International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)301
Selection of Best Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS)
Under Fuzzy Moora Conflicting MCDM Environment
Uttam Kumar Mandal
1, Bijan Sarkar
21Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Agartala, India 2Department of Production Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Abstract: The selection decisions are complex, as intelligent manufacturing system selection is more challenging today. There is a need for simple, systematic, and logical methods or mathematical tools to guide decision makers in considering a number of selection attributes and their interrelations and in making right decisions. Although a large number of mathematical approaches are now available to evaluate, select and rank the alternative intelligent manufacturing system for a given engineering application, this paper explores the applicability and capability of Multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) method for as intelligent manufacturing system selection. The MOORA method based on ratio analysis and dimensionless measurement will accomplish the job of ranking the intelligent manufacturing system in a non-subjective way. Furthermore, the method uses fuzzy logic to convert the qualitative attributes into the quantitative attributes.
Keywords—Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS), MOORA Method, AHP and Fuzzy Numbers.
Recently, many efforts have been made to develop advanced manufacturing systems that provide rapid response and dynamic reconfigurable structures to facilitate flexible and efficient use of manufacturing resources in rapidly changing environments. Using computational intelligence features such systems are known as intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS).
IMS is a system which improves productivity by systematizing the intellectual aspect involved in manufacturing and flexibility by integrating the entire range of corporate activities (from order booking through design, production, and marketing) so as to foster the optimum in the relationship between men and intelligent machines An intelligent manufacturing process has the ability to self-regulate and/or self-control to manufacture the product within the design specifications.
The different manufacturing systems are Lean manufacturing system (A1), Agile manufacturing system
(A2), Le-agile manufacturing system (A3), Flexible
manufacturing system (A4), Computer integrated
manufacturing system (A5), Holonic manufacturing system
(A6), Bionic manufacturing system (A7), and Fractal
manufacturing system (A8). Lean concepts work well
where demand is relatively stable and hence predictable and where variety is low.
Conversely, in those contexts where demand is volatile and the customer requirement for variety is high, a much higher level of agility is required. Leanness may be an element of agility in certain circumstances, but it will not enable the organization to meet the precise needs of the customers more rapidly. „„Lean‟‟ works best in high volume, low variety and predictable environments..
Agility is being defined as the ability of an organization to respond rapidly to changes in demand, both in terms of volume and variety. The lean and agile paradigms though distinctly different, can be and have been combined within successfully designed and operated total supply chains. „„Agility‟‟ is needed in less predictable environments where demand is volatile and the requirement for variety is high.
The agility and leanness depends upon the total supply chain strategy, particularly considering market knowledge, via information enrichment, and positioning of the de-coupling point. Combining agility and leanness in one Supply Chain via the strategic use of a de-coupling point has been termed „„le-agility‟‟. Therefore le-agile is the combination of the lean and agile paradigms within a total supply chain strategy by positioning the decoupling point so as to best suit the need for responding to a volatile demand downstream yet providing level scheduling upstream from the market place.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)302
CIM is the designation used to describe the complete automation of the factory by integration of business and manufacturing functions through application of technology. All of the processes and activities are controlled in a hierarchy of computer systems and the information that circulates is exclusively in the digital form. However the planning and scheduling of tasks are centralized and the production are almost sequential. A CIM system implicates high investments, long lead times and complex structures that can take us to the generation of rigid systems.
The fractal concepts have origins in mathematics and theory of chaos and indicate new ideas to handle with the inflexibility and rigidity of the actual organizations. The fractal manufacturing system is an open system, and the main characteristic is the self-similarity between their small components, known as fractal entities or fractal units.
The word „bionic‟ is a combination formed from biology and electronic. Bionics is the application of methods and systems found in nature to the new technology systems. The biological life originates the bionic theory applied to the manufacturing systems. The structures and behavior observed in live beings from the cell level to the biological beings (plants, animal, etc) it is applicable to enterprises. The BMS make a parallelism among these biological characteristics and the essential needs for the futures production systems.
The holonic manufacturing theory grew from concepts developed by the philosopher Arthur Koestler when trying to define the hybrid nature of the structures of living organisms and social groups. He proposed the term Holon based on the Greek word holos (whole) and the suffix on
(part). The main goal is to reach an intelligent manufacturing system that deals to continuous market changes that require expressive changes in the production system; i.e. systems that can adapt to the new situation easier than a competing system, gaining benefit from this:
Adapting faster than the competition gives a higher benefit in using new opportunities,
Having a lower cost/effort for adaptation allows profiting from smaller, temporal opportunities.
Keeping in view of the above research works on manufacturing selection, a novel decision making method is proposed in this paper for manufacturing selection for a given intelligent manufacturing system.
The aim of the present paper is to propose a novel MOORA method to deal with the manufacturing system selection problems considering both qualitative and quantitative attributes. A ranked value judgment on a fuzzy conversion scale for the qualitative attributes is introduced. The proposed method helps the decision maker to arrive at a decision based on either the objective weights of importance of the attributes or his/her subjective preferences or considering both the objective weights and the subjective preferences.
Multi-objective optimization (or programming), also known as multi-criteria or multi attribute optimization, is the process of simultaneously optimizing two or more conflicting attributes (objectives) subject to certain constraints. The MOORA method, first introduced by Brauers (2004) is such a multi-objective optimization technique that can be successfully applied to solve various types of complex decision making problems in the manufacturing environment. The MOORA method (Brauers, et al. 2006, 2008, 2009, Kalibatas, et al. 2008, Lootsma, 1999) starts with a decision matrix showing the performance of different alternatives with respect to various attributes (objectives).
Step 1: The first step is to determine the objective, and to identify the pertinent evaluation attributes.
Step 2: The next step is to represent all the information available for the attributes in the form of a decision matrix. The data given in equation (1) are represented as matrix Xmxn. Where xij is the performance measure of i th alternative on j th attribute, m is the number of alternatives, and n is the number of attributes. Then a ratio system is developed in which each performance of an alternative on an attribute compared alternatives is concerning that attribute.
Develop the initial decision matrix, X.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)303
Where xij is the performance value of ith alternative on jth criterion, m is the number of alternatives compared and n is the number of criteria.
The decision table, given in Table 3, shows alternatives, Ai (for i = 1, 2, . . . , n), attributes, Bj (for j = 1, 2, . . . , m), weights of attributes, wj (for j = 1, 2, . . . , m) and the measures of performance of alternatives, xij (for i = 1, 2, . . . , n; j = 1, 2, . . . , m). Given the decision table information and a decision making method, the task of the decision maker is to find the best alternative and/or to rank the entire set of alternatives.
Table-3: Multi-attribute decision matrix table
Identify the selection attributes for the considered manufacturing selection problem and short-list the manufacturing system on the basis of the identified attributes satisfying the requirements. The attributes are of two types, beneficial (i.e. higher values are desired) and non-beneficial (i.e. lower values are desired).
Step 3: Brauers et al. (2008) concluded that for this denominator, the best choice is the square root of the sum of squares of each alternative per attribute. This ratio can be expressed as given in below;
Where xij is a dimensionless number which belongs to the
interval [0, 1] representing the normalized performance of ith alternative and jth attribute.
Step 4: For multi-objective optimization, these normalized performances are added in case of maximization (for beneficial attributes) and subtracted in case of minimization (for non-beneficial attributes). Then the optimization problem becomes:
……….eqn (3)
Where g is the number of attributes to be maximized, (n-g) is the number of attributes to be minimized, and yi is the normalized assessment value of i th alternative with respect to all the attributes. In some cases, it is often observed that some attributes are more important than the others. In order to give more importance to an attribute, it could be multiplied with its corresponding weight (significance coefficient) (Brauers et al. 2009). When these attribute weights are taken into consideration, Equation- 3 becomes as follows:
[j =1, 2, 3...n]..eqn (4)
Where wj is the weight of j th attribute, which can be
determined applying analytic hierarchy process (AHP) or entropy method.
Step 5: The yi value can be positive or negative depending of the totals of its maxima (beneficial attributes) and minima (non-beneficial attributes) in the decision matrix. An ordinal ranking of yi shows the final preference. Thus, the best alternative has the highest yi value, while the worst alternative has the lowest yi value.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)304
Qualitative measures of
Selection attribute Number Fuzzy Assign Crisp score Exceptionally low M1 0.04556
Extremely low M2 0.13647
Very low M3 0.22738
Low M4 0.31825
Below average M5 0.40916
Average M6 0.50000
Above average M7 0.59095
High M8 0.68186
Very high M9 0.77278
Extremely high M10 0.863654
Exceptionally high M11 0.95456 Table-4: values of the selection attribute
Figre-2: Linguistic terms to fuzzy numbers conversion (11-point scale)
Prepare the decision matrix for evaluating the weight factor by applying the AHP method. Selection the criteria and alternatives of intelligent manufacturing system with respect to benefit and cost (non-benefit) criteria.
Basically, we consider the eight types of intelligent manufacturing system i.e. known as alternatives. The different criteria are to be considered as quality, cost, lead time, service level, product variety and robustness. Finally, each and every product should be minimum cost and minimum lead time with the best quality, product variety,
very good service level and maximum robustness. The different alternatives are Lean manufacturing system (A1), Agile manufacturing system (A2), Le-agile manufacturing system (A3), Flexible manufacturing system (A4), Computer integrated manufacturing system (A5), Holonic manufacturing system (A6), Bionic manufacturing system (A7), and Fractal manufacturing system (A8).
Criteria Criterion Benefit criteria
Non-benefit criteria
C1 Quality (+) -
C2 Cost - (-)
C3 Lead time (-)
C4 Service level (+) -
C5 Product
variety (+) -
C6 robustness (+) -
Table-4: criteria’s of the intelligent manufacturing system
Now, we are generating the primary decision matrix from the AHP method introduced by T.L.Satty and his scale.
(+)C1 (-)C2 (-)C3 (+)C4 (+)C5 (+)C6
C1 1 9 5 3 5 7
C2 1/9 1 2 3 4 3
C3 1/5 1/2 1 2 3 2
C4 1/3 1/5 1/3 1 1/5 1/7
C5 1/5 1/3 1/2 5 1 1/3
C6 1/7 1/2 1/2 1/3 5 1
Table-5: AHP matrix from the Satty scale
λmax = 6.048, R.I = 1.98(6-2)/6 = 1.32, C.I = (6.048- 6)/2 = 0.024, C.R = 0.024/1.32 = 0.0182
C.R =0.0182 < 0.1 different alternatives are Lean manufacturing system (A1),
Agile manufacturing system (A2), Le-agile manufacturing system (A3), Flexible manufacturing system (A4), Computer integrated manufacturing system (A5), Holonic manufacturing system (A6), Bionic manufacturing system (A7), and Fractal manufacturing system (A8).
The weight factors we are getting from the above matrix;-
[C1]W=0.5071, [C2]W=0.1751,[C3]W=0.1275, C4]W=0.0364,
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)305
Main decision matrix of the intelligent manufacturing system given in below:-
(+)C1 (-)C2 (-)C3 (+)C4 (+)C5 (+)C6
A1 High Very High High High Low Low
A2 High High High Very High Very High Very High
A3 High Very High High Very High High High
A4 Very High Very low Extremely high Extremely high Below average
Below average
A5 High Below
average Above average Exceptionally high average Above Above average
A6 Very High High Below average Very High High Very High
A7 Extremely high Extremely low
Above average Above average Very High High
A8 Exceptionally
high Average Extremely high Low Extremely high Extremely high
Table-6: Relation in between alternatives-criteria‟s from fuzzy scale (by word)
Main decision matrix of the intelligent manufacturing system given in below in terms of crisp number:-
(+)C1 (-)C2 (-)C3 (+)C4 (+)C5 (+)C6
A1 0.68186 0.77278 0.68186 0.68186 0.31825 0.31825
A2 0.68186 0.68186 0.68186 0.77178 0.77178 0.77178
A3 0.68186 0.77278 0.68186 0.77178 0.68186 0.68186
A4 0.77278 0.22735 0.86365 0.86365 0.40916 0.40916
A5 0.68186 0.40916 0.59095 0.95456 0.59095 0.59095
A6 0.77128 0.68186 0.40916 0.77128 0.68186 0.77128
A7 0.86365 0.13646 0.59095 0.59095 0.77128 0.68186
A8 0.95456 0.50000 0.86365 0.31827 0.86365 0.86365
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)306
(+)C1 (-)C2 (-)C3 (+)C4 (+)C5 (+)C6
m ∑( Xij) 2
4.7112 2.6125 3.9934 4.3641 3.4883 3.4883
m SQRT∑( Xij)2
2.17053 1.6162 1.99825 2.08925 1.86762 1.86762
Weight Factor 0.5071 0.1751 0.1275 0.0364 0.0765 0.0774
Table-8: Relation in between alternatives-criteria‟s summation and square root of summation.
Normalized decision matrix of the intelligent manufacturing system given in below:-
(+)C1 (-)C2 (-)C3 (+)C4 (+)C5 (+)C6
Weight Factor 0.5071 0.1751 0.1275 0.0364 0.0765 0.0774
A1 0.28437 0.47815 0.34123 0.32640 0.17040 0.17040
A2 0.28437 0.42189 0.34123 0.36992 0.41378 0.41378
A3 0.28437 0.47815 0.34123 0.36992 0.36510 0.36510
A4 0.35603 0.14067 0.43220 0.41320 0.21908 0.21910
A5 0.28437 0.25316 0.29573 0.45694 0.31642 0.31642
A6 0.35603 0.42189 0.20476 0.36992 0.36510 0.41378
A7 0.39789 0.08443 0.29573 0.28288 0.41378 0.36510
A8 0.43978 0.30937 0.43220 0.15235 0.46243 0.46243
Table-9: Relation in between alternatives-criteria‟s normalized decision matrix
Now, we formulated the weighted normalized decision matrix from the normalized decision matrix from the equation-[3] and equation-[4]:-
(+)C1 (-)C2 (-)C3 (+)C4 (+)C5 (+)C6
Weight Factor 0.5071 0.1751 0.1275 0.0364 0.0765 0.0774
A1 0.14420 0.08372 0.04351 0.01188 0.01304 0.01389
A2 0.14420 0.07387 0.04351 0.01346 0.03165 0.03203
A3 0.14420 0.08372 0.04351 0.01346 0.02793 0.02826
A4 0.18054 0.024631 0.05510 0.01504 0.01677 0.01696
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)307
A6 0.18054 0.07387 0.02611 0.01346 0.02793 0.03203
A7 0.20177 0.01478 0.03770 0.01030 0.03165 0.02826
A8 0.22301 0.05417 0.05510 0.00554 0.03538 0.03579
Table-10: Relation in between alternatives-criteria‟s weighted normalized decision matrix
Now, value of the alternative-1 [A1]
0.14420 - 0.08372 - 0.04351 + 0.01188 + 0.01304 + 0.01389 = 0.0551
Similarly, the value of alternative-2 [A2]
0.14420 - 0.07387 - 0.04351 + 0.01346 + 0.03165 + 0.03203 = 0.10397
Value of alternative-3 [A3]
0.14420 - 0.08372 - 0.04351 + 0.01346 + 0.02793 + 0.02826 =0.08663
Value of alternative-4 [A4]
0.18054 - 0.024631 - 0.05510 + 0.01504 + 0.01677 + 0.01696 =0.14956
Value of alternative-5 [A5]
0.14420 - 0.04433 - 0.03370 + 0.01663 + 0.02421 + 0.02449 = 0.12749
Value of alternative-6 [A6]
0.18054 - 0.07387 - 0.02611 + 0.01346 + 0.02793 + 0.03203 = 0.15398
Value of alternative-7 [A7]
0.20177 - 0.01478 - 0.03770 + 0.01030 + 0.03165 + 0.02826 = 0.21943
Value of alternative-8 [A8]
0.22301 - 0.05417 - 0.05510 + 0.00554 + 0.03538 + 0.03579 = 0.19042
Relative and maximum relative significance values generating from the equation:-
Alternatives S I (Value) Rank
A1 0.0551 8
A2 0.10397 6
A3 0.08663 7
A4 0.14956 4
A5 0.12749 5
A6 0.15398 3
A7 0.21943 1*
A8 0.19042 2
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)308 IV.DISCUSSION
This generalized criterion is directly proportional to the relative effect of the values and weights of the considered criteria [23]. The COPRAS, TOPSIS and VIKOR methods are more efficient in dealing with the tangible attributes but they cannot deal very well if the criteria values are expressed qualitatively. Whereas, AHP can also deal with tangible as well as non-tangible attributes, especially where the subjective judgments of different individuals constitute an important part of the decision-making process. But in some cases, unmanageable number of pair-wise comparisons of attributes and alternatives with respect to
As the number of Table 12 compares the performance of COPRAS, EVAMIX, TOPSIS, VIKOR and AHP, MOORA, SAW, ELECTRE methods with respect to calculation/computation time, simplicity, transparency, possibility of graphical interpretation and type of the information [35].
Transparency is one of the important factors that need to be addressed for selecting a particular MCDM method for a specific problem. Different decision-making methods have different levels of transparency.
It is always recommended and desirable not an important part of the decision-making process. But in
some cases, unmanageable number of pair-wise comparisons of attributes and alternatives with respect to each of the attributes may result. As the number of alternatives increases, the amount of calculations rises quite rapidly and computational procedures become quite elaborate.
Table 12 compares the performance of COPRAS, EVAMIX, TOPSIS, VIKOR and AHP, MOORA, SAW, ELECTRE methods with respect to calculation/computation time, simplicity, transparency, possibility of graphical interpretation and type of the information [32].
To use a highly complex MCDM method with lack of transparency (as in case of AHP) as it makes very difficult for the decision maker to identify any mistake made during the calculation process which may often lead to a very high degree of risk involvement by misleading the entire selection process.
A final decision can be taken keeping in view of the practical considerations. All possible constraints likely to be experienced by the user have to be considered. These include constraints such as manufacturing lead-time constraints, manufacturing process constraints, economic constraints, management constraints, social constraints, and political constraints.
MCDM methods Calculation
Simplicity Transparency flexibility
MOORA Less Simple Good Very High
EVAMIX Moderate Moderately Critical Low
ELECTRE Moderate Moderately Critical Low
High Moderately Good High
VIKOR Less Simple Very good Moderate
MADM Moderate Moderately Critical High
COPRAS less Simple Very good High
[image:8.612.102.512.454.637.2]SAW Less Simple Good High
Table-12: Comparison of the different MCDM method
If the first choice of intelligent manufacturing system as decided by the results of those MOORA methods that have a very significant positive Spearman‟s rank correlation coefficient cannot be considered due to certain constraints, then the user may opt for the second choice manufacturing system. If the second choice manufacturing system also
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012)309
The decision maker can easily apply MOORA method to evaluate the alternatives and select the most suitable manufacturing system, while being completely unaware of the physical meaning of the decision-making process. Moreover, this method allows for the formulation of a reduced performance criterion which is directly proportional to the relative effect of the compared criteria values. On the other hand, the main advantage of MOORA method is that unlike the other MCDM methods, it employs separate mathematical models to benefit the non-benefit and very good graphical qualitative criteria of the decision matrix. Due to this added advantage, in MOORA method, the chance of losing information is very small. The MOORA method, which is quite flexible and easy to comprehend, also segregates the subjective part of the evaluation process into criteria weights including decision using a combined multiple attribute decision-making method.
The authors wish to thank Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India and Indian Institute of Management (IIMC), Kolkata, India for their valuable literature supports in making this research successfully.
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