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Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date


Academic year: 2021

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Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date

SKY LAB 2: from where you stand F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Australia, Stephen McLaughlan Gallery;

9.11.2011 - 26.11.2011 Solargrafie: Lochkamera-Bastler fotografieren die


F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Germany, Spiegel.de Online Netzwelt;

29.8.2009 - 29.9.2010 "Alan01" in the "Northern Line" exhibition at the Space

Station Sixty-Five gallery

F2c Group exhibition, installation Pesonen, Jaakko ; Korpilahti, Teemu; Nieminen, Merja; Saarinen, Leena; Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Media United Kingdom, London Space Station Sixty-Five; 21.3.2014 - 11.5.2014

"Full House" Concept & Making-Off DVD F2a Production Paju, Tiina; Nieminen, Merja; Tenhunen, Juhani; Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 13.6.2007

-"Hello Homo!" at Tampere Werstas' "Delight and Prejudice" exhibition

F2c Group exhibition, installation Pesonen, Jaakko ; Vuori, Rasmus; Best-Dunkley, Andrew ; Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Art, Department of Media Finland, Tampere Werstas; 11.6.2013 -18.8.2013

"Perspectives on Daphne Oram", the Pioneers of Electronic Music Festival

F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media United Kingdom, London; 6.3.2013

-"TIME IN A CAN" — Solargraphie F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Germany, Camera Obscura in Mühlheim

an der Ruhr; 7.9.2014 - 21.12.2014

11 Days 2 F1a Independent art work, composition,


Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Belgium, Brussel: Sub Rosa Records. ;


-2009 EUROPRIX Quality Seal Prize, award Korpilahti, Teemu; Tuomola, Mika Lumi;

Stolt, Tea; Nieminen, Merja; Pesonen, Jaakko

Department of Media Unknown; 16.9.2009

-3 Agents + 1 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media United States, Louisiana State

University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; 31.5.2015 - 4.6.2015

Unknown; Unknown;

-3 Nights- Experimental and Electroacoustic Music in Helsinki F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, NIFCA (Suomenlinna Island), Finland; 30.9.2006

-A Bite F2a Production Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Italy, Asolo Film Festival; 27.8.2010


A Paperworks Exhibit F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art United States, Space Gallery, Denver,

Colorado; 4.12.2012 - 26.1.2013 Accidental Lovers (Sydän kierroksella) - Interactive Dark

Musical Comedy for Television

F2a Production Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Saarinen, Leena; Nurminen, Minna

Department of Media Finland, Yle TV Channel 1; 27.12.2006 -5.1.2007

Accidental Lovers (Sydän kierroksella) Interactive Dark Musical Comedy DVD

F2a Production Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 1.3.2007

-Afrikan sinfonia. Dokumenttiohjelma F2a Production Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Unknown, YLE Teena; 4.4.2010

-Afternoon Ambience Some Place Else & Living Room F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Turku; 21.8.2004

-AHNE: 3D DJ Interface F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Tampere; 13.6.2012

-Aki Suzuki Spirits’ “Aino – Kalevala” F2b Performance, festival, concert Pesonen, Jaakko ; Korpilahti, Teemu; Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Media Finland, Helsinki Annantalo; 15.11.2013 - 23.11.2013

Alan 01 - Final international version F1b Private exhibition, installation Korpilahti, Teemu; Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Pesonen, Jaakko

Department of Media Italy, Firenze - ACM Multimedia 2010; 25.10.2010 - 7.11.2010

Alan01 - Research production F2c Group exhibition, installation Korpilahti, Teemu; Nieminen, Merja; Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Stolt, Tea;


Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date

Alan01 adaptation F2c Group exhibition, installation Pesonen, Jaakko ; Korpilahti, Teemu;

Nieminen, Merja; Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Media Finland, Design Museum, Helsinki; 12.1.2011 - 27.2.2011

AlanOnline F2a Production Korpilahti, Teemu; Tuomola, Mika Lumi;

Nieminen, Merja; Stolt, Tea

Department of Media Unknown; 4.6.2009

-Alfred Kordelinin yleinen kulttuuri- ja sivistysrahasto 2010 Grant Tainio, Matti Department of Art

Alphabet session @ Le Bas Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Cabel Factory, Helsinki; 7.5.2004

-Antikythera F1a Independent art work, composition,


Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Vuori, Rasmus Department of Media Finland; 1.1.2013 - 1.10.2014

Antikythera iPad poetry application F2a Production Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Vuori, Rasmus Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 1.2.2014 - 20.8.2015

ArcInTex exhibition F2c Group exhibition, installation Townsend, Riikka Department of Design Netherlands, Eindhoven TU/e;

13.10.2014 - 17.10.2014 Unknown;


-Art Salat F2b Performance, festival, concert Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Seinäjoen Taidehalli; 3.10.2009

- 1.11.2009

Art's Birthday Event F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Mbar Cafe, Helsinki; 17.1.2004

-Assemble '04 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Hartwall Areena, Helsinki;


-At Hand F1b Private exhibition, installation Tikka, Heidi; Korpilahti, Teemu;

Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Media Finland, Lasipalatsi, Helsinki; 27.8.2010 -24.9.2010

Auditory Augmentation F2c Group exhibition, installation Bovermann, Till; Tünnermann, René ; Hermann, Thomas

Department of Media Norway, Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine; 29.3.2011 -29.5.2011

Aureobel Launch Event F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 15.5.2005

AVEK Grant for the development of Danse Macabre -Perpetual Motion

Grant Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland; 1.11.2007 - 1.5.2008

Baltic Warriors transmedia dramaturgy F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Germany, Berlin; 15.2.2012 - 15.8.2012

Banff World Television Awards 2007 Nominee Prize, award Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Canada, Banff; 1.6.2007

-Banff World Television Festival 2003 Winner of the -Banff Centre New Media CyberPitch

Prize, award Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Canada, Banff; 3.6.2003

-BIG WORDS Aallonhuiput näyttely 18. -29.4. 2011 F2c Group exhibition, installation Toikka, Tarja Department of Media Finland, Galleria Atski ; 18.4.2011 -24.4.2011

Bioart Society F2b Performance, festival, concert Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Kilpisjärvi; 12.7.2009


Blue Night @ garajIstanbul F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Turkey, garajIstanbul; 9.12.2007

-Chinese Ink Workshop for BIG WORDS exhibition New process, material Toikka, Tarja Department of Media Finland, Graafinen osasto, luokka 503;

30.3.2011 -City Noises - work in progress F2c Group exhibition, installation Pesonen, Jaakko ; Tuomola, Mika Lumi;

Rodriquez Garcia, Tania

Department of Media United Kingdom, London Greenwich; 4.8.2012 - 4.8.2012


Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date City Noises at the Night of the Arts F2c Group exhibition, installation Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Rodriquez Garcia,

Tania; Pesonen, Jaakko

Department of Media Finland, Karhupuisto, Helsinki; 23.8.2012 - 25.10.2012

City Sets Paris : Parallel Spaces F2c Group exhibition, installation Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Seliger, Marja; Rodriquez Garcia, Tania; Best-Dunkley, Andrew ; Tikka, Heidi

Department of Art, Department of Media France, Paris; 30.6.2012 - 31.8.2012

Climate Change - Changing Greenland F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Denmark, Gallery Sigvardson, Rødby

Denmark; 4.6.2011 - 24.6.2011 Club concert at the Sibelius Academy Winter Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 1.2.2006

-Cologne Game Lab Global Game Jam 2014 Jury membership Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Germany, Cologne Game Lab;

26.1.2014 - 26.1.2014 Creative leadership-pilottikoulutus, design-ajattelua ja


New process, material Toikka, Tarja Department of Media Unknown, Pori; 29.8.2007

-ctrl_alt_del Sound Art Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Turkey, Istanbul; 16.9.2005

-Danse Macabre – Perpetual Motion: Script, Presentation, Design and Concept

F2a Production Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, London, UK; Helsinki, Finland;

1.11.2007 - 1.5.2008

Design Can Change F2c Group exhibition, installation Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media China, Shenzhen; 12.5.2013 - 16.6.2013

Design Migration 10+ - Views on Clay”, Designgalleria 12, Designmuseo, Helsinki

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Finland, Designmuseo, Helsinki; 13.10.2012 - 28.10.2012

Design Migration: SOMEDEMOS muotoilunäyttely F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Unknown, Täky-galleria, Lappeenranta; 3.12.2010 - 30.12.2010

Designing Cellulose for the Future F2a Production Härkäsalmi, Tiina; Tanttu, Marjaana;

Kääriäinen, Pirjo

Department of Design Finland, Aalto-university, Media Centre Lume; 6.11.2014

-Die finnische Dunkelheit oder wie gestaltet man Licht, suomalaista valaisinmuotoilua, Lessingbad, Saksa

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Germany, Lessingbad; 22.11.2012 -7.12.2012

Digital III. On Sound Art festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 17.4.2004

-Digitally Yours Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova 31.3.-13.5.2007 F2c Group exhibition, installation Vuori, Rasmus; Tikka, Pia; Juutilainen, Joonas

Department of Media Finland, Turku; 31.3.2007 - 13.5.2007

DIMEKE Digital Narrative Product Development Funding Jury membership Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, Helsinki & Oulu; 1.4.2011 -20.6.2011

Electro-acoustic music performance F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Turkey, garajIstanbul; 13.9.2008

-Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research Award in Art Education Prize, award Tervo, Juuso Department of Art

Elokuvataiteen taiteilija-apuraha Grant Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and



-Elämystyöpajat kulttuurin ja matkailun toimijolle 17. ja 19. 4. 2012

New process, material Toikka, Tarja Department of Media Finland, Pori ja Rauma; 17.4.2012

-EMI - experimental musical instruments - project performance

F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Sweden, Ostra Farmvagen 42C - MMX, Malmo; 12.12.2005

-EMI Night!! F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 17.3.2006

-Enactive Cinema installation in South Carelia Art Museum forthcoming 2009

F2c Group exhibition, installation Tikka, Pia Department of Media Finland, South Carelia Art Museum;


Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date Enactive Cinema Installation Obession - the Museum of

Contemporary Art KIASMA, Helsinki

F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Juutilainen, Joonas; Tikka, Pia Department of Media

Erfinden. 5. Internationaler Porzellanworkshop KAHLA kreativ

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Germany, GRASSI Museum für

Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig; 27.11.2010 - 16.1.2011

Esitys valokuvafestivaalilla F2c Group exhibition, installation Tammi, Maija Department of Media Japan, Kobe; 27.8.2014 - 29.8.2014

Exhibiting Design Driven Value Chains of the World of Cellulose -project and CHEMARTS - student project

F2a Production Tanttu, Marjaana; Härkäsalmi, Tiina; Kääriäinen, Pirjo

Department of Design Finland, Aalto University Forest Products Technology, Espoo, Finland; 16.5.2015 -16.5.2015

Exhibiting results and material samples from DWoC and CHEMARTS projects

F2c Group exhibition, installation Tanttu, Marjaana; Kääriäinen, Pirjo; Härkäsalmi, Tiina

Department of Design Finland, Aalto University Executive Education, Helsinki, Finland; 21.5.2015 -21.5.2015

Exhibition of Design Driven Value Chains of the World of Cellulose -project and CHEMARTS - student project

F2a Production Härkäsalmi, Tiina; Tanttu, Marjaana; Kääriäinen, Pirjo

Department of Design Finland, Jyväskylän Paviljonki, Puumessut 2015; 2.9.2015 - 4.9.2015

Exoskeletons 1-2 F1a Independent art work, composition,


Tikka, Heidi Department of Media Finland, Forum Box Helsinki; 30.11.2007

- 29.12.2007 Unknown;

-Expand F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Meteori Cafe, Helsinki;

25.5.2001 -Family Archive (alpha prototype) / Arki research group F2a Production Myller, Mika; Kommonen, Kari-Hans;

Tarkiainen, Tuomo; Juutilainen, Joonas; Botero, Andrea; Tikkanen, Ville

Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 27.11.2007 -31.12.2007

Feature Film Daughters of Yemanjá (Finland-Brazil) 1996 F2a Production Tikka, Pia Department of Media

Feature Film Maid of Dusk (work title) (Hämärän Heili) in development 2008

F2a Production Tikka, Pia Department of Media Unknown; 15.5.2011 - 5.5.2017

Feature Film Sand Bride (Hiekka Morsian) F2a Production Tikka, Pia Department of Media Finland; 1.1.1997

-Filmografia F2a Production Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and

Scenography First price in the Apps4Learning / eEemeli competition Prize, award Leinonen, Teemu; Keune, Anna; Purma,

Jukka; Toikkanen, Tarmo

Department of Media Finland, Hämeenlinna; Unknown;

-Foam formed Acoustic Elements F2c Group exhibition, installation Härkäsalmi, Tiina; Tanttu, Marjaana Department of Design Finland, Messukeskus Helsinki; 3.6.2014 - 5.6.2014

FOLLOW THE SUN F1b Private exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art New Zealand, Wellingotn; 18.2.2005


From Me to Us: a computer generated music installation F2c Group exhibition, installation Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Canada, Toronto; 29.7.2004 - 31.7.2004

Future Market for Wood-based Biomass F2a Production Härkäsalmi, Tiina; Tanttu, Marjaana;

Kääriäinen, Pirjo

Department of Design Finland, Messukeskus, helsinki; 5.11.2015 - 8.11.2015 Glass Design from Finland – Land of Forests and Lakes,

Suntory Museum of Art, Japani

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Japan; 21.11.2012 - 20.1.2013

Great Conspiracy – The Opera F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Pesonen, Jaakko ; Korpilahti, Teemu

Department of Media Finland, Korjaamo Culture Factory; 4.5.2011 - 10.5.2011


Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date

Guests of Honour F1b Private exhibition, installation Pesonen, Jaakko ; Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, The National Library of Finland, Helsinki; 11.11.2011 - 11.11.2011

Hei homo! / Hello Homo! F1a Independent art work, composition,


Pesonen, Jaakko ; Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Rodriquez Garcia, Tania

Department of Media United Kingdom, London-Budapest-Helsinki; 4.8.2012 - 21.10.2012

Helsingin kaupungin taidepuraha 2013 Grant Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and


ImproMasters in FYLKINGEN F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Sweden, Stockholm; 5.5.2006

-ImprovHelsinki F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 5.2.2006

-In Hands F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media United Kingdom, London; 14.2.2013

-InHands: Improvisation for Mobile Phones . F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media United States, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 21.5.2012

-Installaatio Obsession (2005) F1b Private exhibition, installation Tikka, Pia Department of Media Finland, Kiasma;

-Installaatioteos F2b Performance, festival, concert Tammi, Maija Department of Media Finland, Järvenpää; 28.7.2014

-28.7.2014 Installation at Masters of Arts 2004 -"From Me to Us: a

computer generated music installation"

F2c Group exhibition, installation Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Media Centre Lume, Helsinki; 12.5.2004 - 29.5.2004

Interaktiivisia installaatioita 15.4. – 31.5.2009 Etelä-Karjalan taidemuseossa

F2c Group exhibition, installation Vuori, Rasmus; Tikka, Pia; Juutilainen, Joonas

Department of Media Finland; 15.4.2009 - 31.5.2009

International Emmy Awards 2008 Invitee Prize, award Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media France, Cannes; 3.1.2007

-International group exhibition S+ SOLARGRAPHY AND OTHER IMAGES

F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Media Centre Lume Gallery;

3.9.2012 - 21.9.2012 International Society for the Study of Narrative 25th

Anniversary Conference / Cleveland, Ohio

Grant Tervahartiala, Marika Department of Art United States, Case Western University,

Cleveland, Ohio; 8.4.2010 - 11.4.2010 Interview at the Voimala programme of Finnish Broadcasting

Company YLE

F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Unknown; 11.5.2009

-Invented Instruments F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Turku; 3.8.2012

-ISEA(International Symposium on Electronic Art)2009 Keynote Speech

F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Ireland, Belfast; 23.8.2009 - 1.9.2009

Jenny ja Antti Wihurin rahasto 2012 Grant Tainio, Matti Department of Art

Kaikki rakkauden värit Grant Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and


Kaksi - Två F1b Private exhibition, installation Tainio, Matti Department of Art Finland, Galleri Sinne, Helsinki;

29.4.2010 - 16.5.2010

KATSOA VAI NÄHDÄ- Valokuvan merkityksiä etsimässä F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Suomen valokuataiteen museo; 28.1.2005 - 11.12.2005

Kellokas 2007 Prize, award Töyry, Maija Department of Media

KET Project performance F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Sweden, Gävle; 24.11.2015

-KET Project performance F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Sweden, Fylkingen, Stockholm;


-Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date Keynote for the Finnish Media Education Centre Metka F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Unknown; 9.10.2009 Koodiaapinen, palkinto Open Finland Challenge 2015


Prize, award Toikkanen, Tarmo Department of Media

Kosketusetäisyys – Within reach F1b Private exhibition, installation Tikka, Heidi; Jouhtimäki, Juho ; Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Media Finland, Sculptor Gallery Helsinki; 2.1.2014 - 19.1.2014

Kotkan taideseuran vuosinäyttelyn jyrytys Jury membership Toikka, Tarja Department of Media Finland, Kotka; 28.9.2011 - 24.10.2011

Kulttuurimatkailun elämystyöpajat 17. 4. ja 19. 4. Porissa ja Raumalla

New process, material Toikka, Tarja Department of Media

Laterna Magican 20 vuotis juhlavuoden päätösnäyttely F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Helsinki; 20.10.2009 -24.10.2009

Learning-café-workshop with the Russian festival managers 22.4.2009

New process, material Toikka, Tarja Department of Media

Leftover F1b Private exhibition, installation Tammi, Maija Department of Media Finland, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte;

3.1.2014 - 26.1.2014

Leftover F1b Private exhibition, installation Tammi, Maija Department of Media Finland, Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Lahti;

16.9.2014 - 5.10.2014

Finland, Galleri Zebra, Karjaa; 5.11.2014 - 29.11.2015


-Lenkillä F1b Private exhibition, installation Tainio, Matti Department of Art Finland, Galleria Pirkko-Liisa Topelius,

Helsinki; 22.4.2008 - 25.5.2008

Les Visas de l'ANI 2013 F2c Group exhibition, installation Tammi, Maija Department of Media France, Gallery Bar Floréal, Paris;

17.10.2013 - 18.11.2013

Live Audio Cues Performance F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Germany, Weimar; 9.8.2011

-Live Audio Cues Performance @ Sound and Music Computing Conference 2010

F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Spain, Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra; 22.7.2010

-Live Audio Cues Performance @ TodaysArt 2010 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Netherlands, Den Haag; 25.9.2010 -LiveImproS~ performance @ Linux Audio Conference F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Italy, La Casa della Musica, Parma;


-LiveImproS~ performance @ Pixelist Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Turkey, santralistanbul, Istanbul; 29.4.2009

-LiveImprovS F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Canada, Sat, Montreal; 22.8.2007

-LiveImprovS~ Performance @ Biennale Festival 2010 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki, Korjamo; 24.4.2010 -LiveImprovS~ performance @


F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Turkey, garajIstanbul; 20.9.2008

-LiveImprovS~ Performance @ IDKA Push Festival 2010 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Sweden, Gävle; 19.3.2010 -LiveImprovS~ Performance @ Make Art Festival 2009 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media France, Poitiers; 11.12.2009 -LiveImprovS~ Performance @ SMC Conference 2009 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Portugal, Porto; 23.7.2009 -Luovat alat Kotka-Hamina -ohjelmassa " luovan prosessin

käsitteellistäminen" osana koulutusta


Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date Maiden of Dusk feature film F1a Independent art work, composition,


Tikka, Pia Department of Media

Man Machines / Ihmiskoneita F1b Private exhibition, installation Pesonen, Jaakko ; Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Korpilahti, Teemu; Vuori, Rasmus; Best-Dunkley, Andrew

Department of Art, Department of Media Finland, Forum Box, Helsinki; 29.9.2012 - 21.10.2012

Mieletön elokuu/Láska, soudruhu/August Fools F2a Production Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and


Unknown; Unknown; Unknown;

-Miniatyyrinäyttely — Miniatures F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Galleria Hamonia; 20.11.2008


Mitä ajattelen, kun ajattelen juoksemista F1b Private exhibition, installation Tainio, Matti Department of Art Finland, Suomen Urheilumuseo, Helsinki; 15.3.2012 - 15.4.2012 Monta kertaa kaupunkiin-sivustolla - Images of Urban


F2b Performance, festival, concert Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, www.montakertaakaupunkiin.fi;


-MOP (Month of Photography) in Denver, Colorado, USA F2b Performance, festival, concert Trygg, Tarja Department of Art United States, Denver, Colorado, USA; 4.3.2011 - 26.4.2011

Mother, Child F1a Independent art work, composition,


Tikka, Heidi Department of Media United States, F2F, New Wight Gallery,

Los Angeles; 16.9.2000 - 6.10.2000 United States, F2F, Embassy of Finland, Washington; 5.2.2001 - 3.3.2001 Canada, F2F, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto; 10.10.2001 - 4.11.2001 Canada, F2F, Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts; 18.4.2002 - 2.6.2002 United States, F2F, Parsons School of Design Exhibitions, New York; 2.10.2002 - 15.11.2002

Belgium, F2F & Mais, Cité administrative de l'Etat, Bruxelles; 1.10.2003 -1.12.2003

United Kingdom, Fabrica Gallery, Brighton; 13.11.2004 - 19.12.2004 United Kingdom, Nottdance Festival, St Peter's Church, Nottingham; 3.5.2005 -8.5.2005

Mother, Child F2c Group exhibition, installation Tikka, Heidi Department of Media Finland, Suomen Valokuvataiteen

Museo, projektitila; 21.10.2011 -20.11.2011

Muuttuva Grönlanti - Valokuvanäyttely Länsi Grönlannista F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Unknown, Arktikum, Rovaniemi; 22.6.2010 - 30.9.2010 NEW MEDIA MANAGEMENT-sivuaineen verkkomateriaali


New process, material Toikka, Tarja Department of Media Unknown, Helsinki;

-New Music Academy Concert II F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 28.10.2004

-NoiseCity Helsinki I - Art's Birthday event F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 15.1.2005 -NoiseCity Helsinki II - Art's Birthday event F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 14.1.2006


-Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date

NÄKYMÄ — UTOPIA 2015 F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Akaan Toijalassa, Nahkialan

järven puistossa ja Ratamestarin talolla; 12.6.2015 - 31.8.2015

Obessio - Prix Möbius International 2006 Prize, award Juutilainen, Joonas; Tikka, Pia Department of Media Canada, Montreal;

-Obessio - Prix Möbius International 2006 Prize, award Vuori, Rasmus; Tikka, Pia; Juutilainen, Joonas

Department of Media Canada, Montreal; 12.10.2006 -15.10.2006

OBSERVEMUS – A Travelogue of Light, Time and Mankind F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Vuori, Rasmus Department of Media Finland, Helsinki University Observatory; 20.8.2015 - 30.8.2015

Obsessio - Digitally Yours - Ars Nova - Turku F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Juutilainen, Joonas; Tikka, Pia Department of Media Finland, Ars Nova, Turku;

-Obsessio - ISEA 2006 - San Jose F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Juutilainen, Joonas; Tikka, Pia Department of Media United States, San Jose;

-Obsessio / Prix Möbius Nordica 2006 Prize, award Juutilainen, Joonas; Tikka, Pia Department of Media

ORTUS, Group - Showcase of the selected artists has been published in 2011

F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Trygg, Tarja Department of Art United States, Magazine Diffusion

Unconventional Photography, Volume III, 2011;

-Parallel Worlds Remix F1b Private exhibition, installation Tainio, Matti Department of Art Finland, Galleria Kopio, Rovaniemi;

4.4.2016 - 22.4.2016

Participatory live stream "ADA" F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, Media Lab Helsinki; 29.11.2013 - 29.11.2013


New process, material Toikka, Tarja Department of Media

Performance at Generative Art Conference F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Italy, Milan; 15.12.2004 -Pia Tikka Artistic Portfolio April 2014 please download from

publications section

F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Tikka, Pia Department of Media

Piksel05 Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Norway, Bergen; 23.10.2005

-Piksel06 Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Norway, Bergen; 13.10.2006

-PLACCC 2012: City Noises F2c Group exhibition, installation Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Pesonen, Jaakko ; Rodriquez Garcia, Tania

Department of Media Hungary, PLACCC, Budapest; 21.9.2012 - 24.9.2012

Pori jazz for professionals 2008, tapahtumatuotannon kesäseminaari ammattilaisille (tuottaja)

F2b Performance, festival, concert Toikka, Tarja Department of Media

Pori Jazz for Professionals –seminar 15.-16. July 2009 (tiimin vetäjä)

F2b Performance, festival, concert Toikka, Tarja Department of Media

PUSH>PROCESS at CoExist Galleries in Southend on Sea, Essex, UK

F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Trygg, Tarja Department of Art United Kingdom, Southend-on-Sea,

Essex, UK; 2.9.2010 - 24.9.2010

Raja Performance F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media United Kingdom, London, Windsor;


-Raja Performance F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 11.11.2010

-Sade Gürültü F1a Independent art work, composition,


Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Belgium, Brussel: Sub Rosa Records. ;



Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date

Saulin sota Prize, award Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and

Scenography Sculpted Light, valaisinmuotoilua by Taiviola & Isopahkala,

9.12.-31.12.2012 Highlight Valaistus galleria, Helsinki

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Finland, Helsinki; 9.12.2012 - 31.12.2012

Short film Obsession (2004) F2a Production Tikka, Pia Department of Media

Siinä näkijä missä tekijä F2a Production Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and


Situations4x F2a Production Tikka, Heidi Department of Media Finland, ISEA04 - Wireless experience,

Kiasma, Helsinki; 20.8.2004 -24.10.2004


-Sky Lab 3 curated by Felicity Spear F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Australia, Latrobe Regional Gallery, 138

Commercial Road Morwell VIC 3840 ; 28.9.2013 - 24.11.2013

Sky Lab: Lines of Sight and Forces of Attraction exhibition F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Australia, Counihan Gallery In Brunswick. 233 Sydney Road (inside Brunswick Town Hall), Brunswick ; 31.7.2015 - 30.8.2015

Snellman-palkinto 2009 Prize, award Töyry, Maija Department of Media

SolarDuo Project @ Ars Electronica 2006 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Austria, Linz; 2.9.2006 -SolarDuo Project @ New Music Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Turkey, Istanbul; 4.4.2007

-Solargraphy Gallery on the Internet. www.solargraphy.com F2a Production Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, www.solargraphy.com; 1.1.2006

-Solargraphy@HK: Sunpath Pinhole Recording F2b Performance, festival, concert Trygg, Tarja Department of Art China, Hong Kong Arts Centre;

22.1.2010 - 22.2.2010 Solarigrafeja julkaisuissa: 1) Arttu1/2010, 2) KLACK

Photography & Culture Magazine 1/2010 Hong Kongissa ja 3) Helsingin Sanomissa 23.3.2010/D2

F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Unknown;

-Solarigrafioita - Solar Graphics F1b Private exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Laterna Magica; 4.1.2005


SPACE ART F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Japan, Kyoto ; 5.5.2009 - 10.5.2009

Japan, Tokyo; 11.5.2009 - 24.5.2009

SUN & WIND F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Taideteollinen korkeakoulu,

Mediakeskus Lume, Helsinki; 2.11.2009 - 20.11.2009

Suomalaista nykylasimuotoilua esittelevä kutsunäyttely F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Unknown, Musashino Art University, Tokio, Nagoya Design Center, Nagoya, Japani; 1.6.2010

-Suomen lasi elää 6. Finnish Glass Lives. F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Unknown, Suomen lasimuseo, Riihimäki; 5.3.2010 - 1.8.2010


Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date

Syntymiä - Births F2a Production Tikka, Heidi Department of Media Finland, Kiasma back window, Helsinki;

3.11.2003 - 23.11.2003 Unknown;

-Taideteollinen korkeakoulu 2011 Grant Tainio, Matti Department of Art

Take 5 Interview: Tarja Trygg F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Trygg, Tarja Department of Art United States, Internet; 15.1.2010

-The 2nd National Pinhole Photography Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina

F2b Performance, festival, concert Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Argentina, Buenos Aires; 20.10.2009

-25.10.2009 The Artist and the Viewer´s Experiences — AWE at The

Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma

F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Kiasma; 11.6.2000 - 16.7.2000

The communication about the mail art ´Water, common good´

F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Italy, ex-Pozzi Park in Corsico, Milano; 25.5.2010 - 9.11.2010

The Game of Imaginary Beings F2c Group exhibition, installation Botero, Andrea; Pelo, Riikka; Tikka, Heidi

Department of Film, Television and Scenography, Department of Media

Sweden, Mälmö; 21.6.2002 - 23.6.2002

The Power of the Light F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Austria, Salzburg; 7.9.2008 - 16.9.2008

The Real Princess (working title) F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Tikka, Pia Department of Media Unknown; 10.5.2011 - 5.5.2016

Unknown; -The Third Woman - Digital Art Weeks 2010 F2c Group exhibition, installation Vuori, Rasmus; Tikka, Pia; Rieser,

Martin; Jahrmann, Margarete ; Dumitriu, Anna

Department of Media China, Xi'an; 2.7.2010 - 16.7.2010

The Third Woman film-game in Galapagos Art Space, NYC F1b Private exhibition, installation Tikka, Pia Department of Media United States, New York City; 8.5.2011 -The Third Woman Interactive Performance & Film-game F2b Performance, festival, concert Yankowitz, Nina ; Tikka, Pia; Rieser,

Martin; Jahrmann, Margarete ; Vuori, Rasmus; Kaipainen, Mauri

Department of Media United States, New York; 8.5.2011 -8.5.2011

Time in a Can F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Spain, Fundacion Diario Madrid, Larra,

14 28004 – Madrid; 24.6.2013 -30.7.2013

Treatment for 'The Book of Rooms' (Huoneiden kirja) New process, material Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 15.10.2011

-Turing Impact F2a Production Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Stolt, Tea;

Korpilahti, Teemu

Department of Media Unknown; 8.5.2009

-Turing Machine F1a Independent art work, composition,


Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Nieminen, Merja; Saarinen, Leena

Department of Media Unknown, Korjaamo, Helsinki Cultural Factory (and on-going online); 27.3.2008 - 2.4.2008


-Turing Machine Opera at Finnish Music Week F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, Helsinki air-raid shelter; 17.10.2013 - 27.10.2013

Turing Machine Opera at iCHSTM 2013 F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi; Nieminen, Merja Department of Media United Kingdom, Manchester Capitol Theatre; 22.7.2013 - 22.7.2013 Turing Machine Opera at Turku Chamber Music Festival F2b Performance, festival, concert Tuomola, Mika Lumi Department of Media Finland, Turku Art Academy Köysi

Theatre; 3.11.2013 - 3.11.2013 Universal Forum of Cultures, Monterrey 2007, Mexico F2c Group exhibition, installation Díaz-Kommonen, Lily; Reunanen,

Markku ; Timonen, Atte

Department of Media Mexico, Monterrey; 19.9.2007 -8.12.2007


Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date

UNKNOWN CITY F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Finland, Töölö, Helsinki; 26.4.2006

-Unperformed F2c Group exhibition, installation Pesonen, Jaakko ; Korpilahti, Teemu;

Tuomola, Mika Lumi

Department of Media Finland, Media Lab Demo Day, Aalto University School of Art and Design; 26.5.2011

-Valokuvakirja Leftover/Removals F1a Independent art work, composition, text

Tammi, Maija Department of Media Finland, Helsinki; 12.9.2014 - 12.5.2015

VALON VALLASSA -NÄYTTELY F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Hämeenlinna, Galleria Ripustus;

25.11.2008 - 28.12.2008

Valtion kuvataidetoimikunta 2009 Grant Tainio, Matti Department of Art

Valtion kuvataidetoimikunta 2012 Grant Tainio, Matti Department of Art Unknown;

-Varsinais-Suomen taidetoimikunta 2010 Grant Tainio, Matti Department of Art

Viikon taiteilija heinäkuussa 2009 Prize, award Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, Yle Radio1 Puheohjelmat;

19.7.2009 - 25.7.2009 Unknown;

-Viimeinen juna länteen F2a Production Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and


Viimeinen juna länteen F1a Independent art work, composition,


Talvio, Raija Department of Film, Television and


WATERFALL F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art United States, Boston huhtikuusssa


Finland, Hämeenlinna; 1.6.2009 -28.6.2009

Israel, Tel Avid syksy 2009;

-WATERFALL F2c Group exhibition, installation Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Israel, Tel Aviv ; 11.3.2011 - 10.4.2011

Website Maailmanlaajuinen taideproduktio http://www2.uiah.fi/~ttrygg

F2a Production Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Finland, http://www2.uiah.fi/~ttrygg;

4.5.2005 Unknown;

-Winners of the Lithuanian Art Week (Season 2010-Spring) Prize, award Trygg, Tarja Department of Art Lithuania, Vilnius, The Museum-gallery

of the Modern art; 26.1.2010 - 10.2.2010

Wintertorch Lamour Event F2b Performance, festival, concert Tahiroglu, Koray Department of Media Sweden, Fylkingen, Stockholm;

10.12.2013 -Wuxi Grand Theatre: lasimoduulin konseptointi ja suunnittelu

teatterin lämpiön seinäpinnan materiaaliksi

F4 Design/artistic contribution in a commercial context

Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design China, Wuxi; 1.6.2010 - 30.4.2012

Älkää minua syyttäkö! / Do Not Blame Me! F1b Private exhibition, installation Tainio, Matti Department of Art Finland, Titanik-galleria, Turku; 1.4.2011 - 21.4.2011

”Arjen aarteita - Everyday Discoveries” muotoilun minimaailmannäyttely, Suvilahti, Helsinki

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Finland, Suvilahti, Helsinki; 9.9.2012 -16.9.2012

”Design Colours Life – Contemporary Finnish Design and Marimekko” Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA), Shanghai, Kiina

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design China, Shanghai; 26.10.2012 -4.11.2012


-Artistic activity name Type People Departments/Units Place and Date ”Lasia ja muuta – Glass etc. Karahvista kirjahyllyyn – From

Carafe to Cardboard”, suomalaista muotoilua, Suomen lasimuseo, Riihimäki

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Finland, Riihimäki; 1.6.2012 - 23.9.2012

”LoLo & RoRo” Aalto-yliopiston muotoilun laitoksen taideteollisen muotoilun koulutusohjelman

10-vuotisjuhlanäyttely, Rantamakasiini L3, Jätkäsaari, Helsinki

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Finland, Jätkäsaari, Helsinki; 31.8.2012 -30.9.2012

”LUX CRAFT”, Origin: The Contemporary Craft Fair, Old Spitalfields Market, Lontoo, Iso-Britannia

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design United Kingdom, Lontoo; 22.9.2011 -28.9.2011

”Pyhäniemi 2012”-kuvataidenäyttely, teoksia nykytaiteen ja –muotoilun rajapinnoilta, Hollola

F2c Group exhibition, installation Taiviola, Kirsti Department of Design Unknown; 30.6.2012 - 10.8.2012

”Sounds of the Surround ” seminar 06.06 - 11.06 2011 Lanzarote, Spain

Grant Toikka, Tarja Department of Media Spain, Lanzarote; 6.6.2011 - 11.6.2011

”The Spirit of the Material”, lasitaidetta Suomesta ja Kiinasta, White Box Museum of Art, Peking


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