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Approximating ground states by neural network quantum states


Academic year: 2020

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Approximating ground states by neural network

quantum states

Ying Yang1,2, Chengyang Zhang1, Huaixin Cao1,∗

1 School of Mathematics and Information Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China 2 School of Mathematics and Information Technology, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng 044000, China

* Correspondence: caohx@snnu.edu.cn; Tel.: 18691958211

Abstract:The many-body problem in quantum physics originates from the difficulty of describing the non-trivial correlations encoded in the exponential complexity of the many-body wave function. Motivated by the Giuseppe Carleo’s work titled solving the quantum many-body problem with artificial neural networks [Science, 2017, 355: 602], we focus on finding the NNQS approximation of the unknown ground state of a given HamiltonianHin terms of the best relative error and explore the influences of sum, tensor product, local unitary of Hamiltonians on the best relative error. Besides, we illustrate our method with some examples.

Keywords:Approximation; ground state; neural network quantum state

An artificial neural network (ANN) is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process information. Up to now, there is a lot of research on the approximation ability of neural network architectures, such as Kolmogorov [1], Hornik [2], Cybenko [3], Funahashi [4], Hornik [5], Roux [6].

The many-body problem is a general name for a vast category of physical problems pertaining to the properties of microscopic systems made of a large number of interacting particles. In such a quantum system, the repeated interactions between particles create quantum correlations, or entanglement. As a consequence, the wave function of the system is a complicated object holding a large amount of information, which usually makes exact or analytical calculations impractical or even impossible. Thus, many-body theoretical physics most often relies on a set of approximations specific to the problem at hand, and ranks among the most computationally intensive fields of science. Recently, an idea that received a lot of attention from the scientific community consists in using neural networks as variational wave functions to approximate ground states of many-body quantum systems. In this direction, the networks are trained or optimized by the standard variational Monte Carlo (VMC) method while a few different neural-network architectures were tested [7–10], and the most promising results so far have been achieved with Boltzmann machines [10]. In particular, state-of-the-art numerical results have been obtained on popular models with restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM), and recent effort has demonstrated the power of deep Boltzmann machines to represent ground states of many-body Hamiltonians with polynomial-size gap and quantum states generated by any polynomial size quantum circuits [11,12]. Carleo and Troyer in [7] demonstrated the remarkable power of a reinforcement learning approach in calculating the ground state or simulating the unitary time evolution of complex quantum systems with strong interactions. Deng et al [13,14] show that this representation can be used to describe topological states. Besides, they have constructed exact representations for SPT states and intrinsic topologically ordered states. Very recently, Glasser et al [15] show that there are strong connections between neural network quantum states in the form of RBM and some classes of tensor-network states in arbitrary dimensions and obtain that neural network quantum states and their string-bond-state extension can describe a lattice fractional quantum Hall state exactly. In addition, there are a lot of related studies, such as [16–19].

Despite such exciting development, but it is unknown whether a general state can be expressed by neural networks efficiently. Generalizing the idea of [7], we introduced in [20] first neural networks


quantum states (NNQSs) baced on general input observables and explored some related properties about NNQSs, such as tensor product, local unitary operation and so on. Secondly, based on the construction of neural network representations for the cluster state in 1D, we proved necessary and sufficient conditions for a general graph state to be represented by an NNQS. We illustrated our method with some examples and observed that someN-qubit states can be represented by a normalized NNQS, such as any separable pure state, every Bell state, GHZ states and so on.

In this paper, based on the NNQSs introduced in [20], we focus on finding the NNQS approximation of the unknown ground state of a given Hamiltonian H. The remainder part of this paper are organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall the concept and the related properties of NNQSs introduced in [20]. In Section 3, we explore the NNQS approximation of the unknown ground state of a given HamiltonianHin terms of the best relative error and consider the influence of sum, tensor product, local unitary of Hamiltonian on the best relative error. Besides, we illustrate our method with some examples.

2. Neural-network quantum states

To start with, let us recall the concept and the related properties of NNQSs introduced in [20]. Let

Q1,Q2, . . . ,QNbenquantum systems with state spacesH1,H2, . . . ,HNof dimensionsd1,d2, . . . ,dN, respectively. We consider the composite systemQofQ1,Q2, . . . ,Qnwith state spaceH:=H1⊗ H2⊗ . . .⊗ HN.

LetS1,S2, . . . ,SNare non-degenerate observables of systemsQ1,Q2, . . . ,QN, respectively. Then

S = S1⊗S2⊗. . .⊗SN is an observable of the composite systemQ. Use{|ψkji}


kj=0to denote the eigenbasis ofSjcorresponding to eigenvalues{λkj}


kj=0. Thus,

Sj|ψkji=λkj|ψkji(kj=0, 1, . . . ,dj−1). (1)

It is easy to check that the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenbasis ofS=S1⊗S2⊗. . .⊗SNare

λk1λk2. . .λkN and|ψk1i ⊗ |ψk2i ⊗. . .⊗ |ψkNi(kj=0, 1, . . . ,dj−1), (2)

respectively. Put

V(S) =nΛk1k2...kNλk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN


:kj=0, 1, . . . ,dj−1



called an input space. For parameters

a= (a1,a2, . . . ,aN)T∈CN,b= (b1,b2, . . . ,bM)T∈CM,W= [Wij]∈CM×N,

writeΩ= (a,b,W)and put

ΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN) =

hi=±1 exp


j=1 ajλkj+


i=1 bihi+


i=1 N




. (3)

Then we obtain a complex-valued functionΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN)of the input variableΛk1k2...kN. We

call it aneural network quantum wave function(NNQWF). It may be identically zero. In what follows, we assume that this is not the case, that is, assume thatΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN) 6= 0 for some input

variableΛk1k2...kN. Then we define




which is a nonzero vector (not necessarily normalized) of the Hilbert spaceH. We call it aneural network quantum state(NNQS) induced by the parameterΩ = (a,b,W)and the input observable

S=S1⊗S2⊗. . .⊗SN(Figure 1).

2 i W 1 i W MN W 11

W Wi3 WiN


h h2 h3 hi hM


S S2 S3 Sj SN


S S2 S3 Sj SN



Visible Layer Hidden Layer

Figure 1.Artificial neural network encoding an NNQS. It is a restricted Boltzmann machine architecture that features a set ofNvisible artificial neurons (blue disks) and a set ofMhidden neurons (yellow disks). For each valueΛk1k2...kNof the input observableS, the neural network computes the value of

theΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN).

NNQWF can be reduced to

ΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN) =


j=1 eajλkj·



2 cosh bi+ N

j=1 Wijλkj


. (5)

It is can be described by the following “quantum artificial neural network", see Figure2wherea=0 and

∑bi(x1,x2, . . . ,xN) =bi+∑Nj=1xj, 2 cosh(z) =ez+e−z, Π(y1,y2, . . . ,yM) =ΠiM=1yi, and the final outcomeΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN)is given by (5).

1 S 2 S j S N S 1 b  2 b   i bM b 2 cosh 2 cosh 2 cosh 2 cosh a E  1 k   2 k   j k   N k   ij W 11 W 1j W 1 M W 1 2 ,( , , , N)

S k kk

 

An artificial neural network

Figure 2.Quantum artificial neural network with parameterΩ= (0,b,W).

We call this network a quantum artificial neural network because that its inputs eigenvalues of quantum observables and the outcomes are values of an NNQWF, while it has a network structure similar to a usual artificial neural network.

Next, let us consider the tensor product of the two NNQSs. We have proved the following.

Proposition 1. [20] Suppose that|Ψ0

S0,0iand|Ψ00S00,00iare two NNQSs with parameters

S0 =S01⊗. . .⊗S0N0,S00=S001⊗. . .⊗S00N00,Ω0 = (a0,b0,W0),Ω00= (a00,b00,W00),


a= a 0



,b= b




,W= [Wij] =

WM0 0×N0 0 0 WM0000×N00



Now, we discuss the influence of local unitary operation (LUO) on an NNQS. We conclude this conclusion as following.

Proposition 2. [20] Suppose that|ΨS,Ωiis an NNQS and U = U1⊗U2⊗. . .⊗UN is a local unitary

operator onH. Then U|ΨS,Ωi=|ΨUSU†,i, which is also an NNQS with the input observable USU†and the parameterΩ, and has the same NNQWF as|ΨS,Ωi.

Remark 1. It can be seen from Proposition 2 that if two pure states are LU-equivalent and an NNQS representation of one of the two states is easily given, then that of another state can be obtained from that of the former.

As the end of this section, we discuss a special classes of NNQSs. WhenS=σ1z⊗σ2z⊗. . .⊗σzN, we have

λkj =


1, kj =0

−1, kj =1



|0i, kj =0

|1i, kj =1

(1≤j≤ N),

andV(S) ={1,−1}N.

In this case, the NNQS (4) becomes



ΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN)|ψk1i ⊗ |ψk2i ⊗. . .⊗ |ψkNi. (6)

This leads to the NNQS induced in [7] and discussed in [13]. We call such an NNQS aspin-z NNQS.

3. Approximating ground states by neural network quantum states

In this section, we try to find approximate solution to the static Schr ¨odinger equationH|ψi=E|ψi

for a given HamiltonianH. For example, to find approximation of ground states by neural network quantum states.

Let|ΨS,Ωibe an NNQS given by Eq.(4) andHbe a Hamiltonian whose smallest eigenvalueEexact is not zero. Put

EH(S,Ω) =



We seek the minimum relative error betweenEH(S,Ω)andEexactoverΩ,



|Eexact| . (7)

We callethebest relative errorbetweenEH(S,Ω)andEexact. The neural network quantum state|ΨS,Ωi corresponding to the minimum ofeis the best neural network representation of the ground state ofH.

Generally,EH(S,Ω)≥Eexact. Hence,ecan also be expressed as



|Eexact| .


Proposition 3. Suppose that H1 and H2 are two Hamiltonians, Eexact0 , Eexact00 and Eexact are the smallest

eigenvalue of H1, H2and H1+H2, respectively,|ΨS,Ωiis an NNQS. Then EH1+H2(S,Ω) =EH1(S,Ω) +EH2(S,Ω).

Furthermore, ifminΩ(EH1(S,Ω) +EH2(S,Ω)) =minΩEH1(S,Ω) +minΩEH2(S,Ω), then





|E0exact| , e2=minΩ




|E00exact| , e=minΩ


|Eexact| .

Proof. We can easily compute that

EH1+H2(S,Ω) =



= hΨS,Ω|H1|ΨS,Ωi




= EH1(S,Ω) +EH2(S,Ω).

It is easily see thate≥0. Generally,


Ω EH1(S,Ω)≥E


exact, min

Ω EH2(S,Ω)≥E


exact, min

Ω EH1+H2(S,Ω)≥Eexact.

Besides, when min(EH1(S,Ω) +EH2(S,Ω)) = minΩEH1(S,Ω) +minΩEH2(S,Ω), we see from Eexact ≥E0exact+Eexact00 that

e =

|minEH1+H2(S,Ω)−Eexact| |Eexact|

= |minΩ(EH1(S,Ω) +EH2(S,Ω))−Eexact| |Eexact|

≤ |minΩEH1(S,Ω) +minΩEH2(S,Ω)−E




exact+Eexact00 |

≤ |minΩEH1(S,Ω)−E



|E0exact| +





= e1+e2.

Now, we discuss the influence of tensor product of Hamiltonians on the best relative error. We get this conclusion as following.

Proposition 4. Suppose that H1 and H2 are two Hamiltonians, Eexact0 , Eexact00 and Eexact are the smallest

eigenvalue of H1, H2and H1⊗H2, respectively.|Ψ0S0,0iand|Ψ00S00,00iare two NNQSs with parameters

S0 =S01⊗. . .⊗S0N0,S


=S001⊗. . .⊗SN0000,Ω0 = (a0,b0,W0),Ω00= (a00,b00,W00),

respectively. Let


a0= a




,b0= b




,W0= [Wij] =

WM0 0×N0 0 0 WM0000×N00




EH1⊗H2(S0,Ω0) =EH1(S





Furthermore, if H1and H2are positive definite, thene0e00≤e0where

e0 =min





|E0exact| , e






|Eexact00 | ,



|EH1⊗H2(S0,Ω0)−Eexact| |Eexact| .

Proof. Since |Ψ0

S0,0i and |Ψ00S00,00i are two NNQSs, we know from Proposition 1 that |Ψ0S0,0i ⊗

|Ψ00S00,00i=|ΦS0,Ω0iis also an NNQS. Furthermore, we can compute

EH1⊗H2(S0,Ω0) =

hΨS0,Ω0|H1⊗H2|ΨS0,Ω0i hΨS0,Ω0|ΨS0,Ω0i

= hΨS0,Ω0|H1|ΨS0,Ω0i

hΨS0,0|ΨS0,0i ·



= EH1(S




SinceH1andH2are positive,Eexact=E0exactEexact00 . Observe that min

Ω0 EH1(S


exact >0, min

Ω00 EH2(S


exact >0, min


EH1⊗H2(S0,Ω0)≥Eexact >0.

Thus, we have

e0 =

|min0EH1⊗H2(S0,Ω0)−Eexact| |Eexact|

= |minΩ0EH1(S





exactEexact00 |

|E0exact| · |E00exact|

≥ |minΩ0EH1(S



|Eexact0 | ·





|Eexact00 |

= e0e00.

Now, we discuss the influence of local unitary operation on the best relative error. We conclude this conclusion as following.

Proposition 5. Suppose that H is an Hamiltonian,|ΨS,Ωiis an NNQS and U=U1⊗U2⊗. . .⊗UNis a

local unitary operator onH. Eexact,E0exactare the smallest eigenvalue of H and UHU†, respectively. Then EUHU†(S,Ω) =EH(U†SU,Ω),




|Eexact| , e

0 =min


Proof. We can obtain from Proposition 2 thatU†|ΨS,Ωi=|ΨU†SU,i, which is also an NNQS. Therefore

EUHU†(S,Ω) =





= EH(U†SU,Ω).

SinceUis a local unitary operator,Eexact =E0exact. We can easily obtain thate=e0. Lastly, we give two examples in order to illustrate our method.

Example 1. Suppose that H =|00ih00|+2|01ih01|+3|10ih10|+4|11ih11|. Then H can be represented under the basis{|00i,|01i,|10i,|11i}by H =diag(1, 2, 3, 4). It is easily to see that the minimum eigenvalue of H is1, the ground state is|00i.

Next we use spin-z NNQSs



ΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2)|ψk1i ⊗ |ψk2i.

to approximate the ground state|00iof H, where

ΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2) = 2

j=1 eajλkj·



2 cosh bi+ 2

j=1 Wijλkj



When N= M=2, we have

|ΨS,Ωi = 4ea1ea2cosh(b1+W11+W12)cosh(b2+W21+W22)|00i

+ 4ea1e−a2cosh(b


+ 4e−a1ea2cosh(b


+ 4e−a1e−a2cosh(b

1−W11−W12)cosh(b2−W21−W22)|11i. We can easily calculate that

EH(S,Ω) =



+ 2ea1e−a2cosh(b1+W11−W12)cosh(b2+W21−W22)


+ 3



+ 4e−a1e−a2cosh(b1−W11−W12)cosh(b2−W21−W22)




+ ea1e−a2cosh(b1+W11−W12)cosh(b2+W21−W22)





+ e−a1e−a2cosh(b1−W11−W12)cosh(b2−W21−W22)



Next we seek the minimum value of EH(S,Ω)overΩ. By letting


we define a function g by

g(x1,x2, . . . ,x8)

= (ex7+x8 ·cosh(x1+x3+x4)·cosh(x2+x5+x6)



ex7−x8 ·cosh(x1+x3−x4)·cosh(x2+x5−x6)


















and then numerically minimize g over x1,x2, . . . ,x8(see Figure3).

Figure 3.Numerically minimizegoverx1,x2, . . . ,x8by optimization.

By using Matlab, we find

min xi

g(x1,x2, . . . ,x8) =g(0.743, 5.788, 2.843, 4.274, 5.501, 5.148, 3.312, 1.916) =1.

We obtain





Meanwhile, the corresponding NNQS is


the normalized NNQS is






≈ |00i.

Besides, we can also calculate the distance between the actual ground state|00iand the approximate state|Ψ0S,i to be


S,Ωi) =k|00i − |Ψ0S,Ωik ≈0.

Example 2. Suppose that

HNcluster=− N



whereσ0z= I,σNz+1= I. It is easily to see that the minimum eigenvalue of HclusterN is−N, the ground state is

cluster state|CNi. Hence, Eexact=−N.

Next we use spin-z NNQSs |ΨS,Ωi=


ΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN)|ψk1i ⊗ |ψk2i ⊗. . .⊗ |ψkNi,

to approximate the ground state|CNiof HNcluster, where

ΨS,Ω(λk1,λk2, . . . ,λkN) =


j=1 eajλkj·



2 cosh bi+ N

j=1 Wijλkj



(i)When N=M=2. By letting

a1=x1+x2i,a2=x3+x4i,b1=x5+x6i,b2=x7+x8i, W11=x9+x10i,W12=x11+x12i,W21 =x13+x14i,W22=x15+x16i, using Matlab(see Figure4), we find



a= 0.065+0.194i 0.008+0.37i


,b= 0.022+0.693i



,W = 0.437+0.909i 0.018+0.733i

−0.272+0.952i 0.2+0.771i



Figure 4.Numerically minimizeeby optimization.

Meanwhile, the corresponding NNQS is

|ΨS,Ωi= (3.5877+0.4407i)|00i+ (3.5755+0.5083i)|01i+ (3.5805+0.4372i)|10i+ (−3.5698−0.5169i)|11i,

then normalized NNQS is

|Ψ0S,i = p |ΨS,Ωi


= (0.4969+0.0610i)|00i+ (0.4952+0.0704i)|01i

+(0.4959+0.0606i)|10i+ (−0.4944−0.0716i)|11i.

Besides, we can also calculate the fidelity between the actual ground state

|C2i= 1 2|00i+

1 2|01i+

1 2|10i −


and the approximate state|Ψ0

S,Ωito be

F(|C2i,|Ψ0S,Ωi) =|hC2|Ψ0S,Ωi|=0.9999≈1. Hence,|C2i ≈ |Ψ0


In addition, we find that when N=2,egets smaller and smaller as M changes, see Table1.

Table 1.The numerical simulation results ofN,M.

N M e

2 2 1.438×10−6 2 4 1.0716×10−6 2 6 6.7887×10−7 2 8 4.987×10−7

(ii)When N=3,M=3. By using Matlab(see Figure5), we find




 

0.956+1.669i 1.309−0.255i



 

0.653+0.863i 0.569+0.706i




 

−0.066+0.969i −1.213+2.029i −0.354−0.647i

−0.233+3.12i 0.986+0.198i 0.438+0.16i 0.74+1.206i 0.749−0.985i −0.445+0.8i


Figure 5.Numerically minimizeeby optimization.

Meanwhile, the corresponding NNQS is

|ΨS,Ωi = (−4.5329−9.8797i)|000i+ (−4.4661−9.6734i)|001i+ (−4.5709−9.9717i)|010i

+(4.3557+9.7498i)|011i+ (−4.4258−9.8957i)|100i+ (−4.4603−9.6152i)|101i


then normalized NNQS is


S,Ωi =




= (−0.1488−0.3242i)|000i+ (−0.1466−0.3175i)|001i

+(−0.1500−0.3272i)|010i+ (0.1429+0.32i)|011i+ (−0.1452−0.3248i)|100i

+(−0.1464−0.3156i)|101i+ (0.1533+0.3242i)|110i+ (−0.1362−0.3215i)|111i. Besides, we can also calculate the fidelity between the actual ground state

|C3i= 1

2√2(|000i+|001i+|010i − |011i+|100i+|101i − |110i+|111i)

and the approximate state|Ψ0S,ito be

F(|C3i,|Ψ0S,Ωi) =|hC3|Ψ0S,Ωi|=0.9999≈1. Hence,|C3i ≈ |Ψ0S,i.

4. Conclusions


Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11871318, 11771009, 11571213, 11601300), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (GK201703093, GK201801011) and Shaanxi Province Innovation Ability Support Program (2018KJXX-054). Author Contributions: The work of this paper was accomplished by Ying Yang, Chengyang Zhang and Huaixin Cao. Moreover, all authors have read the paper carefully and approved the research contents that were written in the final manuscript. We thank Dr. Wenfei Cao of Shaanxi Normal University for his help in writing algorithms. Conflicts of Interest:The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Artificial neural network encoding an NNQS. It is a restricted Boltzmann machine architecturethat features a set of N visible artificial neurons (blue disks) and a set of M hidden neurons (yellowdisks)
Figure 3. Numerically minimize g over x1, x2, . . . , x8 by optimization.
Figure 4. Numerically minimize ϵ by optimization.
Table 1. The numerical simulation results of N, M.


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