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Vertex strength of fuzzy graphs


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Received 5 June 2005; Revised 11 December 2005; Accepted 18 December 2005

The fuzzy coloring of a fuzzy graph was defined by the authors in Eslahchi and Onagh (2004). In this paper we define the chromatic fuzzy sum and strength of fuzzy graph. Some properties of these concepts are studied. It is shown that there exists an upper (a lower) bound for the chromatic fuzzy sum of a fuzzy graph.

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1. Introduction

The chromatic sum of a graphG,(G), is introduced in the dissertation of Kubicka [3]. It is defined as the smallest possible total over all vertices that can occur among all colorings ofG using natural numbers for the colors. It is known that computing the chromatic sum of an arbitrary graph is anNP-complete problem. The vertex-strength of the graphG, denoted bys(G), is the smallest integerssuch that(G) is attained using colors{1, 2,...,s}.

In this article, we generalize these concepts to fuzzy graphs and wish to bound chro-matic sum of a fuzzy graph with theestrong edges inG. We review some of the definitions of fuzzy graphs as in [2,6,7] and introduce some new notations.

LetXbe a nonempty set andEthe collection of all two-element subsets ofX. A fuzzy setγonXis a mappingγ:X→[0, 1]. Givenα∈(0, 1], theα-cut ofγis defined byγα= {x∈X|γ(x)≥α}. The support and height ofγare defined by suppγ= {x∈X|γ(x)> 0}andh(γ)=max(x)|x∈X}, respectively. Fuzzy intersection of two fuzzy setsγ1and γ2is denoted byγ1∧γ2=min1,γ2}.

Let X be a finite nonempty set. The triple G=(X,σ,μ) is called a fuzzy graph on Xwhereσ andμare fuzzy sets onXandE, respectively, such thatμ({x,y})min(x), σ(y)}for allx,y∈X. Hereafter, we useμ(xy) forμ({x,y}). The fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ) is called a fuzzy subgraph ofGif for each two elementsx,y∈X, we haveσ(x)≤σ(x) andμ(xy)≤μ(xy). The fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ) is called connected if for every two ele-mentsx,y∈X, there exists a sequence of elementsx0,x1,...,xmsuch thatx0=x,xm=y andμ(xixi+1)>0 (0≤i≤m−1).

Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2006, Article ID 43614, Pages1–9


For any fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ) letᏭ= {σ(x)>0|x∈X} ∪ {μ(xy)>0|x =y,x,y∈ X}withkelements. Now assumeᏭ= {α1,α2,...,αk}such thatα1< α2<···< αk. The sequence1,α2,...,αk}and the setᏭare called the fundamental sequence and the

fun-damental set ofG, respectively. Givenα∈(0, 1], theα-cut ofGis the graphGα=(,), whereXα= {x∈X|σ(x)≥α}andUα= {xy∈E|μ(xy)≥α}. It is obvious that a fuzzy graph will have a finite number of different α-cuts. In fact, the α-cuts do not change through the following intervals: (0,α1],..., (αk−1,αk].

LetΓ= {γ1,...,γk}be a finite family of fuzzy sets defined onX. The set ofα-cuts of γi’s is denoted byΓα= {γ1α,...,γkα} and the fuzzy setΓon X is defined by Γ(x)= maxiγi(x).

For fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ) the elements ofXandEare called vertices and edges of G, respectively. Two verticesxand yinGare called adjacent if (1/2) min(x),σ(y)} ≤ μ(xy). The edgexyofGis called strong ifxand yare adjacent and it called weak other-wise. The degree of vertexxinG, denoted by degGx, is the number of adjacent vertices to xand the maximum degree ofGis defined byΔ(G)=max{degGx|x∈X}. A connected fuzzy graphGis called a cycle if every vertex ofXhas degree 2. The fuzzy graphGwith nvertices is called complete of ordernif each vertex ofGhas degreen−1 and it is called r-partite, if a partition{A1,...,Ar}ofX exists such that for every two verticesx,y∈Ai,

the edgexyis weak (1≤i≤r).

Definition 1.1. A familyΓ= {γ1,...,γk}of fuzzy sets onXis called ak-fuzzy coloring of G=(X,σ,μ) if

(a)Γ, (b)γi∧γj=0,

(c) for every strong edgexyofG, min{γi(x),γi(y)} =0 (1≤i≤k).

The least value ofkfor whichGhas ak-fuzzy coloring, denoted byχf(G), is called the fuzzy chromatic number ofG.

When σ and μ take their values in{1}and {0, 1}, respectively, G is a crisp graph

Definition 1.1(c) implies that for everyi, suppγiis an independent set inG. Therefore, in this case,Γinduces ak-coloring of graphG.

The concept of chromatic number of fuzzy graphs was introduced by Mu˜noz et al. in [5]. They consider only fuzzy graphs with crisp vertices (σ(i)=1 for alli∈X) and fuzzy edges. LetG=(X,μ) be such a fuzzy graph whereX= {1, 2,...,n}andμis a fuzzy number on the set of all 2-subsets ofX. Assume thatᏭ= {α1< α2<···< αk}denote the

fundamental set ofGandI=∪ {0}. For eachα∈I,denote the crisp graphGα= (X,) whereEα= {ij|1≤i < j≤n, μ(ij)≥α}andχα=χ() denote the chromatic number of crisp graphGα. By their definition the chromatic number of fuzzy graphGis the following fuzzy number:

χ(G)=i,ν(i)|i∈X, (1.1)

whereν(i)=max{α∈I|i∈Aα}andAα= {1, 2,...,χα}.


But in a general fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ), it is possible that for eachα∈I,χf(G) =χα. For example, consider the fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ) given byX= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, i∈ {1, 2, 3},

0.4, i∈ {4, 5}, μ(xy)=

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

1, xy∈ {12, 13},

0.3, xy∈ {23, 24, 25, 34, 35}, 0, otherwise.


We haveχ0=5,χ0.3=4,χ1=2, butχf(G)=3. It is clear that for 0≤c≤1,χf(G)=χα0,

whereα0=min{α∈I|c≤α}, whenever we change the definition of strong edges to

the following case:xy is strong if μ(xy)≥c. But if we define the strong edge byxy is strong ifμ(xy)≥cmin(x),σ(y)}, then there always exists a fuzzy graphG such that χf(G)∈ {χ/ α|αI} (in the above example replace 0.3 by (cε)0.4 for positive and enough smallε).

2. Chromatic fuzzy sum of fuzzy graphs

LetGbe an undirected simple graph withnvertices. A coloring of the vertices ofG is a mapping f :V(G)→N such that adjacent vertices are assigned different colors. In the minimum sum coloring problem (MSC), we are looking for a coloring in which the sum of the assigned colors of all the vertices ofGis minimized. The MSC problem has a nat-ural application in scheduling theory. One of the application is the problem of resource allocation with constraints imposed by conflicting resource requirements. In a common representation of the distributed resource allocation problem [1,4], the constraints are given by a conflict graphG, in which the vertices represent processors, and the edges in-dicate competition on resources, that is, two vertices are adjacent if the corresponding processors cannot run their jobs simultaneously. The objective is to minimize the average response time, or equivalently to minimize the sum of the job completion times. Assum-ing some fix execution time for the jobs, this problem is MSC problem. Now consider schedulingnjobs on a single machine. At any given time the machine capable to perform any number of tasks, as long as these tasks are independent or the conflicts between the tasks are less than a number which depend on the choice of the problem. Any of the tasks consume some time of the machine. Letxand ybe two tasks with some conflict. Sup-pose that the machine is capable to perform onxandysimultaneously. In this case, the amount of time that machine spends onx(or y) depends on the individual amount of time which previously was spent onx (or y) together with the measure of the conflict betweenxand y. Our goal is to minimize the average response time, or equivalently to minimize the sum of the task completion time. In order to solve this problem we define the fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ), whereX is the set of all tasks,σ(x) is the amount of the consuming time of the machine for eachx∈X, andμ(xy) is the measure of the conflict between the tasksxandy. Finding the minimum value of the job completion times for this problem is equivalent to the chromatic fuzzy sum ofGwhich we will study in this section.


Definition 2.1. For ak-fuzzy coloringΓ= {γ1,...,γk}of the fuzzy graphG-chromatic fuzzy sum ofG, denoted byΓ(G), is defined as


(G)=1 x∈C1

θ1(x) +···+k


θk(x), (2.1)

whereCi=suppγiandθi(x)=max(x) +μ(xy)|y∈Ci}.

Definition 2.2. The chromatic fuzzy sum ofG, denoted by(G), is defined as follows:



(G)|Γis a fuzzy coloring ofG

. (2.2)

The number of fuzzy colorings ofGis finite and therefore, there exists a fuzzy coloring Γ0which is called a minimal fuzzy sum coloring ofGsuch that


Definition 2.3. The vertex-strength of fuzzy graphG, denoted bys(G), is defined to be as follows:


|Γ| |(G)= Γ


. (2.3)

It means thats(G) is the minimum number of colors such that we can find the minimal fuzzy sum coloring ofGby it. It is obvious thats(G)≥χf(G). Note that this inequality can be strict. The fuzzy graph introduced inExample 2.13has fuzzy chromatic number 2, but its vertex-strength is 3.

Definition 2.4. Let Gbe a fuzzy graph andx a vertex ofG. The neighbor ofxin G is defined to be the setN(x)={y|xyis a strong edge ofG}.

Theorem 2.5. LetGbe a fuzzy graph andΓ0= {γ1,...,γs}a minimal fuzzy sum coloring of G. Then the following results are true.


x∈C2θ2(x)≥ ··· ≥


(2) Letx0∈Ci. Then for eachj < ione of the following happens: (a)Cj∩N(x0) = ∅,







iθi(x)] whereCi=Ci− {x0}andCj=Cj∪ {x0}.

Proof. (1) Suppose that for somei < j we havex∈Ciθi(x)<

x∈Cjθj(x). Consider the

fuzzy coloringΓ0= {γ1,...,γs}defined by

γ r=

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

γr, r /∈ {i,j}, γj, r=i, γi, r=j.


Now we have



(G) Γ0


x∈Cj θj(x)

x∈Ci θi(x)

<0. (2.5)



Γ0(G) which contradicts the minimality ofΓ0.

(2) Let j < iandCj∩N(x0)= ∅. Consider the fuzzy coloringΓ= {γ1,...,γs}defined byγk=γkifk /∈ {i,j},

γ i(x)=

⎧ ⎨ ⎩γi

(x), x =x0,

0, x=x0, γ


⎧ ⎨ ⎩γj

(x), x =x0, σx0

, x=x0.


Now sinceΓ0is the minimal fuzzy coloring, we have

0 Γ

(G) Γ0



j θj(x)

x∈Cj θj(x)


x∈Ci θi(x)


i θi(x)


and the proof is complete.

It seems that by the hypothesis of Theorem 2.5, we have (G−C1)=




x∈Ciθi(x)] ands(G−C1)=s(G)1. But, in the following example, we show that

these equalities do not always hold.

Example 2.6. LetX= {x1,x2,...,x26}. Construct the fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ) as follows:

σxi=1, 1≤i≤26,


⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

1, 1≤i≤10, 11≤j≤26, 1, 11≤i≤17, 19≤j≤26, 1, i=18, 20≤j≤26, 0.2, i=18, j=19, 0, 1≤i < j≤10,

0.3, 11≤i < j≤17 or 20≤i < j≤26,

0.4, i=18, 11≤j≤17 ori=19, 20≤j≤26.


One can check thats(G)=4 andΓ0= {γ1,...,γ4}is the minimal fuzzy sum coloring ofG




⎧ ⎨

⎩1,0, 1otherwise,≤i≤10, γ2


⎧ ⎨

⎩1,0, 11otherwise,≤i≤17,



⎧ ⎨

⎩1,0, 20otherwise,≤i≤26, γ4


⎧ ⎨

⎩1,0, 18otherwise,≤i≤19,


andΓ0(G)=65.1. Buts(G−C1)=2 andΓ1= {ξ1,ξ2}is a minimal fuzzy sum coloring




⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, 11≤i≤18, 0, otherwise, ξ2


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, 19≤i≤26,

0, otherwise, (2.10)

andΓ(G−C1)=33.6. (IfΓis a 3-fuzzy coloring ofG−C1, one can check that

Γ(G− C1)>33.6, therefores(G−C1)=2.) On the other hand,





34.5, hence(G−C1)<Γ0(G)




Actually, we never achieved minimal fuzzy sum coloring of Gby extending Γ1 to a

fuzzy coloring ofG. If by extendingΓ1we find a minimal fuzzy sum coloring ofG, then

byTheorem 2.5(1), this extension is asΓ= {ξ1,ξ2,ξ3}where,




⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, ifx∈C1,

0, otherwise,




⎧ ⎨ ⎩ξ1

xi, ifxi∈G−C1,

0, otherwise,




⎧ ⎨ ⎩ξ2

xi, ifxi∈G−C2,

0, otherwise.


ButΓ(G)=66 andΓis not a minimal fuzzy sum coloring ofG.

Definition 2.7. LetGbe a fuzzy graph with the fuzzy chromatic numberχf(G). Define

χf(G)(G) as




(G)| |Γ| =χf(G)

. (2.12)

Theorem 2.8. For fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ),



χf(G) + 1

4 h(σ)|X|. (2.13)

Proof. LetΓ1 be aχf(G)-fuzzy coloring ofGsuch thatχf(G)(G)=Γ1(G). Similar to Theorem 2.5(1), we havex∈C1θ1(x)

x∈C2θ2(x)≥ ··· ≥

x∈Cχ f(G)θχf(G)(x). Hence,

for eachi, 1≤i≤χf(G), we have

i x∈Ci

θi(x) +χf(G)−i+ 1 x∈Cχ f(G)


≤χf(G) + 1 2


θi(x) + x∈Cχ f(G)






i xınCi

θi(x) +χf(G)−i+ 1 x∈Cχ f(G)




χf(G) + 1 2


θi(x) + x∈Cχ f(G)






i=1 i



f(G) + 1





θi(x). (2.16)

But sinceθi(x)3h(σ)/2, we haveχ



x∈Ciθi(x)(3h(σ)/2)|X| and the proof is


Now byTheorem 2.8, we find an upper bound for(G).

Corollary 2.9. For the fuzzy graphG,


χf(G) + 1

4 h(σ)|X|. (2.17)

Definition 2.10. For the fuzzy graphG=(X,σ,μ), define

w=minσ(x) +μ(xy)>0|x∈X,xyis a weak edge ofG. (2.18)

Theorem 2.11. LetG=(X,σ,μ) be a connected fuzzy graph withestrong edges. Then,

w√8e≤(G). (2.19)

Proof. Let Ꮽbe the fundamental set of G. Among all connected fuzzy graphs with e strong edges, fundamental setᏭᏭ, and minimum chromatic fuzzy sum value, se-lectG0=(X0,σ0,μ0) and its minimal fuzzy coloringΓ= {γ1,...,γs}to have the largest

x∈suppγ1θ1(x). Supposes(G0)3,C3=suppγ3= {x1,...,xk}, andy1,...,ykare new ver-tices. Consider the fuzzy graphG1=(X1,σ1,μ1) withX1=X0∪ {y1,...,yk}as follows:

σ1(a)= ⎧ ⎨ ⎩σ

0(a), a∈X0, σ0

xi, a=yi,

μ1(xy)= ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

μ0(xy), x,y /∈C3

y1,...,yk, minσ0(x),σ0(y)

, x=xi, y∈C1,



, x=yi, y∈C2, μ0(xy), x,y∈C3, μ0

xixj, x=yi, y=yj,

0, otherwise.


NowΓ1= {γ1,...,γs−1}defined by


1(x)= ⎧ ⎨ ⎩γ1

(x), x∈X0, σ1

yi, x=yi,


2(x)= ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

γ2(x), x∈X0−C3, σ0(x), x∈C3,

0, otherwise, γ

i=γi−1, 4≤i≤s.


Γ1is a fuzzy coloring ofG1withΓ1(G1)=

Γ(G0). But,G1has at leastestrong edges. By

deleting some strong edges fromG1, we find a connected fuzzy graphG2with exactlye

strong edges and fundamental setᏭᏭsuch that(G2)


(G0). But, by

the minimality of(G0), we have(G2)=(G0). On the other hand,x∈suppγ

1θ1(x) is

greater thanx∈suppγ1θ1(x) which is a contradiction. Therefore,s(G0)2,Γ= {γ1,γ2}

andG0is bipartite. Hence,


= x∈suppγ1

θ1(x) + 2



≥wsuppγ1+ 2wsuppγ2 =wsuppγ1+ 2suppγ2.


Now since the number of strong edges in a bipartite fuzzy graph with fuzzy coloring 1,γ2}is at most|suppγ1| · |suppγ2|, then

8e≤ |suppγ1|+2|suppγ2|. Hence(G0)

w√8eand the proof is complete.

We will end this section by giving a counter example to show that a well-known the-orem in graph theory is no longer valid in the case of fuzzy graphs. Also we will give a conjecture for upper bond ofs(G).

We have known the following theorem for graphs [2].

Theorem 2.12. LetGbe a connected graph. Then,s(G)Δ(G) + 1 and equality hold if and only ifGis a complete graph or an odd cycle.

In the following example, we show that the above theorem is not hold for fuzzy version.

Example 2.13. LetG=(σ,μ) be a fuzzy graph with vertex setX= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},σ(i)=1 for eachi∈Xand


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

0.49, xy∈ {13, 35, 24, 46},

1, otherwise. (2.23)

We haveΔ(G)=2. Ifs(G)=2 we have a fuzzy coloringΓof size 2 such thatΓ(G)=

(G). But every 2-fuzzy coloring ofGis asΓ= {γ1,γ2},

γ1= ⎧ ⎨

⎩1,0, xxAB,, γ2= ⎧ ⎨


(orγ1|B=1 andγ2|A=1) whereA= {1, 3, 5}and B= {2, 4, 6}. In this case, Γ(G)= 13.41. Now, consider the fuzzy coloringΓ= {γ1,γ2,γ3}as

γ1(x)= ⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, x∈ {1, 4},

0, otherwise, γ2(x)=

⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, x∈ {2, 5},

0, otherwise, γ3(x)=

⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, x∈ {3, 6}, 0, otherwise.


In this case,Γ(G)=12 which impliess(G)>2. It is easy to show thats(G)=3. But,G is neither an odd cycle nor a complete fuzzy graph.

Conjecture 2.14. LetGbe a fuzzy graph. Then, (1)s(G)2Δ(G) + 1,

(2) for every integerk≥2, there exists a fuzzy graphGk such thatk−1Δ(Gk) and s(Gk)=Δ(Gk) +k.


[1] K. Chandy and J. Misra, The drinking philosophers problem, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 6 (1984), no. 4, 632–646.

[2] Ch. Eslahchi and B. N. Onagh, Fuzzy coloring of fuzzy graphs, 2004, submitted.

[3] E. Kubicka, The chromatic sum of a graph, Ph.D. dissertation, Western Michigan University, Michigan, 1989.

[4] N. A. Lynch, Upper bounds for static resource allocation in a distributed system, Journal of Com-puter and System Sciences 23 (1981), no. 2, 254–278.

[5] S. Mu˜noz, T. Ortu˜no, J. Ramirez, and J. Y´a˜nez, Coloring Fuzzy graphs, Omega 32 (2005), 211– 221.

[6] A. Rosenfeld, Fuzzy graphs, Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Pro-cesses (Proceeding of U.S.-Japan Sem., University of California, Berkeley, Calif, 1974) (L. A. Zadeh, K. S. Fu, and M. Shimura, eds.), Academic Press, New York, 1975, pp. 77–95.

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Changiz Eslahchi: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 1983963113, Iran

E-mail address:ch-eslahchi@sbu.ac.ir

B. N. Onagh: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 1983963113, Iran



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