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Signed double Roman k-domination in graphs


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Signed double Roman k-domination in graphs

J. Amjadi

Department of Mathematics

Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz I.R. Iran


Hong Yang

School of Information Science and Engineering Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106



S. Nazari-Moghaddam S.M. Sheikholeslami

Department of Mathematics

Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz I.R. Iran

s.nazari@azaruniv.ac.ir s.m.sheikholeslami@azaruniv.ac.ir

Zehui Shao

Institute of Computing Science and Technology Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China

zshao@gzhu.edu.cn Abstract

Let G = (V, E) be a simple and finite graph with vertex set V (G), and let k ≥ 1 be an integer. A signed double Roman k-dominating function (SDRkDF) on a graph G is a function f : V (G) → {−1, 1, 2, 3} such that (i) every vertex v with f (v) =−1 is adjacent to at least two vertices assigned with 2 or to at least one vertex w with f (w) = 3, (ii) every vertex v with f (v) = 1 is adjacent to at least one vertex w with f (w) ≥ 2 and (iii) 

u∈N [v]f (u)≥ k holds for any vertex v. The weight of an SDRkDF f is

u∈V (G)f (u), and the minimum weight of an SDRkDF is the signed double Roman k-domination number γsdRk (G) of G. In this paper, we initiate the study of the signed double Roman k-domination number in graphs and we present lower and upper bounds for γsdRk (T ). In addition we determine this parameter for some classes of graphs.


1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, G denotes a simple graph, with vertex set V = V (G) and edge set E = E(G). The order |V | of G is denoted by n = n(G). Denote by Kn

the complete graph and by Cn the cycle of order n. For every vertex v ∈ V , the open neighborhood of v is the set N (v) = {u ∈ V (G) | uv ∈ E(G)} and the closed neighborhood of v is the set N [v] = N (v)∪ {v}. The degree of a vertex v ∈ V is d(v) = |N(v)|. The minimum degree and the maximum degree of a graph G are denoted by δ = δ(G) and Δ = Δ(G), respectively. If every vertex of G has degree r, then G is said to be r-regular. The open neighborhood of a set S ⊆ V is the set N (S) = v∈SN (v), and the closed neighborhood of S is the set N [S] = N (S)∪ S.

The distance dG(u, v) between two vertices u and v in a connected graph G is the length of a shortest u−v path in G. The diameter of a graph G, denoted by diam(G), is the greatest distance between two vertices of G. The complement of a graph G is denoted by G. A leaf of G is a vertex with degree one and a support vertex is a vertex adjacent to a leaf. A tree T is a double star if it contains exactly two vertices that are not leaves. A double star with respectively p and q leaves attached at each support vertex is denoted by DSp,q. A bipartite graph is one whose vertex set can be partitioned into two subsets X and Y , so that each edge has one end in X and one end in Y ; such a partition (X, Y ) is called a bipartition of the graph. A complete bipartite graph is a simple bipartite graph with bipartition (X, Y ) in which each vertex of X is joined to each vertex of Y ; if|X| = m and |Y | = n, such a graph is denoted by Km,n.

A set S ⊆ V in a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex of G is either in S or adjacent to a vertex of S. The domination number γ(G) equals the minimum cardinality of a dominating set in G. For a comprehensive treatment of domination in graphs, see the monographs by Haynes, Hedetniemi, and Slater [9, 10].

For a subset S ⊆ V (G) of vertices of a graph G and a function f : V (G) → R, we define f (S) = 

x∈Sf (x). For a vertex v, we denoted f (N [v]) by f [v] for notional convenience.

A double Roman dominating function(DRDF) is a function f : V (G)→ {0, 1, 2, 3}

having the property that if f (v) = 0, then vertex v must have at least two neighbors assigned 2 under f or one neighbor with f (w) = 3, and if f (v) = 1, then vertex v must have at least one neighbor with f (w)≥ 2. The weight of a double Roman dom- inating function f is ω(f ) =

v∈V (G)f (v). The double Roman dominating number of G is the minimum weight of a double Roman dominating function on G. The double Roman domination was introduced by Beeler et al. [7] and has been studied by several authors [1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 17, 21].

A signed Roman k-dominating function (SRkDF) on a graph G is a function f : V → {−1, 1, 2} satisfying the conditions that (i) 

x∈N [v]f (x) ≥ k for each vertex v ∈ V , and (ii) every vertex u for which f(u) = −1 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f (v) = 2. The weight of an SRkDF is the sum of its function values over all vertices. The signed Roman k-domination number of G, denoted γsRk (G), is the minimum weight of an SRkDF in G. The signed Roman k-domination number was introduced by Henning and Volkman in [11] and has been studied in


[12, 13, 18, 19, 20]. The special case k = 1 was introduced and investigated in [5]

and has been studied in [14, 15].

In this paper, we continue the study of the double Roman dominating functions on graphs. Inspired by the previous research on the signed Roman k-dominating function [11, 12], we define the signed double Roman k-dominating function as fol- lows.

Let k ≥ 1 be an integer. A function f : V (G) → {−1, 1, 2, 3} is a signed double Roman k-dominating function (SDRkDF) on a graph G if the following conditions are fulfilled:


x∈N [v]f (v)≥ k for every vertex v ∈ V (G);

(ii) if f (v) =−1, then vertex v must have at least two neighbors with label 2 or one neighbor with label 3;

(iii) if f (v) = 1, then vertex v must have at least one neighbor with f (w)≥ 2.

The weight of an SDRkDF is the sum of its function values over all vertices. The signed double Roman k-domination number of G, denoted γksdR(G), is the minimum weight of an SDRkDF in G. A signed double Roman k-dominating function of G of weight γsdRk (G) is called a γsdRk (G)-function or γsdRk -function of G. The special case k = 1 has been studied by Ahangar et al. [3]. If f is a signed double Roman k-dominating function of G and v ∈ V (G), then by definition we must have k ≤

x∈N [v]f (v) 

x∈N [v]3 = 3(deg(v) + 1) yielding deg(v)≥ k/3 − 1 and so δ(G) ≥ k/3−1. As the assumption δ(G) ≥ k/3−1 is necessary, we always assume that when we discuss γsdRk (G), all graphs involved satisfy δ(G) ≥ k/3 − 1 and thus n(G) ≥ k/3.

An SDRkDF f can be represented by the ordered quadruple (V−1, V1, V2, V3) of V (G) where Vi = {v ∈ V (G) | f(v) = i} for i ∈ {−1, 1, 2, 3}. In this paper we initiate the study of signed double Roman k-domination numbers in graphs and investigate their basic properties. In particular, we establish some sharp bounds on signed double Roman k-domination. In addition, we determine the signed double Roman k-domination number of some classes of graphs.

We make use of the following results in this paper.

Observation 1.1. If f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) is an SDRkDF on a graph G of order n, then

(a) |V−1| + |V1| + |V2| + |V3| = n.

(b) ω(f ) =|V1| + 2|V2| + 3|V3| − |V−1|.

Observation 1.2. If k ≥ 1 is an integer and G is a graph of order n with δ(G) ≥

k−12 , then γsdRk (G)≤ 2n.

Proof. Clearly, the function f : V (G) → {−1, 1, 2, 3} defined by f(x) = 2 for x ∈ V (G) is an SDRkDF on G of weight 2n and thus γsdRk (G)≤ 2n.

Let k≥ 2 and n ≥ k2 be integers and let V be a set of size n. Define fnk : V {−1, 1, 2, 3} as follows. If n + k ≡ 0 (mod 3), then let fnk assign 2 to n+k3 elements of V and −1 to the remaining elements, if n + k ≡ 1 (mod 3), then let fnk assign 3 to one element of V , 2 to n+k−43 elements of V and −1 to the remaining elements, and if n + k ≡ 2 (mod 3), then let fnk assign 3 to two elements of V , 2 to n+k−83 elements of V and −1 to the remaining elements.


Observation 1.3. Let k ≥ 2 and n ≥ k2 be integers. If n + k ≥ 6, then γsdRk (Kn) = k.

Proof. For any vertex v ∈ V (Kn), we have γsdRk (G) = f [v] ≥ k. Now we show that γsdRk (Kn) ≤ k. If k is an even number and n = k/2, then the result follows from Observation 1.2. If k is an odd number or n≥ k2 + 1, then it is easy to verify that the function fnk defined above, is an SDRkDF on Knof weight k, and so γsdRk (G)≤ k.

Thus γsdRk (G) = k.

2 Basic properties and bounds

In this section we present basic properties of the signed double Roman k-dominating function.

Proposition 2.1. Let f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) be an SDRkDF on a graph G of order n.

If δ ≥ k − 1, then

(i) (3Δ + 3− k)|V3| + (2Δ + 2 − k)|V2| + (Δ + 1 − k)|V1| ≥ (δ + k + 1)|V−1|.

(ii) (3Δ + δ + 4)|V3| + (2Δ + δ + 3)|V2| + (Δ + δ + 2)|V1| ≥ (δ + k + 1)n.

(iii) (Δ + δ + 2)ω(f ) ≥ (δ − Δ + 2k)n + (δ − Δ)|V2| + 2(δ − Δ)|V3|.

(iv) ω(f )≥ (δ − 3Δ + 2k − 2)n/(3Δ + δ + 4) + |V2| + 2|V3|.

Proof. (i) It follows from Observation 1.1(a) that k(|V−1| + |V1| + |V2| + |V3|) = kn

v∈V (G)

f [v]


v∈V (G)

(d(v) + 1)f (v)



3(d(v) + 1) + 


2(d(v) + 1) + 


(d(v) + 1)


(d(v) + 1)

≤ 3(Δ+1)|V3|+2(Δ+1)|V2|+(Δ+1)|V1| − (δ+1)|V−1|.

The inequality chain leads to the desired bound in (i).

(ii) By Observation 1.1(a), we have|V−1| = n − |V1| − |V2| − |V3|. By this identity and Part (i) of Proposition 2.1, we reach (ii).

(iii) According to Observation 1.1 and Part (ii) of Proposition 2.1, we obtain Part (iii) of Proposition 2.1 as follows.

(Δ + δ + 2)ω(f ) = (Δ + δ + 2)(2|V1| + 3|V2| + 4|V3| − n)

≥ 2(δ + k + 1)n − 2(3Δ + δ + 4)|V3| − 2(2Δ + δ + 3)|V2| +(Δ + δ + 2)(3|V2| + 4|V3| − n)

= (δ− Δ + 2k)n + (δ − Δ)|V2| + 2(δ − Δ)|V3|.


(iv) The inequality chain in the proof of Part (i) and Observation 1.1(a) show that

kn ≤ 3(Δ + 1)|V3| + 2(Δ + 1)|V2| + (Δ + 1)|V1| − (δ + 1)|V−1|

≤ 3(Δ + 1)|V1∪ V2∪ V3| − (δ + 1)|V−1|

= 3(Δ + 1)|V1∪ V2∪ V3| − (δ + 1)(n − |V1∪ V2 ∪ V3|)

= (3Δ + δ + 4)|V1∪ V2∪ V3| − (δ + 1)n and so

|V1∪ V2 ∪ V3| ≥ n(δ + k + 1) 3Δ + δ + 4 . Using this equality and Observation 1.1, we obtain

ω(f ) = 2|V1∪ V2 ∪ V3| − n + |V2| + 2|V3|

n(δ− 3Δ + 2k − 2)

3Δ + δ + 4 +|V2| + 2|V3|.

This is the bound in Part (iv), and the proof is complete.

Proposition 2.2. Let r be a non-negative integer with r k−33 . If G is an r- regular graph of order n, then

γsdRk (G)≥ kn r + 1.

The equality holds for the complete graph Kn when n + k≥ 6.

Proof. Let f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) be a γksdR(G)-function. We have (r + 1)γsdRk (G) = (r + 1) 

v∈V (G)

f (v) = 

v∈V (G)

(r + 1)f (v) = 

v∈V (G)

f [v]≥ kn

and this leads to the desired bound. By Observation 1.3, the equality holds for the complete graph Kn if n + k ≥ 6.

Corollary 2.1. If G is a graph of order n, minimum degree δ≥ k −1 and maximum degree Δ, then

γsdRk (G)≥−3Δ2+ 3Δδ + 4kΔ− 3Δ + 3δ + 4k (Δ + 1)(3Δ + δ + 4)


Proof. If δ < Δ, multiplying both sides of the inequality in Proposition 2.1 (iv) by Δ− δ and adding the resulting inequality to the inequality in Proposition 2.1 (iii), we obtain the desired lower bound.

If δ = Δ = r, the desired inequality can be simplified to γsdRk (G) r+1kn . It obviously holds according to Proposition 2.2.


Proposition 2.3. If G is a graph of order n with δ(G)≥ k−33 , then γsdRk (G)≥ Δ(G) + k + 1 − n.

Proof. Let u∈ V (G) be a vertex of maximum degree, and let f be a γksdR(G)-function.

By the definitions we have γsdRk (G) = f [u] + 

x∈V (G)−N [u]

f (x)≥ k − (n − Δ(G) − 1) = Δ(G) + k + 1 − n,

and the proof is complete.

A set S ⊆ V (G) is a 2-packing of the graph G if N[u] ∩ N[v] = ∅ for any two distinct vertices u, v∈ S. The 2-packing number ρ(G) of G is defined by

ρ(G) = max{|S| : S is a 2-packing of G}.

Clearly, for all graphs G, ρ(G)≤ γ(G).

Proposition 2.4. If G is a graph of order n with δ(G)≥ k−33 , then γsdRk (G)≥ ρ(G)(δ(G) + k + 1) − n.

Proof. Let {v1, v2, . . . , vρ(G)} be a 2-packing of G, and let f be a γksdR(G)-function.

Suppose A =ρ(G)

i=1 N [vi]. We have |A| =ρ(G)


(d(vi) + 1)≥ ρ(G)(δ(G) + 1) and hence

γsdRk (G) =



f [vi] + 

x∈V (G)−A

f (x)

≥ kρ(G) + 

x∈V (G)−A

f (x)≥ kρ(G) − n + |A|

≥ kρ(G) − n + ρ(G)(δ(G) + 1) = ρ(G)(δ(G) + k + 1) − n.

Corollary 2.2. If G is a graph of order n with δ(G) ≥ k−12 and ρ(G) = γ(G), then

γsdRk (G)≥ (δ(G) + k + 1)γ(G) − n.

If G is the graph obtained from a graph H by adding a pendant edge at each vertex of H, then clearly γsdRk (G) = 3n(G)/2 and hence the bound in Corollary 2.2 is sharp.

Since for any connected graph G, we have ρ(G) ≥ 1 + diam(G)3 , the next result is an immediate consequence of Proposition 2.4.

Corollary 2.3. If G is a graph of order n with δ(G)≥ k−12 , then γsdRk (G)≥

1 +diam(G) 3

(δ(G) + k + 1)− n.


Next we present a so-called Nordhous-Gaddum type inequality for the signed double Roman k-domination number of regular graphs.

Theorem 2.1. If G is an r-regular graph of order n such that r k−33 and n− r − 1 ≥ k−33 , then

γsdRk (G) + γsdRk (G)≥ 4kn n + 1. If n is even, then γsdRk (G) + γsdRk (G)≥ 4k(n+1)n+2 .

Proof. Since G is an r-regular, the complement G is (n− r − 1)-regular. By Propo- sition 2.2

γsdRk (G) + γsdRk (G)≥ kn 1

r + 1+ 1 n− r


By assumptions k−33 ≤ r ≤ n − 1 − k−33 and since the function g(x) = 1/(x + 1) + 1/(n− x) takes its minimum at x = (n − 1)/2 when k−33 ≤ x ≤ n − 1 − k−33 , we obtain

γsdRk (G) + γsdRk (G)≥ kn 2

n + 1+ 2 n + 1

 = 4kn n + 1,

and this is the desired bound. If n is even, then the function g takes its minimum at r = x = (n− 2)/2 or r = x = n/2, since r is an integer. This implies that

γsdRk (G) + γsdRk (G)≥ kn 1

r + 1 + 1 n− r

≥ kn 2

n + 2 n + 2

= 4k(n + 1) n + 2 , and the proof is complete.

Next we establish bounds on the signed double Roman k-domination number in terms of order and domination number.

Proposition 2.5. Let G be a connected graph of order n. If G has a γsdRk (G)-function f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) with V−1 =∅, then γsdRk (G)≥ n + γ(G).

Proof. Let f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) be a γsdRk (G)-function such that V−1 =∅. Since each vertex in V1 must be adjacent to a vertex in V2 ∪ V3, we deduce that V2 ∪ V3 is a dominating set of G. It follows from Observation 1.1 that

γsdRk (G) = ω(f ) =|V1| + 2|V2| + 3|V3| ≥ |V1| + 2|V2| + 2|V3| ≥ n + γ(G).

Proposition 2.6. Let G be a graph of order n with δ(G)≥ 1. If k ∈ {2, 3}, then γsdRk (G)≤ n + γ(G).

Furthermore, this bound is sharp.


Proof. Let S be a γ(G)-set and define f : V (G) → {−1, 1, 2, 3} by f(x) = 2 for x ∈ S and f(x) = 1 for x ∈ V (G) − S. Clearly, f is an SDRkDF on G of weight n + γ(G) for k∈ {2, 3} and this implies that γsdRk (G)≤ n + γ(G) for k ∈ {2, 3}.

To prove the sharpness, let G2 = mK1 and let G3 be the graph obtained from a graph H by adding a pendant edge at each vertex of H. Clearly, for any γsdRk (Gk)- function f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) we have V−1 =∅. It follows from Proposition 2.5 that γsdRk (Gk)≥ n(Gk) + γ(Gk) yielding γsdRk (Gk) = n(Gk) + γ(Gk).

The proof of next result is similar to the proof of Proposition 2.6 and therefore it is omitted.

Proposition 2.7. For any graph G of order n with δ(G)≥ 1, γsdR4 (G)≤ n + 2γ(G).

The bound is sharp for the graph obtained from a graph H by adding at least two pendant edges at each vertex of H.

3 Signed double Roman 2-domination

In this section, we present bounds on the signed double Roman 2-domination of G.

For convenience, we introduce some notation. For an SDR2DF f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) of G, we let V−1 = {v ∈ V−1 | N(v) ∩ V3 = ∅} and V−1 = V−1 − V−1 . For a subset S ⊆ V , we let dS(v) denote the number of vertices in S that are adjacent to v. In particular, dV(v) = d(v). For disjoint subsets U and W of vertices, we let [U, W ] denote the set of edges between U and W . For notational convenience, we let V12 = V1∪V2, V13= V1∪V3, V123 = V1∪V2∪V3 and let|V12| = n12,|V13| = n13,|V123| = n123, and let |V1| = n1,|V2| = n2 and |V3| = n3. Then, n123 = n1 + n2 + n3. Further, we let |V−1| = n−1, and so n−1 = n− n123. Let G123 = G[V123] be the subgraph induced by the set V123 and let G123 have size m123. For i = 1, 2, 3, if Vi = ∅, let Gi = G[Vi] be the subgraph induced by the set Vi and let Gi have size mi. Hence, m123 = m1+ m2+ m3+|[V1, V2]| + |[V1, V3]| + |[V2, V3]|.

For t ≥ 1, let Lt be the graph obtained from a graph H of order t by adding 3dH(v) + 1 pendant edges to each vertex v of H. LetH = {Lt| t ≥ 1}.

Theorem 3.1. Let G be a graph of order n and size m without isolated vertex. Then γsdR2 (G)≥ 5n− 6m

2 ,

with equality if and only if G∈ H.

Proof. Let f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) be a γsdR2 (G)-function. If V−1 = ∅, then γsdR2 (G) >

n≥ 5n−6m2 since G has no isolated vertex. Hence V−1 = ∅. We consider the following cases.

Case 1. V3 = ∅.

Now, we consider the following subcases.


Subcase 1.1. V2 = ∅.

By the definition of an SDR2DF, each vertex in V−1 is adjacent to at least one vertex in V3 or to at least two vertices in V2, and so

|[V−1, V123]| ≥ |[V−1, V3]| + |[V−1, V2]| ≥ |V−1 | + 2|V−1 | ≥ n−1. Furthermore we have

2n−1 ≤ 2|[V−1, V3]| + |[V−1, V2]| = 2


dV−1(v) + 



For each vertex v∈ V3, we have that f (v) + 3dV3(v) + 2dV2(v) + dV1(v)− dV−1(v) = f [v]≥ 2, and so dV−1(v)≤ 3dV3(v) + 2dV2(v) + dV1(v) + 1. Similarly, for each vertex v ∈ V2, we have that dV−1(v)≤ 3dV3(v) + 2dV2(v) + dV1(v). Now, we have

2n−1 ≤ 2


dV−1(v) + 



≤ 2


(3dV3(v) + 2dV2(v) + dV1(v) + 1) +


(3dV3(v) + 2dV2(v) + dV1(v))

= (12m3+ 4|[V2, V3]| + 2|[V1, V3]| + 2n3) + (3|[V2, V3]| + 4m2+|[V1, V2]|)

= 12m3+ 4m2+ 7|[V2, V3]| + 2|[V1, V3]| + |[V1, V2]| + 2n3

= 12m123− 12m1− 8m2− 5|[V2, V3]| − 10|[V1, V3]| − 11|[V1, V2]| + 2n3,

which implies that m123 1

12(2n−1+ 12m1+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]| − 2n3).


m≥ m123+|[V−1, V123]| + m−1

≥ m123+|[V−1, V123]|


12(2n−1+ 12m1+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]| − 2n3) + n−1

= 1

12(14n−1− 2n123+ 2n1+ 2n2

+ 12m1+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]|)

= 1

12(14n− 16n123+ 2n1+ 2n2

+ 12m1+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]|)

and so n123 1

16(−12m+14n+2n1+2n2+12m1+8m2+5|[V2, V3]|+10|[V1, V3]|+11|[V1, V2]|).


Now, we have

γsdR2 (G) = 3n3+ 2n2+ n1− n−1

= 4n3+ 3n2+ 2n1 − n

= 4n123− n − n2− 2n1


4(−12m + 14n + 2n1+ 2n2+ 12m1+ 8m2

+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]|) − n − n2− 2n1

= 1

4(−12m + 14n − 4n) +1

4(2n1+ 2n2+ 12m1+ 8m2 + 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]| − 4n2− 8n1)

= 5n− 6m

2 + 1

4(−6n1− 2n2 + 12m1+ 8m2 + 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]|).

Let Θ =−6n1− 2n2+ 12m1+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]|. We show that Θ≥ 0. If n1 = 0, then Θ =−2n2+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]|. If v ∈ V2 and dV23(v) = 0, then since G has no isolated vertex, we have that every neighbor of v belongs to V−1. But then f [v]≤ 1, a contradiction. Hence if v ∈ V2, then we have that dV23(v)≥ 1.


Θ =−2n2 + 8m2 + 5|[V2, V3]|

= 4


dV2(v) + 4


dV3(v) + (|[V2, V3]| − 2n2)

= 4


dV23(v) + (|[V2, V3]| − 2n2)

≥ 4n2− 2n2+|[V2, V3]|

> 0.

If n1 ≥ 1, then Θ = −6n1− 2n2+ 12m1+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]|.

By the definition of an SDR2DF of G we have dV123(v)≥ 1 for each v ∈ V1. Then Θ = −6n1− 2n2+ 12m1+ 8m2+ 5|[V2, V3]| + 10|[V1, V3]| + 11|[V1, V2]|

= 6


dV1(v) + 6


dV2(v) + 6


dV3(v) + 4


dV1(v) + 4


dV2(v) + 4


dV3(v) + (−6n1− 2n2+|[V2, V3]| + 4|[V1, V3]| + |[V1, V2]|)

= 6


dV123(v) + 4


dV123(v) + (−6n1− 2n2+|[V2, V3]| + 4|[V1, V3]| + |[V1, V2]|)

≥ 6n1+ 4n2− 6n1 − 2n2+|[V2, V3]| + 4|[V1, V3]| + |[V1, V2]|

= 2n2+|[V2, V3]| + 3|[V1, V3]|

> 0.


Therefore γ2sdR(G) > 5n−6m

2 . Subcase 1.2. V2 =∅.

By the definition of an SDR2DF, each vertex in V−1 is adjacent to one vertex in V3, and so

|[V−1, V13]| ≥ |[V−1, V3]| ≥ |V−1| = n−1. (1) Furthermore, we have

n−1 ≤ |[V−1, V3]| = 



For each vertex v ∈ V3, we have that f (v) + 3dV3(v) + dV1(v)− dV−1(v) = f [v] ≥ 2, and so dV−1(v)≤ 3dV3(v) + dV1(v) + 1. Now, we have



dV−1(v) (2)


(3dV3(v) + dV1(v) + 1)

= 6m3+|[V1, V3]| + n3

= 6m13− 6m1 − 5|[V1, V3]| + n3, which implies that

m13 1

6(n−1+ 6m1+ 5|[V1, V2]| − n3).


m ≥ m13+|[V−1, V13]| + m−1

≥ m13+|[V−1, V13]|


6(n−1+ 6m1+ 5|[V1, V2]| − n3) + n−1

= 1

6(7n−1− n13+ n1+ 6m1+ 5|[V1, V3]|)

= 1

6(7n− 8n13+ n1+ 6m1+ 5|[V1, V3]|)

and so

n13 1

8(−6m + 7n + n1+ 6m1+ 5|[V1, V3]|).


Now, we have

γsdR2 (G) = 3n3+ n1− n−1

= 4n3+ 2n1 − n

= 4n13− n − 2n1


2(−6m + 7n + n1+ 6m1 + 5|[V1, V3]|) − n − 2n1 (3)

= 1

2(−6m + 7n − 2n) + 1

2(n1 + 6m1 + 5|[V1, V3]| − 4n1)

= 5n− 6m

2 +1

2(6m1+ 5|[V1, V3]| − 3n1).

Let Θ = 6m1 + 5|[V1, V3]| − 3n1. We show that Θ ≥ 0. If n1 = 0, then Θ = 0.

Suppose that n1 ≥ 1. By the definition of an SDR2DF, for each v ∈ V1 we have dV13(v)≥ 1. Then

Θ = 6m1+ 5|[V1, V3]| − 3n1

= 3


dV1(v) + 3


dV3(v) + (2|[V1, V3]| − 3n1)

= 3


dV13(v) + (2|[V1, V3]| − 3n1)

≥ 3n1 + 2|[V1, V3]| − 3n1

> 0.

Therefore γ2sdR(G)≥ 5n−6m2 . Case 2. V3 =∅.

Since V−1 = ∅, we conclude that V2 = ∅. By the definition of an SDR2DF, each vertex in V−1 is adjacent to at least two vertices in V2, and so

|[V−1, V12]| ≥ |[V−1, V2]| ≥ 2|V−1| = 2n−1. Furthermore we have

2n−1 ≤ |[V−1, V2]| = 



For each vertex v ∈ V2, we have that f (v) + 2dV2(v) + dV1(v)− dV−1(v) = f [v] ≥ 2, and so dV−1(v)≤ 2dV2(v) + dV1(v). Now, we have





(2dV2(v) + dV1(v))

= 4m2+|[V1, V2]|

= 4m12− 4m1 − 3|[V1, V2]|,


which implies that

m12 1

4(2n−1+ 4m1 + 3|[V1, V2]|).


m≥ m12+|[V−1, V12]| + m−1

≥ m12+|[V−1, V12]|


4(2n−1+ 4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]|) + 2n−1

= 1

4(10n−1+ 4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]|)

= 1

4(10n− 10n12+ 4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]|)

and so

n12 1

10(−4m + 10n + 4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]|).

Now, we have

γsdR2 (G) = 2n2+ n1− n−1

= 3n2+ 2n1− n

= 3n12− n − n1


10(−4m + 10n + 4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]|) − n − n1

= 3

10(−4m + 10n −10 3 n− 1

3n) + 3

10(4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]| − 10

3 n1 +1 3n)

= 19n− 12m

10 + 3

10(4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]| − 3n1+1

3(n−1+ n2))

Let Θ = 4m1+ 3|[V1, V2]| − 3n1+1

3(n−1+ n2). We show that Θ > 0. If n1 = 0, then Θ = 13(n2+ n−1) > 0. Suppose that n1 ≥ 1. By the definition of an SDR2DF of G, we have dV2(v)≥ 1 for each v ∈ V1. Then

Θ = 4m1 + 3|[V1, V2]| − 3n1 +1

3(n−1+ n2)

= 3


dV2(v) + (1

3(n2+ n−1)− 3n1+ 4m1)

≥ 3n1+1

3(n2+ n−1)− 3n1+ 4m1

> 0 Therefore γ2sdR(G) > 19n−12m

10 . Since G has no isolated vertex, we have γsdR2 (G) > 19n− 12m

10 > 5n− 6m

2 .


Let γsdR2 (G) = 5n−6m

2 . Then all inequalities (1), (2) and (3) must be equalities.

In particular, n1 = 0 and n3 = n13, and so V13= V3 and V = V3∪ V−1. Furthermore, m = m3+|[V−1, V3]|, |[V−1, V3]| = n−1 and m3 = 16(n−1− n3). This implies that for each vertex v ∈ V−1 we have dV−1(v) = 0 and dV3(v) = 1, and so each vertex of V−1 is a leaf in G. Moreover for each vertex v ∈ V3 we have dV−1(v) = 3dV3(v) + 1. Hence G∈ H.

On the other hand, let G∈ H. Then G = Lt for some t≥ 1. Thus, G is obtained from a graph H of order t by adding 3dH(v) + 1 pendant edges to each vertex v of H. Let G have order n and size m. Then,

n = 

v∈V (H)

(3dH(v) + 2) = 6m(H) + 2n(H)


m = m(H) + 

v∈V (H)

(3dH(v) + 1) = 7m(H) + n(H).

Assigning to every vertex in V (H) the weight 3 and to every vertex in V (G)− V (H) the weight−1 produces an SDR2DF f of weight ω(f) = 3n(H)−(6m(H)+n(H)) = 2n(H)− 6m(H) = 5n−6m2 . Hence γsdR2 (G)≤ 5n−6m2 . It follows that γsdR2 (G) = 5n−6m2 and this completes the proof.

Theorem 3.2. Let G be a graph of order n≥ 3. Then γ2sdR(G)≥ 4

n + 2 3 − n.

This bound is sharp for DS4,4.

Proof. Let f = (V−1, V1, V2, V3) be a γsdR2 (G)-function. If |V−1| = 0, then γsdR2 (G) >

n≥ 4


3 − n. Hence V−1 = ∅. We consider the following cases.

Case 1. V3 = ∅.

Since each vertex in V−1 is adjacent to at least one vertex in V3, we conclude that at least one vertex v of V3 is adjacent to at least nn−1

3 vertices of V−1 . Also, since each vertex in V−1 is adjacent to at least two vertices in V2, we conclude that at least one vertex u of V2 is adjacent to at least 2n−1

n2 vertices of V−1 . Then 2≤ f[v] ≤ 3n3+ 2n2+ n1 nn−13 which implies that

0≤ 3n23+ 2n2n3+ n1n3− n−1− 2n3. (4) Similarly, we have

0≤ 3n3n2+ 2n22+ n1n2− 2n−1− 2n2. (5) By multiplying the inequality (4) by 2 and summing it with the inequality (5), we obtain

0≤ 6n23+ 2n22+ 7n2n3+ 2n1n3+ n1n2− 2n−1− 2n−1− 2n2− 4n3.


Since n = n3+ n2+ n1+ n−1, we have

0≤ 6n23 + 2n22+ 7n2n3+ 2n1n3+ n1n2 + 2n1− 2n3− 2n, equivalently

0≤ 16n23+16

3 n22+56

3 n2n3+16

3 n1n3+16

6 n1n2+16

3 n1 16

3 (n + n3)

≤ 16n23+ 9n22+ 4n21 + 24n2n3+ 16n1n3+ 12n1n216

3 (n + n3)

= (4n3+ 3n2+ 2n1)2 16

3 (n + n3) which implies that 4


3 ≤ 4n3+ 3n2+ 2n1. If n3 ≥ 2, then 4


3 ≤ 4n3+ 3n2+ 2n1. Hence let n3 = 1. Then

0≤ 16 + 16

3 n22+ 56

3 n2 +32

3 n1+16

6 n1n2 16

3 (n + 1)

≤ 16 + 9n22+ 4n21+ 24n2 + 16n1+ 12n1n2 16

3 (n + 1)− 16

3 (n1+ n2)

= (4n3+ 3n2+ 2n1)2 16

3 (n + n1 + n2+ 1) which implies that 4


3 ≤ 4n3+ 3n2 + 2n1. Since n≥ 3, we conclude that n1+ n2 ≥ 1, and so


n + 2

3 ≤ 4n3 + 3n2+ 2n1. Therefore

γsdR(G) = 3n3+ 2n2 + n1− n−1

= 4n3+ 3n2 + 2n1− n

≥ 4

n + 2 3 − n.

Case 2. V3 =∅.

Since V−1 = ∅, we conclude that V2 = ∅. As in Case 1, at least one vertex u of V2 is adjacent to at least 2n−1

n2 vertices of V−1. Then 2 ≤ f[u] ≤ 2n2+ n1 2nn−12 which implies that

0≤ 2n22+ n1n2− 2n−1− 2n2. Since n = n2+ n1 + n−1, we have

0≤ 2n22+ n1n2+ 2n1− 2n, equivalently

0 16


6 n1n2+16

3 n1 16 3 n

≤ 9n22 + 4n21+ 12n1n2 16

3 n− 3n22

= (3n2+ 2n1)2 16

3 n− 3n22.


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