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Academic year: 2020

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Inheritance + Polymorphism


What is Inheritance

Classes can inherit common state and/or

behavior from other classes

• Parent classes are more generic

Child classes are more specific • Single-Inheritance



“A class that is derived from another class is

called a subclass (also a derived class,

extended class, or child class). The class from which the subclass is derived is called a

superclass (also a base class or a parent class).

• https://

docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subc lasses.html



“Excepting Object, which has no superclass,

every class has one and only one direct

superclass (single inheritance). In the absence of any other explicit superclass, every class is implicitly a subclass of Object.”

• https://



• “Classes can be derived from classes that are derived from classes that are derived from

classes, and so on, and ultimately derived from the topmost class, Object. Such a class is said to be descended from all the classes in the

inheritance chain stretching back to Object. “

• https://

docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subc lasses.html


Inheritance Example


Food is a superclass of Fruit, Vegetable, Meat, and Grain


Inheritance Example 2



Vehicle is a superclass of Air Vehicle, Land Vehicle, and Sea Vehicle


Inheritance Advantages

Prevents duplicate code for similar classes

No copy/paste code

Copy and pasting code makes you look bad!

• Makes programs easier to extend and maintain

*Usually but not always*


Inheritance Disadvantages

• Harder to program

– Need to think about which attributes and functions belong in which classes

– Harder to design the classes

• Harder to make changes

– If a superclass method is modified, subclass methods may be broken

• Requires more knowledge to work with a single class

– Ancestor + descendent classes


Inheritance Disadvantages

• Not always easy to visualize the inheritance hierarchy

Example: Throwable class

– https://

docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Thro wable.html

• Code is harder to understand to programmers not familiar with the inheritance design


• MythicalAnimal ma = new Unicorn(); – //Apparently there is a Unicorn class


Animal Example

Pick an animal and make a class to represent it

What properties does that animal have

Private attributes

What can that animal do



Animal Example Continued

Pick another animal and make a class to

represent it

What properties does that animal have

Private attributes

What can that animal do


Animal Example Continued

Do these two animals have anything in


Common attributes?

Common functions?


Animal Example Continued

Make a superclass for these animal classes

Take common code and store in the superclass

Have these animals be a subclass of the new class



The extends keyword is used by classes to

inherit from another class

• Java does not support multiple inheritance

A class may only extend a single class

Interfaces (to be discussed later) are used to

compensate for this restriction


Example - ExtendsExample

Main.java • A.java


Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }

} 17

public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }


Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }


public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }



Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }

} 19

public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }



Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }


public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }


Override the default constructor and initialize


Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }

} 21

public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }



Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }


public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }



Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }

} 23

public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }



Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }


public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }



Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }

} 25

public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }


numericValue is private


Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }


public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }


Could change the scope to protected, but numericValue


Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public int getNumericValue() {

return numericValue; }

} 27

public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }


Better solution: Create another constructor in class A to take an


Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public A(int numericValue) {

this.numericValue = numericValue;


//get method still here

} 28

public class B extends A {

public B() {

numericValue = 2; }



Extends Example

public class A {

private int numericValue;

public A() {

numericValue = 1; }

public A(int numericValue) {

this.numericValue = numericValue;


//get method still here

} 29

public class B extends A { public B() { super(2); } }


Constructor Invocation

• Constructors are not inherited

• Constructors are invoked (called)


• If not done explicitly

– Explicitly

• Using super as the first word in the constructor of the subclass

Must be the first word


Constructor Example


public A() {

//statements }

public A() {


//statements }

Implicit super constructor call


Constructor Chaining

Constructor chaining is where there can be a

long chain of constructors being invoked


Example - ConstructorChaining

A.java • B.java

• C.java

• D.java

• Trace code



Not just for constructors

• Super can be used in a subclass to call a method of a super class


super.<superclass method name>


Object Class

Every class inherits from the Object class • Every class is an Object

• Commonly overridden methods


equals() + hashCode()

• https://

docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/O bject.html



• Represents your class as a String

• Every class has a toString method

Because the Object class has it

• Classes that do not override the existing toString() method, get the default Object toString() method

Often used for printing out the class attributes • System.out.println(<some class>)



Used to determine if two Objects are equal • Always use equals when comparing Objects

Never use “==“

• If the class is expected to be compared to

another Object, then the equals method should be overridden

• If equals is overridden then hashCode should be overridden



Used to uniquely identify the object when used

in hash tables

• If hashCode is overridden then equals should be overridden as well


Generating equals and hashCode


Generating equals and hashCode


• Choose all the variables that you want to use in your equals comparison

• Usually all the variables are selected


Generating equals and hashCode

• Choose to insert the generated functions as the last member of the class

• These functions are


Generating equals and hashCode


• Choose to generate method comments

• Why not?

• Choose to use instanceof to compare types

• Because Josh Bloch says so

• Choose to use blocks in “if” statements

• Makes it easier to read



Use auto-generated methods carefully

• toString() is better implemented manually

Possible with the use of StringBuilder for objects

that contain arrays

• You may want to restrict scope on constructors or setters and getters

You may not want certain ones


Override vs Overload


Redefine a superclass method

– When the object calls this method the overridden method gets called and not the method in the


Unless the subclass method uses super in its overridden



Defines a different method with the same name but a

different number of parameters


What is wrong here?

Public class A {

public boolean equals(A otherInstance) {

//code here }


What is wrong here?

Public class A {

public boolean equals(A otherInstance) {

//code here }




What is wrong here?

Public class A {

public boolean equals(A otherInstance) {

//code here }



@Override Annotation

Using “@Override” above the method can tell

the compiler that you are overriding the method

• The compiler is your friend not your enemy

• If you incorrectly overload a method instead of overriding it, the compiler will stop your

program from compiling


What is wrong here?

Public class A {


public boolean equals(A otherInstance) {

//code here }



What is wrong here?

Public class A {


public boolean equals(Object otherInstance) {

//code here }




Animal Example Continued

Override the following methods in your animal






What is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism is when a subclass can be used

wherever a superclass can be used

• Example

Any function that takes an Object as a parameter

can also take any subclasses of an Object as a parameter


Example – Polymorphism Example

A.java • B.java

• C.java


Example Continued

A b1 = new B();

What is happening here?


Which function gets called?

A.getNumericValue() or B.getNumericValue()


Declared Type vs. Actual Type

Declared type

Type of the variable that is declared

b1 is declared type A

• Actual Type

Type the variable is

new B()  Indicates the type of b1 is B

• A superclass can hold subclass types


Dynamic Binding

The type of the variable is bound at runtime • Functions are chosen by the actual type of the


A declared object type can be set to hold any

other class type

– Can also be changed during runtime




Example: Vehicle vehicle = new Car();

Can only cast from a subclass to a superclass

Car car = new Vehicle(); //Does not work

– A car is a vehicle, a vehicle is not necessarily a car

• Explicit


Casting Continued


Cast a variable to a superclass type

Vehicle v = (Vehicle)Car

A Car is a Vehicle • Downcasting

Cast a variable to a subclass type

Car car = (Car)vehicle

Can try but might fail if the vehicle is not a car



Use with caution

• Check or use try/catch blocks when attempting to downcast

Try to avoid explicit casting (up or down)

whenever possible

• Remember equals method

Used “instanceof” to check the class before


Casting primitives

Casting primitives creates a new value

• Casting objects does not create a new object

Except for cases where “new” is used


Common Problem

A common problem is where you want to have

a list of some class

The class holding the list can hold any type of


However you are not storing multiply different

types in the list

– You are typically storing just a single type



Enforce a user-specified class type

ArrayList<Integer> list= new ArrayList<Integer>()

Creates an ArrayList that must store only Integer objectsThe generic type is in angle brackets

• “<Integer>”

• https://

docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Arr ayList.html

• “public class ArrayList<E>”

– “<E>” stands for the type of the objects expected


Other Notes

Using the final keyword for a class modifier

makes the class un-extendable

• Subclasses cannot weaken the scope of superclass methods

private public = okay

https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subc https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Thro https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/O https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Arr


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