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diet (P<0.001) in the black locust forest than in the pine forest.black locust forests offer more favourable winter habitats than pine forests.


Academic year: 2021

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Burucs P., Mátrai K. és Fehér Z.: Dombvidéki középkorú és öreg akácosok (Robinia pseudo-acacia) téli őzeltartó képessége a hozzáférhető növényzet száraztömege és a táplálék alapján. (Wintering carrying capacity of roe deeer in middle and old-growth black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) forest based on the available dry matter yield and intake in hilly region of Hungary.)

Wintering roe deer carrying capacity was determined based on the available dry matter yield and intake in a hilly black locust forest, in 1985-86. Carrying capacity mainly depends on the browse species: black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) in the middle aged forests and elder berry (Sambucus nigra) in the old forests. The roe deer carrying capacity did not differ in these forests (9 and 10 roe deer per 100 ha., respectively).

Csányi S.: Számítógépes modell alkalmazási lehetőségei az állományváltozási folyamatok tanulmányozásában. (Applicability of a computer model for studying population changes.)

A computer simulation model is described here for studying population changes. The operation of the model is exemplified by using statistic data on the roe deer population of Hungary recorded between 1970 and 1985. Based on the results, application and development of the model are discussed.

Demeter E. és Mátrai K.: A mezeinyúl tápláléka intenzíven művelt alföldi területen, novemberben. (Foods of the brown hare in a large scale cultivated plain area during november.)

Body weights and absolute and relative stomach weights of 80 brown hares (Lepus europeus) and winter diets of 10 males and and 10 females were studied by microhistological analysis of the stomach contents. No significant differences were found between adults and juveniles or between males and females in respect of body weights and absolute and relative stomach weights. Crops (winter wheat 45%, lucerne 20%) and monocotyledons (Agropyron, Poa sp. 17%) were the most important components of the winter diet. Bark and shoots constituted only a small proportion of the diet (8%). Green parts of crops were found to costitute the most important component of the brown hare winter diet.


Fazekas I .: Anseriformes és a Galliformes rendbe tartozó két-két faj tojáshéjának porozitása a keltethetőség tükrében. (Egg porosity in two Anseriformes species and in two Galliformes in relation to hatchability.)

Egg porosity was studied in two gees species and in two hen-hybrids at the Univ. Agric. Sci., Dept Zool and at the Institute of Animal breeding Research Center to evaluate the effects of egg-shell porosity on hatchability by measuring egg drying in comparison with hatchdd eggs. Based on the results, egg-shell porosity (no. of pores per cm2) is species specific, consistent with with the literary data. Distribution of the pores is, however, of the same pattern in each species. The trhee groups established according to egg drying pattern during storage showed significant differences in water loss during incubation, too. Thus, degree of egg drying is related to egg porosity. Egg weight in itself does not affect egg drying as it is examplified by the English hybrid line. The differences in water loss suggest that there are differences between eggs with dead and with viable embryos in the rate and of degree egg drying even at the same egg porosity.

Fehér Z., Burucs P. és Mátrai K.: Az őz (Capreolus capreolus) táli tápláléka egy dombvidéki akácos (Robinia pseudo-acacia) és egy fenyves (Pinus silvestris) erdei élőhelyen. (Winter diet of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in a hilly black-locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) and pine (Pinus silvestris) forest habitat of Hungary.)

Winter diet of 6 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) sampled in a black-locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) forest was determined by microhistological analysis of rumen contents and compared with those of 9 roe deer sampled in pine (Pinus silvestris) forest. Both roe deer groups ate mainly browse species and completed them by forbs and fruits. The proportion of grasses was negligible. The availability and also the consumption of forbs were higher in the black locust (18%) than pine habitat (6%). Twigs of bramble (Rubus spp. 18%) and black locust (14%) were the most important plants in the black locust habitat while pine (53%), bramble (18%) and sour cherry (Prunus serotina) (12%) in the pine habitat. Protein content of the woody plants eaten by roe deer was higher in the black locust habitat than that in the pine habitat. The proportion of the honey-locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) seeds was markedly in roe deer diets of both habitats (18 and 6%, respectively). The higher number of species (P < 0.01) found in the rumens and the more consistent consumption (P < 0.05) resulted a more diverse


diet (P<0.001) in the black locust forest than in the pine forest.Black locust forests offer more favourable winter habitats than pine forests.

Havasi A. és Váradi Z.: A környezet forraskészleteinek változása a fácán táplálékában. (Changes of environmental sources in foods of the pheasant.)

The decline of small game populations resulting from intensification of agricultural cultivationis well-known. In the search for hte reasons of this phenomenon feeding biological studies have been conducted anew which can give a new approach to the adaptability of hte pheasant. Craws were sampled from pheasants of each sex belonging to various age groups and body weights were also taken. The craw contents were analyzed and evaluated in the laboratory. Based on the results, the food spectrum of the pheasant is wide but proportions of the various food items are different. It is a general tendency compared to the previous studies (5-15-25-50 years ago) that animal food occurs in a very low amount and even traces in samples from spring and summer aspects. Contrary to the previous high proportion of animal food in craws from chicks, this component constitutes or surpasses 10% only where there is an insect gradation during the first weeks of age of chicks. With adult pheasants, the proportion of animal food is higher than 5% only in May-June, whereas it is negligible during the other seasons of the year. In the plant origin food the generative particles (mainly seeds and to a less extent flowers and buds) are dominant, the vegetative particles constitute a higher proportion only in early spring, during March and Apryl. As a result of the environmental changes the phytophagous characteristics has become predominant in the pheasants' food in each aspect of the year.

Hlubik I .: Hazai zárttéri fácánállomány tojástermelő képességének értékelése az 1984. év termelése alapján. (Egg-laying ability of farming pheasant stocks of Hungary on the basis of the production in 1984.)

In 1984 egg-laying-ability was studied in a total of 83994 farming pheasant hens. Of 41 pheasant farms in Hungary 33 (80%) can produce its own stocks. The stocks are usually composed of 1 years old pheasants belonging predominantly to subspecies ca. 90% Phasianus colchicus mongolicus. The average pheasant mortality in Hungary is 18.3%. There are several


stocks of outstanding production characterized by appropriate persistance (80-85 days), early egg-laying ability and intense egg production (on an average 68%) with an average of 45-55 eggs per hen. For further improvement of production, establishement of stock producing farms can be recommended.

Kispál T .: A vetési varjú (Corvus frugilegus L.) ivari aktivitásának szezonális változása.

(Seasonal variation of the sexual activity of the rook (Corvus frugilegus L.))

This paper describes the seasonal variation of the sexual activity of the rook (Corvus frugilegus) on the basis of testicular weight and lenght, and sperm count within the seminiferous tubules as well as ovarium weight and follicle number. According to the data, the sexual cycle of the rook can be divided into four stages. The active stage lasts from early March to June and from February to June in males and females, respectively.

Kovács G .: Mezeinyúl állományok hasznosításának megtervezése. (Planning of the harvest rate of the brown hare populations.)

Planning of the harvest rate of brown hare populations is actually based on uncontrolled experience. This study presents a simple theoretical model for estimate of the harvest rate. Planning procedure built upon this model can easily be realized in game management practice.

Kovács G. és Búz C.: A mezeinyúl (Lepus europeus Pallas) mozgáskörzetének jellemzői egy erdősült és egy intenzíven művelt alföldi területen, novemberben. (Characteristics of the home range of the brown hare (Lepus europeus Pallas) in a forested and in a large-scale cultivated agricultural habitat. 1.Size of the home range.)

Home range sizes of 12 adult brown hare were estimated by radio-tracking in an open large scale and in a hilly forested agricultural area between 1983-1986. Results show no significant difference in the home range size between the two areas. Means fall into the range reported in the literature for different habitat types. It seems that the variation of the home


range size due to environmental changes is moderate in this species. Home ranges are always found in the edges of different vegetation types in the forested and in the large scale agricultural areas. These findings give an explication to the population decline of the 1960s in Hungary. Results support the idea, that artifical food supply in tje period of food shortage in large scale agricultural areas can increase the hare the hare carrying capacity of hte biotop.

Kovács G.: A célzott vadföldgazdálkodás hatása a mezeinyúl populációsűrűségére. (Effects of intentional game field cultivation on the population density of the brown hare.(Preliminary paper))

Effects of supplementary extra food on the spring density of brown hares living in large scale agricultural area are discussed in this study.

Köller J. és Kabai P.: A gímszarvas (Cervus elaphus L.) agancsjellemzőinek összehasonlítása különböző élőhelyek között. (Comparison of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) antler characteristics between various habitats.)

The Hungarian red deer stock was classified into distinct populations by some authors according to antler production. "Trophy types" characterisitics of these populations were also described. In this paper we studied the possibility of classification of casted antlers by statistical methods. Fourteen parameters were measured on 418 cast antlers collected in four different habitats (Gemenc, Galgamacsa, Zselicseg, Mezofold). Strong correlations were found between the antler weight and lenght, the circumference of hte lower beam and antler lenght and between the circumference of the upper beam and antler weight. Regression functioons were similar in the four deer stocks. Stepwise discriminant analysis revealed some differences in antler production among the four stocks, however the percentage of incorrect classifications were rather high. Contrary to previous findings only small differences rather than distinct antler types were found.


Kőhalmy T., Faragó S., Náhlik A. és Valterné I. V.: Adatok az erdők természetes vadeltartó képességének megállapításához. (Data for establishing the natural game carrying capacity of forests.)

The optimal size and species structure of the game population are influenced by various factors, of which the nutrient fund of a biotop providing the fodder plants is one of hte most important.

In the winter periods samples from young shoots of 17 tree and shrub species were collected and analysed for nutrient composition. Based on these data, the energy content of the fodder plants were calculated. The results obtained can be useful for assessing carrying capacity of the various forest types.

Kőnig R.: Néhány magyar vadászterület suta-gida aránya nyáron, és a korai gidaveszteségek becslése. (Roe deer fawn-doe ratio of some Hungarian hunting grounds during summer with an estimate of the early fawn losses.)

The fawn-doe ratio was determined from late August to mid-September during 1985 and 1986 in six roe deer habitats of Hungary on the basis of a total of 42 half-day field visits. The fawn-doe ratio was 160:269, ie. 59.5%. Distribution of fawns according to fertile does was as follows: does with two fawns 14%. does with one fawn 45% and does without fawn 41%.The average fawn survival up to the end of August was 0.74 fawn per doe. This value corresponds to the reproductive ratio reported for the total roe deer population in March. This gives an evidence that the highest rate of fawn mortality occurs very early and amounts to about 50% during the first trhee months of life. The late mortality of fawns agrees with that of does since the annual fawn-doe ratio is relatively constant with an average of 74% for the March populatio. The reproductive ratio thereby the utilization ration are lower in Hungary than in the majority of the other Europen countries.

Márkus L.: Az erdei vadkárok és értékelésük. (Forest damage by game animals and their estimation.)

This paper presents a financial estimation of the qualitative and quantitative forest damages by game animals according to the following details: a) damage from acorn eating; b)


quantitative damage in natural and artifical reforestations; c) qualitative damage by masticating buds and shoots: d) bark damages. The appropriate formules are based on the well known methods used for forest value calculations and these were developed and transformed according to the local conditions.

Molnár Á.: A Budai-hegység muflonállományának morfológiai jellemzői. (Morphological characteristicsfor the muflon population of the Buda Mountains.)

The major biological values - color variations, body measurements, body weight, organ weights, skull/trophy measurements - were determined in the moufflon population of the Buda-Mountains and these were compared with those of the Czech moufflon popoulation. Based on the results a further development of moufflon management should be achieved by habitat improvement, maintaining a sex ratio of 1:1, and age regulation.

Nagy E.: A szürke fogoly (Perdix perdix) zárttéri tenyésztésének eredményei és tapasztalatai (Results and experiences of farm breeding of the gray partridge (Perdix perdix L.))

The dcline of the partridge population has urged to establish the method of farm breeding of this species. These last decades we have developed a large-scale method for farm breeding of the partridge which is described here.

Farming partridges can produce 40-45 brood eggs per hen. The average duration of persistance is 90-91 days. "Provocated mating" can be applied with with 95-98% success. The mating period takes place from 1st to 15th of March. The part performances of partridges is less by 3-4 eggs than that of pheasants, i.e. only 15% of total performance. The intense period of production lasts for 58 days with an egg production level of 68%. The production index varies from 0.53 to 0.54. Disturbation of egg production is: 14% in Apryl, 36% in May, 30% in June, and 20% in July. On a total of 11% of the stocks examined did not produce eggs. The weight of the partridge egg ranges from 10 to 19 g. The optimal weight of brood eggs is 12-15 g. Eggs belonging into the ranges of 1.23-1.35 indices are suitable for breeding. Of 215383 brood eggs 142403 chicks hatched out. This corresponds to a hatchability of 66,12%. Chick survival shows a practice related improvement. The rearing success was 69.2% in 1980. After release, 33-35% of farming partridges can be regained by hunting.


Nagy E. és Bánkné B. A.: Fácántojótáp optimális nyersfehérje-tartalmának vizsgálata összehasonlító etetési kísérlettel. (A comparative feeding test for determining the optimal crude protein content of pheasant breding foods.)

A comparative feeding test was conducted on four groups of pheasants containing 18 stocks each to obtain breeding food sufficient for the biological requirements of pheasants. Each group consisted of 126 hens and 18 cocks. During a 17-day prliminary feeding of pheasants on GT food there were no significant intergroup differences in egg production. During the feeding test (from 18th Apryl to 30th June, 1986), egg production in the test groups receiving 22.5, 20.0, and 18.5% crude protein in the food was higher by 19.5 , 23.7 , and 18.3% respectively, than that of controls fed on GT food. The average price of food per egg was 1.18 Ft for the GT food and it was 0.87 Ft for hte test food containing 20.0 and 18.5% crude protein either. The higher rate of egg production offerd by the tesr foods can ensure the same progeny at a stock less by 20%. The price of feeding is at the same time less by ca. 25%. General health of pheasants persistance of of production and hatchability were unaffected by the test foods. The experimental results give an evidence that 19-20% crude protein in the breeding food is sufficient for the biological requirements of pheasants, and these food mixtures can provide economic production.

Nikodémusz E., Percsich K. és Török G.: A gímszarvas (Cervus elaphus L.) és az őz (Capreolus capreolus L.) bendőtartalmának szezonális változása Babaton. (Seasonal variation of the rumen content samples from the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) and the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in the Babat district.)

Rumen samples from 15 red deer and 33 roe deer, shot during 1982/83 in the Babat district, were examined. The rumen content samples were analyzed for chemical compositon (dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, crude ash, macro- and microelements, pH, cellulase enzyme activity and volatile fatty acids), and the red deer rumen samples were also analyzed for botanical composition. Based on dietary composition and nutritive value of the rumen content samples, the winter season is a critical period for the red deer and the roe deer in pine forest habitats.


Rónai F.: Az energia szemlélet alkalmazása a vadtakarmányozásban. (Energy approach in game feeding.)

This paper surveys the traditional and modern game feeding strategies. Instead of quantitative foraging, feding of energy nature is recommended to improve efficiency. The knowledge of energy metabolism of the various game species enables us to evaluate their energy requirements and the vasted energy. These together with the energy content of the fodder plants calculated from nutritive composition would offer a new approach to game feeding strategies.

Somogyvári V.: Zárttéri dám tenyészkert növényzetének faji összetétele és beltartalmi analízise. (Botanical composition and nutrient analysis of a fallow deer garden.)

The botanical composition of the vegetation of the Kis-Kartal fallow deer garden was studied during summer of 1983 and 1984 in ten 2X2 m2 plots. Festuca sulcata and Poa pratensis, the two most important food plants for the fallow deer, occured in appropriate quantities only in 1983 in the area. Based on the nutrient analysis of the olant samples, the dry weight, dry matter and crude fiber contents were significantly lower, whereas crude protein and crude ash contents were significantly higher in the 1984 samples than in 1983. Additional analysis will be conducted for the annual variations of the parameters examined.

Ákoshegyi I.: Néhány hazai vaddisznóskert összehasonlító áttekintése. (A comparative survey of the wild boar gardens. Preliminary communication.)

The low offspring is a problem in the majority of wild boar gardens in Hungary. According to comparative axaminations and experience the reason for this is complex. Of the various interacting factors feeding seems to be determinative. Therefore improvement of feeding should be realized in the future.


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