JOURNAL OFVIROLOGY, Jan. 1994, p. 308-319 Vol.68,No.1 0022-538X/94/$04.00+0
Copyright © 1994,American Society forMicrobiology
Expression of Three
Receptors More Efficiently than
JIRINEHYBA,1 ANDERIC H. HUMPHRIESI2* MaryBabb Randolph CancerCenter'
and DepartmentofMicrobiologyandImmunology,2West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-9300 Received 26 August 1993/Accepted 19 October 1993
Thec-relgeneisamemberofNF-KBIrel familyoftranscriptionfactors thatregulateexpressionof avariety
ofimmunoregulatory molecules. The virat oncogene,v-rel,is a truncated and mutatedform oftheturkeyc-rel
gene expressed by reticuloendotheliosis virus, strain T. In this study, we demonstrated that three avian immunoregulatory receptors, major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens class I and class II as well as the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R), were induced on the surface of splenic tumorcells isolated from chickens infectedwithreticuloendotheliosisvirus, strain T. All celllines derivedfromsplenictumorsexpressedthese three proteins. Theirexpressionalso correlated with the appearance ofendogenous c-rel duringa graft-versus-host reaction. In vitro, both c-rel and v-rel induced MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R on an avian
B-lymphoid cell line,DT95, and a T-lymphoid cell line, MSB-1. Quantitative kineticanalysis demonstrated
both the accumulationof MHCclass II mRNA and the appearanceof surface MHCclass IIproteinin response tothesynthesisof either v-rel or c-rel. We show that v-rel induced theexpression of MHCclass II inthe avian B-celllinesDT40andDT95 more rapidly than c-rel and that, several weeks afterinfection,v-rel inducedMHC class II as much as50-foldmoreefficientlythanc-rel.Finally,invitro infection ofsplenocyteswith retroviruses thatexpress v-rel or c-rel induced MHCclass I, MHCclassII, and IL-2Rexpression. Quantitativeanalysis confirmedthatp59v-re wasconsistently moreefficient at inducingexpressionof all three immunoregulatory
receptors than exogenousp68c-er.These data suggest thatduringtumordevelopment,v-relfunctionstoinduce (or suppress)theexpressionof genessimilarlyinduced(orsuppressed) byc-rel. Theobservations reportedin thisstudy are not in agreement with a model in which v-rel promotes tumordevelopment byfunctioningasa dominant negative mutant of c-rel. In contrast, these findings support the hypothesis that lymphocyte immortalization and tumordevelopmentaretheresult, atleastinpart,of thecapacity of v-reltofunctionas a dominantpositivemutantthatinduces expressionof genesnormally regulated byc-rel.
Thec-relproto-oncogene (16, 18, 38) belongstothe family ofNF-KB/rel transcription factors,afamily that sharesahighly related amino-terminal domain of approximately 300 amino acidsrequired forDNAbinding andprotein dimerization(for reviews, see references 3, 14, and 37). The members of this family include NFKB1 (plO5/pSO), NFKB2 (plOO/p52), RelA
(p65), RelB, and the Drosophila melanogaster morphogen
dorsal. These proteins are present in inactive cytoplasmic
complexesassociated withinhibitory proteinsdesignatedIKBs
(4). Stimulation of cellsby different extracellular signals acti-vatessuch complexes, resulting inprotein translocationtothe nucleus and modulation ofgeneexpression mediated through
bindingofNF-KB/rel heterodimers and/or homodimers toKB
DNA elements (for reviews, see references 3 and 37). Rel
family proteinshave been showntofunctionduring (i)
embryo-genesis (47, 73), (ii)gene regulation in the immune response
and/or acute-phase reactions (for reviews,seereferences3and
37), and (iii) liver regeneration (76). c-rel mRNA has been
detected in all tissues analyzed, but it is most abundant in hematopoietic organs (15, 58). c-rel protein is present in the DNA-binding complexesthat react with KB sites in the uroki-nase promoter (41) aswell as in the promoters for interleu-kin-2(IL-2) andIL-6(35, 61).Ithas also been shown that c-rel cantransactivate thegammainterferon enhancer (69)and the IL-2receptor alpha(IL-2RMo) promoter (75).
*Corresponding author. Mailing address: Mary Babb Randolph
CancerCenter, WestVirginiaUniversity, Box 9300, Medical Center Drive, Morgantown, WV 26506-9300. Phone: (304) 293-6965. Fax: (304)293-7584.
Deregulation of suchpotentandubiquitoustranscriptional regulators has thepotentialtoproduceavariety of patholog-ical effects. Disruption of the NFKB2 gene by chromosomal translocation has been observed in some human B-cell lym-phomas (62). Therearrangementandamplification of the c-rel locus have also been detected in human large-cell lymphomas (54). Transduction of the turkey c-rel gene by the avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus, strainA(REV-A),produced
areplication-defective retrovirus, REV-T,encodingv-rel,that
is ableto induce avariety of hematopoietictumors in young birds. These tumors, which are highly metastatic, are usually fatal (64).
Several structural alterationsdistinguish the v-reloncogene from the c-relgene (18, 40, 72, 79).Themajor alteration is a deletion of 118 amino acids of the C terminus of c-rel thatare part of a transactivation domain and that can also affect cytoplasmicanchoring(46, 63).Acomparison of v-relandthe
turkey c-rel gene reveals the presence of 14 amino acid
alterations, as well as 3 small deletions in the oncogene.
Despite thesenumerousstructuraldifferences, v-rel sharestwo essentialpropertieswith c-rel: (i)thecapacitytobind KBsites inDNA and(ii) theabilitytoformalargemultimericprotein
complex(es) that includes proteins of 124, 115, and 36 to40
kDa(for areview,seereference14).
The ability of the v-rel oncogene to induce hematopoietic neoplasia has been examined in orderto elucidate the
mech-anism(s) through which an aberrant NF-KB/rel factor can
initiate tumordevelopment. On the basis of
transient-expres-sionexperiments, severalstudies have suggested that
transfor-mation by v-rel is associated with repression of NF-KB/rel-308
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mediated activation of gene expression. These data indicate that v-rel functions as adominant-negative mutant (7, 8, 44, 55, 63). However,otherreports haveindicated that v-rel is able to transactivate several viralpromotersin avian and mammalian cell lines (34, 40, 77). A hormone-dependent v-rel-estrogen fusion protein has been shown toinduce major histocompati-bility complex (MHC) class I mRNA expression as well as high-mobility-group protein 14b in a transformed bone mar-rowcellline (13). Lastly, it has beendemonstratedthat av-rel
transactivation domain is necessary for its transformation potential(66). How this ability ofv-rel to transactivate relates tothenormalfunctionsofc-relorotherNF-KB/rel proteins has not been analyzed.
This studybegan with the premise thatv-rel has conserved some propertiesofc-rel that areessential for the induction of transformation. We have compared the abilities ofc-rel and v-rel toinduce expression ofthree genesthat are likely to be regulated byc-rel in vivo, specifically, MHCclassI,MHC class II, and the IL-2R.The resultsindicate that all three proteins areinduced during an acute immune response aswell as on chicken splenic cells infected with retroviruses that express v-rel orc-rel. Furthermore, a detailed quantitative analysis of the expression of these proteins in several types of cells revealed that v-rel induced their transcription more rapidly than exogenous c-rel does and with significantly greater effi-ciency.
Plasmids. All recombinant DNA techniques were per-formed by using conventional manipulations(65).pREV-0 isa REV-T-based vector designed for expression of exogenous genesinavian cells. Detailed description ofthe REV-0-based vector system will be presented elsewhere (61a). Briefly, pREV-T3 (24), a clone of REV-T derived from a circular DNA intermediate containing a single long terminal repeat and cloned as aSalI-permuted linear fragment intopBR322, wasmodifiedby(i)transfer of theSalI-linearizedviralgenome into pTZ-18R (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif.), (ii) completion of the provirus structure by the addition of a 5' long terminalrepeatand leader sequences (obtained from the 3' end of the REV-T3 clone) to the SalI-linearized viral genome,(iii) oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesisofv-rel flanking sequencestocreateXhoI andBssHII sites in noncod-ing regions, and (iv) replacement of v-relby a short synthetic XhoI-BssHII fragment. pREV-TW was constructed by inser-tionofanXbaI-NruI fragment containingtheentirev-relgene (24) into the XhoI-BssHIIsiteof pREV-0by using anadaptor plasmid. pREV-C was created by insertion of the HpaII fragment of chicken c-rel (18) into REV-0 by using the same strategy.
pCSV11S3isaninfectious genomicclone of chicken
syncy-tialvirus (CSV) and was isolated in this laboratory from the 11S3 cell line (11) transformed by REV-T with CSV as a helper virus. pSW253 containsan infectiousgenomic clone of REV-A in pBR322 (23). pREVA6 is the REV-A genomic clone from pSW253 recloned as an EcoRI fragment into pUC19.
Chickens, cell lines, and tissue culture. Embryonated SC eggs were purchased from Hyline International Hatcheries (Dallas Center, Iowa). DT40is aB-cell line established from an avian leukosis virus (ALV)-infected chicken bearing a bursa-derived lymphoid tumor. Both the primary tumor and DT40 contain an integrated ALV provirus within the c-myc locus(2). DT95, another B-cell line expressing elevatedlevels
of myc protein, is also derived from a chicken with
ALV-induced lymphoid leukosis and is similar to DT40 except that it exhibits a more mature phenotype (2). MSB-1 is a chicken T-cell line derived from a Marek's disease virus-induced lymphoma (1). CSV infection of S2A3, a REV-T nonproducer cell line, was used to rescue REV-T(CSV) (10). Chicken
embryonic fibroblasts (CEF) were prepared from 10-day-old
All in vitro cell cultures used Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 5% bovine calf serum (HyClone Laboratories, Inc., Logan, Utah), 5% chicken serum (GIBCOBiologicals, Grand Island, N.Y.), and antibiotics (100 U ofpenicillin per ml and 50
of streptomycin per ml).Transfection, viruses, and viral assays. Secondary cultures of CEFwere plated at 5 x 105 cells per 90-mm culture dish and cotransfected by a modified calcium phosphate method as described elsewhere (21). CEF were cotransfected with 30
of a plasmid, pREV-C or pREV-TW, containing the replica-tion-defective viruses REV-C or REV-TW, respectively, and 1 jig of a plasmid containing a genomic clone of a replication-competent helper virus, pCSV11S3 or pREVA6, or with 1 ,ug
ofpCSV1lS3 alone. Viruses were harvested after 6 days of
The infectious titers for CSV helper virus and for the replication-defective virus, REV-C or REV-TW, were deter-mined by a modified quantitative immunocytochemical assay (74). Two-week-old CEF were plated at 7 x 105 cells per 60-mm culture dish. Twenty-four hours later, they were in-fected with 0.4 ml of virus diluted in DMEM containing 2% bovine calf serum and incubated at37°C for 1 h. For assays of CSV,infected cells were overlaid with DMEM containing 10% tryptose phosphate broth, 4.5% calf serum, 0.5% chicken serum, and 0.7% agar. For assays of REV-C or REV-TW, following the 1-h infection at37°C, the cells were superinfected for 1 h with 106infectious units of REV-A, and then 4 ml of growthmedium was added to each dish. Six days after infection withCSV, the agar wasremoved from dishes and the cells were washed inphosphate-buffered saline (PBS), fixed for 20 min in 2% paraformaldehyde, and stained for the presence of CSV antigens. Two days after infection with REV-C or REV-TW, monolayers were similarly washed, fixed, and stained for the presence ofv-rel or c-rel protein. After fixation, all plates were washed three times in PBS. Monolayers to be stained for the presence of rel protein were further treated with methanol-acetone (1:1) for 2 min and washed again. All plates were preincubated with PBS-0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) for 30 min and then incubated for 1 h with 1 ml of either monoclonal antibody HY87 (anti-v-rel) or monoclonal anti-body HY83 (anti-CSV). After three washes with PBS, the plates wereincubated for 1 h with biotinylated goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin (Ig) antibody (Southern Biotechnology Asso-ciates, Inc., Birmingham, Ala.) diluted 1:1,000 in PBS-1%
BSA. Afterasecond series of washes in PBS, themonolayers were incubated for 1 h with streptavidin-linked alkaline phos-phatase (Boehringer Mannheim Corp., Indianapolis, Ind.)
diluted1:2,000 in a solutioncontaining PBS-0.1% BSA, 5 mM EDTA, and 0.5% Triton X-100. The plates were washed twice in washing buffer (10 mM KH2PO4 [pH 6.5], 0.5 M NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.5% Triton X-100, 0.1% BSA) for 30mineach and equilibrated with predetection buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl [pH8.8], 100 mM NaCl, 5mM MgCl2) with two2-minwashes. One milliliter of thedetection solution (100 ,ug of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate [BCIP]-1 mg of 4-nitroblue tetra-zolium chloride per 1 ml ofpredetection buffer [Boehringer Mannheim Corp.]) was added, and the stain was allowed to develop for 10 to 20min. Color development was stopped by twowashes in 10 mMTris-HCl (pH 8.0)-20 mM EDTA. Foci VOL.68, 1994
on November 9, 2019 by guest
TABLE 1. Monoclonal antibodies used in thisstudy
Antibody Antigenorspecificity
HY32 Chicken MHC class II IgG2b" 9
Cla-I Chicken MHC class II 1gM 33
F21-2 Chicken MHC classI IgGi1 28,57
B337 ChickenIL-2R IgG2a' 51
INN-CH 16 Chicken IL-2R 1gM 39,67
3C1 Chicken v-rel and c-re! IgG3 43
HY87 Chickenv-re! and c-rel IgGI" This studY"
HY19 Chicken1gM IgGI" 10
TCR-1 Recognizes T-ceilreceptorsin chickens 22, 71
TCR-2 RecognizesT-cell receptorsin chickens IgG1 22, 26
TCR-3 RecognizesT-cell receptorsin chickens IgG1 20
CT-4 Avianhomologof CD4 IgGI 19
CT-8 Avianhomologof CD8 IgGI 19
CMTDI and CMTDII Recognizeactivated chickenmacrophages 1gM 32
CVI-CHNL-68.1 Recognizescells ofmonocyte-macrophage lineagein chickens IgGI1 45
HY83 RecognizesCSV-infected cells IgGlI' Thisstudy"
Subclassisotypedetermined inourlaboratory.
Monoclonal antibodies HY87 and HY83weredevelopedinourlaboratory.
immunoreactive cellswerescoredby
eye, and foci of anti-v-re!antibody
immunoreactive cells werecounted with a
Antibodies.The monoclonal antibodiesused in this
are listed in Table 1. Monoclonalantibody
HY87 wasdeveloped against
abacterial fusionprotein
trpE-v-rel (amino
acid residues 115 to 292 of
(68) by using
cell line and standardprotocols
forhybridoma production (42).
This monoclonal
antibody specifically recognizes
(im-munoblotting) (data
Thefollowing pairs
ofmono-clonal antibodies have been shown to react with the same
antigen by
a combinedimmunoprecipitation
and Westernanalysis:
HY87 and 3C1, HY32 andCIa-1,
and B337 andINN-CH 16
Monoclonal antibodies B337 and INN-CH 16recognize
presentonthe surface of activated avian T
as the chicken IL-2R(39,
In agreementwith others
wewillcall thisantigen
chicken IL-2R.Biotin-or fluorochrome-labeled antibodies used in this
from SouthernBiotechnology
Associates, Inc.,un-less otherwise indicated.
Isotype analysis
of monoclonal anti-bodies was doneby
the SBAClonotyping System
III(Southern Biotechnology Associates).
Indirect immunofluorescence.Indirect immunofluorescence
as follows. Cells were fixed andper-meabilized for 5 min with methanol-acetone
washed twicewithPBS,and incubatedfor 30 min withPBS-0.1%BSA. Cellswerethen incubated for 1 hwithhybridoma
washed with PBS, andincu-bated for 1 h with fluorescein
goat anti-mouse antibodies directedagainst
subclasses. CellswerewashedtwotimeswithPBS,witha final
and mounted with Fluoromount-C(Southern
Biotechnology Associates). Intensity
under a
Flow cytometry analysis.
for flowcytometric analysis
wereprepared by
the organthrough nylon
mesh into DMEMsupplemented
with 1 %chickenserum.Mononuclear white
of thecellsuspension
Industries, Inc., Carle Place,N.Y.)
for 40mmn
at 250C and 400 x g. Afterbeing
washed twice with a 50-mivolume ofPBS, cellswere fixedwithcold 100% methanol for
15 minon ice
Fixed cells werewashed three times withPBS,
with PBS-1% BSA, and then incubatedwith one or more monoclonal antibodies for 30 min on ice. After
washed with PBS-i1% BSA, cells were incubated withamixture of FITC- andtetramethylrhodamine
goat anti-mouseIgGs
of theappropriate
subclasses, each diluted 1:80,washed,and
analyzed by
Data wereanalyzed by using
theLYSIS program
Inductionofcell surface
antigen expression
cell lineswasquantified by staining
of live cells. Cells(106)
werewashed and incubated for 30 min at 40C with a monoclonal
diluted in PBS-1% BSA-2 mMNaN3.
washed,cellswere incubated with
of theappropriate
subclasses for 1 h at 40C,washed, and
analyzed by
immunofluorescence flowcytometry.Deadcellswere eliminated
Western analysis. Cells
were collected, washed withPBS,
in 25p.1
[pH 7.5],
1 mM EDTA, 100 mM NaCI-Ip.g
per ml and 100p.g
fluoride per ml, and then 25 p.1 of 2x sodiumdodecyl
mM Tris-HCI[pH 6.8],
4% SDS, 0.2%bromophenol
blue, 20%glycerol,
200 mMdithiothreitol)
wasadded, boiled for 10 min, and
for 10 min, afterwhich the supernatant was removed and stored at -20'C.
wereanalyzed by
the Laemmli discontinuous system.Tenmicroliters of
in 10%polyac-rylamide
with a 5%polyacrylamide stacking gel
Molecular massmarker
proteins ranging
from 14 to 97 kDa were loaded oneach
(Bio-Rad Laboratories). Following electrophoresis,
were electroblotted
andSchuell, Keene,N.H.)
for 3 hat40C and 1.2 A in transfer buffer(50
mM Tris, 380 mMglycine,
0.1% SDS, 20%
Membranes were stained withPonceau 5
3% trichloroacetic acid, 3%sulfosalicylic acid),
cut, destained with water, and dried. Forcomparison
ofprotein loading,
with aparallel
set ofsamples
was stained with Coomassie blue, destained, anddried. For
membranes were wet withTBST J. VIROL.on November 9, 2019 by guest
(10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8.0], 150 mM NaCl, 0.05% Tween 20) and thensaturated in blocking solution (TBST-1% BSA) for 1
h. Membranes were incubated with monoclonal antibody
di-luted in blocking solution for 1 h. Membranes were washed
three times with TBST and incubated with goat anti-mouse IgGbiotinylated antibody diluted 1:1,000 in blocking solution for 1 h. After three washes, membranes were incubated with
streptavidin-linked alkaline phosphataseat1:2,000for1 h. The
membraneswere thoroughly washed, and staining was
devel-oped in detection buffer (100 ,ug of BCIP, 1 mgof 4-nitroblue
tetrazolium chloridepermlof 100 mM Tris-HCl [pH8.8], 100
mMNaCl, 5 mM MgCl2). Development wasstopped with 10
mMTris-HCl (pH8.0)-20 mM EDTA. The relativeamountof proteinwasdetermined by densitometric analysis with a
Bio-scan Optimas Imaging System (Bioscan, Edmonds, Wash.).
Northern analysis and probes. Total RNAwas isolated by
acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction (25). For Northern (RNA) analysis, 5 to 15 ,ug of RNAwas
heated in 15 ,ul of denaturation buffer{1.5 Mdeionized glyoxal
[pH 5.0], 66% dimethyl sulfoxide, 20 mM MOPS [3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid] buffer [pH 7.0]} for 1 h at
55°C. Sampleswerecooled andkept oniceuntil loading. Five microliters of loading buffer (50% glycerol, 0.25% bromophe-nol blue)wasadded. RNAwasseparated byelectrophoresisin
a1%agarosegel with circulating,cooled 20 mM MOPS buffer.
RNAwas transferred to Immobilon N membrane (Millipore Corporation, Bedford, Mass.) in 1Ox SSC (1x SSC is 15 mM sodium citrate plus 150 mM NaCl [pH 7.2]) and fixed by air drying. Samples were electrophoresed with 1 ,ug ofethidium bromideperlane, after which the gelwastransferred, and the
membrane was photographed after blotting. Recombinant plasmidsorDNA fragmentswerelabeled with[tx-32P]dCTP by
nick translation (Bethesda Research Laboratories, Gaithers-burg, Md.).Hybridization wasin 0.5 MNa2HPO4-NaH2PO4
(pH 7.2)-5 mM EDTA-0.1% BSA-0.1% Ficoll (molecular weight, 400,000)-tRNA (0.1 mg/ml) at 68°C. Filters were
washed twice briefly in 2x SSC-0.5% SDSat20°C,oncefor 30
minat68°C, and briefly in 0.1x SSCat20°C. RNAsamples for slot blotanalysisweredenaturatedasdescribed above, serially diluted in denaturation buffer at 4°C, and transferred to
Immobilon N membranes with a Hybri-slot manifold
(Be-thesda ResearchLaboratories). After being dried, membranes
were hybridized asdescribed above.
ThepCCII-4-132 probe isasubclone ofachicken MHCclass II -chaingene (80). pCCII-4-132 contains almost the whole 12
exon of the chicken MHC class II chain gene as a 260-bp
PstI-HaeIII fragment. pc-rel2 contains the HpaII fragment of thechicken c-relgene (18) in amodified phagemid pTZ-18R (Bio-Rad Laboratories).
Acomparative analysis of MHC classI,MHC classII,and
IL-2R proteins expressed on rel-transformed cells and on
GVHDsplenocytes. Changesintheexpression of MHCclassI,
MHC class II, and IL-2R proteins on splenocytes during
v-rel-induced tumor development were examined and
com-pared with changes in thesame proteins during an immuno-logical reaction. One-day-old chickens were (i) infected with
REV-TW(CSV), a retrovirus that expresses v-rel and that
replicates with the helpervirusCSV,orwithCSV aloneor(ii)
injected withasplenicallograftinordertoinduce graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The autopsy data from animals sacri-ficed7days afterinfection are presentedinTable 2. All birds
infectedby REV-TW(CSV) exhibited macroscopically
[image:4.612.318.559.103.184.2]recog-nizable tumor lesions in the spleen and liver. Groups of
TABLE 2. Autopsy data from animals infected with
REV-TW(CSV)orCSVorinjected withanallograft
Body wt (g) Spleen wt (mg) (mean ±SD) (mean ± SD)Uninfected - 81.7± 8.0 71.0 ± 14.4
CSV infected - 75.3 ± 4.0 131.0 ± 17.4
REV-TW(CSV) + 66.0 ± 5.7 508.3 ±325.8'
GVHD induced - 77.0 ± 5.0 120.6 ±3.2
Each group contained three birds.
,no tumor present; +, tumorpresent.
The actual spleen weights were 215, 451, and 859 mg. The large variation is aresult of therapidandexponential growth of tumorous spleens relative to the time ofsacrifice.
CSV-infected or REV-TW(CSV)-infected birds, as well as birds with GVHD,exhibitedadecrease inbodyweight but an increase inspleen weight. It was notable that average splenic weights in the CSV-infected and GVHDbirds were 185 and
170% that of control birds, respectively, while the REV-TW(CSV)-infected spleen was, on average, seven times larger than thatoftheuninfectedbird and four times larger thanthat of the CSV-infected bird.
The expression of surface antigensand relproteins (exoge-nous v-rel and/or endogenous c-rel) was examined by flow
cytometric analysis of mononuclear white splenocytes (Fig. 1).
Compared with uninfected cells, all REV-TW(CSV)-infected,
CSV-infected, and GVHD birds had increased numbers of splenocytesexpressing MHC class I, MHC class II, andIL-2R proteins. These data indicate that therewas anincrease in the number of cells expressing these proteins as well as in the steady-state levelsexpressed in these cells.Inall fourgroupsof birds, there was a positive correlation between rel protein expression and the amount of each of the three antigens examined. Thequadrantanalysis reveals that,whencompared with CSV-infected cells, the percentage of REV-TW(CSV)-infected cellspositive for MHCclass Iand relincreased by5%, the percentagepositive for MHC class II and rel increased by 29%, and thepercentage positive forIL-2Randrelincreased by 49%. Similar results were obtained from the analysis of GVHD birds. Compared with those from uninfected birds, splenocytes from GVHD birds possessedanincreased percent-ageofdouble-positive cells for each of the immunoregulatory proteins analyzed: 21% for MHCclass Iandrel,16% for MHC class II and rel, and3% forIL-2Randrel.Increasedexpression
ofrelprotein inthese cells representsendogenous expression
ofc-relassociated with the GVHD immuneresponse. These data indicate that v-rel-transformed cell lines that emerge from REV-TW-infected birds could expressall three of these immunoregulatory surface molecules. In order to determine whether expression of these proteins persists with propagation andcontinued selection of the cells,over50 lines representing three different phenotypes were analyzed for
expression of these surface markers. The lines analyzed also
included several developed from chickens infected with REV-C (a retrovirus that expresses c-rel) and that contained deleted forms of c-rel.Theanalysisofninerepresentativelines (Table 3) revealedthatallthreephenotypes, representedas(i)
IgMpositive,(ii) TCR-2positive,or(iii) IgM,TCR-1,TCR-2,
and TCR-3 negative, expressed high levels of MHC class I,
MHC classII,and IL-2R. TheexpressionofMHCclassIIwas
further confirmedbythe Northern analysisof these cell lines
(Fig.2). Some differences between the ratio of MHC class II
surface protein tomRNAcan be detected among the clones. VOL.68, 1994
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MHCclass 11
MHC cbs
MHC d 11
MHC dm MHC cdss
IL-2R L-2R
Coetral I
L-2R L-2R
FIG. 1. Expression of MHC classI,MHC classII,andIL-2Rproteinsonthe surface ofspleencells from REV-TW(CSV)-infectedchickens and chickens with GVHD.(A) One-day-old chicks were infected intravenously with 0.3 ml ofREV-TW(CSV) containing105infectious units(IU) of REV-TW and 106IU of CSV per ml orwith 0.3 ml of CSV(106 IU/ml). (B) Inparallel,a second group of1-day-old chickswas injected intravenously with 0.3 ml of mononuclear white splenocytes(3 x 108cells perml) isolated byIsolymphcentrifugationfrom thespleenofanadult allogeneic chicken. Chickens from both groups, withcontrols,were killed 7daysafterinjection. The autopsydata aresummarized inTable 2. Mononuclear white splenocytes were analyzed byflow cytometry. Each sample was double-stained with3C1 (anti-rel) antibodyandamonoclonal antibody against the surface antigen indicated. Dot plots present relative immunofluorescenceintensityon twologaxes.Experimental samplesare
compared withnegative controls stained only withamixture of theappropriatesecondantibodies. Numbers in the upperrightcornersrepresent the percentage ofdouble-positivecells. Immunofluorescenceintensitydata from thetwopopulationsarealsopresented ashistogramsshowing relative immunofluorescence intensity (log scale) versus cell number (linearscale). The scales are the same for all histograms. Dashed lines represent cellsfrom CSV-infected (A) and uninfected(B)chickens.Solid lines represent splenocytes fromREV-TW(CSV)-infectedchickens(A) and from chickens with GVHD (B).
This variation ismostlikely relatedtodifferencesinthetypeof the targetcell transformedbyrel, differences in regulation of theamountofmRNAtranscribedpercell and in theefficiency of its translation, and differences in the amount of protein correctly modified for presentation on the cell surface. The data presented in Fig. 2, therefore, are consistent with those presented in Fig. 1 and suggest that rel-induced expression persists on tumor-derived cell lines. The extent to which any antigen is induced by different rel proteins, however, is most likely clone specific. The inabilitytoexamine theoriginaltarget cell, as well as to culture CSV-infected cells for extended periods of time, makes it impossible to quantify this induc-tion.
Induction of MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R expressionon DT95 andMSB-1 lymphoidcell linesfollowing infection with REV-C(CSV) or REV-TW(CSV). The in vivo studies indicatethat infection with aretrovirus that expresses v-rel is associated with inductionof MHC classI, MHC classII, and IL-2Rproteins. The analysis indicates that expression of endogenous c-rel also induces expression of these proteins in splenic cells. As presented above, however, heterogeneity of thetargetcellpopulation inthe spleen,aswellasvariation in selective pressures that influence cell line evolution, compli-cates aquantitative analysis of induction.Inordertocontinue thisanalysis, therefore,aninvitrosystemsuitedtothispurpose was established. Two different chicken lymphoid cell lines,
DT95 andMSB-1,wereinfected with REV-TW(CSV) (v-rel),
REV-C(CSV) (c-rel), or CSV (Fig. 3). DT95 has the pheno-type of a mature B-cell line expressing surface IgM that is secreted into the culture medium (2). The level ofexpression
of MHC classI, MHC class II, andIL-2Rantigensonthis cell line is at the threshold of detection for immunofluorescence procedures. The MSB-1 celllinepossessesthephenotype ofa mature Tcell, expressing both T-cellreceptor2 (TCR-2) and CT-4, low levels of MHC class II, andhighlevelsof both MHC class IandIL-2R antigens. Infection of DT95orMSB-1 with eitherREV-TW(CSV)orREV-C(CSV)inducedexpression of allthreeimmunoregulatory surfaceproteins (Fig.3A). Expres-sion of the proteins was dependent upon the synthesis ofan exogenousrelprotein. Fivedays afterinfection,bothcell lines expressed elevated amounts of either
orp59vreI (Fig. 3B).Inall cases,inductionfollowingREV-TW(CSV)infection was higher than with REV-C(CSV). The largest difference observed wasfor the inductionofMHCclass IIprotein(Tables4 and5).
Kineticanalysisof MHC class II induction following infec-tion ofDT40 and DT95 withREV-C(CSV) orREV-TW(CSV).
REV-C(CSV) and REV-TW(CSV) infection of DT95 and
MSB-1suggested differences in theefficiency with which c-rel and v-rel induced MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R proteins. In order tobettercharacterize these differences,the appearance of MHC class II was examined as a function of
';:s I
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:5.612.100.514.79.334.2]c-rel AND v-rel INDUCE IMMUNOREGULATORY RECEPTORS 313
TABLE 3. Expression of MHC classI,MHC class II,and IL-2R antigens onREV-T(CSV)-, REV-TW(CSV)-, and REV-C(CSV)-derived cell lines
Staining intensity with monoclonal antibody against designatedantigen":
Cell VrsTR1ci
linell"Vir IgM and TCR-2 CT-4 CT-8 CHNL- C CMTD class class IL-2R
TCR-3 68.1'" I II casI cas1
SS.1 REV-T(CSV)' ++ NT - NT NT +++ - - ++++ +++ ++
123/12 REV-TW(REV-A) + + NT - NT NT + + - - +++ + + + +
160/2 REV-TW(CSV) - NT + + + ++ - - +++ +++ +++
160/8 REV-TW(CSV) - NT + - + ++ ++ - ++++ ++ ++
189/5C REV-C(CSV) - NT + ++++ - ++ + - ++++ ++++ ++++
189/1 REV-C(CSV) - NT + + - + - - ++++ + + +
123/6 REV-TW(CSV) - - - ++ - - ++++ +++ +++
123/6T REV-TW(REV-A) - - - + + + + + +++ +++ + +
123/8T REV-TW(REV-A) - - - ++ ++ + +++ +++ ++
" Eight cell lines were derived from splenic tumors isolated from chickens infected 1 day after hatching by REV-TW(CSV) or REV-C(CSV). Cell lineSS.1 was isolated from an in vitro transformation assay in which splenic cells were infected with REV-T(CSV).
"Cell lineswereanalyzed by indirectimmunofluorescencestaining with the indicated antibodies. Cells were classified visually into five groups by staining intensity asfollows:+ + ++, veryhigh; +++,high;++, medium; +,low; - negative. NT indicates not tested. Celllines stained homogenously(90 to1t)t)%of thepopulation) foreach antigen tested. About1(3cells were analyzed for reactivity with a specific monoclonal antibody.
' The induction of a monocyte-macrophage lineage-specific antigen, CVI-CHNL-68.1. was detected on DT95 following infection with REV-TW(CSV) or REV-C(CSV)(data notshown).
"REV-T(CSV)wasrescued from a nonproducer cellline, S2A3, by infection with CSV and differs from REV-TW(CSV) (64a).
'Thesecelllines contained alteredproviral structures that express c-rel with C-terminal deletions in addition to the original REV-C provirus.
exogenous rel expression in the DT40 and DT95 cell lines. These chicken B-cell lines expressed viral rel proteins for several monthsafterinfection(datanotshown).This observa-tion indicates that the cells received an in vitro proliferative advantage from the expression of p59v-`eI and p68ere. Flow
T nonB/nonT- -
X v} - v 'ot oeq \0'° f
rj,-- - -
- V-V-__NI&
FIG. 2. Northern analysis ofMHC class II andrel expression in
rel-transformed cell lines of three different phenotypes. The
rel-transformed celllinesexpressed IgM (B)orTCR-2 (T),ortheywere
negative for IgM and TCR-1, TCR-2, and TCR-3 (nonB/nonT). (Detailed immunofluorescence analysis of the same cell lines is
presentedinTable3).Each lanecontains 10 pLgof totalcellular RNA. Theupperfilter(M)washybridizedwithapCCII-4-32 probe,and the middle filter(G, C, S)washybridizedwith apc-rel2 probe.The viral
genomic (G)andspliced (S) RNAs,theendogenous c-rel(C) mRNA,
and MHC class IImRNA(M) are indicated. Ethidiumbromide (E) stainingof RNA inaparallel gelis alsoshown.
cytometric analysisdemonstrated that MHCclassIIexpression gradually increasedover a period ofonemonth (Fig. 4).The increase in MHCclass II protein wasmore rapid after infec-tion with REV-TW(CSV) than after infection with REV-C(CSV), and the differenceininducedexpressionwasevident in both B-celllines.Infectionof DT40 and DT95withCSV did not significantly alter expression of MHC class II (data not shown).
Northern analysis revealed that the relative expression of v-reland c-relRNAalso changedwith time (Fig.5A). Six days afterinfection, bothrel RNAs wereequally abundantinDT95, reflecting the fact that comparableamountsof viruswereused to establishthe infection. Two weekslater, however,both cell lines expressedsignificantly more c-relthanv-relRNA. MHC class II mRNA was moreabundantin cell linesexpressingv-rel. Measurementofthe amountofreland MHCclass II RNAby dilutionanalysis(Fig.5B) indicatedthat v-rel was50-foldmore efficientthanc-relatinducingthe expression of MHC class II in DT40 several weeks after infection. Similar results were obtained from an analysis of rel-induced expression of MHC class II in DT95. Additional experiments demonstrated that the ratios of c-rel/v-rel protein and c-rel/v-rel RNA differ by less than twofold in these cell lines (data not shown). It is possible to conclude, therefore, that
is significantlymoreefficient thanp68`r( atinducingtheexpressionofMHC class II.
Expression of MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R proteinonthespleniccellsinfectedbyretroviruses expressing c-rel and v-rel. In ordertoconfirm this conclusion and extend it to the process of v-rel-mediated transformation, splenic
mononuclear cells were infected in vitro with CSV, REV-C(CSV), orREV-TW(CSV). The infected cellswere analyzed
for relproteinexpression, cellularproliferation,andinduction of MHCclassI, MHCclassII,and IL-2Rproteins (Fig.
As describedabove,withinafewdays of infectiontherewasmorep68c-reI
(Fig. 6A). Immunofluorescenceanalysis
demonstrated thatnearly 100% ofthe cells
c-relorv-reland that thelevelofexpression increased with time (data
VOL.68, 1994
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[image:6.612.89.271.416.623.2]314 HRDLIC-KOVA ET AL.
MHCclass 11
relative fluorescenceintensitv
Cs LCsV'''
MHC class11
MHC class
csv % CSV REV-TW
DT 95
not shown). Two days after infection, splenocyte cultures infected with eitherREV-CorREV-TW containedmorecells
than splenic cultures infected with only helper virus (CSV). Four days later, cultures infected with REV-C or REV-TW
contained 5-foldand 18-foldmorecells, respectively. Ten days
after infection, cells expressing v-relwere 10-foldmore abun-dant than cells expressing c-rel (Fig. 6B). These data demon-strated that bothc-rel and v-rel expression induce a
prolifera-tive response by splenic cells but that v-rel was significantly
more potent inthis regard. Measurement of the three immu-noregulatory receptors was normalized to the levels of
ex-pressed rel protein. Six days after infection, p59v-eI proteinwas
8-fold more efficient in inducing MHC class I, 10-fold more
efficient atinducing MHC classII,and 2-foldmoreefficientat
inducing IL-2R (Fig. 6C). This inductionpatternisverysimilar
tothatobserved inourstudiesonDT95 and MSB-1 (Tables 4
and5). Taken together, these data indicate that analysis of rel protein induction oftargetgeneexpression in DT95 and DT40
representsaviable modelsystemin whichtoexamine aberrant
[image:7.612.72.509.75.489.2]geneexpression induced duringtransformation of avian hema-topoietic cells.
FIG. 3. Expression of MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R
proteins on the surface of REV-C(CSV)- and
REV-TW(CSV)-in-fected chickenlymphoidcell lines.(A)DT95 and MSB-1wereinfected
bythe indicated virusatamultiplicityof infection of >3. Cells(5 x
105)were incubated with 10 ml of virus stock for 1 h at37C. After
centrifugation, the cells were resuspended in 5 ml of fresh growth
medium. The infectious titer of both REV-TW and REV-Cwas4 x
105 infectious units(IU)/ml. The titersof thehelperviruses in these stocks and that of CSV alonewere 3 x 106 IU/ml.After 5 daysof
cultivation,live cellswerestained and 104cellswereanalyzed byflow cytometry. The scale is the same for all histograms. Dashed lines represent immunofluorescence intensity ofa cell line infected only
with CSV,andsolid lines show immunofluorescence of cells infected
byeither REV-C(CSV) orREV-TW(CSV). (B) Western analysisof
104 cells from the experiment presented in panel A is shown. T
designates cells infected with REV-TW(CSV), C designates cells infected withREV-C(CSV),Hdesignatescells infected withCSV,and U designatesuninfected cells. relproteins werevisualized by
mono-clonal antibody HY87. The relative migration of molecular mass
markerproteins (in kilodaltons)isindicatedonthe left. It islikelythat the smallerproteinsdetected below theoverexpressedrelproteinsare
specific degradation productsof the major protein,since the protein speciesobservedfollowinginfection of several cell lines with thesame
rel virusconstructwere the same,while they differed when the cells
wereinfectedbydifferent rel virusconstructs(datanotshown).
Induction of MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R on
splenictumorcells andsplenocytes from animals with GVHD. Mussman and Twiehaus noticed astriking similarity between
the pathogenesis of REV-T(REV-A) infection and GVHD (60), and they initially proposed calling REV-T-induced
dis-easeGVH-like oracuterunting syndrome. Wehaveobserved that chickens infected by REV-TW(CSV) and chickens in-jected with an allogeneic graft were similar not only his-topathologically but also in their rel-associated elevated
ex-pressionofthree immunoregulatory molecules, MHC class I,
on November 9, 2019 by guest
c-rel AND v-rel INDUCE IMMUNOREGULATORY RECEPTORS 315 TABLE 4. Expression of MHC classI, MHC class II, and IL-2R
proteins on the surface of DT95 after infection by REV-C(CSV), REV-TW(CSV), or CSV
SFI (relative units) of:
Virus MHC class I MHC classII IL-2R
(+) (- (+) (-) (+) (-)
None 621 15 459
CSV 666 0 205 0 667 0
REV-C(CSV) 29,400 28,800 10,300 10,100 12,700 12,000
REV-TW(CSV) 31,300 30,600 29,400 29,200 21,800 21,200 " Summary fluorescence intensity (SFI) was calculated byintegration of the immunofluorescence intensity of 1() cells and correctionbysubtraction of the immunofluorescence intensity of104cells stained only with second antibody. The analysis was performed on cells harvested 5 days after infection (Fig. 3). The values were rounded off to 3 significant numbers. This experiment has been repeated five times with similar results. Data from one typical experiment are presented.
bCSV (+) represents the summary fluorescenceintensity (SFI) value for cells infected with REV-TW(CSV),REV-C(CSV). orCSV or for uninfected cells. CSV (-) is thesameSFI value correctedbysubtraction of the SFI valuefor cells infected with CSV alone.
MHC class II, and IL-2R. While there is now no doubt regarding the neoplastic nature of the principal pathogenic response to REV-T infection, our results indicate that there remains a basis for describing the tumorous spleen and one that is undergoing GVHD as similar. Immune cells in an allograft are stimulated by histocompatibility antigens ex-pressedoncells of therecipienthost. Thisstimulationisacute andcontinuous and resultsinimmunereactionsthat are severe and includeproliferation of blasting lymphocytes, enlargement of the spleenandlymph nodes,weight reduction, andpossibly death (49). It hasbeenproposed that members of the NF-KB/ rel family play an important role in the regulation of gene expression that accompanies activation of various immune reactions (3). Our data demonstrate that the expression of three proteins is modulated in a similar fashion during both v-rel-mediated tumorigenesis and an acute immune response. These data indicate that v-rel might act as a polyclonal, constitutive activator ofimmune response reactions invivo.
Our analysis of cell surface markers expressed on
v-rel-transformed cell lines demonstrates thepresenceof MHC class I, MHC class 11, and IL-2R proteins on three phenotypic groups ofv-rel-transformed cell lines: B-celllines, T-cell lines, and lines with neither B- nor T-cell markers. High levels of MHC class II mRNA, particularly on cell lines with T-cell markers, suggest an activated cell (27). Consistent with the
TABLE 5. Expression of MHC classI, MHC classII,and IL-2R proteinsonthe surface of MSB-1 after infectionby REV-C(CSV),
SFI" (relative units)of:
Virus MHC class I MHC classII IL-2R
None 51,100 403 37,900
CSV 42,400 0 343 0 27,000 0
REV-C(CSV) 65,700 23,200 911 568 43,400 16,400 REV-TW(CSV) 83,600 41,200 8,080 7,740 43,900 16,900
"Foranexplanation,seeTable4, footnotea.
hForanexplanation,seeTable4,footnote b.
FIG. 4. Kinetic analysis of MHC class II antigen expression on
DT40 and DT95 infected with REV-C(CSV) or REV-TW(CSV).
DT40andDT95cell lineswere infected with REV-C(CSV) (DT40 C and DT95C),withREV-TW(CSV) (DT40TWand DT95 TW), or
with CSV (not shown). The infectious titer of both REV-C and REV-TWwas6 x 104infectious units(IU)/ml.Titers of CSV in these stockswere6 x 104and5 x 1('IU/ml, respectively, and the titerof CSV alonewas3 x 105IU/ml.Cells(5 x 105)werecultivated with10
ml of virusstock and harvestedontheindicateddaysafter infection for
analysis byflow cytometry. Immunofluorescence datawere collected
from 104cells in eachsample. Thexaxis representsrelative
fluores-cenceintensityof MHC classII protein (MHCcl. II) (log scale),and
theyaxis representscell number. rel overexpression was verifiedby
stainingwithmonoclonalantibodyHY87ateach timepoint. Analysis by immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that greater than 90% of thecellsexpressedrelproteinsatall times after infection.
resultsreportedinthisstudy, several previous studies reported the presence of MHC class I and class II antigens on the surface of cell lines transformedby v-rel (9, 11, 81). Our data suggest,for the firsttime, thatv-rel-inducedexpression of these
genescontributes tothe phenotype of the tumorcell. Inductionof MHC classI,MHC classII,and IL-2R in avian
lymphoid cell lines. By infecting avian lymphoid cell lines with retroviruses encoding v-rel or c-rel, we have been able to
demonstrate induction of MHC class I, MHC class II, and
IL-2R proteins on the B-cell line DT95 and the T-cell line MSB-1. The expression of all three proteins inducedby v-rel
was consistently higher than that induced by c-rel. A kinetic
analysis of MHC classIIexpression intwoB-cell lines revealed
that on the basis of RNA levels, v-relinduced MHC class II
expression more efficiently than c-rel and that this difference
increasedwith time. We have examinedanumber ofadditional
experimental models. While the difference inefficiency varied with differentprotocols,
wasconsistentlymoreefficientthan p68c-re (Fig. 6 and data not shown). For example, v-rel induced MHC class II expression 50-fold more efficiently 45
days after REV-TW infection of DT40 (Fig. 5), while it induced IL-2R expression 4-fold more efficiently5 days after infection of DT95 (data notshown).
Ourmajor conclusion isin apparentcontradiction to recent
data thatsupportamodelproposingthat transformation isthe
result of v-rel acting as a dominant negative repressor of transcriptional regulation byNF-KB/rel proteins (7, 8, 44, 55,
8 DT 95 C
VOL.68, 1994
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[image:8.612.59.299.613.706.2]316 HRDLICKOVA ET AL.
6 21 45
f f l
DT 95
21 45
C .-01 -It""'
21 38 21 45
T** T * *0*
^:. R R
I§I lW'FIG. 5. Kinetic analysis of MHC class II andrelRNA expression
after infection of DT95 and DT40 with REV-C(CSV) or REV-TW(CSV). RNAwasisolatedon the indicateddays (numbers above panels) after infection from the cells analyzed in the experiment described in Fig. 4. (A) Total RNA from cells infected with CSV helper virus (H), REV-C(CSV) (C), or REV-TW(CSV) (T) was
subjectedtoNorthern analysis withapCCII-4-32 probe (upper panels;
15 pg of RNA) anda pc-rel2 probe(middle panels; 5 ,g of RNA). Expression of MHC classII mRNA(M), the viral genomic (G) and
spliced(S)RNAs, and the endogenousc-rel(C) mRNA is indicated. Ethidium bromide (E)-stained RNA is shown in the lower panels. (B) Total cellular RNA from the experiment described in panel Awas analyzed by slot blot hybridization of 10 ,ug of RNA prepared by fivefold serial dilution. Samples were transferred as described in Materials and Methods, and the membranes hybridized with specific fragments from pCC-II-4-f32 (M) or pc-rel2 (R). C and T indicate infectionbyREV-C(CSV) and REV-TW(CSV), respectively.
63). Several experimental differences suggestabasisfor these discrepancies. The most important consideration is that our
analysismeasuredexpression fromanendogenouspromoterin
an avian lymphoid cell expressing avian rel proteins. Since truncation of v-rel substantially damaged its transactivation domain (63), p59v-re mayrequireadequatelevels ofNF-KB/rel proteins with which it can cooperate to induce transcription. These proteins are most abundant in lymphoid cells (15, 58) where theymayfacilitatev-rel-mediated transcription, making
thempreferredtargetsfortransformation. Sucharelationship
issuggested by the synergistic effect produced in Jurkat cells by
afull-length humanc-relprotein andatruncatedformlacking
thetransactivation domain (75). Another factorthatneeds to
be considered is the duration ofv-rel expression priorto the
measurement of induction. In transient transfection assays,
expression ismostcommonly measured 48 h after transfection. Inour assays, only low levels ofthe three proteinsexamined wereinduced atthat time.
Kinetic analysis prompted a second observation. The amounts of v-rel and c-rel expressed shortly after in vitro infection ofDT40, DT95, and splenic cultureswere
1 3 6
1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 6
- i
* 4p59Yd
De W m x
L.j m x
n 0
0 5 10
MHC class MHC class11 IL-2R
4-3l 2.
FIG. 6. Induction of MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R
proteinsonthe surface of avian splenocytes in vitro. The spleen from
a 4-week-old chickenwas passed through nylon mesh, and the cell
suspension wasplaced in culture (2 x 106 cells perml). Fourdays later, the mononuclear whitesplenocyteswereseparated by
centrifu-gation of the cell suspensiononIsolymph. Adherent cells in the tissue
culture flask were discarded. The cells were infected by REV-TW(CSV), REV-C(CSV),orCSVatamultiplicity of infection of 1. The cells were harvested at the indicated days, counted with a
hemocytometer, and analyzed by Western transfer and flowcytometry. (A) Expression ofrelproteinsby Western transferwas analyzedby using monoclonal antibody HY87. Each lane contains the equivalent of 5 x 105cells.Numbers indicate the days after infection when the cellswere analyzed. Arrows indicate the migration ofc-rel andv-rel
proteins. REV-C, REV-C(CSV); REV-TW, REV-TW(CSV). (B)
Growth ofsplenic cells invitro after infection with CSV(0),
REV-C(CSV) (REV-C) (0), or REV-TW(CSV) (REV-TW) (A). (C)
Induction of MHC classI,MHC classII, and IL-2Rproteinsonthe surface ofsplenic cells 6 days after infection withREV-C(CSV) (C)or
REV-TW(CSV) (TW). Six days after infection, 104 splenic cells infected with CSV, REV-C(CSV),orREV-TW(CSV)wereanalyzed forexpression of the indicated proteins by flowcytometry and sum-mary immunofluorescence intensity (SFI) was determined. SFI of CSV-infected cells was subtracted. The corrected valueswere then normalized to the amount ofrelprotein expressed in the sample as
determinedbydensitometryofthe Westernblot.
DT40 21 38 H C T H C T
21 38
4 AL, I -:tW|
c *f
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:9.612.63.301.71.336.2] [image:9.612.318.555.77.489.2]c-relAND v-rel INDUCE IMMUNOREGULATORY RECEPTORS 317 mately equal. Proliferation of the infected cellswasassociated
with a gradual increase in the differencebetween the amount ofv-reland c-relexpression (Fig. 5 and6). Levels ofc-relthat are higher than those ofv-rel are consistent with the observa-tion that v-rel induces expression of c-rel target genes more efficiently than exogenous c-rel. This observation is a general phenomenon that was observed in several different types of infected cultures. This change in rel expression most likely represents a selection for cells that express optimal levels of proteinsthat promoteproliferation.The basis forthis selection isvariabilitywithin the cellpopulation regarding the level ofrel protein expression. Major sources of thisvariabilityare likely
toinclude (i) the stochasticnatureof retroviralintegration, (ii)
transcriptional activationofthelongterminalrepeat promoter by cellular proteins, and (iii) acquisition of additional
Induction, repression, and transformation byrel proteins.
NF-KB/rel regulation of gene expression mediated directly
through KB sites has been demonstrated, but transactivation independent of KB sites and produced via interaction with othertranscription factorsis alsoapossibility(forareview,see reference 53). In the case of the three immunoregulatory
receptorsanalyzed in this study,v-rel- orc-rel-induced expres-sion, direct or indirect, is likely to occur through KB sites. KB siteshavebeen identified withinthe promoterofmouse MHC class II(three different sites) (12, 31,36), human MHCclass I
(5), andhuman IL-2Rcxgenes(6). Similarsitescanbe found in the chicken MHC class II promoter(80)
and in the chicken MHCclass I promoter(50).ThepotentialKBbinding
siteof chicken MHC classI gene promoterreferred to as the class I-responsive element was shifted in an
mobility assay with a v-rel-estrogen receptor fusion
(13). The majority of v-relprotein is localized in the
cytoplas-mic compartment of transformed lines; however,
levels can be detected in the nucleus (29, 59, 78). For these reasons, both direct and indirect mechanisms can effect v-rel-mediated gene expression. v-rel may induce
transcription by
binding to KB sites as a homodimer or a heterodimer with other members of the NF-KB/relfamily, or v-rel may compete
for andbind inhibitory molecules thatwould otherwise
nega-tivelyregulate other DNA-binding
complexes, thereby
induc-ingexpression indirectly. We have not
betweenthese two possibilities,which could occur
The transactivation capability of v-rel indicates that it can inducethe expression of MHC class I, MHC class II, and IL-2R
proteins by direct interaction with DNA KBsites
(34, 40,
66, 77). On the other hand, the presence of a majority of v-rel protein incytoplasmic complexeswithIKBoX,
and c-rel suggests that an indirect mechanism may also
con-tributetothev-rel-mediatedinduction of gene
29,30, 70).
The goal of this study was to address the
between aberrant modulation of
in v-rel-trans-formed cells and thebiological
function of members of theNF-KB/rel family in the target cells for transformation. We
have demonstrated acorrelation between induction of
endog-enousc-relproteinand the
of threeavian immuno-regulatory proteins, MHC class I, MHC class II, and the IL-2R, during an acute immune response, GVHD. We have shown that v-rel, in an analogousfashion,
induces theseproteinson tumorspleniccells.Furthermore,our
revealed that v-rel induces
of these three immuno-regulatory receptorsmoreefficientlythan exogenous c-rel. We propose that the transcription inducedby
v-rel mimics that associated with activation ofendogenous
c-reland other NF-KB/rel members.Therefore,v-relexpression
for host defenseand inwhich c-relplays
role. In sodoing,
v-relwould induce extended cellproliferation
and immortalization. In what may be a relatedobservation,
activation ofNF-KB/rel-regulated
genes in v-reltumor cells resembles the process ofactivation of NF-KB/rel-mediated
transcription during
associated with infectionby
human T-cell leukemiavirus I and
B virus(48, 56).
We thank H. M. Temin forpREV-T3,T. D. Gilmore for chicken c-relcDNA, Y. Xufor
and R.C. Schwartz fortrpE-v-rel.
We thank K.Skj0dt,C.H.Tempelis,D. L.Ewert,K.Hala,H. R.Bose, Jr.,M.D.Cooper,R.R. Dietert,andS. H. M.Jeurissen for kind
ofmonoclonal antibodies and Debbie Piktel for excellent assistance withflowcytometricanalysis.WethankDanFlynnforcritical
of the manuscript.This workwas supported byPublic Health Servicegrant CA41450 from the National Cancer Institute.
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