum are almost identical in Grades 5,

3 and 2 but low in Grade 4. This





Grads Cases





(mg/1O() ml) PE!



(KA units)

Mean Range

Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

5(++++) 4(+++) 3(++) (+) Normals 5 8 11 5 8 4 .78 3.9 4.1 4.5 3.4-4.8 .5-3.4 .7-4.6 3.4-4.4 4.-4.8 .5 3.7 .8 3.9 5.5 3.0-4.5 1.7-4.3 .3-6.6 4.5-6.3 +0.95 +0.15 +0.46 +0.56 -0.14 +0.5 to+l.6 -0.O4to+5 +0.1 to+9 -O.l7to+1.4

-0. to +0.04

7 57 48 51 20 18-108 16-100 18-106 35-70 15-4

Plasma phosphorus levels are low in Grades

5 and 3 and high in Grades 4 and 2. These

differences are also significant (p < 0.05).

The differences between the alkaline

phos-phatase levels in each of the grades are

not significant.

The data of individual patients are given

in Table IV. Renal function was assessed

in the tetanic and nontetanic groups by the

following methods : (a) plasma creatinine in

all patients, (b) blood urea in all patients,

and (c) glomerular filtration rates

(endo-genous creatinine clearance) in three

non-tetanic and two tetanic subjects not

in-cluded in this series. There was no

statisti-cal difference between the two groups



Figure 2 shows the relationship between

phosphorus in plasma and calcium in serum,

with differential plotting of varying degrees

of radiologic severity and parathyroid

ac-tivity. Values for patients with very severe

rickets (+ + + +) and high PEI values (>

+ 0.2) do not overlap values for moderately

severe cases (+ + +) with relatively low

PEI values (PEI < +0.2).


It has been shown that the PEI is

in-creased in children with Vitamin D

defici-ency rickets.” This index is a function of

the capacity of the renal tubule to reabsorb

phosphate, and elevation of the PEI is

strong presumptive evidence of parathyroid

hyperfunction. These findings conform with

the hypotheses of earlier workers’s and

agree with the observations of Nordin and

Fraser1#{176} in adults with osteomalacia

sec-ondary to the malabsorption syndrome. It

has also been demonstrated that children

with rickets who had relatively high

phos-phorus levels had relatively decreased

para-thyroid activity on the basis of the PEI

when compared with children with low

phosphorus levels. A direct correlation of

moderate significance was found to exist

between the PEI and alkaline phosphatase


Certain difficulties arise when the

cal-cium concentration in serum is compared

with the PEI or the phosphorus

concentra-tion in plasma. These difficulties result from

the fact that the rachitic subjects presented

do not represent a homogeneous group and

may belong to any of several categories.

This applies particularly to patients with

evidence of relatively low parathyroid

ac-tivity. Such subjects may have (1) very mild

but active rickets, (2) biochemical but not

radiologic features of commencing healing,

and (3) parathyroid “failure.”

It is not surprising, therefore, that no

direct correlation can be demonstrated

be-tween the PEI and the calcium levels

(ex-cept for those patients with very low

cal-cium levels and tetany). This overlap of

differing populations cannot be separated

on the basis of the alkaline phosphatase

concentration because of the extremely


man-TABLE 1V


Case Number Age (mo.) Nutri-tion4

Alkaline Plasma Plasma

Phos- Serum Phos- PEI Crea- X-ray

Calcium . . Grade

pnatase pnorus ttnzne

Tetanic Su&jects 1 E2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 7 1 3 5 4 7 H 8 Good Poor Good Good Poor Poor (;od Poor Poor 54.0 19.2 53.0 100.8 40.0 9.O 75.0 4.5 16.0 2.6 2.9 E2.8 2.5 2.7 2.6 .8 .7 .5 3.8 3.7 3.5 4.5 3.0 5.21 4.1 .5 3.4 +0.49 +0.08 +0.01 +0.H +0.14 -0.10 -0.04 +0.93 +0.09 0.7 0.69 0.67 0.7 0.88 0.66 0.77 0.7 0.69 -F++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ± ++ +++ +++ Nontetanic Subjects

1 9 Poor .. 3.7 2.3 +0.4 0.69 ++

2 6 Good 40.5 3.4 2.3 +0.54 0.75 +

3 17 Poor 17.8 3.4 +0.50 0.66

4 7 Goo(l 38.7 4.3 .9 +O.29 0.71 ++

5 ‘3 Good 53.0 4.5 4.5 +0.39 0.73 ++

6 6 Poor 51.5 4.6 ‘2.0 +0.98 0.71 ++

7 6 Poor 7.3 3.6 2.8 +0.33 0.65 ++

8 18 Poor 46.0 4.2 4.3 +O.8 0.675 ++

9 5 (;ood 108.0 3.5 +0.81 0.79 ++

10 6 Poor 76.0 4.0 2.6 +0.77 0.75

11 10 Poor 68.5 3.4 3.9 +O.Q3 0.81 ..

1 6 Good 5.3 4.5 .53 +0.14 0.68 ++

13 17 Poor 107.0 3.6 ‘2.8 +0.74 0.72

14 6 (;ood 72.O 4.6 3.0 +1.4 0.69 +

15 8 Good 50.0 4.2 3.05 -0.0’2 1.05 ±

16 9 Poor 36.7 4.3 6.6 -0.17 0.71 +

17 6(±) Good 46.5 4.4 1.6 +0.68 0.72 ..

18 5 Good 53.7 3.3 4.4 -O.07’2 0.68 ..

19 7 (;ood 34.0 4 .9 +0.11 0.63 +

20 5 Good 60.0 4.4 32 +1.0 0.66 +

21 18 Good 60.5 4.3 2.6 +0.95 0.73

22 6 Poor . . 3.6 .1 +0.21 O.7 ..

23 7 Poor 67.0 4.3 5.5 +O.32 0.75 ..

24 10 Poor 100.0 4.8 2.7 +1.6 O.92

25 5 Poor 33.0 3.6 ‘3.6 +0.1 0.72 ++

26 10 Poor 17.0 4.2 3.5 +O.2 0.78 ++

27 5 God 100.0 3.4 3.4 +0.08 0.7

* Good nutrition = weight exceeding 3rd percentile.

ifestly the PEI and inorganic phosphate

levels in plasma cannot be used for the


Tables I and II taken in conjunction

show that patients with relative

hypopara-thyroidism (i.e., PEI, < + 0.32; phosphorus,

> 3 mg/100 ml) tend to have a bimodal

distribution of calcium concentration in

that the calcium levels are either normal


> 4 meq/1) or very low (< 3 meq/l), with

few patients having intermediate calcium

levels. Clearly such a distribution suggests

that two types of subject are being grouped


nc-* Two subjects.

t Three subjects.

kets (high calcium levels) or patients with

parathyroid “failure.” Subjects with early

healing rickets might fall into either

cate-gory, since it has been shown that tetany

may be precipitated by the administration

of calciferol to patients with rickets,

pre-sumably as a result of suppression of the

parathyroid glands consequent to increased

calcium absorption from the bowel and the

rapid incorporation of calcium into the

ex-cess uncalcified bone matrix.4 The bimodal

distribution is illustrated by Figure 2, if

the graph is rotated so that the serum

cal-cium concentrations come to lie along the

horizontal axis.

Tables I and II also illustrate the fact

that in only two instances did profound

hypocalcemia occur where there was

evi-dence of marked hyperparathyroidism.

These two subjects art of considerable

in-terest since severe hypocalcemia

devel-oped with PEI values of +0.93 and +0.49


Assuming that parathyroid failure is the

cause of the hypocalcemia, it must be

con-eluded that failureof the calcium-mobilizing

component of parathyroid hormone may

oc-cur before or independently of failure of

the phosphaturic component. This is a

highly speculative hypothesis but attractive

because it maintains a unitarian concept of

the pathogenesis of rachitic tetany.

An alternative explanation for these

find-ings is that the tetanic children for some

reason have impairment of glomerular

fil-tration (GFR) with phosphate retention

leading to hyperphosphatemia and a

re-suiting fall in the calcium content. The

theoretical and empirical objections to this

view seem overwhelming. (1) Plasma

creati-nine and urea levels were identical and

within normal limits in both groups. It is

unlikely that phosphate retention severe

enough to lower the calcium content could

occur without some elevation of urea or

creatinine. (2) The method employed here

for expressing phosphate excretion (PEI)

refers specifically to tubular function, and

it should be unaffected by changes in GFR.

Indeed Nordin and Fraser1#{176} have

demon-strated elevation of the PEI in uremic

pa-tients with moderate phosphate retention.

It would thus be illogical to explain the

de-pression of PEI in tetanic subjects on the

basis of impaired GFR. (3) The clearance

of endogenous creatinine was identical in

two tetanic and three nontetanic subjects.

It is therefore concluded that the

rela-tive decrease of the PEI and elevation of

the plasma phosphorus in tetanic patients

is tubular in origin, not glomerular, and

that the most likely explanation is

de-creased parathyroid activity.

The introduction of a further parameter,

the degree of radiologic severity of bone

changes, further clarifies the problem of the

mixed populations. Three biochemical

pat-terns become evident. Grade 5 (+ + + +)

patients with very severe bone changes

show the highest PEI values, lowest plasma

phosphorus levels, and relatively normal

serum calcium concentrations. This suggests

a picture of intense parathyroid over-activity.

Grades 2



3 (+ +) patients are

rather similar and probably do not warrant

separate analysis. The PEI values in these







Calcium (meq/l


Phosphorus (mg/iOO nil)

PEI Urea

(mg/100 ml)

. .

(reaiznine (mg/UX) ml)


. (nil/miniM


















I 4 + + +

+ 4



+ +




o 0

S 0

0 0 +

o +++ PE1<2

I ..+. PE1”#{128}

#{149}++4 PE1>










FIG. 2. Relation of calcium in serum (meq/1) to phosphorus in plasma (mg/100 ml) in infantile rickets (key: ++-- or ++---j- refer to the two most severe radiologic grades).

patients in general are moderately elevated,

while the phosphorus concentrations in

plasma are low or slightly decreased. Both

PEI and phosphorus values show a wide

variation. Calcium levels are relatively

nor-mal or slightly depressed, with one

excep-tion. It is among these patients that mixing

of different biochemical variants is most

evident and probably accounts for the wide

range of both PEI and phosphorus values.

Intermediate between these two groups

are the Grade 4 (+ + +) patients who show

significantly lower PEI values and calcium

concentrations, and high phosphorus levels.

These are the features of relative secondary

hypoparathyroidism or secondary


There are not enough subjects in Grade



for detailed analysis.

Several points of interest arise from this

analysis. It is clear that very gross rickets

and moderately severe rickets are both

as-sociated with a well-marked parathyroid

response differing only in degree between

the two groups. An intermediate group

exists, however, in which the parathyroid response is much less intense or even

ab-sent. It is in this latter group that most

cases of tetany occur. That these subjects




one by Figure 2, where it is clear that

pa-tients with severe (+ +




relatively low PEI values tend to fall close

to each other, with very little overlap, when

calcium values are plotted against

phos-phorus values; whereas patients with severe

bone changes (+ + + +) and marked

eleva-tion of the PEI lie above and to the left of

the former group.

These findings correlate well with

previ-ous observations on the incidence of tetany

in the malabsorption syndrome,1 in which

it has been found that patients with severe

demineralization did not develop

hypocal-cemic tetany. It seems likely that all sub

-jects with rickets respond initially by

de-veloping secondary hyperparathyroidism

with moderately severe bone changes and

maintenance of normal calcium levels. The

subsequent course of the disease depends

on whether the parathyroid response is

maintained or not.

Should parathyroid activity be

main-tamed or even increased, gross bone

de-mineralization occurs with maintenance of

normal calcium levels, as in Grade 5. Should

the parathyroid response fail, the degree of

bone demineralization is less marked, but

a definite tendency to hypocalcemia and

tetany develops, as in Grade 4. Sometimes

tetany may intervene early, before marked

bone changes have occurred or even before

overt radiologic signs of rickets appear, due

to a premature failure of the parathyroid

response to decreased calcium absorption.

This is illustrated by one subject in Grade

1 who developed hypocalcemic tetany. This

child had no overt radiologic evidence of

rickets, but the calcium level was elevated

by the administration of small therapeutic

doses of vitamin D (5,000 U daily). Early

parathyroid failure during the course of

vita-min D deprivation might explain some cases

of idiopathic infantile hypocalcemic tetany.

The clear-cut distinction between subjects

in Grades 4 and 5 is probably the result of

fortuitous hospital selection and is not a true

reflection of the incidence in the population

at large. On the basis of the hypothesis

pre-sented herein, it would be expected that


4 patients with high PEI values and

normal calcium concentrations should

oc-cur. It is likely that these patients do not

come to the hospital unless tetany

super-venes or the bone disease progresses to the

stage of bone deformities, when they would

then be classified as Grade 5. It is important

in this regard to recall that in a sunny

coun-try such as South Africa, active rickets

rarely progresses beyond the toddler stage.16

The wide range of alkaline phosphatase

in each of the grades is difficult to explain.

Except for the moderate correlation

previ-ously reported with the PEI,” no clear-cut

correlation could be demonstrated with any

of the biochemical or clinical features.




in this paper leave

two important questions unanswered. In the

first instance it is not clear whether

hypo-calcemia results from a failure of the

para-thyroid gland or from secondary

“pseudo-hypoparathyroidism.” Secondly we have not

been able to elucidate what factor is

re-sponsible for this failure. There appears to

be no relationship to the age of the patients

or their state of nutrition. These problems

are at present under investigation.


MN, a 2-month-old Bantu infant, was admitted

to the ward for treatment of gastroenteritis and hypertonic dehydration. Following good response

to intravenous therapy, the infant was noted to

be irritable, with carpopedal spasm; an initial

diagnosis of postacidotic tetany was made. The chemical constituents of blood at this stage were as follows: sodium in serum, 135 meq/l; potassium

in serum, 4.6 meq/1; chlorides, 104 meq/l; total carbondioxide content, 23.6 meq/1; calcium in se-rum, 2.7 meq/1; phosphorus in plasma, 3.5 meq/1; alkaline phosphatase, 54 King-Armstrong units;

and blood urea, 22 mg/100 ml. Intravenous

ther-apy was stopped, and calcium chloride in a dosage

of 5 ml of a 1% solution was given orally every 8

hours. Radiologic examination showed the pres-ence of moderately severe rickets.

During the following week the child remained in continuous tetany with calcium levels on alternate days of 2.5, 2.7, and 2.6 meq/l respectively.

Dur-ing this period the phosphorus in plasma showed progressive elevation, with values of 3.5, 4.2, and 5.2 mg/100 ml. At this stage the patient was given


of the phosphorus concentration to 4.4 meq/l and 2 mg/100 ml respectively within 36 hours. Ad-ministration of parathyroid hormone was stopped, and 24 hours later the calcium concentration had fallen to 2.9 meq/l, with return of tetany, while

the phosphorus increased to 3.8 mg/100 ml. Re-sumption of parathyroid therapy brought about a second prompt increase in calcium concentration

(4.4 meq/l) and decrease in phosphorus (2.8 mgI 100 ml).

These findings indicate that this patient was highly responsive to parathyroid hormone, both regarding the calcium mobilizing and renal action of hormone; they support the view in this paper that hypocalcemic tetany in rickets results from relative insufficiency of endogenous parthyroid se-cretion.


Hypocalcemic tetany does not occur in

South African Bantu infants with very gross

bone changes of rickets. Rachitic children

with hypocalcemic tetany have significantly

lower phosphorus excretion indices than

tilose with normal or moderately decreased

calcium levels. Tetany appears to occur in

a specific group of subjects with moderately

severe bone changes, decreased phosphorus

clearance, and relatively high plasma

phos-phorus levels. It is suggested that this group

represents either failure of the

compensa-tory parathyroid response or secondary

“pseudo-hypoparathyroidism.” Certain cases

of idiopathic infantile tetany may be the

result of premature failure of the

compensa-tory parathyroid response to deficiency of

vitamin D.


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L. S. Taitz and C. D. de Lacy

Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets in South African Bantu Infants

Relationship of Parathyroid Function to Bone Changes and Incidence of Tetany in



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L. S. Taitz and C. D. de Lacy

Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets in South African Bantu Infants

Relationship of Parathyroid Function to Bone Changes and Incidence of Tetany in



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ini memiliki kesamaan pada nilai terendah dan tertinggi, baik pada hasil perhitungan tingkat prioritas kualitas layanan, hasil kualitas layanan dengan SERVQUAL , penilaian

1, the common functionality of active network architecture is separated into two entities, namely, the execution environment (EE), which is similar to a shell program

In the last part of this work, we have developed a model for adapting the learning sequences to the knowledge and preferences of the learner, based on an