Copyright ( 1978 AmericanSociety forMicrobiology Printed inU.S.A.
Isolation and Characterization of
Ribonucleoprotein Complex
from Reticuloendotheliosis
Chicken Bone Marrow Cells
Departmentof Microbiology, University of Texas Health Science CenteratDallas, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas,Texas75235
Chicken bone marrow cells transformed by reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV)
produce in the cytoplasm a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex which has a
sedimentation value ofapproximately 80 to lOOS and a density of 1.23 g/cm3.
This RNPcomplexis not derived from the mature virion. Anendogenous
RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity is associated with the RNP complex. The
enzymeactivitywascompletely neutralizedby anti-REV DNApolymerase
anti-bodybut notbyanti-avianmyeloblastosisvirus DNApolymerase antibody. The
DNAproduct from the endogenous RNA-directedDNA polymerase reaction of the RNPcomplex hybridizedtoREV RNAbut not toavianleukosis virusRNA.
The RNA extracted fromthe RNPhybridizedonlytoREV-specific
complemen-tary DNAsynthesized fromanendogenousDNApolymerase reaction of purified
REV. The sizeoftheRNAinthe RNPis 30 to35S, whichrepresentsthe subunit
size of the genomic RNA. No 60S mature genomic RNA was found within the RNP complex. The significance of finding the endogenous DNA polymerase activityinthe viralRNP ininfectedcells and thematurationprocess of60S virion RNAof REVarediscussed.
Reticuloendotheliosis viruses (REVs) are a
group of avian retroviruses which are distinct
from theavian leukosis-sarcomaviruses(12, 17,
20, 22, 29). Thisgroupof viruses consists of four
members: reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T
(REV-T), duck
necrosisvirus, duck infec-tious anemia virus, and chick syncytial virus(25). These areC-typeparticleswhich possess a
single-strandedRNA genome(17,20,25)and an
endogenous RNA-directedDNApolymerase
ac-tivity(15, 24, 31).
The four members ofREVs are very closely
related in terms of nucleotide sequence of the RNA(17, 18),antigenicityof their DNA
polym-erase (22, 23), group-specific antigens (21), and
theirmorphology (19).
Althoughmuchinformation has accumulated
regarding the mature virions of REV, verylittle
is known about the intracellular stage of the
virusprecursor before budding. We used
REV-T-transformed chicken bone marrow cells (BMC)tostudy theintracellularviral precursor.
This cell line has been cloned and shown by
biochemical assay and electron microscopic
study to produce REV-T continuously under
normal culture conditions (9, 15, 19). The
hap-loid genome of BMC contains approximately
fivecopies of REV genome(manuscript in
prep-aration). The REV-T
from the BMC contains no detectable avian leukosis virus(ALV) by hybridization studies (15), and the
endogenous RNA-directedDNApolymerase
ac-tivity in theREV-TfromBMCis notneutralized by antiserum against the DNA polymerase of
Rous sarcoma virus-Rous-associated virus-0
[RSV- (RAV-0)] (31).Theseproperties, together with theabilitytogrow insuspension cultureto
high density, make the BMC suitable for the
study ofintracellular viralprecursor of REV.
A search forintracytoplasmicviral precursor
structures by thin-section electron microscopy
using BMCrevealed no viral substructure in the
cells. Usingbiochemical methods,we have
iso-lated from the cytoplasm of the BMC a
ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexwhich has properties markedly different from,
and which appears to be the precursor of, the
mature virion. This report describes the
char-acterization of this complex with regard to its
physical properties,the size andspecificityof its
geneticcontent, anditsassociatedDNA
Cells and viruses. REV-T-transformed chicken
BMC were a kind
from H. Bose, University of 34on November 10, 2019 by guest
Texas at Austin. The BMC were derived from an infected bird andhave been cloned and characterized (9).Thesecells were grown in suspension in Dulbecco-modified Eagle medium, pH 6.9 (GIBCO), supple-mented with 7.5% fetal calf serum. The BMC produce REV-T under normal culture conditions. REV-T was harvested every 12h, concentrated by ultracentrifu-gation, and purifiedby equilibrium density gradient centrifugation in 10to65%(wt/vol)sucrosegradients. B77 strainof aviansarcomavirus and Rous-associated
virus-61 (RAV-61) were obtainedfrom H. M. Temin.
Primary chickenembryofibroblasts (CEF) from 12-day-old chickenembryos(SPAFAS,Norwich,Conn.) werepreparedby standardtechniques previously de-scribed (1). The CEF cells were grown in Temin-modified Eaglemedium (Intemational Scientific In-dustries) supplemented with 20% tryptose phosphate broth and 5%fetal calfserum.
Endogenous RNA-directed DNA polymerase
assay. Theendogenous RNA-directed DNA
polym-erasereaction wascarriedout inareaction mixture
containing 80 uM dATP, dCTP, and dGTP, 60,M
ATP, 80 ug of pyruvate kinase/ml, 20 ,ug of
phos-phoenol pyruvate/ml, 2.5 mM MnCl2, 40 mM KCl,
and about 2.75 nM [3H]dTTP (58 Ci/mmol)
(Schwarz/Mann)in 20 mMTris-hydrochloridebuffer
(pH 8.0)containing5mMdithiothreitol and100Agof
actinomycin D/ml.Samplesfrom fractions ofsucrose
gradient analysisofvirus-specificcomponentsinBMC
wereassayed inafinal volume of 100
at37°Cfor60min, unless otherwise stated in the figure legends.
Afterincubation,aportion of each mixturewas spot-tedontofilter paperpresaturatedwith0.1Msodium
pyrophosphate. Trichloroacetic acid-precipitable
ra-dioactivitywasthen determined.
Preparation of 3H-labeled complementary DNA([3H]cDNA)productsfrom theendogenous
reaction. TheendogenousDNApolymerase activity
was provided by either Nonidet P-40
(NP-40)-disrupted virionsorthe extracted RNPcomplex
from BMC with theuseof thesameconditionsasin the DNA polymerase assay. Incubation wascarried
out at37°Cfor 1hinafinal volume of5ml. At the
endof theincubation,thelabled DNAproductswere
preparedaspreviously described (17, 18).
Isolation of RNP complex from REV-trans-formed chicken bonemarrowcelis.Amountsof1 x109 to2 x109actively growing REV-T-transformed BMCwere harvested and washed twiceby
1 ml of reticulocyte standard buffer (0.01 M
Cellswerehomogenized by applying15 strokes ina
tight-fitting glass Dounce homogenizer which was
heated in an oven to destroy ribonuclease activity.
Nuclei and cellularmembraneswereseparated from themicrosomal fractionbytwoconsecutive
centrifu-gations at 5,500 x g for 10 min each at 5°C. The
cytoplasmic fractionwasthen treated with EDTAto
afinal concentration three times that of
ionsinreticulocyte standard buffer todissociatepolysomes
beforebeingoverlaidonto10 to30%(wt/vol) sucrose
gradientsin BeckmanSW41 centrifuge tubes. Sepa-ration ofcytoplasmic components wasaccomplished
by centrifugation at 40,000 rpm for 120 min with a Beckman SW41 rotor. Intracellular RNP complex was detectedby assaying each collected fraction for
endog-enousRNA-directed DNA polymerase activity. The
sedimentation coefficient of the enzyme-associated material was determined by comparing it with the polyribosomalprofile of mouse Lss cells in a parallel gradient, which was monitored by UV absorption. Fractions containing the highest endogenous RNA-directed DNApolymerase activity were pooled for the
synthesisof DNAproductsorforpreparation of RNA
for use inhybridization experiments. To separate the RNPcomplex by density, cytoplasmic extracts from BMCwerelayered onto 30 to 70% sucrose gradients.
Centrifugationwascarried out at 40,000 rpm for 34 h
at5°C. Intracellular RNP was detected by endogenous RNA-directed DNA polymerase assay as described above.
Toinsure that the enzyme-associated RNP complex found in thecytoplasmof BMC was not due to deg-radation of mature virions in the intracytoplasmic vacuoles and/or on the membranesduring the homog-enizationprocedure,equalamountsofpurified REV-T(approximately 200,ugof proteins) were added to about2 x108BMCorthe same number of uninfected normal CEF just before homogenization. The
cyto-plasmic extracts were prepared from both of these
preparations in exactly the same manner as the control BMC. Thecytoplasmicfractionswerethenanalyzed
with10 to30%(wt/vol) sucrose gradients formed on
top of 70% (wt/vol) sucrose cushions in Beckman
SW50 1 centrifugetubes.Centrifugation wascarried
out at49,000 rpmfor100minat5°CwithaSW50 1
rotor. Amounts of 20
from eachgradient fractionwereassayed forendogenous RNA-directed DNA
po-lymeraseactivity in the presence of 0.1% NP-40. The
nuclei and membrane pelletswereresuspended in0.15
mlof PBS containing 0.2% NP-40. Samplesof60,u
from each of these nuclei and membrane fractions
wereassayed for endogenous RNA-directed DNA
po-lymeraseactivitytodetect any membrane-associated
Antibody neutralization. The anti-REV DNA
polymerase antiserum and the anti-avian
myeloblas-tosisvirus (AMV) DNApolymerase antiserum were
kind gifts from S. Mizutani and H. M. Temin, Univer-sity of Wisconsin (22, 23). Totestfor thespecificity of DNApolymerase in the RNP complex from the
cy-toplasm ofBMC,the isolated RNPcomplexwas
di-vided into
portions and treatedseparately with anti-REV DNApolymerase antiserum (50 yg of im-munoglobulin G), anti-AMV DNA polymeraseanti-serum(50
ofimmunoglobulin g),orwithamixtureof both (60 ug of each). Rabbit-anti-rat antiserum madeagainst normal rat kidneycells wasused as a
control.Incubation was carried out at room
tempera-turefor45min.Afterincubation, the RNA-directed
DNA polymerase activity was determined by using theendogenousreaction asdescribedabove.
Nucleic acidhybridization. [3H]cDNAproducts
weresynthesizedfrom eitherpurifiedREV-T or from
theintracellular RNP complex isolated fromBMC, by useof theendogenous RNA-directedDNA polymer-ase reaction. The phenol-chloroform procedure for extraction ofDNA andRNA from cells or purified 35
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virusfollowed the previously published method (17). Liquid-phase hybridization techniqueswereused for all hybridization experiments (17). The extentof
hy-bridizationwas determinedby Si nuclease digestion (17,28).
Nascent DNA products analysis. Nascent [3H]DNAproducts wereprepared from the intracel-lular RNP complex from the BMC by use of the endogenous RNA-directed DNApolymerasereaction as described above. After incubation for 10 min at
37°C, thereactionwasterminatedby adding sodium dodecyl sulfate and EDTAtothe finalconcentrations of 0.5% and 50 mM, respectively. Phenol-extracted yeast RNA (500 ,tg) was added as carrier, and the products wereextracted twice withphenol and three times with chloroform.3H-labeled DNA productswere
precipitated inethanolovernightat-20°C. After pel-leting bycentrifugationat 8,000 xgfor 10min, 3H-labeled DNA productswereredissolved in TSE buffer (0.1 M NaCl,0.001 MEDTA, in0.02 M
Tris-hydro-chloride, pH 7.3) and eitherdirectly analyzed by
cen-trifugation in10 to30% (wt/vol)sucrosegradientsor
treated with RNase A or sodium hydroxide before analysis in sucrose gradients. Conditions forsucrose
gradient sedimentation analysis are described in the figurelegends.
To show that the size and theintegrity of the RNA template in the intracellular RNP were not altered during the incubation and extraction procedure, a
NP-40-disrupted REV-T was mixed with the extracted RNP. The 10-min [3H]DNA productsfrom the
mix-ture wereanalyzed insucrosegradients,and
sedimen-tation values were compared to 32P-labeled mature
REV-Tviral RNA.
Isolation ofa
chicken bonemarrow cells.
showed that the
extracts of REV-T-transformedBMC hadanendogenous RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity similar tothat of mature virions. Since REV has been found to mature by
notonly through the cytoplasmic membranes but also into theintracytoplasmic vacuoles (19), theDNA polym-erase-associated
componentswhichmay represent virion precursors must be sepa-rated from the intravacuolar virions by use of
rate-zonal or equilibriumdensity gradients. To
isolate the cytoplasmic viral components, the
extracts were prepared fromac-tively growing REV-T-transformed BMC and
treated with EDTAto dissociatepolyribosomes.
The cytoplasmic components were then
sepa-ratedbycentrifugation ina 10to 30% (wt/vol)
sucrose gradient. Viralcomponents in the
gra-dient were detectedby assayingeach
fraction forendogenousRNA-directed DNA
po-lymerase activity (Fig. 1).
of theendogenousDNApolym-10 20 30 top
FIG. 1. RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity in the cytoplasmic fraction of REV-T transformed chickenbonemarrowcells resolvedby sedimentation velocitysucrosegradientcentrifugation. Cytoplasmic fractions from2 x 109 REV-T-transformed chicken
bonemarrowcells and normal chicken embryo
fibro-blasts weretreated with EDTA and centrifuged at
40,000rpm for120minin 10 to 30%s(wt/vol) linear
sucrosegradientsat5° C. Eachcollectedfraction was
assayedfor endogenous RNA-directed DNA
polym-eraseactivityasdescribed in Materials and Methods.
of[3H]dTMP incorporated during 60min of
incu-bation at 37°C. REV-T-transformed chicken bone
marrowcells(-); normal chicken embryo fibroblasts
(A). Arrowsindicatepolyribosome markers of mouse L929 cells in aparallel gradient monitored by UV absorption.
eraseactivitywasfound in the80 to100Sregion.
Alower level of activity sedimentednearthetop
of thegradient. Uninfected normal CEF didnot
contain the enzyme activity which sedimented in the 80 to lOOS region, although there was
some enzyme activity near the top of the
gra-dient. The latter observation is in accordance withprevious observations of uninfected chicken embryo cells (16). Theenzyme
in the80 to100S
region is not from the intravacuolar virions becausethematurevirion hasa sedimen-tation coefficient of about 600S and thereforewould be
atthe bottom of thegradient.Torule out the possibility that the
enzyme-associated 80 to 100S material was produced from the mature intravacuolar REV-T during
thehomogenization andextraction procedures, purified REV-T was added to the BMC or to
uninfected normalCEFbeforehomogenization.
These were then processed
as thecontrolBMC, which were not mixed with virus,
to obtain the cytoplasmic fractions. The
cyto-plasmic fractions were analyzed by
centrifuga-tion in 10 to 30% (wt/vol) sucrose gradients
formedontopof70% (wt/vol)sucrosecushions.
Viral components in the gradients were
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:3.500.263.455.54.232.2]RNP COMPLEX FROM REV-TRANSFORMED CELLS
tored by assaying asample from each fraction by use of the endogenous RNA-directed DNA
polymeraseassayin thepresenceof 0.1%NP-40
BMC alone contained the RNA-directed DNApolymerase activity which sedinented in
theregion of80 to100S. Therewas a verysmall
amountofmaturevirionattheinterface above
the 70% sucrose cushion (Fig. 2a). In the
cyto-plasmic fraction fromthe BMC premixed with
purified REV-T, largeamountsofmaturevirions
weredetectedattheinterfaceonthe 70% sucrose
cushion while thepolymerase activity ofthe 80 to 100S material was unchanged (Fig. 2b). In
contrast, when REV-T was added to normal
b7;30 :IlMC+REVT
9L 5.
and theextracted cytoplasmic fractionwasanalyzed, no detectable enzyme-associated
ma-terial was sedimented at 80 to 100S.
Further-more, wewere surprised to find very few mature
virions on the 70% sucrose cushion (Fig. 2c).
Thisinitially puzzling phenomenonwasresolved
when the nuclei and membrane pellets were
assayed for RNA-directed DNA polymerase
ac-tivity (Fig. 2d). Most of the purified REV-T
CEFwasrecoveredin themembrane fraction(represented by bar c' in Fig. 2d), whereasalargeamountof theREV-Tadded
totheBMCwasrecovered from the interfaceof
the 70% sucrose (Fig. 2b) but very few of the virions became associated with the
FIG. 2. Sedimentation pattern ofRNA-directed DNA polymerase activity in the cytoplasm of
REV-T-transformedchicken bonemarrowcells(BMC)andnormalchickenembryofibroblasts (CEF)mixedwith
purified REV-T. Cytoplasmicextracts wereprepared from2x 108BMCorCEFasdescribed in Materials andMethodsafter purifiedREV-T(approximately200pgof proteins) wasmixed with the cellsjustbefore
homogenization. Thecytoplasmic fractionsweretreated withEDTA andcentrifugedat49,000rpmfor100
minat5°Cin 10to30%(wt/vol)sucrosegradientsmadeontopof70%(wt/vol)sucrosecushions. Asampleof
20,d fromeach collectedfractionwasassayed for endogenousRNA-directed DNApolymerase activityinthe
presenceof 0.1% NP-40. (a) control BMC without additionofREV-T.(b)BMCmixed with REV-T. (c)CEF
mixed with REV-T. Inpanel d,the nuclei and membranepellets fromBMC(a'),BMC+REV-T(b'),and CEF
+REV-T(c')wereresuspendedinphosphate-bufferedsaline with 0.2% NP-40. A60-,lI sample from eachof thesefractionswas assayedforendogenousRNA-directed DNApolymerase activity. Enzyme activity was
expressedas countsperminuteofCH]dTMPincorporated during60minofincubationat37°C.
VOL. 28,1978 37
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[image:4.500.131.365.245.554.2]membrane (bar b'). This suggests that the cell
surface of the BMC is already saturated with
viralproteins, whereas the normalCEF provides
freevirus-bindingsites for the added virions.
These experiments conclusively showed that
the 80to 100Senzyme-associatedmaterial from
thecytoplasmof theBMCwasnotderivedfrom
matureREV-T duringthehomogenization
pro-cedure, butrepresentedadistinctentity.
The density of the DNA
polymerase-associ-ated intracytoplasmic material wasdetermined
by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation
in a 30 to70% (wt/vol)sucrosegradient (Fig. 3).
The endogenous RNA-directed DNA
polymer-aseactivityinthe totalcytoplasmicextract was
resolved intotwopeaks,onehavingadensityof
1.23g/cm3and the otherhavingadensityof1.16
g/cm3 (Fig. 3a). The 1.23 g/cm3 band
corre-spondstothedensityofnucleocapsid of mature
virion. The 1.16g/cm3material may well
repre-o e
° le
a. x
s 10
pl X
t1-10 20 30
[image:5.500.]FRACTION NUMBER
FIG. 3. RNA-directed DNApolymerase activity in
cytoplasmicfraction of REV-T-transformedchicken
bone marrow cells resolved by equilibrium density
sucrosegradientcentrifugation. Cytoplasmicextract
from 2x 109chicken bonemarrowcellswastreated
withEDTAandcentrifugedat40,000rpmfor 34 h in
a30 to 70%(wt/vol) sucrosegradient at5°C. Each
collectedfractionwasassayed forendogenous
RNA-directed DNApolymeraseactivity(a).Alternatively,
the RNP complex waspooled from the 80to 1XJS
region fromavelocitysucrosegradient and
recentri-fuged at40,000rpmfor 34 h ina30to70%(wt/vol)
sucrosegradient. Eachfractionwasassayedfor
en-dogenous RNA -directed DNApolymeraseactivity (b).
Enzyme activitywasexpressedascountsperminute
of[3H]dTMP incorporated during60 min of incu-bationat37°C (0);densityingrams percubic centi-meter(0).
sentmaturevirionstrappedbetween the cellsor
in the intracytoplasmic vacuoles. Most of this
low-densitymaterial could be removedby
thecellsthreeorfour timesbeforehomoge-nization. When thepooled fractions of the 80to
lOOS material from the velocity gradient as
shown inFig.1wereanalyzedin theequilibrium
density gradient, only one homogeneous peak
correspondingto 1.23 g/cm3wasobserved (Fig.
3b). This indicated that the enzyme-associated
80tolOOS materialwasidenticaltothematerial
havinga density of 1.23 g/cm3 and appearedto
be an RNP complex present within the
cyto-plasmofthetransformed cells.
REV-specific endogenous RNA-directed
DNApolymerase activity in the RNP. Since
the genome of normalCEF containsendogenous
sequences of avianleukosis virus (ALV) (29), it
is necessary to demonstrate that the
RNA-di-rectedDNApolymerase activity detected in the
RNP complex in the BMC is specific for REV
andnotduetotheexpression of theendogenous
ALV sequences. The 80 to 100S RNPcomplex
wasisolated fromREV-T-transformed BMC by
use of rate-zonal centrifugation in sucrose
gra-dient. The RNP complex was divided into four
portions which were treated separately with
anti-REV DNA polymerase antiserum,
anti-AMV DNApolymerase antiserum,or amixture
of anti-REV and anti-AMV DNA polymerase
antisera. Rabbit anti-rat antiserum (made
against normal rat kidney cells) was used as a
control.The treated fractions were then assayed
for endogenousRNA-directed DNA polymerase
activity. Kinetics show thatanti-REV DNA
po-lymerase antiserum can specifically neutralize
theRNA-directed DNA polymeraseactivity
as-sociated with the RNPcomplex (Fig. 4). Neither
the anti-AMV DNA polymerase antiserum nor
theanti-rat antiserumaffectsthe enzyme
activ-ity. Results from the reciprocal experiments
showed that the anti-AMV polymerase
antise-rum completely neutralized thepolymerase
ac-tivity of B77 avian sarcoma virus (data not
shown). Since the anti-AMV DNA polymerase
antiserum completelyneutralized the
polymer-ase activity of the endogenous RAV-0 (22) and
B77 avian sarcoma virus DNApolymerase
activ-ity but not the DNA polymerase activity of
REV, theendogenous DNApolymeraseactivity
found in theRNP is not due to theexpressionof
REV-specific RNA in the RNP isolated
from the BMC. Todemonstrate the presence
ofREV-specific RNA in theintracellularRNP,
weextracted RNAfrom pooled 80tolOOSRNP
complex and hybridized the RNA with [3H]-cDNA synthesized frompurified REV-T, using
the liquid phase hybridization technique
de-J. VIROL.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
'o 25 ANTI-RAT
o 20-
TI-C ~~~~~~~~~~AMVpol
0 5 1S 30 60
FIG. 4. Antiserum neutralization of the
endoge-nousRNA-directed DNA polymerase activity associ-ated with the intracellular RNP from REV-T-transformed chicken bone marrow cells. Viral RNPwasisolatedfrom cytoplasmic fraction of
REV-T-transformedchicken bone marrow cells by velocity
sucrosegradient centrifugationsimilartothat in Fig.
1.Equal portions of the isolated RNP were treated withdifferent antibodies for 45 min at room temper-ature and then assayed for endogenous RNA-di-rected DNA polymerase activity. Enzyme activities
wereexpressedas countsperminuteof[3H]dTMP
incorporated at various times. Anti-rat antiserum
(0);anti-AMV DNApolymerase antiserum(0) anti-REVDNApolymerase antiserum (A); mixture ofboth anti-REV DNApolymerase and anti-AMV DNA
scribed in Materials and Methods.Asshown in Fig. 5,
30% of the DNA hybrid-ized at aCrt
value of2 x101
mol s/liter, indi-cating that the80 tolOOS RNPcomplex
RNA.Acomparison of the kinetics ofhybridization of REV-T[3H]-
cDNAtoviral RNA and RNP RNA shows that onlya small fraction of the total RNA in the 80 to100S
material isREV-specific
experiment revealed
that the vastmajority
of RNA in the 80 to lOOSregion
of thegradient
representsrRNA's because monosomes
cosedi-mentedatthisregion(datanotshown). To rule
thesameREV-T cDNAprobewashybridized
with RAV-61 RNA. Nohybridization
was observed when the RNA ex-tracted from RNP was incubated with cDNAmadefromRAV-61. This shows that the
hybrid-ization between the RNP RNA and REV-T
cDNA wasspecific.
To further substantiate that the 80 to lOOS RNP
is REVspecific,
from the endogenous DNApolym-erasereactionof the 80tolOOSRNP.This RNP
tothe REV-T viralRNA. Maximal hybridization is approximately 40% at aCrt value of2 x
mol-s/liter (Fig. 6). Since the virion RNA used in the hybridiza-tionwasextractedfromvirusproduced byREV-T-transformed BMC, itwasnecessary to
dem-onstrate that the REV-T was free from the
endogenousALV contamination. RAV-61 [3H]-cDNA was hybridized with the RNA from the REV-Tand showednohybridization, indicating that therewas nodetectableamountof ALV in the viruspreparation. The results demonstrate that the RNP
contains RNA whichcanbe transcribed
theRNP-associated DNApo-lymerase into cDNA. This cDNA
hybridizestopurified REV-T RNA.Itisnoteworthy that the hybridization using
0 w a 30
10Crt (mole-sec/liter)
FIG. 5. Kinetics of hybridization of
synthesizedfromREV-TtoRNA extractedfromthe
waspreparedfrom a1-hproductof endogenousDNApolymerasereaction
of purifiedREV-T in the presenceof100 pgof
acti-nomycin D/ml.Amountsof2,0fJ0 cpm persampleof
theREV-T[3H]cDNA wereannealed with 6pg of REV-T viral RNA/ml (0), 6 pg ofRAV-61 viral
RNA/ml, (0), and36pgofRNA/mlfromthe RNP
isolated from cytoplasm of REV-T-transformed
chicken bonemarrowcells
Inaddition, 2,000cpmpersample ofRAV-61
washybridizedto120pg of RNA/ml fromthe RNP isolatedfrom
REV-T-transformedchicken bone marrowcells (A). The
hybridizationwasperformedat63°Cin 25tl of
DNA-RNA annealing buffer (0.5 M NaCl, 0.1% sodium
dodecylsulfate,0.001MEDTA, 2% phenol,and 0.05 M
pH7.3)sealed in25-IlImicro-pipettes. Sampleswerewithdrawnatdifferenttimes
and theextentof hybridizationwasdeterminedbySi
nucleasedigestion.The resultswereexpressedasthe proportionof total
hybridizedat agiven valueofC,t
in 0.5M salt.Approximately8.5%oftheREV-T
were resistant to S1 nuclease in a control sample
incubated without RNA. These have been subtracted
VOL. 28,1978 39
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[image:6.500.] [image:6.500.251.446.253.415.2]40
w +
10Crt (mole-sec/liter)
FIG. 6. Kineticsofhybridizationoff[H]cDNA
syn-thesized from intracellular RNP from
REV-T-transformedchicken bonemarrowcellstoREV-T
viralRNA.[3H]cDNAwasprepared froma1-h
prod-uct of endogenous DNA polymerase reaction of pooledintracellular RNP in thepresenceof100pgof actinomycin D/ml.Amountsof 2,000cpm persample
oftheRNP[3H]cDNA wereannealed with 6pgof
REV-T viral RNA/ml(0),or6 pgofyeastRNA/ml
(0).Inaddition,2,000cpm persample of[3H]cDNA synthesized fromRAV-61washybridized with6pgof
REV-T viral RNA/ml (A).Conditionsof
hybridiza-tionanddetermination oftheextentofhybridization
werethesame asinFig.5.Approximately7.8%of the
RNP[3H]cDNAwasresistanttoSInucleasein the
controlsampleincubatedby itselfand has been
sub-tractedfromplotted values. Approximately 90% of
3P-labeled RAV-61 RNA became resistantto
ribo-nucleasedigestion after annealing toabout30-fold
excessofRA V-61DNAproducts.
[3H]cDNA prepared from theRNPwouldonly
proceed to40% of themimum when
hybrid-ized withhomologous viral RNA. This apparent
lowefficiency in hybridization isnotduetothe
presence of DNA ofopposite polarities in the [3H]cDNA preparations, because hybridization
stillproceededtoonly about 40% when thesame
[3H]cDNA probes made from the RNP were
hybridizedtocellular DNA ofREV-transforned
BMC (data not shown). Similar results were
observed when [3H]cDNA synthesized from
REV-T was hybridized to REV-T RNA (15).
Thesignificance of this is still unclear.
Size of virus-specific RNA in the RNP
complex. To determine the size of the RNA
template in the RNP complex, RNA was
ex-tractedfrom the 80to100S RNP andseparated
ina10to30%(wt/vol)sucrosegradient by
rate-zonal centrifugation. A sample from each
col-lected fraction of thegradientwashybridizedto
a constant amount of [3H]cDNA made from
purified REV-T. Figure 7 shows a prominent
peak ofvirus-specific RNA that sedimented at
approximately30 to35S.Inaddition,small
pro-portionsof other RNA specieswereobservedto
sediment both faster and slower than the
RNAspecies. This resultsuggeststhat the size of the majorspecies of RNA in the RNPcomplexis30 to35S.
Analysis of the nascent DNA
of the
RNP. To determine the size of theRNAtemplate in the RNP complex,wealso analyzed theRNA-template-associated
productswere synthe-sized for 10 min from the 80 to 100S RNP byuse of the
reac-tion. After
phenol-choloroform extraction,
[3H]cDNA products
recovered from theaqueous phase were analyzed in a 10 to 30%
sucrosegradient by
rate-zonal centrif-ugation. Undernondenaturing
conditions,a dis-tinctpopulation
of the nascent DNAproducts sedimented in the30 to35Sregion,
and thevastmajority
of DNA sedimentednearthetopof the gradient(Fig.
8a). The 30 to35Speak
could be removed when the initialproducts
weretreated with RNase A or0.5 NNaOH (Fig.
8b and c). This indicates that the DNA sedimenting in the30
1 30418
10 20 30 40top
FIG. 7. Sedimentation pattern of REV-specific RNA in the intracellular RNP from
REV-T-transformedchicken bonemarrowcells.
REV-T-transformed chicken bone marrow cells by
use of sucrose gradient sedimentation velocity
cen-trifugationsimilartothat shown inFig.1.RNAwas
extractedfrom thepooled RNPmaterialand sub-jectedtocentrifugation at49,000rpmfor 90 min at 5°C ina10 to30%(wt/vol)sucrosegradient in TSE buffer. An equal samplefromeachcollectedfraction washybridized with 1,000 cpm of[3H]cDNA synthe-sizedfrompurified REV-Tin a
final volume of DNA-RNA hybridization buffer. Hybridization wasperformedat630Cfor100h. Extentof hybridization
wasdetermined by digestion with SInuclease.
Ap-proximately3%of the[3H]cDNAwasresistanttoS,
nucleaseinacontrolsample incubated without RNA
andwas subtractedfrom theplotted values.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:7.500.] [image:7.500.267.454.344.476.2]RNP COMPLEX FROM REV-TRANSFORMED CELLS
3 2
10 20 30 40 top
FIG. 8. Sedimentation analysis ofnascent DNA productsfrom the endogenous DNA polymerase re-action carried out withintracellularRNPfrom
REV-T-transformedchicken bone marrow cells.
Intracel-lular RNP was isolatedfrom REV-T-transformed
chicken bonemarrowcellsbyuseofsucrosegradient
sedimentationvelocity centrifugation similartothat shown inFig. 1. ThepooledRNP was usedfor
en-dogenousRNA-directed DNApolymerase reaction.
[3H]cDNA synthesiswasallowed toproceedfor10
min at37°Cin thepresenceof100ugof actinomycin
D/ml. The 10-min DNAproducts were either
ana-lyzed directly with 10 to 30% (wt/vol) sucrose
gra-dients inTSEbuffer centrifugedat49,000 rpmfor90 min(a),treated with 50 pgofRNase A per mlat37C
for 30 min before sedimentation analysis (b), o'r
treated with 0.5 N NaOH at63°Cfor60minbefore
sedimentationanalysis (c). ["C]rRNAwas used as
30 to35S
of thegradient
and DNAproduct.
in the RNPcom-plex has a sedimentation value of about 30 to 35S, which is consistent withtheresultfromour
shown inFig.
7. Since thesubunit size of the REV RNAis about 35S (12),
it is therefore conceivable that theRNPcomplex
contains only the subunit size of the viral
ge-nome, which may represent the intracellular
precursorof thegenomic RNA.
Todemonstrate that the30 to35S RNAwas
[image:8.500.]FRACTION NUMBER
FIG. 9. Sedimentation analysis ofnascent DNA products from intracellular RNPmixed with dis-rupted REV-T. Nascent [3H]cDNA products were
synthesized as described in Fig. 8, except that the
RNP wasmixed withpurifiedREV-Tdisruptedwith
0.2% NP-40. The 10-min DNAproductswere either
analyzed directly with 10 to 30% (wt/vol) sucrose
gradients in TSEbuffer centrifugedat49,000 rpmfor 90min(a)ortreatedwith50pgofRNase A per mlat
37°Cfor30 min beforesedimentation analysis (b).
3P-labeledpurified REV-T viral RNAwasanalyzed
in aparallelgradient (c).
wascentrifugedin anotherparallel gradient to serve as markers
VOL. 28,1978 41
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:8.500.242.446.67.530.2]42 WONG AND KANG
actually the immature form and not derived
froma degradative product of themature viral
genome, NP-40-disrupted purified REV-Twas
added to the intracellular RNP, and 10-min
DNA products weresynthesizedfrom the
mix-ture by use of the endogenous RNA-directed
DNA polymerasereaction. The[3H]DNA
prod-ucts were extracted and analyzed by sucrose
gradients similar to those shown inFig. 9. The
nascent DNAsynthesized inthisreaction
sedi-mented at three distinct places (Fig. 9). The
hybrids that sedimented between 50 and 60S
were undoubtedly produced from the mature
REV-Tgenomethatwas added because ithad
a sedimentation value similar to that of
32p-labeled REV-Tviral RNA (Fig. 9c). This peak
was not observed in DNA synthesis when the
intracellularRNP alonewasused.Therefore,we
conclude that the 30 to 35S RNA template in
the RNP complexis notderived from
degrada-tion of the mature virion RNA. Identicalresults
wereobtainedwith the1.23g/cm3RNPcomplex
isolated from equilibrium density sucrose
gra-dients instead of from velocity sedimentation
gradients (datanotshown).
We have isolated anRNP complex fromthe
whichcontainsendogenousRNA-directed DNA
polymerase activity.This RNPcomplexisfound
only in the REV-transformed cells and not in
thenormal cells. The RNP complex hasa
den-sity of 1.23 g/cm3 and sediments in the 80 to
100S regioninsucrosegradients. These
proper-ties indicate that it isdistinct from themature
virion.Thesedimentationpatternof theRNP is
notalteredbymixingtheBMCwith virusduring
homogenization. Also, the RNP peakcannotbe
created by homogenizing normal CEF mixed
withpurifiedREV-T. These resultsstrongly
in-dicatethat the RNP isnotadegradative product
resulting from the homogenization and
extrac-tionprocedures. Previous studiesshowthat the
coreisolated from REVhasadensity of1.25to
1.26g/cm3 (4), slightlyheavierthanourdensity
determination of the cytoplasmic viral RNP
complex. The RNP complex possesses
proper-tiesthat suggest that it is ina diffused form. It
has a relatively slow sedimentation rate and
slightly lighter density comparedtothemature
viral core. Also, the absence ofanydiscernible
viral substructurein the cells when studied by
electron microscopyseemstosupportthesame
conclusion (19).
EndogenousRNA-directed DNA polymerase
assay shows that the intracytoplasmic RNP
complexisfully functional and abletosynthiesize
REV-specific complementary DNA in vitro.
However, it isnot yet clear whether the RNP
complex is constantly synthesizing
DNA inthetransformed cells,wherestably
in-tegratedproviralDNA isalreadypresentinthe cellular genome. If this is indeed the case, the
newly synthesized viral DNA from the RNP
could account for the presence oflinear viral
DNA duplexes characteristic ofacuteinfection
upto several weeksafterinfection in the
cyto-plasmofavian sarcomavirus-infected duckcells
(31), avian sarcoma virus-infected quail tumor
cells (11), and mouse mammary tumor
virus-infected ratcells (26).
Onthe otherhand,ourfindingsareincontrast
tothat ofDavid Baltimore, Massachusetts
In-stituteofTechnology,whofoundthat the
RNA-directed DNA polymerase of murine leukemia
viruswas notfully functional until theviruswas
released from the cell (personal communica-tion).
Since all chicken cells contain endogenous
ALV sequence in their DNA genome, it is
im-portant todemonstrate that the RNP complex
in the cytoplasm of the REV-transformed chicken BMC is specific for REV. Antibody neutralization studies showedthat the endoge-nous RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity associated withthe RNP
couldbe neu-tralizedonlyoyanti-REVDNApolymerase an-tiserumbutnotbyanti-AMV DNApolymeraseantiserum, indicating that the enzyme in the
RNP complex was specific for REV. This is in
accordancewith theprevious findingthat REV-Tpurifiedfromthe BMC containedonly REV-specific polymerase (32).
When cDNA synthesized from the
endoge-nousreaction of RNPwashybridizedwith viral
RNAextractedfrompurified REV-T,upto40%
oftheDNAprobewashybridized. Thekinetics
of thishybridization weresimilar to that when
theprobewasmade frompurified REV-T (15).
In bothcasesthe maximal levelsofhybridization
were about
In contrastto the endogenouspolymerase reaction, the cDNA probe made
fromanexogenousreactionusingpurified REV
RNA and
ALVDNApolymerase couldanneal completely to REV RNA (17). The
which is in thesamepolarity asthe virion RNA
since annealing with DNA from infected cells
does not increase the extent of hybridization
(data not shown). We also know that the
non-annealing portion of thecDNAdoesnot
hybrid-ize withanexcessamountof virion RNA.
Inthree separate sets ofhybridization
exper-imentsbetween the cDNA made from the
REV-T and REV-T virion RNA at RNA
concentra-tionsof 6, 12, and 20yg/ml, the maximal levels
on November 10, 2019 by guest
ofhybridizationwerethesameasthat shown in Fig.6.
Itis possible that the cDNA containsa signif-icantproportion of short DNA transcripts.Since the melting points of hybrids between virion RNA and the short cDNA should be low, the
extentofhybridizationmay notreach100%
un-der stringenthybridization conditions. Another
is that theprobe
contains some ho-mopolymers synthesized byaterminal transfer-ase-like activity. Thispossibility
is, however, highly unlikely because the endogenous RNA-directed DNApolymerase
reactionrequires all fournucleoside
and very little DNAis synthesized in the absence ofany onenucleoside
(15).To study the size of
weusedtwomethods. In the firstapproach, REV-specific
RNA was detected by hybridization after the RNA isolated from the RNP wassubjected
centrifugation. This method gave an estimated sedimentation coefficient of about 30 to 35S for the major species of REV-specific RNA in the RNPcom-plex.
of the size of the RNA in the RNP complex had been complicated by the fact the RNPcosedimented with80Sribosomes. Label-ing experiments with[3H]uridine
showed that the RNA in the80 to100S
material containedamajority of 28S and 18S rRNA (datanot
the virusspecific RNA could be detectedonly by
method. Wefound
of RNAs whichhy-bridized
with REV cDNA in addition tothe30 to 35S RNA. Ofthese,
we often observed twominor
atabout 27S and 21S. Thesemayrepresentcontaminationby subsets of
to those found in avian sarcomavirus- and murine
(2, 7, 8, 10, 14,27, 30). More difficulttoexplainarethe
RNAsbetween40and 50S. Thesignificance
ofthese isstillnot clear,although virus-specific
RNA oflarger
than sub-unitsize has been found in cells infectedby
Roussarcoma virus (14) and murine
In the second
the sedimentation value of RNA-cDNA complex, whichrepre-sented the RNA template-nascent DNA
prod-uct, was determined. The nascent DNAproducts
of lessthan10S insedimentation value.
thesed-imentation value of the RNA-cDNA complex wouldbelargely determined bythe RNA
moi-ety. The RNA-cDNA complex was found to
have asedimentation valueof30 to 35Sbased
on19separatedeterminations. Sincethe subunit
size of REV genome isabout 35S(12),it isthus
concluded that the size oftheRNA in the
intra-cellular RNPcomplexisequivalentto one
sub-unit of the RNAgenomeof the virus.Studieson
the maturation of Roussarcomavirusand
mu-rine leukemia virus have shown that viral RNA foundinthecytoplasm of the infectedcellsand innewly budded virions consistsmainly of30 to
35S RNAsubunits, whereasmaturevirions
con-tain the 60 to 70S genomic RNA (5-8, 14, 30). Our findings with REV-T-transformed cells
seemedtobe inaccordance withthese findings.
Our results suggest that the REV-T-transformed chicken BMCproduce an RNP complex which contains an endogenous RNA-directed DNA
activity. This RNPcomplex containsREV-specific DNA
polymer-aseandREV-specific RNA template, andmay
represent the virion precursor. The size of the
RNA in the RNP complex isequivalentto the subunit size of the virion
RNA. No60Smaturegenomic RNAwasfound inthe
intracel-lular RNPcomplex.
the formation of ma-tureviralgenomic RNAseemsto occurafterthebudding,
the condensation of the nucleoid. Morerecent data onthe protein composition of the RNP complex indicate that it contains severalvirus-specific
proteins,includ-ingsome notfound inthematurevirion, which
may represent the precursor and intermediate
appears tobegin
when the 30 to 35S RNA is inthecytoplasm.
Intemalproteins suchas the polymerase can
with the viralRNA at this stage to form a functional RNP
complex which also contains the
mole-cule since it iscapable
Wethank S.Mizutani,H. M.Temin,and H.R. Bose for
kindgiftsofexperimental materials and E. D.Rosenblum, J.
A. Shadduck, G. Smith, B. Ozanne, and D. Baltimore for
helpfulcomments onthemanuscript.
Thisinvestigationwassupportedby Public Health Service
grantsCA 16479 and CA 20012 from the National Cancer Institute.
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