M.K. Parmar1 and R.S. Negi2 1,2
Department of Rural Technology, H.N.B. G.U. Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
The present study was undertaken in Takoli Gad watershed, Uttarakhand. The aim of the present study was to assess the chemical and physical properties of soils in different landuse. Chemical properties of the soil i.e. pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and physical properties of soil i.e. soil moisture, water holding capacity, bulk density were analyzed for three different depths viz , 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm for each of the three land use i.e agriculture land, forest land and barren land of the area. The soils of the investigated area are mostly acidic to neutral. Keywords: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, potash, soil moisture, water holding capacity, bulk density.
Soil is a natural body having depth and surface area existing as a continuous cover on land surface except on steep slopes. It is produce of natural destruction and synthetic forces. The physical and chemical weathering of rock and minerals results into the formation of unconsolidated “debris” known as regolith. The upper biochemically weathered part of regolith is soil. The upper layer of soil is generally rich in organic matter.
An undisturbed, well developed soil have distinct profile. A very shallow skeletal soils to very deep soils are reported in this part of Himalaya. The profile characteristic of soil vary widely from place to place. Early pedological works in hill area, has been made by various workers like Rawat (1983), Gupta (1984), Biswas (1987), Dhar (1988), Gangopadhyay (1990), Sharma (1989), Dutta (1990) etc.
Geographically the catchment (Takoli Gad) is lying between the 300 14’ to 300 23’ N latitude and 780 37’ to 780 46’ E longitudes in the Survey of India toposheet No. 53 J/11, 53 J/12 and 53 J/15 with an area of about 131.43 Km2. It comes under jurisdiction of district Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
The area is approached by Kirtinagar-Tehri and Kirtinagar- Chauki all weather roads.
The area falls in inner Garhwal lesser Himalaya and is characterized by gentle and mature topography.
The description and distribution of various characteristics of soils reported during the investigation. Step by step procedure was used for placing the soil pedons. The soil was collected from three different depths viz, 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm for each of the three land use i.e agriculture land, forest land and barren land of the area. Soil samples were packed airtight polythene and brought to the laboratory at the earliest. The entire sample analyzed for moisture, water holding capacity, organic carbon, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.
Physico - chemical properties of soils
The soil acts as a natural pool of various nutrients and plays a critical role in maintaining the growth and development of plants. The physic-chemical properties of the soil of the Takoli Gad watershed investigated across the three depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-30 cm) has been described as below- Chemical Analysis
Representative soil samples collected from different places were subjected to chemical analyses to infer the soil chemistry of the area some important factors are described below-
1. Organic Carbon
Organic carbon percentage is higher over surface horizon. Fine textured soils have more organic carbon them the coarse textured soil. The organic carbon percentage (mean values) varied from 0.96 % (agriculture) to 1.26 % (forest) in lower altitudinal zone, from 0.97% (wasteland) to 1.05% (forest) in middle altitudinal zone and from 0.89 % (agriculture) to 0.99 % (wasteland) in higher altitudinal zone . The highest value of organic carbon was recorded from the forest (mean= 1.26 %) followed by agriculture(mean= 1.03 % )wasteland (mean= 0.99 %) (Table 1 and Fig 8).
Fig. 1: Moisture (%) Fig. 2: Water Holding Capacity (%)
Fig. 3: pH Fig. 4: Bulk Density (gcm3)
Fig. 5: Soil total nitrogen concentration (%) Fig. 6: Potash
Fig. 7: Phosphorus (Kg/ha) Fig. 8: Organic Carbon (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 M o is tu re ( % )
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
Agriculture Waste Land Forest
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 W H C ( % )
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
Agriculture Waste Land Forest
6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 pH
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
Agriculture Waste Land Forest
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 B ul k D en si ty (g cm 3)
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
Agriculture Waste Land Forest
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 P ho sp ho ru s (% )
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
Agriculture Waste Land Forest
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 P ot as h (K g -h a)
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
Agriculture Waste Land Forest
0 5 10 15 20 25 Ph os ph or us (K g -h a)
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
Agriculture Waste Land Forest
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 O rg an ic C ar bo n (% )
605-1000 1000-1500 1500-2301
Altitudinal Zone (m)
2. Total Nitrogen
Nitrogen is a very important constituent of the protoplasm, which is the living substance of the plant cells. The nitrogen compounds comprise 40-50 percent of the dry matter of the protoplasm. It is, therefore, required in relatively large quantities for the proper growth of plants. Nitrogen is also the main constituent for the formation of proteins and chlorophyll. the visible symptoms of nitrogen deficiency in different plants are: The vegetative growth of both the leaves and the roots are restricted, The leaves are small and show a pale or yellowish green colour in the beginning and develop a yellow colour later on. These colours begin on the older leaves and then proceed towards younger ones. The plants are short and are thin. The leaves start to fall prematurely,the flowering is reduced and consequently the yield of grain is very small. On the other hand, if the amount of nitrogen is in excess in the soil, a number of undesirable effects follow. The vegetative growth becomes very rapid and the crop tends to lodge. The colour of the leaves becomes dark green and the leaves becomes very soft. The plants are easily attacked by fungus and insect pests and the time of maturity is also very much delayed.
Total nitrogen concentration (%) in soil was also computed in different land use in three altitudinal zone in Takoli Gad watershed. The total nitrogen ranged from .0525 to .385 in lower altitudinal zone, from .0700 to 1.6100 in middle altitudinal zone and .0700 to 1.6100 in high altitudinal zone.
The average nitrogen concentration in lower altitudinal zone was recorded highest in forest (0.2275 %) followed by agriculture (0.1750 %) and wasteland (0.1283 %). Similarly in middle altitudinal zone the nitrogen concentration was recorded highest in agriculture (0.5775 %) followed by forest (0.3733 %) and wasteland (0.3383 %) and in higher altitudinal zone was recorded highest in agriculture (0.2275 %) followed by wasteland (0.1050 %) and forest (.0990 %) (Table 1 and Fig 5).
3. Phosphorus
Phosphorus is also one of the most important constituents of all living cells and is very important for the formation of roots, tillers, seeds and fruits. Due to deficiency of phosphorus, the leaves develop a dull bluish- green colour, with shades of purple and sometimes show brown spots. Apart from this, the effects of phosphorus deficiency are similar to those due to nitrogen deficiency. The maturity of crops is delayed due to the deficiency of phosphorus.
The amount of phosphorus is low in all the soil, which is due to its low solubility and fixation (table 1). The average phosphorus in lower altitudinal zone was recorded highest in wasteland (17.168 kg/ha) followed by agriculture land (17.069 kg/ha) and forest land (16.578 kg/ha). Similarly in middle altitudinal zone was recorded highest in forest land (17.456 kg/ha) followed by wasteland (17.365 kg/ha) and agriculture land (16.181 kg/ha). And in higher altitudinal zone was recorded highest in agriculture land (21.016 kg/ha) followed by forest land (20.781 kg/ha) and west land (19.437 kg/ha) (Table 1 and Fig. 7).
4. Potassium
Potassium is present in all parts of the plants in fairly large amounts. It is more important for the leaves and the growing points. Potassium helps in the formation of sugars and proteins in the plant and in the transport of these from one part of the plant to the other. It also regulates the water conditions within the plant. Due to potassium deficiency The leaves of most plants show a dull bluish-green colour with some whitish spots in the beginning. The tips of the older leaves start to become brown and the margins of the leaves show a scorching effect. The production of the grains and fruits is very restricted and the size of the individual grains becomes small.
significant in breaking down the primary minerals with subsequent release of potash and other bases. The potash content varies from 92.96 kg/ha to 224 kg/ha in different soil. The potash in lower altitudinal zone was recorded highest in forest land 172.85 kg/ha and waste land 138.13 kg/ha. Similarly in middle altitudinal zone was recorded highest in agriculture land 141.12 kg/ha followed by forest land and wasteland both equal 128.80 kg/ha,and in upper altitudinal zone was recorded highest in wasteland 170.24 kg/ha followed by agriculture land 153.44 kg/ha and forest 137.01 kg/ha (Table 1 and Fig. 6).
Table 1: Soil pH, Organic Carbon (%), Total Nitrogen (%), Phosphorus (%), Potassium (%) in different land use at different altitudinal zones in Takoli Gad Watershed.
Altitudin al Zone (Mt.) (amsl)
Land Use Soil
pH Organic
Carbon (%) Total Nitrogen (%) Potash (kg-ha)
Phosphorus (kg-ha)
605-1000 Agriculture 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 6.8 7.2 7.3 7.0 1.17 0.94 0.77 0.96 0.0525 0.3850 0.0875 0.1750 137.70 96.32 190.40 141.47 15.392 16.872 18.944 17.069
Waste Land 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.7 1.02 0.92 0.98 0.97 0.0875 0.2100 0.0875 0.1283 128.80 134.40 151.20 138.13 14.504 19.536 17.464 17.168
Forest 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 6.6 6.7 6.5 6.6 1.97 1.05 0.78 1.26 0.1750 0.2625 0.2450 0.2275 137.76 156.80 224.00 172.85 12.728 17.760 19.246 16.578
1000-1500 Agriculture 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 6.6 6.4 7.3 6.4 1.17 1.04 0.90 1.03 0.0525 0.0700 1.6100 0.5775 91.84 174.72 156.80 141.12 17.464 16.280 14.800 16.181
Waste Land 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 7.2 7.1 7.2 7.1 1.14 0.95 0.84 0.97 0.0700 0.4025 0.5425 0.3383 91.84 151.20 143.36 128.80 17.168 16.576 18.352 17.365
Forest 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 6.8 7.2 7.0 7.0 1.18 1.06 0.92 1.05 0.2800 0.4200 0.4200 0.3733 123.20 170.24 92.96 128.80 17.168 15.960 19.240 17.456
1500-2301 Agriculture 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 6.8 6.7 6.9 6.7 1.14 0.87 0.66 0.89 0.5075 0.0700 0.1050 0.2275 143.36 224.00 92.96 153.44 19.536 23.384 20.128 21.016
Waste Land 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 6.6 6.4 7.1 6.7 1.13 0.99 0.86 0.99 0.1050 0.0875 0.1225 0.1050 136.64 183.68 190.40 170.24 17.760 19.832 20.720 19.437
Forest 0-10
Physical Analysis
1. Soil Moisture
The soil moisture content indicates the amount of water present in the soil. It is evident from table 4.5 that in the lower altitudinal zone the mean moisture across three soil depths was highest in agriculture (12.11%) followed by wasteland (2.95%) and forest land (2.83%). Similarly in middle altitudinal zone the moisture was recorded highest in Agriculture field (10.72%) followed by wasteland (8.49%) and forests recorded the minimum moisture (5.54%). The soil moisture in higher altitudinal zone was recorded highest in agriculture field (16.10%) followed by forest (12.86%) and wasteland (12.23%). It clearly showed that soil moisture was highest under agriculture field (Table 2 and Fig 1).
2. Water Holding Capacity (WHC)
The water holding capacity of soil determines the actual amount of water (moisture) present inside the pore spaces at a given period of time under natural climatic conditions. The water holding capacity for each land use was estimated across the three soil depth (0-10,10-20,20-30 cm) by taking three soil samples from each of the depth class. WHC varied from 28.71 % to 39.35 % in lower altitudinal zone, 33.95 % to 38.50 % in middle altitudinal zone and 34.07% to 37.95% in high altitudinal zone (table 2 and Fig 2). Usually the top soil layer held more water than the succeeding deeper layers.
Table- 2 Soil Moisture and Water Holding Capacity (WHC)in different altitudinal zones of Takoli Gad Watershed
Altitudinal Zone(Mt.) (amsl)
Land Use Soil Depth (cm) Moisture (%) WHC (%)
605-1000 Agriculture 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 10.46±1.465 13.05±0.295 12.83±0.184 12.11 37.34±1.577 38.76±0.979 39.35±1.355 38.48
Waste Land 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 3.30±0.277 2.88±0.184 2.68±1.722 2.95 32.59±1.242 29.13±0.960 28.71±1.324 30.14
Forest 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 3.12±0.105 2.68±0.384 2.69±0.502 2.83 31.17±0.655 30.62±0.656 29.91±0.550 30.56
1000-1500 Agriculture 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 9.51±0.577 12.17±0.440 10.49±0.220 10.72 33.95±1.030 36.63±1.294 35.81±1.053 35.46
Waste Land 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 8.69±0.617 9.68±0.355 7.12±0.309 8.49 38.50±1.273 35.47±1.302 34.01±0.550 35.99
Forest 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 5.95±0.603 5.72±0.465 4.97±1.861 5.54 33.97±0.560 31.87±0.882 32.30±0.536 32.71
1500-2301 Agriculture 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 17.03±3.150 16.24±0.123 15.03±0.630 16.10 35.62±0.527 36.38±1.210 34.23±1.053 35.41
Waste Land 0-10
10-20 20-30 Mean 13.27±0.259 15.32±0.712 8.12±0.189 12.23 35.94±1.015 35.30±0.830 34.07±1.010 35.10
Forest 0-10
3. Bulk Density
Bulk density is a measure of the weight of the soil per unit volume generally expressed as g/cm3. Variation in bulk density is attributable to the relative proportion and specific gravity of solid organic and inorganic particles and to the porosity of the soil. Bulk density is affected by texture: the finer textured soils have more pore space and lower bulk densities than sandy soils. Soil depth: bulk density is generally higher in lower layers. This is because of low organic matter and compaction caused by weight of the overlying layers. Organic matter: Organic matter is much lighter than the corresponding volume of mineral matter. Thus organic matter decreases bulk density. Cultivation: Cultivation reduces organic matter and thus increases bulk density.
The soil bulk density ranged from 1.27 to 1.47 in lower altitudinal zone, from 1.13 to 1.95 in middle and 1.45 to 1.55 in higher altitudinal zone. Bulk density was found highest in agriculture land (Table 3 and Fig 4)
Table 3 Bulk Density of soil under different land use in different altitudinal zones of Takoli Gad Watershed.
Zone (Mt.)
Bulk Density gcm
3Land Use
Soil of differing morphological, physical and chemical properties are wide spread in the region. The soils of the investigated area are mostly acidic to neutral with pH value ranging from 6.4 to 7.3. The bulk density ranged from 1.13 gcm3 to 1.95 gcm3 in all land uses and altitudinal zone. The moisture content in different land uses ranged between 2.68 % to 18.06 %. The higher moisture content was found in forest land (high altitude zone) and lower moisture content was found in forest, waste land (lower altitude zone). The water holding capacity (WHC) varied from 28.71 % to 39.35 % in different land use.
The organic carbon ranged from 0.66 % to 1.17 % in all land uses and altitudinal zone. The total nitrogen ranged from 0.0525 to 1.6100 % in all land used and altitudinal zone. The potash ranged from 91.84 % to 190.40 % in all land uses and altitudinal zone. The phosphorus ranged from 12.728 % to 22.792 % in all land uses and altitudinal zone.
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