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Priority Union and Generalization in Discourse Grammars


Academic year: 2020

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G r o v e r , C h r i s B r e w , S u r e s h

Manandhar, Marc

M o e n s H C R C L a n g u a g e T e c h n o l o g y G r o u p

T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f E d i n b u r g h 2 B u c c l e u c h P l a c e E d i n b u r g h E H 8 9 L W , U K I n t e r n e t : C. G r o v e r © e d . a c . u k

A b s t r a c t

We describe an implementation in Carpenter's ty- ped feature formalism, ALE, of a discourse gram- m a r of the kind proposed by Scha, Polanyi, et al. We examine their m e t h o d for resolving parallelism-dependent anaphora and show that there is a coherent feature-structural rendition of this type of g r a m m a r which uses the operations of prwrity union and generalization. We describe an augmentation of the ALE system to encompass these operations and we show that an appropriate choice of definition for priority union gives the de- sired multiple o u t p u t for examples of vP-ellipsis which exhibit a strict/sloppy ambiguity.

1 D i s c o u r s e G r a m m a r

Working broadly within the sign-based paradigm exemplified by HPSG (Pollard and Sag in press) we have been exploring computational issues for a discourse level g r a m m a r by using the A L E sy- stem (Carpenter 1993) to implement a discourse grammar. Our central model of a discourse gram- mar is the Linguistic Discourse Model (LDM) most often associated with Scha, Polanyi, and their co- workers (Polanyi and Scha 1984, Scha and Polanyi 1988, Priist 1992, and most recently in Priist, Scha and van den Berg 1994). In LDM rules are defi- ned which are, in a broad sense, unification gram- mar rules and which combine discourse constitu- ent units (DCUS). These are simple clauses whose syntax and underresolved semantics have been de- termined by a sentence g r a m m a r but whose fully resolved final form can only be calculated by their integration into the current discourse and its con- text. T h e rules of the discourse g r a m m a r act to establish the rhetorical relations between constitu- ents and to perform resolution of those anaphors whose interpretation can be seen as a function of discourse coherence (as opposed to those whose interpretation relies on general knowledge). For illustrative purposes, we focus here on Prfist's rules for building one particular type of rhetorical relation, labelled "list" (Priist 1992). His central

thesis is that for DCUs to be combined into a list they must exhibit a degree of syntactic-semantic parallelism and that this parallelism will strongly determine the way in which some kinds of anaphor are resolved. T h e clearest example of this is vP- ellipsis as in (la) but Priist also claims that the subject and object pronouns in (lb) and (lc) are parallelism-dependent anaphors when they occur in list structures and must therefore be resolved to the corresponding fully referential subject/object in the first m e m b e r of the list.

(1) a. Hannah likes beetles. So does Thomas. b. Hannah likes beetles. She also likes


c. Hannah likes beetles. T h o m a s hates them.

(2) is Priist's list construction rule. It is intended to capture the idea that a list can be constructed out of two DCUs, combined by means of connec- tives such as and and or. T h e categories in Priist's rules have features associated with them. In (2) these features are s e r e (the unresolved semantic interpretation of the category), c o n s e m (the con- textually resolved semantic interpretation), and s c h e m a (the semantic information t h a t is com- mon between the daughter categories).

(2) list [ s e r e : e l T~ ((Cl ¢'$2) RS2), s c h e m a : C1 ¢ $2] ----4 DCUI [ sem : S l , c o n s e m : C1] +

DCU2 [ s e r e : ~ S 2 , c o n s e m : ((Cl ~'$2) ~$2)] Conditions:

C1 • $2 is a characteristic generalization of C1 and S~; R E {and, or .... }.


be a

characteristic generalization

of the informa- tion contributed by the two daughters. There is no f o r m a l definition of this notion; it would re- quire knowledge f r o m m a n y sources to determine whether sufficient informativeness had been achie- ved. However, assuming t h a t this condition is met, Priist uses the c o m m o n information as a source for resolution of underspecified elements in the second d a u g h t e r by encoding as the value of the second d a u g h t e r ' s c o n s e m the unification of the result of MSCD with its pre-resolved semantics (the f o r m u l a ((Ca / $2) Iq $2)). So in Priist's rule the MSCD operation plays two distinct roles, first as a test for parallelism (as the value of the m o t h e r ' s s c h e m a )

and second as a basis for resolution (in the com- posite operation which is the value of the second d a u g h t e r ' s c o n s e m ) . There are certain problems with MSCD which we claim s t e m f r o m this a t t e m p t to use one operation for two purposes, and our pri- m a r y concern is to find alternative means of achie- ving Prfist's intended analysis.


A n A L E D i s c o u r s e

G r a m m a r

For our initial exploration into using ALE for dis- course g r a m m a r s we have developed a small dis- course g r a m m a r whose lexical items are complete sentences (to circumvent the need for a sentence g r a m m a r ) and which represents the semantic con- tent of sentences using feature structures of type


whose sub-types are indicated in the follo- wing p a r t of the t y p e hierarchy:




plus_patient prop-art

emot-att action believe assume

like hate kick catch

In addition we have a very simplified semantics of noun phrases where we encode t h e m as of type


with the s u b t y p e s indicated below:

(4) entity


human animal

female male insect


hannah jessy thomas sam brother beetle bee cater- pillar

Specifications of which features are a p p r o p r i a t e for which type give us the following representations of the semantic content of the discourse units in (1): (5) a.

Hannah likes beetles


hannah ]




b. So does Thomas

[ AGENT thomas ]


c. She also likes caterpillars







d. Thomas hates them


thomas ]




2 . 1 C a l c u l a t i n g C o m m o n G r o u n d T h e SCHEMA feature encodes the information t h a t is c o m m o n between daughter Dcus and Prtist uses MSCD to calculate this information. A feature- structural definition of MSCD would return as a result the m o s t specific feature structure which is at least as general as its first a r g u m e n t but which is also unifiable with its second a r g u m e n t . For the e x a m p l e in (lc), the MSCD operation would be given the two a r g u m e n t s in (5a) and (5d), and (6) would be the result.



human ]

PATIENT beetle e m o t _ a t t

We can contrast the MSCD operation with an operation which is more c o m m o n l y discussed in the context of feature-based unification systems,



This takes two feature- structures as input and returns a feature struc- ture which represents the c o m m o n information in them. Unlike MSCD, generalization is not asym- metric, i.e. the order in which the a r g u m e n t s are presented does not affect the result. T h e genera- lization of (5a) and (5d) is shown in (7).



human ]



e m o t _ a t t

It can be seen f r o m this e x a m p l e t h a t the MSCD result contains more information t h a n the genera- lization result. Informally we can say t h a t it seems to reflect the c o m m o n information between the two inputs

after the parallelism-dependent ana-


t h a t the pronoun in the second sentence will be resolved to


In fact the result of MSCD in this case is exactly the result we would get if we were to perform the generalization of the resolved sentences and, as a representation of what the two have in c o m m o n , it does seem t h a t this is more de- sirable than the generalization of the pre-resolved forms.

If we turn to other examples, however, we discover that MSCD does not always give the best results. T h e discourse in (8) m u s t receive a constituent structure where the second and third clauses are combined to form a


pair and then this


pair combines with the first sentence to form a


(Prfist has a separate rule to build


pairs but the use of MSCD is the s a m e as in the



(8) H a n n a h likes ants. T h o m a s likes bees but Jessy hates them.

(9) fAGENT










ant _]







bee [


entity I



T h e tree in (9) d e m o n s t r a t e s the required struc- ture and also shows on the m o t h e r and interme- diate nodes what the results of MSCD would be. As we can see, where elements of the first a r g u m e n t

o f MSCD are more specific than the corresponding elements in the second, then the more specific one occurs in the result. Here, this has the effect t h a t the structure






] is somehow claimed to be c o m m o n ground between all three constituents even though this is clearly not the case.

Our solution to this problem is to dispense with the MSCD operation and to use generalization in- stead. However, we do propose t h a t generalization should take inputs whose parallelism dependent anaphors have already been resolved. 1 In the case of the c o m b i n a t i o n of (5a) and (5d), this will give

1As described in the next section, we use priority union to resolve these anaphors in both

lists and con-


The use of generalization as a step towards checking that there is sufficient common ground is sub- sequent to the use of priority ration as the resolution mechanism.

exactly the s a m e result as MSCD gave (i.e.


but for the example in (8) we will get different re- sults, as the tree in (10) shows. (Notice t h a t the representation of the third sentence is one where the a n a p h o r is resolved.) T h e resulting generaliza- tion,






is a much more plausible representation of the com- m o n information between the three DCUs t h a n the results of MSCD.

(10) fAGENT







bee _J







bee ._]




R e s o l u t i o n o f Parallel A n a p h o r s

We have said t h a t MSCD plays two roles in Pr/ist's rules and we have shown how its function in cal- culating the value of SCHEMA can be better served by using the generalization operation instead. We turn now to the composite operation indicated in (2) by the formula ((C,


This com- posite operation calculates MSCD and then unifies it back in with the second of its a r g u m e n t s in or- der to resolve any parallelism-dependent a n a p h o r s t h a t might occur in the second DCU. In the discus- sion t h a t follows, we will refer to the first DcU in the


rule as the


and to the second DCU as the


(because it contains a parallelism- dependent a n a p h o r which is the target of our at- t e m p t to resolve t h a t anaphor).

In our ALE i m p l e m e n t a t i o n we replace Pr/ist's composite operation by an operation which has oc- casionally been proposed as an addition to feature- based unification systems and which is usually re- ferred to either as

default unification

or as


union. 2

Assumptions a b o u t the exact definition of this operation vary b u t an intuitive description of it is t h a t it is an operation which takes two feature structures and produces a result which is a merge of the information in the two inputs. However, the information in one of the feature structures is "strict" and cannot be lost or overridden while the information in the other is defensible. T h e opera- tion is a kind of union where the i n f o r m a t i o n in the strict structure takes priority over t h a t in the

default structure, hence our preference to refer to it by the n a m e priority union. Below we demon- s t r a t e the results of priority union for the e x a m - ples in ( l a ) - ( l c ) . Note t h a t the target is the strict structure and the source is the defeasible one.


Hannah likes beetles. So does Thomas.

Source: 5a



Priority[ AGENT th°mas ]





Hannah likes beetles. She

also likes


Source: 5a Target: 5c

[ AGENT hannah 1

Priority PATIENT





Hannah likes beetles. Thomas hates them.

Source: 5a Target: 5d


thomas ]

Priority PATIENT




For these examples priority union gives us exactly the s a m e results as Priist's composite operation. We use a definition of priority union provided by C a r p e n t e r (1994) (although note t h a t his n a m e for the operation is "credulous default unification"). It is discussed in m o r e detail in Section 3. T h e pri- ority union of a target T and a source S is defined as a two step process: first calculate a m a x i m a l feature structure S' such t h a t S' E S, and then unify the new feature structure with T.

T h i s is very similar to PriJst's composite opera- tion b u t there is a significant difference, however. For Priist there is a requirement t h a t there should always be a unique MSCD since he also uses MSCD to calculate the c o m m o n ground as a test for par- allelism and there m u s t only be one result for t h a t purpose. By contrast, we have taken C a r p e n t e r ' s definition of credulous default unification and this can return m o r e t h a n one result. We have strong reasons for choosing this definition even though C a r p e n t e r does define a "skeptical default unifi- cation" operation which returns only one result. Our reasons for preferring the credulous version arise f r o m examples of vP-ellipsis which exhibit an a m b i g u i t y whereby b o t h a "strict" and a "sloppy" reading are possible. For example, the second sen- tence in (14) has two possible readings which can be glossed as " H a n n a h likes Jessy's brother" (the strict reading) and " H a n n a h likes her own bro- ther" (the sloppy reading).

(14) Jessy likes her brother. So d o e s Hannah.

T h e situations where the credulous version of the operation will return more t h a n one result arise from structure sharing in the defeasible feature structure and it turns out t h a t these are exactly the places where we would need to get m o r e t h a n one result in order to get the s t r i c t / s l o p p y ambi- guities. We illustrate below:

(15) Jessy likes her

brother. So

does Hannah.







[] ]



[ AGENT hannah ]





[] hannah












Here priority union returns two results, one where the structure-sharing information in the source has been preserved and one where it has not. As the example demonstrates, this gives the two readings required. By contrast, C a r p e n t e r ' s skeptical de- fault unification operation and Priist's composite operation return only one result.


H i g h e r O r d e r U n i f i c a t i o n


(16) Hannah likes beetles. So does Thomas. Source:

Target (T): Equation: Solution: Apply to T:

like(hannah, beetle) P ( thomas )

P ( hannah ) = like(hannah, beetle) P = ~x.like(x, beetle)

like(thomas, beetle)

A prerequisite to the DSP procedure is the esta- blishment of parallelism between source and target and the identification of parallel subparts. For ex- ample, for (16) it is necessary both that the two clauses Hannah likes beetles and So does Thomas should be parallel and that the element hannah should be identified as a parallel element. DSP indicate parallel elements in the source by means of underlines as shown in (16). An underlined ele- ment in the source is termed a 'primary occur- rence' and DSP place a constraint on solutions to equations requiring that primary occurrences be abstracted. Without the identification of hannah as a primary occurrence in (16), other equations deriving from the source might be possible, for ex- ample (17) :

(17) a. P(beetle) = like(hannah, beetle) b. P(like) = like(hannah, beetle)

The DSP analysis of our strict/sloppy example in (14) is shown in (18). The ambiguity follows from the fact that there are two possible solutions to the equation on the source: the first solution involves abstraction of just the primary occurrence ofjessy, while the second solution involves abstraction of both the primary and the secondary occurrences. When applied to the target these solutions yield the two different interpretations:

(18) Jessy Source: Target: Equation: Sol.1 ($1): Sol.2 (S2): Apply SI: Apply $2:

likes her brother. So does Hannah.

like(jessy, brother-of (jessy) ) P( hannah )

P(jessy) = like(jessy, brother-of (jessy) ) P = ~x.like(x, brother-of(jessy))

e = Ax.like(x, brother-of(x)) like(hannah, brother-of (jessy) ) like(hannah, brother-of(hannah))

DSP claim that a significant attribute of their ac- count is that they can provide the two readings in strict/sloppy ambiguities without having to postu- late ambiguity in the source. T h e y claim this as a virtue which is matched by few other accounts of vP-ellipsis. We have shown here, however, that an account which uses priority union also has no need to treat the source as ambiguous.

Our results and DSP's also converge where the treatment of cascaded ellipsis is concerned. For t h e example in (19) both accounts find six rea- dings although two of these are either extremely implausible or even impossible.

(19) John revised his paper before the teacher did, and Bill did too.

DSP consider ways of reducing the number of readings and, similarly, we are currently explo- ring a potential solution whereby some of the re- entrancies in the source are required to be trans- mitted to the result of priority union.

There are also similarities between our account and the DSP account with respect to the esta- blishment of parallelism. In the DSP analysis the determination of parallelism is separate from and a prerequisite to the resolution of ellipsis. Howe- ver, they do not actually formulate how paralle- lism is to be determined. In our modification of Prfist's account we have taken the same step as DSP in that we separate out the part of the fea- ture structure used to determine parallelism from the part used to resolve ellipsis. In the general spirit of Priist's analysis, however, we have taken one step further down the line towards determi- ning parallelism by postulating t h a t calculating the generalization of the source and target is a first step towards showing that parallelism exists. The further condition that Prfist imposes, that the common ground should be a characteristic genera- lization, would conclude the establishment of par- allelism. We are currently not able to define the notion of characteristic generalization, so like DSP we do not have enough in our theory to fully imple- ment the parallelism requirement. In contrast to the DSP account, however, our feature structural approach does not involve us having to explicitly pair up the component parts of source and target, nor does it require us to distinguish p r i m a r y from secondary occurrences.

2.4 P a r a l l e l i s m

In the DSP approach to vP-ellipsis and in our ap- proach too, the emphasis has been on semantic parallelism. It has often been pointed out, howe- ver, that there can be an additional requirement of syntactic parallelism (see for example, Kehler 1993 and Asher 1993). Kehler (1993) provides a use- ful discussion of the issue and argues convincingly that whether syntactic parallelism is required de- pends on the coherence relation involved. As the examples in (20) and (21) demonstrate, semantic parallelism is sufficient to establish a relation like contrast but it is not sufficient for building a co- herent list.

(20) T h e problem was looked into by John, but no-one else did.

(21) *This problem was looked into by John, and Bill did too.


(22) J o h n looked into this problem, and Bill did too.

In the light of Kehler's claims, it would seem t h a t a more far-reaching i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of our prio- rity union account would need to specify how the constraint of syntactic parallelism might be imple- mented for those constructions which require it. An nPSG-style sign, containing as it does all types of linguistic information within the same feature structure, would lend itself well to an account of syntactic parallelism. I f we consider t h a t the DTRS feature in the sign for the source clause contains the entire parse tree including the node for the vP which is the syntactic antecedent, then ways to bring together the source vP and the target be- gin to suggest themselves. We have at our disposal b o t h unification to achieve re-entrancy and the op- tion to use priority union over syntactic subparts of the sign. In the light of this, we are confident t h a t it would be possible to articulate a more ela- b o r a t e account of vp-ellipis within our framework and t h a t priority union would remain the opera- tion of choice to achieve the resolution.

3 E x t e n s i o n s t o A L E

In the previous sections we showed t h a t Prfist's MSCD o p e r a t i o n would m o r e appropriately be re- placed by the related operations of generalization and priority union. We have added generalization and priority union to the ALE system and in this section we discuss our i m p l e m e n t a t i o n . We have provided the new operations as a c o m p l e m e n t to the definite clause c o m p o n e n t of ALE. We chose this route because we wanted to give the g r a m - m a r writer explicit control of the point at which the operations were invoked. ALE adopts a sim- ple eROLOG-like execution s t r a t e g y rather t h a n the m o r e sophisticated control schemes of systems like CUF and TFS ( M a n a n d h a r 1993). In princi- ple it m i g h t be preferable to allow the very gene- ral deduction strategies which these other systems support, since they have the potential to s u p p o r t a m o r e declarative style of g r a m m a r - w r i t i n g . Unfor- tunately, priority union is a non-monotonic ope- ration, and the consequences of embedding such operations in a s y s t e m providing for flexible exe- cution strategies are largely unexplored. At least at the outset it seems preferable to work within a f r a m e w o r k in which the g r a m m a r writer is requi- red to take some of the responsibility for the order in which operations are carried out. Ultimately we would hope t h a t much of this load could be taken by the system, but as a tool for exploration ALE certainly suffices.


Priority U n i o n in


We use the following definition of priority union, based on C a r p e n t e r ' s definition of credulous de-

fault unification:

(23) punion(T,S) = {unify(T,S') I S ' K S is maximal such that unify(T,S') is defined}

punion(T,S) computes the priority union o f t (tar- get; the strict feature structure) with S (source; the defeasible feature structure). This definition relies on Moshier's (1988) definition of atomic fea- ture structures, and on the technical result t h a t any feature structure can be decomposed into a unification of a unique set of a t o m i c feature struc- tures. Our i m p l e m e n t a t i o n is a simple procedura- lization of C a r p e n t e r ' s declarative definition. First we decompose the default feature structure into a set of a t o m i c feature structures, then we search for the m a x i m a l subsets required by the definition. We illustrate our i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of priority union in ALE with the e x a m p l e in (15): Source is the de- fault input, and Target is the strict input. T h e hierarchy we assume is the s a m e as shown in (3) and (4). I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t how features are asso- ciated with types is as follows:

• T h e t y p e agentive introduces the feature AGENT with range type human.

• T h e type plus-patient introduces the feature PA- T I E N T with range type human.

• T h e type brother introduces the feature BROTHER-OF with range type human.

• T h e types jessy and hannah introduce no fea- tures.

In order to show the decomposition into ato- mic feature structures we need a notation to re- present paths and types. We show paths like this: PATIENTIBROTHER-OF and in order to sti- pulate t h a t the PATIENT feature leads to a struc- ture of type brother, we include type informa- tion in this way: (PATIENW/brother)[(BROTHER- of~human). We introduce a special feature (*) to allow specification of the top level type of the structure. T h e structures in (15) decompose into the following atomic components.

(24) Default input:

( AGENT / jessy) ( D 1 ) (PATIENT/brother)I(BROTHER-OF/jessy) (D2) AGENT ---~ PATIENTIBROTHER-OF (D3)

(*/like) (D4)

Strict input:



Default input:

[ AGENT jessy ]









human ]















Strict input:

[ AGENT hannah ]



We can now carry out the following steps in order to generate the priority union.

1. Add (94) to the strict input. It cannot conflict. 2. Note t h a t it is impossible to add (D1) to the

strict input.

3. Non-deterministically add either (92) or (93) to the strict input.

4. Note t h a t the results are m a x i m a l in each case because it is impossible to add both (D2) and (D3) without causing a clash between the dis- joint atomic types




5. Assemble the results into feature structures. If we have added (D3) the result will be (26) and if we have added (D2) the result will be (27).

(26) Result 1:


[] hannah


PATIENT [ B R O T H E R - O F [ ] ]




(27) Result 2:








In order to m a k e this step-by-step description into an algorithm we have used a breadth-first search routine with the p r o p e r t y t h a t the largest sets are generated first. We collect answers in the order in which the search comes upon t h e m and carry out s u b s u m p t i o n checks to ensure t h a t all the answers

which will be returned are m a x i m a l . These checks reduce to checks on subset inclusion, which can be reasonably efficient with suitable set representati- ons. Consistency checking is straightforward be- cause the ALE system m a n a g e s type information in a m a n n e r which is largely t r a n s p a r e n t to the user. Unification of ALE t e r m s is defined in such a way t h a t if adding a feature to a term results in a t e r m of a new type, then the representation of the structure is specialized to reflect this. Since prio- rity union is non-deterministic we will finish with a set of m a x i m a l consistent subsets. Each of these subsets can be converted directly into ALE terms using ALE's built-in predicate a d d _ t o / 5 . T h e re- sulting set of ALE terms is the (disjunctive) result of priority union.

In general we expect priority union to be a com- putationally expensive operation, since we cannot exclude pathological cases in which the s y s t e m has to search an exponential n u m b e r of subsets in the search for the m a x i m a l consistent elements which are required. In the light of this it is fortunate t h a t our current discourse g r a m m a r s do not re- quire frequent use of priority union. Because of the inherent complexity of the task we have fa- voured correctness and clarity at the possible ex- pense of efficiency. Once it becomes established that priority union is a useful operation we can begin to explore the possibilities for faster imple- mentations.

3.2 G e n e r a l i z a t i o n in


The abstract definition of


stipulates that the generalization of two categories is the lar- gest category which subsumes b o t h of them. Mos- hier (1988) has shown t h a t generalization can be defined as the intersection of sets of a t o m i c fea- ture structures. In the previous section we outli- ned how an ALE t e r m can be broken up into atomic feature structures. All t h a t is now required is the set intersection operation with the addition t h a t we also need to cater for the possibility t h a t ato- mic types m a y have a consistent generalization.

1. For P and Q complex feature structures

Gen(P,Q) =~! {Path: C I Path: A E P



: B E Q } where C is the m o s t specific type which subsumes b o t h A and B. 2. For A and B a t o m i c types

Gen(A, B)

=dr C

where C is the m o s t specific type which subsu- mes b o t h A and B.




Hannah likes ants.

A G E N T hannah ] P A T I E N T ant like

Jessy laughs.

[ A G E N T jessy ] laugh

These decompose into the a t o m i c components shown in (30) and (31) respectively.



(AGENT/hannah) (PATIENT/ant)




These have only the AGENT p a t h in c o m m o n alt- hough with different values and therefore the ge- neralization is the feature structure corresponding to this p a t h b u t with the generalization of the ato- mic types hannah and jessy as value:

(32) [ A G E N T female ] agentive


C o n c l u s i o n

In this p a p e r we have reported on an implemen- tation of a discourse g r a m m a r in a sign-based for- m a l i s m , using C a r p e n t e r ' s A t t r i b u t e Logic Engine (aLE). We extended the discourse g r a m m a r and ALE to incorporate the operations of priority union and generalization, operations which we use for resolving parallelism dependent anaphoric expres- sions. We also reported on a resolution mecha- nism for verb phrase ellipsis which yields sloppy and strict readings through priority union, and we claimed some advantages of this approach over the use of higher-order unification.

T h e o u t s t a n d i n g unsolved p r o b l e m is t h a t of esta- blishing parallelism. While we believe t h a t gene- ralization is an a p p r o p r i a t e formal operation to assist in this, we still stand in dire need of a con- vincing criterion for judging whether the genera- lization of two categories is sufficiently informative to successfully establish parMlelism.


This work was supported by the EC-funded project LRE-61-062 "Towards a Declarative Theory of Dis- course" and a longer version of the paper is available in Brew et al (1994). We have profited from discus- sions with Jo Calder, Dick Crouch, Joke Dorrepaal, Claire Gardent, Janet Hitzeman, David Millward and

Hub Prfist. Andreas Schhter helped with the imple- mentation work. The Human Communication Rese- arch Centre (HCRC) is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK).

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