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Cap-independent enhancement of translation by a plant potyvirus 5' nontranslated region.


Academic year: 2019

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Copyright © 1990, American Society for Microbiology

Cap-Independent Enhancement of Translation by


Plant Potyvirus


Nontranslated Region


Departmentof Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-3258

Received 26 June 1989/Accepted 22 November 1989

The RNAgenomeof tobacco etch virus (TEV),aplantpotyvirus,functionsasanmRNAfor synthesisofa 346-kilodalton polyprotein that undergoesextensive proteolytic processing. The RNA lacksa normal 5' cap structureatitsterminus, whichsuggeststhat the mechanism oftranslational initiationdiffersfromthat ofa normal cellular mRNA. We have identifiedatranslation-enhancingactivity associated with the 144-nucleotide, 5' nontranslated region (NTR) of the TEVgenome. Whenfusedtoareporter geneencoding,-glucuronidase (GUS), the5' NTR results in an8-to21-fold enhancementover asynthetic 5' NTR inatransient-expression assayin protoplasts. A similareffectwasobserved when the 5'NTR-GUS fusionswereexpressedintransgenic plants. By using acell-free translation system,the translation enhancementactivity of the TEV5' NTRwas showntobecapindependent,whereastranslation of GUSmRNAcontaininganartificial5'NTRrequiredthe presence of a cap structure. Translation of GUS transcripts containing the TEV 5' NTR was relatively insensitivetothe capanalogm7GTP, whereas translation oftranscripts containing theartificial5' NTRwas highlysensitive. The 144-nucleotide TEV5'NTRsynthesizedin vitrowasshowntocompeteforfactorsthatare required for proteinsynthesis in the cell-freetranslation reactionmix.Competition wasnotobserved whena transcript representing the initial 81 nucleotides ofthe TEV 5' NTRwas tested. These results support the hypothesis that the TEV 5' NTR promotes translation in a cap-independent manner that may involve the bindingofproteins and/orribosomes tointernalsites within the NTR.

Theplant potyviruses containmonopartiteRNAgenomes ofapproximately 10 kilobases (9). The complete nucleotide sequences of four potyviruses have been elucidatedto date (1, 7, 28, 40). Each contains agenetically encoded polyade-nylate tail at the 3' end, a single functional open reading frame for translation of a largepolyprotein, and (for at least twopotyviruses) aprotein termed VPg covalently linkedto the 5' terminus (9, 16, 42). These features also characterize

the animal picornaviruses and plant comoviruses, both of

whichsharesignificantamino acidsequencesimilaritieswith thepotyviruses (8, 9, 11).

Theabsence of a conventional cap structure at the genome 5' terminus presents an interesting situation with regardto translation. The eucaryotic 5' cap structure is believed to

performatleast two major functions. The capservesbothto stabilize the mRNAfrom exonucleolytic attack (12) andto direct the entry of 40Sribosomesubunits via interaction with thecap-binding complex eIF-4F (39). It has not been deter-mined whether the VPg of potyviruses remains linked to the RNA during translation or is removed. However, the 5'-terminalstructureofpolyribosome-boundpoliovirusRNAis 5'pUp (17, 35), indicatingthat theVPgisremoved

immedi-ately before or after initiation of translation. Theseviruses, therefore,must use atranslational initiation mechanism that

bypassesthe normal caprecognition step. Recentevidence suggests thatinitiation of translation of two picornaviruses,

poliovirusandencephalomyocarditis virus, involves binding of ribosomes to sequences within the 5' nontranslated se-quence (20, 37).

Althoughthepotyviruses and picornaviruses have a num-berof features in common, thereexist important differences with regard to translation. The well-studied picornaviruses such aspoliovirus shut off host cell translation by inducing proteolytic inactivation of p220, an eIF-4F component,

* Correspondingauthor.

shortly after initiation of infection (10). There isnoevidence thatpotyviruses selectivelyinhibit host cellprotein synthe-sis. The 5' nontranslated regions (NTRs) ofpicornaviruses

are extremely long, contain multiple AUG codons that do notsignal initiation of translation, and often contain unusual structures such as long poly(C) tracts. The potyviruses

possess 5' nontranslated sequences that average approxi-mately one-fourththesize ofthose associated with

picorna-viruses and contain no apparent unusual primarystructures. Themechanisms associated with translational initiation may therefore be quite different.

Wehavebegunananalysisof thepropertiesof the tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) 5' NTR. This is an

adenosine-plus-uridine-rich sequence of144nucleotides (nt) that containsno AUG codons(thecodingsequencefor thepolyproteinstarts at nt 145 [1]). The present study was initiated to test the

hypothesisthat the TEV 5' NTRfunctionsas atranslational enhancer inacap-independent fashion.We haveanalyzedin vivo and in vitro the effects offusing theTEV 5' NTR to a reporter gene. The results suggest that this sequence

dra-matically stimulates translation and that this effectis prob-ably exerted viaacap-independent mechanism.


Plasmid constructions. A number of plant and cell-free

expression vectors were used in this study. pRT101 and pRT104 are plant transient-expression vectors that contain the35S transcriptional promoter andterminator anda mul-tiple cloning site (46). These vectors differ only in the sequence of the multiple cloning site. pRT104 contains an

NcoI site embedded within the consensus ribosome initia-tion sequence ...ACCATGG..., andpRT101 lacksa transla-tion start site.

pRTL was assembled by insertion of an EcoRI-BamHI cDNA fragment representing TEV nt 12 to 205 into the

multiplecloningsiteofpRT101; theTEVfragmentcontained


on November 10, 2019 by guest



35SPromoter GUS 35S Poly (A)Signal




NcoI Hindlll

35S Promoter




TEV5'NTR (nts12-144) GUS 35SPoly (A) Signal

A1l CAA (124 nt) GC TGGTC-(1851 nt)i %Z%%ZXj





SP6 TEV3'Terminus

Promoter GUS Poly(A)27


IGGC--1851 nt _

~~~~No AccI


SP6 TEV3' Terminus

Promoter TEV 5' NTR(nts1-144) GUS Poly(A)27


NcoIlAccI FIG. 1. Structures of relevant portions of recombinant plasmids assembledfor this study. pRT-GUS and pRTL-GUS contain the 35S

promoterand polyadenylation signal from cauliflower mosaic virus.Thetranscribedsequenceis shown immediately after the 35Spromoter

box. Thecoding sequencefor GUS is shown within theopen box. The TEV 5' NTR is shown within the shaded box in the pRTL-GUS schematic. pGEM4.2-GUS and pTL7SN.3-GUS containabacteriophageSP6promoterfor invitro transcription and cDNA representing the 3'-terminal 154ntof the TEVgenome.The 3'-terminal fragment also containsapoly(A) regionof27 residues. A unique AccI site immediately after thepoly(A)27sequencepermits linearization of these plasmids priortotranscription. The beginning ofthe transcribedsequenceis shown

adjacenttotheSP6promoter. Further details of these constructions aregiven in Materialsand Methods.

most of the noncoding region (nt 12to 144) and the coding

sequencefor thefirst 20amino acid residues of the polypro-tein (nt 145 to 205). The sequence of this fragment was identicaltothewild-typesequence, with the exception ofan adenosine-to-cytosine mutation at nt 144. This alteration, resulting in the sequence GCCATGG, was introduced by site-directed mutagenesis toform anNcoI site at the

trans-lational initiation codon (underlined).

pRT-GUSwasconstructed by insertion of thegene encod-ing


(GUS), contained in an NcoI-EcoRI fragment (filled in with Klenow fragment) from pRAJ275 (23), between the NcoI and SmaI sites of pRT104 (Fig. 1). Theresultingsequencecontextaround the translationalstart

site was ...ACCATGG.... pRTL-GUS was assembled by insertionof the GUSgene into pRTL (Fig. 1).

The 35S promoter, GUS-encoding sequence, and

tran-scriptional terminator in pRT-GUS and pRTL-GUS were flankedbyHindIII sites (Fig. 1). The entire GUS expression

cassettefrom both plasmids was excised with Hindlll and inserted into the unique HindlIl site of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens binaryvectorpGA482 (2). This plasmid confers tetracycline resistance for selection in Escherichia coliand A. tumefaciens. The HindIlI site into which the GUS

cassette was inserted was situated adjacent to the gene encoding neomycin phosphotransferase II and between left

and right border sequences from a Ti plasmid ofA.

tume-faciens. The recombinantplasmids, termed pGA-GUS (de-rived from thepRT-GUS cassette)andpGTL-GUS (from the pRTL-GUS cassette),were selected and screened in E. coli HB101 and then mobilizedby triparental mating (6) into A. tumefaciens LBA4404 carrying adisarmed Tiplasmid.

TheGUS codingsequence wasinserted intotwocell-free expression vectors, pTL7SN.3 and pGEM4.2, so as to

permit positive-sense transcriptstobe synthesized by using bacteriophage SP6 polymerase. Vector pTL7SN.3 pos-sessed the following properties: (i)an intact TEV 5' region consisting ofnt1to205, containing the engineeredNcoIsite encompassing the translationalstart codon; (ii)a polylinker region derived from pGEM4 (Promega Biotec) minus the SalIlAccI site which wasdestroyed by Sall digestion, fill-in withKlenow fragment, and religation; and (iii)anintactTEV 3' region consisting ofnt 9341to9495-poly(A)27, contained withinaHindIII-HindIII fragment from pTL-8595(5).The3' endofthepoly(A)tailwasflankedby SalIIAccI,PstI, SphI, andHindIII sites, each ofwhich was contributed by the 3' HindIII-HindIIl fragment. The GUS coding sequence was removed from pRTL-GUS with NcoI and BamHI and in-serted into NcoI-BamHI-digested pTL7SN.3 (Fig. 1). pGEM4.2 was nearlyidentical to pTL7SN.3, exceptthat it lacked the TEV 5' NTR sequence and therefore lacked a translational start codon. Hence, pRTL-GUSwas cutwith NcoI (containing the start codon for translation), filled in with Klenow fragment, and thencutwithBamHItoliberate the GUS coding sequence. Thisfragment was inserted into pGEM4.2 that had been cut with Aval, treated with mung

bean nuclease, thencut withBamHI. Theresulting recom-binant, pGEM4.2-GUS, contained the GUS gene transla-tionalstart site within the contextACCATGG (Fig. 1).

Protoplast preparation and electroporation. Protoplasts wereisolated fromsurface-sterilized Nicotiana tabacumcv. Xanthi-nc grown under controlled greenhouse conditions (25°C). The undersurfaces of leaves (10 to 15 cm) were



on November 10, 2019 by guest



abraded with carborundum and then floated overnight (usu-ally 15 h) in enzyme solution (1.5% cellulase RS [Yakult Honsha, Tokyo, Japan], 0.1% Driselase [Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.],0.5% Macerozyme R-10 [Yakult Hon-sha], K3 macronutrients [24], 0.55 M mannitol [pH 5.9]). Protoplasts were isolated by flotation on 0.55 M sucrose (45 xg for 7min) and then washed by two sedimentation cycles (100 x g for 4 min) in 0.55 M mannitol. Protoplasts were suspended in electroporation buffer (30 mM Tris hydrochlo-ride [pH9.0], 6 mM CaCl, 150 mM NaCl, 275 mM mannitol) to a concentration of 2 x 106 to 3 x 106/ml. The best yields were obtained from plants that were 50 to 60 days old.

Parameters for electroporation of plasmid DNA and syn-thetic RNA transcripts were similar to those defined as optimal by Taylor and Larkin (45). Supercoiled plasmid DNA ortranscripts (10 ,ug) were mixed rapidly with 0.2 ml of ice-cold protoplasts and then subjected to five electric pulses of 1 ms each at the voltages indicated in the figure legends. The protoplasts were allowed to recover on ice for 10 min and then transferred to protoplast culture medium (1.2 ml) containing KP medium (32), 1 pLgofbenzylaminopurine per ml, 2 pLg of naphthaleneacetic acid per ml, and 0.1 mg of cefotaxime (pH 5.9) per ml. The cultures were incubated at room temperature for 20 h under diffuse light.

In oneexperiment, polyethylene glycol-mediated transfec-tion (34) wassubstituted for electroporation.

Production of transgenic plants. Transgenic N. tabacum cv. Havana 425 plants harboring integrated DNA from pGA482, pGA-GUS, andpGTL-GUS wereproduced by the leaf disk transformationprotocol (18). Shoots were induced on MS medium (33) containing 1 Fg ofbenzylaminopurine per ml, 0.01


ofnaphthaleneacetic acid per ml, 0.5 mgof carbenicillin per ml, 0.1 mgof kanamycin perml, and0.8%

phytagar. Shoots were excised from the leaf piece after approximately 1 monthand transferred to the same medium minus the growth hormones. Plants that regenerated roots were transplanted to boxes (Magenta Corp.) containing sterilized soil. Over thecourseofapproximately 1week, the lids were slowly removedto gradually decreasethehumidity aroundthe plants. The plants werefinallytransferred to pots and placed in a contained greenhouse.

Invitro transcription and translation.Plasmids pTL7SN.3-GUS and pGEM4.2-GUS werepurified by cesium chloride-ethidium bromide gradient centrifugation (29). The DNAs were digested with AccI, which recognized a unique site immediately downstream of the poly(A) tract. Transcription with SP6 polymerase was as described previously (5, 30), exceptthat 20


of[35S]UTPwasadded.Inaddition, some reaction mixtures contained the cap precursorm7GpppG or GpppG(0.4 mM) and reduced levelsof GTP (40 ,uM). These conditions have been shown to promote the synthesis of capped transcripts (25). In some experiments, the competi-toreffects of the TEV 5' NTR supplied in trans to translation reactions were tested. Transcripts were synthesized from pTL7SN.3 that had been digested withNcoIand mung bean nuclease, resulting in RNA representing nt 1 to 143 of the 5' NTR. Additionally, competitor RNA representing nt 1 to 81 of the TEV 5' NTR was produced by using Dral-digested

pTL7SN.3. The quantity of transcript synthesized in each reactionwas measured by determining the ratio of incorpo-rated to nonincorporated


by established methods (29). Transcripts were precipitated twice with ethanol-am-moniumacetate and suspended in deionized water.

Transcripts were translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysates essentially as described previously (5), except that


methionine was omitted. Translation reactions were

termi-natedby the addition of 10 volumesofGUSlysisbuffer(21).

All mRNAtranscriptswereaddedtothetranslation reaction at aconcentration of 15 nM.

GUS assays. GUS activity in protoplasts, plants, and cell-free translation reactions was measured as described

previously (21). Protoplasts (4.0 x


were harvested by

brief centrifugation and lysed completely (as

judged by

microscopicexamination)in GUS





activitywastestedby using50-,ul reactions(37°Cfor 30




portionsof1:10, 1:100, or1:1,000dilutions oflysate. Conversionof

4-methylumbelliferyl glucuronide


methylumbelliferone (MU) was measured by using a fluo-rometer(TKO-100;Hoefer ScientificInstruments,San

Fran-cisco, Calif.). Themolar concentration ofMUthat

accumu-lated in the reactions was calculated from standardcurves

obtained with known concentrations of MU. One unit of





1pmolof MU in 1 minat 37°C.

Extracts were prepared from


plant leaves in GUS lysisbuffer with the aid ofaKontes pestleand 1.5-ml

microcentrifuge tube. The concentration ofprotein in each extract wasmeasuredbyusingaproteinassaykit


Laboratories, Richmond,Calif.)with bovineserumalbumin as the standard. The GUS assays were identical to those described above, exceptthat the lysate dilutions were

car-riedout to1:10,000. Activityassaysfor in


GUS were conducted by using 1:10and 1:100 dilutions of



Activity of 5' NTR-GUS fusions in protoplast transient-expression assays. To study the role oftheTEV 5' NTR in translational


wehave fused the TEV 5'



well as an artificial NTR, to the


sequence for a

reporter geneencodingGUS


1). Thestartcodons in all constructs


an artificial 5' NTR were situated within the local sequence context, ACCATGG




which has been shown to be the most

effectual environment in which to initiate


trans-lation in the


model of Kozak (26). The initiator codon linkedtotheTEV5' NTRresided within the sequence

GCCATGG. Thechimeric geneswere



in protoplasts

following electroporation



DNA or SP6







to use



wetestedaseries of




using pRTL-GUS

DNA. The









to250or300 V

(Fig. 2).

Since the 250-V



to be less detri-mentalto cell

viability (based




thisvoltagewas used in



The GUS activity produced after



pro-toplasts with pRT-GUS


the TEV 5'





the TEV 5' NTR) is shown in




was detected in



withpRT-GUS orpRTL-GUS, butnot withwater.

Electro-poration with


resulted in


eight-fold-higher GUS


than that seen with


suggesting that fusion of the TEV 5' NTR


stimulatedtranslation. However,theincreased GUS


could alsobeattributed tootherindirect effects ofthe NTR onthe 35S



To verify that the enhanced GUS


was thedirect consequence of theTEV 5' NTR atthelevel of


we synthesized capped or noncapped



pTL7SN.3-GUS orpGEM4.2-GUS and introduced them


on November 10, 2019 by guest




u, 0-0

C 0

0 0




100 200 300 400


FIG. 2. Effect ofvoltageduringelectroporation of tobacco pro-toplasts with pRTL-GUSDNA. Equal numbersof protoplasts (4x

105)wereelectroporated at 150, 200, 250, 300, or 350 V(fivepulses of1-msdurationeach).Lysates werepreparedafteranincubation of 15h andassayed for GUS activity.

electroporation into protoplasts. Transcripts derived from these plasmids carried a 3' poly(A) tail (27 nt) that originated from the 3' terminus of a TEV cDNA clone. GUS activities were determined and plotted in Fig. 3B. Transcripts from

pGEM4.2-GUS lacking bothanm7GpppG cap and theTEV 5' NTRfailed to stimulateGUS activity significantly above thatofthenegativecontrol (protoplasts electroporated in the presence of water). Addition of a 5' cap structure to the

artificial NTR-GUS transcript resulted in measurable GUS

activity that was at least 10-fold higher than the activity

detected with noncapped transcripts. However, the use of capped transcripts derived from pTL7SN.3-GUS (containing the TEV 5' NTR) resulted in a 21-fold increase in GUS

activity overthat with capped transcripts lackingthe TEV sequence.

GUS activity also was detected after electroporation of

noncapped transcripts from pTL7SN.3-GUS. The level of

expression was approximately 12-fold lower than that ob-served with capped transcripts,but was slightly higherthan the level measuredwithcapped transcripts lackingthe TEV 5' NTR (Fig. 3B). To test whether pTL7SN.3-GUS tran-scripts required a methylated cap for the enhancement activity, we synthesized transcripts that contained either m7GpppGorGpppGasthecapstructure at the 5' terminus. Transcripts containing the nonmethylated capwere asactive as thosecontainingthemethylated cap (Fig. 3C).Thesedata suggest that the low level of GUS activity produced after transfection withthenoncapped pTL7SN.3-GUS transcripts (Fig. 3B) was due to transcript instability within the cells rather than arequirementfora methylated cap.

Expression of5' NTR-GUS fusionsintransgenic plants.To determine whether the translational enhancement activity associated with the TEV 5' NTRfunctions in whole plants rather thanjust protoplasts and to explore the potential of this sequence toserve as atranslational enhancer for foreign genes in transgenic plants, we integrated the NTR-GUS constructs into the tobacco genome by using A.

tume-faciens-mediated transformation. The 35S transcriptional promoter-NTR-GUS-transcriptional terminator cassette from bothpRT-GUSandpRTL-GUSwassubcloned into the binaryvectorpGA482, forming pGA-GUS and pGTL-GUS, respectively. The GUS expression cassette was transferred and integrated into the tobacco genome by the leaf disk

transformation procedure. Plants expressing the antibiotic markerneomycin phosphotransferase were selected by their

ability toform rootsin a medium containing kanamycin. A total of 15 pGA-GUS- and 20 pGTL-GUS-transformed

plants formed roots under kanamycin selection, and 13 of each were found to express GUS activity. Of five plants

transformed with pGA482 (vector alone without a

GUS-encodingsequence), none were positivefor GUS activity.

The levels ofactivity in each GUS-positive plant were

quantified as shown in Fig. 4. The mean activity value (+






I +tL - +



GEM4.2 TL7SN.3



IIM- m7GppG

S.$ + pG


3 TL7SN.3


DNA RNATranscript RNATranscript

FIG. 3. Effect of the TEV 5' NTRontheexpressionofGUSactivityinprotoplasts. Electroporationconditionswereasdescribed inthe

legendtoFig.2(with250V)and in Materials andMethods.(A)GUSactivitymeasurementsfromprotoplasts electroporatedin thepresence of water,pRT-GUS (withanartificial 5'NTR),orpRTL-GUS (withthe TEV 5'NTR). Covalentlyclosedsupercoiled plasmidDNA(40,ug/ml)

wasused. (B) GUS activitymeasurementsfromprotoplasts electroporated inthepresence ofwaterorinvitro-synthesized transcripts (10 ,ug/ml)from AccI-linearizedpGEM4.2-GUSorpTL7SN.3-GUS. Transcriptsweresynthesizedwith(+)orwithout(-)anm7GpppG5'cap.

(C)GUSactivitymeasurementsfromprotoplaststhatwerepolyethylene glycoltransfected withtranscripts (10jig/ml)fromAccI-linearized pTL7SN.3-GUS. Transcripts weresynthesizedwith eitheranm7GpppG oranonmethylated GpppG5'cap.










0 cwe

3 10 0 o.

.-g U. U)

Cld .J .:)

0 0



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[image:4.612.] [image:4.612.104.512.471.666.2]






220 _















FIG. 4. Effect ofthe TEV 5' NTRonexpression of GUS activity

intransgenic plants. Transgenic tobacco plants containing the GUS expression cassettes from pRT-GUS (pGA-GUS) or pRTL-GUS

(pGTL-GUS)weregenerated by the leaf disktransformation

proce-dure (18). Transgenic plants carrying vector sequences (pGA482)

also were produced as controls. GUS measurements were

per-formedonleaves of13independently transformed plants (represent-ed by dots) carrying pGA-GUS orpGTL-GUS sequences. Three plants harboring pGA482 sequences also were assayed for GUS

activity. The meanGUS values (in units permicrogram of soluble

protein) for eachgroup are indicatedby the bars.

standard error of the mean) for pGTL-GUS-transformed plants (77.7 ± 14 GUS units/,Lg ofprotein) was

approxi-mately fivefoldhigher than themean value measured from pGA-GUS plants (16.7 ± 3.2). A wide range of activity

valueswas observed amongplantsin eachgroup, probably reflectingthe influence of differentchromosomal integration points. However, the activity values for individual plants wereconsistent between twosampling dates.

Expression ofthe5' NTR-GUS fusionsin vitro. To further investigate the translational enhancement activity of the TEV5' NTR and toaddress the mechanismthrough which the enhancer functions, we have used a cell-free system

(rabbit reticulocyte lysate) totranslate SP6transcripts con-tainingtheNTR-GUS fusions. Equimolar concentrations of cappedandnoncapped transcriptsfrompTL7SN.3-GUSand pGEM4.2-GUS weretranslated in vitro, and sampleswere withdrawn and analyzed for GUS activity at various time points. Translation ofpGEM4.2-GUS transcripts (with the artificial5'NTR)washighly dependentonthepresenceofan m7GpppG cap structure at the 5' terminus (Fig. 5). In contrast, efficient translationofpTL7SN.3-GUS transcripts was relatively independent of the5' cap. (Thedifference in GUS activity induction between capped and noncapped pTL7SN.3-GUS transcripts in Fig. 5 was notreproducible; differences between these two transcripts from experiment

to experiment were generally less than 10%.) Consistent with results of experiments with protoplasts and transgenic plants, fusion of the TEV 5' NTR to the GUS-encoding

sequenceresultedinenhanced levels of GUSactivity. Non-capped transcripts containing theTEV 5' NTRwere approx-imately 11-fold more active than noncapped transcripts containingtheartificial NTR.The enhancementactivitywas less pronounced (fourfold) when capped transcripts of


10 20 30 40 50

Time (Min)

FIG. 5. Time course of GUSactivity accumulation during cell-free translation of capped or noncapped transcripts derivedfrom pGEM4.2-GUS (with artificial 5' NTR) or pTL7SN.3-GUS (with TEV5'NTR).Translation reactions(30,jl)wereprogrammedwith invitro-synthesized transcripts at aconcentration of15 nM. Sam-pleswere withdrawnaftertranslationperiodsof15, 30,and 45min, and GUSactivitymeasurements weretaken. TheGUSunit values arethe averageoftworeplicatesfrom atypicalexperimentandare

representedas total units per30-p.ltranslation reaction.

pTL7SN.3-GUS and pGEM4.2-GUS were comparec. The translational enhancement activity ofthe TEV 5' NTR also was observed by usinga wheatgerm-derived cell-free sys-tem (datanot shown).

The translational enhancement activity of the TEV 5' NTRcould operateby increasingthe mRNAstability. How-ever, the relative translational enhancement causedby the TEV 5' NTR at the 30-min time point was approximately equaltothe enhancement detectedatthe45-mintimepoint, suggesting that the mRNAs were notdecaying at substan-tiallydifferent rates. Additionally, incubation of35S-labeled

mRNAtranscripts in reticulocyte lysate, followedby with-drawalof samplesatvarioustimepointsandanalysisof the RNAsby agarosegelelectrophoresis,revealednodetectable differences between the stabilities of transcripts derived frompTL7SN.3-GUSandpGEM4.2-GUS (datanotshown).

Results of the cell-free translation experiments described

above suggested that efficient synthesis of protein from

pTL7SN.3-GUS transcriptswascapindependent.Tofurther test this hypothesis, we conducted translation reactions in the presence of various concentrations of the cap analog m7GTP. This nucleotide competitively interferes with asso-ciation of the cap-binding complex with mRNA, thereby inhibiting cap-dependent initiation of translation. At a

rela-tively low m7GTP concentration (4.0 FiM), translation of

cappedpGEM4.2-GUStranscripts wasreduced95%, tothe level observed with noncapped transcripts from the same plasmid (Fig. 6).The sameconcentrationofm'GTPhad little effect on translation of either capped or noncapped

tran-scripts derived from pTL-7SN.3-GUS. This indicated that the inhibitory action of the cap analog was at the level of translation initiationratherthan elongation. The addition of capanalogat40,uM resulted ina45%decreaseintranslation ofcappedpTL7SN.3-GUS transcriptsrelativetononcapped transcripts. This differential effect between capped and

noncapped pTL7SN.3-GUS transcripts was reproducible,

sinceit was seenin four separate experiments.

Apossible explanation for the apparent cap-independent

translation enhancementactivityof the TEV 5' NTRin vitro is thatproteinsrequiredfor initiationand/orribosomes bind internallywithin the NTR.Thismodel has beenproposedas


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[image:5.612.337.549.74.222.2] [image:5.612.]


6,, 80~






4-* pTL7SN.3-GUSplus cap

E3 pTL7SN.3-GUSminus cap

* pGEM4.2-GUS plus cap

O pGEM4.2-GUS minuscap

0 4 40


m7GTP (tM)

FIG. 6. Effect of the cap analogm7GTPoncell-free translation of cappedornoncappedtranscriptsderived from pGEM4.2-GUS (with artificial5' NTR) or pTL7SN.3-GUS (with TEV 5' NTR). Transla-tion reacTransla-tionswereconducted for 45 min in the presence of 0, 4.0, or40 pLM m7GTP, after which GUS activity measurements were taken.TheGUSunit values are the averages of two replicates from atypical experiment and are represented as total units per 30-,ul translation reaction.

the mechanism whereby picornaviruses initiate translation (see Discussion). This hypothesis predicts that the TEV 5' NTR (noncapped) will compete for factors required for translation initiation if supplied in excess over a functional mRNA. The TEV 5' NTR (minus the start codon) was



-synthesized in vitrofrom pTL7SN.3 and added to cell-free translation reactions programmed with one of three mRNAs (capped and noncapped transcripts from pTL7SN.3-GUS and capped pGEM4.2-GUS transcripts). The competing NTR was supplied at 75, 150, or 300 nM in the translation reactions, representing 5-, 10-, and 20-fold molar excesses over NTR-GUS mRNA transcripts (15 nM), respectively. Addition of the TEV 5' NTR to all three reactions inhibited translation in a dose-dependent manner(Fig. 7A). Transla-tion was nearly completely abolished in the presence ofa TEV 5' NTR at 300 nM.

Thepossibilitiesthat theinhibitoryeffect ofusingtheTEV 5' NTR in trans was due to the presence of DNA orto a nonspecific effect of excess RNA were tested. Translation reactions using noncapped pTL7SN.3-GUS transcriptswere conducted in the presence of competitor RNAs (300 nM) synthesized from NcoI-orDraI-linearized pTL7SN.3. DraI cleaves pTL7SN.3 after nt 81 in cDNA representing the TEV 5' NTR. In addition, reactions were carried out with Dral-linearizedpTL7SN.3 DNA (at 9 nM,orapproximately 500 ng perreaction)asthecompetitor. This amount of DNA was present alongwith each competitor RNA tested, since noeffortwasmadeto removeDNA aftertranscription. Only

transcriptsrepresenting the entire TEV 5' NTR (synthesized from NcoI-linearized pTL7SN.3) functionedtoinhibit trans-lation (Fig. 7B). Therewasnosignificant difference between the level of translation measured from reactions with water, DNA, orDral-terminatedtranscripts ascompetitor.


We have presented evidence that the TEV 5' NTR func-tionsas anenhancerof translation when fused to the coding sequence ofareporter gene(GUS). The enhancement



0 75 150 225 300

NTRCompetitor (nM)

< e X


FIG. 7. trans-Inhibitoryeffectofthe TEV 5' NTRontranslation of GUS mRNAsinvitro.(A)Translation reactions(30 p.lfor 45min)were

programmed with capped transcripts (15 nM) from pGEM4.2-GUSorcappedornoncapped transcripts from pTL7SN.3-GUS.The reactions

weresupplied with 0, 75, 150,or300 nM TEV 5' NTR(nt1 to143)synthesized from pTL7SN.3. These concentrations wereequivalentto

5-, 10-,and20-fold molarexcesses overthe GUS mRNAs. The GUS unit valuesaretheaveragesoftworeplicatesfromatypical experiment andarerepresentedastotal unitsper30-p.l translation reaction. (B) Translationreactions(30 for 45min)wereprogrammedwithnoncapped

transcripts (15 nM) from pTL7SN.3-GUS. Reactions were conducted without any additional supplements (None)or in the presence of pTL7SN.3DNA(9 nM) (DNA), transcripts (300 nM)from Dral-linearizedpTL7SN.3 (NTR-DraI),ortranscripts (300 nM)fromNcoI-mung beannuclease-treatedpTL7SN.3 (NTR-NcoI). Since theSP6 polymerase transcriptionreactionswerenotDNasetreated,both competitor transcript preparations also contained DNAat aconcentration of 9 nM. Transcripts prepared from DraI- and NcoI-linearizedpTL7SN.3 represent5'NTR segments between TEVnt1to81 and 1to143, respectively.TheGUS valuesareexpressedastotal unitsper30-p.l reaction.

-_il pGEM4.2-GUS plus cap

\ * pTL7SN.3-GUSminuscap U-* pTL7SN.3-GUS pluscap

on November 10, 2019 by guest



ity was detected in transient-expression assays with proto-plasts after electroporation with either DNA or RNA con-taining the NTR-GUS fusion, in transformed plants contain ing integrated copies of NTR-GUSexpression cassettes, and in a cell-free translation systemprogrammed with synthetic transcripts. Further analyses revealed that translation initi-ation on TEV 5' NTR-containing mRNAs did not require a methylated cap structure. The cap-independent enhance-ment effect was seen even though the localsequence context of the start codon following the TEV 5' NTR was less favorable, according to Kozak (26), than that found in the control constructs containing the artificial NTR.

A translation enhancement activity has also been found associated with the 5' NTRs of a few other positive-strand RNA plant viruses, including alfalfa mosiac virus (AMV) and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (14, 23). This feature, however, is not characteristic of all positive-strand viral mRNAs, since fusion of the 5' NTRs from turnip yellow mosaic or black beetle virusgenomes toheterologous coding sequences failed to stimulatetranslation (13, 22). In contrast to TEV, AMV and TMV possess typical cap structures at the 5' termini of their genomic RNAs. In vitro translation reconstitution experiments involving reporter gene fusions with the AMV or TMV 5' NTRs suggest that different molecular mechanisms underlie the enhancer function for each viral sequence. A reduced requirement and/or higher affinity for initiationfactors may boost translation initiation on mRNAs linked to the AMV 5' NTR (4). There is also evidence that sequences within the mRNA coding region influence the interaction of initiation factors with the NTR (4). Interestingly, AMV RNA 4 is capable oftranslating in poliovirus-infected cell extracts (44), which contain a defec-tive cap-binding complex. On the other hand, interaction with ribosomes appears to mediate the enhancer activity associated with the TMV 5' NTR (15), although this associ-ation does not involve binding of ribosomes internallywithin the NTR (27, 43). The TEV 5' NTR may use one or both mechanisms to stimulate translation.

The translation initiation pathway involving the TEV 5' NTR should account for thefollowing results. (i) Translation did not require a methylated 5' cap structure. This makes intuitive sense, since TEV genomic RNA possesses a pro-tein linkedtothe 5' terminus (16), and, by analogy with the picornaviruses (17, 35), TEVmRNA in vivo probably is not capped. (ii)Translation in vitro was relatively resistant to the presence of a cap analog that inhibited initiation on an mRNA lacking the TEV NTR, suggesting that the cap-bindingfunction ofthecap-binding complex was dispensable for translation of mRNA containing the TEV NTR. (iii) In NTRcompetition experiments, transcripts representing nt 1 to 143 of theTEV 5' NTRinhibited translation in vitro when supplied in trans with functional mRNAs. This inhibitory activityrequiredsequences within the last 63 nt of the NTR, since equivalent molar concentrations of transcripts repre-senting only nt 1 to 81 exhibited no inhibition.

These aggregate data can be fit into a model in which initiation of protein synthesis involves the binding of pro-teins and/orribosomes to sequences within the TEV 5' NTR. This modelpredicts that initiation oftranslation is indepen-dent of the 5'-terminal structure on the mRNA, since the mRNA recognition pathway would bypasses the RNA 5' terminus. It predicts that the cap-binding function of the cap-binding complex is dispensable as the initial step in mRNA recognition and subsequent translation: hence, the relative insensitivity to cap analog inhibitor. A final predic-tion is thatbinding of putative factors can be competitively

inhibited by excess TEV NTR molecules. The soluble fac-tors that bind to the TEV 5' NTR might include initiation factors, perhaps those normally associated with cap recog-nition and/or ATP-dependent unwinding of RNA in the mRNA NTRs. This NTR-eIF complex then would recruit

ribosomes into theprotein synthesis cycle.

The cap-independent, internal initiation model has been proposed previously for entry of ribosomes on picornaviral RNA. The 5' NTRs from poliovirus and encephalomyocardi-tis virusaresufficienttodirect internalentryof ribosomeson dicistronic mRNAs in vivo and invitro (20, 37). Transfer of picornavirus 5' NTRs to reporter genes permits translation

ofthe chimeric mRNAs inpoliovirus-infected cells and cell extracts (19, 36, 38, 48), which lackafunctionalcomponent (p220)withineIF-4Fand thusareunabletotranslate cellular orcapped RNAs (10). Results of several studiessuggestthat sequences spanning a few hundred nucleotides within the picornavirus 5' NTR confer cap-independent, internal initi-ation properties on mRNA (3, 20, 36, 41, 47) and that this may be mediated by a specific interaction with a soluble cellularprotein(s) (31).

It shouldbe pointed out that our data do not exclude the possibility that translation initiation mediated by the TEV 5' NTRinvolvesatraditional scanning mechanism in which the requirement for eIF-4F is decreased, perhaps owing to the absence of significant secondary structure within the NTR. This idea and the internal initiation model discussed above will be tested by construction and expression ofdicistronic transcripts, as well as RNAs containing strong structure elements and open reading frames positioned within the TEV 5' NTR.


We thank Brian Taylor for valuable advice on plant transforma-tion and protoplast electroporation, and for the use of his electro-porator and fluorometer, andMaria Restrepo for enthusiastic assist-ance with the GUS assays. We also thank Dale Dreyer, Maria Restrepo, and Brian Taylorfor usefulcomments on the manuscript. This work was supported by Public Health Service grant A127832 from the National Institute ofAllergy and InfectiousDiseases.


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FIG.1.adjacentbox.after3'-terminalpromoterschematic. Structures of relevant portions of recombinant plasmids assembled for this study
FIG. 2.oftoplasts15105) h 1-ms Effect of voltage during electroporation of tobacco pro- with pRTL-GUS DNA
FIG. 5.freeTEVpGEM4.2-GUSinplesandarerepresented vitro-synthesized Time course of GUS activity accumulation during cell- translation of capped or noncapped transcripts derived from (with artificial 5' NTR) or pTL7SN.3-GUS (with 5' NTR)
FIG. 6.translationtaken.acappedorartificialtion typical 40 Effect of the cap analog m7GTP on cell-free translation of or noncapped transcripts derived from pGEM4.2-GUS (with 5' NTR) or pTL7SN.3-GUS (with TEV 5' NTR)


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