Jeevitha Vedaiyan1 and Lynda Merlin*2
Research Scholar, 2Assistant Professor (Supervisor)
University College of Engineering, (UCEK), Anna University, Kanchipuram-631552.
A kind of novel sago starch-based super absorbent polymer (SBSAP)
with excellent water absorbency capacity (WAC) was synthesized by
the graft polymerization of acrylamide (AAM), cross linker (N, N’ -methylene-bisacrylamide, or N, N’-MBA, with sago starch. Sago starch (SG) based graft copolymers are becoming increasingly important due
to its remarkable adhesion, high water absorbency and
biodegradability. The various factors that influenced the water
absorbency of the modified sago starch were studied, including AAM
content, sago starch content, and weight ratio (to monomer)2% and
5%, cross-linker and initiator. The optimal conditions were found as
follows: (N, N’-MBA) 1%: m (AM) 1g: m (sago starch) 2%, and also the swelling studies of PAAMS-2 and PAAMS-5 was 1784 %and
1616% respectively. The comparative study of hydrolytic stability of all the hydrogels shows
5% starch incorporated polyacrylamide hydrogels has better hydrolytic stability when
compared to PAAM and PAAMS-2 hydrogels. The characteristics of the hydrogels were also
investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), scanning electron microscope (SEM),
Thermo gravimetric analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetric. The results indicated
that the undulant surface and broad network structure offer the hydrogels excellent water
absorbency. Therefore, the developed hydrogel may be widely applicable in agriculture and
could provide a minimum wastage of water, utilization of fertilizer nutrients, as soil
conditioners, water retainers, and bio-remediating agents.
KEYWORDS: Water absorbency capacity; starch; superabsorbent polymer; gel strength.
Volume 7, Issue 7, 103-119. Conference Article ISSN 2277– 7105
Article Received on 13 Feb. 2018,
Revised on 05 March 2018, Accepted on 26 March 2018,
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20187-11594
*Corresponding Author
Lynda Merlin Assistant Professor
University College of
Engineering, (UCEK),
Anna University,
SAP, superabsorbent polymer; SBSAP, starch-based superabsorbent polymer; SG,sago
starch, N,N’-MBA, N,N’-methylene-bisacrylamide; AAM, acrylamide; PAAM, polyacrylamide; FTIR, Fourier-transform infrared; TGA, thermo gravimetric analysis; SEM,
scanning electron microscopy; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; WAC, water
absorptioncapacity;PAAM, polyacrylamidemonomer;PAAMS, polyacrylamidemonomersago
Hydrogels are water-swellable, three dimensional polymeric networks. The capacity of
hydrogels to absorb water is enormous and can be as much as 1000 times the mass of
polymer (Huglin and Zakaria (1986); Peppas and Mikos (1986); given and Sen (1991);
Kulicke and Noltelman (1989). Hydrogels find application in food industry (as thickening
agents, etc.), in pharmaceuticals (as controlled release preparations etc.), agriculture and
related fields (in controlled release of moisture, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.). Hydrogels are
three-dimensional cross-linked polymeric network having substantial affinity for water.
Classes of hydrogels which are derived from biopolymers have been widely used in number
of industries because of their biocompatibility and environmental safety. Sago starch (SG)
based graft copolymers are becoming increasingly important due to its remarkable adhesion,
high water absorbency and biodegradability. There are many reports on the physico-chemical
characteristics, pharmaceutical, agricultural applications and several other chemical
modifications (esterification, etherification, oxidation of–OH groups etc.)[1-5]
A superabsorbent polymer (SAP) can absorb and retain significant amounts of water, forming
a superabsorbent hydrogel which is a three-dimensional matrix constituted by hydrophilic
polymers that are chemically or physically cross linked, and which slowly release the water
and associated Ingredients in a dry circumstance. SAPs have already been widely used in
agriculture and many other areas.[6-10]
In agricultural sector, they are extensively used as soil conditioners, water retainers, and
bio-remediating agents. Acrylamide based hydrogel are the most common hydrogel. These
hydrogel undergo large volume transition on swelling but they lack hydrolytic stability. Their
hydrolytic stability can be increased if substituted acrylamides have alkyl or hydroxyl alkyl
Polyacrylamide hydrogel is an atoxic, stable, non resorbable sterile watery gel consisting of
approximately 2.5% cross-linked polyacrylamide and no pyrogenic water. Hydrogels based
on polyacrylamide have wide potential for used as superabsorbent, sanitary materials as
specific sorbents separation and enrichment technologies. Comparing with traditional SAPs,
the starch-based SAP (SBSAP) is superior regarding its biodegradability, renewability,
abundance, and low cost.[23] These advantages of Starch are in alignment with the current
regulations addressing the environmental concerns. Increasing attention has been focused on
innovative technologies for the cost-effective production of SBSAPs with improved
performance. This work has established a synthesis of PAA (polyacrylamide) with), cross
linker (N, N’-methylene-bisacrylamide, or N, N’-MBA, and monomer Acrylamide. For the chemical modification, the starch was grafted with acrylamide and then cross-linked by N,
N’-MBA to produce a starch-based hydrogel. Specifically,2 and 5% of sago starch, 1g of
AM 2ml of deionised water and 2ml of 1% potassium per sulphate solution with 1% of N,N’ -MBA were added. The solution was flushed with nitrogen for 15 minutes to remove
dissolved oxygen. Polymerization was carried out in a constant temperature bath at 55°C for
30 minutes. The cross-linked starch grafted polyacrylamide gel obtained was washed with
distilled water to remove unreacted monomer and the residual initiator by immersing the gel
in deionized water for 24 hrs. The yield of the cross-linked gel was found to be 97%.
Grafting sago starch into acrylamide hydrogel is one of the effective ways to improve the
water retention properties of superabsorbent polymers. The prepared hydrogels PAA,
PAAMS-2, PAAMS-5 was used for Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermo
gravimetric analysis, swelling properties, mechanical behaviour and hydrolytic stability.
2.1 Materials
Sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, ethyleneglycoldimethacrylate (EGDMA),
N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide (MBAAM), potassium per sulphate, Acrylamide (AAM), Sago
starch, 2-bromophenol B, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid(MERCK) etc., employed in the
present study were all analytical grade and used as such without further purification.
Benzoyl peroxide (BPO) was recrystallized from a 1:1 mixture of methanol and chloroform
and used. Acrylamide (AAM) was purified by recrystallization from benzene 84-85°C.
Acrylamide monomer (AAM) (1g) and N, N’methylenebisacrylamide (MBAAM) (1%) were
dissolved in 2ml of deionised water. A 1% solution of potassium per sulphate (2ml) was
added and the solution was flushed with nitrogen for 15 minutes to remove dissolved oxygen.
Polymerization was carried out in a constant temperature bath at 55°C for 30 minutes. The
cross linked polyacrylamide gel obtained was washed with distilled water to remove
unreacted monomer and the residual initiator by immersing the gel in deionised water for 24
hrs. The yield of the cross linked gel was found to be 96%.
2.2.1 Preparation of starch incorporated polyacrylamide based hydrogels (PAAMS)
Acrylamide monomer (AAM) (1g) and N, N’methylenebisacrylamide (MBAAM) (1%) and
different weight percent of starch (2% and 5%) with respect to acrylamide monomer were
dissolved in 2ml of deionized water and 2ml of 1% potassium per sulphate solution was
added. The solution was flushed with nitrogen for 15 minutes to remove dissolved oxygen.
Polymerization was carried out in a constant temperature bath at 55°C for 30 minutes. The
cross-linked starch grafted polyacrylamide gel obtained was washed with distilled water to
remove unreacted monomer and the residual initiator by immersing the gel in deionized water
for 24 hrs. The yield of the cross-linked gel was found to be 97%.
2.3.1. Infrared spectra
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were recorded by using a KBr pellet on a Spectrum
one FTIR (Perkin-Elmer instruments, USA) in the wave number range 4000-400cm-1.
2.3.2. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms were recorded using a DSC 200PC
NETZSCH-Geratebau Gmbh thermal analyzer. The heating rate was 20°C min-1 in the
temperature range of -150°C to 300°C.
2.3.3. Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA)
Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed on a STA 409PC NETZSCH-Geratebau
Gmbh thermal analyser in nitrogen atmosphere at a heating rate of 20°C min-1.
2.3.4. Water absorption
The water absorption was determined by immersing the cut membranes in a beaker of water
diameter by using a sharp-edged stainless steel knife. The drained samples were weighed
every 10 min until they attained the maximum water content. The water absorption (WS) was
calculated by using the formula
100 x W W W . S . W 1 1 2
Where, W1 and W2 are the weights of the sample before and after the test.
2.3.5. Swelling behaviour
The dried samples were immersed in an excess of deionised water until swelling equilibrium
was attained. The weight of swollen sample (Ws) was determined after removing the surface
water by blotting with filter paper. Dry weight (Wd) was determined after drying the gel in a
vacuum oven for 1 day at room temperature. The equilibrium water content was calculated
using the formula
EWC (%) = [Ws-Wd / Wd] x100
Were, Ws and Wd are the weights of the water absorbed and the dry samples respectively.
2.3.6. Swelling behaviour at different pH values
Equilibrium water contents were measured at pH 4.2, pH 7 and pH 9.2 using appropriate
buffer solution. Preweighed, dry samples were immersed in pH 4.2, 7 or 9.2 buffer solutions
until they swelled to equilibrium. It was confirmed that 24 hr equilibration was enough to
reach the equilibrium swelling of disks. After excessive surface water was removed by filter
paper, the weights of swollen sample were measured. The equilibrium water content was
calculated from the formula mentioned in section 2.3.5.
2.3.7. Hydrolytic stability measurement
The hydrolytic stability was determined as follows: 12 preweighed dry films were saturated
with phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4) and stored in sealed glass vials and kept in an oven at
80°C. Three samples were removed after 3rd day, similarly each three samples were removed
after 5day, 7day and 14 day respectively. They were washed with distilled water and dried at
80°C for 16 hrs. The percent weight loss of sample after different periods of testing were
obtained by comparing the weight of dry sample before and after testing.
2.3.8. Tensile strength
The tensile strength and elongation of the polymer samples were tested using a Universal
standard. For test specimens, the standard dumbbell shaped test specimens were used so that
the geometry ensures that only tensile stresses occur which act parallel to the surface and
perpendicular to the cross sectional area. Moreover, rupture of the test specimen through
stress concentration in the grip area was avoided. Both dried and swollen samples were
measured; the tensile specimen, 1mm thick and 6mm wide were cut from the sheet. The
elongation at break (ultimate elongation) and the corresponding stress (breaking stress) were
used as characteristic values of a material. The tensile strength was determined using the
Breaking load in kgs Tensile strength (kg/cm2) =
Thickness in cm x width in cm
2.3.9. Compressive strength
The compressive strength of the swollen polymer samples were tested using a Universal
Testing Machine (Hounsfield, UK) at a crosshead speed of 5mm/min as per ASTM
D695-02A standard. The hydrogel samples were prepared as per the ASTM standard measurement
and tested. The hydrogel samples were cut into certain lengths of cylindrical shape and
swollen in distilled water to equilibrium. The swollen samples were used for testing by
mounting on the UTM instrument.
2.3.10. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
SEM observations were made with Leo Stereoscan 440 Scanning electron microscope. The
cryogenically fractured film in liquid nitrogen was mounted vertically on the SEM stub by
silver adhesive paste. The specimens were sputter coated with gold to avoid electrostatic
charges and to improve image resolution before being examined by the electron microscopy.
3.1. Chemical structure Analysis (Infrared spectra)
The FTIR spectrum of polyacrylamide (PAAM) network is shown in Figure3.1.1. In the
polyacrylamide (PAAM) network spectrum the strong absorption at 3435 cm-1and the merged
peak at around 3200 cm-1 are attributed to the N-H stretching vibrations of the primary amide.
The cross linked polyacrylamide exhibit the characteristic absorption peaks 1655-1665cm
(strong), 1618 cm-1(weak) and 1352 cm-1(weak), indicating the C=O, N-H bending and C-N
The FTIR spectrum of pure starch and starch grafted polyacrylamide (PAAMS) network are
shown in Figure3.1.2. a and b indicated that both have a broad absorption band characteristic
of glucosidic ring of starch between 3700 cm-1 and 3200 cm-1,1160 cm-1 and 1030 cm-1.
Moreover, there is a difference in the intensity of this band in the case of starch grafted
acrylamide sample, owing to the utilized hydroxyl groups of the starch. The strong absorption
[image:7.595.146.451.213.386.2]peak at 1675 cm-1 corresponds to the presence of CONH groups.
Figure 3.1.1: FT-IR spectrum of Polyacrylamide (PAAM) network.
Figure 3.1.2: FT-IR spectra of (a) pure sago starch (b) FT-IR spectra of 2% starch
incorporated polyacrylamide
3.2. Thermal Stability
TG thermogram of PAAM network (Figure 3.2.1.) showed three stages of decomposition
[image:7.595.148.451.435.646.2]degradation of PAAM network that is due to the loss of ammonia with the formation of imide
group via cyclisation (Nayak and Singh 2001). The degradation of volatile products such as
water and ammonia was observed below 320°C. Decomposition of cyclised product was
observed starting from 381°C.
TGA thermogram of pure sago starch (Figure 3.2.2.) showed two stages of decomposition
with maximum weight loss at 316°C. The initial weight loss is due to the moisture present.
The second stage decomposition temperature of starch was found to be around 278-318°C.
This may be due to the degradation of the glucosidic linkages. The TGA thermogram data of
pure sago starch, PAAMS-2 and PAAMS-5hydrogels were given in (Table 3.2.a.).
TG thermogram of PAAMS-2 network (Figure 3.2.3a.) showed three stages of decomposition
with a maximum weight loss at 381°C. The weight loss above 210°C was due to the
degradation of PAAM network that is due to the loss of ammonia with the formation of imide
group via cyclisation. The degradation of volatile products such as water and ammonia was
observed below 320°C. Decomposition of the glucosidic linkages of starch was observed
starting from 381°C.
TGA thermogram of PAAMS-5 network (Figure 3.2.3b.). 5% starch incorporated
polyacrylamide hydrogels showed three stages of decomposition with a maximum weight
loss at 395°C. The degradation of glucosidic linkages of starch was observed above 365°C. A
slight increase in thermal stability was observed with the increase in the starch content. The
5% starch incorporated polyacrylamide hydrogels showed higher thermal stability when
compared to polyacrylamide and 2% starch incorporated polyacrylamide hydrogels. This may
be due to the increased crosslink density as the starch content increased in the network.
Figure 3.2.1: TGA thermo gram of Polyacrylamide (PAAM) network.
Figure 3.2.2. TGA thermogram of pure sago starch.
Figure 3.2.3. (a) TGA thermogram of 2% starch incorporated polyacrylamide based
hydrogel (b) TGA thermogram of 5% starch incorporated polyacrylamide based
Table 3.2.a TGA thermogram data for Pure starch, PAAM, PAAMS-2, PAAMS-5.
Sample code
Stages of decomposition
Pure starch 105°C 278-318°C -
PAAM 180-210°C 284-314°C 381- 425°C
PAAMS-2 110-180°C 210-310°C 360- 440°C
PAAMS-5 115-195°C 240-380°C 390- 450°C
[image:9.595.145.452.318.519.2]The DSC thermogram of PAAM network (Figure 3.3.1.) showed a single glass transition
temperature (Tg) in the range of 75-80°C and an endothermic peak at 110°C is due to the
melting of the PAAM network.
The DSC thermogram of pure sago starch, PAAMS-2 and PAAMS-5 hydrogels (Figure 3.3.2
- 3.3.4) showed a single glass transition temperature. In the DSC theromograms of pure sago
starch, PAAMS-2 and PAAMS-5 the glass transistion temperatures (Tg) (Table 3.3.a.) were
observed as 60-80°C, 92-93°C and 107-108°C respectively. The Tg of PAAMS-5 is higher
than PAAMS-2. This is due to the increased crosslink density caused decreased chain
mobility as a result the Tg of PAAMS-5 shifted to higher temperature when compared to
PAAMS-2 Tg value (Koenig and Huang 1995). The Tg value of PAAMS-2 and PAMMS-5
was found to be higher than PAAM hydrogel confirmed the grafting of starch onto
[image:10.595.146.451.350.593.2]acrylamide monomer via crosslinking.
Figure 3.3.2. DSC thermogram of pure sago starch.
Figure 3.3.3: DSC thermogram of 2% starch incorporated polyacrylamide.
[image:11.595.145.450.553.742.2]Table 3.3.a:DSC thermogram data for PAAM, Pure starch, PAAMS-2, PAAMS-5.
Sample code Tg
PAAM 75-80°C
Pure starch 60-80°C
PAAMS-2 92-93°C
PAAMS-5 107-108°C
3.4.Swelling Studies
The PAAM network prepared from 1% of the crosslinking agent (MBAAM) showed an
equilibrium swelling ratio of 406% as shown in (Table 3.4.a.). Swelling studies in both acidic
pH 4 and basic pH 9 were carried out and the results are shown in the Table 3.4. It was found
that the equilibrium swelling increases in pH 9 but decreases in pH 4 this is due to the fact
that at increased pH the acrylamide undergo partial hydrolysis and produce anionic charged
centers along the co-polymeric chains and cause repulsions between the macromolecular
chains and free volume widen in the network resulting in enhanced water absorption.
The equilibrium swelling ratio of all the hydrogels (Table 3.4.a.) PAAM, PAAMS-2, and
PAAMS-5 hydrogels were found to increase to about 60%. The equilibrium swelling ratio of
PAAMS-2 and PAAMS-5 hydrogels was found to be higher than PAAM hydrogel. This may
be due to the increased hydrophilicity in the network caused by the incorporation of starch
into the acrylamide hydrogel. The equilibrium swelling ratio of PAAMS-2 is higher
compared to PAAMS-5. The decrease in swelling ratio of PAAMS-5 is due to the increased
crosslink density. The equilibrium swelling increases in pH 9 but decreases in pH 4 for
PAAM, PAAMS-2, and PAAMS-5 hydrogels. This is due to the fact that at increased pH the
acrylamide undergo partial hydrolysis and produce anionic charged centers along the
co-polymeric chains and cause repulsions between the macromolecular chains and free volume
widen in the network resulting in enhanced water absorption.
Table 3.4.a. Swelling and Hydrolytic stability data for PAAM, PAAMS-2, PAAMS-5.
Sample code Equilibrium Swelling Ratio (%) Equilibrium Swelling ratio at
different pH
(a) % weight loss (b) % water content
4 9
3 5 7 14
a b a b a b a b
PAAM 406 352 412 0.41 404.2 0.64 403.5 0.73 403.0 0.82 402.7
PAAMS-2 1784 937 1092 0.59 1773.5 0.61 1773.1 0.64 1772.6 0.71 1771.4
3.5. Hydrolytic stability
The presence of amide group in the PAAM network is susceptible to hydrolysis in acidic and
basic medium. In PAAM network the presence of the network structure through crosslinking
enhanced the hydrolytic stability. The hydrolytic stability was demonstrated by the weight
loss of the dry sample as well as the change in water content. Weight loss of 5% or lower
over a 14-day period was considered stable. Table 3.4.a. shows the hydrolytic stability data
for PAAM network. The results showed a weight loss of less than 5% over a period of 14
days indicated the stability of PAAM network.
The hydrolytic stability of all the hydrogels (Table 3.4.a.) PAAM, PAAMS-2, and PAAMS-5
hydrogels showed a weight loss of less than 5% over a period of 14 days indicated the
reduced leaching of the hydrogels. The stability of the network is due to the crosslinking
density. From the percentage weight loss data it was found that the 5% starch incorporated
polyacrylamide hydrogels showed a decrease in percentage weight loss when compared to
2% starch incorporated polyacrylamide hydrogels. This may be due to the increased
crosslinking density in PAAMS-5 due to the increased amount of starch content. Hence it is
clear that the 5% starch incorporated polyacrylamide hydrogels has better hydrolytic stability
when compared to PAAM and PAAMS-2 hydrogels.
3.6. Mechanical properties
The compressive strength data of PAAM and starch incorporated polyacrylamide hydrogels
were given in the Table 3.6.a. The starch incorporated polyacrylamide hydrogels (PAAMS-2
and PAAMS-5) showed higher resistance to compression even under higher water content
compared to PAAM hydrogel. This suggests that the mechanical performances are more
related to the structure of the hydrogels. The higher mechanical strengths of PAAMS-2 and
PAAMS-5 are due to the increased cross linked density and the amount of starch present.
The PAAMS-5 showed higher strength than PAAMS-2 hydrogel. This due to the fact that as
the starch content in the gel increases the compressive strength of the gel also increased
(Yong Qiu and Park 2003).
Table 3.6.a: Mechanical studies data for PAAM, PAAMS-2and PAAMS-5 hydrogels.
S.No Sample code Compressive strength (Kg/cm2)
1. PAAM 3.32 ± 0.2
2. PAAMS-2 5.92 ± 0.2
3.7. Morphology
The scanning electron micrographs of PAAM network is shown in Figure 3.7.1. The SEM
picture of PAAM network showed a cross linked structure with a fractured surface. The
surface appears to be more continuous without much broken ends. The structure since it is
cross linked and possess hydrophilic group barring pendants it is expected to have high water
[image:14.595.144.453.208.365.2]absorption property.
Figure 3.7.1: Scanning electron micrograph of PAAM network.
The scanning electron micrographs of pure sago starch, PAAMS-2 and PAAMS-5 were
shown in Figure 3.7.2a - 3.7.2c. The morphology of all the hydrogels PAAM, PAAMS-2, and
PAAMS-5 was found to be different from each other. The surface morphology of all the
hydrogels showed a porous structure with void spaces in between. The SEM image of pure
starch showed a globule like structure. The SEM images of PAAMS-2, and PAAMS-5
showed a fractured surface of starch mixed with acrylamide monomer. The significant
morphological differences among the different hydrogels confirmed the grafting of starch
into the PAAM network hydrogel. These studies indicate that the increase of starch
concentration results in a tougher material due to chain interpenetration.
(b) (c)
Figure 3.7.2. Scanning electron micrograph of (a) pure sago starch (b) PAAMS-2
hydrogel (c) PAAMS-5 hydrogel.
The starch incorporated polyacrylamide based hydrogels showed an enhancement in
properties such as swelling and hydrolytic stability by the incorporation of 2% & 5% starch
into the polyacrylamide network may be due to the increased hydrophilicity in the network
caused by the structure of starch. The SEM image of starch incorporated polyacrylamide
hydrogel showed a different morphology compared to that of pure sago starch and that of
polyacrylamide hydrogel confirming the grafting of starch with the acrylamide monomer.
Starch incorporated polyacrylamide are widely used as superabsorbent. The present research.
Provides a effective water absorbency capacity in starch based superabsorbent polymer
(SBSAP) which was promising in agriculture applications. Future studies to implement these
superabsorbent hydrogels to the growth of different grains.
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