Activation of
Mouse Lymphocytes by Vesicular Stomatitis
Departmentof Microbiology and Immunology, Albany Medical College of Union University, Albany, NewYork 12208
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a mitogen for mouse spleen cells, and
infectious virusis not required for mitogenesis. At concentrations between 10 and
per culture, VSV stimulated DNA synthesis and blast transformation.Maximal activation by VSV occurred48 hafter culture initiation. Spleen cells
depleted ofT-lymphocytes bytreatmentwith anti-Thy 1.2 and complement and
those obtainedfromcongenitallyathymic BALB/c nu/nu mice were activated by
VSV, suggesting that VSV is a B-cell mitogen. Activation of spleen cells was
independentof the host in which the viruswas grown, since VSV grown in
BHK-21,HKCC,orMDBKcellswasmitogenic. The mitogenesis was specific forVSV,
since MDBKcell-grown WSN influenza viruswas not amitogen in this in vitro
activation system, VSV-specific antibodyprevented VSV mitogenesis, and VSV
was mitogenic for spleen cells from C3H/HeJ mice which were resistant to
mitogenesis by endotoxin.
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) isan
enve-loped RNA virus containingalipoprotein
enve-lope composed of repeating units of a single
internal membrane protein andasingle external
glycoprotein (8, 26, 41). The lipid envelope is
composed ofphospholipid, cholesterol, and
gly-colipids (22,28).Anexternallayerof
proteogly-can is associated with the virion (36). In vivo,
VSV is a potent activator of the immune
re-sponse,stimulatingtheproductionof both
neu-tralizing antibodies and cytotoxic lymphocytes
specificfor the viralglycoprotein (16, 18, 25, 27,
Our interest in the activation of unprimed
lymphocytes by mitogens and the previous
dem-onstration that some viruses such as herpex
simplextypes 1and2(20, 29) and the Singapore
typeofinfluenza virusA(6)aremitogens ledus
to examine themitogenic potential ofVSV,its
isolated antigens, and itsassociated lipids,
gly-colipids, and proteoglycans. VSV is an ideal
modelsystem to studythe mitogenic potential
ofvirions, individual viral proteins, and the other
chemical constituents associated with the virion.
This viruscanbepropagatedinanumber ofcell
culture systems which affect thelipid and
car-bohydratecontentof the virions without
chang-ing the protein composition,allowingthe
mito-genic potential of the lipid and carbohydrate
constituents to be determined in the context of
theviralprotein (27). VSVcanbegrown in the
presence ofnoncytocidal viruses, such as the
paramyxovirus simianvirus 5, which alters the
protein composition of the hybrid viruses by
insertingadditionalglycoproteins into theviral
envelope andremoves allsialic acid from both
hybrids and nonhybrid bullet-shaped virions
without changing other lipid and carbohydrate
constituents (26). These bullet-shaped,
nonhy-brid virusparticleswhich lack sialic acidcanbe
used to study the role of sialic acid in viral
mitogenesis. Purified viral antigenscan be
ob-tained from the virus inlarge enough quantities
forchemical andbiologicalassays(25),allowing
themitogenicpotentialof individualproteinsto
bedetermined.Defectiveinterfering (DI)
parti-cles, suchasDI-011, which have all of the viral
proteins,lipids, andcarbohydratesinthe
appro-priate configurations, butlack all biosynthetic
activities, are available to determine whether
infectious virus isrequired for mitogenicity (23).
Finally, temperature-sensitivemutantswith
de-fects in various structuralproteins, particularly
G and M, are available to test the mitogenic
potential of various functional antigens. Thus
studying the mitogenic potential of virions and
the various chemical constituents of the virus
In this initial report, we demonstrate that
VSV is a murine B-cellmitogenasmeasuredby
DNAsynthesisand blasttransformationin both
normal and B-cell-enriched lymphocyte
popu-lations.Infectious virusisnotrequiredfor
acti-vationof murinespleen cells.
Mice.CBA/J andC3H/HeJfemale micewere ob-tained from Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, Maine) and maintainedinourfacilityonPurinamouse 757
on November 10, 2019 by guest
chowand acidifiedwaterad lib. Female micebetween 8and 12weeks of agewereused for allexperiments. BALB/cnu/+and nu/nu female micewerepurchased fromGIBCO Animal Resources andweremaintained inasterilelaminar-flow hoodonsterilemousechow andwaterad lib. These micewereusedat6 to 7weeks of age.
Lymphocytecultures. Cell suspensionswere pre-pared from spleens which had been aseptically
re-movedandwere minced withforcepsin RPMI 1640
(GIBCO Laboratories); the cells were further dis-persed bygentle pipetting.Largepieceswereremoved bygravitysedimentation for10min, and the cellswere
washed twice in RPMI 1640 medium. The cellswere
counted forviability in ahemacytometer, using the techniqueof eosindyeexclusion(39),andresuspended
at 4x 106cells/mlinfresh RPMI1640medium sup-plemented with 100 U of penicillin and 100 ,ug of streptomycinperml withoutserumsupplementation. Thecellsuspension (0.1 ml/well)wasdispensedinto microtiterplate(FalconMicrotest II withlid),andan
equal volume ofmitogenwasadded(total volume,0.2
ml/well).Cellswerecultured inanatmosphereof 10% CO2inhumidified airat 37°Cfor various periodsof time. Twenty-fourhours before harvesting, 1 ,uCiof [3H]thymidine (42 Ci/mmol; New England Nuclear Corp.) wasaddedto each culture. At the end of the culture period,cellswereharvested onto glassfiber filters,usingaScatronmultiple harvestingapparatus (Flow Laboratories).
Fortubecultures,the cellswereresuspendedto a
concentration of2x106cells/ml,and1mlwasadded
toplastictubes(16 by75mm;Falcon);then0.1mlof mitogenwasadded,and the cellswereincubated and pulsed as described above. The cultures were then harvested by usingamultiple-samplemanifold (Mil-liporeCorp.)ontoglassfiberfilters(Whatman GF/C), andtrichloroaceticacid-insolublematerialwas precip-itated. Ineach case,[3H]thymidine incorporationwas
determined byliquidscintillationcounting.
wasobtained from New EnglandNuclearCorp. and used as previously described (12). All experiments
were done in triplicate and,unless otherwise stated, standard error of the mean was less than 10%. In addition,eachexperimentwasrepeatedaminimum of three times.
Blastogenesis. Cells were cultured in tubes as
described above; however, [3H]thymidine was not
added. Forty-eight hours after culture initiation, the
cellswerecentrifugedontoglass slideswith a cytocen-trifuge, stained with Wright-Giemsa stain,andscored forblastogenesis.
Mitogens. Salmonella typhosalipopolysaccharide endotoxin (LPS) 0901 waspreparedby the
phenol-watermethod ofWestphal etal. (43) and contained less than 1% protein. Concanavalin A (ConA) was
purchasedfromSigmaChemical Co.
Cells.Monolayersof the BHK-21-FlineofSyrian hamster kidney cells and the HKCC cell line were
growninFalconplastic tissue culture flasks (75cm2) or plastic roller bottles (490cm2) in Eagle medium
(GIBCOLaboratories) reinforcedwith109%ocalfserum
(GIBCO)and 10% tryptosephosphatebroth(17).The
MDBK line of bovinekidneycellswasgrowninplastic
flasks or roller bottles in reinforced Eagle medium with 10%fetal bovine serum (9).
Virus. Stocks of the Indiana serotype of VSV were initiated from single plaques in BHK-21-Fcells,grown in stationarycultures of MDBKcells, and assayed on BHK-21-F cell monolayers as described previously (10). TheWSN strain of influenza virus was obtained from L. A.Caliguiri, and stocks were grown in MDBK cells and plaqued on MDCK cells according to pub-lished procedures (7). Additionally, purified DI-Oll wasobtained from R.Lazzarini. DI-Oll is a defective interfering particle which contains RNA in a hairpin configuration and does not induce viral protein or RNAsynthesis (23).
confluent monolayers of BHK-21-F, HKCC, and MDBKcellsinrollerbottles were washed two times withwarm phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and in-oculated withVSVat amultiplicity of infection of 0.05
to 0.1PFU/cell.Aftera1-hadsorption period at 37°C
on aroller apparatus, Eaglemedium reinforced with 1%calf serum(BHK-21-F and HKCC cells) or 1% fetal bovine serum (MDBK cells) was added. Incubation wascontinued for approximately 22 hon the roller apparatusat37°C. The WSN strain of influenza virus waspropagated in MDBK cells under similar condi-tions. In each case, released viruswasharvested and purified byclarificationat1,500 rpmfor10min, cen-trifugedonto a0.5-mi50% (wt/wt)potassium tartrate cushion (Beckman SW27, 23,000 rpm,60min, 4°C), diluted 1:10 with PBS,andisopycnically centrifuged in 15 to35% (wt/wt) potassiumtartrate gradients at 23,000 rpmfor2.5 h inaBeckman SW27 rotor. The virusbandwasharvested anddialyzedagainst PBS at 4°C overnight. Viruses were then concentrated by pelleting, resuspended in a small volume of sterile PBS, andfrozen at -70°Cuntil used. The purity of viruspreparationswasdeterminedbypolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) followed by Coomassie blue staining. Only preparations which showed no
contaminatingproteinswereusedfor mitogenassays. Antiserum. Antiserum topurified VSV was pre-pared in New Zealand white rabbits by immunizing withpurified VSV incomplete Freund adjuvant, with booster injections every 10 days. The rabbits were
bled from theearveinbeforereceiving their booster injection, andserum wasprepared.
Chemical analysis. Protein was determined by themethod of Lowryetal.(24).
PAGE. All virus preparations were examined by PAGE(2).
VSV-induced mitogenicity and
blasto-genesis.Theabilityof VSV to act as amitogen
forculturedmouse cellswasexaminedby both
DNA synthesis,asmeasured by[3H]thymidine
incorporation into insoluble material, andblast
transformation,asmeasuredbydirect counts of
Wright-Giemsa-stainedcells(Table 1).VSV
in-ducedsignificant DNAsynthesis (asmeasured
by astimulation index [SI] of3 or greater) at
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concentrations of 7, 35, and 70 ,Lg/culture.
Higher concentrations of virus (up to 150 ,ug/
culture) caused stimulations that were on the plateau or on the descending portion of the
dose-response curve (see Fig. 1). Thedose-response
curve of VSV-induced stimulation was broad
and wassimilar to those of B-cell mitogens such
asLPS orpurified protein derivative (PPD) of
tuberculin (13, 40) as opposed to the sharp dose-response curve characteristic of ConA, a T-cell
mitogen (42). Inconjunction with the
incorpo-rationof[3H]thymidine into insoluble material,
the actual number of cells undergoing blast
transformationincreasedatall concentrations of
VSV. At 35and 70
23 and26% of thecellswereblasts, and the number of blast cells
was 4.5and 5 timesbackground levels,
respec-TABLE 1. VSV-induced blastogenesisofmouse spleen cellsa
cellsMito- uptake gen
and sa
amt cpm SI" lympho- cells
cecesNone 1,260 2,150 118 2,268 5.2
LPS, 61,939 49.1 1,035 1,257 2,292 54.8 100
7 3,813 3.0 2,006 309 2,315 13.3 35 11,370 9.0 1,823 551 2,374 23.3
70 14,928 11.8 1,708 613 2,321 26.4
werecultured in tubes at a concentration of2 x 106cells/ml for 48 h. For [3H]thymidine uptake, standard error was less than 10%.
bSI = experiment counts per minute divided by
[image:3.510.]control counts perminute.
TABLE 2. Activationofmousesplenocytes by VSVa [3H]thymidineuptake" Amt Microtiter
Mitogen cultre plates Tubes
culture) pae
cpm SI cpm SI
None 1,149 5,065
LPS 10 43,439 37.8 149,847 29.6
50 19,400 16.9 154,285 30.5 100 20,263 17.6 172,945 34.1
BHK-21-F 6 3,124 2.7 7,746 1.5
VSV 12.5 5,997 5.2 8,553 1.7
25 7,939 6.9 12,323 2.4
50 15,535 13.5 17,624 3.5 75 19,729 17.2 22,947 4.5 100 19,866 17.3 27,869 5.5
aForty-eight-hour cultures, standard error equal to
orless than 10%.
bMicrotiterplateshad 0.2mlofmedium and 4 xlOs
cells. Tubes had1mlofmedium and 2 x106cells.
tively.LPS also stimulated bothmitogenesisand
Effectof culture conditionsonactivation
by VSV.To demonstrate that thestimulation
which wasobserved in mouse splenocytes
cul-tured with VSV was not due to the culture
conditions, the ability ofVSV to induce
mito-genesis in cells cultured in tubes or microtiter
wellswasexamined (Table 2). Under both
con-ditions,significant stimulation of the
intoprecipitable materialwasobtained. In the microtiter system, the
op-timal response was obtained at 75 ,tg/culture
and did not increasesignificantly at
100,ug/cul-ture,suggesting that the system was saturated.
In the test tube system, the optimal response
wasobtainedat 100,Lg/tube,thehighest
concen-trationused in thisexperiment.The lower SI for
mitogenesis in tubecultures reflects the higher
background due to an increased number ofcells
in the culture. The tube cultures did not have
anincreased number of counts as compared with
the microtiterwellsbecause thesameamountof
mitogen wasadded to each culture. Since there
were five times as many cells in the tube
cul-tures, there wasonly one-fifthasmuchmitogen
per cell. Thus,the tubecultureswerenot
satu-rated with mitogen as were the microtiter
cul-tures.Indeed,atconcentrations of10,ug/culture,
LPS gavemaximal activation in microtiterwells,
whereas 10 times that, or 100 ug of LPS per
culture, was needed togive asimilar SI in the
tube cultures. AlthoughtheSI valueswerenot
thesameduetodifferences in the ratio of virus
to cells between microtiter and tube
VSVwasmitogenicineachculture system. Since
we were able to saturatethe microtitersystem
withsmallamountsofvirus,all of the
experimentsweredone inmicrotiter
Dose response of VSV-induced
activa-tion. To compare the
of VSVwithothermitogens,orwithitself in different
it isimportant
to be working at theoptimal concentration ofmitogen. Tothis
we studied the effect of
dose.Oneinitialobservation wasthat the
opti-mal concentration varied with each batch of
virus,and could vary from
stim-ulation ofspleencellswasachieved with 25to
of HKCC VSVor 50,ugof BHK-21-F VSVand thendecreasedslowly (Fig. 1).When
com-paredwithConA,which inourhandspeakedat
approximately 0.125 ,ug/culture and then
de-creasedtobackgroundlevelsby0.25 or0.5,tg/
culture,these curvesare very broad.The
dose-response curve for VSV
peaks athigher concentrations than thatfor ConA and
retains its response over a broader range of
35, 1980
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[image:3.510.58.251.483.665.2]760 GOODMAN-SNITKOFF AND McSHARRY
20-2 15-E
i 10 25 50 100 50O
VgVSV Protien per well
FIG. 1. Response ofmouselymphocytesto two dif-ferent VSVpreparations. Mouse lymphocytes were
cultured in microtiterwells ata concentration of4 x 105 cells/wellwith 0.1 mlofvirusatthe concentra-tions indicated. The cultureswereincubated at37°C
and 100%o humidity for 48 h. One microcurie of [3H]thymidinewasadded 24 hbefore harvestingthe cellsforscintillationcounting.
[image:4.510.]IJ Viral Protien per W*ll
FIG. 2. Response ofmouselymphocytestofour dif-ferent viralpreparations. Cellswereculturedas
doses. The dose-responsecurvefor other mito-gens,such as LPS or PPD, peaks at50 or 100
,ug/culture and then remains at high levels of
stimulation over a largerange ofmitogen
con-centrations (34, 40),sometimesnotapproaching
background [3H]thymidine incorporation until
concentrations of500 ug/culture are used (12).
Therefore, sinceVSV preparations stimulate a
mitogenicresponsewhichplateaus, rather than
peaking and returning rapidly to background
levels, the dose-response curves more closely
resemble thoseof LPSorPPD,B-cell mitogens,
than ConA,aT-cell mitogen (42).
Effect of host cell on VSV mitogenicity.
VSVgrown indifferent host cells has different
amounts of sialic acid and lipid (22, 28). For
thesereasons, we examined the ability of VSV
grown indifferent cell types to activatemouse
lymphocytes (Fig. 2). VSV preparations
propa-gated in MDBK, HKCC, or BHK-21-F cells
wereall stimulatory formousespleen cells. All
these virus preparations induced optimal
acti-vation between10and 25 ,ug/culture. The slight
butsignificantdifferences inthestimulation of
lymphocytesbyVSVgrownindifferent celllines
may be due to known differences in the sialic
acid content oftheviruses (27). However,
fur-ther studies will be required to determine
whether these differences are associated with
the observeddifferencesinmitogenicity. In
con-trast, WSN influenza virus grown in MDBK
cells andpurified inanidenticalmanner asVSV
was notstimulatory.Theselatter resultssuggest
that theobserved activation is specific for VSV
and isnotduetocontaminantsfrom the medium
or tocellular contaminants whichmaycopurify
with the virus, since the possibility of
contami-nation is equal for VSV and influenza virus
grownand purified under thesameconditions.
Kinetics of the mitogenic response. The
optimal time of a nonspecific lymphocyte
re-sponse can vary depending upon the mitogen.
Forexample,themaximalstimulation by ConA,
a T-cell mitogen,occursafter3 days of culture
(42), whereasB-cellmitogenssuch as LPS,PPD,
or endotoxin protein stimulate an optimal
re-sponsewithin2days of culture of mitogen
stim-ulation (12, 34, 39,40).To determine thetimeof
optimalresponse,themitogenic activityof VSV
was determined at various times after culture
initiation(Fig. 3).Themaximalresponse toVSV
grown inHKCCorBHK-21-Fcellswasobtained
in 2daysofculture;24hafter culture initiation,
[3H]thymidine uptake in VSV-stimulated
cul-tures wasequalto backgroundlevels (datanot
shown). After5days, stimulationwas nolonger
significant. Thisearlyresponse is typical of
B-cellactivators and suggests that the B-cell is the target ofVSV-directedactivation.
B-cell mitogenicity. To examine the
possi-bility that VSV is a B-cell mitogen, two
ap-proacheswere used. Thefirststudied the
acti-J. VIROL.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:4.510.66.256.361.589.2]ion by VSV oflymphocytes which had been mitogen, ConA,decreased from 5.5 times
back-letedof T-cellsbytreatmentwithanti-Thy ground in the unseparated cells to 0.6 times
and complement. The data (Table 3) show background in theT-cell-depleted cultures, sug-LtVSVactivated both the unseparated spleen gesting that the T-cells were selectively
re-Is and the B-lymphocyte-enriched popula- moved. Furthermore, these data together with
n. Although the actual counts per minute thoseonthe kineticresponseareadditional
ev-relower in theanti-Thy 1.2-treated cells, this idence ofB-cell activationby VSV.
struefor both the control and theexperimen- A secondapproachtosupportthishypothesis cultures. The SI values for VSV and LPS, comparedtheresponseto VSV oflymphocytes B-cell mitogen control, were the same in from congenitally athymic BALB/c nu/nu
ated(8.8 and 10.7) and untreated (7.8 and 9.0) ("nude" orB-cell) mice with that of
phenotypi-tures,whereas the stimulation by theT-cell callynormalBALB/c nu/+mice (Table4). On the basis of eithercountsperminuteorSI, the
--.BH21F-VSV cellsfromnu/nu micewereasresponsive to VSV --HKCC-VSV as those fromnu/+mice. Thelymphocytesfrom
the nu/nu responded to both HKCCVSV and BHK VSV with optimal counts of 16,155 and 12,728,respectively, andtoLPS withanaverage cpmof68,760, butwerenotstimulatedby ConA.
This lack of stimulationby ConA demonstrates the absence of functional T-cells in these
ani-mals. The nu/+ mice responded to both VSV preparations, LPS and ConA. These data with B-cellsare consistent with ourhypothesis that VSV isactingasaB-cellmitogen.
Specificity.ThatVSVand notacontaminant
isthemitogenic moiety issuggested bythe fact
thatthe WSN strain of influenzawasnotactive.
DAYS Further evidence insupportof this conclusionis
JIG. 3. Kineticsofthe response ofmouse spleen shown in Tables 5 and 6.Lymphocyte activation 's to two VSVpreparations. Mouse lymphocytes byVSVwascompletelyinhibitedbyrabbit
anti-*ecultured in microtiterplatesataconcentration VSVantiserum,but notbynormalrabbitserum
!x105cells/well with 0.1ml of10pgof BHK-21-F (Table 5). These sera did not significantly
en-V or 25 pg ofHKCC VSV. The cultures were hancebackgroundproliferationasmeasured by
ibatedat37°Cand100%humidityforthe number [3H]thymidine incorporation, nordid they
sup-laysindicated. One microcurieof[3H]thymidine pressactivationbytwounrelatedmitogens,LPS
addedforthefinal24hofculture. and ConA (datanot shown). This antiserumat
ABLE 3. Activation a dilution of
was able to reduce virusVSVa infectivity5.5logsfrom 1010to 5x 104PFU/ml.
1.2 tha
tal the trei
Amt Unseparated Anti-Thy1.2
Mitogen (ug/ cells +complement-culture) treatedcells
cpm SI cpm SI
None 1,961 1,007
ConA 0.25 2,919 1.5 920 0.9
0.5 6,326 3.2 433 0.4
1.0 10,874 5.5 632 0.6
2.0 9,807 5.0 531 0.5
LPS 1.0 11,832 6.0 7,056 7.0
10 17,659 9.0 10,715 10.7 50 12,109 6.2 7,466 7.5
BHK-21-F 20 4,214 2.1 2,277 2.3
VSV 50 7,631 3.9 5,296 5.3
100 15,312 7.8 8,853 8.8
aMicrotiter plates, 48-h cultures, standard error
equalto orlessthan 10%.
TABLE 4. Activation oflymphocytesfromBALBIc nu/nu and nu/+ mice by VSVa
Mitogen (Rg/ nu/nu nu/+
cpm SI cpm SI
None 2,034 2,666
LPS 50 68,760 22.8 81,878 30.7
ConA 0.12 1,583 0.8 95,058 35.7 BHK-21-F 0.1 7,231 3.5 9,848 3.6
VSV 1 12,728 6.3 13,965 5.2
5 8,819 4.3 6,889 2.5
HKCC VSV 1 4,588 2.3 5,242 2.0
10 16,155 7.9 17,360 6.5 25 13,055 6.4 16,611 6.2
aMicrotiterplates,48-hcultures, standard error less than orequalto10%v.
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Thus,theability of this antiserumtoneutralize
virus infectivity and mitogenicity is additional evidence that itwasthe VSV whichwasacting as alymphocyte mitogen.
Furthermore, thatthis activationwascaused by LPSis ruled out in theexperimentspresented in Table 6. Lymphocytes from C3H/HeJ mice aregenetically unresponsivetopurifiedLPSand respondtotheLPS-protein complexless vigor-ously than do CBA/Jmice(39,40).Whenspleen cellsfrom thesemicewerechallengedinparallel
with VSV, the stimulation was essentially the same. Since the C3H/HeJ mice were able to respondtothemitogenic signalof VSV butwere
notresponsive to LPS, we mayconclude that VSVwasnotcontaminated with LPS andthat VSVwasthe activemoiety.
Infectivity. The role of VSV infectivity in
lymphocyte activation was examined. The
ne-cessity of infectious virus for mitogenicity ap-pears to be virus specific, since HSV-induced lymphocyte activation requires infectious virus (20,30), but mitogenicity duetoinfluenza virus does not (6). The role of VSV infectivity in mitogenicity was examined in two ways. The
[image:6.510.68.260.363.435.2]firstwas by using UV-inactivated virus (Table
TABLE 5. Inhibitionof VSV-induced activation by rabbit anti-VS Vserum0
Mito- [IH]thymidineuptake±standarderror(cpm) %
hibi-gen No NRS a-VSV tion
None 2,849±66
VSV 29,102±2,512 32,871±2,843 2,460±63 100I
None 4,329±308
VSV 34,525±3,043 32,690±174 2,227±163 100c
in-cubatedwitha1:10 dilution ofheat-inactivatedserumat37°C
for 30 min and then diluted and added at 25 iLg/culture. Neitherserumpreparationinhibited[ 'H]thymidine incorpo-rationbyLPSorConA,nordidtheycausesignificant changes
inbackground. NRS, Nornalrabbitserum.
[image:6.510.68.260.512.649.2]a-VSV reducesincorporationtobackground levels.
TABLE 6. Activation of C3H/HeJspleen cellsby VSVa
Mito- Amt C3H/HeJ CBA/J
gen (ug/cul- lymphocytes lymphocytes
cpm SI cpm SI
None 1,991 113 0 1,835 128 0
ConA 0.06 58,093±5,608 29.2 60,498 3,617 33.0
LPS 50.0 2,517+244 1.3 40,215 1,771 21.9
VSV 1 2,405±248 1.2 2,949 271 1.6
5 7,093+285 3.6 7,241 688 3.9 10 10,178±227 5.1 9,690±439 5.2
25 9,383±647 4.7 11,230±365 6.1
50 7,213+697 3.6 6,360±112 3.5
aCells were cultured in microtiter wells for 48 h. This experimentisrepresentativeof fourseparateexperiments.
7). UV inactivation reduced the infectivity of
VSVgreaterthan9logstoless than1PFU/ml. However, when compared with untreated virus
from the same lot, the lymphocyte activation
elicitedwasonly reduced byapproximately 30%
atoptimal concentrations of VSV and essentially
unchanged at suboptimal concentrations,
sug-gestingthatinfectivity of VSVwas notrequired
forlymphocyte activation.
A second approach to this problem was
through theuseof DIparticles. DI-Oll contains
all the viralproteins andsomeviral nucleicacid,
butcannot direct virusbiosynthesis (23).
How-ever,because DIparticles do containallthe viral
proteins, theirpresentationtothecell is
essen-tially the same as an infectious virus particle.
When these particlesweretested for their ability
toactivatelymphocytes,itwasfound thatthey
werehighly stimulatoryforCBA/J spleen cells
(Table 8). Similar results were also seen with
C3H/HeJ lymphocytes (data not shown). In
fact,onthe basis ofmicrogramsperculture,the
TABLE 7. Activationofmousespleen cells by UV-inactivatedVSV0
uptake ±stand-Amt,
(Ag/cul-ture) cpm SI
None 1,775+122 0
VSV 1 1,738± 132 1.0
10 4,993±461 2.8 25 9,859±684 5.6
50 13,480±728 7.6
UVVSVb 1 1,378±160 0.7
10 4,709 +205 2.7
25 6,447±315 3.6
50 9,968±285 5.6
48-h microtiterwells.
Asingle representativeexperiment is presented.bVSVwasUV inactivatedwithagermicidal lamp (GeneralElectric)at5 cmfor15min.Infectivitywas
decreasedtoless than1PFU/ml.
TABLE 8. ActivationofCBA/Jspleencellsby
[I3H]thymidineuptake ± standard Mitogen Amtculture)
errorcpm SI
None 2,307±376 0
VSV 1 2,834+67 1.2
5 7,052+530 3.1
10 9,377±811 4.0
25 7,632±627 3.3
DI-Oll 0.15 13,385±427 4.8
0.75 29,732+1,762 11.9
1.5 11,246± 1,142 4.8
3.6 15,734±1,378 6.8 Cultureconditionswere aspreviouslydescribed.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:6.510.273.461.515.654.2]lymphocyte stimulation by DI-Oll was greater
than that of the infectious VSV preparation to
which itwas compared. Thesetwo approaches
demonstratethatinfectivity isnot arequirement
for VSV-induced mitogenicity.
The data presented here demonstrate that
VSV ismitogenic formouseB-lymphocytes.The
stimulationof bothcellular DNAsynthesisand
blasttransformationaregreatest 48h after
cul-ture with the virus. Infectious virus is not
re-quiredforactivationof murinespleencells.
The VSV preparationsused in these
experi-ments contained no detectable contaminating
protein as determined by PAGE. Coomassie
blue-stainedgelscontainedonlythe fourmajor
proteins(L,G, N,andM)knowntoexist in VSV
(41). The NS protein does not resolve into a
separate bandonourgelsystem. Thepresence
of smallamountsofcontaminating material such
as serum proteins, cellular material, or lipids
which could bemitogenic but arenotdetected
byourstained gelsystem canbe ruled outby
ourexperimentswith influenzavirus,whichwas
propagated in tissue culture cells(MDBK) and
purified in exactly the same manner as VSV.
Since thesevirusesareenvelopedandwere
pre-pared similarly, any contaminating mitogen
wouldbeexpectedtobepresentin all
prepara-tions of virus. However, influenza virus is not
mitogenicin ourassay system.This result
sug-gests that the
activityobserved withpurified VSV is specific to that virus and not
duetosomecontaminatingmaterial. Inaddition,
VSV-induced lymphocyte activation was
in-hibited byincubating the virus with anti-VSV
contaminantwasruledoutbytheabilityof VSV
to activate LPS-unresponsive C3H/HeJ
lym-phocytes.Thesedata,inadditiontothose which
showednocellularproteincontamination of the
VSV preparations used in this study, support
ourhypothesisthat it is the VSV which is
The kinetics oflymphocyte activationbyVSV
aswellasthe shape ofthedose-response curve
suggestedto usthat VSVwasactivatingB-cells.
The maximalstimulationat 48 h was similar to
that seen with LPS and otherB-cell mitogens
(12, 13, 34, 39, 40), butdifferentfrom thatseen
withConA,aT-cellmitogen,where the optimal
response is seen after 72 h ofculture with
mito-gen (42). Also, the shape of the dose-response
curvegenerated by stimulation with VSV was oneinwhich there was a broad range of concen-trations which were stimulatory and there
ap-peared to bea plateauaround the optimal
re-sponse.Again,this is similartoB-cell mitogens (12, 13, 34, 39, 40), butcontrastswith the very
sharpplateaulesscurve seenincellsstimulated
by ConA. In both experimental approaches used
here, T-cell-depletedlymphocytes and lympho-cytes from nude mice, VSV was stimulatory.
ThelackofT-cells in both of thesesystems was
demonstratedbyalack of responsivenesstothe
T-cell mitogen, ConA, whereas theunseparated
or nu/+ lymphocytes were responsive to this
mitogen. In all the experiments, the
nor-mal cells when SI valueswere compared, thus
confirming our hypothesis that VSV was a
B-cell activator.
The data presented here show that virus
in-fectivity isnotrequired for lymphocyte
activa-tionby VSV. Both UV-inactivated VSV and DI
particleswere able tostimulate mitogenesis in
murinespleencells. This result is similartothat
of Butchko et al. (6), who showed that
UV-inactivated influenza virions could induce
lym-phocytemitogenesis, andcontrastswith results
reported by Kirchneretal. (20) and Mochizuki
and co-workers(30), who demonstrated that
in-fectivity wasrequired for herpessimplex
virus-induced mitogenesis. That noninfectious VSV
can act as a mitogen for mouse lymphocytes
suggests that it may be a component of the
virion, such as the glycoprotein or some other
viral protein,which is the active moiety.
There-fore, we plan to examine the mitogenicity of
virions from which the glycoprotein has been
enzymatically removed, as well as the purified
glycoprotein,in ordertobettercharacterize the
As a mitogen, VSV has many of the same
characteristics as the other viral mitogens.
Herpes simplex virus has been shown to be
stimulatoryafter48 (30)or 72 (20)hofculture with the cells. Influenza viruses of the
H2N2subtype induceanoptimal mitogenic
re-sponse after being in culture with the cells for
48h(6). Furthermore,thelevels of stimulation
obtained are similar when SI values are
com-pared(6, 20,30).Inallcases,stimulation is lower
than that for ConAorLPS. Mochizukietal.(30)
and Kirchneretal. (20)havedemonstrated that
herpessimplexvirus isaB-lymphocytemitogen,
whereas influenza virus stimulates mitogenesis
inboth B- andT-cells(6). Therefore itappears
thatVSV, like other viral mitogens,stimulates
incorporationatlevelsgen-erally lower than those ofLPS or ConA.
Fur-thermore, viruses canactivate eitherB-cellsin
theabsenceof T-cells(20, 30)orboth B- and
T-cell-enriched lymphocyte subpopulations (6).
The nonspecific effect of VSV on T-cells and
macrophages requires further study. Since
on November 10, 2019 by guest
cells may be infected by VSV whichproliferates
and lyses the cells when theyare exogenously
activated byamitogensuchasConA(4),itmay
be that infectious VSV willnotbestimulatory
for T-cells but noninfectious VSV or apurified
componentwill bestimulatory. Additionally,our
results with WSN influenza virus (HON1)arein
agreementwith the data of Butchko etal. (6),
who showed that onlyinfluenza viruses of the
H2N2 subtype could act as lymphocyte
For many years it has been recognized that
certain substances,such asConA,
phytohemag-glutinin, and bacterialLPS, cannonspecifically
activatelymphocytestoblastogenesis and
mit-ogenesis (33, 41). Recently, the list of
lympho-cyte mitogens hasexpandedtoinclude not only
plantlectins andLPS,butalsooutermembrane
components of both gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, mycoplasma,
andyeast (1, 5, 11-13, 18, 32, 36, 38, 40).
Fur-thermore,low-molecular-weight chemicals such
as2-mercaptoethanol orperiodate orpolymers
such as polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid have
been shown to be stimulatory to lymphocytes
(14, 19, 37). We have now shown that VSV is
mitogenic for mouse lymphocytes. Preliminary
studies indicate that theparamyxovirus,simian
virus 5, and the togavirus,Sindbisvirus, are also
mitogenic for murine spleen cells. Therefore,
viruses as well as bacteria and their products
and plant lectins can nonspecifically activate
The biologicalimportance of thistype of
ac-tivation can be speculated on; perhaps it is a
mechanism for expanding the
immunocompe-tency of the organism, since the immune
re-sponse ofgermfree animals is qualitatively
dif-ferent from that of conventional animals.
An-otherpossibility is that nonspecific mitogenesis
isimportantinthepathogenic mechanism of the
virus as suggested by Butchko et al. (6). This is suggested because a large number of viruses can
grow inmitogen-activated lymphocytesbut not
in resting cells (3, 4, 21, 44, 45). Furthermore,
activatedlymphocytes can express endogenous
type C RNAviruses (15, 32, 35) which are latent
innormalcells.In short,although the repertoire
oflymphocyte mitogens has grown, the question
of thein vivobiologicalrelevance of this activity
hasyetto beexamined.
We thankL.A. Caliguiri, D. A. Lawrence, M.Schron, and L. S.Sturmanforhelpful discussions, Marti B. McSharry for technicalassistance, and KathyCavanagh for help in prepar-ingthismanuscript.
This workwassupported in part by the New York State HealthResearchCouncil grant 1572. G. G.-S. is a National
Needspostdoctoralfellow and issupported byNational Sci-enceFoundationgrant SP179-14819.
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