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Total Factor Productivity in Manufacturing Sector of Bihar: With a Special Reference to tobacco Industry


Academic year: 2020

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Sector of

Bihar: With a Special Reference to tobacco Industry

Ruchi Singh

Abstract: IndiaT hasT anT impressiveT andT progressiveT profileT

inT theT globalT tobaccoT industryT andT itT isT anT importantT

commercialT cropT grownT here.T IndiaT isT theT second-largestT

tobaccoT producerT andT exporterT inT theT world.T TotalT exportsT

ofT manufacturedT andT unmanufacturedT tobaccoT stoodT atT US$T

934.23T millionT inT 2017-18T andT US$T 564.28T millionT betweenT

Apr-OctT 2018.T IndianT tobaccoT isT exportedT toT aboutT 100T

countries. The development of manufacturing sector of an

economy is an indicator of the economic strength of that country by raising productivity, employment generation along with supporting various other sectors of the economy. This study covers the duration of 1998-99 to 2012-13. Depending upon the availability of data the latest years have been added. This study is proposed to cover the Tobacco industry in state Bihar indicated by Annual Survey of Industries. Malmquist, Tornquist and Solow Index technique have been used to calculate TFP in tobacco industry of state Bihar, India. The productivity trend of tobacco industry in state Bihar had shown a steady growth pattern. TFP was maximum in year 2007-08 and was lowest in year 2006-07. TFP growth rate had shown a steady growth pattern from 2001-02 to 2005-06 and 2008-09 to 2011 with 2 major downfalls in TFP during 2006-07 and 2012-13.

Keywords: Tobacco Industry, Manufacturing.


IndianT tobacco,T introducedT byT theT PortugueseT inT theT 17thT century,T isT appreciatedT worldwideT forT itsT rich,T full-bodiedT flavourT andT smoothness.T ItT isT nowT anT increasinglyT well-knownT asT wellT asT respectedT commodityT inT globalT tobaccoT marketsT andT hasT foundT itsT wayT intoT cigarettesT manufacturedT inT severalT countries.T IndiaT hasT anT impressiveT andT progressiveT profileT inT theT globalT tobaccoT industryT andT itT isT anT importantT commercialT cropT grownT here.T IndiaT isT theT second-largestT tobaccoT producerT andT exporterT inT theT world.T TotalT exportsT ofT manufacturedT andT unmanufacturedT tobaccoT stoodT atT US$T 934.23T millionT inT 2017-18T andT US$T 564.28T millionT betweenT Apr-OctT 2018.T IndianT tobaccoT isT exportedT toT aboutT 100T countries.T UnmanufacturedT tobaccoT accountedT forT 46T perT centT shareT (inT value)T inT tobaccoT exportsT betweenT Apr-JulT 2018,T followedT byT Flue-curedT VirginiaT (FCV)T atT 34T perT centT andT tobaccoT productsT atT 20T perT cent.T IndiaT exportsT unmanufacturedT tobaccoT primarilyT toT Belgium,T Korea,T Nigeria,T EgyptT andT Nepal.T WesternT EuropeT isT theT keyT marketT forT IndianT tobaccoT exports1.

Revised Manuscript Received on May 22, 2019.

Ruchi Singh, Assistant professor (Economics), IMS-UC Ghaziabad. Ph.D in Economics, Ch.Charan Singh University, Meerut campus.

T T TheT tobaccoT industryT claimsT thatT itT hasT aT majorT

contributionT toT economyT withT itsT employmentT generationT

inT agricultureT andT manufacturingT andT revenuesT inT theT

formT ofT exportsT andT taxes.T

BiharT isT locatedT inT theT easternT partT ofT India.T TheT stateT isT

surroundedT byT NepalT inT theT north,T WestT BengalT inT theT

east,T UttarT PradeshT inT theT westT andT JharkhandT inT theT

south.T GSDPT (2011-12T toT 2015-16)T inT BiharT wasT 7.6T

percent,T comparedT toT 6.8T percentT forT theT nationalT

economy.T Consequently,T theT PerT CapitaT IncomeT inT BiharT

wasT aboutT 35T percentT ofT theT nationalT averageT inT

2015-16,T comparedT toT aboutT 33T percentT aT decadeT agoT

TheT availabilityT ofT KenduT leavesT andT cheapT labourT hasT

helpedT makeT BiharT theT country'sT sixthT largestT tobaccoT

producingT state.T BidiT manufacturingT industriesT areT

locatedT atT BiharT SarifT (NalandaT district)T andT JanjhaT inT

MungerT district.T TheT tobaccoT industryT claimsT thatT itT hasT

aT majorT contributionT toT economyT withT itsT employmentT

generationT inT agricultureT andT manufacturingT andT

revenuesT inT theT formT ofT exportsT andT taxes.T

WithT time,T IndustrializationT hasT emergedT asT aT compositeT

termT involvingT aT largeT numberT ofT structuralT changesT

suchT asT progressiveT changesT inT theT productionT

techniques,T factorT intensities,T employmentT andT outputT .T

IndustrializationT provedT notT onlyT toT beT aT wayT toT improveT

nationalT incomeT butT isT alsoT aT meansT ofT introductionT ofT

improvedT modernT technologyT andT changingT waysT ofT lifeT

andT finallyT theT structureT ofT theT economyT becauseT ofT itsT

self-reinforcingT qualityT

ManufacturingT sectorT ofT aT countryT playsT aT vitalT roleT inT

theT growthT ofT anT economy.T TheT developmentT ofT

manufacturingT sectorT ofT anT economyT isT anT indicatorT ofT

theT economicT strengthT ofT thatT countryT byT raisingT

productivity,T employmentT generationT alongT withT

supportingT variousT otherT sectorsT ofT theT economyT .T

GovernmentT ofT IndiaT hadT setT upT aT targetT toT increaseT thisT

contributionT ofT manufacturingT sectorT inT India‟sT GDPT toT

25%T byT 2025T .

OverT lastT twoT decades,T IndiaT hasT becomeT oneT ofT theT

fastestT growingT economiesT onT theT globeT andT thisT growthT

inT theT performanceT isT greatlyT aidedT byT economicT reformsT

..T TheT strikingT aspectT ofT India‟sT recentT growthT hasT beenT

theT dynamismT ofT theT serviceT sector,T while,T inT contrast,T

manufacturingT hasT beenT lessT robustT .T RecentlyT duringT

lastT decade,T severalT initiativesT haveT beenT undertakenT byT

IndianT GovernmentT toT boostT upT IndianT manufacturingT

sectorT likeT NationalT ManufacturingT PolicyT (NMP)T inT theT

yearT 2011T withT theT objectiveT ofT enhancingT theT shareT ofT

manufacturingT inT GDPT toT

25%T andT creatingT 100T

millionT jobsT byT 2022.T


placeT aT liberalT policyT onT FDI,T underT whichT FDIT upT toT

100%,T isT permitted,T underT theT automaticT route,T inT mostT

sectors/T activities.T SignificantT changesT haveT beenT madeT

inT theT FDIT policyT regimeT inT recentT times,T toT ensureT thatT

IndiaT remainsT anT increasinglyT attractiveT investmentT

destinationT .


The broad objectives of the present study are to examine and analyse the industrial productivity in Tobacco industry cross the various states. The basic objectives are as follows: 1. To calculate the industrial productivity index for selected Tobacco Industry in state Bihar using Kendrick, Tornquist and Solow techniques.

2. To examine the performance of the tobacco industry in selected state on the basis of productivity index

3. To identify the factors responsible for differences in Industrial Productivity (in Tobacco Industry) Index in the state Bihar.



ThereT existT severalT methodsT availableT withT productivityT

analystT inT calculatingT productivityT estimates,T withT severalT

choicesT ofT methodsT dependingT onT theT objectivesT toT beT

analysed.T SingleT factorT productivityT (SFP)T definedT asT theT

ratioT ofT aT measureT ofT outputT quantityT toT theT quantityT ofT aT

singleT inputT used.T •T LabourT productivityT (LP)T definedT asT

theT ratioT ofT aT measureT ofT outputT quantityT toT someT

measureT ofT theT quantityT ofT labourT used,T suchT asT totalT

hoursT worked.T •T MultifactorT productivityT (MFP)T definedT

asT theT ratioT ofT aT measureT ofT outputT quantityT toT aT measureT

ofT theT quantityT ofT aT bundleT ofT inputsT oftenT intendedT toT

approximateT totalT input.T •T TotalT factorT productivityT (TFP)T

definedT asT theT ratioT ofT aT measureT ofT totalT outputT quantityT

toT aT measureT ofT theT quantityT ofT totalT inputT .

TotalT factorT productivityT measuresT theT increaseT inT totalT

outputT whichT isT notT accountedT byT increasesT inT totalT

inputs.T TheT TFPT indexT isT computedT asT theT ratioT ofT anT

indexT ofT aggregatedT outputT toT anT indexT ofT aggregateT

inputsT andT refersT toT theT changeT inT theT productivityT overT

time.T .


OneT ofT theT conventionalT techniquesT forT estimatingT TFPT

isT SolowT residualT method.T ItT definesT TFPT growthT asT theT

residualT ofT outputT growthT afterT theT contributionT ofT labourT

andT capitalT inputsT haveT beenT subtractedT fromT totalT outputT

growthT .T SolowT hasT assumedT aT Cobb-DouglasT productionT

functionT withT constantT returnsT toT scaleT ofT oneT degree,

where Y is output, K is capital, L is labour and A is TFP while α and (1 − α) are the elasticities of output with respect to capital and labor, respectively .


The Translog index of total factor productivity is derived from Translog production function under the assumption of

constant returns to scale and competitive equilibrium also assumes that factor price is paid according to their marginal productivity. This index is the discrete version of continuous Divisia index .

The Divisia Tornqvist index or Translog index of TFP is commonly used for computing the total output, total input and TFP indices can be specified as –

Total Output index:


= Total Output Index in period „t‟.

= Total Output of Index in „(t-1)‟ period.

= GVA of „j‟ industry in period „t‟

= GVA of „j‟ industry in „(t-1)‟ period

= Output share of „j‟ industry in total revenue in „t‟ period

= output share of „j‟ industry in total revenue in „(t-1)‟ period

Total Input index:


= Total input Index in period „t‟.

= Total input of Index in „(t-1)‟ period

= quantity of „i‟ input used in „j‟ industry in period „t‟

= quantity of „i‟ input used in „j‟ industry in period „(t-1)‟

= share of „i‟ input in GVA of „j‟ industry in „t‟ period.

= share of „i‟ input in GVA of „j‟ industry in „(t-1)‟ period

ForT theT productivityT

measurementT overT aT longT

periodT ofT time,T chainingT


timeT periodsT isT preferable.T WithT chainT linking,T anT indexT

isT calculatedT forT twoT successiveT periods,T tT andT t–1,T overT

theT wholeT periodT 0T toT TT (sampleT fromT timeT t=0T toT t=T)T

andT theT separateT indexesT areT thenT multipliedT togetherT –

Finally, the TFP index is computed as –

This procedure has the advantage that no single period plays a dominant role in determining share, weights and biases are likely to be reduced.


Kendrick Index of TFP (Total Factor Productivity) is an arithmetic measure where tangible factor inputs are an arithmetic average of labour and capital input . Kendrick index (1961) of total factor productivity is an arithmetic measure of rate of technological change, which was developed by Kendrick based on the linear production function, assuming infinite elasticity of substitution between the factors of production is defined as the ratio of value added in production to a weighted average (arithmetic mean) of the two factors of production. The total factor productivity index of Kendrick :-

Y = αL+ β K Where,

Y = Value of output in real terms. L = Labor in real terns

K = Capital in real terns α& β = are +ve constants

Then the Kendrick index of TFP for the year„t‟ may be written as


At = productivity index at time t yt = actual output at time t. Lt = Labour used at time t. Kt = Capital stock used at time it. Wₒ = share of labor in the base year rₒ = share of capital in the base year.

Wₒ + rₒ represent the efficiency with which factors operated in the base year .

TheT assumptionsT underlyingT thisT indexT isT constantT

returnsT toT scale,T perfectT competitionT andT paymentT toT

factorsT strictlyT accordingT toT theirT marginalT product(i.e.)T

thatT totalT earningT ofT labourT andT capitalT inT theT baseT yearT

willT exactlyT equalT toT theT outputT ofT theT year.T


This study covers the duration of 1998-99 to 2012-13. This study is proposed to cover the Tobacco industry in Bihar indicated by Annual Survey of Industries. Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), published by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of India considers only registered manufacturing sectors. By using appropriate price index

series, the nominal values have been converted to the real values, at 2011-12 constant prices. The ASI is the only publicly available source for data on output, employment, compensation, capital stocks, etc .

As National Industrial Classification has been changed by ASI, NIC adjustments had been carried out to make the data comparable. A huge literature is available indicating that there exist a number of studies on these issues but on state based study, this is a new attempt to be performed scientifically .


TheT researcherT hasT usedT VolumeT 1T ofT ASI,T whichT

containsT theT summaryT resultT ofT registeredT factoryT sectorT

atT variousT classificationT levels.T TheT ASIT classifiesT theT

manufacturingT activitiesT onT theT basisT ofT NationalT

IndustrialT ClassificationT (NIC)T Schedules.T TheT dataT hasT

beenT takenT forT tobaccoT manufacturingT industryT fromT twoT

digitT category.T NICT hadT definedT manufacturingT inT theT


Section-T CT fromT DivisionT 10T toT DivisionT 37T .T

Table No. 5.70

Index of Industrial Productivity in Bihar (Manufacture of Tobacco Products..)

1999-2000 Tornquist Kendrick Solow

2000-2001 100 100 100

2001-2002 194.6344 193.2179 193.055


2002-2003 193.3603 192.1642 191.669


2003-2004 197.7698 197.7466 196.436


2004-2005 180.6337 187.0503 186.048


2005-2006 216.58 232.4626 230.490


2006-2007 155.0231 162.116 145.813


2007-2008 312.1272 314.7386 330.497


2008-2009 217.7848 239.1569 299.191


2009-2010 265.5698 255.5296 285.255


2010-2011 245.1828 246.7246 264.329


2011-2012 215.1643 232.1887 259.453


2012-2013 204.9772 215.0577 218.432


Source- Author‟s own calculation based on ASI data

Graph No. 5.70

Index of Industrial Productivity in Bihar (Manufacture of


Source- Author‟s own calculation based on ASI data

Findings & Suggestions

OnT theT basisT ofT theT observationsT andT analysisT conductedT

inT theT study,T itT hasT beenT clearT thatT theT productivityT trendT

ofT tobaccoT industryT inT stateT BiharT hadT shownT aT steadyT

growthT pattern.T TFPT wasT maximumT inT yearT 2007-08T andT

wasT lowestT inT yearT 2006-07.T TFPT growthT rateT hadT shownT

aT consistencyT fromT 2001-02T toT 2005-06T andT 2008-09T toT

2011.T ItT canT alsoT beT concludedT thatT TFPT growthT inT

tobaccoT industryT hasT shownT aT consistentT growthT patternT

withT 2T majorT downfallsT inT 2006-07T andT 2012-13.T TheT

stateT hasT aT largeT baseT ofT cost-effectiveT industrialT labour,T

makingT itT anT idealT destinationT forT aT wideT rangeT ofT

industriesT .T BiharT isT oneT ofT theT strongestT agriculturalT

states.T TheT percentageT ofT populationT employedT inT

agriculturalT productionT inT BiharT isT aroundT 80T perT cent.T

TheT stateT hasT plannedT initiativesT forT theT developmentT ofT

otherT sectorsT suchT asT educationT andT tourismT andT alsoT

providesT incentivesT forT informationT technologyT andT

renewableT energy.T TheT 10thT BiharT EconomicT SurveyT

Report-T 2015-16T (ESR)T hasT termedT theT growthT

performanceT ofT theT BiharT economyT asT “steady”T inT theT

recentT decadeT .T TheT GrossT StateT DomesticT ProductT

(GSDP)T ofT BiharT grewT atT aT CAGRT ofT 11.99T perT centT

betweenT 2011-12T andT 2017-18T .T Bihar'sT perT capitaT GSDPT

increasedT fromT US$T 490.62T inT 2011-12T toT US$T 655.42T inT

2017-18T atT CAGRT ofT 10.25T perT centT .T InT Bihar,T theT bidiT

industryT isT relativelyT moreT importantT fromT theT taxT

collectionT viewT asT CollectionT ofT SalesT TaxT inT 2015-16T

wasT rupeesT 200T crT .


The growth of industrial productivity is directly related to manpower used in the industry but as per the feature of Indian economy the manpower is mostly unskilled type of nature. It is true that skilled as well as unskilled both type of manpower is absorbed by this sector but if skilled manpower is increased, it can contribute to the productivity of industry positively. Also, many of the industries in India employs the best technologies but its implementation and proper ways of using a technology is much more important than how to obtain the technology. Therefore, it is the training programmes/ workshops that can contribute to much larger extent so that production as well as productivity must increase up to the significant level.

Government should also invest on infrastructural development, expanding the capital stock size, encouraging and enhancing business investment, proper tax and welfare

reforms implementation must be initiated hence increasing the incomes from people working more productively. Improvements need to be made in education, improving the quality of health care hence reducing the sickness, facilitating inward migration of skilled labour hence improving the quality of the labour force. As Human Resources is one of the most important component in the industrial sector that can be equipped with not only skilled and technologies but also with the knowledge capital. These steps can be taken up at state level as well as at industrial level both.


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48. ReportT presentedT atT ParliamentT ofT India,T RajyaT Sabha,T (2016),T ReportT 130

49. UNIDOT “IndustrialT DevelopmentT inT theT eraT ofT Globalization:T CompetitivenessT andT South-T SouthT Cooperation”,T G-77T andT ChinaT SouthT –SouthT conferenceT onT Trade,T InvestmentT andT Finance,T SanT Jose,T CostaT Rica,T 13-15T JanT 1997.


Table No. 5.70  Index of Industrial Productivity in Bihar


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