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UNIVERSITY OF ROME TOR VERGATA. Department of Business Government Philosophy Studies


Academic year: 2021

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(Update: June, 30th, 2014)

Current Position (1): Senior Research Fellow in Management (equivalent to Senior Assistant Professor) Qualified as Associate Professor of Management (Italian NSQ - National Scientific Qualification, 2012) Institution: Tor Vergata University

(ranked 38 in the 2013/14 QS World University Ranking “Top 50 Under 50”)

Office: Department of Business Government Philosophy Studies Via Columbia 2, 00133, Rome, Italy

Phone Numbers: +39(0)6-72595518 (Office); +39(0)6-72595804 (Fax)

E-mail: [email protected]

Nationality: Italian

Languages: English (professional); Italian (mother tongue).

Home page: http://economia.uniroma2.it/igf/afferenti/17-29/gianpaolo-abatecola Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.it/citations?user=cOD98eoAAAAJ&hl=it

Twitter Name: @GAbatecola

LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/pub/gianpaolo-abatecola/42/5b3/549/ Research Gate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gianpaolo_Abatecola Academia.Edu: http://uniroma2.academia.edu/GianpaoloAbatecola

(1) NSQ - National Scientific Qualification (art. 16 of the Italian law 30 December 2010, n. 240): this regulation defines a new procedure for the Italian University Professor position recruiting, based on scientific qualification criteria. A national commission evaluates and assesses the candidates scientific qualification. The 2012 full evaluation for the candidates to Associate Professorship in Management can be downloaded at the following institutional link: https://abilitazione.cineca.it/ministero.php/public/elencodomande/settore/13%252FB2/fascia/2.


Department of Business













4.2.1.Journal Articles 4.2.2. Monographs

4.2.3. Edited Books and Journal Special Issues 4.2.4. Chapters in Edited Books

4.2.5. Book Reviews 4.2.6. Teaching Materials


4.4.1. Editorial Appointments

4.4.2. Reviewing Activities

4.4.3.Academic Memberships

4.4.3. Conference Commitment and Presentations










Gianpaolo Abatecola received the Italian National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor of Management in December 2013. He currently serves the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Department of Business Government Philosophy Studies, as a Senior Research Fellow in Management (equivalent to Senior Assistant Professor).

Under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Cafferata, Dr. Abatecola earned a magna cum laude Degree (laurea) in Business Administration and Management, and a PhD. in Management and Organizational Behavior (both completed at Tor Vergata). He then served the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa as a post-doc scholar.

Dr. Abatecola’s research and teaching in the management field mostly rely on two specific research methods (and, excitingly, on the potential intersection between the two): on the one hand, he attempts to adopt co-evolutionary approaches for studying phenomena associated with organizational adaptation, life cycle, and survival; on the other hand, he tries to use behavioral approaches, mainly grounded on executive/managerial personality, for interpreting issues associated with strategic decision making, problem solving, and negotiations.

Among the various outlets, his research on these themes has been published (or is forthcoming) in management and organization theory journals including: Management Decision (IF 3.8), Futures (IF 1.1), European Management Journal (IF 0.6), Journal of Management and Governance, Corporate Governance (Emerald), Journal of Management History, International Journal of Management, Journal of General Management, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, International Journal of Public Administration, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, International Journal of Business & Economics, Finanza Marketing e Produzione, Economia Pubblica, Economia e Diritto del Terziario, and Impresa Progetto-Electronic Journal of Management.

An active reviewer for a number of management journals, conferences, and research grants, he has co-guest edited (or he is currently) special issues for the Journal Management and Governance and for the International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. Also, he currently seats in the Editorial Board of: International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Current Progress Journal, Graduate Journal of Research, and Undergraduate Journal of Research.

Over time, Dr. Abatecola has served, as Visiting Professor, or Guest Lecturer, the following foreign Universities: Sheffield University Management School and Sheffield Hallam Business School (UK), LEE University (USA), Metropolia Business School (Finland), Inholland University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), Instituto Superior de Comunicaçäo Empresarial (Portugal).

With an evolving average evaluation of 3.7 out 4, at Tor Vergata he currently teaches: 1. General Management – Module I “Enterprise Evolution” (graduate level, taught in English, Master of Science in Business Administration); 2. Advanced Management (graduate level, taught in English, Master of Science in European Economy and Business Law); 3. Managerial Decision Making (graduate level, taught in Italian, Master of Science in Economics and Management). In this University, he has also taught Enterprise Management and Evolution” (graduate level, taught in English, Master of Science in Business Administration) and Real Estate Management (graduate level, taught in Italian, Master of Science in Economics and Management).

Since 2012, Dr. Abatecola has been involved in the European Academy of Management as the co-chair of the track on “Darwinism, Organizational Evolution, and Survival”. At the same time, he is also an active member of the American Academy of Management and of the Strategic Management Society. Further, he presently serves the University of Rome Tor Vergata as: 1. a faculty member (and lecturer) of the PhD. programme in Business Administration; 2. a faculty member of the Master of Science in Business Administration and the coordinator of its specialization in “Entrepreneurship”; 3. the co-programme manager (and lecturer) of the Masters in Real Estate Management; 4. the managing co-supervisor of the partnership between the Department of Business Government Philosophy Studies and CONSEL – ELIS Corporate School. He supervises a number of students at both doctoral and graduate level.








October, 1st, 2011 - present: Senior Research Fellow in Management (equivalent to Senior Assistant Professor, Tor Vergata University, Department of Business Government Philosophy Studies.

October, 1st, 2008 – September, 30th, 2011: Research Fellow in Management (equivalent to Assistant Professor), Tor Vergata University, School of Economics, Department of Business Studies.






December, 23rd, 2013: Qualified (Italian NSQ, 2012) as Associate Professor of Management (top 5% among the successful applicants in this scientific sector).

2007/08: Post-doctoral Fellowship, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy). Supervisor: Prof. Marco Frey.

2006/07: PhD. in “Management and Organizational Behavior”, Tor Vergata University (Rome, Italy). Supervisor: Prof. Roberto Cafferata.

2006/07: Master’s Degree in “Real Estate Management”, Tor Vergata University. Final Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude.

2006/07: Master’s Degree in “Corporate Citizenship”, Foundation for Active Citizenship – FONDACA (Rome, Italy).

2005: Summer School on “Methods for Scientific Research”, Italian Academy of Business Administration - AIDEA (Naples, Italy).

2005: Academic English Course (Advanced Level), Westminster University (London, UK). Final Evaluation: excellent.

2004: Summer School (tutorship) on “Chandlerian Corporations versus Network Based Firms: Governance and Performance”, IRI Foundation (Pisa, Italy).

2001/02: Degree (laurea) in “Business Administration” (four-year programme), Tor Vergata University. Supervisor: Prof. Roberto Cafferata. Final Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude.

1997: High School Diploma, Classical Lyceum (humanistic studies, five-year programme) Norberto Turriziani (Frosinone, Italy). Final evaluation: 60/60. In this year, he was also selected by his school to attend the “Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas” International Competition (for translators and commentators of Latin texts).







 Co-evolutionary approaches to organizational adaptation, life cycle, and survival.

 Behavioral approaches to strategic decision making, problem solving, and negotiations. (Industries: Automotive, Energy, Real Estate)

--- 4.2. PUBLICATIONS(2)

……… 4.2.1. Journal Articles

1. Abatecola G., Farina V., Gordini N. (2014, in press), “Board Effectiveness in Corporate Crises. Lessons from the Evolving Empirical Research”, Corporate Governance, 14(5). 2. Abatecola G. (2014), “Untangling Self-Reinforcing Processes in Managerial Decision

Making. Co-Evolving Heuristics?”, Management Decision (IF 3.8), 52(2): 934-949.

3. Abatecola G. (2014), “Research in Organizational Evolution. What Comes Next?”, European Management Journal (IF 0.6), 32(3): 434-443.

4. Abatecola G. (2013), “Survival or Failure within the Organizational Life Cycle. What Lessons for Managers?”, Journal of General Management, 38(4): 23-38.

5. Abatecola G., Mandarelli G., Poggesi S. (2013), “The Personality Factor: How Top Management Teams Make Decisions. A Literature Review”, Journal of Management and Governance, 17(4): 1073-1100.

6. Abatecola G., Caputo A., Mari M., Poggesi S. (2013), “Real Estate Management: Past, Present, and Future Research Directions”, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 5(1/2): 98-113.

7. Poggesi S., Cafferata R., Abatecola G. (2013), “Editorial. Service Firms’ Governance and Management. Trends and Challenges”, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 5(1/2): 1-2.

8. Abatecola G. (2012), “Interpreting Corporate Crises: Towards a Co-Evolutionary Approach”, Futures (IF 1.1), 44(10): 860-869.

9. Abatecola G. (2012), “Organizational Adaptation. An Update”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 20(3): 274-293.



10.Abatecola G., Cafferata R., Poggesi S. (2012), “Arthur Stinchcombe's Liability of Newness. Contribution and Impact of the Construct”, Journal of Management History, 18(4): 402-418. 11.Abatecola G., Caputo A., Mari M., Poggesi S. (2012), “Relations among Corporate

Governance, Codes of Conduct and the Profitability of Public Utilities”, International Journal of Management, 29(2): 611-626.

12.Abatecola G., Caputo A., Mari M., Poggesi S. (2011), “Corporate governance e performance delle società per azioni. Un'analisi empirica delle public utilities quotate alla Borsa Valori di Milano”, Finanza Marketing e Produzione, 29(2): 36-68.

13.Abatecola G., Poggesi S. (2010), “Corporate Governance and Performance: Evidence from the Italian Listed Local Public Utilities (2000-08)”, International Journal of Public Administration, 33(11): 534-540.

14.Cafferata R., Abatecola G., Poggesi S. (2009), “Revisiting Stinchcombe's Liability of Newness: A Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 3(4): 374-392.

15.Abatecola G. (2009), “Bridging Adaptation Perspectives to Explore Corporate Crisis Determinants. Evidence from Fiat”, International Journal of Business & Economics, 8(1): 163-184.

16.Abatecola G., Di Carlo E. (2007), “Criticità nel rapporto tra sistema finanziario e imprese in Italia”, Economia e Diritto del Terziario, 1: 29-48.

17.Abatecola G. (2007), “Teorie dell'adattamento e crisi d'impresa: evidenze dal caso Fiat”, Finanza Marketing e Produzione, 4: 27-51.

18.Abatecola G., Poggesi S. (2007), “Governance e performance delle imprese italiane di servizi pubblici locali quotate: un'analisi empirica”, Economia Pubblica, 37(3/4): 99-118. 19.Abatecola G., Poggesi S. (2006), “Liberalizzazione e strategie aziendali nel mercato del

gas: l'esperienza del gruppo ENI”, Impresa Progetto, 2: 1-30.

20.Abatecola G. (2006), “Corporate Governance in Italian Listed Firms: An Overview”, Impresa Progetto, 1: 1-21.

21.Abatecola G. (2004), “Il rapporto tra economia e finanza nel governo dell'impresa: il caso Enron”, Economia e Diritto del Terziario, 3: 648-672.

……… 4.2.2. Monographs

1. Abatecola G. (2012), “Path Dependent Entrepreneurs: A Decision Making Perspective”, EMEE McGraw Hill Essays Series, 24 (pp. 1-20).

2. Abatecola G., Cafferata R., Poggesi S. (2009), “Strategy, Structure and Market Liberalization: Evidence from ENI (2000-06)”, DSI McGraw Hill Essays Series, 7 (pp. 1-36).



3. Abatecola G. (2009), “Crisis in the European Automobile Industry: An Organizational Adaptation Perspective”, DSI McGraw Hill Essays Series, 5 (pp. 1-31).

4. Abatecola G. (2007), Crisi d'impresa. Elementi di teoria e evidenze empiriche, Rome: Aracne, pp. 1-260.

……… 4.2.3. Edited Books and Journal Special Issues

1. Poggesi S., Cafferata R., Abatecola G. (Eds., 2013). “Service Firms' Governance and Management. Trends and Challenges. Special Issue”, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 5(1/2): pp. 1-140.

2. Cafferata R., Mari M., Abatecola G., Formisano V. (Eds., 2011), Management immobiliare, Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 1-400.

3. Abatecola G., Poggesi S. (Eds., 2006), Studi sulla governance delle aziende, Turin: Giappichelli, pp. 1-230.

……… 4.2.4. Chapters in Edited Books

1. Abatecola G., Farina V., Gordini N. (2012), “Boards of Directors in Troubled Waters! Enhancing the Survival Chances of Distressed Firms”, in Carretta A., Mattarocci G. (Eds.), Financial Systems in Troubled Waters. Information, Strategies, and Governance to Enhance Performance in Risky Times, London: Routledge (pp. 9-18).

2. Abatecola G., Mari M. (2011), “Il panorama immobiliare europeo: lo scenario attuale”, in Cafferata R., Mari M., Abatecola G., Formisano V. (Eds.), Management immobiliare, Milan: Franco Angeli (pp. 51-74).

3. Abatecola G., Cafferata R., Paniccia P., Poggesi S. (2010), “Le difficoltà del cambiamento dei sistemi di governance delle società italiane quotate”, in Fortuna F. (Ed.), La corporate governance nell'esperienza internazionale: aspetti comparativi e profili evolutivi, Bologna: Il Mulino (pp. 10-50).

4. Abatecola G. (2008), “Responsabilità sociale in ENI: corporate governance e stakeholder engagement”, in Cafferata R. (Ed.), Imprese pubbliche e internazionalizzazione delle imprese, Rome: Aracne (pp. 75-105).

5. Abatecola G. (2007), “Diversificazione geografica degli investimenti immobiliari e performance dei Real Estate Investment Trusts: evidenze da Kimco Realty Corporation”, in Tavoletti E. (Ed.), Il settore immobiliare visto attraverso la case study research methodology, Turin: Giappichelli (pp. 99-130).

6. Abatecola G., Cafferata R., Poggesi S. (2007), “Imprese pubbliche in tempo di liberalizzazioni: ENI nel settore del gas (2000-2005)”, in Cafferata R., Martellini M., Velo D. (Eds.), Liberalizzazioni, impresa pubblica, impresa d'interesse generale nell'Unione Europea, Bologna: Il Mulino (pp. 191-238).



7. Abatecola G. (2006), “Corporate governance in Italia: frodi contabili e problematiche aperte”, in Abatecola G., Poggesi S. (Eds.), Studi sulla governance delle aziende, Turin: Giappichelli (pp. 1-27).

8. Abatecola G., Gatti C. (2004), “Problematiche decisionali in un'azienda di produzione su commessa: il caso Incat”, in Cafferata R., Gatti C. (Eds.), Casi di economia e gestione delle imprese, Padua: Cedam (pp. 3-43).

……… 4.2.5. Book Reviews

1. Abatecola G. (2014, in press), review of Formica P. (2013), Stories of Innovation for the Millennial Generation. The Lynceus Long View, New York: Palgrave, in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

2. Abatecola G. (2009), review of Cafferata R. (Ed., 2007), Finanza e industria in Italia. Ripensare la corporate governance e i rapporti tra banche, imprese e risparmiatori per lo sviluppo della competitività, Bologna: Il Mulino, in Economia e Diritto del Terziario, 21(1): 187.

3. Abatecola G. (2006), review of Rajan, R.G., Zingales L. (2004), Salvare il capitalismo dai capitalisti, Turin: Einaudi, in Economia e Diritto del Terziario, 18(3): 765-769.

……… 4.2.6. Teaching Materials

1. Abatecola G. (2012), Processi e modelli decisionali d'impresa. Schemi di sintesi delle lezioni, Rome: Texmat, II Ed. (Teaching Notes for the “Managerial Decision Making” Class, Tor Vergata University, I Ed. - 2010), pp. 1-190.


2011-present: “The Evolution of Real Estate Management between Continuity and Change”. AIDEA Study and Focus Group (National Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Cafferata, Tor Vergata University). Role: Team Member (Tor Vergata University Research Unit).

2008-09: “Corporate Governance: An International Comparison”. AIDEA Study and Focus Group (National Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Fabio Fortuna, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome, Italy). Role: Team Member (Tor Vergata University Research Unit).

2004-06: “What New Public Enterprises in the European Union?”. National Research Project Funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (National Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Cafferata, Tor Vergata University). Role: Team Member of the Tor Vergata University Research Unit (Principal Investigator).




……… 4.4.1. Editorial Appointments

2014-present: International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Board Member.

2013-present: Cafferata R., Abatecola G., Poggesi S., Co-Guest Editors of the International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. Special Issue on “The Evolving Real Estate Management. Retrospect and Prospect”.

2013: Poggesi S., Cafferata R., Abatecola G., Co-Guest Editors of the International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 5(1/2): pp. 1-140. Special Issue on “Service Firms’ Governance and Management. Trends and Challenges”.

2012-present: Abatecola G., Belussi F., Breslin D., Filatotchev I., Co-Guest Editors of the Journal of Management and Governance. Special Issue on “Organizational Evolution. Darwinism, Environmental Fit, and Survival”.

2012-present: Current Progress Journal, Board Member.

2012-present: Graduate Journal of Research, Board Member.

2012-present: Undergraduate Journal of Research, Board Member.

2011: Cafferata R., Mari M., Abatecola G., Formisano V. (Eds.), Management immobiliare, Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 1-400.

2006: Abatecola G., Poggesi S. (Eds.), Studi sulla governance delle aziende, Turin: Giappichelli, pp. 1-230.

……… 4.4.2. Ad Hoc Reviewing Activities

The list below expresses current and past reviewing activities, with items highlighted according to their alphabetical order.

 Corporate Governance: An International Review.

 Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.

 Doctoral Research Awards (2014) – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

 Economia e Diritto del Terziario.

 FIRB Projects (Future in Research) – Italian Research Grants for Young Researchers

 Futures.

 Impresa Progetto-Electronic Journal of Management.

 International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business.

 International Journal of Management and Decision Making.

 International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

 International Journal of Technology Management.

 International Studies of Management and Organization.

 Journal of Management and Governance.

 Systems Research and Behavioral Science.



4.4.3. Academic Memberships

2012: British Academy of Management – BAM.

2012: European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy – EAEPE.

2011-present: Strategic Management Society – SMS.

2010-present: European Academy of Management – EURAM.

2009-present: Academy of Management – AOM.

……… 4.4.4. Conference Commitment and Presentations


- AOM 74rd Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, USA). Division: “International Management. Role: Presenter (Professional Development Workshop). Division: “Organization and Management Theory”. Role: Reviewer.

- EURAM 14th Annual Meeting (Valencia University, Valencia, Spain). Special Interest Group: “Research Methods and Research Practice”. Role: Co-Proponent of the Track “Evolutionary Approaches in Business & Management Research”, Presenter (co-authored paper), and Reviewer.

- SMS 34rd Annual Meeting (Madrid, Spain). Interest Group: “Entrepreneurship and Strategy”. Role: Reviewer.


- Sheffield Hallam Business School and Sheffield University Management School (Sheffield, UK). Research Seminar: “Research in Organizational Evolution. What Comes Next?”. Role: Guest Lecturer.

- AOM 73rd Annual Meeting (Orlando, USA). Division: “Organization and Management Theory”. Role: Session Chair, Presenter (co-authored paper) and Reviewer.

- ELIS Consulting Academy 1st CAMP on “Innovation from the Crowd” (Tor Vergata University). Role: Member of the Scientific Committee.

- EURAM 13th Annual Meeting (Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey). Track: “Multi-level Co-Evolution and Organizational Complexity in Management Studies”. Role: Track Co-Chair, Session Chair, Discussant, Presenter (single-authored paper), and Reviewer.

- SMS 33rd Annual Meeting (Atlanta, US). Interest Groups: “Competitive Strategy”; “Entrepreneurship and Strategy”. Role: Reviewer.


- AIDEA 35th Annual Meeting (Salerno University, Salerno, Italy). Role: Presenter (single-authored paper).

- AOM 72nd Annual Meeting (Boston, USA). Division: “Organization and Management Theory”. Role: Presenter (single-authored paper) and Reviewer.



- BAM 26th Annual Meeting (Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK). Interest Group: “Organizational Transformation, Change and Development”. Role: Presenter (single-authored paper) and Reviewer. Interest Group: “Strategic Foresight”. Role: Presenter (single-authored research proposal).

- EAEPE 24th Annual Meeting (Cracow University of Economics, Krakow, Poland). Research Area: “Theory of the Firm”. Role: Presenter (single-authored paper). - E-LAB 4th Symposium of “Entrepreneurship” (Tor Vergata University). Role:

Presenter (single-authored paper).

- EURAM 12th Annual Meeting (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands). Track: “Darwinism, Organizational Evolution, and Survival”. Role: Track Co-Chair and Organizational Coordinator, Session Chair, Discussant, Presenter (single-authored paper), and Reviewer.

- Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative – NARTI Workshop (Sheffield Hallam Business School, Sheffield, UK). Role: Facilitator.

- SMS 12th Annual Meeting (Prague, Czech Republic). Interest Groups: “Competitive Strategy”; “Entrepreneurship and Strategy”. Role: Reviewer.


- AOM 71st Annual Meeting (San Antonio, US). Divisions: “Business Policy and Strategy”; “Organization and Management Theory”; “Management History”. Role: Reviewer.

- EURAM 11th Annual Meeting (Estonian Business School, Tallinn, Estonia). Track: “Evolution, Innovation, Memes, Routines, and Culture”. Role: Presenter (single and co-authored papers) and Reviewer.

- Tor Vergata 20th International Conference on “Money, Banking, and Finance” (Tor Vergata University). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).


- AIDEA 33rd Annual Meeting (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).

- “AIDEA Study and Focus Group on Corporate Governance” Final Conference (Upper House – “Senato” – of the Italian Parliament, Rome, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).

- AOM 70th Annual Meeting (Montreal, Canada). Divisions: “Conflict Management”; “Entrepreneurship”; “Management History”. Role: Reviewer.

- “Corporate Governance: An International Review” Conference (The Wharton School, Philadelphia, US). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).

- EURAM 10th Annual Meeting (Tor Vergata University). Track: “Evolution, Darwinism, and the Theory of the Firm”. Role: Organizational Co-Coordinator, Presenter (co-authored paper), and Reviewer.



- OCRI-ELAB International Conference on “Entrepreneurship beyond Company Crisis” (Bergamo University, Bergamo, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).


- AOM 69th Annual Meeting (Montreal, Canada). Divisions: “Business Policy and Strategy”; “Organization and Management Theory”. Role: Reviewer.

- “Journal of Management and Governance” 1st Annual Conference (Venice University, Venice, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).

- Norefjell 6th Annual Workshop (Morbegno, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored research proposal).


- 8th Global Conference on “Business and Economics” (Florence University, Florence, Italy). Role: Session Chair, Discussant, and Presenter (single-authored paper).


- European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management – EIASM, 4th Workshop on “Corporate Governance” (Brussels, Belgium). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper). - European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management – EIASM, 5th Workshop on

“International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management” (Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey). Role: Presenter (single-authored paper).

- “What New Public Enterprises in the European Union?”, Final Conference of the National Research Project Funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (Italian National Council for Economy and Labour – CNEL, Rome, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).


- AIDEA 29th Annual Meeting (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).

- “Azienda Pubblica” 2nd Annual Meeting (Cagliari University, Cagliari, Italy). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).

- European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management – EIASM, 3rd Workshop on “Corporate Governance” (Brussels, Belgium). Role: Presenter (co-authored paper).


- AIDEA – Youth Workshop on “Innovation in the Public Sector: Theory and Practice” (Tor Vergata University). Role: Member of the Local Organizing Committee.

- European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management – EIASM, 2nd Workshop on “Corporate Governance” (Brussels, Belgium). Role: Presenter (single-authored paper).


- AIDEA – Youth Workshop on “Corporate Governance and Investor Relations” (Brescia University, Brescia, Italy). Role: Presenter (single-authored paper).








2014: “Evaluation Committee for 1 Part-Time Tutorship Activity, Master of Science in Business Administration”, Tor Vergata University. Role: Committee Member and Secretary.

2014-present: “Master of Science in Business Administration”, Tor Vergata University. Role: Coordinator of the specialization in “Entrepreneurship”.

2013-present: “Partnership between the Department of Business Government Philosophy Studies (Tor Vergata University) and CONSEL – ELIS Corporate School”. Role: Managing Co-Supervisor.

2013: “Evaluation Committee for 2 Post-Doc Positions in Management”, Tor Vergata University. Role: Committee Member and Secretary.

2013: “Evaluation Committee for 2 Part-Time Tutorship Activities, Master of Science in Business Administration”, Tor Vergata University. Role: Committee Member and Secretary.

2012-present: “Master of Science in Business Administration”, Tor Vergata University. Role: Faculty Member.

2009: “Evaluation Committee for 1 Position of Assistant Professor in Management”, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. Role: Committee Member and Secretary.

2009: “Advanced Course in Real Estate Management”, Genoa University (Genoa, Italy). Role: Faculty Member.

2008-present: “PhD. Programme in Business Administration (formerly Management and Organizational Behavior)”, Tor Vergata University. Role: Faculty Member.

2004-present: “Master’s Degree in Real Estate Management”, Tor Vergata University. Role: Programme Manager and Member of the Organizing Committee.






2010: AIDEA 33rd Annual Meeting (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy). “Young Researchers” Best Paper Prize.

2007/08: Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. 1-year Post-Doc Scholarship.

2006: AIDEA 29th Annual Meeting (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy). “Young Researchers” Best Paper Prize.

2004/06: Tor Vergata University, PhD. in Management and Organizational Behavior. 3-year Full Scholarship.







Visiting Professorships and Guest Lectureships

Year Class Name Role Language Institution

2012-present Enterprise and Entrepreneurship


Lecturer English

Sheffield University Management School

(Sheffield, UK) 2012 Corporate Reputation and

Business Ethics


Lecturer English

Metropolia Business School (Helsinki, Finland)

2011 Organizational Evolution Guest

Lecturer English

LEE University (Cleveland, Tennessee, US) 2011 Social Inheritance through

Organizational Evolution


Lecturer English

Inholland University of Applied Sciences

(Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 2010/12 Corporate Reputation



Professor English

Instituto Superior de Comunicacao Empresarial

(Lisbon, Portugal)

Permanent Teaching in Italian Institutions

Year Class Name Level Hours/CTS

(3) Language Course Name Institution


Management and

Organization Undergraduate 60/12 English

Bachelor Business Administration Tor Vergata University 2013-present General Management – Module I (Enterprise Evolution)

Graduate 30/6 English Ms. Business Administration

Tor Vergata University 2013 Research Methods –

Literature Reviews Doctoral 8 English

PhD. Business Administration Tor Vergata University 2012-present Advanced

Management Graduate 30/6 English

Ms. European Economy and Business Law Tor Vergata University 2012 Organizational

Evolution Doctoral 4 English

PhD. Business Administration Tor Vergata University 2010/13 Enterprise Management and Evolution

Graduate 60/12 English Ms. Business Administration

Tor Vergata University 2010/12 Managerial Decision

Making Doctoral 8 English

PhD. Business Administration

Tor Vergata University 2010 Research Methods –

Reserarch Proposals Doctoral 4 English

PhD. Business Administration

Tor Vergata University 2009/11 Real Estate

Management Graduate 36/6 Italian

Ms. Economics and Management Tor Vergata University 2008-present Managerial Decision

Making Graduate 36/6 Italian

Ms. Economics and Management

Tor Vergata University 2007 General Management Undergraduate 30/3 Italian BA. Literature and


LUMSA University 2005/11 Problem Solving Executive 12 Italian Master’s Degree

Security Sciences

Ministry of Interior (4)


(3) Please, note that CTS means “Credits”. CTS are formalized only for graduate and undergraduate classes. (4) Advanced School of the Italian Police.




The data below summarize the evaluations yearly calculated by the Data Elaboration Center at Tor Vergata University. As the Tables show, this data reflect the performance associated with the following classes taught: 1. Managerial Decision Making; 2. Enterprise Management and Evolution; 3. Real Estate Management; 4. Advanced Management. On this premise, the evaluations’ score can range from 1 (minimum) to 4 (maximum). Overall, Dr. Abatecola’s average evaluation is 3.7. In particular, as the data show, the evaluations for the mentioned Classes are, for the vast majority of the presented questions, constantly much above 3.5 on average (evidenced in bold). Finally, the formal evaluation documents can be sent upon request.

Managerial Decision Making Level: Graduate (Ms. EM)

Language: Taught in Italian

Academic Year

2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Mean

Question \ No. Respondents 71 52 65 36 61 76 60

Are the Exam Rules Clearly Defined? 3.73 3.79 3.63 3.69 3.72 3.63 3.7

Is the Class Timetable Respected? 3.90 3.73 3.85 3.72 3.87 3.81 3.81

Are the Office Hours Respected? 3.90 3.63 3.80 3.75 3.75 3.65 3.74

Are the Lectures Interesting? 3.73 3.69 3.82 3.69 3.72 3.67 3.72

Are the Explanations Clear? 3.89 3.73 3.84 3.69 3.72 3.67 3.76

Is the Working Load Appropriate? 3.42 3.10 3.34 3.22 3.23 3.19 3.25

Are the Class Materials Appropriate? 3.63 3.37 3.55 3.44 3.36 3.30 3.44

Overall, Am I interested to this Class? 3.48 3.25 3.47 3.53 3.57 3.51 3.47

Overall, Am I Satisfied with this Class? 3.76 3.53 3.73 3.64 3.63 3.57 3.64

Mean 3.72 3.54 3.67 3.6 3.62 3.55 3.61

Enterprise Management and Evolution Level: Graduate (Ms. BA)

Language: Taught in English

Academic Year

2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Mean

Question \ No. Respondents 42 13 68 41

Are the Exam Rules Clearly Defined? 3.72 3.54 3.69 3.65

Is the Class Timetable Respected? 3.81 3.69 3.82 3.77

Are the Office Hours Respected? 3.71 3.54 3.74 3.66

Are the Lectures Interesting? 3.67 3.31 3.69 3.56

Are the Explanations Clear? 3.61 3.31 3.69 3.56

Is the Working Load Appropriate? 3.57 3.46 3.62 3.55

Are the Class Materials Appropriate? 3.51 3.23 3.56 3.43 Overall, Am I interested to this Class? 3.64 3.46 3.68 3.59

Overall, Am I Satisfied with this Class? 3.64 3.54 3.71 3.63

Mean 3.65 3.43 3.69 3.60

Real Estate Management Level: Graduate (Ms. EM)

Language: Taught in Italian


2009/10 2010/11 Mean

Question \ No. Respondents 9 7 8

Are the Exam Rules Clearly Defined? 3.89 3.86 3.87

Is the Class Timetable Respected? 3.78 3.71 3.74

Are the Office Hours Respected? 4.00 3.86 3.93

Are the Lectures Interesting? 4.00 4.00 4

Are the Explanations Clear? 3.89 3.86 3.87

Is the Working Load Appropriate? 3.78 3.57 3.67

Are the Class Materials Appropriate? 3.78 3.57 3.67

Overall, Am I interested to this Class? 3.89 4.00 3.94

Overall, Am I Satisfied with this Class? 3.78 4.00 3.89

Mean 3.87 3.83 3.85

Advanced Management Level: Graduate (Ms. EEBL)

Language: Taught in English


2012/13 2013/14 Mean

Question \ No. Respondents 22 18 20

Are the Exam Rules Clearly Defined? 3.41 3.89 3.65

Is the Class Timetable Respected? 3.45 3.78 3.61

Are the Office Hours Respected? 3.68 3.89 3.78

Are the Lectures Interesting? 3.55 3.72 3.63

Are the Explanations Clear? 3.55 3.72 3.63

Is the Working Load Appropriate? 3.41 3.72 3.56

Are the Class Materials Appropriate? 3.64 3.67 3.65

Overall, Am I interested to this Class? 3.36 3.67 3.51

Overall, Am I Satisfied with this Class? 3.36 3.78 3,57




The data below summarize the students supervised, at Tor Vergata University, at both Doctoral and Graduate level. The students are listed according to their alphabetical order.

Doctoral Level

No. Student Research Area Dissertation Title Language Course Name Completed Current Position

1 Andrea Caputo (5)

Decision Making/Negotiations

Getting to the Agreement. Third Party Direct Intervention as a Way to Overcome Judgmental Biases in Business Negotiations English PhD. Business Administration January, 2013 Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Princess Sumaya University for

Technology 2 Dajana


Corporate Social Responsibility

The Impact of EMS and ISO14001 Standards on Corporate Performance English PhD. Business Administration December, 2013 Research Assistant, IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural

Development 3 Vincenzo



Entrepreneurship To be defined English

PhD. Business Administration December, 2015 (expected) Second year 4 Matteo

Cristofaro Decision Making To be defined English

PhD. Business Administration December, 2016 (expected) First year

(5) His paper entitled “A literature review of cognitive biases in negotiation processes” and published in the International Journal of Conflict Management (2013, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 374-398) has been selected by the journal’s Editorial Team as a Highly Commended Paper for 2013.



Graduate Level

No. Student Dissertation Title Language Major 6 Final

Evaluation Completed

Current Position 1 Diego Altieri +A Co-Evolutionary Approach to Firms'

Competitiveness: Evidences from the Calweb Case English EME

110/110 cum laude 2011/12 Cds International Do Brasil LTDA 2 Massimiliano Andreocci

Corporate governance e performance aziendali:

evidenze dal caso American Airlines Italian MDM


cum laude 2012/13 Accenture

3 Mattia Angeloni

Integrazione verticale nel made in Italy:

un'analisi settoriale comparata Italian MDM 110/110 2009/10

BNL – BNP Paribas

4 Monica


Il fenomeno della path dependence nel settore automobilistico: evidenze dal Gruppo Fiat


Italian MDM 110/110

cum laude 2011/12 Deloitte

5 Daniele Bagnarelli

Teoria degli Upper Echelon e strategie aziendali:

la fusione Intesa-Sanpaolo Italian MDM


cum laude 2009/10 Deloitte

6 Sujata Banerjee

Defending Corporate Reputation:

The Experience of the Coca-Cola Company in India English EME


cum laude 2011/12 PhD. Candidate 7 Luca Benny


Il potere negoziale:

evidenze dal caso ENEL Italian MDM


cum laude 2011/12 Marsch

8 Massimiliano

Biaggi Teoria degli Upper Echelons: il caso Parmalat Italian MDM 106 2012/13 In search 9 Giorgia


Behavioral Strategy. What’s Hot and What’s Not. A

Review English EME


cum laude 2012/13 Vodafone

10 Alessandro

Bovieri Il processo decisionale in Reksol Italian MDM 105/110 2010/11

Labour Consultant 11 Andrea

Caputo (7)

Dinamiche negoziali negli accordi di cooperazione tra imprese: il ruolo delle terze parti nel caso

Fiat-Chrysler Italian MDM 110/110 cum laude 2008/09 Assistant Professor

(6) EME= Enterprise Management and Evolution; MDM= Managerial Decision Making; REM= Real Estate Management.

(7) This thesis was then published as the article entitled “Il ruolo delle terze parti nelle negoziazioni tra imprese Evidenze dal caso Fiat-Chrysler”, Sviluppo & Organizzazione (2011), No. 242, pp. 16-29.



12 Marco


What Determines Successful Turnarounds?

A Systematic Literature Review English EME

110/110 cum laude 2011/12 PriceWaterHouse Coopers 13 Paola Cicolani

Management immobiliare e project finance:

evidenze dai casi TAV e Tunnel della Manica Italian REM 100/110 2011/12 Accountant 14 Nicoletta


Competitive Advantage in the Gas Industry. Evidence

from ENI English EME


cum laude 2012/13 Accenture

15 Matteo Cristofaro

Il controllo di qualità delle decisioni nelle scelte di

corporate entrepreneurship: il caso ELIS Italian MDM


cum laude 2012/13 PhD. Candidate 16 Marina


Le negoziazioni nel settore sanitario: il caso degli ospedali di Castelfranco Veneto e


Italian MDM 110/110

cum laude 2010/11

Ernst & Young

17 Martina

Damia Il controllo di qualità delle decisioni: il caso Surgitalia Italian MDM 108 2012/13 In search 18 Giancarlo


L'impatto della diversificazione sulle performance aziendali:

il caso COGECA

Italian MDM 110/110 2009/10 Teacher

19 Giulia De

Carolis Le negoziazioni interculturali: evidenze dall'India Italian MDM


cum laude 2011/12 Deloitte

20 Gabriele De Santis

Il vantaggio competitivo nel settore del trasporto

aereo low cost: casi aziendali a confronto Italian MDM 102/110 2010/11 Accountant 21 Federica Di


Entrepreneurial Intensity in the Natural Selection

Stage: The Case of Solteckenergia English EME


cum laude 2012/13 KPMG

22 Martina

Fabellini Personalità dell’imprenditore e performance aziendali Italian MDM


cum laude 2012/13 Trasversale

23 Romolo


Dinamiche negoziali tra imprese e sindacati: il caso

Alitalia Italian MDM 105/110 2010/11 Deloitte

24 Alessandro Fidale

Corporate Reputation and Crisis Management: The

RIM case English EME


cum laude 2011/12 Accenture

25 Gianluca Floccari

Franchising come strumento d'internazionalizzazione

nel settore immobiliare Italian REM 106/110 2009/10

Cooperative Bank – Rome 26 Arianna La personalità del negoziatore di successo: evidenze Italian MDM 110/110 2012/13 In search



Forcina dal caso Microsoft-Nokia cum laude

27 Lorena Gallo Problem solving: evidenze dalle reti in franchising Italian MDM 106/110 2012/13 Antevenio 28 Angelica


Does Diversification Affect Performance?

Evidence from the Luxury Industry English EME 103/110 2010/11

Furs – Valentino 29 Jeff Gaughan Sustainable Innovation: The Case of Gamma Manager English EME 103/110 2012/13 In search 30 Serena


Teoria degli Upper Echelon e strategie aziendali:

evidenze dal settore automobilistico Italian MDM 108/110 2011/12 Accenture 31 Valeria


Competitive Advantage in Mature Industries.

An Analysis of the Italian Insurance Industry English EME 109/110


Assor Italia 32 Dario Impalà Gestione della reputazione aziendale e crisis

management: lezioni dalla crisi finanziaria Italian MDM 106 2009/10 Enel

33 Mirko


The Evolution of the Automobile Industry.

A Population Ecology Approach English EME


cum laude 2010/11 Phillip Morris 34 Eugenio


Diversificazione geografica degli investimenti immobiliari e performance dei REITs: evidenze


Italian REM 100 2011/12 Carige Bank

35 Roberta Mazzeo

Diversificazione geografica degli investimenti e

performance dei Real Estate Investment Trusts Italian REM

110/110 cum laude 2010/11 ALG Automobile 36 Marco Mazzoni

Risk Analysis in the Internationalization Process

of the Italian SMEs English EME 105 2009/10 Abbott

37 Federica Mezzatesta

Overcoming the Liability of Newness through

Networks: The Case of Bionike English EME


cum laude 2012/13 Estee’ Lauder 38 Danilo


New Technological Paradigms in the Automotive Industry?

The Case of the Electric Cars

English EME 110/110 2010/11 Kia Motors

39 Francesca Monti

Le euristiche nei processi decisionali d'impresa:

evidenze dal familiy business Italian MDM


cum laude 2012/13 In search


Piero Pandozzi


La ristrutturazione del debito nei processi di turnaround:

il caso Risanamento SpA

Italian MDM 100 2010/11 BNL – BNP

Paribas 41 Massimiliano


A Narrative Approach to Corporate Crises. Evidence

from the Italian Railway Industry English EME


cum laude 2011/12

PriceWaterHouse Coopers



42 Santina Pavese

Il fenomeno dell'interlocking directorate: evidenze

dalle società quotate in Italia Italian MDM


cum laude 2011/12 Tax Consultant 43 Andrea Pierri


Il project financing della Linea 5 della Metropolitana

di Milano Italian REM


cum laude 2011/12 SACE

44 Gabriele Pistilli

Adattamento e strategie evolutive nel settore elettrico:

il caso ENEL Italian MDM 107 2010/11 CapGemini

45 Valerio Putzolu

Negoziazioni integrative:

il caso dei diritti tv nel “sistema calcio” Italian MDM


cum laude 2009/10

Ernst & Young

46 Rosalia

Ritunno Processi decisionali d'impresa: il caso ENI Wi-Fi Italian MDM 107 2011/12

Consorzio Libera Terra Mediterraneo


47 Mirco Sanna Organizational Exaptation: The Fiat-Chrsyler

Experience English EME 107 2012/13 In search

48 Valentina Sobrino

Il controllo di qualità nelle decisioni aziendali:

l’esperienza di Immobilgreen.it Italian MDM 105 2012/13 Immobilgreen

49 Giuseppe Sportelli

The Ambidexterity Cascade: Evidence from Procter

and Gamble English EME


cum laude 2012/13 Henkel

50 Cristina Surace

Personalità degli executive e performance aziendali:

il caso Hewlett Packard Italian MDM


cum laude 2010/11 KPMG

51 Fabio Tantari Ciclo di vita dell'impresa e “peso della novità”:

un'analisi della regione Lazio Italian MDM 107 2009/10

Solteck (Entrepreneur) 52 Matteo


Franchising immobiliare e competitività aziendale:

il caso Toscano Italian MDM 97 2011/12 CONI

53 Stefano Tranquilli

Boards of Directors and Corporate Distress.

Evidence from the Financial Crisis English EME


cum laude 2010/11 Atos WorldGrid 54 Angelica Personalità dei CEO e performance aziendali Italian MDM 110/110 2012/13 In search

(8) This thesis resulted as one of the two winners of the “Finint/ACBGroup 2012 Dissertation Prize”, sponsored by Gruppo Finanziaria Internazionale. The Prize regarded theses discussed about infrastructures and public services.



Travaglini 55 Vincenzo Uli


Countervailing the Liability of Newness through Organizational Routines. Evidence from the

Well-Being Industry

English EME 110/110

cum laude 2010/11 PhD Candidate

56 Marco


Negoziazioni per la ristrutturazione aziendale:

il caso Fiat-Termini Imerese Italian MDM 108 2011/12

Tecnica Innovativa 57 Mattia Zeri The Role of the Human Capital in Countervailing the Liability of Newness: The blur Group’s Case English EME 110 2012/13 Blur Group 58 Jia Zhong Corporate Turnaround: Evidence from the

Automobile Industry English EME 102 2011/12 Eyes Italia

59 Alessandro

Zocco Problem solving: il caso Monte Paschi di Siena Italian MDM 105 2012/13 Accountant


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Academy of Management Review, American Economic Journal (Micro, Applied), American Economic Review, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Economic Systems, Economic Theory,

Conducted Research in Customer Service Operations, Call Center Workforce Management, and Services Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME).. BUSINESS

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Peterson (Eds.), Advances in International Comparative Management. 1995) "Toward Building a Theory of Comparative Research Methodology: An Idiographic Case Study of

Responsible for teaching and research in the areas of strategic management, including corporate strategy, business policy and organization theory, and operations management

Ad-hoc reviewer for journals: Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Production