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Home News I Washington i Correspondence


Academic year: 2021

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Home News

I Washington



P h O U T


S p fri.1 In lh * I A d m t i u r .

Pi SS IBLY YOU V IT M .W V SH 1N O T O N NKW S Chrovicto A1 t t l , JK w e m e n is of Your That tbe steel trust is willing to spend

FriM tfB am i feclety <«enerally mnmej to elect m m to public office wbo T lw t M lM rp M ftv e s t You. **Mtng (n * m it aft** they get tut® *" * ;«*•«*, is again being deraon-4 rated,

t t * (.adies Aid a t the t i n t H . E. S Theodore Roosevelt » » Pwsrt i-hurrb held t h l > l% g | l weekly mealing deat of the I aited Stale, ke permitted a t the home of M m Ckwenrt Taylot o o ! **» Steel Trust to absorb its principal Sixth arenue, yeetw + , afternoon'. neal. tke Teaaes«ee Coal aad Iroa com

Spaay. This permission to violate tbe law H e board of I f t * will Meet M a ^ a y waa worth millions ml dollara b» tbe steel evening 4a tka bomngh hall. trod, because it ptacticaUy e-ured tke

Death of

Abraham Cooper



“ • t t w i nJmdefire to p ! cod Ike camp of fja fiB p o n wilt advise the r 'mmanding officer at their resp« ctive headquarter, departments or regime ita by May 15, who will aubu. thpir oata es d ir t il y to the Adjutant General's oft i t , not later tban May 17 No f i l a r w lose name has oot beea submitted to the Adjutant General by that date will b* permitted to at­ tend Ihe camp.

Doubtful Points

in Election Law

celia Bearmore, Jeannette Housel, A R l Newman, Gladys Rogers, Helen Taylor, being takes against him hy the depart

-One suit is brought by Thomas Wilson

aad hk. wife jointly aad demand* i i .000 Ed vard Kleinkauf, Georg*. Kleinkauf, Ernest Lindtner. Era Sonnenburg.

Firm Gsanc Mis* Marjorie Corkey, teacher. Franklin Morris, Jesse Morris, Edmund Strudwick, Alfred Armes, George Don­ nelly. Gladys Hurley, Melrina Matthews,

Republican Leaden Raise

Questions Bearing on

Comin* Primaries

Former Ri

Each day during the camp of instruv- tion there will be special study of various phases of military matters, war manoeu­ vre, defeme of a position, military sketch­ ing and other field work. Practical talks by military experts will be giren on pre­ parations for a retreat and rear guards; on outposts in the presence of an enemy* on attack of a position by a battalion regiment and reinforced brigade; cm regi­ mental administration; camp sanitation and other military topics. .

One transportation to Sea Girt and re­ turn for each officer aad enlisted*man and pay for the officers (except general offi­ cers) and enlisted men in attendance, to­ gether with an allowance of i “» per day to enlisted men for subd*ten:-e, and the au- i thoriaed incidental expenses of tbe camp, will be paid oat of the funds allotcd by the state under the revised statute. Fay and transportation will not be allowed for any officer or enlisted man who does not attend the camp of instruction for at least four consecutive days, except upon au­ thority from the Adjutant General's agency department o f the Equitable, and

M r W ake, wbo since has incorporated as the Charles W ake Ageocy, he entered the service of the Equitable in Wake’s office, then as now a t No. 1** Broadway.

Through a private arrangement with W ake, Wilaon drew «l& a week for ex­ penses while working iu Ihe city, but when

with the Hugbes-Armstrong insurance laws.

To tide himself over a temporary em­ barrassment, Wilson borrowed fioO from W ake, and saya tbat at the latter’* re quest be gave a mortgage on a $7,500 cottage owned by Mrs. W ilson at Belmar, N. J . , the understanding being that it was a "friendly" mortgage and would not be recorded.

W ake later went to Europe, and the Wilsons were surprised to receive notice from the Securities Development Company that the concern held thc mortgage and wanted immediate satisfaction. Wilson allege* that he tried in every way to get into communication with tbe absent Wake, but failed. Then he turned to the higher officials o f the Equitable, including pres­ ident William A. Day- The only conso­ lation he received was the assurance that his transactions with W ake were matters with which the company had nothing to



W ilbur F . Rose, trustee to the Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Sub. Trustee. Lot 39, S. 10 ft. o f 38, map Ocean Beach j Asa’n, • * rm 3 > .

Howard Silcocfcs, et ux, to Irvin G. Hooper, et ux. Lot itoo, map Ocean Beach Ass'n, Helmar, $3,700.

Margaret Brunkhorst to Emma V. Mor­ ris, lot 7, near I.ake Como. $1.

Charles Crawley, et ux, to Marie Rog- ers. I S lot 15W, map Ocean Beach Ass’n, $1.

Geo. Bailey et ux, to Adolph H . PfelK Ld. Union Ave., twp. WaU, $S.

Rhoda H . Robinson & hus’d to Sam­ uel Michelsohn. I«d. Thirteenth ave., Bel­ mar, f t .

Annie P. Creagcr, et als, to Mary K. Cooper. Lot 1 7 ii,' map Ocean Beach Ass’n. f 1 .

Charles A. Br.twn, et ux, to John R. Brown. L d. 13th Ave., Belmar, $ I. Wilson continued from J u iy , 1910, to

August, 1911, to bombard tlie offices of the company with appeals and complaints. ftr'iKatty he received a letter from Presi­ dent Day saying he would use hi* influ­ ence to have the Securities Development Company postpone for ten days thc exe­ cution of a decree of foreclosure on the Belmar estate.

Although this postponement was se­ cured, the plaintiffs claim they bad great difficulty and embarrassment in procuring the necessary money—nearly $ 1 ,000- with with to pay off the mortgage, l t is because o f this they are demanding dam­ ages of #5,000

I t is Wilson’s complaint to the State insurance authorities which probably is fraught with the roost danger both to Wake and the Equitable.

Wake, who first came into notice as a friend and defender of D r Frederick A . Cook, the explorer, went to Europe Inst

Volunteer H. & L.

Co. holds Reception

Mrs. Beedle Dead

At Age of 80 Years

the Wilsons were lo be brought, and is

still abroad.

A t tke New Y ork office* o f the State Superintendent o f Insurance it was stated that should the Wilson charges against W ake be established oftcr investigation by the department, the Equitable’s gener­ a l agent probably would be refused a re­ newal of h i* Iv'eus* when that necessary legal permit expires, and thus be shut out o f the insurance business in this siate.

It was Mso Intimated that should W il­ son prove his case the department might

Mrs. Itachel Beedle. widow of Daniel Beedle, who was a nephew Of the late Justice Beedle of Matawan, died Wed­ nesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Snyder, Sr., <31 Sylvania ave­ nue, Avon. Death was 0tie t<> general de­ bility. Mrs. Boedle, who was 80 years oki, had been in ill health since the latter part o f March. About a week ago she was taken to the Ann May hospital at

To Improve

Equitable and the otber big life insurance companies to determine whether, as claimed by Wilson, they are violating the anti-retail? aad other regulations

pre-Mrs. Beedle*s home was formerly in j New York, but .\lie lived with her sister, j M?s. Snyder, eluting the last four year*. j flier husband died three year* ago. Be-; sides the sinter, she leaves two nephews

D . S u e ^ r ami Mm. F. D . Clayton


WUl President Taft bave the • veto tbe Democratic bill cutting t


Tta Quasi Mmisei 1

mx. m tm

wto uke.

1 ^ | , r t „ . 111., F o » . r iix l

u i L ^ i 1 1 1 _ . Dm* • * S * C « I X (>■'«»

«vwvy r n u a y ai l^ e r la l I B JK I.il A K N J . W a ik ln fto n Hutto nm H < "• by bis

~ > * __ ____ j f ^ i i victory In Pennsylvania Hint ill! J 0 M U ItP H V lh a l ta M M * * • M * 1

m n i m toner nt tht* Baltimore enliven B M ta f PnM tobei |l(>n ^ ^ ^ lHI|| t «|n *i»« (Mill and

1 « pull UU tOgetlKT.” Ihe Wllnuii tUfil KM»aa«t--a omm mm* ne at |D Um* awuate and houae have a r r a iw I I t a N inth Avcttuc ftdw iat N 1 *° hoki • conference, at Which plan* ’ will I * adopted t« idvp Hiltlttl lutiuifii m o n s m t Ju|n ty Jhe elready thriv ln« Wltooii **!■>—ed w m w j rto.a— ttef, Febm

M f •*, I M , at Um peel » * « at Up to the present little ha-. town


I f you have


property for afle or ren*'

» e c a n s e c u r e y o u a c u s t o m e r , a n d p r o t e c t y o u f r o m l o » » b y lir e W e h a v e a t *t a r g a i n 0 11 T h i r d a v e n u e , t w o f u l l s ix e lo t s f o r # 4 , 0 0 0 a n d s e v e r a l o t h e r b i r g a i n s w e i b » u b y c a l l i n g u p o n

Clothes of Character

H t. H o K ' a C h u n l i M . .


: Sunday, H.OO, l«*.«M> ft. in. Ilcly d»y» all,! 111,1 Friday.. *.14 fti>l It.IKl ■ in VV<wk d»y«, H.QQ


m. SfeMdkltaik, S m u U y I '" U day* >»-l first Krwl.y., H.IKI p. in. I on feftfttniift, Sfttunlftyn, eva nf M y il»y» •nd Hut Prltl.ys, t to»ftlld t.SI l<) “ - m. Week daya, beft»re imm

Kiev. W *. J . M cC o n eix . Pastor.

Clothing possess or lack

c h a r a c t e r , d c p e m l i n ^ o n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r . S o m e m a k e s s t r i v e f o r d i s t i n c t i v e n e s s a n d q u a l i t y , a u d o t h e r s a i m o n l y a t c h e a p n e s s . I h i s s t o r e l o o k s b e y o n d

the edge of the money-

<1 rawer.

W e c o u l d li u y s u i t s f o r le s s m o n e y t h a n w e |>ay


s e ll t h e m a l t h e s a m e p r i c e , b u t w e 'd r o t h e r h u i l d u p a p a t r o n a g e o f s a t is fit d c u s t o m e r s t h a n s q u e e z e e v e r y c e n t p o s s i b le i n t o p r o f i t . l i v e r y s u i t w e s e ll p o s s ­ e ss h i g h g r a d e m a t e r i a l a n d t a i l o r i n g .

Every suit has character,

$10.50 to $30.00

0£i Biieis

Heal I .

s t a t e a n d


70 6


e n t h


v k n u k

O PPO Sm R R l)*Pflf First Methodist Buiscopel Rev. A.


Dennett, pastor. Preaching at lo.3u m. in. by pastor. Junior Christian Endeavor «t *.45. Sunday kHwk.I at 9.90 p tn A l f .»» p. » • prwwhing by pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday*. 7.30 p. m. N. J ., Uadet the Act ot Coagiea* of Mar. done to promote the New Jer ey *>'

• Igya*' | m u r 'i caudkhu^ except by hl» man ^ [ \ ^ _________ __ HKer. W. K. McCombs of .New York, a , few m em bsn of tbe ItoBorratlc nsi wb» ri|»ii»ii iu tKmal committee and Wilson entho • ** * • - • * ^ ’ jBiasta In Tgrloaa atatea, wb« bJive con I*r4-uyu*.w.u..*'> Itrlbu M tbeir time and money It* «*f ^ f , . » . . j cents fret organlutloiia In »|K»la In liehnlf of „ * n: . ' ____ _ . — the governor.

Practically none o f tbe many Item.* 10 ft A m OM APPLICATION of ^ w.natt> mid htitim* wlm U* - - "" “ lk‘ve Q m n o r WUaon la the man «.f MMC<ai»<Mu, adveitiaemeaU. or • |j,iur f„r the party leadership in

lo ba guavanlctid proper kn-i ciHfttaf campaign ha* made »n> be banded to not latrr thaa j HrK|nK hla nomination Now. toaaday of each week. j |H |irf>|MM»ed to efTi'Ct a rt»m i o f entertainments by cbweh* ’ jiaot organisation o f the WHa°D «ne«

•fcr.. at wblcb an adiatoaion S |n M(M] detail aa many »|>t‘ll d , for rcstdutloas of ixgmrnlM , |t|n(|Ckrv aa n D u- npa n i l fn»m tbeir ! L “f- ^ r i h m T T S to UeafNflMottftl dollea to take tin- atump 2 L r a l news will be cbanrad for him In atatea where delegate* have !a of five cents per lina f«w not been chosen. A t a recent meeting ^ the sftustton wsa talked over and . Aa**rtiser l*tan* <»n w hereby the Wftaon ■rusper aad ss sucb Is the ' sndldacy may be carried to assured m for Sii legal notkea. Some success

its bskn« to us by >a«. while Tbe fact that William Jennings Bry- otbafs it is optkmsl with tbe an during his speechmaking tour <>f tod ss to whst paper shall , , h|o lirjt^ progreaalve Heni.M rats to

* work and rote for Wilson delegates to

- the Baltimore convention has given K s la a i rsisrmsl Interest great asttofsctlon to the pivemor *

IdvUmI snpporters In Washington. This course _ sets a t rent once and for all the ato^ t i v V i v i i .i a ” ” vies that the Kshrmskft lender was »A¥. m i J. »*** secretly hostile or at leaat lukewarm

1 toward Governor Wilson.

The advices reaching here fm m n|% A P Georcia, wbere tbe governor has made l i V I l k many speeches, also are very gratify I I W l Ing to his friends, as they tell of crest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ crowds turning out to greet the New

r ilL P f l U D I li L J‘‘rwy

eandldate and of nm« h entlm I f i t U U m D I I l L sln8m- !t 18 believed here that hM i mwm v v m v H i B ( b lM H of espturfng the Georgia dele-

--- gatton are excellent


1’renbylerton Chun-h Corner Ninth •venueand B street, Hev. Charles Kverett, D.D., pastor. The Junior Kndeavnr society at lo a. m. 1‘reaehing at 10.90 a. si. Tbe Sabbath school at 9.30 p. m. V. P. S. C. B. at ii *4 p. m. Preaching at 7.30 p. in. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 1.30 o'clock.

S T A P L E A N D r

--- E A N G Y G R 0 C E R i E S

Twelfth Ave. Baptist. Twelfth avenue and F street. Ilev.


Sbermer, pan- tor. Preaching al 10:14 a. m. a n l 7:30 p.m . Bible school st U:30p. m. Wed. nesday evening prayer and isMiferem-e at





A Orders Called For and Promptly Delivered A

# 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' First Baptist -Ninth avenue and C

street. Preaching service at 10.30 a. m. Sunday achuol at 3 p. m. Preaching ser­

vice at 7.30 n. m. Hev. P. T. Morris. STATF. COUNTY, AND CITY DEPOSITORY

Belmar Flre Alarm Boxes


3—Tenth avenue and F street. *3 -Third t . .aue and A street. fA—Fifth and Ocean avenues. 31 —Sixth avenue and


street. 36—Fifth avenue and C street, t l —Fourteenth and Ocean avenues. 43—Teith avenue and


street. *4 -Eighth avenue and A streets. ♦A—Eleventh avenue and A street 53 -Fourteenth avenue and F street. 55—Twelfth and Kiver avenues.


6-6-ti general alarm. 9 taps, test alarm, given every evening at 7.30 o’clock. I tap, broken circuit, t taps, fire out, giv­ en after fife is extinguished.

O u r R e l a t i o n s t o D e p o s i t o r s

This bank not only transacts a gen­

eral banking business, but is proud

o f


fact that it is the faithful counselor of it;

patrons, to whom it is always pleased to

extend disinterested advice regarding in­

vestments or any other matters of a finan­

cial nature. We cordially invite accounts--

small as'well as large.

Men’s Outfitter

907-909 F Street

Opp. Hank

Belmar, N. J

Tbia Is the way Governor


rebuked the legislature for

Its dilatory

•nd evasive tactics, and every'


man should reuiemlier his words: “Al­ most all the bills of capital


were reserved until the last. Among them none were more conspicuous fh.in those that attempted to break

dowu at

»ne point or another the best


tion of the session of 1 0 11. to the main tensnce of which both parties

were ex

pllcitly pledged to ln the campaign


the autumn of Ittll. Bill after blit was Introduced to weaken the force of the corrupt practices set snd of the Gersn act. This, thst snd the other door of loose practice was deliberately


It was my duty to stand guard agalnxt these things, snd I have done


Against the bills to this effect which have been passed ofcr my veto I ^iB have to utter my easiest protest in the us me uot ouly ot party obligation, an obligation fairly resting upou Iiotl. |iur- ttes, but In the name of the |>eople of the state. The session has l«eeu


ful of nothing so much as of legislation teudlng to Impair rather than to In­ crease the efficiency of the laws of the •tate."

AN APPFIIZINO MEAL thst the whole family enjoys is a delici­ ous leg of lamb from Wisseman*t. Our lamb, beef and multon always has an ex­ quisite flavor that appeals tu the fastidious taste because we know how to choose the primest and best that is raised. We aim to cater to the table* of those who are discriminating as to the choicest meats, poultry, etc., and satisfaqtion is (for re­ ward at Wiftsetnan’s.



New York and all points...6.15 Philadelphia, Trenton. South, West. 7.00 New York, South and West...8.30 New York and all points...10.45 Philadelphia, Trenton, South, West. 11.15

r. m. New York and all points... 3.00 All Points South and West... . 3.00 New York and all points...6.00

ASStvMS raoa A. a . New York and all points... 7.45 Philadelphia, Trenton,South, West..10.30 New Yorl^And all points... 10.45 .Manasquan, Spring Lake, Sea Girt

and Como...11.30

Belmar Meat Market

J. C. WISSF.MAN, Prop. •



Motel and Commercial work of all

kinds. Note Heads, Envelopes, Cards,

Bill Heads, letter Heads, Programs,

Cirtjula s, Tickets, Posters— in fact

iuyiii»hj» »ro:n a Calling Card to a

Newsp i per.

-At first the Essex county “machin­ ists" said Wilsou would not get s dele pite In New Jersey. Now they say he won't get sny in Essex county. Iiia few weeks they’ll lie ready to confine their bua^ta to a ward iu Newark.

New Y'ork snd all points...3 3ca Girt, Manasquan, Philadelphia

and Trenton... 4 Philadelphia and Trenton... 5. New York and all points...6.

Wm. M. B»:aok*, P.M. dklate ln some of the cotton states-

aot sll of them snd ln New go. k dty. He Is s candklste nowhere else, not even ln his native state of Kentucky.

“Clark snd Harmon are likewise ‘near’ candidates, running ln spots, snd H finhcr,i of the combination organized lo dafest the only real candidate for the n p te a tk m at tbe Baltimore


Hew ths Real News to Being 8 uppre«s ed and Distorted. Some oue showed Theodore Boose velt a n •‘dltorial from a New York newspa|>er toiidemning as false pro**, dispatches from Kansas puristrtlus to show thst the Democratic convention there had declared In favor of nomi­ nating Woodrow Wilson if It should he shown that rh a m p t'lark could uot be nominated The editorial said the Kansas convention declared for Cham; Clark w ithout mentioning Wilson.

“ It Is a fa ir sample of the garble press reports of tbe conventions In In dlanapolls. where the vote was 2 to 1 for m e," said Mr. Boosevelt. “ Down ir Evansville, my managers tell me. tin rejtorts were garbled worse than ever There the convention declared for mr 5 to 1. on the word of Sen it tor Bev erhlge.”

Mr. Itoosevelt said Governor Had ley told him that the eastern newspa . pent had published malicious aud de celvlng rejmrts o f Taft gains ln Ml> souri.

Tlie Democratic voters In Kansas fa ▼or W ilson 10 to 1. but the bosses in control of the state machine are for Clark.

The bosses could nor control the K an sas convention. They had a s:uail ton Jority o f the delegates, Imt there we t

ao many Wilson delegate* In the eon vent ion that the only thing tlie bo«se dared was a compromise by wbi h I In Kansas delegation will probably go t Wilson on the second liallot.

The compromise resolution adopted ; by the Kansas convention reads as fo! ; lows:

We hereby Instruct the twenty delegates

from Kansas elected today to th* Balti-

rpore convention to vote for Clark as a unit until two-,thlrds of the deli-jot tion be­

lieve his nomination to he Impossible. We

Instruct our Aetmratet. further, that If !t

become* evident that Mr. Clark cannot be nominated our twenty delegates shall vote for Woodrow Wilson as long as in tha Judgscent of two-thirda of the delegation be has a chance for Uk» nomination.

COUI’LETK t'A C lt.m p S FOR C lltU lM lO O U PR INTI XI

Asbmy Park Cemenl

• (instruction Co.

Sidewalks, Cellar Floors, Steps Driveways, Patent Stable Floors



7 0 0

F Street

Office, Boom 9, Steinbach Hldg. Corner Cookman Ave. and Main Street


B e lm a r , N . j .

The Kinds of Lies. A Chicago university professor, aft- et exhaustive research, baa discovered there are ten different kinds of lies Under his classification there are tho fantasy or fairy tale lie, the vainglo­ rious or boasting




lie, the heroic He. the white or per­ m issible He, the society

Ue. the

busi­ ness He, the art He, and the adultera* tive He.

Altered the Case, Mrs. de Mover— “Good gracious I This is the noisieat neighborhood 1 ever got into. Just hear those children screech!” Maid— "They’re your own cbllders, m um ,” Mrs. de Mover— "Are they? H o w the little darling are on*, joying themselves! -Tlt-BBs,


A. ROGERS, Prop. Formerly with the Standard Pavement

•>ui|»nny and the New Jersey Cement Construction Contpiiiiy nf Newark. N. cons I u. In Illinois, theoppositlon to him

comblund on Clark. In Mississippi, in Georgia and In Florida the opiiosltion combines oo Underwood. In Texas the opposition Is combined on Harmon. Nowhere Is II a fair staudup light

“Clark, Hannon and Underwood are nothing hut ‘dark horses’ ln this cam­ paign. Us one of them Is s full csn didate. Bach one la afraid to appear befo» all the people and ask their suf fmge. It la a combination to defeat the favorite of tbe people.

"W bat In a *dark horse* in politics? He Is aa Instrument of your boss, who ekes oat the lion’s skin with the fox's. It Is Ifee one thing that has brought tife aanventlon Into disrepute. But H r ‘dark bomelsm’ In politics there would have been no clamor for a prt mary. It was because the Ixtsses would not allow a party to hold an honest convflndon that the people rose In their mlyht and demanded a pri­ mary, and l i 1916 there will not l»e a single delegate ta either great cooven


The superiority of Michelin Tires

is recognized all over the World


Y o u c a r n a l k n o w w h a t a J S S L g o o d t ir e is u n t il y o n t r y a M ic h e lin p r o p e r ly in fla te d



St:V t:N T H >V t. VV . I - 1 1 1 1 . I V BELMAU. N. J .

A Backsliding Santa Claus. Mrs. Peavlsh says tb at before they were married Mr. Peavlsh used to say that if she would let him bo her 8 anta C1?U8 he would devote his life to slfd- *ng up and down the chimney for her. And now it makes him mad to have to take up ashes from the grate. >f sl.e stand* hsif the forenoon tslking

Arith h«r ic h o r s over the back L..-e i . m n tly getting tha news, tha ftome Pspsr sent to her > .rly me! ha- ►•anger for news will j* Then i'ns*ll have dinner

-adv to tin * .. J your hunger will bs M tillitd.

Her Responsibilities, It is a woman’s privilege to change her m ind, is a time-old saying. All privileges carry great responsibilities, if she has power to change her mind, she has absolute control over het thoughts. And if they be impure, or mean, or shallow, or false, or ungen­ erous, she alone is to blame. Ysung Offender.

A woman left her baby in its car­ riage at the door of a department Btore. A policeman found It there, ap­ parently abandoned. As he passed down the street, a gam in yelled: "W h a t’s the kid done?"— Comer’s. Notice

Tlie Coast Advertiser will be pleased to receive items such as engagements, wed- ! dings, parties, euchres, teas, and such other news of personal interest, with ths .tames of those present. The items should lie indorsed with the name and address ot I thc sender—not for publication, but as s

matter of good faith.

Professions Taught Free of Charge. There Is just one country in tho world where the highest education Is free and that country, surprising as it may seem to those who read this, 1b C h ill There every profession is taught in the most modern methods by the best authorities w ith no charge whatever to natives.

In New York.

New Y ork now bas all-night banks, all-night saloons, and all-night restau­ rants. W e are informed that the churches continue to close early.—■ Chicago Record-Herald.

from tbe people d ire ct Would It were ne today. I f It p e rn all opposition to

Quiding Angel*. We speak w ith awed tenderness of our guardian angels; but have we not all bad our guiding angels, who came to us in visible form, and recognised or unknown, kept beside us on our difficult patli until they bad dune for us aH th a t they could?— Lucy Larcom.

George A. Webber

Manufacturer of

Elevators and

Dumb Waiters

CEMENT WOKK A SI'ECIALTY Dmcrete Work : ■ General Jobbing

300 TENTH AVENl l. *Tn« « ] B 1 . l'elmar, N. J


" I asked the audience to lend me their ears,” said the verbose speaker. “B ut in three^iuarters o f an hour they were dosing.” “I- see.” replied tho financier. “They called the loan.”

Wheel For Safe

Not Intentional Crime. “You aro charged with poisoning this lady’s pet dcg. I shall deal se­ verely with auch Ingratitude Sbe testifies tbat rhc had just given you a mince p!e.” i didn't do lt Inten­ tionally. j „e. I did feed him a piece of de pit

C hina’s Long Waterway. China has the longest canal In the world—the Grand. It ia the longest • ertlfled waterway, and goee from Tungtu to Hangchoo, a distance of 60Ol



77 '.IftM M SSSS®*®®®





Mlx'ti A v n iiif mt<I I* w «

j II a tn m 11» .im Ilmira: i 7 v- rt I* im

Tel. «i a.

I N each of our Departments you will find a

carefully selected stock of new Spring Goods

in the various lines.


In all the Spring and Summer fabrics.


W <* a r e s t i l l s h o w i n g m a n y n e w a t t r a c t i v e d e s i g n s ’

l.adies Suits Dresses and Waist a large line tu select from CLOTHING

For Men Youths and Hoys in ali tne new shades SHOIIS

Our Stock is Cnmplete for Ladies, Misses, Mens, Youth and Boys Mens furnishings hats and Caps

Carpets. Mattings,'Rugs, Oilcloth. Linoleums and .Window shades


KBtiUKMT r.irm ciA*.


rrr . i'k t u r n Mivkmtn » m . tlSUMAM. N J u rn o r Iinrwr-Ii (•» a &. ui.. i t-. t »•. •«,

4 io * p ii»

Telephone Hi It

A llow oo one to deceive you ta this.

A ll C o u n te rfe its, Im ita tio n * a n d b u t E x p e rim e n ts t h a t t r ifle w i t h a n d e n d a n g e r tk e h e a lth o f ^ A k O N t{. JOHNSTON.

UoiiiiHeliur-’Ui-i m w. Supreme Court Commissioner, Solicitor, Maiitrr, Special Master and Kaaiaiuer in Chancery. Appleby Huikling. near K. K. Station, Anbury Park, N. J. Tele phone No. :WH L. Residence, i l l Tenth avenue. Iielm«r.

W h a t is C A S T O R IA

Asbury Park, IM. J. j

N. K. Comer of Cookman

Av*-nue and Main Street Tha pee In Alice’s hand dropped in

differently and ahe stole Into her

C a s t o r i a


I B e r n the Signature ef


DF.NTAL SURGION to draw near the maa’a voice Fortunately her window was partly open and Alice Bank down on ber couch ln an abandonment of ex qulalte enjoyment la tbe recess of ber mind waa the thought tbat a new tenant bad moved into tbe apartment aad tbat ahe would bare tbe pleasure. If stolen, of hearing him sing often

Her critical ear told her that tbe voice, 2though of warm, rich Umbre, waa lacking in the minor technical! Uea and finish tbat would bare put him oo a lore) with tbe great Caruso

“He Is, no doubt, studying eight aad day," Alice decided, and I will hear him practicing.**

Then over her enjoyment of tbe music came tbe certain knowledge POST OFFICE BUILDING.

Phone 514-L Belmar, N. J. Gas administered Hnuas 9 £

B h h G t N ’ S

v'--y ma Boarding Stables.

p H A N K H. W ILLIAMS, M. D. MomoeopatMst Spring Lake, New Jersey Second and Monmouth Arenu

Telephone ‘i l l

In Use For Over 30 Years.

)K STANLEY D. PALMATEEK DENTIST Chamberlain Building, Ninth Are.

Belmar, N. J. O m i t Houas: 9 A. M. to& P. M.

Telephone 5W L


s r., |{ E L M ill

The Asbury Park and Oceaii Grove Bani

Asdury Park, r»ew Jcscy

Capital Surplus and Profits, $395,000.00

Transacts a General Baiikirg Busi­

ness i nd Respectfully Solicits

Y o u r

Account Safe Deposit Boxes

F r o m

$3.00 Up All Business Confidentl-l.


Hd s t C. Wirtoa, President. T. Frank Appleby. C. C. Cl* n o s, Vice Pres. A. E. Ballard, Edmlid E. Dittos, Caabier. Coraettns C. Qaytn®,

John Hubbard. F. M. M iuxa, Asautoat Ca^H*. * HeerfC. Winww. * H. A. Watsos, Assist^at Cashier E. E. Deytea, W. Harvey Joees 10th Avea Hoc as 8 A. M. TO 9 A. M. 19 A. M. TO 1 r. M. 7 r. a. to 8 p. m.



1004 F Street


Plumbing Office,


Armascr-AT-Lav New York and New Jersey New York Office, 34 Nassau Street

Telephone 37*6 John Belraar. Evenings snd Every Thursday

9 a. a. to 4 r. a. Residence, 609 Sixth Avenue


Practical Saailary Plumber, Steam and lias Filler

T in K o o f ln r ae-t a lt K i n d s o l M e ta l W o r k .

m— b u t k i i a a n k a n q b w o r k — 49

S h o p , l.’MMI F 8 T K K K T . • - H K L M A K , N. J Phone 46 W O fllce a u d S to re , 8 0 7 K S tre e t

a s i s t a » s o I 9 » 9 0 9 i 0 > 9 s 9 0 9 0 9 % % % % % % > % % % % % t e — — >

letter I waa preparing to answer.” Suddenly she looked into bk eyes and leaned confidingly nearer him. “Do you know, Mr. Trevor—r>»^t you saved me from marrying tbe wrong “ an—by your voice."

Then you'll remember me,” Tre­ vor sand aoftly. “W ill you not 7*'


Client Not Only Got Free Advice, but Alao Check from Limb of

the Law. JA M E S B. H O U S E L

Jnatice of the Peace B E L lfA R , N. J. Notary Public and

Commiaaioner of Deeds Office—Eighth Avenue and F Street Hours: 5 p. m. to 8 p. m.

looked quickly up at tbe window and for a moment Alice Lange looked into his sensitive, emotional face.

With his hat still tn his hand tben be sang the moat beautiful of the ‘ Bohemian Oiri" arias “Then You'll Remember Me."

There were tears In the glrl’a eyes and aa ache ln her throat when bis voice ao poignantly sweet oobbed its l a ^ appealing line, “Then you'll re­ member me."

After he had gone Alice did not re­ turn to her desk, instead, she lay for a long time dreaming of tho street singer's voice.

“No," she decided finally, ”1 can­ not marry Jimmy Blake. *1 want to roam tbe Elysslan fields -ad pluck the flowers oi the greatest fragrance, and Jimmy—" Alice smiled wist­ fully, "Jimmy would only tell me I am moonstruck and take me to a vaudeville performance."

And when Jimmy received the note that Alice sent him be went oat to the race track and came back through elyslan fields that swayed fantastic­ ally and had a tendency to rise up and make his greet gray racer turn turtle as he careened madly over tbe roads.

Two, three years slipped by. Alice Lange’s thoughts were not untlnged with regret that ahe had dismissed Jimmy Blake from ber trail of fol­ lowers. Perhaps, after all, Elyslan fields were only possible to roam ln wben there waa one other to share them.

Sbe bad spent many vain hours ln an effort to locate tbe man whose voice had aeemed to change the en­ tire course of ber life, but be had dis­ appeared apparently and no search could flnd him. Alice even went so fsr ss to follow the example of a Lon­ don society, and had organized a great concert, at which all the street musi­ cians had fn opportunity to perform before a critical and philanthropic

W . N E W M A N






' T




E w r o y '

'jU jT R O


a r n is b e s


Amongst tbe many stories told con­ cerning Coventry Patmore, the poet, tbe following, perhaps, ls one of tbe When Patmore lived in bis beautiful old house at Hastings, a kind of Har­ old Skim pole contrived to ms^o bis acquaintance.

'That fellow was one of tbe clev­ erest I ever came across,” said Pat­ more. when speaking about him to a personal friend wbo relates tbe story.

“One day ln the early part of our acquaintance be came to me tor my advice. His wife had purchased a costume at one of tbe principal local drapers, but wben an assistant waa sent for to make certain alterations, tbe latter packed it up and carried It back to tbe ahop. What should ne do?"

“ Oo to Z--- ,* I aald, naming my lawyer; and off he started.

“ 'Summon the people," said Z—— ; that Is what you had better do But watt, bave you paid for tbe dress? ir not. send a check and summon them afterward.'

“ ‘On my word, 1 never thought of that,' exclaimed tbe other, Innocently; ‘and as I don't happen to bave my purse. Just obHge me with your check for the amount!’ "

"And I’ll be hanged." added Coventry Patmore, chuckling, “If be didn't bam- boozle the lawyer. Instead of step­ ping over tbe way he went Btralght home. The dress was never paid tor. and Z---never got back bis money.”


Teleph* ne*. J ong Distance Loca* No. 18

No B t r ln g a o n o u r

o r f e r t o aond you a

case o f any

m s s ,

V a rn is h e s

and ta k e a l l th e r i a k a

o u r s e lv e s .

You a r e a t l i b e r t y


o u r expense i f u n ­

s a t i s f a c t o r y i n a n y


P r e t t y s t r o n g g u a r ­

a n te e t h a t !

Means t h a t v e know

a l l a b o u t

v a r n is h e s a n d KNOW

th e y v i l l p le a s e y o u .

New iiu ir U '- t 11 u il H ll il « I a II <> tt r il » AU- THK POPUI.AK HIIANUa o r

l.l< iU O K H . a n d 4 ;lU A K * j SO i n w . v i g i l , E T < .

Boating, Crabbing and Ptshcrmen'n Supplies.

THOMAS. J . M U RPH Y. Proprietor

Brewers and Bottlers of

Lager and Fxporl Keers, Ales and

E L IZ A B E T H , N. J .

GiEORGL P. GAMBLE Manager Long’ Branch Depot

191 Westwi-od Are.. Lnnp Branch Tel. 374

c o a s t

G A S C O .


p o a

Lighting, Cooking and Heating

Vulcan Ranges. Garland Water Heaters

and Reznnr Heaters

F S t r e e t , B e lm a r


H a r r y J . B o d i n e

1 •-> • ■ . * sjjs' jRj£|

Undertaker end Embalmer

7 2 2 M A T T I S O N A V E N U E A e b u r y P a r k , N . J .

leohone «4 Asbuqv Park Open Day and Night.

ture tired and disheartened. There bad been no voice with even a tenth portion of tbe sweetness of tbe one she sought

Fbr a time she sat back and wished she bad married Jimmy Blake.

Tben one morning ln ber mail ahe received a ticket for tbe opera. There waa no meessge wfth the orchestra seat well toward the stage. PAUL C. TAYLOR,

* Belmar, N. J .

% % % % % %

♦ Equipment Unsurpassed AU Cs Us Receive Prompt Attention #



ffl. PdRBY


| F u n e r a l D i i c t o i a n d 1 n b a l m e i £


D d m a rin d .Manasquan,

S. J.

Locomotor Ataxia

’ j “ I suffered intensely from Loco­ motor Ataxia, and Dr. Miles’ Anti- ! Pain Pills gave me great relief. 1 i have taken them for a long time, and some people say they are not good for me. Well,-maybe not. but they relieve my pain and 1 will take them as long as they continue to do so. Anti-Pam and Ner'e and Liver Pills keep me up and I assure you 1 I am thankful for that.” I JA COB H IR G E L , Covington, Ind | Many person- srho suffer con atantly from >'hroeic diseases, find > great relief by the me of Dr. Miles’

Anti-Pain Pills, and after aeveral yeara use. say that ’they have in no way injured tl,em or created a habit

S T E W A R D & T H O M P S O N

Plumbing;, Steam and G a s Fittin g

Jo b b in g P ro m p tly

Attended T o

P. O. B O X 1544

P H O N E 510 R

715 F Street

Belmar, N. J.


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