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Vector Calculus


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x y





Vector Calculus

Michael Corral


Schoolcraft College. He received a B.A. in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley, and received an M.A. in Mathematics and an M.S. in Industrial & Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan.

This text was typeset in LATEX 2εwith theKOMA-Scriptbundle, using the GNU Emacs text editor on a Fedora Linux system. The graphics were created using MetaPost, PGF, and Gnuplot.

Copyright © 2008 Michael Corral.



This book covers calculus in two and three variables. It is suitable for a one-semester course, normally known as “Vector Calculus”, “Multivariable Calculus”, or simply “Calculus III”. The prerequisites are the standard courses in single-variable calculus (a.k.a. Calculus I and II).

I have tried to be somewhat rigorous about proving results. But while it is important for students to see full-blown proofs - since that is how mathematics works - too much rigor and emphasis on proofs can impede the flow of learning for the vast majority of the audience at this level. If I were to rate the level of rigor in the book on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being completely informal and 10 being completely rigorous, I would rate it as a 5.

There are 420 exercises throughout the text, which in my experience are more than enough for a semester course in this subject. There are exercises at the end of each sec-tion, divided into three categories: A, B and C. The A exercises are mostly of a routine computational nature, the B exercises are slightly more involved, and the C exercises usu-ally require some effort or insight to solve. A crude way of describing A, B and C would be “Easy”, “Moderate” and “Challenging”, respectively. However, many of the B exercises are easy and not all the C exercises are difficult.

There are a few exercises that require the student to write his or her own computer pro-gram to solve some numerical approximation problems (e.g. the Monte Carlo method for approximating multiple integrals, in Section 3.4). The code samples in the text are in the Java programming language, hopefully with enough comments so that the reader can figure out what is being done even without knowing Java. Those exercises do not mandate the use of Java, so students are free to implement the solutions using the language of their choice. While it would have been simple to use a scripting language like Python, and perhaps even easier with a functional programming language (such as Haskell or Scheme), Java was cho-sen due to its ubiquity, relatively clear syntax, and easy availability for multiple platforms.

Answers and hints to most odd-numbered and some even-numbered exercises are pro-vided in Appendix A. Appendix B contains a proof of the right-hand rule for the cross prod-uct, which seems to have virtually disappeared from calculus texts over the last few decades. Appendix C contains a brief tutorial on Gnuplot for graphing functions of two variables.

This book is released under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), which allows others to not only copy and distribute the book but also to modify it. For more details, see the included copy of the GFDL. So that there is no ambiguity on this matter, anyone can make as many copies of this book as desired and distribute it as desired, without needing my permission. The PDF version will always be freely available to the public at no cost (go to http://www.mecmath.net). Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for


any questions on this or any other matter involving the book (e.g. comments, suggestions, corrections, etc). I welcome your input.

Finally, I would like to thank my students in Math 240 for being the guinea pigs for the initial draft of this book, and for finding the numerous errors and typos it contained.



Preface iii

1 Vectors in Euclidean Space 1

1.1 Introduction . . . 1

1.2 Vector Algebra . . . 9

1.3 Dot Product . . . 15

1.4 Cross Product . . . 20

1.5 Lines and Planes . . . 31

1.6 Surfaces . . . 40

1.7 Curvilinear Coordinates . . . 47

1.8 Vector-Valued Functions . . . 51

1.9 Arc Length . . . 59

2 Functions of Several Variables 65 2.1 Functions of Two or Three Variables . . . 65

2.2 Partial Derivatives . . . 71

2.3 Tangent Plane to a Surface . . . 75

2.4 Directional Derivatives and the Gradient . . . 78

2.5 Maxima and Minima . . . 83

2.6 Unconstrained Optimization: Numerical Methods . . . 89

2.7 Constrained Optimization: Lagrange Multipliers . . . 96

3 Multiple Integrals 101 3.1 Double Integrals . . . 101

3.2 Double Integrals Over a General Region . . . 105

3.3 Triple Integrals . . . 110

3.4 Numerical Approximation of Multiple Integrals . . . 113

3.5 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals . . . 117

3.6 Application: Center of Mass . . . 124

3.7 Application: Probability and Expected Value . . . 128

4 Line and Surface Integrals 135 4.1 Line Integrals . . . 135

4.2 Properties of Line Integrals . . . 143

4.3 Green’s Theorem . . . 150


4.4 Surface Integrals and the Divergence Theorem . . . 156 4.5 Stokes’ Theorem . . . 165 4.6 Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian . . . 177

Bibliography 187

Appendix A: Answers and Hints to Selected Exercises 189

Appendix B: Proof of the Right-Hand Rule for the Cross Product 192

Appendix C: 3D Graphing with Gnuplot 196

GNU Free Documentation License 201

History 209


1 Vectors in Euclidean Space

1.1 Introduction

In single-variable calculus, the functions that one encounters are functions of a variable (usuallyxor t) that varies over some subset of the real number line (which we denote byR). For such a function, say, y=f(x), thegraphof the function f consists of the points (x,y)= (x,f(x)). These points lie in theEuclidean plane, which, in theCartesianorrectangular

coordinate system, consists of all ordered pairs of real numbers (a,b). We use the word “Euclidean” to denote a system in which all the usual rules of Euclidean geometry hold. We denote the Euclidean plane byR2; the “2” represents the number ofdimensionsof the plane. The Euclidean plane has two perpendicularcoordinate axes: the x-axis and the y-axis.

In vector (or multivariable) calculus, we will deal with functions of two or three variables (usuallyx,yorx,y,z, respectively). The graph of a function of two variables, say,z=f(x,y), lies inEuclidean space, which in the Cartesian coordinate system consists of all ordered triples of real numbers (a,b,c). Since Euclidean space is 3-dimensional, we denote it byR3. The graph of f consists of the points (x,y,z)=(x,y,f(x,y)). The 3-dimensional coordinate system of Euclidean space can be represented on a flat surface, such as this page or a black-board, only by giving the illusion of three dimensions, in the manner shown in Figure 1.1.1. Euclidean space has three mutually perpendicular coordinate axes (x,y and z), and three mutually perpendicular coordinate planes: thex y-plane, yz-plane andxz-plane (see Figure 1.1.2).


y z




b c

Figure 1.1.1


y z



x y-plane


Figure 1.1.2


The coordinate system shown in Figure 1.1.1 is known as aright-handed coordinate system, because it is possible, using the right hand, to point the index finger in the positive direction of thex-axis, the middle finger in the positive direction of they-axis, and the thumb in the positive direction of thez-axis, as in Figure 1.1.3.






Figure 1.1.3 Right-handed coordinate system

An equivalent way of defining a right-handed system is if you can point your thumb up-wards in the positive z-axis direction while using the remaining four fingers to rotate the x-axis towards the y-axis. Doing the same thing with the left hand is what defines a left-handed coordinate system. Notice that switching the x- and y-axes in a right-handed system results in a left-handed system, and that rotating either type of system does not change its “handedness”. Throughout the book we will use a right-handed system.

For functions of three variables, the graphs exist in 4-dimensional space (i.e. R4), which we can not see in our 3-dimensional space, let alone simulate in 2-dimensional space. So we can only think of 4-dimensional space abstractly. For an entertaining discussion of this subject, see the book by ABBOTT.1

So far, we have discussed thepositionof an object in 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional space. But what about something such as the velocity of the object, or its acceleration? Or the gravitational force acting on the object? These phenomena all seem to involve motion and directionin some way. This is where the idea of avectorcomes in.


1.1 Introduction 3

You have already dealt with velocity and acceleration in single-variable calculus. For example, for motion along a straight line, if y=f(t) gives the displacement of an object after timet, thend y/dt=f′(t) is the velocity of the object at timet. The derivative f′(t) is just a number, which is positive if the object is moving in an agreed-upon “positive” direction, and negative if it moves in the opposite of that direction. So you can think of that number, which was called the velocity of the object, as having two components: a magnitude, indicated by a nonnegative number, preceded by a direction, indicated by a plus or minus symbol (representing motion in the positive direction or the negative direction, respectively), i.e. f′(t)= ±afor some numbera0. Thenais the magnitude of the velocity (normally called thespeedof the object), and the±represents the direction of the velocity (though the+is usually omitted for the positive direction).

For motion along a straight line, i.e. in a 1-dimensional space, the velocities are also con-tained in that 1-dimensional space, since they are just numbers. For general motion along a curve in 2- or 3-dimensional space, however, velocity will need to be represented by a multi-dimensional object which should have both a magnitude and a direction. A geometric object which has those features is an arrow, which in elementary geometry is called a “directed line segment”. This is the motivation for how we will define a vector.

Definition 1.1. A (nonzero)vectoris a directed line segment drawn from a pointP (called its initial point) to a point Q (called its terminal point), with P andQ being distinct points. The vector is denoted by −−→PQ. Its magnitude is the length of the line segment, denoted by°°−−→PQ°°, and itsdirectionis the same as that of the directed line segment. The

zero vectoris just a point, and it is denoted by0.

To indicate the direction of a vector, we draw an arrow from its initial point to its terminal point. We will often denote a vector by a single bold-faced letter (e.g. v) and use the terms “magnitude” and “length” interchangeably. Note that our definition could apply to systems with any number of dimensions (see Figure 1.1.4 (a)-(c)).

0 R P Q x


−−→PQ −−→


(a)One dimension

x y







−−→ RS


(b)Two dimensions


y z









A few things need to be noted about the zero vector. Our motivation for what a vector is included the notions of magnitude and direction. What is the magnitude of the zero vector? We define it to be zero, i.e. k0k =0. This agrees with the definition of the zero vector as just a point, which has zero length. What about the direction of the zero vector? A single point really has no well-defined direction. Notice that we were careful to only define the direction of anonzerovector, which is well-defined since the initial and terminal points are distinct. Not everyone agrees on the direction of the zero vector. Some contend that the zero vector has arbitrary direction (i.e. can take any direction), some say that it has indeterminate direction (i.e. the direction can not be determined), while others say that it hasnodirection. Our definition of the zero vector, however, does not require it to have a direction, and we will leave it at that.2

Now that we know what a vector is, we need a way of determining when two vectors are equal. This leads us to the following definition.

Definition 1.2. Two nonzero vectors areequalif they have the same magnitude and the same direction. Any vector with zero magnitude is equal to the zero vector.

By this definition, vectors with the same magnitude and direction but with different initial points would be equal. For example, in Figure 1.1.5 the vectorsu,vandwall have the same magnitudep5 (by the Pythagorean Theorem). And we see thatuandware parallel, since they lie on lines having the same slope 12, and they point in the same direction. Sou=w, even though they have different initial points. We also see thatvis parallel toubut points in the opposite direction. Sou6=v.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

x y




v w

Figure 1.1.5

So we can see that there are an infinite number of vectors for a given magnitude and direction, those vectors all being equal and differing only by their initial and terminal points. Is there a single vector which we can choose to represent all those equal vectors? The answer is yes, and is suggested by the vectorwin Figure 1.1.5.


1.1 Introduction 5

Unless otherwise indicated, when speaking of “the vector” with a given magnitude and direction, we will mean the one whose initial point is at the origin of the coordinate system.

Thinking of vectors as starting from the origin provides a way of dealing with vectors in a standard way, since every coordinate system has an origin. But there will be times when it is convenient to consider a different initial point for a vector (for example, when adding vectors, which we will do in the next section).

Another advantage of using the origin as the initial point is that it provides an easy cor-respondence between a vector and its terminal point.

Example 1.1.Letv be the vector inR3 whose initial point is at the origin and whose ter-minal point is (3, 4, 5). Though the point(3, 4, 5) and the vectorvare different objects, it is convenient to writev=(3, 4, 5). When doing this, it is understood that the initial point ofv

is at the origin (0, 0, 0) and the terminal point is (3, 4, 5).


y z


P(3, 4, 5)

(a)The point (3,4,5)


y z


v=(3, 4, 5)

(b)The vector (3,4,5)

Figure 1.1.6 Correspondence between points and vectors

Unless otherwise stated, when we refer to vectors asv=(a,b) inR2 orv=(a,b,c) inR3, we mean vectors in Cartesian coordinates starting at the origin. Also, we will write the zero vector0inR2 andR3 as (0, 0) and (0, 0, 0), respectively.


Example 1.2.Consider the vectors −−→PQ and−−→RS in R3, where P=(2, 1, 5),Q=(3, 5, 7),R = (1,3,2) andS=(2, 1, 0). Does−−→PQ=−−→RS?

Solution:The vector−−→PQis equal to the vectorvwith initial point (0, 0, 0) and terminal point QP=(3, 5, 7)(2, 1, 5)=(32, 51, 75)=(1, 4, 2).

Similarly,−−→RSis equal to the vectorwwith initial point (0, 0, 0) and terminal pointSR= (2, 1, 0)(1,3,2)=(21, 1(3), 0(2))=(1, 4, 2).

So−−→PQ=v=(1, 4, 2) and−−→RS=w=(1, 4, 2). ∴−−→PQ=−−→RS

y z








(2, 1, 5)


(3, 5, 7)




(2, 1, 0)

(1, 4, 2)



Figure 1.1.7

Recall the distance formula for points in the Euclidean plane:

For pointsP=(x1,y1),Q=(x2,y2) inR2, the distancedbetweenP andQis: d=


(x2−x1)2+(y2−y1)2 (1.1)

By this formula, we have the following result:

For a vector−−→PQinR2with initial pointP=(x1,y1) and terminal point Q=(x2,y2), the magnitude of

−−→ PQis:

° °−−→PQ°°=



1.1 Introduction 7

Finding the magnitude of a vector v=(a,b) inR2 is a special case of formula (1.2) with P=(0, 0) andQ=(a,b) :

For a vectorv=(a,b) inR2, the magnitude ofvis:

kvk =pa2+b2 (1.3)

To calculate the magnitude of vectors in R3, we need a distance formula for points in Euclidean space (we will postpone the proof until the next section):

Theorem 1.1. The distancedbetween pointsP=(x1,y1,z1) andQ=(x2,y2,z2) inR3is: d=


(x2−x1)2+(y2−y1)2+(z2−z1)2 (1.4) The proof will use the following result:

Theorem 1.2. For a vectorv=(a,b,c) inR3, the magnitude ofvis:

kvk =pa2+b2+c2 (1.5)

Proof: There are four cases to consider:

Case 1: a=b=c=0. Thenv=0, sokvk =0=p02+02+02=pa2+b2+c2.

Case 2: exactly two ofa,b,c are0.Without loss of generality, we assume thata=b=0 and c6=0 (the other two possibilities are handled in a similar manner). Thenv=(0, 0,c), which is a vector of length|c|along thez-axis. Sokvk = |c| =pc2=p02+02+c2=pa2+b2+c2. Case 3: exactly one ofa,b,c is 0. Without loss of generality, we assume that a=0, b6=0 andc6=0 (the other two possibilities are handled in a similar manner). Thenv=(0,b,c), which is a vector in theyz-plane, so by the Pythagorean Theorem we havekvk =pb2+c2=




y z





R b



Figure 1.1.8 Case 4: none ofa,b,c are0. Without loss of generality, we can

as-sume thata,b,care all positive (the other seven possibilities are handled in a similar manner). Consider the points P =(0, 0, 0), Q=(a,b,c), R =(a,b, 0), and S =(a, 0, 0), as shown in Figure 1.1.8. Applying the Pythagorean Theorem to the right trian-gle P SR gives |P R|2 =a2+b2. A second application of the Pythagorean Theorem, this time to the right triangle PQR,

giveskvk = |PQ| =


|P R|2+ |QR|2=pa2+b2+c2.


Example 1.3.Calculate the following:

(a) The magnitude of the vector−−→PQinR2withP=(1, 2) andQ=(5, 5).

Solution:By formula (1.2),°°−−→PQ°°=p(5(1))2+(52)2=p36+9=p45=3p5. (b) The magnitude of the vectorv=(8, 3) inR2.

Solution:By formula (1.3),kvk =p82+32=p73.

(c) The distance between the pointsP=(2,1, 4) andQ=(4, 2,3) inR2.

Solution:By formula (1.4), the distanced=p(42)2+(2(1))2+(34)2=



(d) The magnitude of the vectorv=(5, 8,2) inR3.

Solution:By formula (1.5),kvk =p52+82+(2)2=p25+64+4=p93.



1. Calculate the magnitudes of the following vectors:

(a)v=(2,1) (b)v=(2,1, 0) (c)v=(3, 2,2) (d)v=(0, 0, 1) (e)v=(6, 4,4)

2. For the pointsP=(1,1, 1),Q=(2,2, 2),R=(2, 0, 1),S=(3,1, 2), does−−→PQ=−−→RS?

3. For the pointsP=(0, 0, 0),Q=(1, 3, 2),R=(1, 0, 1),S=(2, 3, 4), does−−→PQ=−−→RS?


4. Letv=(1, 0, 0) andw=(a, 0, 0) be vectors inR3. Show thatkwk = |a|kvk.

5. Letv=(a,b,c) andw=(3a, 3b, 3c) be vectors inR3. Show thatkwk =3kvk.



y z





S(x1,y1, 0)

T(x2,y2, 0) U(x2,y1, 0)

Figure 1.1.9

6. Though we will see a simple proof of Theorem 1.1 in the next section, it is possible to prove it using methods similar to those in the proof of Theorem 1.2. Prove the special case of Theorem 1.1 where the pointsP=(x1,y1,z1) andQ=(x2,y2,z2) satisfy the fol-lowing conditions:

x2>x1>0, y2>y1>0, andz2>z1>0.


1.2 Vector Algebra 9

1.2 Vector Algebra

Now that we know what vectors are, we can start to perform some of the usual algebraic operations on them (e.g. addition, subtraction). Before doing that, we will introduce the notion of ascalar.

Definition 1.3. Ascalaris a quantity that can be represented by a single number.

For our purposes, scalars will always be real numbers.3 Examples of scalar quantities are mass, electric charge, and speed (not velocity).4 We can now definescalar multiplicationof a vector.

Definition 1.4. For a scalar k and a nonzero vector v, the scalar multiple of v by k, denoted bykv, is the vector whose magnitude is|k|kvk, points in the same direction asvif k>0, points in the opposite direction asvifk<0, and is the zero vector0ifk=0. For the zero vector0, we definek0=0for any scalark.

Two vectorsvandwareparallel(denoted byvw) if one is a scalar multiple of the other. You can think of scalar multiplication of a vector as stretching or shrinking the vector, and as flipping the vector in the opposite direction if the scalar is a negative number (see Figure 1.2.1).

v 2v 3v 0.5vv 2v

Figure 1.2.1

Recall that translating a nonzero vector means that the initial point of the vector is changed but the magnitude and direction are preserved. We are now ready to define the sumof two vectors.

Definition 1.5. Thesumof vectorsv andw, denoted byv+w, is obtained by translating

wso that its initial point is at the terminal point ofv; the initial point ofv+wis the initial point ofv, and its terminal point is the new terminal point ofw.

3The termscalarwas invented by 19thcentury Irish mathematician, physicist and astronomer William Rowan Hamilton, to convey the sense of something that could be represented by a point on a scale or graduated ruler. The word vector comes from Latin, where it means “carrier”.


Intuitively, addingwtovmeans tacking onwto the end ofv(see Figure 1.2.2).

v w


v w

(b)Translatewto the end ofv

v w


(c)The sumv+w

Figure 1.2.2 Adding vectorsvandw

Notice that our definition is valid for the zero vector (which is just a point, and hence can be translated), and so we see thatv+0=v=0+vfor any vectorv. In particular,0+0=0. Also, it is easy to see that v+(v)=0, as we would expect. In general, since the scalar multiple v= −1v is a well-defined vector, we can definevector subtraction as follows:

vw=v+(w). See Figure 1.2.3.

v w




(b)Translate−wto the end ofv




(c)The differencevw Figure 1.2.3 Subtracting vectorsvandw

Figure 1.2.4 shows the use of “geometric proofs” of various laws of vector algebra, that is, it uses laws from elementary geometry to prove statements about vectors. For example, (a) shows thatv+w=w+vfor any vectorsv,w. And (c) shows how you can think ofvwas the vector that is tacked on to the end ofwto add up tov.



w w+v w


(a)Add vectors






(b)Subtract vectors

v w



(c)Combined add/subtract

Figure 1.2.4 “Geometric” vector algebra


1.2 Vector Algebra 11

Theorem 1.3. Letv=(v1,v2),w=(w1,w2) be vectors inR2, and letkbe a scalar. Then (a)kv=(kv1,kv2)

(b)v + w=(v1+w1,v2+w2)

Proof: (a) Without loss of generality, we assume that v1,v2>0 (the other possibilities are handled in a similar manner). Ifk=0 thenkv=0v=0=(0, 0)=(0v1, 0v2)=(kv1,kv2), which is what we needed to show. Ifk6=0, then (kv1,kv2) lies on a line with slope




v1, which is the same as the slope of the line on whichv(and hencekv) lies, and (kv1,kv2) points in the same direction on that line askv. Also, by formula (1.3) the magnitude of (kv1,kv2) is p

(kv1)2+(kv2)2= q


1+k2v22= q


1+v22)= |k| q

v21+v22= |k|kvk. Sokvand (kv1,kv2) have the same magnitude and direction. This proves (a).

x y




w1 v1 v1+w1




v v




Figure 1.2.5 (b) Without loss of generality, we assume that

v1,v2,w1,w2>0 (the other possibilities are han-dled in a similar manner). From Figure 1.2.5, we see that when translatingwto start at the end of

v, the new terminal point ofwis (v1+w1,v2+w2), so by the definition ofv+wthis must be the ter-minal point ofv+w. This proves (b). QED

Theorem 1.4. Letv=(v1,v2,v3),w=(w1,w2,w3) be vectors inR3, letkbe a scalar. Then (a)kv=(kv1,kv2,kv3)

(b)v + w=(v1+w1,v2+w2,v3+w3)

The following theorem summarizes the basic laws of vector algebra.

Theorem 1.5. For any vectorsu,v,w, and scalarsk,l, we have (a)v+w=w+v Commutative Law

(b)u+(v+w)=(u+v)+w Associative Law (c)v+0=v=0+v Additive Identity (d)v+(v)=0 Additive Inverse (e)k(lv)=(kl)v Associative Law (f)k(v+w)=kv+kw Distributive Law (g) (k+l)v=kv+lv Distributive Law

Proof: (a) We already presented a geometric proof of this in Figure 1.2.4(a).


Letu=(u1,u2,u3),v=(v1,v2,v3),w=(w1,w2,w3) be vectors inR3. Then


=(u1,u2,u3)+(v1+w1,v2+w2,v3+w3) by Theorem 1.4(b)

=(u1+(v1+w1),u2+(v2+w2),u3+(v3+w3)) by Theorem 1.4(b)

=((u1+v1)+w1, (u2+v2)+w2, (u3+v3)+w3) by properties of real numbers

=(u1+v1,u2+v2,u3+v3)+(w1,w2,w3) by Theorem 1.4(b)


This completes the analytic proof of (b). Figure 1.2.6 provides the geometric proof.








Figure 1.2.6 Associative Law for vector addition (c) We already discussed this on p.10.

(d) We already discussed this on p.10.

(e) We will prove this for a vectorv=(v1,v2,v3) inR3(the proof forR2is similar): k(lv)=k(lv1,lv2,lv3) by Theorem 1.4(a)

=(klv1,klv2,klv3) by Theorem 1.4(a)

=(kl)(v1,v2,v3) by Theorem 1.4(a)


(f) and (g): Left as exercises for the reader. QED

A unit vectoris a vector with magnitude 1. Notice that for any nonzero vector v, the vector kvvkis a unit vector which points in the same direction asv, sincek1vk>0 and°° v


° °=


kvk=1. Dividing a nonzero vectorvbykvkis often callednormalizingv.

There are specific unit vectors which we will often use, called thebasis vectors:

i=(1, 0, 0),j=(0, 1, 0), andk=(0, 0, 1) inR3;i=(1, 0) andj=(0, 1) inR2.

These are useful for several reasons: they are mutually perpendicular, since they lie on distinct coordinate axes; they are all unit vectors: kik = kjk = kkk =1; every vector can be written as a unique scalar combination of the basis vectors: v=(a,b)=ai+bj in R2,


1.2 Vector Algebra 13

1 2

1 2

x y

0 i



x y

0 ai

bj v=(a,b)

(b) v=ai+bj

1 2

1 2

1 2


y z


i j




y z




ck v=(a,b,c)

(d) v=ai+bj+ck

Figure 1.2.7 Basis vectors in different dimensions

When a vector v=(a,b,c) is written asv=ai+bj+ck, we say thatv is in component form, and thata,b, andcare thei,j, andkcomponents, respectively, ofv. We have:

v=v1i+v2j+v3k,ka scalar=⇒kv=kv1i+kv2j+kv3k


v=v1i+v2j+v3k=⇒ kvk = q


Example 1.4.Letv=(2, 1,1) andw=(3,4, 2) inR3. (a) Findvw.

Solution:vw=(23, 1(4),12)=(1, 5,3)

(b) Find 3v+2w.

Solution:3v+2w=(6, 3,3)+(6,8, 4)=(12,5, 1)

(c) Writevandwin component form. Solution:v=2i+jk,w=3i4j+2k

(d) Find the vectorusuch thatu+v=w.

Solution:By Theorem 1.5,u=wv= −(vw)= −(1, 5,3)=(1,5, 3), by part(a).

(e) Find the vectorusuch thatu+v+w=0.

Solution:By Theorem 1.5,u= −wv= −(3,4, 2)(2, 1,1)=(5, 3,1).

(f) Find the vectorusuch that 2u+i2j=k. Solution:2u= −i+2j+k=⇒u= −12i+j+12k

(g) Find the unit vector v


Solution: v




22+12+(1)2(2, 1,−1)= ³



6, 1






We can now easily prove Theorem 1.1 from the previous section. The distancedbetween two pointsP=(x1,y1,z1) andQ=(x2,y2,z2) inR3is the same as the length of the vectorwv, where the vectorsvandware defined asv=(x1,y1,z1) andw=(x2,y2,z2) (see Figure 1.2.8). So sincewv=(x2−x1,y2−y1,z2−z1), thend= kwvk =


(x2−x1)2+(y2−y1)2+(z2−z1)2by Theorem 1.2.


y z







Figure 1.2.8 Proof of Theorem 1.2: d= kwvk



1. Letv=(1, 5,2) andw=(3, 1, 1).

(a) Findvw. (b) Findv+w. (c) Find kvvk. (d) Find°°12(vw)°°. (e) Find°°12(v+w)°°. (f) Find2v+4w. (g) Findv2w.

(h) Find the vectorusuch thatu+v+w=i. (i) Find the vectorusuch thatu+v+w=2j+k.

(j) Is there a scalarmsuch thatm(v+2w)=k? If so, find it.

2. For the vectorsvandwfrom Exercise 1, iskvwk = kvk − kwk? If not, which quantity is larger?

3. For the vectorsvandwfrom Exercise 1, iskv+wk = kvk + kwk? If not, which quantity is larger?


4. Prove Theorem 1.5(f) forR3. 5. Prove Theorem 1.5(g) forR3.


6. We know that every vector inR3 can be written as a scalar combination of the vectorsi,


1.3 Dot Product 15

1.3 Dot Product

You may have noticed that while we did define multiplication of a vector by a scalar in the previous section on vector algebra, we did not define multiplication of a vector by a vector. We will now see one type of multiplication of vectors, called thedot product.

Definition 1.6. Letv=(v1,v2,v3) andw=(w1,w2,w3) be vectors inR3. Thedot productofvandw, denoted byv···w, is given by:

v···w=v1w1+v2w2+v3w3 (1.6) Similarly, for vectorsv=(v1,v2) andw=(w1,w2) inR2, the dot product is:

v···w=v1w1+v2w2 (1.7) Notice that the dot product of two vectors is a scalar, not a vector. So the associative law that holds for multiplication of numbers and for addition of vectors (see Theorem 1.5(b),(e)), does not hold for the dot product of vectors. Why? Because for vectors u, v, w, the dot productu···vis a scalar, and so (u···v)···wis not defined since the left side of that dot product (the part in parentheses) is a scalar and not a vector.

For vectorsv=v1i+v2j+v3kandw=w1i+w2j+w3kin component form, the dot product is stillv···w=v1w1+v2w2+v3w3.

Also notice that we defined the dot product in an analytic way, i.e. by referencing vector coordinates. There is a geometric way of defining the dot product, which we will now develop as a consequence of the analytic definition.

Definition 1.7. Theanglebetween two nonzero vectors with the same initial point is the smallest angle between them.

We do not define the angle between the zero vector and any other vector. Any two nonzero vectors with the same initial point have two angles between them: θ and 360◦θ. We will always choose the smallest nonnegative angleθ between them, so that 0◦θ≤180◦. See Figure 1.3.1.







θ 360◦θ

(c)θ=0◦ Figure 1.3.1 Angle between vectors


Theorem 1.6. Letv,wbe nonzero vectors, and letθbe the angle between them. Then

cosθ= v···w

kvkkwk (1.8)

Proof: We will prove the theorem for vectors in R3 (the proof forR2 is similar). Letv=

(v1,v2,v3) andw=(w1,w2,w3). By the Law of Cosines (see Figure 1.3.2), we have

kvwk2= kvk2+ kwk22kvkkwkcosθ (1.9) (note that equation (1.9) holds even for the “degenerate” casesθ=0◦and 180◦).



y z






Figure 1.3.2

Sincevw=(v1−w1,v2−w2,v3−w3), expandingkvwk2in equation (1.9) gives

kvk2+ kwk22kvkkwkcosθ=(v1−w1) 2

+(v2−w2) 2

+(v3−w3) 2

=(v212v1w1+w21)+(v 2

2−2v2w2+w22)+(v 2



= kvk2+ kwk22(v···w) , so

−2kvkkwkcosθ= −2(v···w) , so sincev6=0andw6=0then cosθ= v···w

kvkkwk, sincekvk >0 andkwk >0. QED

Example 1.5.Find the angleθbetween the vectorsv=(2, 1,1) andw=(3,4, 1). Solution:Sincev···w=(2)(3)+(1)(4)+(1)(1)=1,kvk =p6, andkwk =p26, then

cosθ= v···w kvkkwk=

1 p

6p26= 1

2p39≈0.08 =⇒ θ=85.41

Two nonzero vectors areperpendicularif the angle between them is 90◦. Since cos 90◦= 0, we have the following important corollary to Theorem 1.6:

Corollary 1.7. Two nonzero vectorsvandware perpendicular if and only ifv···w=0.


1.3 Dot Product 17

Since cosθ>0 for 0◦θ<90◦and cosθ<0 for 90◦<θ≤180◦, we also have:

Corollary 1.8. Ifθis the angle between nonzero vectorsvandw, then

v···w is

   

  

>0 for 0◦θ<90◦ 0 for θ=90◦

<0 for 90◦<θ≤180◦

By Corollary 1.8, the dot product can be thought of as a way of telling if the angle be-tween two vectors is acute, obtuse, or a right angle, depending on whether the dot product is positive, negative, or zero, respectively. See Figure 1.3.3.


v w

(a) v···w>0


v w

(b) v···w<0


v w

(c) v···w=0 Figure 1.3.3 Sign of the dot product & angle between vectors

Example 1.6.Are the vectorsv=(1, 5,2) andw=(3, 1, 1) perpendicular? Solution:Yes,vwsincev···w=(1)(3)+(5)(1)+(2)(1)=0.

The following theorem summarizes the basic properties of the dot product.

Theorem 1.9. For any vectorsu,v,w, and scalar k, we have

(a)v···w=w···v Commutative Law

(b) (kv)···w=v···(kw)=k(v···w) Associative Law (c)v···0=0=0···v

(d)u···(v+w)=u···v+u···w Distributive Law (e) (u+v)···w=u···w+v···w Distributive Law (f)|v···w| ≤ kvkkwk Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality5

Proof: The proofs of parts (a)-(e) are straightforward applications of the definition of the dot product, and are left to the reader as exercises. We will prove part (f).

(f) If eitherv=0orw=0, thenv···w=0 by part (c), and so the inequality holds trivially. So assume thatvandware nonzero vectors. Then by Theorem 1.6,

v···w=cosθkvkkwk, so |v···w| = |cosθ|kvkkwk, so

|v···w| ≤ kvkkwk since|cosθ| ≤1. QED


Using Theorem 1.9, we see that ifu···v=0 andu···w=0, thenu···(kv+lw)=k(u···v)+l(u···w)= k(0)+l(0)=0 for all scalarsk,l. Thus, we have the following fact:

Ifuvanduw, thenu(kv+lw) for all scalarsk,l.

For vectorsvandw, the collection of all scalar combinations kv+lwis called thespan

ofv andw. If nonzero vectors vandware parallel, then their span is a line; if they are not parallel, then their span is a plane. So what we showed above is that a vector which is perpendicular to two other vectors is also perpendicular to their span.

The dot product can be used to derive properties of the magnitudes of vectors, the most important of which is theTriangle Inequality, as given in the following theorem:

Theorem 1.10. For any vectorsv,w, we have (a)kvk2=v···v

(b)kv+wk ≤ kvk + kwk Triangle Inequality (c)kvwk ≥ kvk − kwk

Proof: (a) Left as an exercise for the reader.

(b) By part (a) and Theorem 1.9, we have


= kvk2+2(v···w)+ kwk2, so sincea≤ |a|for any real numbera, we have ≤ kvk2+2|v···w| + kwk2, so by Theorem 1.9(f) we have

≤ kvk2+2kvkkwk + kwk2=(kvk + kwk)2and so

kv+wk ≤ kvk + kwkafter taking square roots of both sides, which proves (b).

(c) Sincev=w+(vw), thenkvk = kw+(vw)k ≤ kwk+kvwkby the Triangle Inequality, so subtractingkwkfrom both sides giveskvk − kwk ≤ kvwk. QED

v w


Figure 1.3.4 The Triangle Inequality gets its name from the fact that in any triangle,

no one side is longer than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides (see Figure 1.3.4). Another way of saying this is with the familiar statement “the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”



1. Letv=(5, 1,2) andw=(4,4, 3). Calculatev···w.


1.3 Dot Product 19

3. v=(5, 1,2),w=(4,4, 3) 4. v=(7, 2,10),w=(2, 6, 4)

5. v=(2, 1, 4),w=(1,2, 0) 6. v=(4, 2,1),w=(8, 4,2)

7. v= −i+2j+k,w= −3i+6j+3k 8. v=i,w=3i+2j+4k

9. Letv=(8, 4, 3) andw=(2, 1, 4). Isvw? Justify your answer.

10. Letv=(6, 0, 4) andw=(0, 2,1). Isvw? Justify your answer.

11. Forv,wfrom Exercise 5, verify the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality|v···w| ≤ kvkkwk.

12. Forv,wfrom Exercise 6, verify the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality|v···w| ≤ kvkkwk.

13. Forv,wfrom Exercise 5, verify the Triangle Inequalitykv+wk ≤ kvk + kwk.

14. Forv,wfrom Exercise 6, verify the Triangle Inequalitykv+wk ≤ kvk + kwk.


Note: Consider only vectors inR3 for Exercises 15-25.

15. Prove Theorem 1.9(a). 16. Prove Theorem 1.9(b).

17. Prove Theorem 1.9(c). 18. Prove Theorem 1.9(d).

19. Prove Theorem 1.9(e). 20. Prove Theorem 1.10(a).

21. Prove or give a counterexample: Ifu···v=u···w, thenv=w.


22. Prove or give a counterexample: Ifv···w=0 for allv, thenw=0.

23. Prove or give a counterexample: Ifu···v=u···wfor allu, thenv=w.

24. Prove that¯¯kvk − kwk¯¯≤ kvwkfor allv,w.


w v


Figure 1.3.5

25. For nonzero vectorsvandw, theprojectionofvontow (some-times written as pro jwv) is the vectorualong the same lineL aswwhose terminal point is obtained by dropping a perpendic-ular line from the terminal point of v to L (see Figure 1.3.5). Show that

kuk =|v···w|

kwk .

(Hint: Consider the angle betweenvandw.)

26. Letα,β, andγbe the angles between a nonzero vectorvinR3 and the vectorsi,j, and

k, respectively. Show that cos2α+cos2β+cos2γ=1.


1.4 Cross Product

In Section 1.3 we defined the dot product, which gave a way of multiplying two vectors. The resulting product, however, was a scalar, not a vector. In this section we will define a product of two vectors that does result in another vector. This product, called thecross product, is only defined for vectors inR3. The definition may appear strange and lacking motivation, but we will see the geometric basis for it shortly.

Definition 1.8. Letv=(v1,v2,v3) andw=(w1,w2,w3) be vectors inR3. Thecross product ofvandw, denoted byv×××w, is the vector inR3 given by:

v×××w=(v2w3−v3w2,v3w1−v1w3,v1w2−v2w1) (1.10)


1 1


y z


i j


Figure 1.4.1

Example 1.7.Findi×××j.

Solution:Sincei=(1, 0, 0) andj=(0, 1, 0), then

i×××j=((0)(0)(0)(1), (0)(0)(1)(0), (1)(1)(0)(0)) =(0, 0, 1)


Similarly it can be shown thatj×××k=iandk×××i=j.

In the above example, the cross product of the given vectors was perpendicular to both those vectors. It turns out that this will always be the case.

Theorem 1.11. If the cross productv×××wof two nonzero vectorsvandwis also a nonzero vector, then it is perpendicular to bothvandw.

Proof: We will show that (v×××w)···v=0:




=0 , after rearranging the terms.

v×××wvby Corollary 1.7.

The proof thatv×××wwis similar. QED

As a consequence of the above theorem and Theorem 1.9, we have the following:


1.4 Cross Product 21

The span of any two nonzero, nonparallel vectorsv, winR3 is a plane P, so the above corollary shows thatv×××wis perpendicular to that plane. As shown in Figure 1.4.2, there are two possible directions forv×××w, one the opposite of the other. It turns out (see Appendix B) that the direction ofv×××wis given by theright-hand rule, that is, the vectorsv,w,v×××w

form a right-handed system. Recall from Section 1.1 that this means that you can point your thumb upwards in the direction ofv×××wwhile rotatingvtowardswwith the remaining four fingers.


y z

0 θ







Figure 1.4.2 Direction ofv×××w

We will now derive a formula for the magnitude ofv×××w, for nonzero vectorsv,w:


=v22w232v2w2v3w3+v 2 3w

2 2+v

2 3w


1−2v1w1v3w3+v 2 1w

2 3+v

2 1w


2−2v1w1v2w2+v 2 2w

2 1

=v21(w22+w23)+v22(w21+w23)+v32(w21+w22)2(v1w1v2w2+v1w1v3w3+v2w2v3w3) and now adding and subtractingv21w21,v22w22, andv23w23 on the right side gives

=v21(w21+w22+w23)+v22(w21+w22+w23)+v23(w21+w22+w23) −(v21w21+v22w22+v23w23+2(v1w1v2w2+v1w1v3w3+v2w2v3w3))


−((v1w1)2+(v2w2)2+(v3w3)2+2(v1w1)(v2w2)+2(v1w1)(v3w3)+2(v2w2)(v3w3)) so using (a+b+c)2=a2+b2+c2+2ab+2ac+2bcfor the subtracted term gives

=(v21+v22+v23)(w21+w22+w23)(v1w1+v2w2+v3w3) 2

= kvk2kwk2(v···w)2 = kvk2kwk2³1 (v···w)


kvk2kwk2 ´

, sincekvk >0 andkwk >0, so by Theorem 1.6


Ifθis the angle between nonzero vectorsvandwinR3, then

kv×××wk = kvkkwksinθ (1.11)

It may seem strange to bother with the above formula, when the magnitude of the cross product can be calculated directly, like for any other vector. The formula is more useful for its applications in geometry, as in the following example.

Example 1.8.LetPQRandPQRSbe a triangle and parallelogram, respectively, as shown in Figure 1.4.3.


h h

θ θ




v w

Figure 1.4.3

Think of the triangle as existing inR3, and identify the sidesQR andQP with vectorsv

andw, respectively, inR3. Letθbe the angle betweenvandw. The area APQR of△PQR is


2bh, wherebis the base of the triangle and his the height. So we see that b= kvk and h= kwksinθ


2kvkkwksinθ =1


So since the areaAPQRS of the parallelogramPQRSis twice the area of the trianglePQR, then

APQRS= kvkkwksinθ

By the discussion in Example 1.8, we have proved the following theorem:

Theorem 1.13. Area of triangles and parallelograms

(a) The area Aof a triangle with adjacent sidesv,w(as vectors inR3) is:




1.4 Cross Product 23

It may seem at first glance that since the formulas derived in Example 1.8 were for the adjacent sidesQPandQRonly, then the more general statements in Theorem 1.13 that the formulas hold foranyadjacent sides are not justified. We would get a differentformulafor the area if we had pickedPQandP Ras the adjacent sides, but it can be shown (see Exercise 26) that the different formulas would yield the same value, so the choice of adjacent sides indeed does not matter, and Theorem 1.13 is valid.

Theorem 1.13 makes it simpler to calculate the area of a triangle in 3-dimensional space than by using traditional geometric methods.

Example 1.9.Calculate the area of the trianglePQR, whereP=(2, 4,7),Q=(3, 7, 18), andR=(5, 12, 8).

y z


0 v


R(5, 12, 8)

Q(3, 7, 18)

P(2, 4,7)

Figure 1.4.4 Solution: Letv=−−→PQ andw=−−→P R, as in Figure 1.4.4. Then

v=(3, 7, 18)(2, 4,7)=(1, 3, 25) andw=(5, 12, 8)(2, 4,7)= (7, 8, 15), so the areaAof the trianglePQRis


2kv×××wk = 1

2k(1, 3, 25)×××(−7, 8, 15)k

=1 2


°((3)(15)(25)(8), (25)(7)(1)(15), (1)(8)(3)(7))°°

=1 2


°(155,190, 29)°°

=1 2


(155)2+(190)2+292=1 2

p 60966


Example 1.10.Calculate the area of the parallelogram PQRS, whereP=(1, 1),Q=(2, 3), R=(5, 4), andS=(4, 2).

x y

0 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5






Figure 1.4.5 Solution: Let v=−−→SP andw=−−→SR, as in Figure 1.4.5. Then

v=(1, 1)(4, 2)=(3,1) and w=(5, 4)(4, 2)=(1, 2). But these are vectors inR2, and the cross product is only defined for vectors inR3. However,R2can be thought of as the subset ofR3 such that the z-coordinate is always 0. So we can write

v=(3,1, 0) andw=(1, 2, 0). Then the areaAofPQRSis

A= kv×××wk =°°(3,1, 0)×××(1, 2, 0)°°

=°°((1)(0)(0)(2), (0)(1)(3)(0), (3)(2)(1)(1))°°

=°°(0, 0,5)°°


The following theorem summarizes the basic properties of the cross product.

Theorem 1.14. For any vectorsu,v,winR3, and scalark, we have (a)v×××w= −w×××v Anticommutative Law (b)u×××(v+w)=u×××v+u×××w Distributive Law (c) (u+v)×××w=u×××w+v×××w Distributive Law (d) (kv)×××w=v×××(kw)=k(v×××w) Associative Law (e)v×××0=0=0×××v


(g)v×××w=0if and only ifvw

Proof: The proofs of properties (b)-(f) are straightforward. We will prove parts (a) and (g) and leave the rest to the reader as exercises.


y z






Figure 1.4.6 (a) By the definition of the cross product and scalar

multipli-cation, we have:


= −(v3w2−v2w3,v1w3−v3w1,v2w1−v1w2)

= −(w2v3−w3v2,w3v1−w1v3,w1v2−w2v1)

= −w×××v

Note that this says thatv×××wandw×××vhave the same mag-nitude but opposite direction (see Figure 1.4.6).

(g) If eithervorwis0thenv×××w=0by part (e), and eitherv=0=0worw=0=0v, sov

andware scalar multiples, i.e. they are parallel.

If bothvandware nonzero, andθ is the angle between them, then by formula (1.11),



Figure 1.1.3Right-handed coordinate system
Figure 1.1.5
Figure 1.1.7
Figure 1.2.6Associative Law for vector addition


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