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XML Programming in Java


Academic year: 2021

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XML Programming in Java


Leonidas Fegaras


Java APIs for XML Processing

DOM: a language-neutral interface for manipulating XML data

requires that the entire document be in memory

SAX: push-based stream processing

hard to write non-trivial applications

StAX: pull-based stream processing



The Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform- and language-neutral interface

that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content and structure of XML documents

The following is part of the DOM interface:

public interface Node {

public String getNodeName (); public String getNodeValue (); public NodeList getChildNodes ();

public NamedNodeMap getAttributes (); }

public interface Element extends Node {

public NodeList getElementsByTagName ( String name ); }

public interface Document extends Node {

public Element getDocumentElement (); }

public interface NodeList { public int getLength ();

public Node item ( int index ); }


Traversing the DOM Tree

Finding all children of node n with a given tagname

NodeList nl = n.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {

Node m = nl.item(i);

if (m.getNodeName() == “tagname”) …

… but can also be done this way

NodeList nl = n.getElementsByTagName(“tagname”); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {

Node m = nl.item(i); …

Finding all descendants-or-self of node n with a given tagname

requires recursion


Node Printer using DOM

static void printNode ( Node e ) {

if (e instanceof Text)

System.out.print(((Text) e).getData());

else {

NodeList c = e.getChildNodes();

System.out.print( "<" + e.getNodeName() + ">" );

for (int k = 0; k < c.getLength(); k++)


System.out.print( "</" + e.getNodeName() + ">" );



A DOM Example

import javax.xml.parsers.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import java.io.File; class DOMTest {

static void query ( Node n ) {

NodeList nl = ((Element) n).getElementsByTagName("gradstudent"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {

Element e = (Element) (nl.item(i));

if (e.getElementsByTagName("firstname").item(0)

.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().equals("Leonidas")) printNode(e);

} }

public static void main ( String args[] ) throws Exception {

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

Document doc = db.parse(new File("cs.xml")); Node root = doc.getDocumentElement();


A Better, Modular Programming

Want to write modular Java code to evaluate XPath queries

One component for each XPath axis step

An XPath query is constructed by composing these components

Each component must read a sequence of Nodes and return a sequence of


... starting from the root: root = new Sequence(“cs.xml”)





Condition p = new Condition() {

public Sequence condition ( Node x ) {

return (new Sequence(x)).child("gpa").equals("3.5"); } };

root.child("department").child("gradstudent").predicate(p).child("name") .print();



Every component is a method of Sequence that returns a


class Sequence extends Vector<Node> { ... }

child: return the children of the current nodes that have the given


public Sequence child ( String tagname ) { Sequence result = new Sequence(); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {

Node n = elementAt(i);

NodeList c = n.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < c.getLength(); k++)

if (c.item(k).getNodeName().equals(tagname)) result.add(c.item(k));


return result; }


Descendant must be Recursive

descendant: return the descendants of the current nodes that have

the given tagname

public Sequence descendant ( String tagname ) { Sequence result = new Sequence();

for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { Node n = elementAt(i);

NodeList c = n.getChildNodes();

for (int k = 0; k < c.getLength(); k++) {

if (c.item(k).getNodeName().equals(tagname)) result.add(c.item(k));

result.append((new Sequence(c.item(k))).descendant(tagname));

} };

return result; }



The predicate method must be parameterized by a condition

abstract class Condition { public Condition () {}

abstract public Sequence condition ( Node x ); }

Filter out the current nodes that do not satisfy the condition pred

public Sequence predicate ( Condition pred ) { Sequence result = new Sequence();

for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { Node n = elementAt(i);

Sequence s = pred.condition(n); boolean b = false;

for (int j = 0; j < s.size(); j++)

b |= !(s.elementAt(j) instanceof Text)

|| !((Text) s.elementAt(j)).getWholeText().equals("false"); if (b) result.add(n);



An Even Better Method

Problem: the intermediate Sequences of Nodes may be very big

they are created to be discarded at the next step




may return thousands of items to be discarded by the predicate

Instead of creating Sequence, we can process one Node at a time

Pull-based processing

Method: pull-based iterators to avoid creating intermediate

sequences of nodes

A method used extensively in stream processing

Also used in database query evaluation (query pipeline processing)

See: examples/dom2.java



Iterator interface:

abstract class Iterator {

Iterator input; //

the previous iterator in the pipeline

public Node next () { return input.next(); }



query(new Child("name",new Child("gradstudent",new Child("department",

new Document("cs.xml")))));


Clone n = new Clone(new Child("gradstudent",new Child("department",

new Document("cs.xml")))); query(new Child("name",new Predicate(new Equals("3.5",new Child("gpa",n)),n)));

Document cs.xml /department /gradstudent /gpa = 3.5 /name predicate clone


Node Children

Child: return the children of the current nodes that have the given


class Child extends Iterator { final String tagname; NodeList nodes; int index;

public Child ( String tagname, Iterator input ) { super(input);

this.tagname = tagname; index = 0;

nodes = new NodeList(); }

public Node next () { while (true) {

while (index == nodes.getLength()) { Node e = input.next();

if (e == null) return null; nodes = e.getChildNodes(); index = 0; }; Node n = nodes.item(index++); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n.getNodeName().equals(tagname)) return n; } } }


Cloning the Stream

For each element e, emit e, then end-of-stream (null), then e


The first e is consumed by the predicate while the second by the


class Clone extends Iterator { Node node;

int state;

public Node next () {

state = (state+1) % 3; switch (state) { case 0: node = input.next(); return node; case 2: return node; };



Filters out the current nodes that do not satisfy the condition

class Predicate extends Iterator { final Iterator condition;

public Predicate ( Iterator condition, Clone input ) { ... } public Node next () {

while (true) { Node n = condition.next(); if (n == null) if (input.next() == null) return null; else continue; while (n != null) n = condition.next(); return input.next(); } } }



DOM requires the entire document to be read before it takes any


Requires a large amount of memory for large XML documents

It waits for the document to load in memory before it starts processing

For selective queries, most loaded data will not be used

SAX is a Simple API for XML that allows you to process a

document as it's being read

The SAX API is event based

The XML parser sends events, such as the start or the end of an element,

to an event handler, which processes the information


Parser Events

Receive notification of the beginning of a document

void startDocument ()

Receive notification of the end of a document

void endDocument ()

Receive notification of the beginning of an element

void startElement ( String namespace, String localName,

String qName, Attributes atts )

Receive notification of the end of an element

void endElement ( String namespace, String localName, String qName )

Receive notification of character data


SAX Example: a Printer

class Printer extends DefaultHandler {

public Printer () { super(); }

public void startDocument () {}

public void endDocument () { System.out.println(); }

public void startElement ( String uri, String name,

String tag, Attributes atts ) {

System.out.print(“<” + tag + “>”);


public void endElement ( String uri, String name, String tag ) {

System.out.print(“</”+ tag + “>”);


public void characters ( char text[], int start, int length ) {

System.out.print(new String(text,start,length));




Parsing with SAX

import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.xml.sax.*;

import java.io.FileReader;

try {

SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();



XMLReader xmlReader = factory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader();



} catch (Exception e) {

throw new Error(e);




Need to construct a finite state machine

class QueryHandler extends DefaultHandler { int state;

public void startElement ( String uri, String name, String tag, Attributes atts ) { if (tag.equals("lastname"))

state = 1;

else if (state == 2 && tag.equals("firstname")) state = 3;


public void endElement ( String uri, String name, String tag ) { if (tag.equals("firstname"))

state = 0; }

public void characters ( char text[], int start, int length ) { String s = new String(text,start,length);

if (state == 1 && s.equals("Smith")) state = 2; else if (state == 3) 0 1 2 3 <lastname> <firstname> = Smith




A Better, Modular Method

For each XPath query, construct a pipeline to process the SAX

stream one-event-at-a-time

Each handler in the pipeline corresponds to an XPath axis step

A handler acts as a filter that either

blocks a SAX event, or

propagates the event to the next pipeline handler

A handler must have a fixed size state (independent of stream size)

See: examples/sax.java



new Document("cs.xml", new Child("department", new Child("gradstudent",

new Child("name",new Print()))));



The Child Handler

class Child extends XPathHandler {

String tagname; // the tagname of the child

boolean keep; // are we keeping or skipping events?

short level; // the depth level of the current element

public Child ( String tagname, XPathHandler next ) { super(next);

this.tagname = tagname; keep = false;

level = 0; }

public void startElement ( String nm, String ln, String qn, Attributes a ) throws SAXException { if (level++ == 1)

keep = tagname.equals(qn); if (keep)

next.startElement(nm,ln,qn,a); }

public void endElement ( String nm, String ln, String qn ) throws SAXException { if (keep)

next.endElement(nm,ln,qn); if (--level == 1)

keep = false; }



Input Stream <department> <deptname> Computer Science </deptname> <gradstudent> <name> <lastname> Smith </lastname> <firstname> John </firstname> </name> </gradstudent> ... </department> SAX Events StartDocument: SE: department SE: deptname C: Computer Science EE: deptname SE: gradstudent SE: name SE: lastname C: Smith EE: lastname SE: firstname C: John EE: firstname EE: name EE: gradstudent ... EE: department EndDocument:



Need new events:

startPredicate, endPredicate, releasePredicate


XPathHandler n = new Child("name",new Print()); new Document("cs.xml",

new Child("department",

new Child("gradstudent",

new Predicate(1,new Child("gpa",

new Equals(1,"3.5",n)), n)))); Document cs.xml /department /gradstudent /gpa = 3.5 /name predicate


How Predicate Works

<tag> </tag> <tag> </tag> false false true true false false false

stream A

stream B

releasePredicate /gpa = 3.5 /name predicate

stream A

stream B

startPredicate <tag> releasePredicate </tag> EndPredicate startPredicate <tag> </tag> endPredicate


The Predicate Handler

class Predicate extends XPathHandler { int level;

public Predicate ( int predicate_id, XPathHandler condition, XPathHandler next ) {...} public void startElement ( String nm, String ln, String qn, Attributes a ) {

if (level++ == 0)

next.startPredicate(predicate_id); next.startElement(nm,ln,qn,a);

condition.startElement(nm,ln,qn,a); }

public void endElement ( String nm, String ln, String qn ) { next.endElement(nm,ln,qn);

condition.endElement(nm,ln,qn); if (--level == 0)

next.endPredicate(predicate_id); }

public void characters ( char[] text, int start, int length ) { next.characters(text,start,length);

condition.characters(text,start,length); }



Unlike SAX, you pull events from document


import javax.xml.transform.stax.*;

import javax.xml.stream.*;

Create a pull parser:

XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();

XMLStreamReader reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(new FileReader(file));

Pull the next event: reader.getEventType()

Type of events:




Predicates: isStartElement(), isEndElement(), isCharacters(), ...

Accessors: getLocalName(), getText(), ...


Better StAX Events

class Attributes {

public String[] names;

public String[] values;


abstract class Event {


class StartTag extends Event {

public String tag;

public Attributes attributes;


class EndTag extends Event {

public String tag;


class CData extends Event {

public String text;



A stream iterator must conform with the following class

abstract class Iterator {

Iterator input; //

the next iterator in the pipeline

public Iterator ( Iterator input ) {

this.input = input;


public Event next () {

return input.next();


public void skip () {




The Child Iterator

class Child extends Iterator { String tag;

short nest; boolean keep;

public Event next () { while (true) { Event t = input.next(); if (t == null) return null; if (t instanceof StartTag) { if (nest++ == 1) {

keep = tag.equals(((StartTag) t).tag); if (!keep)

continue; }

} else if (t instanceof EndTag) if (--nest == 1 && keep) { keep = false;

return t; };

if (keep) return t;


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