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The District Weekly. To apply for scholarship assistance, go to: forms/wnnhxzkfdr


Academic year: 2021

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The D

istrict W


Just A Note

Volume 4, Issue 25 July 17, 2015


e South







https://www.facebook.com/ www.swdist.arumc.org Keep in Your Hearts & Prayers . . .  The Reverend John Miles, Sr. in the death

of his brother Warren Miles. The funeral will take place at Hot Springs First UMC on Wednesday, July 22, at 2:00 p.m.

 Reverends Bubba Smith and Sheila Jones,

Christ of the Hills UMC, who will be

undergoing surgery this coming week.

 Rev. Spencer Plumley, Taylor UMC, who is recovering from hip replacement surgery.

Arkansas Conference United Methodist Men

Annual Meeting Saturday, August 29, 2015

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. First Methodist Church

Hot Springs, AR Featured Speakers

Lunch Provided

Call Che Dolan at 501-324-8000 to reserve your place!

Gil Hanke Mark Hicks

Scholarships for

Children's Ministers!

Due to the generosity of the United Methodist Foundation of Arkansas, there are ten full-tuition scholarships (including pre-conference classes) available for the Rock On conference for Arkansas United Methodists serving in children’s ministry in local congregations. Preference will be given to those serving in small membership churches and those who demonstrate financial need.

The scholarship application

deadline is August 1st.

To apply for scholarship assistance, go to: http://goo.gl/ forms/wnnHxZKfDr

For more information about this nationally acclaimed conference, go to: http://kidz.arumc.org/rock-on-november-17-19-2015/


Congratulations to

Southwest District

Churches of the Year for 2015!

The following churches were honored by the Conference Parish & Community Development Committee as church of the year.

Criteria for the selection: Only churches that

paid district and conference apportionments in full, that did not receive conference or district financial support, that showed an increase in worship attendance, at least one profession of faith, and gave something to missions were considered. The selections were based on statistical data from the year-end reports.

Category II, Churches 51-150:

Bismarck UMC Rev. Lynn McClure

Category III, Churches 151-300:

El Dorado First UMC Rev. Keith Dodson

Category IV, Churches above 300:

Christ of the Hills UMC Rev. Bubba Smith

Certificates will be presented at the 2015 Southwest District Conference.

Full-Time Director

of Christian


Arkadelphia First United Methodist

Church is looking for a full-time

Director of Christian Education. This

person will have responsibility for our

children’s ministries as well as

coordinating responsibilities for our

adult education program. For a

complete job description or to apply

for the job, please contact Jim Polk at

246-2493 (ch);




[email protected].

Instruments of Grace Ministries





SATURDAY, July 25, 2015

9:00-3:00 P.M.

Sardis United Methodist Church 10715 West Sardis Road

Bauxite, AR 72011

TERESA ROARK-Guest Speaker

(God has given Teresa powerful messages for today)

Treccie Cook & Nancy Scott Communion Officiates and

Ministering in Prayer **Women and Men Invited

Lite Breakfast & Lunch

Praise & Worship Music with Soloists Powerful Word for God’s Children

Morning & Afternoon Messages Fellowship

Testimonials Prayer Ministering

No charge for Conference but a love offering will be taken.


Walk for Children and Families set

for Aug. 7 at the Big Dam Bridge



annual event benefits

Methodist Family Health

The 9th annual Walk for Children and Families

benefiting Methodist Family Health will be

held Friday, Aug. 7, at the Big Dam Bridge over the Arkansas River. Registration opens at 5:30 p.m., with the Walk at 6:30 p.m.

Cooks Landing Park on the North Little Rock side of the bridge is the staging area for the event. Cost is $20 for individuals and $50 for families. Participants are encouraged to register in advance at https:// www.eventbrite.com/e/walk-for-children-and-families-2015-tickets-17339636319.

The festive, family-friendly event will feature live music, plus free pizza and Frosty Treats ice cream and T-shirts for all participants. Parking will be available at Crystal Hill Elementary School, with a free shuttle to the Big Dam Bridge.

For more information, contact Denise Luft at Methodist Family Health, 501.906.4201 or

[email protected]. Details at


Rodney Steele: [email protected] Cindy Parker: [email protected] Dawn Branton: [email protected]

Website: swdist.arumc.org 904 Caddo Street Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71923

Phone: 870.230.1118 Fax: 870.230.1148

The Sout hwes t Dist rict

Upcoming Events

July 31—August 7

2015 Arkansas Conference Local Pastor Licensing School.

August 2—9

Southwest District Youth Week (see flyer)

August 7

Methodist Family Health’s 9th Annual Walk for Children & Families, Big Dam Bridge, North Little Rock, 5:30 p.m.

August 29

Arkansas Conference United Methodist Men Annual Meeting;

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.; First Methodist Church, Hot Springs, AR

November 1, 2015

Insurance Open Enrollment starts — first day you can enroll in a 2016 Marketplace plan

November 1-6

District Sager-Brown Mission Trip

November 17—19

Rock On - Children’s Ministry Forum, Little Rock, AR

Pastors in the Arkadelphia area meet every

Monday morning at the Donut Palace, located on Hwy 7 next to the Sonic at 9:30 a.m.

“The District Spouses Meet for Lunch” the

first Thursday of every month at the San Francisco Bread Company in Hot Springs at 11:30 a.m.

Magnolia area clergy meet every Tuesday

@ Andy's @ 9:00 a.m. SW District 2015 Apportionments % Paid to Date District (as of 07/16/2015) 70.74 Conference (as of 06/30/2015) 47.98

UM Lawyer Conference

Little Rock, AR

Sept. 17, 2015

The United Methodist Foundation of Arkansas (UMFA) will hold its annual United Methodist Lawyer Conference Thursday, Sept. 17 at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, 4823 Woodlawn Drive in Little Rock.

Registration opens at 7:45 a.m., and programming runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Topics on the agenda include:

 Copyright Compliance Matters  Maintaining Tax Exempt Status

 Sensitivity to Potential Sexual Harassment  Avoiding Ascending Liability

 Ethics: Access to Justice and the UM Lawyer

 CLE credit is available.

Contact Janet Marshall, 501-664-8632 or [email protected], to ask questions or to register.


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