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Neutropenia, Inflammation, and the Kinetics of Transfused Neutrophils in Rabbits


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Neutropenia, Inflammation, and the Kinetics of

Transfused Neutrophils in Rabbits

Marc S. Rosenshein, … , Thomas H. Price, David C. Dale

J Clin Invest. 1979;64(2):580-585. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI109496.

A rabbit model was used to study the effects of neutropenia and inflammation on the

intravascular distribution, survival, and tissue accumulation of transfused neutrophils. Donor blood labeled with [3H]thymidine was infused into normal or neutropenic (vinblastine

treated) animals. Inflammation was created by subcutaneous implantation of polyvinyl sponges, some with added endotoxin. Initial circulating neutrophil pool recovery, survival, and inflammatory site accumulation of labeled neutrophils were measured.

Neutropenia was associated with a relative increase in the marginal pool size, manifested by a diminished initial circulating pool (CNP) recovery of transfused cells. The CNP

recovery was directly proportional to recipient neutrophil count. Neutropenia had no effect on the intravascular survival of transfused cells and was accompanied by only a modest decrease in the inflammatory site recovery of the transfused neutrophils (10.4±5.4 vs. 14.4±4.0% in normals).

Inflammation in the form of subcutaneous polyvinyl sponges was accompanied by an

increase in margination with initial CNP recoveries of 24.3±4.7 and 27.6±8.8% at zero and 4 h after implantation respectively (normal, 38.2±9.9%). Transit through the CNP was

hastened by inflammation with a t½ of 2.02±0.72 h (normal, 3.2±1.0 h).

Addition of endotoxin to the sponges further perturbed cell kinetics. CNP recoveries were considerably lower and half-lifes were initially shorter and subsequently uninterpretable in studies done after endotoxin sponge insertion. Inflammatory site accumulation was

markedly diminished to […]

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Inflammation, and the







MARC S.ROSENSHEIN, THOMAS H. PRICE, and DAVID C. DALE, Puget Sound BloodCenter, Seattle Washington 98104; Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195

ABS T RA C T A rabbit model was used to study the effects of neutropenia and inflammation on the

intra-vascular distribution, survival, and tissue accumulation of transfused neutrophils. Donor blood labeled with [3H]thymidine was infused into normal or neutropenic (vinblastine treated) animals. Inflammation was created by subcutaneous implantation of polyvinyl sponges, some with added endotoxin. Initial circulating neu-trophil pool recovery, survival, and inflammatory site accumulation of labeled neutrophils were measured.

Neutropenia wasassociated with arelative increase

inthe marginal pool size,manifested by a diminished initial circulating pool (CNP) recovery of transfused cells. The CNP recoverywas directly proportional to recipient neutrophil count. Neutropenia had no effect

on the intravascular survival of transfused cells and

wasaccompanied byonly a modest decrease in the

in-flammatory siterecovery of the transfusedneutrophils


vs. 14.4±4.0% in normals).

Inflammationintheform ofsubcutaneous polyvinyl sponges was accompanied by an increase in

mar-gination with initial CNP recoveries of 24.3±4.7

and 27.6+8.8% at zero and 4h after implantation

respectively (normal, 38.2±9.9%). Transit through the CNP was hastened by inflammation with a



2.02±0.72h(normal, 3.2± 1.0h).

Addition of endotoxin to the sponges further per-turbed cellkinetics.CNP recoveries wereconsiderably

lower and half-lifes were initially shorter and

sub-sequently uninterpretable instudies done after


was markedly diminished to 7.4+1.9% of injected

neutrophillabel in the endotoxinspongeanimals,

sug-Thisworkwaspresentedinpartatthe 70thAnnualMeeting of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, San Francisco,Calif.,1May1978, andpublishedinabstractform. 1978.Clin.Res. 26: 507A.

Receivedforpublication8 February 1979andinrevised form9April1979.


gesting that many ofthe transfused cells were func-tionally unavailable rather than marginated. These studiesdemonstrate that neutropenia andinflammation

with or without endotoxin markedly alter the kinetics of transfused neutrophils and that CNP recovery of transfused cells is not necessarily predictive of their

inflammatory site accumulation.


Bloodneutrophils are distributed betweentwofreely communicating compartments, the circulating and marginal neutrophil pools. (1).It isgenerallyaccepted

thatneutrophils enroute to extravascular inflammatory

sites leave the circulation directly from the marginal pool. Because ofitsaccessibility, the circulating neu-trophil pool (CNP)l has been extensively studied, and the normal kinetics of cells in this compartment are relatively well defined. The marginal pool, on the other hand, hasonlybeen evaluable by indirect (1, 2) or non-quantitativemorphologic (3) methods, and information

onthebehavior of cells inthis compartmentislargely speculative. How the intravascular localization of neutrophils within these compartments relates quanti-tativelytotheneutrophils' ability to reach inflammatory

sites isvirtually unknown.

Because of the development of neutrophil

trans-fusion,ithasbecomeincreasinglyimportantto under-standthefactors controlling the intravascular

distribu-tion ofneutrophils andtheir kinetics. In general, the assumptions used to evaluate neutrophil transfusions

have been based on kinetic studies performed on

normal volunteers (1, 2). However,it iswellestablished

from patient studies (4-6) that posttransfusion

neu-trophil count increments are far less than those pre-dicted by kinetic studies in normal subjects. Early

studies of neutrophil transfusion also demonstrated

1Abbreviation used inthis paper: CNP, circulating

neu-trophil pool.


that the blood recovery of transfused neutrophils is

related to the recipient's pretransfusion neutrophil

count (7). That this may be due in part to a relative increase in marginal pool size is suggested bystudies

showinglargerthan predicted neutrophil count

incre-ments in neutropenic subjects infused with

epi-nephrine (8).Therearealso marked alterationsinblood

neutrophilkinetics associated with both acute(9) and

chronic(10, 11)infections. These observationssuggest thatpredictions derived from studies on normal

sub-jects are notapplicableto theusual transfusion recipi-ent, and that recipient variables, such as neutrophil

countand the presenceorabsence of infection should

be considered in evaluatingthe kinetics oftransfused

neutrophils. Using a rabbit model developed in our

laboratorywe have attemptedtoinvestigate theeffects of neutropenia, inflammation, and endotoxin on the

intravascular distribution, blood kinetics, and the



NewZealand white rabbits of eithersex,weighing -3 kg,were

used for all experiments. Recipient animals wereused only

once toavoid sensitization.

Blood containing labeled neutrophils was obtained by

infusing donor animals with2.0 mCi [3H]thymidineand har-vesting 50-80mlof bloodby cardiacpuncture 72 h later,at thetimeofmaximumneutrophil labeling. Sterileacidcitrate dextrose solution, formulaA, was used as the anticoagulant

for this and all other blood specimens. 20 ml of this blood wassavedasastandard andneutrophilspecificactivity deter-minedintriplicateusingthe following procedures.

Leukocyte counts and 200 cell differential counts were performed on all specimens. Neutrophils were isolated by

centrifugation on Ficoll-Hypaque (Ficoll, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Hypaque, Winthrop Laboratories,

NewYork) (1.077-1.078spgr)followed bydextran

(200,000-300,000 mol wt) sedimentation of the erythrocyte gran-ulocyte layer at 1g, and serial 0.87% NH4Cl washes to lyse the remaining erythrocytes. After determining

the cell count of the final neutrophil suspension, a known volume was centrifuged at 2,000g and the resulting

pel-let was dissolved in 1 ml NCS (NCS tissue solubilizer,

Amersham Corp.,ArlingtonHeights, Ill.).16 mlof scintillation fluidwereaddedand theradioactivitywascountedinaliquid

scintillationcounter(PackardInstrumentCo.,Inc., Downers Grove, Ill.). Neutrophil specificactivity ofthe standardwas calculated and expressed as counts per minute /106 cells. The final cell pellets were 99% granulocytes. Neutrophil

yield from the initialspecimens was consistently35-50%. Blood neutrophil kinetics were measured after infusion of10 mlof labeled donor bloodtorecipientsviathemarginal

ear vein. Serial 6-ml blood specimens were obtained via cardiacpuncture 10 min after the midpoint of the infusion and also at 60, 150, 240, 300, and360min.Leukocyte counts and differential smears were performed on all specimens, neutrophils were isolated and activity determined as de-scribed above. Results were expressed as the percentage of injected neutrophil label recovered in the CNP using the formula: CNP recovery= (counts per min per milliliter xblood volume/counts per minute injected) x 100%, with countsperminuteinjected=specificactivityofthe standard x(neutrophil) standard x 10 ml. Blood volume was considered

tobe50ml/kg. Therecoverydatapoints wereplottedagainst time onsemilogarithmicpaper,and neutrophil survivalcurves determinedusing the method of leastsquares. Initial CNP recovery wasthepoint wherethecurvecrossed the ordinate (zero time). Blood neutrophil half-life was determined from the slope ofthe survival curve. To pool data from similar groups of animals, values obtained at the same time points were used andcomposite survival curves were constructed usingthemean recoveryvalues for eachtimepoint.Statistical significance was determined between various groups using the Student's two-tailedt test.

Inflammatorysites werecreatedinsomerecipientanimals by insertion of subcutaneous polyvinyl sponges. Polyvinyl

sponges packed in formalin (Unipoint Industries Inc., High Point, N. C.) were cut into 3x 3x 1/3-cm pieces and washedmultipletimes intap water.Theyweresterilized by

boiling for 10min in deionized waterand rinsed in sterile normal saline solution beforeuse.Rabbits weretranquilized

with3 mg acepromazineandanesthetized withpentobarbital.

The skinof the backwasshaved and washed andsixsponges inserted intothe subcutaneous fascialspace via a3-to4-cm midline incision aftercreation ofasubcutaneous pocket by

blunt dissection. The sponges were inserted lying flat, at least 1-cm lateral to the skin incision. The incision was closed with metal clips and sealed with flexible collodion. 10mlof labeled bloodwasinfused4hafterspongeinsertion. At 24h, the animalsweresacrificed and thespongesremoved. After air drying, the sponges were compressed into pellets

andburnedin a tissueoxidizer(Tri-Carb model305,Packard Instrument Co., Inc.). Activity was counted in a liquid

scintillation counterusing Oxyfluor (NewEngland Nuclear,

Boston, Mass.) asthe scintillant. Theaccumulation of radio-activityinthe sponges wasexpressed as apercentage of the injected neutrophil label.Asdemonstratedbythislaboratory (12), donor bloodcomponents werelabeledtovariousdegrees after injecting [3H]thymidine. However, except for an

apparentlyconstantcontribution from labeledplasma equiva-lent to -1.5% of neutrophil counts per minute injected, essentially all the label accumulating in the sponges is neutrophil associated.

In one group of animals, to assess the effects of an in-flammatory focusonblood kinetics, labeled bloodwasinfused eitherimmediatelyor3-4hafterspongeinsertionandblood kinetics were studied over the subsequent 6h as detailed above. Sponges were removedand processed at 24 h.

Inanother groupof animals, 1 mgofSalmonella typhosa endotoxin (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.) dissolved in 0.2mlsalinewasaddedto each spongebeforeinsertion.Blood neutrophilkineticandspongeaccumulationexperiments were then carried out as described above either immediately or 3-4h after sponge insertion. Limulus amebacyte gelation assays for endotoxin (13) were kindly performed by Dr. Ron Elin, NIH, Bethesda, Md., on plasma specimens from several of these animals at various times after endo-toxin sponge insertion.

Afinalgroupof animalswasmadeneutropenic with intra-venousvinblastine, 0.75mg/kg, given 48-72 h before either blood kinetic or sponge accumulation experiments. Serial neutrophil counts were performed on these animals. Tech-niques and calculations for these experiments in neutropenic animals were identical to those described for normal animals. Bloodkinetic and sponge accumulation experiments were also initiated at various times after the injection of vinblastine toassess the occurrence and duration of direct drug-related effectsontheneutrophilkinetics. Totalbodyirradiation with 1,200 R was also attempted to induce neutropenia but was unacceptable becauseof a very high mortality rate in the first 24h after irradiation. Nitrogen mustard was also tried and


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 01 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 45


FIGURE1 Disappearance of labeled neutrophils from blood

afterinfusion of[3H]thymidine-labeled neutrophils. Vertical bars represent ±1 SD(a)Normal recipient animals (n= 10). (b) Recipient animals with cellsinjected immediately (n=16) or 4h(n=8)afterpolyvinyl spongeinsertion. (c) Recipient animals with cells injectedimmediately (n= 5)or4h(n = 7)

afterendotoxin sponge insertion.

rejected because it routinely caused inflammation and

swelling along the course ofthe vein used for infusion. Cyclophosphamide insingle doses adquateto cause severe neutropenia wasaccompaniedby unacceptable early mortality aswellas gross hematuriainthemajority of animals.


Studies of animals with normal neutrophil counts. Blood neutrophil kinetics were evaluated in a group of10 normalrabbits. A composite neutrophil survival

curve for these animals is shown in Fig. la. Extrap-olated mean initial recovery of injected labeled neu-trophilsintheCNP+ 1 SD2 was38.2±9.9%.There was

a subsequent exponential disappearance of labeled cells from the circulation withatl2of3.2+1.0h. Sponge accumulation studies on 20 normal rabbits revealed that 14.4±4.0% of injected granulocyte label was re-covered inthe six sponges24hafter insertion.

The effects ofalocalizedinflammatoryfocusonblood


immedi-ately after sponge insertion (zeroh) and in 8 rabbits

beginning 4h after sponge insertion (4 h) (Table I).

The composite survival curves for these groups are

shown in Fig. lb. In the "zero-h" group, the initial

blood recoverywas27.6±8.8%,comparedtothe normal blood recovery of 38.2±9.9% In the "4h" group, the blood recovery was 24.3±4.7%. The initial blood recoveryinboththe zero-and4-hgroups was

signifi-cantly less than in the normal animals (P<0.05).

Half-lifewassignificantly shortenedinspongebearing

animals to 2.02±0.72 h (P<0.01).

In anothergroup ofexperiments, addition of

endo-toxin to the sponges before insertion was found to

further perturb blood neutrophil kinetics, as well as

2All subsequent data are presented as arithmetic means

±1 SDunless otherwiseindicated.


Effects of Inflammation and Endotoxin onNeutrophilKinetics

Initial CNP Sponge recovery tilm accumulation

% h %

Normal 38.2+9.9 3.2+1.00

Cells infused at 0 h

Sponge only 27.6±8.8 2.02±0.72 13.9±2.7* Endotoxin sponge 16.0±3.7 1.48±0.22 5.7±2.0* Cells infused at 4 h

Sponge only 24.3±4.7 2.02±0.72 14.4±4.0

Endotoxin sponge 2.4±2.0 NS 7.4±1.9

* Sponge accumulation data from zero-h infusions not listed intext.

inflammatory site accumulation (Table I; Fig. 1c). In

fivenormal animals studied immediately after endotoxin-spongeimplantation, the mean blood recovery was 16.0 ±3.7%and the


was 1.48±0.22h. When the

experi-ments were initiated4 h afterinsertion, the blood

re-covery was only 2.4% and no half-life could be

cal-culated since interpretable survival curves could not

be constructedfromsubsequent data points. Although previous studies from this laboratory have shown that endotoxin increases the overall number of cells ac-cumulating in the subcutaneous sponges in normal animals (12), the percentage of labeled transfused cells accumulating was decreased to 7.4±1.9% (Fig. 5) in the endotoxin sponge-bearing animals (P<0.05). No endotoxemia was detectable using the Limulus amebacyte gelation assay in three animals tested 15

min,4 and24 h after endotoxin sponge insertion. Studies of neutropenic animals. The change in

neutrophil counts after administration of 0.75 mg/kg of vinblastine to four rabbits is shown in Fig. 2. The


FIGURE2 Neutrophil counts after vinblastine 0.75 mg/kg


animalswereuniformly severely neutropenicondays

3 and 4 after vinblastine administration. Other than occasional animals who developed diarrhea, no

ap-preciable complications of vinblastine administration werenoted.

Toinvestigate therelationshipbetween the recipient neutrophil count and the fateoftransfused cells, blood kinetics were studied in 26animals with a wide range ofneutrophilcounts. Somehad receivednovinblastine, and others had received vinblastine 48-72 h before

beginning the kinetic studies. There was a direct

re-lationship between recipient neutrophil countand the initial CNP recovery oftransfused cells (Fig. 3). This

relationship was evident throughout the neutropenic and normal ranges, varying frominitial CNP recoveries

of <1% in animals with neutrophil counts under

50/,l torecoveriesof =50%inanimalswithneutrophil

counts of 4,000-5,000/,ul.

In contrast, half-life was not related to neutrophil

count. Fig. 4 shows half-life plotted against recipient neutrophil count. There was no significant difference

in half-life between severely neutropenic and normal animals. Thus,althougha smaller fraction of cells are

in the CNP initially in the neutropenic, uninflamed

animal, those remaining leave the circulation with a

normal half-life.

Inagroupof16neutropenicanimals,all with

neutro-phil counts of <250/,ul, mean sponge accumulation at

24h was 10.4+5.4% as comparedto anormal of14.4%

(Fig. 5). Although this difference was statistically

significant (P<0.05) the decrease in inflammatory

site accumulation was only 28% despite a 10-fold de-crease inmean CNP recoveryinanimals with similar degrees of neutropenia from38.2 to 3.8%.

When labeled cells were infused immediately after

an intravenous injection of vinblastine, initial CNP

recoverywasquite low suggesting that thevinblastine itself acutely alters neutrophil kinetics. However, at 24 and48h after vinblastine, blood kinetics returned

to apattern comparable to normal animals (Table II). Sponge accumulation of radioactivity was also mark-edly diminishedinanimals given vinblastine immedi-ately before infusing labeled blood, but these values also increased towards normal values at 24 and 48h

after vinblastine. Thus, although vinblastine did have



-I 2-



. 0

*.0 0I

t u. 0



2-k 1.

0 0

0 0 OS

0 0

0 0


iobo 20oo 30oo 40oo 5000

Nwtro /jil

FIGURE4 Relationship of neutrophil blood half-life to recipientneutrophil count.

direct acute effects on neutrophil blood kinetics and

inflammatory site accumulation in the first 24 h after

administration, these effects appeared to resolve before the animals became neutropenic.

When endotoxinwasaddedtothe sponges in

neutro-penic animals, blood kinetics could not be evaluated because of low initial recoveries (<1%), and

uninter-pretablesurvival curves. This group of 11 animalshad thelowest sponge accumulation of any group, 2.4 +0.5% of the injected granulocyte label (Fig. 5).


The importance of recipient characteristics in deter-mining the kinetics and fate of transfused neutrophils has been suggested by several investigators. In their early work on leukocyte transfusion, Morse et al. (7) suggested that the recovery and survival of trans-fused neutrophils depended on both the recipient's initial neutrophil count and the presence or absence of

fever.Joyce etal. (8) studiedthe marginal neutrophil pool size in normal and neutropenic subjects, and

demonstrated that the postepinephrine neutrophil increment was inversely proportional to the base-line neutrophil count. Studies of neutrophil kinetics in

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Neutrophil /Ij

FIGURE 3 Relationship ofinitial CNP recovery of labeled cells to recipient neutrophilcount.

FIGURE 5 Percentage of transfused labeled neutrophils ac-cumulating in subcutaneous polyvinyl sponges over 24h. Values shown are means±1 SD for the various groups of animals.



Effects ofVinbiastineonNeutrophilKinetics

Initial CNP Sponge

recovery t,,, accumulation

% ~~~h


sponge-bearingrabbit 24.3±+4.7 2.02±0.72 14.4±4.0

0hafter Velban

(n =3) 4.2±t1.8 2.3±0.3 4.1±t2.4


(n =3) 33.2±2.5 2.9±0.7 10.6±2.7

48hafter Velban

(n =3) 26.4±8.5 2.5± 1.0 11.2±t1.7

acute (9) and chronic (10, 11) infection have shown increased margination andashortenedhalf-lifeinearly

acute infection, followed by an expansion of the total blood

neutrophil pool

and normalizationor


of half-life inestablishedor chronic infection.

The animal studies reported here demonstrate that abnormalities of the transfusion recipient may have


effectsontheblood kinetics andinflammatory

site accumulation of transfused


These effects can


be attributed to the recipient

variables sincethe labeledcellswere administeredas


collected whole blood, eliminating collection

orstorage induced artifactsincellfunctionas avariable. The initial GNP recoveryof transfused neutrophils

wasdirectlyrelatedtotherecipients' neutrophilcount.

This suggests analteration ofthe normal equilibrium

between theCNPandmarginal poolinthe neutropenic

recipient animals, with localization of a


per-centage of the transfused cells in the marginal pool

at the expense of the

circulating pool.

In the

neu-tropenic animals, inflammatory site accumulation was

closetonormal. This suggeststhat themajority ofcells,




availableinthe marginal pooland ableto enter the inflammatoryexudate.

Inflammation in the form of subcutaneously



sponges affected both intravascular distribution and survival of the transfused cells. Both CNP recovery and the intravascular survival of

trans-fused cellswerediminishedinsponge-bearinganimals

ascomparedtonormals,suggestingthatboth increased

margination and anincreaseddemand forneutrophils


All survival data were expressed in terms of

radio-activitypervolumeofblood,rather thanasneutrophil specific activity, eliminating the possibility that the

shortened half-lifewasaresultofthe influx of unlabeled

neutrophils fromthe marrow.

Endotoxinhasbeenshowntohaveavariety of effects onneutrophilsand their kinetics.Manyoftheseeffects

are similartothose inducedbybacterial infection and

phagocytosis (15).Inbothanimals andman,small intra-venous doses of endotoxin induce a transient

neutro-penia followed byrelease ofmarrow neutrophils into

the blood (2, 16). It has been shown that endotoxin

increasestheadherence ofgranulocytestononbiologic

suffaces(17).Other studies(18, 19)have demonstrated that fewer neutrophils are able to migrate to tissue



after endotoxin administration



periodof neutropenia.

These studies in animals with endotoxin sponges mayhelptoexplainsomeof thedifficulties encountered

in assessing the results of neutrophil transfusion in

theinfected patient. Earlyafterimplantationthe CNP

recoveryand survival resultswerequalitativelysimilar

tothose seeninsponge-bearinganimalswithout endo-toxin, although the CNP recovery was lower and the

half-life values shorter (Fig. lb andc). This suggests

that the endotoxin sponge was a more potent inflam-matory stimulus than the sponge alone. However,

when the blood kinetic study was


later, very

few cells could be recovered in the CNP, and no


survival curves or half-lives could be derived.


the low initial CNP recovery in

these endotoxin sponge animals was similar to that

seen in neutropenic animals without implanted

sponges,thesubsequentkineticswerequite different.


the half-life of the cells in circulation was normal,

while in the endotoxin animals the half-life was

initiallyshortenedand later unmeasureable.This

sug-getsthat the nonrecoveredneutrophilsintheendotoxin

sponge animals were


or lost and not in

dynamic equilibrium withthe circulating pool. Inflammatory site accumulation of the transfused cells was also significantly altered by endotoxin.

Al-though the addition of endotoxin to the sponges in-creasesthe total numberofcellsarrivingatthe

inflam-matory site (12), the work presented here shows that

endotoxin decreases the proportion of labeled

trans-fused cells accumulating in the inflammatory focus. This apparent





mechanisms. It is possiblethat the transfused labeled cells are infused at the time of maximal endotoxin

effect and may therefore be damaged and unable to

accumulateattheinflammatorysite,whereas thelarger

number of unlabeled endogenous cells are released from the marrowlater,remain functionally intact, and could account for most of the cells in the sponges.


the endotoxin may induce an increase inoverallneutrophilturnoverbycreatingsitesof

neu-trophil loss or sequestration that compete with the


resulting in the smaller percentage of transfused cells

in the sponges. Whichever mechanism is operative, a significantly smaller fraction of the transfused cells

localize at an inflammatory siteinthe endotoxin-treated animals, regardless of theirneutrophilcounts. The

in-flammatory site accumulation inneutropenia was 72%

of that innormalanimals whileinthe endotoxin sponge experiments it varied from14to 50%dependingonthe

animals' neutrophilcount. Thesedatasupport

seques-tration or loss ofneutrophils in the endotoxin model,

asopposedto their localizationinafunctionalmarginal pool.Theanimals thatwerebothneutropenicand

bear-ingendotoxinspongesshowed thelowest inflammatory

site accumulation of transfused neutrophils of any group.Interestingly, thissituationperhapsmostclosely

approximates theusualclinical circumstances forwhich neutrophil transfusion is considered, the neutropenic patient with significant systemic infection.


We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance ofStan Corpuz and the secretarialassistanceofBetteWhitney.

This work was supported by the Blood Research and Demonstration Center grant HL-17625 and by National Institutesof Health grant HL-06242.


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From the above results the most severe contingencies are selected based on severity by using Fuzzy Approach, and the voltage profile, power flow through the lines increases and