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Measles Vaccine Efficacy in Children Previously Vaccinated at 12 Months of Age


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in Children



at 12 Months

of Age

James S. Marks, M.D., Thomas J. Halpin, M.D., M.P.H., and Walter A. Orenstein, M.D.

I”rom tIi’ I’i(’lil S(’rI’ic’e.6 I)it’ision, Buri’aii of Epkh’mmiiology. Cemltc’r for I)isea.s’e Control. .‘tl(1nta. (111(1flu’ ()Iiio 1)’jirtmiimi1 ()f .tI(’U!tll, Colflnibf,.s’

ABSTRACT. During a large outbreak of measles in Ohio in

1976 it was possible to measure measles vaccine efficacy by

age at time of vaccination and mII1ber of ‘ears since

vaccination. Using a summed incidence tisethod to control

for the confounding varial)le introduced by mass

imiminiza-tion clinics held during the outbreak, vaccine efficacy ‘as

greater than 95% for children vaccinated at 12, 13, and 14 or

niore months of age. Vaccine efficacy for those vaccinated at 12 iiionths of age was notably l)etter than for those vacci-nated at younger ages but not different froni those vacci-nated at older ages. .‘lthough recently administered vaccine appeared iore efficacious than vaccine administered in the past, this difference was not significant when controlled for age at vaccination. Evaluation of the mass clinics held during the outl)reak demonstrated that 59.6% of the inadeqtiatelv

immunized children attended the clinics, l)ut this was not sul)stantiallv different from the lroportioIl of adequately

illi iiiunized ‘ho attended (52.4%). Reconi Illendatiolls for

Illeasles revaccination need not include children previotlsly vaccinated at 12 nlonths of age or greater. Pediatric-s

62:955-960, 1 978, flle(lSle,S’ L’Q(’(’ifl(’, U(!C(’lll(’ efll(’ac.’y, 1)lC(lSle-S’.

Despite a 90% reduction in reported cases of

neasles since the introduction of live attenuated

measles vaccine in the United States in 1963,

significant questions have reii ained regarding

optimun age at vaccination and duration of

vaccine-induced ill3munity. Vaccine effectiveness

has classically been measured by two methods.

The first is ascertainment of rates of

seroconver-sion after administration of vaccine and the

second is determination of the protective effect of

the vaccine in an outbreak situation. For measles

vaccine these two methods have generally been in close agreement . Duration of vaccine-induced

imiimnity has been studied either by measuring

serial titers in patients known to have

serocon-verted or by analyzing vaccine efficacy during an

outbreak by the number of years since


Initial recommendations for routine measles

immunization suggested that vaccination occur at

9 months of age.’ This was changed to 12 months

of age in 1965 by the American Academy of

Pediatrics (AAP) and the Public Health Service

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

(ACIP) when maternal antibody to measles was

found to persist at low levels until the 11th month

of life and potentially interfere with

seroconver-sion after measles vaccination. Serologic and epidemiologic studies oti the protective effect of

the vaccine during outbreaks substantiated this.’ 7

This difference was of sufficient magnitude to

lead to the additional recommendation that all

children previously immunized prior to 1 year of

age be revaccinated.

Recent information by Yeager et al., Krugman,’

and Shasby et al.’ on seroconversion after

measles vaccination has indicated that children

vaccinated at 12 months of age have lower rates

of measurable antibody than children vaccinated

at older ages.

These serologic data led to the recent change in the recommended age for routine measles

vacci-Received January 23: revision accepted for publication Max’

24, 1978.

Dr. Marks is now with the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar Program, Yale University, New 1-laven, Connecticut, and Dr. Orenstein is now with the Department of Pediatrics, USC School of Medicine, Los Angeles.

Presented in part at the 105th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 2, 1977. ADI)RESS FOR REPRINTS: (T.J.H.) Bureau of Preventive

Medicine, Ohio Department of Health, 246 N. High Street,







so -1

40 J C A S





Vaccine Efficacy

3O-Measles cases 1)%’ date of rash onset in Licking County,


nation from 12 months to 15 months


both the

AAP and ACIP.” However, clinical vaccine

effi-cacy in an outbreak situation has not been well

evaluated for children previously vaccinated at 12

months of age. It is important to examine vaccine

efficacy in this setting to substantiate the need for

changes in recommendations for vaccination and

to evaluate the potential need for revaccination of

these children. From October to December 1976,

Licking County, Ohio experienced an outbreak of

measles. Because this outbreak occurred just at

the time of the change in routine immunization

recommendations, and because these changes

were the source of some confusion in planning

niass vaccination clinics, we decided to look at

the efficacy of vaccine delivered at 12 months of


Licking County, Ohio, is a semi-rural county

located 30 miles east of Columbus. It has a

population of approximately 107,799 of which

40,(XX) live in the principal city of Newark. Prior

to this October 1976 outbreak there had not been

a case of measles reported for more than two

years. The county schools have about 27,000

students. There are two major health departments

in the county, one for the city of Newark and one

for the remainder of the county.

The outbreak began in October 1976 with peak

activity during the week of November 19 to 26


Figure). County-wide school-based irn muni

za-tion clinics were held during the week of

Decem-her 3 to 10 in which more than 14,000 students

were vaccinated.

When it became obvious that large numbers of

cases were occurring in the county, a

school-based surveillance system was established to

provide more complete information on the

outbreak. In this surveillance system a person in

each school was designated to contact each child

absent three or more consecutive days. This

person asked the parent if the child had a rash

with the current illness and then determined the

day of onset of any such rash.

An intensive epidemiologic investigation was

carried out in three elementary schools with a

total enrollment of 953 students and an attack

rate of 5% or greater for each school. Each

student from these schools with a suspected case

of measles was contacted, and a parent was

interviewed with regard to clinical symptoms and

signs, whether a physician was seen, vaccine

status, vaccine source, date of vaccination, and

whether siblings had become ill. Date of

vaccina-tion was verified by written record in the parent’s

possession or by contacting the source of the


The clinical case definition was as follows:

fever (temperature greater than 38.3#{176}C [101#{176}F],

if measured), rash for four days or longer, and any

one of the following: cough, runny nose,

conjunc-tivitis, or photophobia.

The records of well classmates were reviewed

with regard to vaccination status and date of

vaccination. For children whose school records

failed to indicate vaccination, the family was

contacted to ascertain vaccination and/or illness

status. Exact dates of vaccination were obtained

either from written records in the parent’s

posses-SiOfl or by contacting the provider. Age at

vacci-nation was categorized as less than 1 1 months of

age, 11 I’nonths, 12 months, 13 months, and 14

months or later. The single month intervals began

with the anniversary date of the month and

extended up to the next month’s anniversary date.

As a check on the completeness of the

school-based case reporting in the three schools, a

portion of children not reported as cases were

called to inquire about rash.

The usual method used for computation of

vaccine efficacy is the attack rate in the

unvacci-nated minus the attack rate for the vaccinated

divided by the attack rate in the unvaccinated. In

order to control for those children vaccinated





Clinic Efficacy


was used. In this method the number of people at

risk of contracting disease is multiplied by the

length of the risk period in weeks.’2 Thus, instead

of a traditional attack rate a summed incidence

rate (cases per 1,000 person-weeks-at-risk) is used

to compute the vaccine efficacy. Children

vacci-nated during the outbreak are considered at risk

uiitil ten days after vaccination. For purposes of defining the period of risk, each school was

considered to be a separate outbreak in which the

first case was an import who theoretically placed

the entire school at risk. The risk period for

disease development for that school’s population

then begins one incubation period after the first

case is considered to be communicable and ends one incubation period after the last case is

communicable. The termination of

conirnunica-bility of the last case was defined as the last day of

school attendance; in practice this usually

coin-cided with rash onset. The incubation period was

estimated at 12 to 14 days from exposure to rash

onset. The communicable period was estimated at

from four days prior to rash onset to four days

after rash onset.

Thus a given student was considered at risk for

nieasles until removed froii the risk pool either


developing the disease or receiving the

vaccine, or until the end of the outbreak. The

number of person-weeks-at-risk was compared

with the nuniber of cases occurring across the

various ages of vaccination. The number of years

since vaccination was also analyzed by this

meth-Because nass immunization clinics were exten-sively employed in this outbreak, an attempt was

made to evaluate the efficacy of this method to

reach susceptibles. Licking County had excellent

response to these clinics with approximately 50%

of all school children presenting theniselves for

vaccination. This response was based largely on

the recommendation that because of the presence

of an outbreak, if the parents were uncertain of

vaccine status, revaccination was indicated.

Chil-dren attending the three schools with 5% attack

rates were studied. Parameters evaluated

in-cluded percent of susceptible children vaccinated

and whether susceptible children were more

likely to be vaccinated than those with previously

adequate immunizations.

Through the school-based surveillance system,

35 of 57 schools reported cases. Of the total of 411

Age (yr)

No. of Cases

Population % Att(1(’k Rate (per 1,000)

()-4 13 9,210 3.6 1.4

5-9 113 11,152 31.2 10.1

10-14 155 11,896 42.8 13.0

15-19 77 10,335 21.3 7.5

20+ 4 65,206 1.1 0.1

Total 362 107,799 100.0 3.4

separate cases reported, 31 (7.5%) were reported

only by private physicians, 340 (82.7%) only by

schools, and 32 (7.8%) by both. Six cases were

discovered in siblings of patients when the

patients were called to verify the diagnosis. An

additional two cases were found during the

call-ing of 1 1 1 children not reported as ill.

Age distribution of the 362 patients for whom

the age is known is shown in Table I. Nearly two

thirds were 10 years of age or older. Computation

of attack rate using 1970 census data shows that

the highest attack rate of 13.0/1,000 occurred in

the 10 to 14 age group. No serum samples were

collected from children in this county, but

samples were collected from suspected cases in

neighboring counties in order to plan possible

immunization campaigns there. Of 25 paired sera

from children with rash illness in these counties,

15 (60%) showed at least a fourfold rise in titer.

Vaccine Analysis

Vaccine efficacy was calculated based on the

results of the investigation of children at three

elementary schools with a 5% or greater attack

rate. The total enrollment of the three schools was

953. They reported 78 suspected cases of whom 67 met the predefined clinical case definition for a specificity of 85.8%. ,From Ohio Department of

Health surveys, an additional seven cases meeting

the case definition were discovered.

Of the remaining 879 children, adequate

records were obtainable on 829. Twenty-two had

a history of measles and were excluded from the analysis; 70 had a history of multiple vaccinations

with measles vaccine and also were excluded from

the analysis. Three of the 74 children were

excluded; in one, we were unable to verify the

exact date of vaccination. The remaining 2

chil-dren were vaccinated during the outbreak and ten


after vaccination developed clinically


#{176}Vaccineefficacy =

incidence rate unvaccinated - incidence rate vaccinated

ilicidence rate unvaccinated




Cases (12 no) Person weeks (PW) Incidence rate (per

I ,0()0 PW)

Relative risk

ox = 2.0; P = >.1.

Iear.s’ Since ‘s’(zccination Duration of Immunity

r- k Relative risk of contracting disease was

-- 4-6 -9 10-12 analyzed by number of years since vaccination

2 6 5 4







immu-499 1,420 924 343 nized at 12 or more months of age to control for

40 4.2 5.4 11.7 .

the age effect on vaccine efficacy (Table III). This

1 0 1.1 1.4 2.9 shows a gradual increase in relative risk with



number of years since vaccination, but this trend

is not significant


= 2.0, P > .1).





,,,g(.(It V(I(’(’ill(ItU)ll




<11 11 12 1-3



Cases :34 16 4 4 1 12

Person-weeks (PW) 219 404 266 567 191 2,558 Incidence rate (per 155.3 39.6 15.0 7.1 5.2 4.7

1,000 PW)

Relative risk 33.0 8.5 3.2 1.5 1.1 1.0

Vaccine efficac”(%) . .. 74.5 90.3 95.5 96.6 96.9

as either natural illness or as a vaccine reaction.

Forty (54.1%) of the 74 children with measles

visited a physician who made the diagnosis.

Seventy (94.6%) reported a cough, 59 (79.7%) had

a ninny nose, and 72 (97.3%) had either conjunc-tivitis or photophobia or both. The average of the


temperatures recorded was 39.7#{176}C

(103.5#{176}F). The

average duration of the rash was

6.67 days.

Age at Vaccination


of vaccine efficacy by age at vaccina-tiolTi (Table II) shows that the incidence rate and

relative risk decrease with increased age at

vacci-nation. Relative risk of disease is calculated by

setting the rate of illness in children immunized at

14 months of age or older as 1.0 and comparing

the rates of illness in the other ages to it. Vaccine

efficacy increases with increased age at

vaccina-tiOIl. Vaccine efficacy is high and relative risk low

in children vaccinated at younger ages.

Determi-nation of confidence limits on the relative risks

shows that 1 1 months is the oldest age group to

differ substantially from those vaccinated at 14

months of age or later. Similarly


analysis with

the Yate’s correction comparing separately those

vaccinated at 12 months vs. those vaccinated at

younger and older ages shows a significant

differ-ence to exist between those vaccinated at 12

months and those vaccinated at a younger age


6.9, P < .01). However, no significant

difference exists between those vaccinated at 12

months and those vaccinated at older ages


0.4, P > 0.2).

Because vaccine efficacy by age at vaccination





a decreasing


according to time since vaccination we

deter-mined the mean number of years since

vaccma-tion for each of the age groups. The differences in

these means were within 1.6 years except for those children vaccinated at 14 months of age or

older. That these children were vaccinated

rela-tively more recently than the other children is not

surprising since the children vaccinated at 14

months or older includes children vaccinated just

prior to school entry and children immunized

during a previous outbreak. If vaccine efficacy

does decrease with time since vaccination, the net

effect would he to artificially increase the efficacy

for children vaccinated at 14 months of age or


Clinic Efficacy


In the three schools studied, a total of 60 (6.7%)

of the 903 children for whom a record search was

successful were without previous immunization.

Of these, 26 had either developed measles or were

in the prodromal period at the time the niass

clinics were held. The remaining 34 were eligible

for vaccination. Of these, 16 (47.0%) were

vacci-nated at the clinic. In addition, 131 (14.5%) had a

history of vaccination prior to 12 months of age.

Fourteen had developed measles by the time of

the clinic leaving 117 eligible for immunization.

Of the 1 17, 74 (63.2%) were vaccinated. Thus, as a

measure of clinic efficacy, 90 (59.6%) of the 151

children with inadequate immunization status

who were free of disease at the time of the clinic

were vaccinated (Table IV). Conversely, clinic

efficiency can be evaluated by determining what

percentage of those vaccinated in the mass

inimu-nization clinics were inadequately vaccinated

prior to the clinics. Of 442 total students

vacci-nated, only 90 (20.4%) were in need of


Since 352 of 671 adequately protected children

also attended these clinics, vaccine status of those

who attended the clinics was compared to those

who did not attend. This was to determine if those

who attended the clinics were more likely to be in

need of vaccination than those who did not. No

significant difference was found


= 2.5,

P > .1) in rates of attendance by adequacy of

vaccination status.


This outbreak illustrates several important

features. Of the 71 children who developed

measles and for whom prior immunization status

was documented, 37 (52.1%) had been previously

vaccinated. However, even though the majority

of cases occurred in vaccinated children, vaccine

efficacy was more than 95% for those vaccinated

at 12 months of age or older. Adequacy of measles

vaccine cannot be properly addressed by

propor-tion of cases occurring in previously vaccinated

children, but rather systematic measurement of

vaccine efficacy is required according to age at


Despite our failure to demonstrate a

statistical-ly significant difference in vaccine efficacy in

children immunized at 12 months of age

compared to children immunized at older ages, a

small difference may exist between these groups.

However, our sample size is large enough to

detect as significant a relative risk of 3. The



Mass Climi ics Inadequatet Adequate Total

Attended 90 352 442

Not attended 61 319 380

Total 151 671 822

ox = 2.5; P > .1. Clinic efficacy 90/151 59.6%.

Clinic efficiency = 90/442 = 20.4%.

t”Inadequate” includes unvaccinated children and children

vaccinated before 12 months of age.

differences between the clinical vaccine efficacy

developed from this outbreak and the rates of

seropositivity described by Yeager et al.,”

Krug-man,1’ and Shasby et al.’ may be fundamental to

the different methods. Seroconversion data tend

to exaggerate the rates of susceptibility.

Krug-man” has described the cases of seven

seronega-tive children in whom prior seroconversion had

been demonstrated. Vaccine challenge was

followed by an anamnestic serologic response

indicating the likelihood of persistent immunity

despite seronegativity. Serologic studies would

classify these children as susceptible whereas an

outbreak-based vaccine efficacy study would

show them to be protected. Outbreak-based

vaccine efficacy does not have this bias. However,

exposure has to be random by vaccination status

for this method to be valid. It is likely that a few

susceptible subjects even in large outbreaks are

not adequately exposed and so fail to develop

measles. They would appear to be protected

despite being susceptible, yet this will not affect

the determination of vaccine efficacy as long as

exposure is random. In this study we attempted to

control for exposure by studying only schools with

a 5% or greater attack rate and by adjusting our

risk period according to case attendance. In this

outbreak no differential susceptibility was seen

between those immunized at 12 months of age

and those vaccinated at older ages.

Evaluation of the duration of vaccine

effective-ness showed a low level increase in relative risk.

This analysis was hampered by the small number

of children vaccinated at 12 or more months of

age who developed disease. Because a possible

decrease in efficacy over time is important to

document or disprove, further study of this

prob-tern is indicated.

A difficulty in conducting a study of this


ten years ago may have received either the killed

vaccine or live further attenuated vaccine with

gaiiima globulin. Since these would only have

been used prior to ten years ago their decreased

effectiveness could artifactually suggest a

de-crease in efficacy over time. Most vaccination

records fail to indicate the type of vaccine or

whether gamma globulin was used. In this study

in only one child did the record state that killed

vaccine was used. Future research efforts will

need to take this problem into account.

In the schools surveyed, children vaccinated at

12 months of age comprised 12.4% of all children.

Routine revaccination of these children would

lead to a very small increase in protection relative

to the number of doses administered. Therefore, it

would seem to he premature to recommen#{231}l

alterations in existing recommendations for

routine revaccination which are to revaccinate

children previously vaccinated at less than 12

months of age. The recent change in

recommen-dations for primary immunization is probably

justifiable since the risk of contracting disease

during the period froni 12 to 15 nionths is low

relative to the possible improvement in efficacy

over this time as documented by serologic studies

to date. When a local outbreak is in progress,

revaccination of children previously vaccinated

at 12 months of age may be justifiable since they

may l)e at a small increased risk of being


Clinic Efficacy

The role of mass immunization clinics in

outbreaks is difficult to document. Even though

60% of the inadequately immunized were reached

this was not due to selective attendance by those

in need. Children did not attend the clinic on the

basis of age at prior vaccination, the factor most

clearly associated with adequacy of vaccination.

It is likely that many parents forget the age at

previous vaccination, especially if it was a

number of years in the past. Alternatively, they

may feel that measles immunization is effective

for a limited period of time similar to the

diph-theria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT). Undoubtedly

these perceptions contributed to the low

percent-age of the total vaccine delivered via the mass

clinics that went to high-risk children. It seems

likely that, if good school records exist,

prescreen-ing for those inadequately immunized and

notify-ing only those parents would lead to an increase

in the efficiency of clinics. This would be

espe-cially true in areas where rates of vaccination are

relatively high and records are well kept.

Howev-er, because of limitation of personnel for such

record checks and variability in adequacy of

school records, this approach is frequently not



1. Krugman S, Giles JP, Friednian I-I, et al: Studies Ofl

iIOlIllunity to nieasles. I Pediatr 66:471, 1965. 2. Center for Disease Control, Morbidity and .Iort(1lity

Weekly Report 14:64, 1965.

3, Krugman S: Present status of measles and rubella

iiiiniunizatioii in the United States: A niedical progress report. I Pediatr 78:1, 1971.

4. Baratta RO, Ginter MC, Price MA, et al: Measles

(rubeola )ill previously inililunized children. Pediat-ries 46:397, 1970.

5. Landrigan PJ, Criesbach P11: Measles in prevK)usl vaccinated children in Illinois. Ill Med I 141:367,


6. Linnemann CC, Rotte TC, Schiff GM, et al: A

sero-epideniiologic study of a nieasles epidemic in a highly immunized population. z11l I I.pi(lc’nliol

95:238, 1972.

7. Linnemann C(.;, Dine MS. Bloom JE, et al: Measles

antibody ill previously illimunized ch ildreri : The need for revaccination. Anl I Di-s’ C/hid 124:53, 1972.

8. ‘eager ,-S, David JH, Ross LA, et al: Measles immuni-zation: Successes and failures. JAMA 237:347,


9. Krugman 5: Present status of nieasles and rubella ininiunization in the United States: A medical progress report. I Pediatr 90: 1, 1977.

10. Shasby DM, Shope TC, Downs H, et al: Epidemic nieasles in a highly vaccinated population. N Fngl I

.‘SIe(I 296:58,5, 1977.

1 1. ‘merican Academy of Pediatrics (news release), Mea-s’le,s’

1111 ill 11 11 iZllltiOll : Recoin nlen(lation.s’. October 2 1,


12. Miettinen OS: Simple interval estimation of risk rates.

Anl I Epidemniol 100:515, 1974.


This article was awarded the 1978 Alexander D. Langmuir

Prize given by the Center for Disease Control Epidemic

Intelligence Service Alumni.

The authors wish to acknowledge the extensive help of the

Licking County and Newark City Health Departments in

conduct of the control program and collection of case

reports. Especially helpful were Mrs. Frances Benner and Mrs. Pearl Deeds of the Licking County Health Department

and Mrs. Jean Batchelor of the Newark City Health

Depart-ment. In addition we wish to acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Jack McSorley, Mr. Kevin Sullivan, Ms. Sarah Sharp, Mr. Leonard Payton, and Mr. Henry Butler of the Ohio InlIrnini-zation Unit. Special thanks must go to Mrs. Donna Ketner who typed and retyped and retyped the manuscript. \Ve also wish to acknowledge the extensive help of Drs. Alan Hinman, Neal Halsey, and Lyle Conrad in the technical




James S. Marks, Thomas J. Halpin and Walter A. Orenstein

Measles Vaccine Efficacy in Children Previously Vaccinated at 12 Months of Age


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James S. Marks, Thomas J. Halpin and Walter A. Orenstein

Measles Vaccine Efficacy in Children Previously Vaccinated at 12 Months of Age


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American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.


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