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Glaucoma or not glaucoma that is the question


Academic year: 2021

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Glaucoma or not glaucoma – that is the question

Dr Jack Phu

BOptom (Hons), BSc, MPH, PhD, FAAO, Diplomate (Glaucoma)

Head, Glaucoma/Neuro-ophthalmology, Centre for Eye Health

Lecturer, School of Optometry and Vision Science, UNSW


Learning objectives

1. Be able to recognise non-glaucomatous visual field defects and action

relevant further investigations

2. Apply multimodal imaging techniques to distinguish glaucoma and

non-glaucomatous optic atrophy

3. Understand the limitations of cross-sectional optical coherence tomography

parameters in glaucoma diagnosis


“Typical” glaucoma

Key feature: structure-function concordance at the optic nerve head

Other clinical features

IOP 25 mmHg

CCT 510 microns


What is the definition of glaucoma?

Casson et al 2012 CEO


What is the definition of glaucoma?

Casson et al 2012 CEO


Glaucomatous visual field defects

Which of these are/is a “typical” glaucomatous visual field defect?

Highlight issues with visual fields

- Pattern

- Depth

- Structure-function


Glaucomatous vs non-glaucomatous visual field loss

Check and describe the pattern of visual field loss (often useful to “say” it in



Case #2 – is this glaucoma? – 72 year old Asian female

Medical history:

Diabetes (5 years)



Ocular history:

Unremarkable cataract surgery

Currently on Xalatan nocte

Clinical findings

Vision normal

IOP 15 mmHg


Case #2 – is this glaucoma? – 72 year old Asian female

Medical history:

Diabetes (5 years)



Ocular history:

Unremarkable cataract surgery

Currently on Xalatan nocte

Clinical findings

Vision normal

IOP 15 mmHg

Pachymetry 552 microns

“Cupping” and retinal nerve fibre layer

defect present – contiguous to the disc


Case #2 – is this glaucoma? – 72 year old Asian female

Poll: Structure-function correlation – is this


Case #2 – is this glaucoma? – 72 year old Asian female


Features not typical of glaucoma?

Optic nerve scan typical

pattern (arcuate)


Features not typical of glaucoma?

Optic nerve scan typical

pattern (arcuate)

However, macula

scan NOT typical

Incomplete arcuate…

loss is too focal


Features not typical of glaucoma?

Note the attenuation of

retinal arteries and the

presence of an arterial ghost


Features not typical of glaucoma?

OCT-A visualises loss of

retinal perfusion and

attenuation of vessel


Vascular loss in glaucoma

Current prevailing hypothesis: significant drop out of vasculature occurs

following neural loss – deep OCT angiography loss NOT suggestive of

glaucoma in the first instance

Clinical data suggests greater dynamic range in advanced glaucoma

(Yarmohammadi et al 2016 IOVS; Moghimi et al 2019 Ophthalmology)

Glaucoma is a primary loss of neural tissue – other vascular losses (e.g.

occlusive disease) lead to consecutive optic atrophy


Glaucoma as a chronic optic neuropathy

Acute, episodic events upon the optic nerve cause acute, episodic

changes, but not chronic changes expected in glaucoma

– Acute, episodic increases in intraocular pressure

(Garala & Bansal, 2019 J Glaucoma)


Glaucoma as a chronic optic neuropathy

Acute, episodic events upon the optic nerve cause acute, episodic

changes, but not chronic changes expected in glaucoma

– Acute, episodic increases in intraocular pressure

(Garala & Bansal, 2019 J Glaucoma)

– Acute vascular insufficiencies – haemodynamic crisis

(Broadway & Drance, 1998)

Glaucoma more related to chronic changes, examples:

– Chronic elevated intraocular pressure


Case #3 – is this glaucoma? 58 year old Caucasian male

Clinical findings

IOP 10-13 mmHg

Pachymetry 550 microns

No systemic disease


Case #3 – is this glaucoma? 58 year old Caucasian male

Clinical findings

IOP 10-13 mmHg

Pachymetry 550 microns

No systemic disease


Case #3 – is this glaucoma? 58 year old Caucasian male

Clinical findings

IOP 10-13 mmHg

Pachymetry 550 microns

No systemic disease


Poll: is this glaucoma – yes/no?


Extra testing – intraocular pressure profiling

Both water drinking

test and pressure


(Susanna Jr et al 2017

CEO; Huang et al 2018 OVS,

Huang et al 2020 OVS)

This will also help to

guide treatment


(Gazzard et al 2019


Water drinking test: unchanged

(no higher than 14.5 mmHg)


Intraocular pressure profiling

Analogous to other medical stress


(Susanna et al 2018 J Glaucoma)

A measurement of trabecular

outflow facility

– Relevance at diagnosis and in

treatment (therapy should control



Extra testing – OCT angiography

Again… deep

vascular loss – not

typical of glaucoma


Glaucoma as a diagnosis of exclusion

Glaucoma defined as a disease of the optic nerve

head – needs to have visible changes

Glaucoma defined as a progressive optic


Risk factors: elevated, fluctuating pressures

Neural loss typically precedes deep vascular loss

Therefore, management plan is

review until progression



Follow up appointments

Three month follow up

No changes to history or symptoms

MD/PSD results: unchanged

How would you describe this

visual field result relative to



Follow up appointments

What kind of pattern of disease progression do we expect if it was


Case #6 – 61 year old South Asian male

Referred for opinion regarding superior visual field defects and suspicious


MHx: hyperlipidaemia – treated

Other history: non-contributory



Vision (mild myopia)










Clinical data


Longitudinal data

No significant structural change (just due to



No change in visual field defect (some

improvement?) – therefore NOT glaucoma



Remember, glaucoma should really be a diagnosis of exclusion – need to

consider alternative diagnoses

When considering the potential consequences of glaucoma – there are issues

around patient age and severity of vision loss at baseline


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