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The Impact of an Entrepreneurship Training Course on the Development of Entrepreneurial Features


Academic year: 2020

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ISSN 2286-4822 www.euacademic.org

Impact Factor: 3.1 (UIF) DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+)

The Impact of an Entrepreneurship Training

Course on the Development of Entrepreneurial



Sharif University of Technology Iran


Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch Iran


Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch Iran



Key words: entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurial features, sport experts



for the purpose of facilitating students’ abilities and changing into entrepreneurs (unicef, 2003). The present research attempts to examine the effects of training course on the development of entrepreneurial behavior with providing a training course although short, in addition to showing the significance of subject and entrepreneurship subjects in sport experts’ opinion.




Table 1. shows the distribution of individuals’ demographic features. As you observe, testable individuals in the verbal group are younger and they are mostly single and jobless.

Table 1. Testable participants’ features of the research

Maximum Minimum Standard

deviation average Number Indicator Feature

2 1 0.51 1.50 20 Control

2 1 0.51 1.50 20 nonverbal Sex 1

2 1 0.51 1.43 20 Verbal

4 1 1.09 2.60 20 Control

4 1 0.82 2.40 20 Nonverbal Age2

3 1 0.54 1.18 20 Verbal

2 1 0.51 1.50 20 Control

2 1 0.47 1.70 20 Nonverbal Marriage3

2 1 0.25 1.06 20 Verbal

2 1 0.22 1.05 20 Control

2 1 0.44 1.25 20 Nonverbal Occupation4

2 1 0.50 1.62 20 Verbal

3 1 o.89 1.63 20 Control

3 1 0.61 1.41 20 nonverbal Place or


3 1 0.63 2.00 20 Verbal

1. Female (1), Male (2). 2. 20 – 24 years old ( 1 ), 25 – 29 years old (2), 30 – 35 years old (3) , upper than 35 years old (4) . 3. Single (1), married (2). 4. Employed (1), jobless (2). 5. Public sector (1), private sector (2), free sector (3).

Table 2. Statistical results in relation to variants Levin’s

pursuant test

P df F M±SD Statistical indicator


Sig Levin

0.238 1.47 0.002 2 6.9 3.7±0.42 Intelligence 0.610 0.499 0.003 2 6.29 3.790±0.271 Entrepreneurship 0.314 1.18 0.013 2 4.703 3.75±0.38 Creativity 0.190 1.709 0.008 2 5.298 3.99±0.41 Self – confidence 0.236 1.436 0.729 2 0.319 3.376±0.432 Decision – making 0.091 2.49 0.825 2 0.193 3.4±0.4 Decisiveness 0.001 8.349 0.003 2 6.44 3.71±0.42 Risk – taking

0.001 0.832 0.28 2 3.81 0.375±0.41 Need for


Table 2. shows the statistical results in relation to variants. According to variants analysis results, decision–making, decisiveness, need for improvement variants for verbal experiential, nonverbal experiential and control groups did not have meaningful difference and the rest of variants had meaningful difference in significance level (0.05) .Also the results of Levin’s test showed that except for risking test and need for improvement, the rest of variants had meaningful difference.

Discussion and Conclusion


(p≤0.05). Martinez et al (2007) recognized some correlated factors with entrepreneurship development among the students of the graduate school of agriculture and natural resources faculty in a research and concluded that the students’ features of seeking success, creativity, innovation, risk–taking, determining destiny and independence have positive and meaningful relation with development of entrepreneurship variant. The findings of this research are in agreement with that of Ekinsmyth (2011), Addario et al (2010) and Lordkipanidze et al (2005).

Although it is possible that entrepreneurship training course was held in a short time, and it was not effective in some variants, but participant’s entrepreneurial features which were a set of various variants, were changed and this shows the effect of training in this case.


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Table 2. Statistical results in relation to variants


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