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Influence of dietary protein/lipid ratio on growth performance and body composition of Aspikutum, a new hybrid of Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂ (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)


Academic year: 2022

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Influence of dietary protein/lipid ratio on growth performance and body composition of Aspikutum, a new hybrid of

Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂ (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)


1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Sowmeh Sara, P.O. Box: 1144, Guilan, Iran.

2Department of Marine Sciences, The Caspian Sea Basin Research Center, University of Guilan, Rasht, Guilan, Iran.

3Dr. Yousefpour Fish Hatchery Center, Siahkal, Guilan, Iran.


Abstract: A 3×2 factorial experiment with six trial diets containing three protein levels (30, 35 and 40%) and two lipid levels (10 and 15%) was conducted to investigate the optimum dietary protein to lipid ratio of Aspikutum, Leuciscus aspius

♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂. In this experiment, 252 fish (31.22±0.38g; mean±SE) were stocked in 18 tanks with the volume of 400L and were fed 3 times daily for 60 days.

The results indicated that growth performance and feed conversion ratio was significantly affected by protein content of the diet, so that these parameters increased significantly with increasing protein level from 30% to 35%, and then decreased in 40%. Protein efficiency ratio and hepatosomatic index decreased with increasing dietary protein level. Lipid efficiency ratio decreased with increasing dietary lipid level. Lipid content of carcass was decreased with increasing the dietary protein, so that the highest amount of lipid was observed in fish fed by 30% protein and 15% lipid. Also, body moisture of fish fed by 40% protein and 15% lipid was higher than those of other treatments. In general, the results indicated that diet containing 35% protein and 15% lipid is suitable for the optimum growth and feed utilization of Aspikutum in juvenile stage.

Keywords: Protein/lipid ratio, Metabolism, Growth, Hybrid, Asp, Caspian Kutum.

Citation: Haghparast, P.; Falahatkar, B.; Khoshkholgh, M.R. & Meknatkhah, B. 2016.

Influence of dietary protein/lipid ratio on growth performance and body composition of Aspikutum, a new hybrid of Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂ (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).

Iranian Journal of Ichthyology 3(4): 304-315.


The major part of the costs in fish farming industry is providing appropriate feed. Therefore, it is important to consider nutritional issues such as feed composition, amount of feed, feeding time and relationships between feeding and other factors (Tacon 1993). Protein composition is one of the essential components of body which plays an important role in organism structure and function.

Also, protein is one of the most expensive components in diet that impacts fish growth, survival

and feed cost (Ai et al. 2004; Arredondo-Figueroa et al. 2012). Excessive amount of dietary protein could cause an increase production cost, stress in fish and ammonia excretion and deterioration of water quality (Ai et al. 2004). However, inadequate protein level in the diet prevents the production of new tissues which in turn leads to impaired growth (Mohanta et al.


Dietary lipid is used as a source of energy and essential fatty acids which can cause to maintain biological structure and normal function of the body


(Sargent et al. 1999). Adding lipid to the diet also plays an important role in efficient use of protein due to the storage of protein in fish (De Silva et al. 1991;

Skalli et al. 2004). However, increasing lipid in diet must be carefully evaluated because it may lead to reduced feed intake, increased carcass lipid and produced obesity fish (Fu et al. 2001; Wang et al.

2013). In contrast, when energy is deficient in fish diet, protein is used as source of energy which leads to an increase in production cost (Lee et al. 2002).

Proper ratio of protein to lipid in the diet has an important role in optimal using of aquatic animals from dietary protein and lipid sources. The optimal levels of lipid and protein are different for each species, and in a certain species is different according to the age and quality of dietary protein, non-protein energy of diet and environmental conditions (Refstie et al. 2003).

Caspian Kutum (Rutilus frisii) is a cyprinid fish and the main natural distribution of this species belongs to the east and south parts of the Caspian Sea from Atrak River (Turkmenistan) to Kura River (Azerbaijan) that it is one of the most economically important bony fish in this area with over 10000 tones fishing production, annually. In wild habitats, the Kutum main feed items preferably consist of mollusks and crustaceans. Also, the fish is known as an omnivore species (Razavi Sayyad 1995).

Asp (Leuciscus aspius) is a predator cyprinid fish inhabiting the flowing waters of central and Eastern Europe, southern Scandinavia, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas. This is the only carnivorous cyprinid fish that is a solitary predator on other fishes, frogs and even duckling (Falahatkar & Tolouei Gilani 2013; Coad 2014).

Hybrid between particular groups of fishes has been used in aquaculture to improve functional traits such as an increase in the growth rate, transfer optimal traits between species, reduce unintended reproduction, meat quality, disease resistance and increase environmental tolerances (Bartley et al.

2001). Typically, the goal is to produce a generation that will have a better performance than the both


At present, using the aquatics has been increased in human consumption and in the future it will account providing large amounts from animal proteins in human nutrition. Therefore, production of inter-specific hybrid can play an important role in this regard. Some hybrids have already been introduced for use in aquaculture. The hybrid of female Asp × male Kutum (Leuciscus aspius × Rutilus frisii; called Aspikutum) is an example of these hybrids. Preliminary analysis indicated that this hybrid has a high performance in terms of adaptation to manual food, proper nutrition, survival rate, adaptation in captivity conditions and particularly the reception of some desirable traits such as meat quality of proper from broodstocks (Falahatkar et al.

2013, 2015). Given the localization of wild species in the first step and diversity in aquaculture, determination of nutritional requirements such as protein and lipid can lead to success in food reception, increase in growth and introduction of a new hybrid such as Aspikutum to culture systems.

Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to determine optimal protein to lipid ratio and its effect on growth and body composition of Aspikutum.

Materials and Methods

Fish and Experimental Diets: Wild spawners of male Kutum and female Asp were collected from the Caspian Sea at the winter and lake behind the Aras dam at autumn, respectively and they were transported to the Dr. Yousefpour Fish Hatchery Center (Siahkal, Guilan, Iran). All fish were healthy without any diseases and external symptoms.

Induction of Asp female was done with 2 interval injections (0.1 and 0.4mg L-1 Ovaprim as priming and resolving doses, respectively) to stimulate the spawning, but Kutum males were ready to spermiate without hormonal induction. Finally, the new hybrid (Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂) was produced and larvae with mean body weight of 2.5mg were transferred to the earthen pond for culture (Falahatkar et al. 2013, 2015). Fish used in this experiment were


transferred to the 4000L fiberglass tanks and adapted to artificial feeding and experimental conditions for 2 months.

Six diets were formulated to contain three protein levels (30, 35 and 40%), and two lipid levels (10 and 15%). Dry ingredients were grounded into fine powder and homogenized through a 1.0mm sieve, weighed and blended in the computed ratios, then mixed thoroughly with fish oil and corn oil. An appropriate amount of water was added to produce dough and then diets were poured into a grinder.

Finally, the dough was prepared with a 4-5mm diameter die. The strands of feeds were placed in a ventilated oven for complete drying at 45°C for 12h.

After drying, all diets were broken up to proper size and were stored at -20°C in plastic bags for later use.

The formulation and proximate composition of the experimental diets are shown in Table 1.

Experimental Design and Rearing Conditions: The feeding trial was carried out at the Dr. Yousefpour Fish Hatchery Center. Prior to the onset of the experiment, all fish were acclimated to rearing conditions for 10 days. Within this period, fish were fed two times daily with a basal diet to satiation. At the beginning of the experiment, the fish were fasted for 24h before weighting. After the acclimation period, 252 fish with average initial body weight of 31.22±0.38g (mean±SE) were stocked into 18 circular concrete tanks with the volume of 400L (14 fish to each tank) and flow rate of 5.32±0.25L/min.

The experimental diets were tested in 3 replicates and the trial period was lasted for 60 days. Fish were fed to satiation three times daily at 10:00, 15:00 and 20:00. All fish were weighted every 15 days intervals, the tanks were cleaned and siphoned daily before the first feeding in the morning. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured daily as 16.10±0.29°C, 7.53 ±0.07mg L-1 and 8.32±0.09, respectively.

Chemical Analyses: At the end of the experimental period, all fish were fasted for 24h before harvest and fish were anesthetized in diluted clove powder at the concentration of 300mg L-1. At the end of the

experimental period, five fish from each tank were killed with high dose of clove powder and kept frozen (-20°C) for determination of whole body composition analysis. Total number of fish with individual weight and total length in each tank were counted and measured. Also, 5 fish from each tank were sacrificed and liver were taken and weighed for the measurement of hepatosomatic index (HSI).

Proximate composition analysis of diets and fish body was performed according to procedures of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC 1995). To determine moisture content of the diets and fish, samples were dried to a constant weight at 105°C for almost 24h. Ash content was determined by placing the samples in a furnace at 550°C for 12h.

Crude protein (total nitrogen × 6.25) was determined using the Kjeldahl method after acid digestion using a Kjeldahl system (Bakhshi V40, Tehran, Iran). Total lipid of samples was measured by ether extraction using a Soxhlet extractor (Bakhshi, Tehran, Iran).

Calculations and Statistical Analysis: For growth performance, the following variables were calculated according to the below formulas:

Weight gain (WG, g) = final body weight (g) - initial body weight (g)

Body weight increase (BWI, %) = 100 × [final body weight (g) - initial body weight (g)] / initial body weight (g)

Average daily growth (ADG, %) = 100 × [final body weight (g) - initial body weight (g)] / culture period in days

Feed conversion ratio (FCR) = feed consumed (g) / wet weight gain (g)

Hepatosomatic index (HSI, %) = 100 × [liver weight (g) / whole body weight (g)]

Protein efficiency ratio (PER) = wet weight gain (g) / total protein intake (g)

Lipid efficiency ratio (LER) = wet weight gain (g) / total lipid intake (g)

Condition factor (CF) = 100 × [fish weight (g) / fish length3 (cm)]

All data were tested for normality and homogeneity of variances by Kolmogorov-Smirnov


and Levene’s tests, respectively. Two-way ANOVA test was performed for the data of each treatment to test the effect of dietary protein and lipid levels to see if there were any statistically significant differences.

When two-way ANOVA showed a significant interaction between the two factors, one-way ANOVA was applied. When significant differences were observed (P<0.05), individual mean values were compared using Tukey’s test. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (version 16.0; Chicago, IL, USA). All results are presented as means ± standard error (SE).


No mortality was observed in hybrid fish throughout the 60 days of rearing. Final weight, WG, BWI and

ADG were significantly affected by protein content of the diets (P<0.05), so that values of growth improved significantly with increasing protein level from 30% to 35%, and then decreased in 40%. CF was significantly affected by dietary protein and lipid level as well as the interaction between protein and lipid (P<0.05). The highest values of CF were observed for fish fed diet containing 35% protein and 15% lipid (Table 2).

In the present study, FCR and PER were not affected by dietary lipid levels (P>0.05), but those were significantly affected by protein content of the diets (P<0.05); the lowest FCR were observed in diet with 35% protein. PER was significantly decreased with increasing dietary protein levels. The lowest values of PER were observed in diets containing 40%

Ingredients Experimental Diets (Protein/Lipid)

(30/10) (30/15) (35/10) (35/15) (40/10) (40/15)

Fish meal 23.02 23.7 31 31.46 38.6 38.96

Soybean meal 15 15.98 16.68 18 19 20.5

Wheat flour 25.54 21.67 20.55 16.04 14.76 10.16

Wheat bran 22.5 19.5 18.5 16 15 12.5

Fish oil 0.97 3.57 0.63 3.25 0.32 2.94

Corn oil 0.97 3.57 0.63 3.25 0.32 2.94

Lecithin 3 3 3 3 3 3

Methionine 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Lysine 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Molasses 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

Yeast 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

Vitamin premixa 2 2 2 2 2 2

Mineral premixb 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

Dicalcium phosphatec 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Salt 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Proximate analysis (%; n=3)

Moisture 9.85±0.4


8.05±0.11 8.91±0.14 9.78±0.22 9.10±0.21 8.52 ±0.11

Crude protein 30.13±0.


30.35±0.24 35.78±0.35 35.27±0.20 40.02±0.36 40.37±0.12

Crude lipid 9.54±0.2


14.15±0.48 10.62±0.14 14.47±0.11 10.41±0.12 15.09±0.07

Ash 9.40±0.0


9.40±0.00 10.39±0.17 10.29±0.17 11.49±0.12 11.53±0.06

Gross energy(kJ/g)d 17.39 18.66 17.70 18.95 17.98 19.23

aScience Laboratories (Qazvin, Iran). Each 1000g vitamin mixture provides vitamin A, 1 600 000I.U; vitamin D3, 400 000 I.U; vitamin E, 40g; vitamin K3, 2g; thiamin, 6g; riboflavin, 8g; calcium pantothenate, 12g; niacin, 40g; pyridoxine, 4g;

folic acid, 2g; cyanocobalamin, 8mg; H2, 0.24g; vitamin C, 60g; inositol, 20g and BHT, 20g.

bScience Laboratories (Qazvin, Iran). Each 1000g mineral premix provides ferrous, 26g; zinc, 12.5g; selenium, 2g; cobalt, 480mg; copper, 4.2g; manganese,15.8g; iodine,1g and choline chloride, 12g.

cJahan phosphate (Rudsar, Iran).

dBased on 23.4kJ/g protein, 39.2kJ/g lipid, 17.2kJ/g carbohydrate.

Table 1. Diet formulation and proximate analysis content of the experimental diets.


protein at all lipid levels. LER was significantly decreased with increasing dietary protein levels and the highest LER was observed in diet containing 35%

protein at 15% dietary lipid level (P<0.05). Also, LER was significantly decreased with increasing lipid levels from 10% to 15% at all protein levels (Table 2). HSI was significantly affected by protein content of the diets (P<0.05), it was significantly decreased with increasing dietary protein level at 15% dietary lipid levels (Table 3).

The carcass composition showed that protein and ash contents of fish were not influenced by dietary protein and lipid levels (P>0.05). Lipid

content of the whole body was affected by dietary protein level as well as the interaction between protein and lipid (P<0.05). Body lipid content tended to decrease with increasing dietary protein. Moisture content of the whole body was not affected by either dietary protein or dietary lipid levels (P>0.05), but the obtained results indicated that interaction between protein and lipid significantly affected the moisture content of whole carcass (P<0.05). The highest lipid and the lowest moisture contents obtained in fish fed 30% protein and 15% lipid. The highest value of moisture and the lowest value of lipid were showed in fish fed by 40% protein and Table 2. Growth performance of Aspikutum (Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂) fed various levels of protein/lipid ratio for 60 days (means±SE).

Protein/Lipid IW (g) FW (g) WG (g) BWI (%) ADG (%) CF

30/10 31.19±0.88 36.38±0.92b 5.19±0.31b 16.64±1.00b 0.28±0.02b 0.73±0.00b 30/15 31.17±1.08 36.82±1.13ab 5.67±1.04b 18.18±3.34b 0.30±0.05b 0.72±0.01b 35/10 31.21±0.92 37.67±1.03ab 6.45±0.33ab 20.67±1.07ab 0.34±0.02ab 0.72±0.01b 35/15 31.26±0.90 39.88±0.91a 8.62±0.27a 27.57±0.87a 0.46±0.01a 0.77±0.00a 40/10 31.26±0.98 36.48±1.03ab 5.21±0.43b 16.68±1.39b 0.28±0.02b 0.72±0.01b 40/15 31.21±0.95 36.81±1.00ab 5.50±0.27b 17.62±0.88b 0.29±0.01b 0.73±0.00b Two-way ANOVA

Protein 0.989 0.036 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003

Lipid 0.927 0.252 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.008

P×L 0.982 0.512 0.221 0.226 0.226 0.002

IW: Initial weight, FW: Final weight, WG: Weight gain, BWI: Body weight increase, ADG: Average daily growth, CF:

Condition factor. The data in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).

Table 3. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) and feed utilization of Aspikutum (Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂) fed various levels of protein/lipid ratio for 60 days (means±SE).

Protein/Lipid HSI (%) FCR PER LER

30/10 0.96±0.09ab 2.81±0.15a 1.19±0.06a 3.58±0.19a

30/15 1.10±0.09a 2.74±0.20ab 1.23±0.09a 2.46±0.18c

35/10 0.89±0.04ab 2.59±0.04ab 1.10±0.02ab 3.85±0.06a

35/15 0.91±0.06ab 2.27±0.04b 1.26±0.02a 2.94±0.05bc

40/10 0.82±0.06ab 2.83±0.04a 0.89±0.04b 3.55±0.15ab

40/15 0.80±0.04b 2.80±0.04ab 0.89±0.04b 2.38±0.07c

Two-way ANOVA

Protein 0.002 0.030 0.000 0.026

Lipid 0.360 0.223 0.160 0.000

P×L 0.385 0.489 0.361 0.651

HSI: Hepatosomatic index, FCR: Feed conversion ratio, PER: Protein efficiency ratio, LER: Lipid efficiency ratio. The data in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).


15% lipid (Table 4).


In the current study, growth performance was significantly affected by protein content of the diets.

Growth rate of hybrid fed with diets containing 15%

lipid increased with the increase of dietary protein from 30% to 35%, and then decreased with increasing protein. There are two possible explanations for this finding. At excessively high dietary protein level, the free amino acids accumulated in body fluids may become toxic (Harper et al. 1970) or the metabolic cost of nitrogen excretion may reduce the growth (Jauncey 1982). A similar trend of decrease weight loss in fish fed high protein was reported in bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Santiago & Reyes 1991), bagrid catfish, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco (Kim & Lee 2005), two- banded sea bream, Diplodus vulgaris (Ozório et al.

2009), Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus (Mohseni et al. 2011), hybrid sturgeon, Acipenser baerii ♀× A.gueldenstaedtii ♂ (Gou et al. 2012) and Kutum, Rutilus frisii (Mahmoodi et al. 2013). The appropriate dietary protein requirement obtained in present study was 35%, which is close to the dietary requirement of Kutum (Mahmoodi et al. 2013).

Lipids are an important component in diet and play important roles in fish body. One of the main

functions of dietary lipid is to provide energy for basic functions, including growth and maintenance of healthy tissues. Therefore, determination of appropriate dietary lipid level is very important (Li et al. 2010). In the present study, no significant effect of dietary lipid levels on growth rate was observed.

This was consistent with some other studies on Xiphophorus helleri (Ling et al. 2006), Diplodus sargus (Ozório et al. 2006), Gadus morhua (Grisdale- Helland et al. 2008) and Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Yuan et al. 2010).

The FCR improved with protein level and decreased at the 35% protein level. Similar results have been observed for several fish species such as silver barb, Puntius gonionotus (Mohanta et al.

2008), two-banded sea bream (Ozório et al. 2009) and Kutum (Ebrahimi et al. 2013). Improvement in FCR of fish fed 15% lipid compared to that of fish fed 10% lipid was also observed, but the difference was not significant. Also, similar results were observed for Rohu, Labeo rohita (Satpathy et al.

2003), black catfish, Rhamdia quelen (Salhi et al.

2004) and blunt snout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala (Li et al. 2010). The present results showed that lipid can be used by this fish as an energy source.

Maximum WG and CF as well as the lowest FCR were obtained in fish fed a diet containing 35%

Table 4. Proximate composition (% wet weight) of Aspikutum (Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii ♂) fed various of protein/lipid ratio for 60 days (means±SE).

Protein/Lipid Moisture (%) Crude protein (%) Crude lipid (%) Ash (%)

Initial 72.46±0.15 15.52±0.03 5.44±0.02 3.66±0.19

30/10 71.08±0.43ab 18.01±0.35 7.32±0.28ab 3.36±0.08

30/15 70.49±0.46b 17.45±0.27 7.95±0.47a 3.34±0.19

35/10 70.90 ±0.12ab 17.70±0.11 6.94±0.05ab 3.32±0.03

35/15 71.54±0.36ab 17.73±0.23 7.50±0.21ab 3.19±0.05

40/10 70.81±0.19ab 17.90±0.25 7.20±0.05ab 3.22±0.04

40/15 72.04±0.21a 17.54±0.34 6.47±0.31b 3.33±0.13

Two-way ANOVA

Protein 0.160 1.000 0.029 0.663

Lipid 0.130 0.201 0.512 0.857

P×L 0.031 0.560 0.037 0.530

The data in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).


protein and 15% lipid. This indicated that the optimum protein and lipid level is about 35% and 15% for growth and feed utilization of Aspikutum.

Thus, it is important to provide an adequate level and ratio of dietary protein and non-protein energy sources in order to reduce catabolism of protein for energy (Kim & Lee 2005).

In this experiment, at the 10% and 15% lipid levels, the highest PER was observed in fish fed 30%

and 35% protein, respectively. A similar trend of decrease PER with increasing dietary protein level has been observed in other fishes such as bagrid catfish (Kim & Lee 2005), silver barb (Mohanta et al.

2008), blunt snout bream (Li et al. 2010), Persian sturgeon (Mohseni et al. 2011), sharp snout sea bream, Diplodus puntazzo (Coutinho et al. 2012), Kutum (Mahmoodi et al. 2013) and Pseudobagrus ussuriensis (Wang et al. 2013). Probably, when diets with high protein are used by fish, more protein is used as energy source (Kim et al. 1991; Hidalgo &

Alliot 1998; Yang et al. 2003). In our study, there was no significant effect of dietary lipid levels on PER.

Similar results have also been observed in different species (Borba et al. 2003; Salhi et al. 2004; Li et al.

2010; Rueda-López et al. 2011).

In this study, the HSI was affected by dietary protein level, so that at the level of 15% lipid, HSI decreased with increasing dietary protein level.

Similar results were obtained in other studies on Atlantic cod (Morais et al. 2001; Grisdale-Helland et al. 2008), Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis (Mathis et al. 2003), African catfish (Ali & Jauncey 2005), blunt snout bream (Li et al. 2010) and golden pompano, Trachinotus ovatus (Wang et al. 2013). It can be related to increased carbohydrate levels in diet containing lower level of protein which can increase the glycogen deposition in liver and lead to decreased HSI with increasing dietary protein level.

In the present experiment, protein, moisture and ash contents of fish carcass were not affected by dietary protein levels. Similar results were observed in other studies including white sea bream (Ozório et al. 2006; Shalaby et al. 2011), Malaysian mahseer,

Tor tambroides (Ng et al. 2008) and blunt snout bream (Li et al. 2010).

The results on carcass composition in this study showed that whole-body lipid decreased with increasing dietary protein level at the 15% lipid level, so that the highest amounts of lipid were observed in fish fed diets 30% protein. Probably, improper level of protein in the diet or improper protein to carbohydrate ratios may increase the deposition of body lipids through lipogenesis from carbohydrate (Ozório et al. 2009). Similar results have also been observed in black catfish (Salhi et al. 2004), African catfish (Ali & Jauncey 2005), Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Abdel-Tawwab et al. 2010) and bagrid catfish (Kim & Lee 2005; Wang et al.


In the present study, protein and lipid contents of body were not affected by lipid levels. Similar results were observed in other fish species such as Australian shortfin eel, Anguilla australis (De Silva et al. 2001), white sea bream (Shalaby et al. 2011) and tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis (Liu et al.

2013). Chai et al. (2013) indicated that no significant differences were found in body protein content in giant croaker, Nibea japonica which fed diet containing 9% and 15% crude lipids. In a similar result, Aliyu-Paiko et al. (2010) found no significant differences in carcass lipid content of snakehead, Channa striatus with increasing lipid level.

No significant changes in moisture and ash contents were observed with increasing dietary lipid.

Similar reports were obtained in various fishes (Ahmad 2008; Shalaby et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2013), while moisture was influenced by interaction between dietary protein and lipid levels. So that the highest body moisture content was recorded among fish fed with 40% protein and 15% lipid.

Body composition of fish is affected by endogenous factors such as the size, age and sex of the fish and exogenous factors such as diet composition and culture environment. Mainly, protein and ash contents of fish body are influenced by genetically features, size and age of fish, while


body lipid is influenced by exogenous factors such as diet type (Shearer 1994). In the present study, body composition except the moisture and lipid was not affected by protein and lipid content of the diets.

Given the negative relationship between dietary protein and carcass lipid content at the 15% lipid level, decrease of carcass lipid in diets containing 35% protein shows that dietary lipid can provide the energy needed for fish activity and prevent the use of protein for energy supply and thus the protein is used for growth and tissue formation. While decrease of carcass lipid in fish fed with diet 40% protein may be associated with high levels of protein and lipid or their improper ratio which can lead to decreased digestion and absorption and thus increase the excretion rate.

To conclude, the results of this study indicated that Aspikutum can use up to 15% dietary lipid so that growth performance is improved with increasing lipid level. The diet containing 35% protein with 15%

lipid is recommended as a practical diet for optimum growth of the studied weight range. There is a little information about the nutritional requirements of Aspikutum, a more detailed understanding with the purpose of commercial culture and introducing this new hybrid to culture systems requires more studies in relation to determining appropriate level of protein, lipid and carbohydrate in different ages and seasons.


This study was funded by Iran National Science Foundation (INFS) under project no. 92014122. We extend our thanks to the staff at the Dr. Yousefpour Fish Hatchery Center and I. Efatpanah for providing fish and necessary facilities for this experiment.


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ریثات تبسن نیئتورپ

هب یبرچ هریج

رب درکلمع دشر

و بیکرت ندب


؛سام دیربیه ج


لصاح زا

یقلات شام هدام × دیفس رن

( Leuciscus aspius ♀ × Rutilus frisii )

اسیرپ قح


، مارهب راکتحلاف

* 1 ،

، 2

دیجم اضر شوخ


، نمهب تنکم



،تلایش هدکشناد عبانم

،یعیبط هاگشناد

،نلایگ هعموص


،نلایگ ناریا .



،ییایرد هدکشهوژپ هضوح


،رزخ هاگشناد



،نلایگ ناریا .


ریثکت و يزاسزاب ریاخذ نایهام ییایرد رتکد فسوی



،نلایگ ناریا .

:هدیکچ کی شیامزآ 3

× 2 لیروتکاف اب

شش میژر ییاذغ يواح هس حطس نیئتورپ ( 3۰

، 3۵ و ۴۰ دصرد ) و ود حطس یبرچ ( 1۰ و 1۵

دصرد ) هب روظنم یسررب تبسن هنیهب نیئتورپ هب یبرچ هریج رد دیربیه یهام شام هدام × دیفس رن

♂ ( Leuciscus aspius ♀ ×

Rutilus frisii )

ماجنا دش . رد نیا

،شیامزآ 2۵2

یهام اب نزو 38 /

±۰ 22 / 31 مرگ ( نیگنایم ياطخ±

درادناتسا ) رد 18 کنات اب مجح

۴۰۰ رتیل هریخذ هدش و 3 راب رد زور هب تدم ۶۰ زور هیذغت دندش . جیاتن ناشن داد درکلمع دشر و بیرض لیدبت ییاذغ هب روط ینعم يراد

تحت ریثأت ياوتحم نیئتورپ هریج رارق

،تفرگ هب يروط هک اب شیازفا نیئتورپ زا 3۰ هب 3۵

،دصرد نیا صخاش اه هب روط ینعم يراد شیازفا

و سپس اب شیازفا نیئتورپ ات حطس ۴۰ دصرد شهاک تفای . خرن یهدزاب نیئتورپ و صخاش يدبک اب شیازفا نیئتورپ هریج شهاک فای ت .

خرن یهدزاب یبرچ اب شیازفا یبرچ هریج شهاک ادیپ درک . ياوتحم یبرچ هشلا اب شیازفا نیئتورپ هریج شهاک

،تفای هب يروط هک

نیرتشیب نازیم یبرچ رد نایهام هیذغت هدش اب نیئتورپ 3۰ دصرد و یبرچ 1۵ دصرد هدهاشم دش .

،نینچمه تبوطر

نایهام هیذغت هدش

اب نیئتورپ ۴۰ دصرد و یبرچ 1۵ دصرد تبسن هب ریاس هورگ اه رتشیب دوب . هب روط

،یلک جیاتن ناشن داد هک هریج يواح نیئتورپ 3۵ دصرد

و یبرچ 1۵ دصرد يارب دشر بولطم و ییاراک اذغ رد یهام سام رد هلحرم یناوج بسانم یم دشاب .

تاملک :یدیلک تبسن نیئتورپ هب

،یبرچ تخوس و



،هگرود یهام

،شام یهام دیفس .


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