B 12.73
Training Room, Ellen’s Glen Road, Edinburgh
10.00 a.m. – Tuesday, 10th April 2012
Martin Bruce (MB) (Chair) William Hughes (WH) Moira Carter (MC) Linda Lodge (LL) Bruce Cuthbertson (BC) Lynne Kidd (LK) Peter Forsyth (PF) (by video) Jacqueline Millar (JM) Robin Fraser (RF) Sam Rawlinson (SR) George Galea (GG) Bert Stillie (BS)
Stuart Baird (SB) Safia Qureshi (SQ) Rachel Green (RG) Steve Taylor (ST) William Hughes (WH) Hazel Thomson (HT) Mary Morgan (MM) Marc Turner (MLT)
In attendance:-
Mairi Gaffney (MG) (for item 5.2 only) Tammy Watchorn (TW) Margaret Smith (MS) (Minutes)
B 12.56 1 MINUTES
A copy of the draft Minute of the meeting held on 12th March 2012 was
reviewed. An amendment was made to the list of apologies and a copy of the revised Minute will be circulated in due course.
The completed actions were noted and those that had not been completed will be held over to the May meeting.
Mr Bruce reported that he had attended the NSS Operating Committee in the absence of Mrs Morgan. The following issues were reported:-
SNBTS National Centre the Outline Business Case is due to be submitted to the NSS Board in September (remains the top priority for NSS)
Re. the Risk Register, the Chief Executive was concerned that there were risks that were greater than 3 years old and asked that Divisions review their risks
Health Facilities Scotland have a new process in place for dealing with incident reporting (Incident Reporting and Investigating Centre). Dr Cuthbertson to note
Web Presence – there had been an audit of websites across NSS which had disclosed a larger number than was expected. Further work is needed to rationalise. Jan Lyell is leading and SNBTS needs to engage in this process
Access Shared Services – Discussions are ongoing between SNBTS Donor Services and NHS24 re some call centre functions. Scottish Ambulance Service were offered free payroll services from NSS but opted to have this done by Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board. Mr Crichton felt better progress was being made with Local Authorities than Health Boards
eQuest and iQuest to be discussed in more detail at EMT off site day. These programmes are currently in information gathering mode. It is anticipated that both eQuest and iQuest will save in the order of £5m. Staff will have the opportunity of influencing the recommendations. Copy of the presentation on Operational Governance has been sent to
Mrs Morgan and it was suggested that this should be circulated Medical support – a greater profile for Healthcare Scientists was
Continued dialogue on Flexi–time. Proposals are to be circulated to OPCom members and feedback was invited
New guidance has been issued on Personal Development Plans and how these are scored
Mr Crichton is to issue his objectives and the draft Business Plan It has been agreed that the 7 Set Programme will be completed every
two years with NSS and done internally every other year Nominations for Leadership Programme required
A review of Regulatory bodies governing NSS including a hierarchy of legislation is being undertaken.
A copy of the Team Talk briefing for April was submitted. SNBTS issues are still to be added. The following issues were highlighted:-
Mandatory use of contracts and the need to advise Procurement if Divisions wish to opt out. A new CEL 05/12 re Procurement had been issued and Mr Bruce agreed to speak with Mrs Morgan on this.
B 12.59 4 FINANCE
The Finance update for the period ending 31st March 2012 was submitted for information. The following issues were noted:-
Year End Accounts
The Savings Target for the year end had been achieved.
Income and Expenditure
Other expenditure had exceeded target due to non-recurring maintenance costs and IM&T over spend
Third Party income had exceeded target by £0.5m
Capital Allocation
No capital issues were raised.
4.1 Policies
B 12.60 4.1.1 NATF 375.01 Patient Group Direction for the administration of Sodium
Chloride 0.9% intravenous infusions to donors presenting at apheresis sessions
A copy of the proposed policy had been developed in the new revised format and had been approved by the Clinical Governance and Safety Committee at
their meeting last week.
The policy was approved by members of the Management Board.
B 12.61 4.1.2 NATF 376.01 Patient Group Direction for the administration of Lidocaine
Hydrochloride 1% to donors present at whole blood apheresis sessions
Again this policy is already in existence but the opportunity has been taken to revise this in the new format. The policy was submitted and agreed at last week’s Clinical Governance and Safety Committee.
The Management Board approved the policy document as submitted.
B 12.62 4.1.3 Policy Washed Red Cells
The document as submitted has been agreed by the Clinical Governance and Safety Committee subject to the correction of several typos. The
recommendation will extend the shelf life of platelets and will be a significant advance clinically.
With the proviso that the corrections are made the policy was accepted.
4.2 CMV – Revised indications for the use of CMV negative blood
Professor Turner had written recently to the Chair, Scottish Clinical Transfusion Advisory Committee, Chair, Scottish Transplant Group, Consultant
Haematologists, Hospital Blood Bank Managers and the Chairs of Scottish Hospital Transfusion Committees advising them that the Advisory Committee on Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs (SaBTO) had reviewed the current indications for the use of CMV seronegative red cells and platelet components. Transplant clinicians in Glasgow had reported that there had been little
consultation on this. Dr Cuthbertson agreed to provide the SaBTO weblink so that they could review the recommendation and he also agreed to ask the clinicians for further feedback.
5.1 Strategy Refresh
Tammy Watchorn gave a verbal update on the feedback received on the Strategy Bridge. It was noted that Tammy would attend team meetings next month and that at the May Management Board meeting the afternoon session would be devoted to prioritising the Strategic Objectives.
It is important that staff understand the strategy and a draft poster to be presented at the forthcoming series of roadshows and for inclusion in
Bloodletter was tabled. It was agreed that some narrative will be required and that Managers will be asked to present and explain this to their staff. Members of the Management Board were asked to provide their comments on the poster by the end of the week. It was also suggested that the poster should also be sent to stakeholders.
It was suggested that an additional column should be added to the poster to show how the objectives contribute to NSS objectives.
The first roadshow will be held at Ellen’s Glen Road on Monday, 16th April 2012. Professor Turner’s presentation will focus on the Strategy Refresh and SNBTS’s key achievements during 2011-12.
Mrs Gaffney, Head of Healthy Working Lives gave an update on Occupational Health and Safety. In his report dated November 2010 Lord Young had attempted to take a common sense approach and had listed a number of recommendations. Apart from the current legislation Mrs Gaffney explained the requirements under HSE Model HSG65 and the NHS Framework. The NHS Framework had identified four areas of priority identified from the sickness records:-
Mental Health and Wellbeing Musculoskeletal Disorders Aggression and Violence Slips, Trips and Falls
In addition the NHS Framework had a number of specific aims relating to the roles and responsibilities of management, staff and various committees. A self assessment tool has been developed to assess health and safety
It had been agreed that in future Health and Safety within NSS would be reported on a site basis rather than Divisions. It was noted that the Health and Safety lead for a particular site may not have any control or be able to take remedial action as budgets and authority lies elsewhere. The fire doors at Gartnavel were quoted as an example.
It was agreed that the fire doors at Gartnavel needed to be made good as a matter of urgency and Dr Cuthbertson would refer this directly to Steve Taylor and to OHSAC.
OHSAC would also be asked to address the issue of identified site leads for Health and Safety.
B 12.63 5.3 Data Protection / Caldicott Issues
The report was submitted for information but will be discussed at the next meeting when Mr Radin is available.
5.3 Post Implementation of E-Progesa
Dr Carter gave a verbal report on the lessons learnt from the implementation of e-progesa and noted the following:-
Governance arrangement had worked well
There were no preplanned meetings scheduled for the post go live period
Unrealistic milestones
Delays in resolving USB down load and up load issues Over committed resources
Strong recommendation that the Progesa Users Group report to e-Strategy Group
60% of the initial issues had been resolved by the beginning of the year (three months after implementation)
A formal report was in preparation. B 12.65 5.4 Leadership Walkrounds
The paper presented had been discussed at the last Clinical Governance and Safety Committee. Since 2008 senior management in Health Boards had carried out weekly walkrounds to discuss improvements to patient safety. It was agreed that Mrs Kidd, Mrs Millar and Dr Green should meet to develop a
template for these meetings. Members agreed that it was not unreasonable for SNBTS to include donor safety.
B 12.66 6.1 Infection Control Committee
A copy of the Minute of the meeting held on 1st December 2012 was submitted for information.
Mrs Millar gave a verbal report on the meeting held on 6th March and in particular noted the following:-
A National Infection and Prevention Control Manual is required to be fully implemented by 30th June. A gap analysis has been undertaken and the Infection Control Committee has identified two issues that SNBTS may have issue with viz.
o The wearing of gloves to reduce effects of needlestick injuries o The use of chlorine solution to wipe up blood and body fluid
A letter is to be sent to the Policy Unit explaining the concerns SNBTS has in implementing these two recommendations
The design of the needleguard had been revised by the manufacturer in order to reduce needlestick injuries. It was hoped that the new design could be implemented as soon as possible. SNBTS currently holds three months stock of the original design and negotiation with the manufacturer will take place to ascertain whether they will accept returns of the old stock.
A copy of the Annual Infection Prevention and Control report was submitted for comment. It was noted that viral transmissions are published elsewhere. B 12.68 6.2 Human Resources
B 12.68a B 12.68b B 12.68c B 12.68d
In the absence of Mr Baird the monthly reports were submitted for information. Dr Fraser agreed to prepare information re e-KSF on a Department basis and send this out to Managers.
B 12.69 6.3 Modernising Manufacturing Project Report
An updated report was submitted for information. It was noted that at an option appraisal workshop held on 9th March the building of a new National Centre had been chosen as the preferred option. This recommendation will be made to NSS Board for their approval.
The Outline Business Case is due to be completed and submitted to NSS in September and it was planned to have detailed discussions relating to storyboards, site plans and modus operandi at the next Partnership Forum meeting.
It was noted that Phase 1.1 is to go live in Glasgow on Sunday.
7.2 Adverts
It was reported that three new video creatives had been developed and will be shown at the next Management Board meeting.
Members were asked to note that the next meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, 8th May 2012 and that items for the agenda and supporting papers