JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Mar. 1994, p. 1913-1925 Vol. 68, No. 3 0022-538X/94/$04.00+0
Copyright (C 1994, American Society for Microbiology
Sequence Requirements of the Epstein-Barr Virus
SARAH HARRISON, KIMBERLY FISENNE, AND JANETHEARING* Departmentof Microbiology, Health SciencesCenter, State UniversityofNew Yorkl
StonyBrook, New York 11794-5222 Received 14 October 1993/Accepted 8 December 1993
The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent origin of DNA replication (oriP) is composed of two elements that containbinding sitesfor the sole viral gene product required for latent cycle replication, EBNA-1. One of these elements,regionI,functions as an EBNA-1-dependent enhancer for RNA polymeraseII-transcribedgenes, may play a rolein plasmid segregation, and is required for origin function in B cells latently infected with EBV. The second element,regionII,contains or isverynear the site ofinitiation of DNA replication. A genetic approach wastaken to determine the contribution of the EBNA-1 binding sites in oriP to origin function. Although region Iis required for the transient replication of plasmids bearing region II in EBV-infected B cells, a plasmid
lackingregion I but containing regionII,was observed toreplicate transiently in bothD98/RajiandHeLa cells
expressingEBNA-1. Thus,binding of EBNA-1 to region I is not absolutely required for the molecular events thatleadtoinitiation ofDNAreplication atregionII. Site-directed mutagenesis of the four EBNA-1-binding sites inregion II, individuallyandinvarious combinations,demonstrated that only twoEBNA-1-binding sites
arerequiredforregionIIfunction. The resultsobtainedwith these mutants, togetherwiththeanalysis of the replicativeabilityof plasmids containing insertions between EBNA-1-binding sites, suggested that the spatial relationship of the two sites is critical. Mutants that contain only two EBNA-1-binding sites separated by 26 to31bp in region II were not maintained as plasmids over many cell generations and were greatly reduced in their ability to replicate transiently inD98/Rajicells. TheEBNA-1-induced bending or untwistingof the DNA inEBNA-1-binding sites 1 and 4 in region II did not, however, demonstrate thisspatialconstraint. It may be concluded from these results that specific protein-protein interactions between EBNA-1 and/or between EBNA-1 and a cellular protein(s) are required for origin function.
In most Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected B cells, viral
gene expression is limited and infectious virus is rarely
pro-duced(10). The EBVgenomesinsuch latently infected B cells
arepresent asmulticopyplasmids (38), and replication of these
EBV plasmids exhibits several important characteristics in
common with the replication of cellular chromosomes. EBV
chromosomes replicate once per cell division cycle (1), and replication occurs at a discrete time during the S phase (22, 23). Two additional features ofEBV latent-cycle replication make thisan attractive system to study the regulated replica-tion ofDNAineukaryotic cells. Onlyoneviralgeneproductis required for latent-cycle replication, the EBV nuclear antigen
1 (EBNA-1 [37, 53]). Thus, all other proteins required for replicationareprovided by the host cell.Additionally, replica-tion initiatesat awell-definedcis-acting element, oriP, and this
originofDNAreplicationdirects theregulated replication of recombinantplasmids in primate cells expressingEBNA-1(37, 52, 53). Investigation of the maintenance of EBV
chromo-somesin infected cellswill also further ourunderstanding of thevirus-host interactions underlying the lifelong human in-fections established by thisherpesvirus.
Previous studies have established that oriP is composed of
twoessential elements (37, 43). Region II, also referredto as
the dyad symmetry element, contains four binding sites for EBNA-1 (2, 41)and isat, or very near,thesite of initiation of latent cycle DNAreplication (17, 51). Region I, also termed the family of repeats, is located approximately 960 bp from
*Correspondingauthor. Mailingaddress:Department of
Microbi-ology, State Universityof New York, Life Sciences Building,Room
280, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5222. Phone:(516)632-8778. Fax:(516) 632-8891.
regionIIandcontains 20EBNA-1-binding sites (2,41). Region
Iisabsolutelyrequired for the stable maintenance ofplasmids bearingregionIIincellsexpressingEBNA-1 (37, 43),contains the termination site forreplication (17), functions as a
tran-scriptional enhancer element for RNA polymerase Il-tran-scribed genes (42), and allows for the prolonged retention of physically linkedDNA(33).Allof these activities attributedto
region IrequireEBNA-1 (11, 33, 37, 42, 43, 53).
Region I contains 20 EBNA-1-binding sites that are
sepa-rated by either 26or30bp (41).In contrast,regionIIcontains fourEBNA-1-binding sites. Sites 1 and 2areseparated by21
bp,asaresites 3 and 4; sites2and 3areseparated by 30 bp(41)
(Fig. 1). It is likely that differences in both the number and
spatial arrangement of EBNA-1 sites in regions I and II
contribute to the distinct biological properties of these
ele-ments.TwoorthreetandemcopiesofregionII canfunctionas anenhancer element foranRNApolymeraseIIpromoter,but the levelof enhancement is much lower than thatprovided by
asimilar numberof sites derived fromregionI(51). Similarly,
two and threetandem copies ofregion II activate replication
from regionII to alesserextentthan do fiveorseven repeats
from region I (51). Differences inthe interaction ofEBNA-1
withregionsIandIIhavebeen detectedbyusing KMnO4as a chemical probe for distorted DNA. EBNA-1 can induce the
bendingoruntwistingof theDNAduplexattwositesinregion
II (nucleotides [nt] 9046 and 9110 [Fig.
but is unable todistort the duplex in region I (16, 26). The distortion ofthe DNA may be important for the events that lead to
unwinding andreplicationinitiation (16,
The presenceoftheKMnO4-reactive thymines in
sitessepa-rated fromanadjacentsiteby21bp(Fig. 1)and theirabsence in EBNA-1-binding sites separated by26 or30 bp
on November 9, 2019 by guest
FIG. 1. Nucleotidesequenceof oriPregionII.The sequence of EBV nt 9024 to 9135(B95-8isolate)ispresented(4).Thepositionsof the four EBNA-1binding sites(numbered accordingtothe convention inreference41)are indicatedbythe numbersoverthe sequence andbythebars between the DNA strands. The number of basepairsseparating adjacentsites are indicatedatthe bottom of thefigure. Thebars above and beneath the DNA sequence represent nucleotides protected from DNaseIdigestion byEBNA-1(26).Breaksatthe ends of thebarsrepresentambiguities intheinterpretation ofthefootprintsbecause of the absence of nucleasecleavagesin naked DNAcontrols(26).The arrowheadsat nt9046(top strand) and nt 9110(bottom strand)indicate thepositions ofthymines oxidized by KMnO4in the presence of EBNA-1(16, 26).Thepositions of EBNA-1 dimers are representedby the ovals.
thatinteractions betweenEBNA-1 boundtosites 1 and 2 and between EBNA-1 bound to sites 3 and 4 were required for
EBNA-1 to bendor untwist the DNA.
To begin to understand how EBNA-1 interacts with the cellular replication machinery to direct replication of
oriP-bearingplasmids, agenetic approach has been usedto deter-mine the importance of EBNA-1-binding sites in oriP. The experiments presented here demonstrate that the molecular
eventsthatleadtothe initiation ofDNAreplicationatregion
II do not require, mechanistically speaking, the binding of
EBNA-1 to region I. These data provide additional evidence for a regulatory role for region I in oriP function (15). Experimentsarepresented that demonstrate that only twoof the fourEBNA-1-binding sitespresentinregionII, separated bytwo helical turns, are necessaryfor region II function and
suggest that specific interactions between EBNA-1 bound to sequencesinregion II arerequired forfunctional interactions with the cellular replication machinery.
Cells and plasmids. D98 and D98/Raji cells (18) were
cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supple-mented with 10% fetal bovineserum (WhittakerBioproducts,
Walkersville, Md.). HeLa cells were grown in Dulbecco's
modified Eagle's mediumcontaining 10% iron-supplemented
calf serum (Whittaker Bioproducts). All cellswere grown as
monolayer cultures at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere
con-taining 5% CO2.
Plasmidsbearingintact oriP(pHEBo-1 andpHEBo-1.1)and deletion derivatives lackingeither region I or region II (pRII and pHEBo-ldlDS, respectively) have been described
previ-ously (26, 48). All recombinant plasmids used in replication assays were isolated from Escherichia coli DH1 cells (dam').
in HeLa cells was obtained bytransfection ofaplasmid, pAd/EBNA-1.3,in which synthesis of EBNA-1 is directed by the adenovirus major late promoter.
with a polyomavirus late mRNA donor splice site, 1,037-bp
intervening sequence, and acceptor splice site, were removed from pMLPyA2K' (27) by digestion with BclI, followed by repairofthe ends with Klenowpolymerase anddigestionwith HindIII. This fragment was introduced into an adenovirus expressionvector, pNL3-C (kindly provided by R. Schneider,
New York University Medical Center), such that a cDNA containing the complete tripartite leader sequence present at the 5' end of all mature late mRNAs derived from the adenovirus major late promoter was positioned upstream of thepolyomavirus-derived 5'splice site.Arecombinant adeno-virus containing this hybrid transcription unit directed the
synthesisoffull-length EBNA-1 (28;unpublished data).
Mutagenesis of oriP.Double-point andinsertion mutations were introduced into region II by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of this component of oriP subcloned in pBlue-script KS(Stratagene, LaJolla,Calif.) aspreviouslydescribed (26, 34). Sequences of themutagenicoligonucleotidesused for
creating the mutations are shown in Table 1. The mutated EBV sequences were substituted for wild-type sequences in
pHEBo-1.1, and the sequence of EBV nt 8992 to 9156 was determined for eachreconstruction(44)to ensurethat the only
mutationspresentin regionII werethose intended.
Nuclease protection and KMnO4 footprinting assays.
DNase I protection and KMnO4 footprinting assays were
performed as previously described with full-length EBNA-1 isolated from recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells
(26). Immunoaffinity-purified EBNA-1 was used in some
ex-periments, whereas EBNA-1 further purified by
sequence-specificDNAaffinitychromatographywasusedin others (see figure legends). The quantity of EBNA-1 required to obtain
partial and complete protection of sites in region II in wild-type oriPwas determined for each preparation by DNase I
footprinting. Not all ofthe EBNA-1 present in the
immuno-affinity-purified EBNA-1 thanDNA affinity-purified EBNA-1 was required to achieve complete protection of the binding sites in oriP. All footprinting experiments involved plasmids bearing both regionsI and II (derivativesofpHEBo-1.1).
---x- Ix- an .
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:2.612.66.552.71.246.2]EBV LATENT ORIGIN 1915
TABLE 1. Nucleotide sequences ofoligonucleotidesused for site-directed mutagenesis of oriP region ll
Mutation Oligonucleotidesequence'
aThe nucleotide changes at the +51-5positions of the EBNA-1 recognition elements (2) and the nucleotides inserted betweenEBNA-1-binding sites in the mutagenicoligonucleotidesareunderlined. The numbers in parentheses indicate the positions in the EBV genome (numbered according to the B95-8 isolate [4]) that arealtered in the dpm mutants and the position of the insertions in the in mutants. Plasmids containing a 10-bp insertion between sites 2 and 3 also contain a G-to-T
changeat nt9078(boldface type)owing to an error in design of the oligonucleotide.
Replication assays. The ability of plasmids bearing wild-type and mutated oriPtoreplicate in vivo in D98 and D98/Raji cells wasdetermined byatransient-replication assay. Briefly, 10 ,ug ofplasmid DNA was introduced into cells by CaPO4 copre-cipitation (19), and low-molecular-weight DNA(29),digested with bothDpnI and Clal, was analyzed by Southern blotting with
pHEBo-1.1 sequences generated by the ran-domprime method (13) aspreviouslydescribed (26).The ability of plasmidsbearing wild-type and mutated oriP
toreplicate in HeLa cells was also determined by a transient-replication assay, as described above, with several modifica-tions. Increased quantities of either 1.1,
pHEBo-ldlDS, or pRII (20 ,ug) were coprecipitated with 20 ,ug of an EBNA-1expression vector, pAd/EBNA-1.3, or the expression vector lacking EBNA-1 coding sequences (pNL3-C).
Long-term maintenance of plasmids containing wild-type and mutated oriPwasassayed by introduction ofplasmidDNA
byCaPO4coprecipitation intoD98/Raji cells and selection of transformantsby culturing the cells in medium containing0.3
mgofhygromycinB(Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.) per ml. Low-molecular-weight DNA was isolated from pooled
transformants after 20or morecellgenerationsinthe presence ofhygromycin B, digested withClaI,andanalyzed by Southern blotting(26).
The results of transient-replication and long-term plasmid maintenance assays were quantitated by scanning the
mem-branes withanAmbisradioanalyticimagingsystemorbydirect scintillation counting of bands excised from the membranes.
RegionI-independenttransientreplicationof oriPregionII. Inadditiontobeing essential forthelong-term maintenance of
for the transientreplicationofplasmids containingregionIIin
the EBV-positive Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji (43, 51).
Not all of the EBNA-1-binding sites are required for this function ofregion I. SevenEBNA-1-bindingsites derivedfrom regionIfully restored transientreplication in anoriP-plasmid
lackingregionI,whereasplasmid bearingthree tandemcopies
ofregionIIinplaceofregionIreplicatedto70% ofaplasmid
containing intact oriP (51). We have observed that the
tran-sientreplicationofaplasmidwithadeletion ofregionI(pRII)
inRajicells isjust barely detectableoverbackground(datanot
shown). However,asshown inFig.2,regionI was notrequired
for transientreplication ofa plasmid containing region II in
D98/Raji cells. D98/Raji is a somatic cell hybrid formed between the D98 epithelial cell line and Raji cells
EBNA-1, encoded by the EBV genomes contributed by the Raji component of this cell hybrid, allows for the transient replication and long-term maintenance of plasmids bearing oriPinD98/Rajicells (37, 53).Intheexperimentwhose results
6 6
o o
c c=r
X X cn-r' W W Cl)
m I I D
a ao a a CWo
a o0 X
Ul1 2 34 56 7
FIG. 2. Transientreplication ofpRIIinD98/Rajicells. Aplasmid
bearing intact oriP(pHEBo-1; lane4) orderivatives lackingregionI
(pRII; lanes 1 and 2) or region II (pHEBo-1dlDS; lane 3) were
introduced into D98(lane 1)orD98/Raji(lanes2to4)cells. The level of plasmid replication was determined 93 h after transfection by digestion oflow-molecular-weight DNAisolated from the cells with Dpnl and Clal and analysis of the digestion products by Southern blotting with an EcoRI fragment of pHEBo-1, in common to all plasmidsused in theexperiment,astheprobe.Linearized
(lane 5), pHEBo-ldiDS (lane 6),and pHEBo-1 (lane 7) (100 pg ofeach)were includedasmarkers.The smallplasmidDNAfragmentspresent
atthe bottom of the blot representinputDNAthat didnotreplicate and therefore remained sensitive to Dpnl digestion as a result of methylation of its recognition sequence. Plasmids that replicated
becameresistant toDpnl digestion andwere linearizedbyClal.
VOL.68, 1994
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[image:3.612.58.562.84.196.2]1916 HARRISON ET AL.
WT dIDS dIFR EBNA-1 - + - + - +
c] o o
U Lw
Ia I C:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FIG. 3. Transient replication ofpRII in HeLa cells. HeLa cells
were cotransfected with plasmids bearing intact oriP (pHEBo-1.1;
lanes 1 and2),orlackingregionII (pHEBo-ldlDS; lanes3 and4)or
regionI(pRII;lanes 5and6,labeleddlFR)andanexpressionvector
containingthe EBNA-1openreadingframe(pAd/EBNA-1.3;lanes2, 4, and 6) or the vectoralone (pNL3-C; lanes 1, 3, and 5).Plasmid
replicationwasdeterminedasdescribed inthelegendtoFig. 2, except
that 32P-labeled pHEBo-1.1 was used as the probe. Lanes 7 to 9
contain 100 pg of linearized pHEBo-1.1, pHEBo-ldlDS, and pRII,
respectively. WT,wildtype.
are shown in Fig. 2, either a plasmid bearing intact oriP (pHEBo-1 [48]) or deletion derivatives that lack region I (pRII)orregionII(pHEBo-ldlDS)wereintroduced into D98
orD98/Rajicells andlow-molecular-weightDNAwasisolated
93 h later. The DNAwas restrictedwith bothDpnI andClaI,
and thedigestionproductswereanalyzed bySouthernblotting.
pRII replicated aswell aspHEBo-1 in this experiment (com-pare lanes2 and4). The inabilityofpRIItoreplicate inD98
cells is consistent with the previously described requirement
for EBNA-1 (lane 1) (37, 53). Furthermore, the inability of pHEBo-ldlDSto replicateinthis assay(lane 3)demonstrated
that the observed replication ofpRIIandpHEBo-1 required
the presence ofregion II.
EBNA-1canphysicallylink thetwoessentialcomponentsof
oriP (40) and form a DNA loop when regions I and II are
presentonthesamemolecule(15, 47).Theaffinityof EBNA-1
forregion IIisapproximately10-foldlower than itsaffinityfor
region I (14),and EBNA-1-region II complexesare sensitive
to the presence of nonspecific competitor DNA (47). The stability of EBNA-1-region II complexes, however, is
in-creasedwhenregion Iispresent,presumablyas aresult of the
formation of the DNAloop (47). The consequences of loop
formationinvivoarenot known,but loopingmayplayarole
inthe regulationoforiPfunction(15). BecauseD98/Raji cells carryEBVDNA(18),weconsideredthepossibilitythatregion
I,presentonendogenousEBVDNA,andregion II,presenton
thetransfected plasmid, facilitatedthe transientreplication of
pRIIin trans via interactions with EBNA-1. The experiment
whoseresultsareshowninFig.3demonstratesthatthis isnot
the case. In this experiment, pRII, pHEBo-ldIDS, and pHEBo-1.1 were cotransfected with either anexpression
plas-mid carrying EBNA-1 coding sequences under the control of the adenovirus majorlate promoter (pAd/EBNA-1.3; lanes
4, and 6) or the vector lacking EBNA-1 (pNL3-C; lanes 1, 3,
and 5) into human cells that lack EBV DNA (HeLa). Both pHEBo-1.1 andpRIIreplicated transiently in HeLacellsto a
similar extent in an EBNA-1-dependent manner, whereas replication of pHEBo-ldlDS was undetectable. This
experi-ment further demonstrated that replication ofplasmids bear-ing region II can occur in the absence of regionI. Although the difference(s) between Raji versusD98/Raji and HeLa cells that accounts for the observed difference in replicative ability of pRII is notknown, theseexperiments show thatregionIisnot
absolutely required for the molecular events that leadtoorigin
activation and suggest that region I provides a regulatory function.
Cooperative binding ofEBNA-1 to sites in region II. Two-dimensional agarose gel analysis of replicative intermediates (17) and mutational analysis of oriP (51) have shown that the site of initiation of DNA replication is within, or close to, region II. The data presented in Fig. 2and 3 underscore the central role of region II in the EBV latent origin of DNA
replication. Region IIcontains four EBNA-1-binding sites (2, 41); however, all four sites are not required for originfunction (9, 52). Because previous genetic analysis of region II relied upon large deletions that removed EBNA-1 sites, as well as
flanking sequences that might be important (9, 52), and because internal deletions that removed sites 2 and 3 without affecting sites 1 and 4 were not analyzed, we introduced double pointmutations into each of the four EBNA-1-binding sites (dpml,dpm2, dpm3, anddpm4 [Table 1; Fig. 1]) to determine the contribution of each site to origin function. Each dpm
consisted ofbasepairtransversions at the +5/- 5 positionsof the EBNA-1 recognition element that greatly reduced the
binding of EBNA-1 to synthetic oligonucleotides carrying these mutations (2). Insertions of 5 and 10 bp were also introduced betweenadjacent EBNA-1 sites (in1!2[5], inl/2[10], in2/3[5], in2/3[10], in3/4[5], andin3/4[10] [Table 1; Fig. 1]) to
investigate the spatial arrangement of these sites. Chemical footprinting experiments have shown that thecontacts made by
EBNA-1 lie on one face of the DNA helix (2, 16, 26, 31).
Insertion of 5 bp between adjacent sites would cause the
contacts made by EBNA-1 bound to these sites to lie on
opposite faces of the helix, whereas insertion of 10 bp would
make only a small change in the orientation of the EBNA-1
dimersbut wouldincrease the distance between them. The ability of EBNA-1 to bind to sites in region II in plasmidscontaining dpml through dpm4 was determined by a DNase I protection assay (Fig. 4) (20, 26). The sequences
protected by EBNA-1 in a plasmid containing wild-type oriP
are shown in lanes 6 and 7. Mutation of site 1 abolished protection of site 1 aswell as the adjacent site 2 but did not
affect binding of EBNA-1 to sites 3 and 4 (lanes 9 and 10). Similarly, mutation of site4eliminated protectionofsite4 as
well asthe adjacent site 3 without affecting binding to sites 1 and 2 (lanes 18 and 19). Mutation of site 2 eliminated the binding of EBNA-1 to site 2 but did notaffect binding to the three nonmutated sites (lanes 12 and 13). Mutation of site 3 abolished EBNA-1 binding to that site but did not affect binding to site 4 (lanes 15 and 16). These results revealedthat thebinding of EBNA-1 to the outer paired binding sites (sites 1 and 2, and sites 3 and 4) iscooperative.
Although the binding of EBNA-1 to the outer paired
bindingsites is cooperative, theinteractions between EBNA-1 dimers bound to these sites that lead to cooperativebinding
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:4.612.]EBV LATENT ORIGIN 1917
wr dpml dpm2 dpm3 dpm4
C 0 1 2 0 1 20o 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 o L9EBNA-17*;g= S
! 5
*-- 0
4r .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20
FIG. 4. Protection of sequences in region II by EBNA-1 in
plas-mids containing individual EBNA-1 site mutations. Supercoiled pHEBo-1.1(lanes 5to7)orits derivativescontaining dpm1(lanes8to 10), dpm2 (lanes 11 to13), dpm3 (lanes14to 16),ordpm4 (lanes17to
20) (500ngofeach)wereincubated in the absence of EBNA-1(lanes
5, 8, 11, 14, 17,and20),orwith I ,ug (lanes 6, 9, 12, 15,and 18) or2 jig(lanes 7, 10, 13, 16,and19)of EBNA-1 purifiedfrom recombinant baculovirus-infected Sf9 cellsby immunoaffinity chromatography (26).
Thebinding-reactionmixturesweretreated with DNaseI,and
nucle-ase cleavage sites on the top strand ofregion II were detectedby a
primerextensionassay(20)witharadiolabeled oligonucleotide
com-plementary to EBV nt 9161 to 9175 (26). Lanes I to 4 contain
sequencingreactionsgeneratedwith thesamelabeledoligonucleotide primer (44).Thepositionsof the four EBNA-1 recognition elements
(2, 41)are indicatedbythe barsonthe left.WT,wildtype.
are tolerant ofchanges in the relative orientation and spatial
arrangement of the binding sites (Fig. 5). Analysis of the
sequences in region II protected by EBNA-1 in plasmids
containing insertion mutations revealed that introduction of either 5 bp (Fig. SA) or 10 bp (Fig. SB) between adjacent EBNA-1 sites did not affect the cooperative binding of EBNA-1 tosites 1 and 2 and tosites 3 and 4.
Two EBNA-1-binding sites suffice for region II function in
D98/Raji cells. The plasmids carrying EBNA-1-binding-site and insertion mutations inregion II also contain regionI and the bacterialgeneconferringresistancetohygromycin B under the control of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter (48). We introduced these plasmids into D98/Raji cells, selected transformants thatwere resistant tohygromycin B, and examined low-molecular-weight DNA prepared from pooledtransformants after 20ormorecell generations under drug selection (long-term replication assay). Approximately equal (within twofold) numbers of transformants were
ob-tained with thewild-typeandmutatedplasmids,and each pool
analyzed representedtheprogeny ofapproximately 104
origi-nal transformants (transformation efficiencies, approximately 1%). The results presented in Fig. 6 show that none of the
single-binding-site or insertion mutations introduced into re-gion IIabolished the ability ofplasmidsbearingthese muta-tions to be maintained as extrachromosomal elements. The copynumber of transformantsestablished withdpm1and allof the in mutants was similar to that of a plasmid
wild-type region II (average copy number of 15 plasmidsper
cell transformed withpHEBo-1.1 [comparelanes 2and7with
lanes 3 and 8 to 13]). The plasmid copy number in cells transformed with dpm2, dpm3, and dpm4 was reduced (one
copy percell fordpm2anddpm4 transformants,two
percell fordpm3 transformants
4 to6]).
Previousexperi-ments have shown that the plasmid copy number of
is determinedby
the amountofplasmid DNA introduced into cells
the transfectionprocedure and is not due to
of the inputDNA(54).Becauseplasmids
containing dpm2, dpm3,
are maintainedat one or more copies percell, we conclude that theseplasmidscontain functionalorigins.
ofplas-mids containing certain combinations of these
mutations tobe maintained
(data presented
further supports this conclusion.In addition to
unit-length molecules,
cells transformedby
1 anddpm3
thatmigrate between pHEBo-1.1 linear
and the more slowlymigrating
derived fromendogenous
EBV DNA inD98/Raji
6, lanes 3 and5).
We have notdetermined the structure of these
arereminiscent of the plasmids detected in
cellstrans-fected with
plasmids bearing
into thedyad
symmetryelement in
Because the individualmutation of sites 1 and4 eliminated
EBNA-1bindingatboth themutatedsite andthe
2 and 3,respectively
[Fig. 4])
these resultssuggestedthat onlytwoof the four
sites arenecessary for region II function. Additional support for this conclusionwas provided by the results of
experi-ments performed with
plasmids containing
various combina-tions of the EBNA-1 site mutations(dpm 1+2, dpm3+4,
The sequences in oriPregion
II inplasmidscontainingthesemutations thatwere
fromDNase I digestion by EBNA-1 are shown in
7. In thisexperiment, the
of site 1 at a lower EBNA-1concentration and the
of site 2 at ahigher EBNA-1 concentration in
wild-type region
II areevi-dent (lanes 6 and 7) and are consistent with the observed
of EBNA-1 to these sites(Fig.
The results withdpml+2
are identical to thoseobtained with either
ordpm4 singly (Fig.
EBNA-1 failedtoprotectthe mutatedsites fromnucleasedigestion
butcompletely protected
the nonmutated sites(Fig. 7,
lanes9, 10,
EBNA-1 tobe unable tobindtosites 2and3 indpml
+4on the basisoftheresults
inFig. 4,
of sites 2 and 3 wasobserved
of EBNA-1 for sites 2and3,
themutations in sites 1 and4,
sincelarger amounts of EBNA-1 were
Togetherwiththe data
inFig. 4,
this result indicates thatinteractionsoccurbetweenEBNA-1 dimers boundtosites2 and 3 that promote stable DNA
in the absence of EBNA-1 bound to sites 1 and 4. Evidence that EBNA-1-EBNA-1 interactions can occurbetweenrecognition
elementsVOL.68, 1994
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[image:5.612.]1918 HARRISON ET AL.
A WT in3/4[5] in2/3[5] inl/2[5]
G A T C, ° o o 00o ° °0 C0C,°0 0 ngEBNA-1
ol co C\M It CO N It co CMJ 1t co
4 3
o _ X
57 6it 8$diS
B WT in3/4[10] in2/3[10] inl/2[10]
G A T C, oa a a a°, ° ,a° ° ° ngEBNA-1
C\j st a:> C\ t co CM I co CM Ie co
0s--_d.--__hA tit
a.w_ L__ : ._R3 ww_
' '0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 121314 1516 1718 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 1516 1718 19 20
FIG. 5. Protection of sequences in regionII byEBNA-1 inplasmidscontaining insertions between EBNA-1 sites. The binding ofEBNA-1 to
region II in plasmids containing 5-bp (A) or 10-bp (B) insertions between adjacent EBNA-1 sites was determined by DNase I footprint analysis
as described in the legend to Fig. 4, except that the EBNA-1 was further purified by sequence-specific DNA affinity chromatography (26). pHEBo-1.1 (lanes 5 to8) oritsderivatives containing insertions between sites 3 and4(lanes 9 to 12), sites2and3(lanes 13 to 16), and sites 1 and2(lanes 17to20) (500 ng ofeach) were incubated without EBNA-1 (lanes 5, 9, 13, and 17) or with 200 ng (lanes 6, 10, 14, and 18),400ng (lanes7,11, 15, and 19), or 800 ng(lanes 8, 12, 16, and 20) of EBNA-1. Sequencing ladders generated with the same radiolabeled oligonucleotide
are present inlanes 1 to 4, and thepositions of the EBNA-1 recognition elements are indicated on the left. WT, wild type.
separated by threehelical turnswasprovidedby the
coopera-tivebinding ofEBNA-1 to sites 1 and 2 and to sites3 and 4 withinl/2[10] andin3/4[10],respectively (Fig. 5B).
The ability of plasmids bearing these combination dpmsto
replicatetransientlyandbe maintainedovermany cell
gener-ations in D98/Raji cells was determined (Fig. 8). As for the plasmids containing single EBNA-1 site mutations and inser-tions between EBNA-1 sites, similar number of hygromycin-resistantcolonies were derived with pHEBo-1.1 and plasmids containing thedpml+2anddpm3+4 mutations(ranging from
4.1 x 104 for dpm3+4 to 5.9 x 104 for pHEBo-1.1). In
contrast, 5- to 10-fold fewer stable transformants were
ob-tained with plasmids containing the dpml+4 and dpm2+3 mutations. These reduced numbers were not due to less
efficient transfections with these plasmids, because similar
numbersofhygromycin-resistantcolonies wereobservedatday 7 following transfection. At this time, however, many of the
colonies began dyingandonly10 to20% continuedtoincrease in size. Such transient drug resistance has been previously
reported with plasmids that lack regionIIbut contain region I and maybeexplained bythe ability of region I to prolong the
retention of the plasmid in the presence of EBNA-1 (43). Stable transformants established with plasmids bearing
dpml +2 and dpm3+4 contained autonomously replicating
plasmid DNA at a copy number similar to that found in cells transformed with aplasmidbearing wild-type oriP(pHEBo-1.l
[Fig. 8A, lanes 3 to 5]). These results are consistent with the observed inability of EBNA-1 to bind to site 2 or site 3 in plasmids with mutations in site 1 or site4,respectively,and the ability of these plasmids to replicateautonomouslyin
EBNA-1-positive cells (Fig. 4 and6).
Stable transformants established with plasmids containing dpml+4anddpm2+3, in contrast, did not contain extrachro-mosomal plasmid DNA(Fig. 8A, lanes 5 and6). This defect could be explained byeither a failure of DNA replication to initiate at region II or a defect in the segregation of the
plasmids during expansion and passage ofthe transformants. Examination of the ability of plasmids bearing dpml+4 and dpm2+3 to replicate transiently in D98/Raji cells (Fig.
8B) revealed that these mutants were greatly reduced in their ability to replicate over a 93-h period compared with pHEBo-1.1 and plasmids containing dpml+2 and dpm3+4. This experiment demonstrated that the primary
defect in these mutants is in the initiation of DNA
replica-tion.Together, these resultsdemonstrate thatonlytwoof the four EBNA-1 sites present in region II are required for this
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:6.612.74.542.69.396.2]EBV LATENT ORIGIN 1919
c) co co co
EiE rAi r'j4 j I~
_ m mmm m m m m m m m
co w w w w w w ww w w w
t * Y _ w _ _ _
wT dpml+2 dpm3+4 dpml+4 dpm2+3
G A T C 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0
3 4. ;
4i AJUt
>__-i_S _ w~~4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13
FIG. 6. Replication of plasmids containing point mutations in
individual EBNA-1 sites and insertions between EBNA-1 sites. The
presence ofplasmid DNAcarried by pooled hygromycin B-resistant
D98/Raji cells establishedbytransfectionwith pHEBo-1.1 (lanes 2 and
7) orits derivatives containing dpml (lane 3),dpm2 (lane 4), dpm3
(lane 5), dpm4 (lane 6), inl/2[5] (lane 8),inl/2[10] (lane 9),in2/3[5] (lane 10),in2/3[10](lane 11), in3/4[5] (lane 12),orin3/4[10](lane 13)
was determined after 20 or more cell generations.
Low-molecular-weightDNAfrom2 x 106cellswasdigested withClal andanalyzed
bySouthern blotting with radiolabeled pHEBo-1.1 asthe probe. The
most slowlymigrating species detected by the probe in lanes 2 to 6 represents the Clal fragment containing oriP from the endogenous
EBV genomes in D98/Raji cells as evidenced by its presence in
nontransfected D98/Raji cells (lane 1).
element to function and suggested that the spatial
arrange-ment of EBNA- 1 at these sites was important for origin
Spatial requirements for EBNA-1 sites in oriP regionII.To
test the hypothesis that the spatial arrangement ofEBNA-1 dimersbound tosites in region IIis critical for origin function,
weintroduced 5- and 10-bp insertions between sites 1 and 2in
a dpm3+4 background (dpm3+4;inl12[5] and dpm3+4;inl/
2[10]) and between sites 3 and 4 in a dpml +2 background
(dpml+2;in3/4[5] and dpml +2;in3/4[10]). Aswasobserved for
plasmids carrying insertion mutations between adjacent EBNA-1 sites in a wild-type region II background (Fig. 5),
EBNA-1bound tothe sitesseparatedby the insertions inthese mutated plasmids (Fig.9). However, all four of these mutants
weregreatly reduced in their abilityto replicate transiently in D98/Raji cells (Fig. 10, lanes 4 to 7). Analysis of stable transformants established with these mutants revealed the complete absence of extrachromosomal plasmid DNA in
pHEBo-1.1(dpm1+2;in3/4[10]), pHEBo-l.1(dpm3+4;in1/2[5]),
andpHEBo-1.l(dpm3+4;in1/2[10])andapproximately 0.2copy per cell forpHEBo-1.1(dpml+2;in3/4[5]) transformants (data
not shown). These results indicate that only twobinding sites for EBNA-1, separated bytwohelical turns, are necessaryfor
region II function. Because the insertions altered the DNA
sequence between EBNA-1 sitesaswell asthe spacing of the
binding sites, it is possible that the binding ofacellularprotein
tothe minorgroovebetweenadjacent EBNA-1 sites (2, 16,31),
_~~~~~ - x
_~~~~~~~~~wi_ *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20
FIG. 7. DNase I footprint analysis of pHEBo-1.1 derivatives
con-taining combinations of EBNA-1 site mutations. The sequences in regionIIcontaining doublepoint mutations in both sites 1and 2(lanes 8to 10), sites 3 and 4 (lanes 11 to13), sites I and4 (lanes 14to16),
orsites 2 and 3(lanes 17to20) protectedfrom nucleasedigestionby EBNA-1 weredeterminedasdescribed in thelegendtoFig.4.Lanes
I to4 contain sequencing ladders generated with the same
radiola-beled oligonucleotideasusedfor the footprintingassay,and lanes5to
7 contain footprinting reactions generated with wild-type (WT) pHEBo-1.1.
or its interactionwith EBNA-1, was altered by the insertions
and that thisprotein is required for origin function.
Compari-sonof thenucleotides between sites1 and 2with the sequence
between sites 3 and 4 (Fig. 1) does not reveal any striking
sequence similarities. Thus,ifa cellularprotein interacts with the EBNA-1-DNA complex at these sites, it may do so by
makingcontactswith phosphate residues(35,46).
Sequence requirements for the EBNA-1-induced distortion of region II. It has been shown previously that EBNA-1
induces the distortion of the DNA helix in oriP regionIIat two
sites (Fig. 1). These distortions, detected by oxidation of non-base-paired thymines by KMnO4, represent the bending
or untwisting of the duplex by EBNA-1 as opposed to helix unwinding (16, 26). The requirement for EBNA-1-induced distortion of region II for origin function is not known, but
distortion oforigin DNA appears tobe a common activity of
DNAreplication initiator proteins (6, 8, 32,45). Because of the location of these helical distortions between EBNA-l-binding sitesseparatedbytwohelicalturnsand the absence ofsimilar distortions in region I and between region II sites 2 and 3, it
has beenproposed that interactions between EBNA-1 dimers bound to sites 1 and 2 and to sites 3 and 4 are required for EBNA-1 to bend or untwist the DNA (26). The mutated origins described in this studywereexamined for the
VOL. 68, 199)4
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:7.612.323.556.72.370.2] [image:7.612.]1920 HARRISON ET AL.
A. B.
$ +
cc 0 0
co co c c
co ww w w
Ell El
CDo M a: a:
_.CO_.E E
| ;Ec
I : - 6 6 6
m m m m co
a IJ I I Iu I
C]t: X X L L m
_ .
,'.dpm3+4;dpm3+4; dpml+2; dpml+2;
'N inl/2[5]inl/2[10] in3/4[5] n3/4[10]
0120120120120120 gg EBNA-1
[image:8.612.]1 2 34 5 6 1 2 34 5 67
FIG. 8. Replication of plasmids containing combinations of EBNA-1sitemutationsinD98/Rajicells.(A)Theamountofplasmid DNAinhygromycin B-resistant D98cellsestablishedby transfection withpHEBo-1.1(lane 2)ormutantformscontainingdpml+2 (lane 3), dpm3+4 (lane 4), dpml+4(lane5),ordpm2+3 (lane 6)was deter-mined as described in the legend to Fig. 5. Low-molecular-weight DNA from D98/Raji cells was analyzed in lane 1. (B) Transient replication ofplasmidscontainingdpml+2(lane 4), dpm3+4 (lane5),
dpml+4 (lane 6), and dpm2+3 (lane 7) in D98/Raji cells was
comparedwith thereplicativeability of wild-type pHEBo-1.1 in D98 (lane 1)andD98/Raji(lane 3)cellsasdescribed in thelegendtoFig. 2.The absence oflow-molecular-weightDNAhybridizingtotheprobe inmock-transfectedD98/Rajicellsis shownin lane 2.
1-induced distortions at nt 9046 (Fig. 11A and 12A) and nt
9110(Figs. llB and 12B) totestthishypothesis.The
require-ments for both EBNA-1 andKMnO4 to detect these distor-tions, and the location of the KMnO4-reactive thymines in
region II,areshown in Fig. 11, lanes7 and 8.
The results obtainedwith the fourEBNA-1sitemutantsand six insertion mutants are presented in Fig. 11, lanes 9 to 18. Theonly mutation that eliminated the ability ofEBNA-1 to
bendoruntwist theduplexat nt9110wasdpml (Fig. liB,lane
9). Similarly, theonly mutationthat eliminated the EBNA-1-induced distortion at nt 9046 was dpm4 (Fig. 1lA, lane 9).
Because EBNA-1 wasabletodistort theDNA at nt9110 in the absence ofbindingtosite2(dpm2; Fig. 11A, lane 10) andatnt
9046in the absence ofbinding tosite 3(dpm3; Fig. 1 B,lane 11), it may be concluded that protein-protein interactions betweenEBNA-1 boundto sites1 and2 orbetweenEBNA-1
bound to sites 3 and 4 are not required for these helical distortions. The results obtained with the insertionmutants are
generally consistent with the effects of the single-site mutations onthe distortion ofregionIIbyEBNA-1.Thedistortion of the
DNA at nt9110was notaffected by the insertion of either 5or
10bp between sites1and2(Fig. 11, lanes 13and16).EBNA-1 was able to bend or untwist the DNA in site 4 in mutants
containing insertions between sites 3 and 4, but the thymine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16
FIG. 9. DNaseIfootprintanalysisofplasmidscontainingin
muta-tions in combination dpm backgrounds. The ability of EBNA-1 to
protectregion IIsequences inpHEBo-1.1 (lanes 1 to3)andmutant
derivatives containing dpm3+4;inlI2[5] (lanes 4to 6), dpm3+4;inll 2[10] (lanes7to9),
(lanes10to 12),anddpml+2;in314[10](lanes13to16)wasdeterminedasdescribed in thelegendto
(lanes 1, 4, 6, 10, 13,and 16),1 ,ug(lanes2,5, 8, 11, and 14), or2 p.g (lanes 3, 6, 9, 12,and 15) of DNAaffinity-purified EBNA-1 (26).WT,wild type.oxidizedby KMnO4wasnt9045asopposedto nt9046(Fig. 11,
lanes 15 and18).Thechange in the KMnO4-reactivethymine
in mutants containinginsertionsbetween sites 3 and 4 might
suggestthat interactions betweenEBNA-1boundtosites 3 and
4affect thecontactsmadebetween EBNA-1andsequencesin site 4. This explanation seems unlikely because insertions betweensites1and 2didnotresult inoxidationof thethymine
at nt9111 andmutation of sites 2and 3hadno effectonthe
bending or untwisting of DNA in region II by EBNA-1. A more likely explanation is that the sequences created bythe insertions between sites3 and4 directly altered theability of
EBNA-1 to distort the DNAinsite4.
Although regionIis alsopresent ontheplasmidDNAsused
in the experimentwhose resultsare presented inFig. 11 and
EBNA-1 canmediate the formation ofa DNA loopbetween
oriPregionsIand11(15, 47), previous experimentshaveshown that thedistortion ofsequences inregion IIbyEBNA-1 does
notrequire the participation ofEBNA-1boundtoregionI,nor doesEBNA-1-region I complex formation inhibit the distor-tion of theDNA(26).The results of theexperimentshown in
Fig. 11 do not, however, rule out potential interactions be-J.VIROL.
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:8.612.326.548.74.408.2]EBV LATENT ORIGIN 1921
c om cl .._l *_l *.E_l
El El El E
8 _.__-7 7
I :, o o 0 0
a: tm m m m m
a) a) I I I I I c oac a. Q a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 10. Replicative abilityofplasmids containingin mutations in
combinationdpm backgrounds in D98/Rajicells. The transient
repli-cation ofpHEBo-1LI (lane3)andderivatives containing dpm3+4;inlI/
2[51 (lane 4), dpm3+4;inl/2[10] (lane 5), dpml+2;in314[51 (lane 6),
and dpml+2;in3/4[10] (lane 7) in D98/Raji cells was determined as
described in the legend to Fig. 2. Low-molecular-weight DNA from
mock-transfected D98/Raji cells (lane 2) and D98 cells transfected
withpHEBo-1.1 (lane 1)wasalsoanalyzed.
tween EBNA-1 bound to site 4 with dimers bound to sites 1
and/or 2 or between EBNA-1 bound to site 1 with dimers boundtosites 3 and/or4. Theshort distance separatingthese EBNA-1 sites might appear to preclude such interactions in the absence ofsharp bendingof theintervening DNA,and the absence ofKMnO4-reactive thyminesin thesequence separat-ing these sites when bound to EBNA-1 (Fig. 11) (16, 26) suggests that sharp bendingof the DNA does not occur (5).
However, such long-range interactions between EBNA-1 dimers inregion II have beensuggested bytheappearance of
a novel DNase I-hypersensitive site in EBNA-1 site 4 in mutantscontaining pointmutations in site 2(26). This obser-vation implied that a protein-DNA complex involving more
than four EBNA-1 dimers formsat region II. Examinationof the ability of EBNA-1 toinduceKMnO4 reactivity at nt9046
indpml+2;in3/4[5] and dpml+2;in3/4[10] (Fig. 12A, lanes 7 and 8) and at nt 9110 in dpm3+4;inl/2[5] and dpm3+4;inll 2[10] (Fig. 12B, lanes 7 and 8), however, revealed that these
long-range interactions are not required for the
EBNA-1-induceddistortions ofnt9046 and 9110. We concludefrom the
results of KMnO4 footprinting and replication experiments with these mutants that the EBNA-1-induced distortion of
region II is notsufficient for originfunction.
The EBV latent origin ofDNA replication isan important
regulated replication
chromosomes. Bidirectional
replication (17)
initiates from adefined DNA sequence
(17, 43, 52)
during early
23) and requires only one viral gene
the initiatorprotein EBNA-1
(37, 53).
StudiesonEBNA-1 and its interac-tions with oriP have indicated that EBNA-1performs only
asubset of the functions
provided by
the mosthighly
character-ized replication initiator
that functions ineukaryotic
cells, simian virus 40
In the presence ofATP,Tantigenformstwohexamersattheviral
ofDNAreplication andinducestwostructuralchanges
ofone arm of an inverted repeat sequence and distortion of anA+T-rich
Anintrinsic helicaseactivity
extends the melted
to form alarger
and Tantigen
further interacts with DNApolymerase
tofacilitate thesynthesis
of the first RNAprimer
alsoacts as a helicase at thereplication
elongation (7).
PurifiedEBNA-1doesnotunwind theDNA
26), and intrinsicATPase and helicaseactivitieshavenotbeen
found associated withEBNA-1
(3, 14, 40). Thus,
thatone or more cellular
cooperatewith EBNA-1 tocarryouttheinitialstages inthe initiationof DNA
atoriP. Theseproteins
maybe novel ormaybe among thoserequiredforsimian virus40 DNA
Ifthe latteris true, studies of the interaction of EBNA-1 with these
mayidentify previously
unknown activitiesrequired
for theinitiation ofDNA
thatarenot essential
in the simian virus 40 in vitroreplication
system. Animportant
step towardinvestigation
ofthe cellular
for the initiation of DNAreplication
from oriPis the characterization ofthe molecular interactionsbetween EBNA-1 and theorigin
anddefinition of the sequencerequirements
for afunctionalorigin.
in this reportprovide important
informationon both fronts.
lacking region
I toreplicate
in two different human cell lines revealed that thiscomponent oforiP is not
for the initiation of DNAreplication
II in all cell types.Previously published
as well asunpublished experiments
from ourlaboratory,
have determined thatregion
I isrequired
for transientreplication
inRaji cells,
cell line(43, 51). Thus,
it appears that differences betweenRaji
or HeLa cellsareresponsible
I in theinitiation ofDNAreplication.
either inconcentration and/or in
modificationsbe-tweenthesecelltypes, is EBNA-1. EBNA-1 is
on serine residuesin
cultures of EBV-infectedBcells
is known about theeffect(s)
on EBNA-1 function or whether cell divisioncycle-dependent
in EBNA-1phosphorylation
differences in the levelorposttrans-lational modification of EBNA-1 between
cells may
clues about theregulated
Although region
I is nonessential for efficient transientreplication
inD98/Raji cells,
it isabsolutely
for thelong-term maintenanceof
in these cells(37,
In addition tofulfilling
threeobservations suggest a role for EBNA-1 and
I inplasmid
segregation during
mitosisand mayexplain
theabso-VOL.68, 1994
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:9.612.]1922 HARRISON ET AL.J.Vo.
EBNA-1 + +
A KMnO4 - +- U
G AT C cli
C;~ C't) qC') C\j CY)
ClI Cl .~C lI
B EBNA-1 - - + + ..
-G A T C .vi.j cl cl cl-lclIc:Cmi co CMJ rV
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
FIG. 11. Distortion of sequencesinwild-typeand mutated region IIDNAsbyEBNA-1. Thebendingoruntwisting of theDNAduplexatnt
9046(A)ornt91 10(B)ofregion IIwasdeterminedbytheabilityofEBNA-1Itoinduce theoxidationofthymines byKMnO4(16, 26).Oxidized
thymines prevent DNA elongation by Klenow polymerase and are evident as termination sites in primer extension experiments (5). Immunoaffinity-purifiedEBNA-1(2
wasincubated with 0.5jig
ofsupercoiled plasmidDNAcontaining wild-typeormutatedoriP, the reactionswere treated with KMnO4, and the products were analyzed by primer extension with end-labeled oligonucleotides (those in panel A were
complementarytoEBVnt9161 to9175;those inpanelBcorrespondedtoEBVnt8989to9005)aspreviouslydescribed(26).Both EBNA-1 and
KMnO4wererequiredfor detection of the distortionsatEBV nt9046 and 9110(lanes 8);omittingeitherEBNA-1 (lanes 6),KMnO4 (lanes7),
orbothEBNA-lI andKMnO4(lanes5) resultedinthe absence of chain termination atthesesites. TheabilityofEBNA-1 todistortthe DNA in the
derivativecontainingdpml (lanes 9), dpm2 (lanes 10),dpm3(lanies
(lanes 12),inl/2[5]
(lanes 13),in2/3[51
(lanes 14),in3!4[51
(lanes 15),inl/2[10]
(lanes 16),in2/3[10]
(lanes 17), orin3/4[10]
(lanes 18) was determined. Sequencingladders containing the sameend-labeledoligonucleotides are shown in lanes I to4.
Iin thelong-term
maintenance oforiP-bearing plasmids. Region
for theprolonged
linked sequences in anEBNA-1-depen-dent manner
(33). Additionally,
both EBNA-1 and EBV genomesareassociated withmetaphase
ofregion II,
summarized in Table 2,showed that not all of the EBNA-1 sites in this element are
function. Two ofthe four sitesaresufficient,provided
thereplicative ability
of mutantscontaining only
two EBNA-1 sites,separated
showed that theseplasmids
overmany cellgenerations
but didnotaddress theirstability.
measur-ing plasmid
loss rates in the absence of selection for thehygromycin
resistance gene arerequired
to examine thispossibility.
No apparent differences between thereplicative
ofplasmids bearing
mutations in sites 1 and 2orinsites 3 and 4 were observed,suggesting
sites arefunctionally equivalent
and, whenassayed
cells,redundant. The
for these sites does notreflect an
of EBNA-1 to bind in vitro to sitesseparated by
either 26 or31bp
of EBNA-1 to bend or untwist the DNAduplex
within site 1 or4. Rather,these data suggest that
interactions between EBNA-1 dimers bound totheseadjacent
sites and/orbetween EBNA-1 andacellularprotein(s)
necessary fororigin
aspecific spatial
arrangement of EBNA- 1. Theseresults,
with theavailability
of mutants that aredefective for
because thisspatial requirement
isnot met, will be useful forinvestigation
of the cellularprotein(s)
that interacts with EBNA-1 atthe
ofthe sequences inregion
maintenance reliedondeletion mutations(9,
ofplasmids containing
mutations in EBNA-1 sites 4 and 3(see above)
consistent with thepheno-types of mutants
deletions from EBV nt 8997 to 9065(9):
deletion of site 4 and most of site 3(together
with sequencesflanking
maintenance but did result in the appearance ofsomeplasmids
with altered structures. However, deletionsextending
from nt 9518 into J.VIROL.Ao
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:10.612.107.495.74.401.2]EBV LATENT ORIGIN 1923
A B.
EBNA-1 + + lc EBNA-i +
KMnO4 -+ C\+ KMnO4 -+ 1
C G A T C- -S;
---ss - *
- -* e -31t ''
- *h
-- --
--E *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
FIG. 12. EBNA-1-induced distortion of region IIin plasmids
con-tainingin mutations in combination dpm backgrounds. The distortion ofthe DNA at EBV nt 9046 (A) or9110 (B) was determined by KMnO4 footprinting (as described in the legend to Fig. 11) (25). Plasmid DNA (0.5 p.g)containing wild-type oriP (lanes 5 and 6) or
dpml+2;in3/4[5] (panel A, lane 7),dpml+2;in3/4[10] (panel A, lane 8), dpm3+4;inl/2[5] (panel B, lane 7),ordpm3+4;inl/2[5] (panel B,
lane 8) was incubated with 2 ,ug of DNA affinity-purified EBNA-1. Sequencing ladders generated with thesame oligonucleotide primers
areshown in lanes 1 to4.
regionII resulted in less thanoneplasmidpercell (deletion to nt9106removing EBNA-1 site 1andflankingsequences)or no
detectableplasmid maintenance (deletiontont9095 removing site 1 and half of site 2 [9]). These data may suggest that
sequences flanking the EBNA-1 sites that were affected by
these deletions are important for origin function. It is also possible that the deletions moved inhibitoryvector sequences
closer to the EBNA-1 sites and that this juxtaposition was
responsible for the loss of replicative ability. One indication that thelatterpossibility iscorrectwasthe observed ability of
adifferentoriP-bearing plasmidtotolerate adeletion
extend-ing fromnt 9518 to9106 (52).
Whyaretherearefour EBNA-1 sites inregionIIifonlytwo
are required for origin function? Additional sites may be required for plasmid replication, long-term plasmid
mainte-nance, orregulation of origin activity in EBV-infected B cells. The nucleotidesequence of the latent origin of DNA replica-tion of the related baboon virus, herpesvirus papio (HVP), resembles EBV oriP in a number of ways (36). Sequences similarto the EBNA-1 recognition element are present as 10
TABLE 2. Summaryof the effects of EBNA-I-binding site and insertion mutations upon the EBNA-1-induced distortion
andreplicative function of oriP regionII
Residue(s) Transient Plasmid Mutation withKMnO4
dpn1 9046 ND"d +
dpmn2 9046, 9110 ND +
dpm3 9046,9110 ND +
dpmn4 9110 ND +
inl1/2[5] 9046, 9110 ND +
inl1/2[10] 9046,9110 ND +
in2/3[5] 9046, 9110 ND +
in2!3[10] 9046,9110 ND +
in3/4[5] 9045,9110 ND +
9045, 9110 ND +dpml+2 ND + +
dpm3+4 ND + +
dpml+4 ND -
-dpm2+3 ND
-dpm3+4;in1/2[51 9110
-dprm33+4;inl/2[1I0] 9110
-dpmI+2;in3/4[5] 9045
-dpmI+2;in3/4[I0J 9045
-"The thymine residue(s) in pHEBo-1.1-derivatives containing the indicated mutationsthat are oxidized by KMnO4 in the presence of EBNA-1 are given. Numbering isaccording to reference 4.
"The ahilityof plasmids bearing the indicated mutations to replicate tran-siently inD98/Raji cells to a level similar to wild-type is indicated by a plus sign. Mutants thatreplicatedat 10%lorless ofwild-typearerepresented by a minus
'Theability of mutated plasmids to be maintained at one or more copies per cell inD98/Rajicellsis indicatedby a plus sign. Mutated plasmids that are not present asextrachromosomal elements inD98/Raji cells are indicated by a minus sign.
" ND, not done.
tandemcopiesin one region of theorigin,and these can serve as a transcriptional enhancerin HVP-infected cells (36). Five related repeatsare located 764bpfrom theenhancerelement,
and these may make up the oriP region II equivalent of the HVP latentorigin of DNAreplication. We are limited in our
ability to make comparisons between this sequence and oriP
region II because of lack of information on the sequence
requirements of theHVP EBNA-1counterpart. Itis, however, interesting that,asfor oriP,morethantworepeatsarepresent and the spacingof fourrepeatsin theHVPsequenceis similar
tothatseenin oriP: two paired sites, each separated by21 bp.
The distance between the innertwosites is22bp, asopposed
tothe 30bpseparating sites2and 3 in oriPregion11(2, 36, 41).
Thesimilarities betweenthe latentorigins ofDNAreplication
of EBV and HVP suggest that morethantwoinitiator protein-binding sites are required for an origin function not revealed
oriP region II is also referred to as the dyad symmetry
element becauseof the presence ofa65-bp dyad sequencethat
spans EBNA-1 sites 3and 4 (41, 43,52). Computer modeling
of this sequence predicted the formation of a number of alternativestem-loopstructures (30,41,50), and evidence for oneofthese structures wasobtainedby probing nakedplasmid
DNA containing region II with a single-strand-specific
endo-nuclease (50). Stem-loopstructures are not, however,formed inregionIIinthe presence ofEBNA-1 (16,27).Analysisof the
thermodynamic stability of the dyad symmetry element also
predicted that this sequence has reduced helical stability
relative to flanking sequences, and the presence of similar easily unwound sequences in other replication origins
sug-VOL.68, 1994
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:11.612.]1924 HARRISON ET AL.
gestedthat this featuremightbeimportantfororiginfunction (50).Althoughthesignificanceoftheseinvitroobservationsis not clear, the ability of plasmids containing mutations in EBNA-1 sites 3 and4 to replicate autonomously showedthat binding of EBNA-1 to sites in the dyad symmetryelement is not requiredfor activation of theorigin.
Wethank R. Glaser forprovidingthe D98 and D98/Rajicelllines, N. Mausfor construction ofpRII,R.Schneider forprovidingpNL3-C, and B. Sugden for providing pHEBo-1. We thank P. Hearing for critical review of themanuscriptandmanystimulatingdiscussions.
This work was supported by grant VM-13A from the American CancerSociety.
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