1. Problem. The artificial satellite is rotating around the Earth along a circular orbit lying in the ecliptic
plane. Being observed from city of Krasnodar (latitude +45°) this satellite and the vernal equinox point always rise simultaneously. Sometimes the satellite is visible above the southern horizon. What is its altitude above the horizon in this moment? What is the radius of satellite’s orbit? Refraction and daily parallax of the satellite should be ignored.
1. Solution. Anywhere on Earth (except poles) the vernal equinox point rises once in a sidereal day,
about 23 hours and 56 minutes after previous rise. The moments of rise of artificial satellite are in 23 hours 56 minutes one from another. Since we ignore the parallax shift of the satellite, it is always situated at the ecliptic. At the latitude of Krasnodar (+45°) ecliptic cannot coincide with horizon and being the major circle of celestial sphere crosses the horizon at two opposite points. One of them is rising vernal equinox point, another point is autumn equinox point. Thus, rising satellite is situated at one of these points. As the sidereal day gone, the satellite rises in the same point of the sky (being in the second point, it would not rise, but set under the horizon, since every moment just a half of the orbit is seen above the horizon).
It is obvious that the satellite rotating around the Earth cannot be immovable relatively stars. Let us consider the conditions when the satellite comes back to the same point in one sidereal day. It can take place if the rotational period is equal to one sidereal day and the rotation direction is the same with the rotation of the Earth. This orbit is like geo-stationary, but the satellite rotates not in equatorial, but in the ecliptic plane. Being observed from the Earth, the satellite draws the narrow 8-like figure with the size 47°. If it is situated at the vernal equinox point during its rise, it will rise every sidereal day at the east (see the figure).
But this picture contradicts with the conditions of the problem, since the satellite is always situated in the eastern part of the sky and is never observed above the southern horizon. We have to consider one more situation, when satellite completes the revolution around the observer on the Earth in one sidereal day, rising once and setting once in this period. Let us designate the synodic period of the satellite as S, sidereal period as T, and the duration of sidereal day as T0. These three values are connected by the
relation . 1 1 1 0 T T S =± − ±
The sign “+” before the values of (1/S) and (1/T) means the counterclockwise rotation direction (the same with the rotation of Earth), the sign “–“ means the clockwise direction. Since the values of S and T0 are
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2005 the same, the sign “–“ cannot be before the value (1/S), otherwise the value of T will turn to infinity. Since the value of S is positive, the solution will exist only for the following signs:
, 1 1 1 0 T T S = −
The sidereal period of the satellite T is turned out to be equal to the half of sidereal day or 11 hours and 58 minutes. The satellite rotates counterclockwise two times faster than Earth, rising at the west and setting at the east. During its rise the satellite will be situated in the autumn equinox, which will be setting in the same moment. Moving from the west to the east, the satellite will go towards the vernal equinox point risen at the east simultaneously with the satellite (see the second figure). In 5 hours and 59 minutes the satellite will complete a half of the revolution, come to the vernal equinox point, which will culminate at the altitude 45° above the southern horizon. We have found the answer to the first question of the problem. West East South 45 North Horizon Sa tellite
To answer on the second question, we use the General Third Kepler law. The orbit radius is equal to
, 4 3 / 1 2 2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = π GMT R
or 26.6 thousand kilometers (here M is the mass of the Earth).
2. Problem. The artificial satellite is rotating around the Earth along an elliptical orbit lying in the
ecliptic plane. When it is in perigee point, the distances from Earth to the satellite and to Moon are the same. Estimate the maximum possible eccentricity of the satellite’s orbit. Please don’t consider the gravitation of the Moon.
2. Solution. Possible value of orbit eccentricity is restricted by tidal influence of the Sun (the influence of
Moon is disregarded). If satellite comes close to the inner Lagrange point of the system Sun-Earth, the orbit will be instable and the satellite will come to heliocentric orbit, being the artificial planet of the Solar System. Let us consider the boundary case when the apogee point of the satellite is situated between the Sun and the Earth. Since the orbit lie in the ecliptic plane, such situation takes place once in a year.
Let us designate the perigee and apogee distances of the orbit as p and a, the distance between Sun and Earth as R. Assume that the satellite in the apogee came to the inner Lagrange point. This point rotates around the Sun with the same angular velocity ω as the Earth. Let us write the motion equations for Lagrange point and the Earth:
p a R Earth Sun ); ( ) ( 2 2 2 R a a Gm a R GM − = − − ω . 2 2 R R GM =ω
Taking into account that a<<R, we write
. 2 ) ( 2 2 R3 GMa R GM a R GM = + −
Expressing the value of ω from Earth motion equation, we receive the relation:
. 3 2 3 a Gm R GMa =
From this we make the estimation of maximal apogee distance
M m R a 1.497 3 ⎟ = ⎞ ⎜ ⎛ = ⎞ ⎛ mln. km 1/3
and orbit eccentricity (taking into account the value of p equal to 384 thousand kilometers):
. 592 . 0 = + − = p a p a e
3. Problem. The distant star is situated in the summer solstice point of the sky. During the passing of
ascending node of lunar orbit near this star the lunar occultations of this star will be visible on the Earth every revolution of the Moon. How many occultations will this sequence contain? At what latitude and in what place of the sky will the first and the last occultation of the sequence be seen? The orbit of the Moon can be considered as circular.
3. Solution. If the Moon rotated around the Earth in the ecliptic plane, it would occult the star in the
summer solstice point each revolution and this occultation would be seen in equatorial and tropical zones of our planet. But the inclination of lunar orbit to the ecliptic plane i is about 5.15° that is enough for the Moon to go above or below the star and to avoid occultation in most part of the cases. To occult the star, the Moon must be situated near one of two nodes of the orbit, where it crosses the ecliptic plane.
The sidereal period of lunar rotation TS is equal to 27.321662 days and draconic period TS (period
of return to the same orbit node) is equal to 27.212220 days. Completing the revolution relatively stars, the Moon makes 1.00402 draconic revolutions. If the occultation occurs exactly in the ascending orbit node, next one will occur a month later slightly after the node crossing. The Moon will be a little bit higher and the region of occultation visibility will slightly shift northwards (see the figure).
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2005 γ β λ λ Ecliptic 1 2 Path of the Mo on i
The angular distance between the Moon and ascending node will be equal to: . 448 . 1 360o⋅ = o = D D S T T T γ
Shifting by this angle each sidereal month, line of nodes of lunar orbit will complete the revolution in 248.65 sidereal months or 18.6 years. This period will contain two epochs of occultation of the star near the ecliptic, near ascending and descending node, respectively. If the star is situated exactly at the ecliptic, these two sequences will be shifted by 9.3 years one from another. We have to find the duration of one sequence. Let us find the maximal distance between the star and the node for what the occultation is still possible. R β δ r d Earth Equa tor Moon Ecliptic plane
Second figure shows the boundary situation, where the grazing occultation is observed just from one point on the Earth. The maximum angular distance between the Moon and ecliptic plane is equal to
. 209 . 1 arcsin = o = d r R β +
Here we assume the lunar orbit to be circular with radius d equal to 384.4 thousand kilometers, R and r are the radii of Earth and Moon. Returning to the first figure, we find maximal angular distance between the Moon and the orbit node:
λ = β ctg i = 13.41°. The average number of occultation in one sequence is equal to:
. 52 . 18 2 = = γ λ A N
Real occultation number will be equal (with almost equal probabilities) to 18 or 19. The sequence duration will be equal to 17 or 18 sidereal months or 1.27 or 1.35 years.
In the case of ascending node the first occultation in a sequence will be near position 1 in the first figure, the same situation is shown in the second figure. The Moon will graze the star by the northern edge and this occultation will be observed in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. The Moon will be seen at the northern horizon (more exactly, at 5.15° westwards form the North point), the star declination is +23.4° and the occultation will be seen near Southern Polar Circle. Last occultation in a sequence (position 2 in the first figure) will be seen near North Polar Circle at 5.15° eastwards from the North point.
4. Problem. The path of total solar eclipse consistently passed the following cities: Oslo (Norway),
Warsaw (Poland), Constanta (Romania), Ankara (Turkey), Baghdad (Iraq), Kerman (Iran) and Islamabad (Pakistan). What astronomical season (winter, spring, summer or autumn) the eclipse was observed in?
4. Solution. Table contains the coordinates of the cities listed in the problem.
City Latitude, ° Longitude, °
Oslo +59.9 +10.7 Warsaw +52.2 +21.1 Constanta +44.2 +28.6 Ankara +39.9 +32.9 Baghdad +33.3 +44.4 Kerman +30.3 +57.1 Islamabad +33.7 +73.1
As we can see, the shadow moved to the south-east for most part of time, and just in the end it moved to the east and even turned to the north-east. The shadow path is shown in the map.
Let us imagine how will the lunar shadow move on tropical and medium zone of the northern hemisphere in the middle of four seasons of the year (starting at the equinox or solstice). In the next figure we can see the Earth and shadow path at four seasons as it can be seen from the Sun (or from the Moon). The shadow moves from the left to the right (direction opposite to the motion of the Earth). Really the path motion direction is inclined to the ecliptic plane by the angle 5.15°, but it does not change the problem solution, since this angle is sufficiently less than the equator to ecliptic inclination (23.45°).
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Spring Summer
Autumn Winter
We can see that the shadow motion described in the problem can take place only during the astronomical autumn, between autumn equinox and winter solstice.
The problem has a real prototype: total solar eclipse in November, 19th, 1816, the map is above. The path of totality crossed the centers or surroundings of seven cities listed in the problem.
5. Problem. The astronomical azimuths of the rise and the following set of the planet in the city of
Saint-Petersburg (latitude +60°) were equal to –90.0° and +90.4°. The duration of the planet disk set was equal to 3.2 seconds. What the planet is it and can it be said anything about the season, when it happened?
5. Solution. Values of azimuths show that the planet is situated near the celestial equator. Since the
planets are always near the ecliptic, there were the surroundings of the vernal or autumn equinox points. The time between the rise and set of the planet is equal to 12 hours. The module of set azimuth is 0.4° higher than rise azimuth, thus the declination of the planet has increased during this time. Let us determine the value of this increase.
ΔA ϕ
Horizon λ r
As we can see in the figure, change of azimuth module ΔA is related with change of declination Δδ and latitude of observation ϕ (equal to 60°) by the relation:
Δδ = ΔA cos ϕ = +0.2°.
Account of atmospheric refraction will not change this result, since the refraction changes the value of azimuth but does not change their difference (ΔA) near the celestial equator. The planet moves along the ecliptic, it is true always except the planets’ stationary moments, but their angular velocity is very small that time. Near the equinox points the ecliptic creates the angle ε = 23.4° to the celestial parallels and equator. The total angular motion of the planet during 12 hours is equal to
Finally, the angular velocity of the planet is equal to 1 per day. It is equal to visible angular velocity of the Sun. None of the planets can reach this angular velocity by the backward motion, and only two
planets can move in the straight direction: Mercury and Venus, during their epoch of maximum elongation from the Sun.
To determine what is the planet, we determine its angular size. The duration of the planet set was equal to 3.2 seconds. Being near the equator, the planet shifted relatively observer on the Earth by the angle:
λ = 15″ Δt = 48″. Angular diameter of the planet is equal to:
d = 2r =λ cosϕ = 24″.
This value is equal to angular diameter of Venus during the epoch of maximum elongation (the angular size of Mercury during this epoch is not larger than 8″). Venus is at 47° from the Sun and crossing the vernal equinox point by the straight direction. If it is maximum eastern elongation, than the picture is observed in early February, if it is maximum western elongation, than it is early May.
6. Problem. Being in the maximum eastern elongation point, Mercury came to the conjunction with
Venus. The angular diameter of Mercury was more than 5 times less than the angular diameter of Venus. What planet will be the first to come to the inferior conjunction with Sun? What time will it be earlier than another planet? The orbits of Mercury, Venus and Earth can be considered as circular.
6. Solution. Figure shows the positions of Mercury, Venus and Earth in the moment described in the
problem. ε γϕ2 ϕ 2 1 1 r r R Sun Mercury Venus (1) Venus (2) Earth
Being in conjunction with Mercury, Venus can be in two points of the orbit signed by the digits 1 and 2 in the figure. Angular diameter of Mercury during the maximum elongation epoch is about 8″, thus the angular diameter of Venus exceeds 40″. It can take place only if the Venus is in the position 1, close to Earth. Let us designate the orbit radii of Mercury, Venus and Earth as r1, r2, and R, respectively, and
determine the heliocentric longitude difference of Earth and each of inner planets ϕ1 и ϕ2. It is easy to do
for the Mercury:
. 2 . 67 arccos 1 1= = o R r ϕ
The difference for Venus can be calculated from the triangle Sun-Venus-Earth with account of adjacent angle properties: . 6 . 9 arcsin arcsin 1 2 1 2 = − = − = o R r r r ε γ ϕ
The time until the inferior conjunction of inner planet is equal to: , 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 S T = ⋅
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2005
where S is the synodic period of inner planet, that is equal to 115.9 days for Mercury and 583.9 days for Venus. Substituting the numerical data, we obtain that inferior conjunction of Mercury will occur in 21.6 days and inferior conjunction of Venus will occur in 15.6 days. Finally, Venus will come to inferior conjunction in 6 days earlier than Mercury.
7. Problem. Two meteor streams are moving around the Sun by the same orbit, but in opposite
directions. One moment both streams meet each other and the Earth. In the same moment two meteor showers are visible on the Earth, their radiant points have the coordinates α = 6h, δ = –66.6° and α = 18h,
δ = 0°. Please find the eccentricity of the meteors’ orbit. What date did the streams meet the Earth? The orbit of Earth can be considered a circular one.
7. Solution. Since two meteor streams move by the same orbit in different directions, they will have
equal velocities with opposite directions in the moment of Earth flyby. The radiant shows the directions opposite to geocentric velocity, that’s why the radiants of two showers are not situated in opposite points of the sky. Radiant 1 Radiant 2 Ecliptic Earth Equat or Met eors orbi t v v v u u 0 2 2 1 1 ε
Let us designate the vector of Earth’s velocity as v0, the vectors of heliocentric velocities of meteor
streams as v1 and v2, and their geocentric velocities as u1 and u2. For these velocities we can write the
u1 = v1 – v0,
u2 = v2 – v0 = – v1 – v0.
Adding them to each other,
u1 + u2 = –2v0.
The radiant of first shower is situated in the South Ecliptic pole, thus, the figure plane containing the vector u1 is perpendicular to the ecliptic plane crossing it by the line containing the vector v0. Both
vectors are perpendicular to the radius-vector of Earth, directed from the center of the Sun, and the whole figure plane including heliocentric meteor velocities is perpendicular to the line Sun-Earth. Thus, during the flyby the meteors were in the perihelion or aphelion of their orbit if this orbit is not circular.
During the event Earth is moving towards the ecliptic point that is one of two cross points of ecliptic and major circle of picture plane. The last one is the declination circle containing all sky points with right ascension values equal to 6h and 18h (it is easy to see basing on the radiants coordinates). Thus,
these two points are the solstice points. As we can see in the last equation, the projections of the vectors
u2 and v0 on the ecliptic have different signs (since the vector u1 is perpendicular to the ecliptic). Taking
into account the coordinates of the second radiant we resume that the motion of Earth is directed to the winter solstice point. Such direction takes place during the vernal equinox, March, 21st. It is the answer to the second question of the problem.
The angle between the directions to the second radiant (celestial equator) and Earth velocity direction ε is equal to 23.4°. Projecting the vector equation for the sum of velocities u1 и u2 on two
coordinate axes, we obtain:
u1 = u2 sinε,
2v0 = u2 cosε
and then
u1 = 2v0 tgε.
Heliocentric meteor velocity during the meeting event is equal to 4 . 39 4 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 1 u v v tg v = + = + ε = km/s.
This velocity exceeds the circular velocity v0 but is less than parabolic velocity. Thus, the orbit of the
meteors is elliptical and they are crossing the perihelion. Denoting the distance between Sun and Earth as
r, we express the perihelion velocity:
. 1 ) 1 ( 1 1 0 1 e v e r GM e e a GM v = + = + − + ⋅ =
Here a is the large semi-axis of the meteor orbit, e is its eccentricity and M is the solar mass. Finally,
e = 4tg2ε = 0.75.
8. Problem. While using the Giant Optical Cosmic telescope with ultra-high resolution astronomers of
the future succeeded to see the disk of Betelgeuse (α Orionis). What object – Betelgeuse or Venus – will have higher surface brightness (the brightness of angular square unit)? What will the ratio of surface brightness of these objects be?
8. Решение. To solve the problem, we must remember that in the absorption-free case the surface
brightness of the object does not depend on the distance. The total brightness is back proportional to the square of distance, but the same is the visible square of the object. For the self-emitting stars in the black body assumption the surface brightness is the function of surface temperature, increasing proportionally to its fourth degree. Betelgeuse is the red supergiant of spectral type M2 with the surface temperature about 3000 K, twice less than the solar one. Thus, surface brightness of Betelgeuse is about 16 times less than the one of the Sun.
Venus does not emit in the visible part of spectrum, but reflects the solar radiation. The ratio of surface brightness of Venus (center of the disk near superior conjunction) and the Sun is equal to
. 37300 1 2 2 0 = = R r A j jV
Here A is the albedo of Venus, r is the radius of Sun and R is the orbit radius of Venus. Finally, surface brightness of Betelgeuse is about 2330 times higher than the one of Venus.
9. Problem. The globular stellar cluster has the magnitude equal to 4.5m and angular diameter equal to 25′. The distance to the cluster is equal to 3 kpc. Having assumed that the cluster consists of the stars, which are like the Sun and their density is the same over the whole ball volume, so estimate the brightness of the night sky of the planet rotating around the star in the center of cluster. Compare it with the moonlit sky on the Earth. The absorption of light in the interstellar medium and planet’s atmosphere can be ignored.
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9. Solution. Expressing the angular diameter of stellar cluster in radians multiplying it to the distance and
dividing by 2, we obtain the cluster radius r0 equal to 10.9 pc. The cluster volume is equal to
42 . 5 .103 3 0 3 r V = π4 = pc . 3
Absolute magnitude of the Sun M0 is equal to +4.7m. At the distance d equal to 3 kpc, Sun would be seen
as the star with magnitude
. 1 . 17 lg 5 5 0 0 =M − + r = m
Denoting the total cluster magnitude as m, we express the number of stars in the cluster: 5 ) ( 4 . 0 1.095 10 10 0 = ⋅ = m −m N
and the stars volume density:
2 . 20 −3 = = n N pc V
In the night sky of the planet inside the cluster the stars of a half of the ball is seen, and they fill the sky uniformly. Let us designate the illumination from one star with magnitude 0m as J and calculate the illumination from all stars in a thin semi-spherical shell with radius r and thickness Δr. The number of the stars in a shell is equal to
2 r2 rn
Nr = π Δ .
The magnitude and illumination from each star are equal to , lg 5 5 0 r M m= − + . 10 2 4 . 0 2 0 r J j M r − ⋅ =
Here r is designated in parsecs. The illumination from all stars in a shell is equal to 10
2 nJ 2 0.4 0 r
Jr = π ⋅ − M ⋅Δ .
We see that this value is proportional to the thickness of the shell and does not depend on its radius. Performing the whole semi-sphere as the composition of such shells, we obtain the expression of the total illumination of planet night sky:
0 1.83 10 . 10
2 ⋅ 2 0.4 0 ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ 3
= nJ − r J
JT π M
The total magnitude is equal to:
. 2 . 8 lg 5 . 2 =− − = J J mT T
The sky is sufficiently brighter than the moonless sky on the Earth, and the objects outside the clusters will make just a small contribution to this value. But the moonlit night on the Earth (the Moon magnitude is equal to –12.7m) is 63 times brighter than the sky of the planet in the center of the globular cluster.
10. Problem. The radius of the Galaxy is equal to 15 kpc, the thickness of its disk being many times less.
The mass of the galaxy is equal to 1011 solar masses and it is distributed uniformly in the volume of the
galaxy. Two stars are rotating around the center of the galaxy in the same direction by the circular orbits with radii equal to 5 kpc and 10 kpc. Please find the synodic period of the first star while observing from the vicinity of the second star.
10. Solution. The mass density inside the galaxy is equal to
. 2d R M π ρ =
Here M, R and d are the mass, radius and thickness of the galaxy. We assume that the motion of star by the circular orbit with radius r is influence only by the part of the galaxy inside the cylinder with the same radius. Mass of this part is equal to
. ) ( 2 22 R r M d r r m =π ρ =
The angular velocity of the star’s rotation around the center of the galaxy is equal to
. ) ( ) ( 3 3 0 r R r R R GM r r m G r ω ω = = ⋅ =
Here ω0 is the angular velocity of the rotation of galaxy edge. Note that such dependency is weaker than
the one by Kepler law (with the degree –3/2). Synodic period of the star with orbit radius r1 observed
from the star with radius r2 is equal to
1 2 ) ( ) ( 2 2 1 3 2 1 GM R r R r R r r S − ⋅ = − = π ω ω π
1. Problem. Due to atmosphere refraction (34′ near the horizon) the object that would not rise in
definite location on the Earth, does not set under the horizon, always being above. At what latitudes on the Earth this can happen?
1. Solution. This situation can take place if the whole daily path of the celestial object is situated not
deep below the horizon (the altitude is higher than – 34′). This can be in two cases: if the daily path has small angular size or if it is close to parallel to the horizon.
Small angular size means that the object is situated near North or South Celestial Pole. If the path (the circle with small radius) is near to horizon, then the observations must be carried out near the equator. The equator (exactly) does not meet the problem conditions, since there are no invisible objects there even in the case of absence of refraction. But having made a small step from there, for example, northwards, the South Celestial Pole will drop down below the horizon, but until the latitude +0°34′ it will be visible owing to refraction. Finally, in the first case the problem statement is true in two bands around equator, up to latitudes 0°34′ (north and south).
The second case can be observed near North and South Poles of the Earth. If we come to the North Pole, the problem statement will be true, since the objects with declinations from 0° to –0°34′ will be always above the horizon due to refraction. However, the statement will remain true at some distances from the pole. Let’s consider the boundary situation: the object is at altitude 0° in upper culmination and –0°34′ in lower one (see the figure in the projection to the celestial meridian plane):
Horizon Upper
Lower Horizon with account of refraction
North Celestial Pole
The points of upper and lower culminations are situated at equal distances form the North Celestial Pole. Let ϕ will be the latitude, ρ is the refraction. This case we will have:
180° – ϕ = ϕ + ρ, From this equation we obtain the value of latitude ϕ:
The declination of the object will be equal to –0°17′. Having made further step from the pole, the altitude difference in the culminations will be higher than 34′, and the problem statement will not be true. The analogous calculations can be done for surroundings of Southern Pole of the Earth.
The final answer is following: this situation can be observed at the latitudes: [–90°, –89°43′), (–0°34′, 0°), (0°, +0°34′), (+89°43′, +90°].
2. Problem. Amateur astronomers observe the artificial satellite of the Earth in Saint-Petersburg. The
satellite crossed the zenith twice during the New Year night – at 18.00, December, 31th and at 05.58, January, 1st. When will the satellite reach the zenith again? The latitude of Saint-Petersburg is equal to
+60°, the satellite orbit is circular.
2. Solution. The period between two moments of zenith crossing in Saint-Petersburg is equal to 5h
58m or a half of sidereal day. The plane of satellite orbit contains the center of the Earth and positions of Saint-Petersburg in these two moments (points A and B in the figure). This plane goes through the poles of the Earth.
ϕ=60 31.12 18.00 01.01 05.58 01.01 17.56 02.01 05.54 02.01 17.52 03.01 05.50 03.01 17.48 A B N λ 30 EARTH
The parallel +60° containing Saint-Petersburg (its motion shown by arrow in the figure) crosses the plane of satellite orbit in two points A and B and satellite can be observed in the zenith only when Saint-Petersburg is situated in one of these two points. The orbit of satellite will cross the zenith in Saint-Petersburg twice a sidereal day, or once in 11 hours and 58 minutes.
At 5h 58m, January, 1st, satellite displaced by the angle λ, equal to 60°, relatively its position at 18h, December, 31st. It is not necessary that satellite had made 1/6 part of its revolution around the Earth, moved above the North Pole. It can make 5/6 revolutions, moved above South Pole, or (n+1/6) or (n+5/6) revolutions, where n – positive integer number. But in any case its displacement for 1/2 sidereal day is equal to 60°. In another half of sidereal day, at 17h 56m, January, 1st, the
Saint-Petersburg will be in the point A again, but the angle λ will be equal to 120° and satellite will come to the equator plane. It will not be seen in the zenith in Saint-Petersburg, actually it will be not seen from there.
During next two crosses of orbit plane by Saint-Petersburg (05h 54m and 17h 52m, January, 2nd, points B and A, respectively), the satellite will be situated in the southern hemisphere, and at 05h 50m, January, 3d (Saint-Petersburg in the point B), it will be at equator again. Finally, at 17h 48m, January, 3d, the satellite will be in the same point of the orbit as at 18h 00m, December, 31st, and Saint-Petersburg will be in the point A. The satellite will reach the zenith again.
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2006
3. Problem. In the New Year evening Venus reaches the maximum eastern elongation point being
observed from the Earth. In the same time the spacecraft is launched from the Venus to the Mars by the orbit tangent to the orbits of Venus and Mars. What bright star is seen near to Mars in this New Year evening in the Earth’s sky?
3. Solution. Figure shows the positions of Venus and Earth in the New Year Evening, when the
spacecraft was launched from Venus.
Sun Earth Mars (1) Mars (2) Ve nus
α γ
1 3a
2Let’s designate the radii of the orbits of Venus, Earth and Mars as a1, a2 and a3, respectively. Their
values re 0.723, 1 and 1.524 a.u. Since Venus is seen from Earth at maximal eastern elongation, line connecting Venus and Earth will be tangential to the Venus orbit. The heliocentric angle α between the directions to the Venus and Earth will be equal to
. 7 . 43 arccos 2 1 = o = a a
The point on the orbit of Mars, where the craft will reach the planet, is situated in the direction opposite to the current direction to the Venus. To find the current position of Mars, we will calculate the duration of the craft flight. The major semi-axis of its orbit is equal to
. 2 3 1 a a d = +
The flight duration is the half of the orbital period. Expressing it in years, we obtain from Third Kepler law: . ) 2 ( 2 1 a1 a3 32 T = +
During this period Mars will displace by the angle
. 9 . 113 ) 2 ( 2 1 360 32 3 2 3 3 1 o o = + ⋅ = a a a ϕ
In the launch moment Mars was moving by the orbit ahead of Earth by the angle γ: . 4 . 22 180o − − = o =
The distance between Earth and Mars was equal to
a.u. 710 . 0 ) cos 2 ( 22 + 32 − 2 3 12 = = a a a a
lThe geocentric angle ε between directions to Mars and anti-solar point can be found from sine theorem: . 9 . 54 ) sin ( arcsin 3 = o =
l aFinally, in the New Year night Mars was situated about 55° eastwards from anti-solar point, which was in the western part of Gemini constellation. Thus, Mars was in the west part of Leo constellation, near its brightest star, Regulus.
4. Problem. Which stars from the list following will be visible in Moscow (latitude +56°) in 13 000
years: Sirius, Canopus, Vega, Capella, Arcturus, Rigel, Procyon, Altair, Spica, and Antares.
4. Solution. 13 000 years is the half of the Earth axis precession period. During this time the North
Celestial pole will make the half of the revolution around North Ecliptic pole (α=18h, δ=+66.6°). The North Celestial pole will come to Hercules constellation to the point which coordinates now are equal to α=18h, δ=+43.2°.
Since the Earth axis rotated around North Ecliptic pole, the sky areas situated near ecliptic now will always remain near the ecliptic and will be visible above the horizon in Moscow. Thus, Spica and Antares will be seen in 13000 years, note that they be seen better than now.
The stars situated in the Northern Ecliptic hemisphere, will remain there again being visible from Moscow. These are the stars Vega, Capella, Arcturus and Altair. Vega will be close to North Celestial pole.
Four stars remained will not be visible in Moscow. Canopus is close to South Ecliptic pole, always remaining there. Sirius, Rigel and Procyon have the right ascension close to 6 hours now. In 13000 years the North Celestial pole will move by 47° from them, their declination will decrease by about 47°. Procyon will be visible only in the souther regions of Russia, Sirius and Rigel will be invisible even there.
The account of proper motion of the stars does not change the answer. From ten stars listed in the problem just three have proper motion higher 1″ per year: Arcturus (2.3″ per year), Sirius and Procyon (1.3″ per year for both stars). Even these nearby stars will displace only by 8.3° and 4.7° respectively, note that Sirius and Procyon move southwards, which will made the conditions of observations from northern latitudes even worse.
5. Problem. Bright comet comes to the opposition with the Sun, moving in the sky along the ecliptic
in the straight direction (from the west to the east). Estimate the maximum possible distance between the Earth and the comet at this moment.
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2006
5. Solution. Since the comet is in opposition with the Sun, it is further from Sun than Earth. Since the
comet moves along the ecliptic line in the sky, it moves in the ecliptic plane in the space.
0T R
Sun Earth Comet
Being observed from Earth, the comet moves (relatively stars) from the west to the east, to the same direction as Earth rotation around the Sun. This can happen if tangential (relatively Sun) velocity of the comet vT is higher than orbital velocity of the Earth v0. Independently on the value of comet radial
velocity vR, its full velocity exceeds the velocity of the Earth.
The comets orbits are usually high-eccentricity ellipses or parabolas. The orbit can be even hyperbolic, but very close to parabolic (eccentricity is not higher than 1.001). Thus we can assume that the spatial velocity of the comet can’t exceed the parabolic velocity for current distance from the Sun. Taking into account that the Earth’s orbit is close to circular, we obtain:
. 2 0 l R GM v R GM v + ≤ < =
Here M is the solar mass, R is the radius of the Earth’s orbit and l – the distance between Earth and comet during the opposition. Finally we find that the distance to be calculated, l, is less than R, or less than 1 astronomical unit.
6. Problem. The white dwarf with radius 6000 km, surface temperature 10000 K and mass equal to
solar one moves through the interstellar cluster of comet cores, each one has radius 1 km and density 1 g/cm2. How many comets must fall on the white dwarf every day to increase its luminosity in two times?
6. Solution. For the beginning, we have to calculate the white dwarf luminosity:
atts T
2 4 =2.56⋅1023 Wor 6.6·10–4 of solar luminosity. Here R and T – radius and surface temperature of white dwarf, σ – Stefan-Boltzmann constant. During 1 day (86400 seconds) white dwarf emits the energy E0, equal to
2.21·1028 Jouls.
The mass of comet core is equal to
. 10 19 . 4 3 4 3 12 kg r m= πρ = ⋅
Being falling on the white dwarf, the core releases the energy
. J 10 2 . 9 25 ouls R GMm E= = ⋅
Here M is the white dwarf mass. To provide the amount of energy equal to luminosity of white dwarf, (E0/E)~240 comets must fall on the white dwarf daily. It is a good estimation, white dwarf luminosity
will be influenced by two opposite effects. From the one side, not the whole amount of falling core energy will transfer to visible emission, and from the other side, accretion of substance to the white dwarf will lead to its further compression and energy emission. If the mass value reach 1.4 solar mass, the white dwarf will explode as I type Supernova.
7. Problem. What should be the size of hypothetical molecular hydrogen cloud with density equal to
the one of near-ground air and temperature 1000 K to create the star?
7. Solution. The hydrogen in the nature is performed basically by its isotope 1H. Since the electron
mass is very small compared with proton one, the mass m of hydrogen molecule H2 is close to the
double proton mass: 3.3·10–27 kg.
Consider the ball-type cloud of molecular hydrogen with radius R, temperature T and mass density ρ. To be stable and not to be scattered in the space, the cloud must have the thermal particle velocity less than parabolic velocity on the border of the cloud:
. 3 8 2 3 G R2 R GM m kT < = π ρ
Here k – the Boltzmann constant, M – mass of the cloud. This leads to the expression of cloud radius:
. 8 9 ρ πGm kT R>
For the temperature 1000 K and mass density 1.23 kg/m3 we obtain the value of minimal cloud radius: 135000 km.
This seems to be the answer of the problem. But if we calculate the cloud mass with minimal radius, we will obtain 1.27·1025 kg or just 2 masses of the Earth. Having this radius and mass, the cloud will collapse creating the planet, but not the star. More exact calculations using Jeans criteria give the values of minimal radius (260000 km) and mass (9·1025 kg), which is again not enough to create the star.
To answer on the question, we have to calculate the cloud radius, when mass reaches the value
M* – minimum stellar mass, 0.08 solar mass or 1.6·1029 kg. This mass is necessary for hydrogen cycle
nuclear reactions to start. The minimal radius of the cloud will be
. k 000 140 3 4 3 * 13 * M m R ⎟⎟ = ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = πρ
It is obvious that such a cloud will not scatter in the space and will collapse.
The problems about total solar eclipses
8. (The problem about springtime eclipse). Problem. The total solar eclipse occurs at the spring
equinox day. The path of totality crosses the North Pole of the Earth. At what latitude on the Earth will the central eclipse be observed at the maximum altitude over horizon? Please find the value of this altitude. During the eclipse the Moon is situated near ascending node of the orbit.
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2006 Ecliptic EARTH
Path of totality
At the day of spring equinox the equator will be seen in this projection as the line inclined to the ecliptic by the angle ε equal to 23.4°. The system “Earth-Moon” moves as a single whole along the ecliptic, but this motion does not matter for this problem. The basic is the motion of the Moon and its shadow relatively the center of the Earth, which is shown as arrow in the figure. It is directed to the right, since the Moon rotates counterclockwise around the Earth, if we look from the north. The Moon is situated near ascending node of the orbit and moves (with the shadow) not parallel to the ecliptic plane, but by the angle i, equal to 5.2°.
Path of totality goes through North Pole of the Earth (point N in the figure). The angle γ is equal to the inclination of totality path to the equator:
γ = ε + i = 28.6°.
Central eclipse at maximal altitude will be visible at the point M, closest to the point O, where Sun is visible in the zenith. The length of segment MO (in this projection) is equal to
, cosγ
R d =
where R is the radius of the Earth. To determine the Sun altitude in the point M, we will look to the picture in side projection relatively the direction Sun-Moon (next figure):
7 From the picture geometry, the Sun altitude h is equal to: . 6 . 28 arccos = = o = γ R d h
Let’s find the latitude of the point M. Let’s come back to the first figure and draw the line parallel to the equator from the point M. It will be the projection of the Earth’s parallel, or the line of equal latitudes. This line will cross the meridian projection ON in the point L. The length of the segment OL will be equal to . cos cos
R 2γ
d l= =Now we can calculate the latitude by the way analogous to the altitude calculations, the latitude is analogous to the angle α in the second figure. It value is equal to
. 4 . 50 ) (cos arcsin arcsin = 2 = o = γ ϕ R l
It is important to note that the maximum eclipse altitude (28.6°) is not equal to the Sun upper culmination altitude at the latitude 50.4°. It is explained by the fact that the greatest eclipse will be observed not at the noon, but during the first half of the day. Rotation of the Earth influences only on the longitude of the point M, does not changing the answer of the problem.
9. (The problem about summertime eclipse). Problem. The total solar eclipse occurs at the summer
solstice day. The shadow of the Moon enters the Earth surface at the point with latitude and longitude both equal to 0°. The totality duration at this point is equal to 1 minute. Please find the maximum totality duration for the stationary observer on the Earth, the coordinates of the point when it will be observed and the Universal Time of the middle of the longest total eclipse. The inclination of the lunar orbit, the refraction and the time equation can be neglected.
9. Solution. As in the Problem 8, we look to the Earth from the Sun (or Moon):
Ecliptic Equator EARTH Cancer tropicR
Since the eclipse occurs in the summer solstice, the equator will be seen as the semi-ellipse, grazing the limb in two opposite points lying on the ecliptic line. The path of totality enters the Earth in the one of these points, point A. Since we ignore the inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic plane, the path will coincide with the ecliptic line, crossing the Earth by diameter. The greatest eclipse will occur in the point B, the center of the Earth disk if we look from the Sun. The totality maximum will be
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2006 observed at the zenith and thus the latitude of this point is equal to the declination of the Sun (+23°26′), and this point is lying on the Cancer tropic.
Let’s look on the Earth from the North Ecliptic pole (the second figure). The Sun is situated many times farther than the Moon, and the shadow is the cone with the top angle equal to angular diameter of the Sun ρ (31.5′ at the summer solstice day). This cone moves relatively Earth with the same velocity v as Moon does (1.02 km/s). The width of the cone near the point A is equal to
. k 2 . 61 1 1 vT m d = =
Cancer tropic EARTH SU NHere T1 is the totality duration in the point A. When the shadow reaches point B, this duration
increases by two reasons. First, this point is closer to the Moon, and the shadow diameter will be equal to . k 6 . 119 1 2 d R m d = +
=Here R is the Earth radius, Sun angular diameter ρ is expressed in radians. Second, observed in the point B moves with the rotating Earth with the velocity
, км/с 43 . 0 cos 2 0 = = T R u π ϕ
and this velocity has the same direction with the shadow (here T0 is the solar day duration). Finally,
the totality duration reaches the value
c 203 2 2 = − = u v d T
or 3 minutes and 23 seconds. The values remained to find is the longitude of point B and Universal Time of greatest eclipse.
When the shadow enters the Earth in point A (0°, 0°), there was the sunrise. Since we disregard the refraction and time equation, the sunrise was at 6h in the morning or 6h UT. To reach point B, the shadow needs the time
, ) 2 / ( 1 v d R+ =
or 1 hour and 45 minutes. Thus, the greatest eclipse was observed at 7h45m UT at the upper culmination of the Sun at the zenith. Disregarding the time equation, the longitude of point B is equal to 4h15m or +63°45′. The latitude, as shown above, is equal to +23°26′.
10. (The problem about solar corona). Problem. It is known that the free electrons scatter the
emission almost isotropically as the metal balls with radius equal to 4.6*10–15 meters, but heavy particles (protons, ions, atoms) scatter the light many times worse. Assuming that the corona consists of pure hydrogen, the atmospheric pressure in the lower corona layers is equal to 0.003 Pascals and the average corona temperature is equal to 1 000 000 K, estimate the magnitude of the Sun during the total solar eclipse on the Earth.
10. Solution. The corona is quite hot. At such temperature the corona hydrogen will be totally ionized
and all electrons will be free. The basic contribution to the brightness is made by inner corona regions. Disregarding the changes of gravity acceleration g with the altitude in these regions, we express the atmospheric pressure in the lower border of the corona:
. 2 R GM g p=
Here M and R are mass and radius of the Sun, μ is the column mass of corona (mass per 1m2 of solar
surface). The corona mass is close to the mass of corona protons, their number in the same column is equal to . P 2 P GMm pR m n= μ =
Here mP is the proton mass. The number of electrons will be the same, and each of them can be
considered as the metal ball with radius r, absorbing the radiation and emitting it in the random direction. The part of radiation, scattered by all electrons in the column is the ratio of total square of all electron disks and square of the column (which is equal to unity):
. 10 4 7 P 2 2 2 = = ⋅ − ⋅ = GMm r pR r n π π τ
Such part of solar emission is observed as corona emission. The magnitude of the corona is equal to: . 11 lg 5 . 2 0 − ≈− =m
mHere m0 is the Sun magnitude. It is quite good estimation, being close to real value. Actually the
corona brightness decreases due to partial occultation by the Moon, but this effect is not sufficient, since the basic contribution to the brightness is made by tangential corona regions. From the other side, the corona brightness increases owing to other emission mechanisms (forbidden lines of heavy ions) and owing to decrease of g and size increase of the outer part of the corona.
1. Problem. Having observed the sunrise every day in the same location, the astronomer noticed that
the azimuth of the sunrise point changes in the range of 90° during the year. Please find the latitude of the observation place. The refraction and solar disk size can be neglected. (E.N. Fadeev)
1. Solution. Let’s consider the northern hemisphere of the Earth and draw the celestial sphere
projected on the plane of celestial meridian:
ϕ ε P C O S A A N C1 1 Eq ua tor Sum m er W inter γ l R ε
Here P is the North Pole of the sky, S is the south horizon point, AC and A1C1 are the projections of
the daily path of the Sun above the horizon at the winter and summer solstice days. Since AC is parallel to the equator projection, the angle OAC is equal to
γ = 90° + ϕ,
where ϕ is the latitude of the observation place. The angle ACO is equal to the angle between equator and ecliptic, ε, which value is 23.4°. Using the sine theorem, we write the relation of the length OA and the celestial sphere radius:
. cos sin sinε γ ϕ R R l = =
From the symmetry of the picture, the length OA1 for the summer solstice is also equal to l. Let us
look to the celestial sphere from the zenith. The points A and A1 are the projections of the sunrise
O S A A N 1 R l α H H1 α
Since the angle HOH1 is equal to 90°, the angle α, which is equal to the module of the azimuth of
winter solstice sunrise point is equal to 45°. From the previous equation, we express the latitude value: . 8 . 55 ) sin 2 arccos( ) sin arccos( ) arccos(sin = = =± o = ε ε ϕ R l ε α cos
Second value corresponds to the southern hemisphere, this case is analogous to the first one.
2. Problem. The traveller came to the equator on the vernal equinox day. At the sunset moment he
starts to climb on the northern slope of the mountain inclined to the horizon by the angle 10°. He does it to see the centre of the solar disk on the horizon exactly and continuously. During what time will he succeed in doing this if he can move with the velocity up to 5 m/s? The relief surrounding the mountain and the refraction can be neglected. (O.S. Ugolnikov)
2. Solution. The azimuth of the Sun is not changing near the sunset at the equator, and the horizontal
component of the traveller’s velocity directed southwards does not change the conditions of Sun observations. The vertical shift will cause the horizon depression effect, and the centre of the solar disk will be seen for a little time after the sunset near the mountain.
Let’s find the relation between the Sun depression below the mathematical horizon h and the altitude z where the centre of the disk will be seen at the horizon (see the figure). The observer is situated in the point S. From the triangle SHO we see
h z O H S R h Sun EARTH
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2007 3 . cos ) (R z h R= +
Here R is the radius of Earth. Taking into account that the angle h is small and its cosine is close to unity, we obtain the expression for the altitude z:
, 2 ) cos 1 ( 1 cos 1 Rh2 h R h R z ⎟⎟≈ ⋅ − ≈ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ − ⋅ =
where h is expressed in radians. The accuracy of this formula is enough for the problem considered. To reach this altitude, the observer must cover the following distance on the slope of the mountain:
, sin 2 sin 2 α α h R z l= =
where α is the angle of the mountain slope. The observer rotates with the Earth in the plane perpendicular to the figure plane and sees the perpendicular depression of Sun under the horizon. This depression depends on time as
), (t t0 h = ω
where t0 is the sunset and traveller’s motion start moment, ω is the synodic angular velocity of the
Earth: . 10 272 . 7 2 = ⋅ −5 −1 = s ω π T
Here T is the solar day duration. From last expressions we obtain the dependency of distance to go on the time after the sunset:
. sin 2 ) ( 0 2 2 α ω t t R l = −
To see the centre of the solar disk on the horizon, the observer must move with constant acceleration . sin 2 α ω R a=
The value of this acceleration is 0.194 m/s2, that is possible for the human climbing the mountain for
the definite time. The value of this time is
2 sin ω R v a v t = = α
or 25.7 seconds. Note that in mid-latitudes, where Sun depresses under horizon more slowly, it is possible to hold it on the horizon climbing the mountain for the several minutes.
3. Problem. Astronomers know the Metonic cycle of eclipses alongside with Saros for a long time.
The Metonic cycle contains 254 sidereal months being very close to 19 tropical years. Owing to this, the cycle can be used to predict not only the eclipses, but also the lunar occultations of stars. Every Metonic cycle the consequence of occultations is almost the same. In 19 years after the occultation of the star Alcyone (η Tauri, the brightest star of Pleiades cluster) the similar one can occur. How many Metonic cycles in a consequence can contain the similar Alcyone occultation? The durations of sidereal and draconic months are equal to 27.321662 and 27.212221 days, respectively. The ecliptic latitude of Alcyone is equal to +4°03′. (O.S. Ugolnikov)
3. Solution. Having compared Saros and Metonic cycles for the eclipses, it must be mentioned that
Metonic cycle is less exact and, as 19 years have gone, solar or lunar eclipse sufficiently changes its characteristics. The duration of Metonic sequence for the eclipses is less than the one for Saros cycle. Metonic cycle was mentioned owing to its unique property – the affinity of the duration to the integer number of tropical years (the duration is 19.000275 tropical years or 18.999538 sidereal years). Owing to this, Metonic cycle can be used not only for the eclipse predictions, but also for ones for lunar occultations of stars. The accuracy of such predictions depends on the fact, how close the number of draconic months in the cycle to the integer value. Having denoted the sidereal and draconic months as
TS and TD, we calculate the number of draconic months in Metonic cycle:
. 0215 . 255 254 = = D S D T T N
It means that during one Metonic cycle the Moon completes 255 revolutions respectively the node line (the crossing of lunar orbit and ecliptic planes) and also makes 0.0215 revolutions or moves by 7.75°. It is the change value of the distance of the Moon and the star being occulted from the lunar orbit node after 19 years. We denote this angle as γ.
The ecliptic latitude of Alcyone (+4°03′) is close to the value of lunar orbit inclination, i (5°09′). Differing from the eclipses and star occultation near the ecliptic, the occultations of Alcyone can take place far from lunar orbit nodes, when the Moon moves northwards from ecliptic. This situation takes place in 2007, for example. Let us find the range of values of ecliptic latitude of the Moon, when it can occur Alcyone.
R β r d Earth Moon Alcyone
We see that maximal geocentric angular distance between the Moon and Alcyone for the occultation to be observed is equal to o 209 . 1 arcsin = = R r β d
or 1°13′. Taking into account that the Moon moves by the little angle to the ecliptic, we obtain the values of minimal and maximal ecliptic latitudes of the Moon:
+4°03′– 1°13′ = +2°50′; +4°03′+1°13′ = +5°16′.
The maximal value is higher than inclination of lunar orbit and can’t be reached. Let’s find the angular length of the part of lunar orbit, where the ecliptic latitude is higher than +2°50′ (we denote this angle as α). Ecliptic Lunar orbit α l i
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2007
Since the angle i is small, we can assume that the ecliptic latitude changes along the orbit by sinusoidal law. The length of arc l, where the latitude is higher than α, is equal to
. 2 . 113 arccos 2 = o = i l α
Each Metonic cycle the Moon and the star will shift to the left by this arc. The total number of occultations in one sequence will be
. 6 . 14 = = γ l N
Real number of occultations can be equal to 14 or 15, and the total duration of one sequence is 247 or 266 years. It is much higher than the one for eclipses or near-ecliptic occultations. Since the Metonic cycle contains integer number of years, the occultations will be observed at the same phase of the Moon and in the same or nearby dates. “New Year” occultation of Alcyone at December, 31th, 2006 is the one in the sequence of 14 occultations from January, 1st, 1931 to January, 1st, 2178, each one occurs near the New Year.
4. Problem. Large telescope of future generation is used for the visual observations of artificial minor
planet – ideal mirror metal ball with diameter equal to the telescope lens diameter. The ball moves around the Sun by the circular orbit with radius equal to 3 a.u. Please find the minimal value of lens diameter. The sky background and influence of atmosphere can be neglected. (O.S. Ugolnikov)
4. Solution. Let us denote the solar luminosity as L, and minimal light flux seen by the naked eye as j
(it corresponds to the 6m star). The solar energy flux near the metal ball is equal to , 4 2 1 d L J π =
where d is the distance between the Sun and asteroid. All energy falling to the ball is reflecting isotropically. The ball is emitting with the following luminocity:
4 2 2 2 1 d R L R J l = ⋅π = .
The ball brightness on the Earth is maximal during the opposition. The energy flux from the ball will reach the value:
. ) ( 16 ) ( 4 2 0 2 2 2 0 1 d d d R L d d l j − = − = π π
Here d0 is the radius of Earth’s orbit (the astronomical unit). If the eyepiece magnification is chosen
correctly and there is no handicaps than the eye with radius r will catch the whole energy collected by the objective with radius R (the same as the metal ball), and the flux incoming to an eye, will be
. ) ( 16 2 2 0 2 4 2 2 1 d d d r R L r R j j − = ⋅ = π
This flux must be not less than the flux from the 6m star. The solar flux on the Earth is equal to ,
4 d02 C j L
J = = ⋅
where the constant C can be calculated from the known value of Sun magnitude m0 (–26.8): . 10 32 . 1 100.4( 0) = ⋅ 13 = ⋅m−m C
Using last three formulae, we express the minimal radii of the ball and telescope lens: . ) ( 2 0 0 C d d d d r R= −
The numerical value is 40 meters, the diameter is equal to 80 meters. There is no such telescope in the present time, but it is possible to appear in the nearest future.
5. Problem. Two stars have the same physical parameters. They are observed close to each other in
the sky, but their distances are different. Both stars and the observer are situated inside the uniform cloud of interstellar dust. The photometric measurements of these stars in B band gave the results 11m and 17m, in V band the results were 10m and 15m. What is the ratio of distances to these stars? Assume that the extinction property of interstellar dust is proportional to the wavelength in the degree of (–1.3). (E.N. Fadeev, O.S. Ugolnikov)
5. Solution. Dust absorption along the emission path from the source to the observer decreases the
brightness of the source. The energy flux registered by the observer is equal to J instead of J0:
, 0 e kr J
J = ⋅ − ⋅
where r is the length of the emission path inside the dust cloud, k is the absorption coefficient, proportional to the dust density and defined by the dust properties. If the source and observer are situated inside the homogenous dust cloud, than r will be the distance between them. If r is expressed in parsecs and k is expressed in parsecs–1, we can write the relations between visible (m) and absolute (M) magnitudes of the star with account of dust absorption:
m = M – 5 + 5 lg r + E·r,
where E = 1.086·k.
The coefficients k and E depend on the wavelength. The relation of coefficients E for the photometric bands B (effective wavelength λB is equal to 4400 A) and V (effective wavelength λV is
equal to 5500 A) is following: . 3365 . 1 3 . 1 = ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = V B V B E E λ λ −
Wavelength dependency of the absorption changes the color of the star, making it redder. The change of color index B–V (difference of magnitudes in two bands) per the distance unit is proportional to the absorption coefficient in V band:
97 . 2 1 3365 . 0 = = = − V V B V V B E E E E E
In the absence of absorption the color index would not depend on the distance. Taking the expressions of magnitudes in B and V bands and subtracting the second relation from the first, we obtain
Russian Open School Astronomical Olympiad by Correspondence – 2007
Let us denote the distances to the near and far stars as r1 and r2. Since these stars are the same, their
absolute magnitudes are equal. The difference of color indexes is following: (B – V)2 – (B – V)1 = EB – V· ( r2 – r1) = 1m,
EV· ( r2 – r1) = 2.97m.
The difference of stellar magnitudes of the stars in V band is equal to V2 – V1 = 5 (lg r2 – lg r1) + EV·( r2 – r1) = 5m.
From last two equations we obtain
. 55 . 2 ; 03 . 2 lg 5 1 2 1 2 = = r r r r
6. Problem. The Cepheid variable star with period equal to 50 days is visible by the naked eye.
Having observed it with the telescope, astronomers detected two-layers reflecting nebula around this star. The nebula scatters the Cepheid emission. Layers’ angular radii are equal to 10″ and 21″. The brightness of both layers changes with the same period equal to 50 days, reaching the maximum in 30 and 18 days after the Cepheid maximum for inner and outer layer, respectively. Please find the distance to the Cepheid. (E.N. Fadeev, O.S. Ugolnikov)
6. Solution. Spherical nebula surrounding the Cepheid is reflecting the light from the stars into the
space. As for the spherical planetary nebulae, the brightness of the reflecting nebula reaches the maximum at the edge, where the line of sight passes by the long tangent path through the nebula. The emission maximum of the nebula occurs when the Cepheid maximum is observed from the edge of this nebula. Cepheid r r 1 2 Earth L α1 α2
Since the amounts of time of light propagation from the Cepheid and the edge of both layers are the same, the time difference between maxima of Cepheid and layer with number i is following:
c r Ti = i
But this value can exceed the Cepheid period. In general case, it will be related with measured values Δti by the next formulae:
. ), (n t T T t T n Ti = i⋅ +Δi = ⋅ i+Δ i Δ i =Δ i Δ ϕ ϕ
The values Δti are not less than zero and less than Cepheid period T (the delay phases Δϕi are not less
than zero and less than unity). The integer non-negative numbers ni are unknown. It is the basic
problem of the method of measurement of the distances by the observations of reflecting nebulae. Expressing the layer radius ri from its angular size and distance, we obtain
. ) ( c n T⋅ i +Δϕ =i i
Converting the period value into days (8.64·104 seconds), the distance – into kiloparsecs (3.086·1019 meters) and angular radius of the layers – into angular seconds (4.848·10–6 radians), we rewrite this
formula as . 77 . 5 ) ( i i Kpc i d n L T ⋅ +Δϕ = ⋅ α′′
To find the distance L, we have to know the numbers ni. We will be helped by the fact that wee see
two layers. Having written last formula for both layers and dividing the first one on the second, we see . 1 . 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 = ′′ = Δ + Δ + α α ϕ ϕ n n ′′
The delay values of 30 and 18 days correspond to the phases 0.60 and 0.36. Having taken the value Δϕ1 (0.60) and different n1, we define the values of n2 и Δϕ2 and choose the ones when Δϕ2 is equal to
observed value (0.36): n1 (n1+Δϕ1) 2.1·(n1+Δϕ1) n2 Δϕ2 L, kps 0 0.60 1.26 1 0.26 1 1.60 3.36 3 0.36 1.39 2 2.60 5.46 5 0.46 … 11 11.60 24.36 24 0.36 10.05 … 21 21.60 45.36 45 0.36 18.72 …
As we see in the table, there are many solutions meeting the observed data. Last column contains the corresponding values of distance to the star. To choose the correct one, we remember that the Cepheid is seen by the naked eye. Cepheids are the bright supergiants, their absolute magnitudes are related with the period, the value for our star (M) is close to –6. If there is no absorption, than the visible magnitude is equal to
m = M – 5 + 5lgLKpc.
For the minimal possible distance to the star (1.39 kps) the magnitude will be close to 5m, that is enough for the naked eye observations. Second distance value (about 10 kps) leads to the magnitude 11m. In fact, the star will be even fainter due to the absorption, which becomes strong at such
distances. The same can be said about all other possible distance values. Finally, taking into account all available data, we come to the only solution: the distance to the Cepheid is equal to 1.39 kps.
7. Problem. The Planck unit system is often used in astrophysics and cosmology. In this system the
gravitation constant G, light velocity c and Planck constant h are equal to unity and have no dimension. Using this system, we can express any physical value in units of any other physical value. Please, use the Planck unit system to express the astronomical unit (the distance between Earth and Sun) in seconds, kilograms and Joules. Do these numbers have the physical sense? (N.I. Perov)
7. Solution. Let us start from the calculations of Planck units of length, mass and time in traditional
unit system (SI). These values are the combinations of three physical constants – G, c, and h with dimension of length, mass and time (for the thermodynamic units the Boltzman constant, k, is added). It can be done using the dimensions method. The dimensions of physical constants are following: