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Use of Mobile Devices to interact on social media: University of Oslo vs. University of Malawi. Lamisi Gurah Blackman Tiwonge Davis Manda


Academic year: 2021

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Use of Mobile Devices to interact

on social media: University of Oslo

vs. University of Malawi

Lamisi Gurah Blackman

Tiwonge Davis Manda

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


Study Focus

use of social media by university students

social media solutions in use

device choices

market contexts


Study Context


Mature mobile telephony market

Developed economy

Population: 4.8 million people


Emerging mobile telephony market

Developing economy

Population: 13.1 million people

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


Study Context

University of Oslo

founded in 1811

Norway’s largest university.

University of Malawi

Founded in 1964

Malawi’s largest university


ICT Trends

Trends in fixed-line and mobile cellular subscriptions and

Internet use in Malawi (Data source -(ITU 2011)) Trends in fixed-line and mobile cellular subscriptions and Internet use in Norway (Data source -(ITU 2011))

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011



Questionnaire with closed & open ended


Collected quantitative and qualitative data

Literature review



Lower number of respondents:

Reduced scope of generalization

Quite hard to initially reach out to

respondents in Malawi

Two main university campuses were shut down

just before we started collecting data

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


Theoretical Framework of Interest

An Integrated framework for the use and adoption of mobile

handheld devices (Source:(Sarker and Wells 2003))


Social Media

“a group of Internet-based applications that

build on the ideological and technological

foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the

creation and exchange of User Generated

Content” (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010: pp 61).

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


Social Media Solutions in Use

the following social media solutions are being used:

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, among others

Most respondents use more than 1 solution

Facebook is the most popular solution

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


Frequency of Access

Patterns of Access

21 people (81% ) - “everyday, several times a day”

2 people (8%) - “everyday, once a day”

1 person (4%) - “2-3 times per week”

1 person (4%) - “once a week”


Duration of Daily Access

Quite varied

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


Market Context

Most respondents use pre-paid subscriptions

Devices Acquisition Plans:

Norway: Contract & Cash

Malawi: Cash

Most Norwegian respondents have higher end

phones compared to the Malawian respondents

We feel device acquisition prices influence this

Norwegian respondents mostly content with


Mobile Devices Vs. Desktops

Varied experiences

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


Paradoxes of Mobile device use

They (Dis)Connect people:

Bridge time and space to allow increased

collaboration, negatively impact relations with

people who are physically present

Increased mobility, but somewhat reduced

interactivity due to small screen sizes

Allow use of context sensitive services, but the


User Experiences

“using mobile devices makes people ant

-social for example see most people or friends

using these sites (facebook, twitter and mixt)

for example while physically(charting, parting

etc) on a group of friends i feel it is stealing

much of the quality time that people need to

have when in a conversation or doing things

together. -

A Respondent from Norway

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


User Experiences

“mobile devices are so easy to use no need for

training can also be used when one is walking

or charting with friends but the screen size can

lead to eye problem. Laptops & PC are so cool

to use, the screen size its wow but its not a

benefit to some one who doesn’t know a

computer.” -

Respondent from Malawi


User Experiences

“Its convenient, u can access the internet

anywhere as long as there’s a network..one

challenge is charging the battery frequently” –

Respondent from Malawi

Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


User Experiences

"Benefits : Easy access, Always updated, ...

Challenges : Small screen, lack of a full

keyboard(touch keyboards are not the best),

mass of information flowing to the brain, ..." –

Respondent from Norway



Sarker, S. and J. D. Wells (2003). "Understanding mobile handheld device

use and adoption." Commun. ACM

46(12): 35-40


ITU (2011). World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database: Key

2000-2009 Country Data International Telecommunications Union


Kaplan, A. M. and M. Haenlein (2010). "Users of the world, unite! The

challenges and opportunities of Social Media." Business Horizons 53(1):


Social Mobile INF5261: Spring 2011


The End


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