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By John M. Adams, M.D.

Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles

ADDRESS: University of California Medical Center, Los Angeles 24, California.




LTHOUGH some real advances have been made recently in our basic knowledge of acute respiratory tract infections, there

still remain many practical problems of

diagnosis and treatment of these common

diseases. The diagnosis of influenza and

measles, particularly during epidemics, is

not considered difficult. During an epi-demic these diseases might represent a fairly

large proportion of all patients with acute

respiratory disease the physician is called

upon to treat. However, in periods between

epidemics, which make up the great

por-tion of the year, the problem of accurate

diagnosis of acute respiratory disease is an

extremely difficult one. The term “virus in-fection” has become widely employed and represents little more than a guess in most

instances. Such anatomic terms as

naso-pharyngitis, tonsillitis or bronchitis

like-wise provide little or no help when it comes

to intelligent management of the patient. A high premium therefore must be placed

on diagnostic considerations which will

help one to arrive at a wise decision for

the treatment of a patient.

Considerable confusion still reigns in the

field of classification of acute respiratory

illnesses of man, but for practical purposes

more and more pieces of the “pie” are being

identified and serve as diagnostic “handles.”

An attempt has been made to arrange the acute respiratory tract infections with prime

consideration being given to the etiology of these diseases. Although the identifica-tion and isolation of the etiobogic agent in most patients with acute respiratory disease would be next to impossible for the

prac-ticing physician, it still is the only logical

approach he can make in arriving at a

working diagnosis. Diagnostic and

tilera-peutic considerations will be emphasized in the brief discussions of the various

respiratory tract infections which follow. In

general, it should be pointed out that we still must rely on the clinical history and

phys-ical examination, plus the laboratory for help in a few selected instances. However, a knowledge of the clinical features of these

diseases, the epidemiology and etiology, will

go a bong way toward developing a wise

diagnostic and therapeutic decision.

Before highlighting some of the newer

advances in certain specific respiratory tract

infections, it seems important to become

fully aware of the concept that most of

the infectious diseases manifest themselves

by a wide range of symptoms and signs.

The majority of these relate to the

respima-tory passages, but the severity may vary

from the mildest of symptoms, such as sneezing and slight cough, to severe

re-spiratory distress, cyanosis and death. In

pediatrics it is particularly important that we recognize the influence differences in age has on the clinical severity of disease,

particularly as they might reveal them-selves in a single family epidemic. It hardly needs to be mentioned that many infections are much more severe in prematurely born

babies than they are in older children or

adults. This does not, of course, always

ap-ply to all infections for we are aware that

certain so-cabled childhood diseases, such as

measles, chicken pox and poliomyebitis, may manifest themselves in a severe fashion in

the adult patient. Little is known of the

basic factors underlying the differences



mal experiments : newborn mice may be quite susceptible to certain types of infec-tion, such as Coxsackie viruses, whereas

older animals are much more resistant. The

opposite may be stated for experimental

poliomyelitis in mice; the newborn being

relatively resistant as compared with mice

which are 3 to 6 weeks of age.

Another important and basic concept

which the clinician must constantly keep in mind relates to the pathogenesis of

respiratory tract infections. We now

recog-nize the importance of mixed infections and the role of secondary complicating

or-ganisms. It is important to keep in mind that these complications may occur in

con-cert with or follow closely a mild primary illness. The whole nature of an epidemic in a family or community may be influenced

by the complicating secondary organisms.

Man is known to be a common carrier of

many bacteria, and, since the advent of

an-tibiotics it has become evident that we

also carry many fungab organisms. Recently

it has become apparent that there are many viruses in the respiratory and gastrointes-tinal tracts not obviously responsible for acute illness in man. It is conceivable that almost any sequence of events might occur to initiate infection, but careful study has

revealed that the majority of the primary

respiratory tract infections are probably

due to viruses. This is most obvious at the times of epidemics of influenza, measles and certain of the newly discovered me-spiratory viruses which cause epidemic dis-ease among new recruits in the military


A careful and detailed study of families

carried on by 1)n. John H. Dingle and his

associates5 in Cleveland, Ohio, has revealed

that the etiobogic factors in common

respira-tory diseases are probably nonbactenial

for the most part. The measles viruses and the various types of influenza viruses have been recognized for some time as primary respiratory tract infections commonly corn-plicated by secondary bacterial infection. The pathogenesis of respiratory tract in-fection is not completely understood. In the

first place, it would seem illogical to

con-tinue to refer to upper and lower respiratory tract infections. The dividing line would be difficult to determine in most patients,

and a thorough clinical appraisal usually reveals that rarely is any infection con-fined to the upper respiratory passages

alone. Cough, which is frequently a mani-festation of mild respiratory tract infection, usually indicates some irritation in the middle or lower respiratory passages. Ex-perimental studies have fairly clearly es-tablished that the basic mechanism in the

pathogenesis of pneumonia is aspiration.6 This in itself would imply that infection in other parts of the respiratory tree may be aspirated and thus produce disease. The lung is an internal organ constantly

ex-posed to the outside air. The sticky mucus

in the respiratory passages catches many or-ganisms which, in turn, are moved out of the respiratory tract by the cilia. Many

or-ganisms are swallowed and thus destroyed in the stomach or intestinal tract. The con-junctiva is considered a common portal of entry. The tears are known to have a high lysozyme content, and this bacteriostatic

mechanism undoubtedly serves to rid the conjunctiva of many of the organisms that

come in contact with it. The epigbottis is considered an important defense organ, but incompletely so during chilling or

anes-thesia. Lower in the respiratory tree, mucus secretions undoubtedly act, along with coughing, as an essential mechanism for eliminating foreign material. Phago-cytosis and lymphatic drainage in the low-est parts are considered significant

mech-anisms of defense. The lungs, which are

normally sterile, undoubtedly tend to be kept so by these various mechanisms. The factors, then, which underlie the develop-ment of respiratory tract infections are indeed many, and probably one of the most important is specific immunity. Many

factors in the host’s defense are undoubt-edly influenced by environmental

situa-Lions producing stress, such as fatigue,




tions of agents or factors undoubtedly play an important robe in the pathogenesis or development of respiratory disease.

Evidence indicates that congestion and irritation resulting from respiratory tract

infections interfere with elimination

mech-anmisms and favor the development of

5cc-ondary infections. When obstruction is

pro-duced by congestion and local irritation

caused by primary respiratory disease,

sec-ondary involvement of the sinuses, inner

ears, bymphatics and lymph glands, and

the lower pulmonary passages may

corn-monly occur. Experimentally, Hamburger

and Robertson8 have demonstrated that bacteria-laden fluid escaping past the epi-glottic barrier plays a much more important mole in the inception of pulmonary disease than does. inhalation of infective droplets.

Transmission through the air is fairly well established in influenza and would appear to be the important factor in the spread of measles and other primary respiratory tract infections caused by viruses.9 These many

complex and interrelated factors must be kept in mind by the clinician attempting

to evaluate a patient. The frequency and

relative mildness of many respiratory tract

infections leads to a careless attitude toward diagnosis and consequently toward treat-ment. Recently, the use of antibiotics and

chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of measles has shown that complications

may not be prevented, but may even be enhanced. In Weinstein’s recent report,’#{176}

the organism considered responsible for most of the complications in treated

pa-tients was Hemophilus influenzae. An cdi-tonal in the same journal re-emphasized the need for a critical review of “the rou-tine prophylactic use of antibiotics in simple

nonbacterial infections-notably, the corn-mon cold-and influenza, and indeed in many other situations in which such

prophylaxis is frequently advocated.”h1 Those conditions for which a specific

etiology is probable or known are listed in the accompanying table. With the excep-tion of primary streptococcal infection, there is increasing evidence that primary infection of the respiratory tract by bacteria

does not commonly occur. For this reason,

the bacterial pneumonias are not included in the table.



Epidemic influenza

Common cold and acute respira-tory disease (ARD)

Exudative tonsillitis and/or


Vesicular pharyngitis Scarlet fever

Measles Poliemyeitis

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

Infectious mononucleosis




Tuberculosis Memliasis

Histepbasmosis Coccidioidomycosis

Undifferentiated respiratory disease


Influenza A Influenza B

Influenza C

Coryza, and sore throat

Streptococcic, and nenstrep-tecoccic

Herpangina With rash

Without rash Rubeola

Respiratory symptoms Respiratory


Rickettsial disease

Psittacosis, etc.

Respiratory symptoms Respiratory symptoms Respiratory symptoms Respiratory symptoms

Respiratory symptoms


Influenza A virus Influenza B virus

Influenza C virus, and adeneviruses


Beta-hemelytic streptococcus, and adeneviruses

Cocksackie A viruses

Beta-hemolytic streptococcus, Ejythregenic toxin-producing

Beta-hemolytic streptococcus Rubeoba virus

Peliomyebitis viruses Lymphocytic choriomeningitis


Undetermined Coxiella bumnetii

Psittacosis-ornithesis group viruses

Mycebacterium Tuberculosis

Candida albicans

Histoplasma capsulatum




Over the past several years our

knowb-edge of respiratory disease has increased

significantly, primarily as a result of clinical

and experimental studies of influenza. For

many years this disease, which has

prob-ably been responsible for five major

pan-demics, was considered to be due to

bac-tenia. Several workers upheld the idea that

a bacillus, Hemophilus influenzae, was the

primary factor in this disease until the

dis-covery of the viral etiology in 1933. The

cause of this disease is well defined and

the various types and strains of viruses are

continuously under study in various

me-search laboratories. Excellent laboratory methods now exist in many city and state

health departments for the accurate

diag-nosis of influenza.

It is important to recognize that

epi-demiobogically the influenzas are cyclic

dis-eases which occur most commonly in the

winter months as distinct epidemics. The

onset of the disease and of epidemics is

usually sudden. Children with influenza

frequently have high fever, 39.5#{176}to 40.5#{176}C

are not uncommon on the first day of

ill-ness.1#{176} Signs of toxicity and marked

lassi-tude are striking symptoms. Older patients

frequently complain of sore throat, and

hyperemia of the nasopharyngeal

mem-branes is a very common finding. The

fe-bribe reactions in these patients,

particu-larly infants during their first infections

with influenza, tend to be high and

irregu-bar and often have a bi-phasic character.

Unless complications intervene, the febribe course is usually terminated by a crisis and the patient, although often markedly weak-ened, is clearly in the recovery phase of

the disease. The leukocyte count may be normal or low, occasionally leukopenia will be manifest, but in our experience in a proved epidemic in infants and children

due to influenza A leukopenia was not a striking diagnostic feature.12 Probably the most practical diagnostic feature of

influ-enza is its cyclic epidemic character. This

has been illustrated over and over again

in the past, and we have every reason to

believe will continue to be the pattern of this disease for some time to come. In other words, during a known influenza epidemic

the majority of all respiratory disease is probably due to one of the influenza

vi-ruses. Between epidemics the diagnosis of

influenza should probably never be made

except by means of laboratory studies, as the occurrence of influenza in nonepidemic periods is rare indeed.

The laboratory diagnosis of this disease

involves an attempt at isolation of the

vi-rus from throat washings by means of

embryonated chicken eggs. After 48-hours

incubation, the amniotic fluid is mixed with

chicken erythrocytes which are aggluti-nated by the influenza viruses. Known antiserum set up against this agglutination phenomenon will inhibit the reaction. This constitutes the agglutination-inhibition test. Complement fixation tests are also em-pboyed; a blood specimen drawn early in

the illness is compared with one drawn after 10 days or 2 weeks. A fourfold rise in titer

or more indicates that the patient has been

recently infected by influenza virus.

Influenza vaccines have been employed

in civilian and military populations and have been shown to be effective against certain types of influenza. Their wide ac-ceptance has not occurred because the changing types and strains of virus found in certain epidemics are antigenically dif-ferent from those which have been em-ployed in the vaccines. However, use of a

wide variety of antigenic strains, and at-tempts at hyperimmunization, will un-doubtedly serve in the future to make

in-fiuenza vaccine more effective and thus more widespread in its application.

Al-though in any individual patient the use

of vaccine might appear to be unwarranted,

its use on a wide scale in epidemic areas would undoubtedly prevent many of the severe complications and deaths which

fre-quently result. Prevention of this disease

early in pregnancy may be important in


preg-nancy. Experimental studies in chick

em-bryos1 14 and pregnant animals have

in-dicated that the influenza A virus may be

a serious cause of abortion and damage to

the fetus. The death rate in infants and

elderly I)eoPle during epidemics may be an

important public health problem. The true

incidence of complicating illnesses, such as

tuberculosis and the many secondary

in-fections, can hardly be appraised by any

methods now available. However, the

high-est death rates recorded in all of the cities

in the United States follow in the wake of

known influenza epidemics. Although

them-apy will be discussed in a separate section

of this review, at the present time no

anti-microbial agent is known to be effective

against infections with influenza viruses.


Recent discovery by Rowe, Huebnen,

Gil-more, Parrott and Ward,’#{176} and at

appmoxi-mately the same time by Hilleman and Werner,1 of respiratory tract viruses has revealed many new types of agents

pre-viously unidentified as causes of respiratory

tract infections. Rowe et al.16 originally

re-ported the isolation of a number of strains of viruses from the cultivation of adenoid

tissue removed at operation. When this

tis-sue is grown in tissue culture preparations a degeneration takes place in the cells, if a

virus is present. The degenerative process

is referred to as cytopathogenesis. When

material is passed to other tissue culture

preparations such as HeLa cells,

follow-ing a period of incubation, destruction will

again take place in the tissue cultures

(cytopathogenesis) and this process then

may be continued and the virus studied as

to its type and histopathologic character-istics. When first isolated the relationship of these viruses to clinical disease was not

clear. However, Hilleman and Werner’ me-ported the isolation in tissue culture of an agent from recruits at Fort Leonard Wood,

Missouri who were ill with acute

respira-tory disease. They named the agent RI 67 (Respiratory Infection 67) and showed that

this agent was related etiobogically to the

illness of the patients. This agent was later

identified as one of the adenovirus family

of viruses, namely type 4, and was found to be related to cases of acute respiratory disease reported by Dingle and associates#{176}

during World War II. Serum from patients studied by them was found to neutralize the RI 67 virus. Many types of adenoviruses,

formerly known as adenoidal-pharyngeal.

conjunctival (APC) viruses, have been idtn tified in both humans and monkeys, but xL cept for three or four types of these, no

clear-cut illness has been attributed to them.

Studies with human volunteers have

incrim-mated adenoviruses types 3 and 4 as

produc-ing clinically recognizable disease in sus-ceptible individuals. Huebner and

associ-ates17 produced a pharyngeal-conjunctival

fever in human volunteers known to have

no pre-existing antibodies. In a recent article

by Hilleman, Werner and Stuart18 the

vi-muses of the RI family, which include certain of the adenoviruses, may be responsible for undifferentiated acute respiratory disease, nonstreptococcal exudative pharyngitis, a

pnimary atypical pneumonia unassociated

with cold hemagglutinins, pharyngeab-con-junctival fever, mesenteric lymphadenitis and inapparent infections.

All of the adenoviruses have a common

complement-fixing antigen and are most clearly identified by this means. All of the

viruses recovered from patients belong to ty pes 3, 4, or 7, and little or no response was found against the other types of agents

which were recovered from human adenoid

or tonsil tissue by tissue culture. A study of

military personnel in the Eastern, Central and Western areas of the United States#{176}8 has revealed types 4 and 7 viruses more

commonly than type 3; the latter appears to be the agent most commonly responsible for epidemics in children, and consequently

may be one of the reasons why it is seen

less frequently in recruits in military


Epidemic respiratory disease which was not due to influenza has been previously recognized, but only as a result of recent


hospitalized type of patient represents an individual with an acute febnile illness who

is suffering from constitutional symptoms of malaise, anorexia, some hoarseness, throat irritation and cough. The physical

examination reveals an acutely ill individual

with moderate injection of the pharyn-geal area and lymphoid hyperplasia. Some

mild cervical adenopathy is usually pres-ent. The acute febrile phase of the illness lasts from 3 to 7 days and convalescence

usually requires 1 to 2 weeks. Dingle and

associates#{176}9 have designated this disease as

acute respiratory disease (ARD) and

ab-though well described during World War

II, it remained for Hilleman and Werner’

to discover the etiobogic agent responsible for this epidemic disease.

In experimental studies of transmission,

the incubation period was found to be 4 or 5 days, and recovery from the disease

produced resistance against reinoculation.

Studies with human volunteers indicated

that this entity was distinct from the com-mon cold and from the primary atypical pneumonia characterized by cold

hemag-glutinins. Berge et a!.’ in California

re-ported an epidemic respiratory illness in recruits due to another adenovirus, namely

type 7. It is clearly apparent that two types,

4 and 7, may cause acute respiratory dis-ease in military populations, particularly among new recruits.

The agents which produce acute

respira-tory disease appear to be good antigens and

already work on vaccines is progressing. Huebner et al.20 recently reported on vac-cines made from type 3 virus in adult

vol-unteers. They report that among 45 volun-teers injected, 35 subsequently exhibited antibodies against type 3. When challenged

by this virus, 10 of the 35 individuals with antibodies developed illnesses, similar to

the illnesses which developed in all 10 of the individuals who failed to develop

anti-bodies. Of volunteers not vaccinated, 18 of 21 who had no antibodies developed ill-nesses. In striking contrast, only 4 of 17 who had naturally acquired antibiodies de-veboped typical illness. It would appear

that these early and preliminary vaccina-tion studies offer hope for immunization against certain strains of the adenoviruses.

Dingle and Feller19 suggest that con-sideration might be given to the use of pas-sive immunization, especially in recruit

populations during the winter months. 5ev-crab lots of human gamma globulin have

been shown to contain high titer of neu-trabizing antibodies for the epidemic RI 67

strain or for type 4 adenovirus. A study among medical students by Adams and

Smith” reported in 1946 reveals that gamma globulin was effective in reducing the occurrence of acute respiratory disease in the winter months in a selected popula-tion group which was in close contact with one another. A significant reduction took place not only in the incidence of disease,

but as subjectively evaluated by the

pa-tient, there was an apparent sharp reduc-tion in the severity of those respiratory

in-fections which did occur as compared to the controls. Therapeutically, at the pmes-ent time no specific antimicrobial agent has been found to be effective against this group of viruses.


type 1 strain of adenovirus has been me-covered from the pharyngeal secretions of a 2-year-old infant on the first day of an

acute febnile illness which clinically ap-peared identical with exudative pharyngitis.


type 5 adenovirus has been demonstrated in a laboratory technician suffering from acute sore throat and earache, but with-out apparent fever.’ Neva and Enders” have reported a patient with an illness

re-sembling roseola infantum in which a type


virus was obtained. This same agent has been isolated in an epidemic in Northern Virginia from the throats, conjunctivae and

anal excretions of 76 patients.17 At the same time similar isolation attempts in 85 con-trol patients who were not ill were unsuc-cessful. Conjunctivitis was the striking

fea-hire of this epidemic and, although it was associated with swimming pool contacts, no evidence of inclusion blennorrhea was ob-tamed. The type 1 and 2 agents appear to


chil-dren, and serological studies indicate that

they appear early in the preschool years.


has isolated type 8 virus from

pa-tients with keratoconjunctivitis, similar in all respects to the epidemic disease in

ship-yards during World War II involving the

conjunctivae. Isolations of 14 different types of adenovinus have been reported, two of

these from monkeys.


Zahorsky’5 in 1924 pointed out for the

first time an acute febrile disease of chil-dren which was characterized by tiny

vesi-des 011 the pharynx and soft palate which

later became ulcerated. In the last few

years, the Coxsackie or C viruses have been

recognized commonly, and are now

con-sidered to be the cause of vesicular

pharyn-gitis or herpangina, which is included as

one of the acute respiratory diseases. Hueb-ncr and associates,’6 as well as others, have

clearly shown that vesicular pharyngitis

is caused by the group A Coxsackie viruses.

The patients with this illness often have

high fever at the onset, frequently

as-sociated with vomiting, anorexia and sore

throat. The disease runs a limited course of a few days with recovery occurring

un-eventfully. The characteristic physical

find-ings, the limited febrile period and the lack

of a stiff neck and back help to

differenti-ate these summer illnesses from

poliomye-litis. The association, however, of illness of

this type in patients and poliomyelitis viruses has been recorded; Dingle and Feller’9 make the statement that, “It has

been impossible to determine whether

symptoms referrable to the upper

respira-tory tract were due to the pobiomyebitis

viruses or were caused by co-existing

in-fections with a respiratory tract agent.”

The first phase of poliomyelitis illness is

frequently characterized by mild

respira-tory symptoms and the patients often corn-plain of sore throat. If we are to main-tam an etiologic approach to acute

respira-tory disease, it would appear to be

impor-tant for us to recognize that acute

respira-tory symptoms, particularly in the summer

months, may be caused by many different

viruses, including the Coxsackie A group

and poliomyelitis, and that only by special studies can an accurate differentiation be made. Jordan, Stevens, Katz and Dingle27 have found families infected with

polio-myelitis or Coxsackie virus who were ill

with symptoms of acute respiratory disease

only. They state, “The grippe-like illnesses

were consistent with severe colds or acute

respiratory disease.”



A brief discussion of lymphocytic chorio-meningitis virus as a cause of respiratory tract infections is included because there

is evidence that this virus may produce a disease in man with symptoms and signs

similar to those of influenza. This virus re-ceived its name because experimentally it produced inflammatory lesions in the

choriomeninges of monkeys,28 but it is conceivable that this phase of the disease merely represents a complication similar to the central nervous system involvement which we recognize in many other viral in-fections. There is evidence from studies of

random samples of blood that specific

anti-bodies occur against lymphocytic

chorio-meningitis virus in 11% of such samples.

Our knowledge of this virus as a cause of

respiratory tract infection is extremely

limited. However, early in the history of

lymphocytic choriomeningitis a grippe-like

illness was recognized in laboratory

work-ems. In 106 serums tested from individuals

who had recently recovered from

respira-tory infection, a positive complement-fixa-tion test was found in 28%.29 Armstrong’#{176} has pointed out that less than 100 proved

cases of this disease have been studied and because of the lack of pathologic studies, little is known of the systemic forms. A

laboratory worker who had no known

cx-posure to the virus of lymphocytic

chorio-meningitis had an illness characterized by fever, malaise, general aches, sore throat,


there were no signs of meningitis, cho-noiditis or encephalitis. However, the nec-ropsy did reveal patches of pneumonia which were characterized by mononuclear

cell inflammation. The lymphocytic chorio-meningitis virus was isolated from the

blood and brain of this patient. A second patient reported by Smadell et al.’

as-sisted at the necropsy of the first patient and

8 days later developed fever, leukopenia

and mild pharyngitis. He was hospitalized for a respiratory illness which progressed to death 17 days later due to an acute necrotizing pharyngitis and pneumonia. In neither of these patients was a lumbar puncture performed during life, as appar-ently it was not indicated. The lymphocytic

choriomeningitis virus was isolated from the lung and brain tissues of this second


This virus occurs naturally in several

species, including mice, guinea pigs, monkeys and dogs. It is known to be elimi-nated in the nasal secretions, semen, urine and feces of animals. Further study of the clinical manifestations of this disease will be required before the physician will be able to recognize what may be one of the common respiratory tract infections of man.


Recent studies of infectious

mononucbeo-sis have shown that the prominent clinical features of this disease frequently include acute respiratory symptoms. Hoagland32

re-porting in 1952, pointed out that 80% of the patients with this disease were found to have acute tonsillitis and/on pharyngitis. This disease is probably due to a virus, and

the acute respiratory aspects are clearly demonstrated by sore throat, frequently

ac-companied by a membrane which may be-come solid and confluent. An associated

cervical adenitis may be severe, and the

combination of sore throat with membrane and marked cervical adenitis frequently suggests the diagnosis of diphtheria. The patient fails to respond to antibiotic drugs, and the blood usually reveals a

bymphocyto-sis with abnormal cells of the Downey

type. A positive hetemophib agglutination test is frequently of great aid in arriving at an accurate diagnosis. The liver and spleen may be slightly enlarged and the

patient often suffers from generalized malaise and anorexia. Cervical adenitis

was present in


of Hoagland’s series of

patients, and it seems thoroughly justi-fled to include this disease in a discussion of acute respiratory tract infections. No specific treatment for infectious mono-nucleosis has been found, but the use of large doses of gamma globulin has been advocated.


Certain of the rickettsial diseases, the

most striking of which is


fever, may pro-duce respiratory tract infections often

char-acterized by an atypical form of pneu-monitis. A history of contact with dairies or meat packing plants may bead one to suspect this disease in the earliest phases. The cause of


fever is Coxiella burnetli. In 1950 Sigel and associates’3 reported an

outbreak of


fever, which occurred in the first 3 months of 1948 and involved about

30 employees of a wool processing plant

in Philadelphia. This epidemic was

char-acterized as an acute respiratory illness which was generally referred to as “flu” or “grippe.” A study of blood from the em-pboyees revealed that 67 individuals showed

positive reactions indicating


fever. They

were able to conclude from their studies

that the cause of this acute respiratory epi-demic disease was probably the rickettsia of


fever. Antimicrobial therapy is bene-ficial in certain of these diseases and is

dis-cussed in more detail later in this paper.


The ornithosis viruses which are car-ned and spread by many different types of birds, including the common barnyard

fowl, pigeons and canaries, as well as the




cause of this disease is the coccoid

dc-mentary body, Miyagawanella psittaci,

which is considered to be intermediate be-tween rickettsia and filtrable viruses.

Winter epidemics predominate, but the

disease may occur at any time of the

year. The greatest incidence is in women

who are bird fanciers and engage in

breed-ing birds.’ The respiratory passages

un-(loubtedly provide the main portal of entry

ill man, and person to person spread of

this disease is reported. It is important to remember that many patients with acute respiratory illness who may not give a

history of known exposure to sick birds may be victims of ornithosis. The spectrum of

manifestations of infection is important as

many mild ambulatory patients are being

recognized increasingly as having an

ill-ness due to this viral agent. The onset of

the disease may be abrupt; anorexia, sore throat, headache, backache, photophobia and chills being the principal symptoms.

The wide spectrum antibiotics are effec-tive in the treatment of omnithosis and will be discussed in more detail later in this



Recent advances in our knowledge of the common cold have been scanty, in spite of considerable study. Most of our infor-mation has been derived from studies in-volving human volunteers, and it appears

evident that some of the common colds are due to transmissible agents of a

nonbac-teriab nature which produce mild

respira-tory symptoms. Respiratory secretions, rendered bacteria free, have produced

respiratory disease in man and chimpan-zees, but attempts to cultivate this virus in animals or tissue cultures have not been

widely confirmed. The newly isolated

adeno-viruses, discussed previously, do not ap-pear to be present in the respiratory tracts of patients with common colds. It has been most difficult to define the common cold,

and no general agreement seems to exist for diagnostic criteria. Confusion with hay fever, allergic rhinitis and other vasomotor

reactions adds to the difficulty. Emotional

factors undoubtedly play a role in the sub-jective evaluation of symptoms. Dingle and Fellem’#{176}point out that the problems sum-rounding this common disease probably will not be solved until the viruses have

been definitely isolated and characterized. However, recent progress in the field of

respiratory tract infections as a whole would seem to offer considerable hope for better understanding of the many causes of respiratory tract infections. The impor-tance of keeping in mind the wide

varia-bility and symptomatobogy cannot be over-emphasized. It is conceivable that certain

of the known respiratory viruses may pro-duce such mild manifestations,

particu-larly in patients who have suffered from

them before, that the symptoms are de-scnibed by the patient as those of the corn-mon cold. We recognize that the individual who reports having a severe cold, may fre-quently have lesions in his chest

character-.istic of those commonly referred to as atypical pneumonia. As our knowledge of

respiratory tract infections increases, there

is every hope that the problems of the

common cold will be better understood.


This discussion of treatment will be limited to a few of the acute respiratory tract infections for which some rather

spe-cific drugs are considered to be effective therapeutic agents. In addition, brief men-tion of the role of certain antimicrobial

agents in prophylaxis of respiratory infec-tions and treatment of complications will be made.

Ricketisial Diseases

Chloramphenicob, tetracycline and its derivatives are the best agents and appear to be about equally effective for the

treat-ment of all rickettsial 637 The

schedule employed consists of an initial oral loading dose of 50 mg/kg body weight,

followed by a daily dose of 50 mg/kg di-vided into equal doses at approximately


treatment continue until the patient has

been afebrile for 2 to 3 days. A clinical

me-sponse may require several days, but usually can be expected to be evident in 3 to 4 days. Recrudescence of disease may

occur in 5 to 7 days after antibiotic therapy

is discontinued. The incidence of relapse decreases progressively with the duration of illness prior to the onset of treatment.

It is suggested that if treatment is begun during the first week of illness, relapses

may be prevented by administering an

ad-ditional loading dose of 50 mg/kg about the fourth day after completion of the in-itiab course of treatment.


Although penicillin in high dosage has been reported to be of some value in this disease, chboramphenicol and the tetracy-dines are probably the most effective drugs for treatment of these ‘#{176}They

should be administered in a manner similar

to that outlined for rickettsial diseases, and

various combinations may be employed in

severely ill patients.

Primary Respiratory Diseases

In the preceding part of this paper the etiology of these diseases was discussed and the therapeutic considerations will be considered briefly here. The true viral

dis-eases per se are not influenced by any of the presently available therapeutic agents, with the possible exception of primary

atypical pneumonia, concerning which

there is controversy regarding the efficacy of antimicrobial agents-there appears to be a rather general opinion that they are not

effective. The cause of primary atypicab pneumonia is not clear, and this disease or syndrome may be caused by many different viral agents. Although considerable enthu-siasm existed for the use of the broad spectrum antibiotics in the atypical pneu-monias, this enthusiasm has subsided

con-siderably in the past few years. Recent carefully controlled studies have shown that they have little or no effect on the

course of the disease. Because of the

prob-bern of mixed infection, however, the seri-ously ill patient should undoubtedly have

a trial of the tetracycline drugs.

Certain antibiotics, such as penicillin or the sulfonamides, have been used widely for the prevention of bacterial

complica-tions of primary respiratory diseases.404’ However, recent studies, by Weinstein’0 have thrown considerable doubt on the wisdom of using these drugs

prophybacti-cabby for the prevention of bacterial corn-plications of acute primary respiratory tract

diseases. In the case of measles, the use of

antimicrobial agents resulted in a higher rate of complications than in untreated pa-tients. The problem seems to center about

the fact that the complications are not caused commonly by pneumococci or beta-hemolytic streptococci, but by H.

influ-enzae, M. pyogenes, E. coli, proteus, and other antibiotic-resistant organisms. It is recommended, therefore, that careful

obser-vation for the appearance of secondary

corn-plications is the wisest course, with early treatment of a complication if it occurs.

Bacterial Infections

When a specific bacterial pneumonia or other complication can be diagnosed and

sensitivity tests on the etiobogic agent can

be determined, the antibiotic may be Se-bected wisely. By means of a gram-strained

smear and culture, as well as a blood cul-ture, the causative agent may frequently be revealed, and when these determinations have been initiated there is no

contraindi-cation to commencing specific therapy. In

the presence of severe pulmonary infection, penicillin and streptomycin or penicillin

and tetracycline should be administered at once. In mild infections or moderately Se-vere infections, tetracycline alone may be an adequate drug for use in the vast ma-jority of patients. A more specific drug may be selected when the results of the pre-biminary laboratory studies become known.

Concerning the secondary bacterial

in-fections associated with epidemic influenza,


that obtained in patients who do not have viral disease. He further points out that

the most severe complicating organisms are staphylococcus or Friedlander bacillus, and advocates the prompt institution of

anti-microbial therapy. For staphybococcal

pneumonia complicating infection by the

influenza virus, Honsfall” recommends

mas-sive (loses of penicillin along with maxi-mum tolerated doses of streptomycin,

con-tinning treatment for 3 to 4 weeks or more. As to their use in influenza as prophylactic

agents, he advises against such a procedure

as a routine in healthy individuals, but

does recommend it in the previously ill,

malnourished or debilitated patient. He

prefers the use of penicillin to broad

spec-trum antibiotics which are more toxic and

tend to disturb the balance of the bacterial

flora in the respiratory tract. Although Horsfall” comments that, with the

excep-tion of psittacosis, the effect of currently available antimicrobial substances on viral

diseases of the respiratory tract has been a

recitation of discouraging failures, he goes

on to point out that there is hope for

de-vebopment of the chemotherapeutic ap-proach to therapy of these diseases. He

sug-gests that development of effective agents

xviiI not come through a direct action upon

virus, but rather by interfering with basic

potentials for growth and multiplication.

He suggests that the most effective way to

interrupt the reproduction of viruses is to alter the metabolism of either nucleic acids or proteins.

Although admittedly there is little to

of-fer a patient by way of specific antimicro-bial agents in most respiratory tract

infec-tions, some consideration must be given to nonspecific methods of therapy. We recog-nize the importance of humidification of

the atmosphere, particularly in patients with acute respiratory disease manifested

by attacks of croup. Controlling the

tem-penature in the room is frequently impor-tant in order to increase humidity

with-out the drying effects of heat. Room tern-peratures between 21 and 25#{176}Care de-sirable. Water may be vaporized from a

large vessel or special apparatus, such as

tents equipped with nebulizing devices, are often extremely valuable. Sometimes the

use of an expectorant such as syrup of

ipecac in small doses may be indicated. Atropine is contraindicated in the

manage-ment of all acute infections of the

respira-tory passages.

The etiobogic agent should be sought

by all means at our disposal. Appropriate

specific therapy may usually be found if

the complicating agent is suspected and the patient’s condition properly diagnosed. Mild sedation of the patient is often helpful in the acute cases. In infants and in some

older children we have found the prone position an excellent way to treat cough and promote rest. Special attention should always be given to the general nutrition, although in the management of the acute problem no special recommendations are considered vital, and the patient may often

eat about what he wishes and according to his appetite. Contrary to statements in the medical literature, the forcing of fluids has

no place in the management of acute

re-spiratory tract infections, and may on

oc-casion be actually harmful. The fluid in-take should be noted, but it may be

sur-prisingly low in many patients, particu-larly infants with pneumonitis, without ap. parent ill effects.


This review might well be regarded as a summary of present knowledge of the barge field of respiratory diseases and a brief

me-view of the salient features, concerned pri-manly with the etiobogic, pathogenic and therapeutic considerations. The etiobogic, rather than the anatomic, approach to

diag-nosis is emphasized in order that an intel-ligent attitude towards therapy might be developed. The recent advances in

dis-covery of new etiobogic agents, e.g., adenovi-ruses, is discussed in some detail.


nickettsial diseases. Specific use of

anti-microbial drugs for certain viral infections is emphasized. Dosage of available themapeu-tic drugs is detailed for the diseases in which they blave been shown to be effec-t:x’e, such as nickettsial diseases, ornithosis,

1fl(l complicating bacterial infections.

Pro-phylactic uses are outlined and a warning

against the uncritical use of such therapy is given. Many problems remain unsolved, but rapid progress is being made.


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John M. Adams


ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASES: Etiologic, Diagnostic and Therapeutic


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ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASES: Etiologic, Diagnostic and Therapeutic


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