Architecture & Urban Planning
College of Architecture & Urban Planning
Architecture (ARCH)
201 Basic Drawing 3.00
10010 P W LAB 001 MW 9-12PM 1227 A&AB Harris, Lomeli, Tucker
202 Graphic Commun 3.00
10011 P W LAB 001 TTH 9-12PM B100 MLB Gilpin, Vliet
209 Special Topics Arch 3.00 ADVISORY
27081 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 49 UMMA Soo Experiencing Architecture
27983 P R LEC 002 TH 10-12PM 2213 A&AB Ponce de Leon
211 Digital Drawing 3.00
10040 A LEC 001 T 130-230PM ARR Abrons 27166 P W LAB 002 T 230-430PM ARR Abrons 33804 A LEC 003 TH 130-230PM ARR Holder 33805 P W LAB 004 TH 230-430PM ARR Holder
212 Understand Arch 3.00
22580 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM LEC RM 2 MLB Trandafirescu 22596 P REC 002 TH 9-10AM 1006 DANA Chen 22597 P REC 003 F 10-11AM 1006 DANA Gong
22598 P REC 004 F 11-12PM 1006 DANA Gong, Trandafirescu 22599 P REC 005 TH 10-11AM 1006 DANA Braun, Trandafirescu
218 Visual Studies 3.00
25305 P W LAB 001 MW 9-12PM B100 MLB Moran 23307 P LAB 002 TTH 1-4PM B100 MLB Ng
300 Tutorial Stdys Arch 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
312 Arch Design I 6.00 ADVISORY 100.00
10012 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-5PM 3100 A&AB Harris
313 History Arch I 3.00 ADVISORY
10018 A LEC 001 MW 11-12PM 2104 A&AB Soo
18233 P R DIS 002 F 10-11AM 2210 A&AB Niermann, Soo 10019 P DIS 003 F 10-11AM 2213 A&AB Smithey, Soo 10021 P R DIS 005 F 11-12PM 2210 A&AB Niermann, Soo 10022 P DIS 006 F 11-12PM 2213 A&AB Smithey, Soo 10023 P R DIS 007 F 11-12PM 2222 A&AB Dumbadze, Soo
314 Structures I 3.00 ADVISORY
10024 A LEC 001 MF 9-10AM 2104 A&AB von Buelow 10025 P R REC 002 W 9-10AM ARR Biglin
316 Design Fund I 3.00 ADVISORY
10030 A LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 2104 A&AB Mitnick, Roddier 10031 P R LAB 002 TH 10-11AM ARR Mitnick Students will be placed in a section at the beginning of the term.
317 Construction I 3.00 ADVISORY
10032 A LEC 001 T 10-12PM 2104 A&AB Schmidt 10033 P R LAB 002 T 1-4PM 1227 A&AB Hansen
400 Tutorl Stds in Arch 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
409 Special Topics Arch 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED
33833 P RW LEC 001 T 1-4PM 2213 A&AB Ahlquist STRETCH
33834 P RW LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM ARR Daubmann, Orozco Intro to Robotic Fabrication
33846 P RW LEC 003 TTH 4-530PM 2213 A&AB Meier UG Digital Fabrication
412 Arch Design I 6.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 100.00
16696 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-5PM 3100 A&AB Trandafirescu 25307 P R LAB 002 MWF 1-5PM 3100 A&AB Fure 25308 P R LAB 003 MWF 1-5PM 3100 A&AB Thenhaus 25666 P R LAB 004 MWF 1-5PM 3100 A&AB Unverzagt
413 History 3.00 ADVISORY
17843 P R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 2108 A&AB McMorrough, Binboga
417 Construction 3.00 ADVISORY
26788 A LEC 001 TH 1-330PM 1227 A&AB Maigret 26796 P R LAB 002 TH 330-6PM 1227 A&AB Maigret 26798 P LAB 003 TH 330-6PM 2210 A&AB Mankouche 33847 P LAB 004 TH 330-6PM 1221 A&AB Wigger
421 Geometric Modeling 3.00 ADVISORY
33848 P W LEC 001 M 11-1PM ARR Lotfi-Jam
423 Int U P&Env 3.00 20.00
10041 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM 1040 DANA D'Anieri 10042 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 1006 DANA Cooper 10043 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3540 CCL Markarian 10044 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 1507 EQ Tran
425 Sustainable Sys II 3.00 ADVISORY
33764 P R LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 1227 A&AB Kim, McGovern
432 Arch Des III 6.00 ADVISORY 100.00
10046 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-5PM 3100 A&AB McCullough
443 Hist Urb Form 3.00
21860 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2108 A&AB Fishman
466 Dimensions 1.00
22035 PI LEC 001 TH 4-6PM 2204 A&AB Unverzagt
503 Spec Topc Arch Hist 3.00 ADVISORY
26805 P SEM 001 F 9-12PM ARR McMorrough Possible Cities
33854 P W SEM 002 T 9-12PM 2222 A&AB Fishman Suburbia
505 Spec Topics Env Tech 3.00 ADVISORY
25312 P W LEC 002 M 1-4PM 2222 A&AB Junghans Paramet Sus Facade Opt
506 Spec Topics Des Fund 3.00 ADVISORY
20454 P SEM 001 MW 1030-12PM 2108 A&AB Kelbaugh Sustainable Urbanism&Architect
22134 P SEM 002 W 1-4PM 2227 A&AB Ray Chinese Urbanism
22135 P SEM 003 TH 1-4PM 2213 A&AB Strickland Cities and Film
22157 P SEM 006 W 630-930PM 2227 A&AB Groat Theorizing Place
507 Spec Topics Constr 3.00 ADVISORY
25313 P W LEC 001 F 9-12PM 1221 A&AB Graebner Adv Construction Methods
509 Experimental Course 3.00 ADVISORY
24962 P R SEM 001 TH 1-4PM 2108 A&AB Ahlquist Lightweighting
19497 P SEM 002 F 9-12PM 2227 A&AB Saldana Modern Michigan
23228 P SEM 003 T 9-12PM ARR Wilkins Design Activism+Social Space
33856 P SEM 004 M 1-4PM 1221 A&AB Newell Glow Matter
23229 P SEM 005 T 9-12PM 1221 A&AB Vance Universal Design
23230 P SEM 006 TH 1-4PM 2222 A&AB Mcgee Robotics
23231 P SEM 007 M 9-12PM ARR Miller Other Environmentalisms
33857 P SEM 008 M 9-12PM 2227 A&AB Wineman SPACE+PLACE
23232 P SEM 009 TH 7-10PM G463 MH Chaffers Spiritspace
34494 P SEM 010 TTH 1030-12PM ARR Daubmann Intro to Robotic Fabrication
34811 P SEM 011 F 9-12PM ARR Eversole The Modeling Complex
514 Frame Structures 3.00 ADVISORY
22855 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM ARR von Buelow
516 Arch Representation 3.00 ADVISORY
17808 A LEC 001 W 5-6PM 2104 A&AB Kulper 17809 P R LAB 002 W 230-5PM 2213 A&AB McMorrough 22323 P LAB 007 W 230-5PM ARR Rule
33858 P LAB 008 W 230-5PM 1221 A&AB Morcillo Pallares
534 Reinfor Concr Struc 3.00 ADVISORY 20.00
10051 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2213 A&AB Giles
551 Spatial Data Form 3.00
34795 P SEM 001 TH 1-4PM ARR McCullough
552 Arch Design V 6.00 ADVISORY 100.00
10052 P R LAB 001 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Borum 22313 P LAB 008 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB McEwen 23226 P LAB 009 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Robinson 25740 P LAB 010 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Velikov 27532 P LAB 011 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Wigger 27533 P LAB 012 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Morcillo Pallares
555 Bld Sy&Ener Consvtn 3.00 ADVISORY
27644 P W LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 2204 A&AB Navvab
564 Adv Material Struct 3.00 ADVISORY
17268 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2210 A&AB Giles
571 Digital Fabrication 3.00
17890 P W LAB 001 MW 1-230PM 2108 A&AB Willette
575 Building Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY
10058 P LEC 001 M 230-530PM 2213 A&AB Kim
583 Professnl Pract 3.00 ADVISORY
24347 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM 1227 A&AB Hill, Morris
33860 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM ARR del Campo 33861 P SEM 002 T 9-12PM 2213 A&AB Wilcox
593 Tutrl Std Arch Hist 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
595 Matl Sel Sus Des 3.00 ADVISORY
30788 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2305 GGBL Li, Soltan
597 Detailing 3.00 ADVISORY
22136 P LEC 001 TH 3-6PM ARR Kennedy
600 Tutor Studies Arch 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
605 Env Des Simulation 3.00 ADVISORY
27643 P W LEC 001 T 9-12PM 2204 A&AB Navvab
609 Disability Studies 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
24666 PI W SEM 001 TH 1-3PM G463 MH Adams
660 Thesis Res&Dev Sem 3.00 ADVISORY 600.00
10061 P R SEM 001 TH 6-9PM ARR Clutter, Arquero De Alarcon 23873 P SEM 005 TH 6-9PM 1221 A&AB Manninger
24334 P SEM 006 TH 6-9PM 2210 A&AB Roddier 24335 P SEM 007 TH 6-9PM 2222 A&AB Kulper 24336 P SEM 008 TH 6-9PM 2104 A&AB Unverzagt 24983 P SEM 009 TH 6-9PM 2227 A&AB Velikov 33862 P SEM 010 TH 6-9PM 2213 A&AB Wilcox
672 Arch Design VII 6.00 ADVISORY 45.00
10062 P R LAB 001 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Graebner 22314 P LAB 006 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB McMorrough 22315 P LAB 007 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Ray
23227 P LAB 008 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Skrisson, Duran Calisto 25311 P LAB 009 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Sirota
27933 P LAB 010 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Strickland 33866 P LAB 011 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Wilkins 33867 P LAB 012 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Lotfi-Jam
35189 P LAB 013 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB McTavish, Blanchet
690 Arc Curr Pract Exper 1.00 ADVISORY
702 Material Engagemt DT 3.00 ADVISORY
25238 P R SEM 001 TTH 1030-12PM 2227 A&AB Mcgee
703 Virtual Engagemt DT 3.00 ADVISORY
25236 P R SEM 001 TTH 9-1030AM 2227 A&AB Daubmann
710 Tutorial Studies 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
714 MS Proseminar 3.00 ADVISORY
24366 P RW SEM 001 W 7-10PM ARR Daubmann
716 Theories Conservatn 3.00
25246 P RW SEM 001 M 1-4PM 2227 A&AB Sirota
719 MS Supervised Resear 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
724 Adv Top in Des Stds 3.00 ADVISORY
22956 P RW SEM 001 W 630-930PM 2227 A&AB Groat Theorizing Place
726 Theories in Des Hlth 3.00 ADVISORY
33535 P R SEM 001 W 9-12PM 2227 A&AB Knoblauch
727 Hlth Ind Infrastruct 3.00 ADVISORY
27667 P R SEM 001 F 9-12PM 2204 A&AB Adams
728 Hlth Civ Infrastruct 3.00 ADVISORY
27668 P R SEM 001 T 9-12PM 1221 A&AB Vance Universal Design
801 Collo Ethics Doc Res 1.00
33868 P R SEM 001 M 1-3PM 2204 A&AB Zimmerman
810 Tutorial Studies 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
813 Res&Meth Arch 3.00 ADVISORY
25644 P SEM 001 T 1-4PM 2227 A&AB Groat
31483 P SEM 002 F 1-4PM 210 TAP Timmermann, Zimmerman Prob in Hist/Theory of Arch
819 Supervised Research 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
839 Research Practicum 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY
990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY
993 Teach Meth Gsi 1.00 ADVISORY
10072 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Haar, Norton
995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED
Urban Design (UD)
713 Hist of Urban Form 3.00 ADVISORY
21861 P R LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2108 A&AB Fishman
27889 P R SEM 001 M 230-4PM 2210 A&AB McCullough
718 Theor&Methods in UD 3.00
27940 P R SEM 001 W 1-4PM 2222 A&AB Jazairy
722 Urban Des Studio II 6.00 600.00
19795 P R LAB 001 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB Arquero De Alarcon
Urban Planning (UP)
402 Ug Experimental Crs 3.00 20.00
30023 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1028 DANA Blesh, Jones, Hoey 35010 P LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM 2210 A&AB Pimentel Walker Comp Hsng, Prop & Law
423 Int U P&Env 3.00 20.00
10074 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM 1040 DANA D'Anieri 10075 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 1006 DANA Cooper 10076 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3540 CCL Markarian 10077 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 1507 EQ Tran
443 Hist Urb Form 3.00
21864 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2108 A&AB Fishman
480 Directed Study 1.00-4.00
502 Env Pln:Iss&Concept 3.00
16280 P W LEC 001 F 1-4PM 2213 A&AB Pimentel Walker
503 Intro to Statistics 3.00
10078 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1227 A&AB Dewar, Yan
506 Intro to GIS 3.00 ADVISORY
26806 A LEC 001 TTH 4-5PM 2108 A&AB Goodspeed 26811 P R LAB 002 F 830-11AM ARR Rempe 26813 P R LAB 003 F 1-330PM ARR Rempe 26815 P R LAB 004 TH 530-8PM ARR Rempe
507 Intmed Geo Info Sys 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 20.00
25615 P RW LAB 001 W 530-830PM ARR Grengs, Tso
510 Public Economics 3.00
10079 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1227 A&AB Bieri, Herlich
513 Legl Aspec Pln Proc 3.00
10080 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1227 A&AB Norton, Steiff Optional Discussion Section-Fridays 10:30 - 12:00.
517 Real Est Ess 3.00 10.00
10081 P RW LEC 001 M 7-10PM R0230 BUS Allen
518 Phys Plan Workshop 3.00 ENFORCED 20.00
22605 P RW LAB 001 TTH 9-1030AM 3100 A&AB Larsen
521 Soc Life- Pub Spaces 3.00 ADVISORY
31075 P W SEM 001 M 530-830PM 2210 A&AB Thacher
522 State&Local Land Mgt 3.00
23864 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 2227 A&AB Levine
533 Sust Urban & Arch 3.00
24383 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2108 A&AB Kelbaugh
537 Hsg Policy&Econ 3.00
26968 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2210 A&AB Deng
539 Ec Dev Planning 3.00
23865 P LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 2108 A&AB Bieri
540 Planning Theory 3.00
10082 P R LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 2210 A&AB Campbell, Schaeffer
540 Planning Theory 3.00
540 Planning Theory 3.00
24965 P R LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 2108 A&AB Thomas, Bozarth
540 Planning Theory 3.00
574 Comp Urban Policy 3.00
22159 P W LEC 001 TH 6-9PM 2204 A&AB Murray
590 Expanded Horizons 1.00 ADVISORY 160.00
10083 P R LAB 001 ARR ARR Norton
595 Prog Eval Urban Plan 3.00
26943 P LEC 001 T 4-7PM 2210 A&AB Hoey
598 Thinking About Crime 3.00 ADVISORY
27019 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 1220 WEILL Thacher
610 Fiscal Planning&Mgt 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY
26942 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1227 A&AB Deng, Gauger
614 Collaborative Plng 3.00
31073 P W SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 2210 A&AB Goodspeed
634 Integrat Field Exp 6.00 ADVISORY 25.00
17883 PI LAB 001 TTH 1-4PM 2204 A&AB Larsen, Dueweke
650 Adv Urban Theory 3.00 ADVISORY
30003 P SEM 001 F 1-4PM 2227 A&AB Campbell
654 Conc&Tech Comm 3.00 ADVISORY
21075 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM B760 SSWB Chaney
655 Neighborhood Plan 3.00
26946 P LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2213 A&AB Etienne
30041 P SEM 001 TH 5-8PM G437 MH Etienne
671 Pub Pol&Transport 3.00
17229 P W SEM 001 MW 9-1030AM 2213 A&AB Grengs
680 Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY
685 Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY
696 Grad Exper Cse 3.00 ADVISORY
26949 P SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 2210 A&AB Kinder Healthy Cities: Policy&Design
27878 P SEM 002 TTH 1030-12PM 2210 A&AB Pimentel Walker Comp Hsng, Prop & Law
28097 P W SEM 003 TTH 1-230PM 1221 A&AB Kirkpatrick Shrinking Cities
33332 P SEM 004 M 530-830PM 1227 A&AB Kahan Sustain Water Infrastr Sys
733 Thesis 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY
734 Prof Project 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY
990 PhD Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY
993 Teach Meth Gsi 1.00 ADVISORY
10085 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Haar, Norton
995 PhD Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED
Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygiene-Dentistry
Dental Hygiene (DENTHYG)
210 Clinical Dent Hyg 4.00
10184 P LEC 001 TH 10-12PM G550 DENT McComas
210 Clinical Dent Hyg 4.00
P LEC 001 TH 8-9AM G550 DENT P LEC 001 TH 8-10AM G360 DENT P LEC 001 F 9-10AM G550 DENT P LEC 001 TH 8-10AM G360 DENT P LEC 001 F 9-10AM G311 DENT P LEC 001 F 9-10AM G550 DENT P LEC 001 F 9-10AM G311 DENT P LEC 001 F 9-10AM G550 DENT P LEC 001 M 1-5AM ARR
220 Survey Dental Hyg 1.00
10185 P LEC 001 T 10-11AM G550 DENT Kinney
242 Oral Anatomy 2.00
16669 P LEC 001 M 8-10AM G550 DENT Beattie
242 Oral Anatomy 2.00
P LEC 001 T 2-4PM G340 DENT
252 Behavioral Sci I 2.00
10186 P LEC 001 W 8-10AM ARR Inglehart
272 Dental Pract Emerg 2.00
10187 P LEC 001 T 8-10AM G550 DENT Marti
291 Oral Histol & Embry 2.00
10188 P LEC 001 TW 1-2PM G550 DENT Chiego Jr
310 Radiograph Interpr 1.00
10189 P LEC 001 T 1-2PM ARR Benavides
310 Radiograph Interpr 1.00
P LEC 001 TH 9-12PM G524 DENT P LEC 001 TH 9-12PM G524 DENT
312 Clinical Dent Hyg 3.00
10190 P LEC 001 T 10-11AM G311 DENT Korte
344 Community Dentistry 2.00
10191 P LEC 001 TTH 8-9AM G580 DENT Jones
382 Nutrition 3.00
10192 P LEC 001 MWTH 1-2PM G580 DENT Marx
382 Nutrition 3.00
P LEC 001 W 1-2PM B344 DENT
414 Clinical Dent Hyg 4.00 ENFORCED
10194 P R LEC 001 T 8-9AM G311 DENT Furgeson
414 Clinical Dent Hyg 4.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 F 12-5PM G550 DENT
422 Pain Control 2.00
18525 P LEC 001 MW 8-9AM G580 DENT McComas
425 Periodontics III 1.00
10195 P LEC 001 T 1-2PM G580 DENT Rios
429 Dental Pharmacology 2.00
18524 P LEC 001 T 2-4PM G550 DENT Korte
429 Dental Pharmacology 2.00
P LEC 001 T 9-10AM G311 DENT P LEC 001 T 2-4PM G550 DENT
434 Dent Hyg Field Exp 2.00
10196 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Kerschbaum
444 Comm Prac:Hd Start 1.00
10197 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Kerschbaum
445 Research II 2.00-4.00
10198 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Taichman
446 Scientific Writing 2.00
10199 P LEC 001 M 1-3PM G311 DENT Taichman
450 Practicum 2.00
10200 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Jones
466 Select Teach Exper 1.00-3.00
10201 P LEC 001 T 12-1PM G524 DENT Beattie
466 Select Teach Exper 1.00-3.00
P LEC 001 T 2-4PM ARR
475 Mentored Prof Exp 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY
19641 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Kerschbaum 22573 P LEC 002 ARR ARR Gwozdek
480 Independent Study 1.00-4.00
10202 P REC 001 F 8-9AM G580 DENT Kinney
480 Independent Study 1.00-4.00
P REC 001 F 1-2PM G580 DENT
481 Leadrship&Prof Dev 3.00 21166 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Gwozdek
482 Oral Diseases: P&M 3.00
21170 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Ghaname
486 Community II 3.00
21836 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Yee
488 Dent Hyg Education 3.00
School Of Dentistry
Biomaterials (BIOMATLS)
572 Sp Lab Proj-Biomatr 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY
577 Mech of Ortho Matrl 1.00
27995 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Haerian
579 Investigatn-Thesis 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY
995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED
Dentistry (DENT)
502 Evidenced-Based Dent 1.00 ENFORCED
23224 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR Bayne, Fitzgerald
515 Grand Rounds 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED
23220 P R SEM 001 TH 8-10AM ARR Holland
521B Dental Anatomy & Occlusion 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED 195.00
24374 P R LAB 001 F 2-5PM G360 DENT Vivas
522 Comp Care Clinic 1.00-10.00 ENFORCED
23305 P R LAB 001 T 8-9AM G378 DENT Fitzgerald, Piskorowski
522 Comp Care Clinic 1.00-10.00 ENFORCED
P R LAB 001 T 9-12PM G360 DENT P R LAB 001 TH 2-5PM G360 DENT
524 Pathways Program 0.00-5.00 ENFORCED
23223 P R DIS 001 M 2-4PM G378 DENT Kaigler
524 Pathways Program 0.00-5.00 ENFORCED
P R DIS 001 M 1-4PM G378 DENT
532 Cariology I 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED
23222 P R LEC 001 F 8-11AM G378 DENT Fontana, Gonzalez
532 Cariology I 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 F 8-10AM G378 DENT P R LEC 001 T 9-12PM G322 DENT P R LEC 001 T 8-12PM G322 DENT P R LEC 001 T 10-12PM G322 DENT
533 Infection & Immun 3.00 ENFORCED
23221 P R LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM G005 DENT Sweier
533 Infection & Immun 3.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM G005 DENT P R LEC 001 F 11-12PM G378 DENT
539 Development, Regeneration & Genetics 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED
25614 P R LEC 001 TH 8-10AM ARR Hu, Kaartinen
539 Development, Regeneration & Genetics 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 M 1-2PM ARR
551 DSR II:Research Pres 4.00
19632 P LEC 001 ARR ARR
609B Periodontology II 1.00 ENFORCED
24355 P R LEC 001 TH 1-2PM G322 DENT Richards, Fenno
609B Periodontology II 1.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 W 8-9AM G322 DENT P R LEC 001 TH 1-2PM ARR P R LEC 001 TH 1-2PM G340 DENT
616 Grand Rounds - D2 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED
24352 P R SEM 001 TH 8-10AM ARR Murdoch-Kinch, Holland
617 Principles of Endodontics I 1.00 ENFORCED
24361 P R LEC 001 W 12-1PM G322 DENT Botero
623A Diag Sciences II 1.00 ENFORCED
24354 P R LEC 001 T 1-2PM G005 DENT Benavides
625A Pathways - HC Delivery 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED
24350 P R SEM 001 T 8-12PM G322 DENT Eber, Hamerink
625A Pathways - HC Delivery 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED
P R SEM 001 T 8-12PM G322 DENT
625B Pathways - Research 0.00-5.00 ENFORCED
24375 P R SEM 001 T 8-12PM ARR Kaigler, Chiego Jr
625C Pathways - Leadership 0.00-3.00
24376 P SEM 001 T 8-12PM ARR Sweier
631 Clinical Foundations II 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED 236.00
14646 P R LAB 001 MW 9-12PM G360 DENT Al-Salihi, Jin
632 Clinical Found II/Rem Prostho 2.00 ENFORCED 66.00
20597 P R LAB 001 F 9-12PM G322 DENT Kane, Duff
632 Clinical Found II/Rem Prostho 2.00 ENFORCED 66.00
P R LAB 001 F 9-12PM G360 DENT
633 Clinical Applications 0.50 ENFORCED
636 Periodontal Therapy I 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED
24357 P R LEC 001 TH 1-2PM G322 DENT Temple
636 Periodontal Therapy I 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 W 8-9AM G322 DENT
640 GI System 3.00 ENFORCED
24351 P R LEC 001 M 3-5PM G005 DENT Brzezinski, Sweier
640 GI System 3.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 F 1-3PM G005 DENT P R LEC 001 TH 8-10AM G005 DENT
641 Orthodontic Diagnosis 1.00-10.00 ENFORCED 81.00
27899 P R LAB 001 TH 1-1AM ARR Cevidanes
641 Orthodontic Diagnosis 1.00-10.00 ENFORCED 81.00
P R LAB 001 TH 10-12PM G322 DENT P R LAB 001 TH 10-1130AM G322 DENT P R LAB 001 TH 10-12PM G322 DENT
643 Phys Biomech Tooth 1.00-2.00 ENFORCED 81.00
24282 P R LAB 001 TH 10-12PM ARR Berkman
643 Phys Biomech Tooth 1.00-2.00 ENFORCED 81.00
P R LAB 001 TH 10-11AM ARR
644 GU System 3.00 ENFORCED
24353 P R LEC 001 F 1-3PM G005 DENT Stribley, Tindle
644 GU System 3.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 M 3-5PM G005 DENT P R LEC 001 TH 8-10AM G005 DENT P R LEC 001 TH 8-10AM G390 DENT P R LEC 001 TH 8-10AM G005 DENT P R LEC 001 F 1-3PM G005 DENT P R LEC 001 F 1-3PM G390 DENT
711 Diagnostic Sciences IV 1.00
21330 P LEC 001 W 1-2PM G005 DENT Danciu
725A Pathways-HCD 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED
25721 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Eber, Hamerink
725B Pathways-Reseaarch 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED
25722 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Kaigler, Chiego Jr
725C Pathways-Leadership 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED
25723 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Sweier
727 Principles of Endodontics II 1.00 ENFORCED
24362 P R LEC 001 TH 8-9AM G390 DENT Botero
727 Principles of Endodontics II 1.00 ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 TH 8-9AM G322 DENT P R LEC 001 TH 8-9AM G390 DENT P R LEC 001 TH 530-730PM G005 DENT
732 Adv. Operative Dent 1.00 ENFORCED
25506 P R LEC 001 M 1-2PM G322 DENT Fasbinder
741 Clinical Rotation - OMFS/HD 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED
35967 P R LAB 002 ARR ARR
753 Dental Student Teaching I 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED
23581 P R LEC 001 SA 9-1230PM ARR Inglehart
755A Profession & Practice 2.00 ENFORCED
25505 P R LEC 001 MW 8-9AM G390 DENT Fitzgerald, Piskorowski
801 Emerging Educators in Academic Dentistry (elective 1.00 ENFORCED
28100 P R SEM 001 W 2-5PM G390 DENT Richards
801 Emerging Educators in Academic Dentistry (elective 1.00 ENFORCED
P R SEM 001 W 2-5PM G390 DENT P R SEM 001 W 2-5PM G390 DENT P R SEM 001 W 2-5PM G390 DENT
825A Pathways-HCD 0.00-2.00 ENFORCED
28105 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Eber, Hamerink
825B Pathways-Research 0.00-2.00 ENFORCED
28106 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Kaigler, Chiego Jr
825C Pathways-Leadership 0.00-2.00 ENFORCED
28107 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Sweier
840 Oral Surgery 1.00
23310 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Davis
841 The CEREC 3D System 1.00
20849 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Fasbinder
853 Dental Student Teaching I 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED
23582 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR Inglehart
855 Professionalism & Practice 0.00 ENFORCED
25657 P R SEM 001 MW 1-2PM G390 DENT Fitzgerald
857 Community Based Dent Ed 3.00-4.00 ENFORCED
23309 P R LAB 001 ARR ARR Piskorowski, Hamerink
998 Curr Practical Prjct 1.00
20793 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Woolfolk
Dental Education (DENTED)
610 Scntfc Rpts&Theses 1.00
10183 P LEC 001 T 10-12PM 1033 DENT Holland
27948 S LEC 001 ARR ARR Brzezinski 27949 P LAB 002 MTWTHF 8-12PM ARR Brzezinski
614 Clin Orl&Max Path 1.00
29413 P LEC 001 T 8-9AM G005 DENT Castilho
Dental Hygiene (DHYGRACK)
683 Practicum Clin Teach 1.00-3.00
10181 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Furgeson
685 Fndt Oral Hlth Serv 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED
27625 P R LEC 101 ARR ARR Wyche
Endodontics (ENDODONT)
651 Preclin Grad Endo 1.00
10203 P LAB 001 ARR ARR McDonald
652 Clin Endodontics 1.00-2.00
10204 P LAB 001 ARR ARR McDonald
654 Biol Basis for Endo 1.00-2.00
23328 P SEM 001 TH 1-4PM G536 DENT McDonald
655 Endo Research 1.00
660 Case Pres & Treat 1.00
10208 P SEM 001 F 1-3PM G536 DENT McDonald
661 Pharmacology&Medicn 1.00
10209 P SEM 001 WTH 8-9AM 1397 DENT McDonald
Oral Biology (ORALBIOL)
670 Biol Oral Tissues 2.00
10210 P LEC 001 ARR ARR
672 Orientat Research 1.00-2.00
10211 P LEC 001 ARR ARR
676 Clin Dental Pharm 1.00
10212 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
678 Stat Meth Oral Biol 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
10213 P LEC 001 ARR ARR
773 Directed Research 1.00-4.00
10214 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
774 Oral Sensations 1.00 ADVISORY
10215 P LEC 001 ARR ARR
779 Prin Immun Gr Dent 1.00
10216 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
852 Prenat Fac Gro 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
10217 P SEM 001 TH 8-9AM 1018 DENT
853 Design&Analysis 2.00
10218 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
855 Conscious Sedation 1.00
10219 P LEC 001 ARR ARR
855 Conscious Sedation 1.00
856 Clin Consc Sedation 1.00 ADVISORY
10220 P LAB 001 ARR ARR
857 Topc Oral Histology 1.00 ADVISORY
10221 P W LEC 001 ARR ARR
859 Seminar in Oral Bio 1.00
10222 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY
995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED
Oral Diagnosis (ORALDIAG)
660 Thesis Investigatn 1.00-2.00
662 Radiology 2.00
10226 P SEM 001 W 10-12PM G536 DENT Benavides
Oral Health Sciences (ORALHEAL)
603 Craniofac Dev&Grow 1.00
28111 P SEM 001 TH 8-10AM ARR Berkman
606 Mineralized Tissues 1.00
28112 P SEM 001 T 8-10AM ARR Ritchie
625 Supplemental CMB 1.00 ADVISORY
811 Sci Sem Series 1.00-2.00
10227 P SEM 001 TH 12-130PM G550 DENT Kapila
811 Sci Sem Series 1.00-2.00
812 Sci Lab Rotations 3.00 IND + ARR ARR
990 Dissertatn-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY
995 Dissertation-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED
Oral Pathology (ORALPATH)
601 Oral Path Lit Review 1.00
25788 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Danciu
611 Clinical Oral Path 1.00-2.00
25782 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
621 General Pathology 2.00-4.00
25783 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Danciu
631 Microscopic OralPath 2.00-4.00
25784 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
692 Surgical Oral Path 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY
10230 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
693 Clinical Oral Path 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY
10231 P LAB 001 ARR ARR
694 Oral Path&Diag Lect 2.00
10232 P LEC 001 ARR ARR
696 Thesis Investigatn 1.00-3.00
698 Adv Oral Path Sem 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
10234 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
699 Journal Club 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY
10235 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
701 Oral Path Lit Review 1.00
28000 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Danciu
711 Clinical Oral Path 1.00-2.00
28002 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
721 General Pathology 2.00-4.00
28099 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
731 Microscopic OralPath 1.00-4.00
28102 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
741 Cone Beam CT Interp 1.00
28108 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Benavides
761 Indep Study 1.00
801 Oral Path Lit Review 1.00
33702 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Danciu
811 Clinical Oral Path 1.00-2.00
33703 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
821 General Pathology 2.00-4.00
33704 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
831 Microscopic ORALPATH 1.00-4.00
33705 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Danciu
841 Adv Radio Interp 1.00
861 Indep Study 1.00
Orthodontics (ORTHO)
759 Tooth Movement 1.00
21594 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Hatch
760 Clinical Orthodon 1.00-2.00
10236 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Conley
761 Ortho Techniques 1.00-3.00
34742 P SEM 001 ARR 1528 DENT McClatchey
763 Ortho Pediat Dent 1.00-4.00
10237 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Kim-Berman
764 Trtmnt Comp Patnt 1.00-2.00
10238 P SEM 001 ARR ARR McNamara Jr
766 Research-Thesis 1.00-2.00
768 Intro Ortho Tech 1.00
10239 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Arruda
770 Occlusal Developmnt 1.00
10240 P SEM 001 TH 10-12PM G536 DENT West
772 Intro Cephalometric 1.00
10241 P SEM 001 TH 10-12PM 1528 DENT Cevidanes
773 Adv Diagn&Trtment 1.00-2.00
33775 P SEM 001 W 10-12PM ARR McNamara Jr
775 Clin Ped Ortho 1.00-3.00
10242 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Palmer, Arruda
777 Meth&Prob Clin Res 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY
10243 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Johnston Jr
10244 P SEM 001 F 11-12PM 1528 DENT Kelly
779 Ortho Pract Mgment 1.00
20601 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Roberts
Pediatric Dentistry (PEDDENT)
591 Clinical Ped Dent 1.00-5.00
10247 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Boynton
592 Sem Pediatric Dent 3.00
10248 P SEM 001 T 1-5PM 1033 DENT Boynton
594 Investigatn-Thesis 1.00-3.00
598 Stan Care of Ped Den 1.00-2.00
21428 P SEM 001 T 12-1PM 1033 DENT Boynton
599 Pd Anes Rotatn 2.00 ADVISORY
10249 P SEM 001 ARR ARR
Periodontics (PERIODON)
780 Periodontic Clinic 1.00-6.00
10250 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Wang
782 Sem in Periodontics 1.00
10251 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM B312A DENT Eber
785 Research Methods 1.00
10252 P SEM 001 T 8-9AM 1033 DENT Giannobile
786 Periodontal Therapy 1.00-2.00
10253 P LAB 001 MW 1-2PM B312B DENT Eber
788 Patient Mgt Perio 1.00
10254 P SEM 001 M 8-9AM 1033 DENT Wang
789 Patient&Prac Mgt 1.00
10255 P SEM 001 W 6-8PM G580 DENT Wang
790 Thesis Investigatn 1.00-3.00
793 Current Lit-Perio 1.00
10256 P SEM 001 W 10-11AM B312A DENT Wang
794 Implants 1.00
10257 P SEM 001 W 11-12PM B312A DENT Wang
Prosthodontics (PROSTHOD)
583 Independent Study 1.00 ADVISORY
15082 P REC 001 W 10-12PM 2397 DENT Razzoog
634 Prin Compl Dent Pro 1.00
10258 P SEM 001 F 8-9AM G536 DENT May
638 Partial Dent Theory 1.00
10259 P SEM 001 M 10-11AM G536 DENT Oh
643 Clin Prosthodontics 1.00-3.00
10260 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Razzoog
645 Thesis Investigatn 1.00-3.00
646 Maxillofac Prac Sem 1.00
10261 P SEM 001 F 1-5PM B312B DENT Marunick
650 Adv Tx Planning 1.00 ADVISORY
17888 P LEC 001 F 1-2PM 1397 DENT Razzoog
650 Adv Tx Planning 1.00 ADVISORY
P LEC 001 F 1-2PM 1397 DENT P LEC 001 F 1-2PM 1397 DENT P LEC 001 F 1-2PM 2310D DENT
739 Clin Crown&Bridge 1.00
10262 P SEM 001 TH 8-10AM B312B DENT Beard
876 Adv Clin Crown&Brid 1.00 ADVISORY
10263 P SEM 001 TH 10-12PM G580 DENT Beard
879 Thesis Investigatn 1.00-8.00
Restorative (RESTORA)
741 Data Management 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
28298 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Benavides
742 Clin Restor Dent 1.00-8.00
10265 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Yaman
743 Thesis Investigatn 1.00-3.00
746 Prin Operative Dent 2.00
10266 P SEM 001 M 2-5PM G536 DENT Dennison
746 Prin Operative Dent 2.00
P SEM 001 M 10-12PM G524 DENT P SEM 001 M 10-12PM G524 DENT P SEM 001 M 2-5PM G536 DENT P SEM 001 M 1-330PM G536 DENT P SEM 001 M 1-3PM G536 DENT P SEM 001 M 2-5PM G536 DENT
25737 P SEM 001 W 8-10AM 2397 DENT Neiva
880 Investigatn Thesis 1.00-3.00
883 Restora Materials 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
(OVERRIDES) ARE AVAILABLE IN 1033 SEB (734-764-7563).
School Of Education
Education C Behavioral Sciences In Education (EDBEHAVR)
800 Sem Ed Psych 3.00 ADVISORY
22737 P SEM 001 T 1-4PM 2320 SEB Cortina Crosslisted with Psych 861-001.
Education D Curriculum and Instruction (EDCURINS)
421 Teach Latin 3.00 ADVISORY
27599 P W REC 001 ARR ARR Ross
Education (EDUC)
118 Intr Ed:Sch Mcul Soc 3.00
19567 P RW REC 001 MW 1030-12PM 1315 SEB Alston
210 Spec Topics in Ed 1.00-3.00
33401 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Ball, Shaughnessy Investigating Teaching Learn
For permission, contact [email protected]. Topic: Investigating Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Elementary grades.
33400 PI SEM 002 ARR ARR Goldin, Curren-Preis Investigating Teaching Learn
For permission, contact [email protected]. Investigating Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Elementary grades.
212 Hist College Athlet 3.00
27747 A LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1202 SEB Bacon, Freeman Students should be present first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously.
27908 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 2225 SEB Bacon, Freeman Students should be present first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously.
27912 P W DIS 003 W 4-5PM 2225 SEB Bacon, Freeman Students should be present first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously.
27911 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 2225 SEB Bacon, Freeman Students should be present first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously.
27910 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 2225 SEB Bacon, Freeman Students should be present first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously.
27909 P W DIS 006 TH 11-12PM 2328 SEB Bacon, Freeman Students should be present first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously.
27913 P W DIS 007 TH 4-5PM 2320 SEB Bacon, Freeman Students should be present first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously.
302 Directed Teach Sec 10.00 ADVISORY
10269 PI LAB 001 MTWTHF 7-4PM ARR Shapiro
Fall 2014 Secondary teaching interns only. CONCUR REG IN EDUC 304-001 and EDUC 445-001 and EDUC 446-001. For permission, contact [email protected].
304 Prob-Prin Sec Ed 2.00 ADVISORY
10270 PI SEM 001 T 4-6PM ARR Shapiro
Fall 2014 Secondary teaching interns only. Concur reg in EDUC 302-001 and EDUC 445-001 and 446-001. Student must attend Professional Learning Seminar on September 4, 2014. For permission, contact [email protected].
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
18774 P R LAB 001 TTH 8-12PM ARR Warner
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 001 F 10-12PM 1315 SEB 1 semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 1.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
10271 P R LAB 002 TTH 8-12PM ARR Khasnabis
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 002 F 10-12PM 2334 SEB 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 1.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
21218 P R LAB 003 TTH 8-12PM ARR Kamuyu
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 10272 P R LAB 004 F 10-12PM 2225 SEB Martinez
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 004 TTH 8-12PM ARR 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 1.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
29287 P R LAB 005 W 8-12PM ARR Blunk
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 005 W 530-730PM 1315 SEB P R LAB 005 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
29288 P R LAB 006 W 8-12PM ARR Stull
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 006 W 530-730PM 2218 SEB P R LAB 006 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
10273 P R LAB 007 W 8-12PM ARR Kielb
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 007 W 530-730PM 2225 SEB P R LAB 007 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
18782 P R LAB 008 W 8-12PM ARR Geherin
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 008 W 4-530PM 2340 SEB P R LAB 008 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
10274 P R LAB 009 W 8-12PM ARR Griffiths
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 009 W 530-730PM 2228 SEB P R LAB 009 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
10275 P R LAB 010 W 8-12PM ARR Arias
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 010 W 530-730PM 2310 SEB P R LAB 010 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
10276 P R LAB 011 W 8-12PM ARR Berge
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 011 W 530-730PM 2320 SEB P R LAB 011 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
29319 P R LAB 012 W 8-12PM ARR Robertson
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 012 W 530-730PM ARR P R LAB 012 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 2.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
29322 P R LAB 013 W 8-12PM ARR Bruder
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 013 W 530-730PM 2334 SEB P R LAB 013 TH 8-330PM ARR 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 2.)
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
29374 P R LAB 019 MW 7-12PM ARR Cawley
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 019 TH 4-530PM 2225 SEB
Sec Winter MATH cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-004 and EDUC 413-001.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
29375 P R LAB 020 TTH 7-12PM ARR Nowitzke
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 020 TH 4-6PM 2340 SEB
Sec Winter SCIENCE cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-004 and EDUC 422-001.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
29376 P R LAB 021 TW 7-12PM ARR Golubcow-Teglasi
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 021 TH 9-11AM 2225 SEB
Sec Winter SOCIAL STUDIES cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-003 and EDUC 432-001.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
28121 P R LAB 022 TTH 7-12PM ARR Hammond
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 022 T 4-530PM 2334 SEB
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 28120 P R LAB 023 TTH 7-12PM ARR Carduner, Crowley, Cornish,
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 023 TH 1230-230PM 1315 SEB
Sec Winter WORLD LANG cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-006 and EDUC 420-001. With prior arrangement with instructor, it may be possible to schedule your field placement at an alternative time.
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
28186 P R LAB 025 TTH 7-12PM ARR Giroux
307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 025 T 4-530PM 2310 SEB
Sec Winter ENGLISH cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-005 and EDUC 440-001.
310 Independent Study 1.00-6.00
SI IND + ARR ARR Schools Community&Power
Students should obtain permission from the instructor via email and then forward to [email protected].
317 Observ-Particip Ed 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY
Students should obtain permission from the instructor via email and then forward to Tina Sanford at [email protected].
320 Honors Ind Study 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
Students should obtain permission from the instructor via email and then forward to Robert Scroggins at [email protected].
360 Partners in Learning 3.00
21207 P W SEM 001 T 9-11AM 2328 SEB Guillaume
Please contact [email protected] for registration questions. Students required to meet one additional hour each week on-site tutoring and mentoring middle school students. After the initial class meeting in the School of Education, both class meetings and tutoring/mentoring hours will take place at Scarlett Middle School for the duration of the course.
362 Mich Stdnt Caucus 4.00 30.00
18002 P W LAB 001 ARR ARR Kupperman, Stanzler, Fahy, Holden, Lossing, McDowell A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Thurs, 9/4/14 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium.
18975 P W LAB 002 ARR ARR Lossing, Stanzler, Kupperman, Holden, McDowell, Fahy A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Thurs, 9/4/14 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium.
19569 P W LAB 003 ARR ARR McDowell, Kupperman, Lossing, Stanzler, Holden, Fahy
A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Thurs, 9/4/14 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium.
23491 P W LAB 004 ARR ARR Fahy, Stanzler, Lossing, Holden, McDowell, Kupperman A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Thurs, 9/4/14 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium.
28292 P W LAB 005 ARR ARR Holden, McDowell, Lossing, Stanzler, Fahy, Kupperman A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Thurs, 9/4/14 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium.
33671 P LAB 006 ARR ARR Stanzler, Fahy, Holden, McDowell, Lossing, Kupperman A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Thurs, 9/4/14 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium.
363 Earth Odysseys 3.00 30.00
22834 P SEM 001 W 2-5PM 2310 SEB Stanzler, Fahy Morocco
Meets with MENAS 591-003.
365 Intl Poetry Guild 3.00 30.00
22835 P SEM 001 T 4-6PM 2225 SEB Zemper
390 Comm Serv & Lang 3.00
18337 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 1096 EH Dyer, Bailey Community Service and Language, Education and Culture
391 Ed Psych-Human Dev 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY
18784 P R REC 001 T 1-4PM 1315 SEB Keeles 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Class meets from 10/8-12/10/14.
10280 P R REC 002 W 9-12PM 2334 SEB Bogan 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Class meets from 10/8-12/10/14.
21213 P R REC 003 TTH 230-4PM 2225 SEB Epstein Sec Winter SOCIAL SCIENCE cohort students only.
10281 P R REC 004 TTH 230-4PM 2346 SEB Aguilar Sec Winter MATH and SCIENCE cohort students only
10282 P R REC 005 TTH 230-4PM 2218 SEB Moore Sec Winter ENGLISH cohort students only.
10283 P R REC 006 TTH 430-6PM 2328 SEB Smith Sec Winter WORLD LANGUAGE and MUSIC ED students only.
392 Educ Multicult Soc 1.00-3.00
26555 P R LEC 001 M 9-12PM 2328 SEB Khasnabis 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.)
10284 P R LEC 002 T 1-4PM 2228 SEB Khasnabis 1st year semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.)
24077 P R LEC 003 M 830-1130AM 2328 SEB Khasnabis 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 2.
3rd year semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 2.
25043 P R LEC 005 TH 6-9PM 4212 SEB Kang Undergraduate Secondary Certification students only.
401 Devel Rdg Wrtg Elem 3.00
18800 P R LEC 001 TH 1-4PM 2334 SEB Duke 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 1.
10285 P R LEC 002 TH 1-4PM 2229 SEB Schutz 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 1.
402 Rdg Wrtg Content 3.00
26677 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 2228 SEB Birdyshaw Secondary MAC ENGLISH and WORLD LANGUAGE students only.
10286 P R LEC 002 W 9-12PM 2218 SEB Rosario-Ramos Secondary MAC SOCIAL SCIENCE students only.
22682 P R LEC 003 T 6-9PM 2225 SEB Kim Secondary MUSIC, PHYS ED and SCHOOL MEDIA students only.
27472 P R LEC 004 W 9-12PM 2320 SEB Kwok Secondary MATH MAC interns and WWTF Fellows only.
27845 P R LEC 005 W 9-12PM 2310 SEB Sowder Secondary SCIENCE MAC interns and WWTF Fellows only.
403 Ind Rdg Instr Elem 3.00
22173 P R REC 001 F 9-12PM 2229 SEB Reischl For Elmac 17 students only.
411 Teach Elem Sch Math 2.00
19446 P R REC 001 M 9-12PM 2218 SEB Shaughnessy 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.)
10288 P R REC 002 T 9-12PM 2225 SEB Hanby, Mann 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.)
413 Teach Sec Sch Math 3.00 ADVISORY
10289 P R REC 001 T 4-7PM 2228 SEB Dimmel Sec Undergrad Winter MATH cohort students.
29411 P R REC 002 T 4-7PM 2346 SEB Mesa Sec MAC Math students and Woodrow Wilson Math Teaching Fellows only.
414 Managing to Teach 1.00
31219 P R LEC 001 M 830-12PM 2334 SEB Curren-Preis Managing to Teach I
Yr 1, 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Course meets at Scarlett. Student is responsible for arranging transportation. Back up meeting room is 2334 SOE.
31226 P R LEC 002 W 830-12PM 2334 SEB Sherman Managing to Teach I
Yr 1, 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Course meets at Scarlett. Student is responsible for arranging transportation. Back up meeting room is 2334 SOE.
31227 P R LEC 003 W 830-12PM 2346 SEB Reischl Managing to Teach III
3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Course meets at Mitchell Elementary. Student is responsible for arranging transportation.
31228 P R LEC 004 M 830-12PM 2229 SEB Reischl Managing to Teach III
3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Course meets at Mitchell Elementary. Student is responsible for arranging transportation.
415 Children Sensemakers 1.00
31220 P R LEC 001 T 1-4PM 1315 SEB Arias 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.)
31229 P R LEC 002 T 1-4PM 2228 SEB Palincsar 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.)
416 Teach Curr Material 1.00
31222 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 2346 SEB Robertson 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.)
31230 P R LEC 002 M 9-12PM 2334 SEB Robertson 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.)
419 Meth Wrld Lang Minor 1.00
24348 PIR SEM 001 M 430-630PM 2310 SEB Graves
Required for all secondary TE students who have a World Languages minor/secondary major not enrolled in EDUC 420. The course is largely self-directed and meets six times throughout the semester (9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/27,
11/3.) This course is not appropriate for first semester TE students. Required for all secondary TE students who have a World Languages minor/secondary major not enrolled in EDUC 420. The course is largely self-directed, and is focused on workshops in the Language Resource Center. Because there are so few SOE-based meetings of this course, it will not be possible to reschedule or make them up.
420 Tchg Wld Lang Sec Sc 3.00
19165 P R REC 001 M 1-4PM 2340 SEB Coolican
Sec Winter WORLD LANG cohort and MAC WORLD LANG students only. Sec Winter cohort students only concur reg in EDUC 307-023 and EDUC 391-006. If fieldwork days (T/Th) cause schedule restrictions, please contact Maria Coolican at
29412 P R REC 002 M 1-4PM 2310 SEB Coolican
Sec Winter WORLD LANG cohort and MAC WORLD LANG students only. Sec Winter cohort students only concur reg in EDUC 307-023 and EDUC 391-006. If fieldwork days (T/Th) cause schedule restrictions, please contact Maria Coolican at
421 Tch Science Elemsch 1.00-3.00
10290 P R REC 002 M 9-12PM 2241 SEB Kademian 3rd semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Class meets 10/6-12/8/14.
422 Tch Science Sec Sch 3.00 ADVISORY
10291 P R REC 001 T 4-7PM 2241 SEB Dershimer
Sec Winter SCIENCE cohort students only, Secondary MAC SCIENCE students and Woodrow Wilson Science Teaching Fellows only. Sec Winter cohort UG students only concur reg in EDUC 307-008 and EDUC 391-004.
425 Intro A2LP I 3.00
27836 PI SEM 001 M 6-9PM 2340 SEB Coolican, Dornoff, Cameratti-Baeza A2LP students only.
27837 PI SEM 002 T 6-9PM 2334 SEB Cameratti-Baeza, Dornoff, Coolican
For A2LP students only.
427 Elemen School Art 3.00 25.00
18802 P RW LEC 001 T 4-7PM 2218 SEB Robertson School of Education Elementary Students only.
428 Intr A2LP II Spanish 3.00 ADVISORY
34774 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Coolican, Dornoff
429 A2LP Leadership Dev 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
27838 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Coolican, Dornoff For 2nd year A2LP students. Pre-req EDUC 425 and 426/428.
431 Tchg Soc St Ele Sch 3.00
22174 P R REC 001 M 9-12PM 2340 SEB Monte-Sano Elmac 17 students only.
432 Tch Sec Soc Studies 3.00 ADVISORY
10292 P R REC 001 M 830-1130AM 2310 SEB Orlowski Sec Winter SOCIAL SCIENCE cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 307-021 and EDUC 391-003.
18803 P R REC 002 M 9-12PM 2320 SEB Lyle Secondary MAC Cohort 1 (Maize) and Cohort 2 (Blue) students only.
440 Teaching of English 3.00 ADVISORY
10293 P R LEC 001 F 1-4PM 2340 SEB Alston Sec Winter ENGLISH cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 307-022 and EDUC 391-005.
18310 P R LEC 002 W 1-4PM 2816 SSWB Garcia Seconday MAC Cohort 1 (Maize) and Cohort 2 (Blue) students only.
443 Exceptionalities K-8 2.00
27981 P R LEC 001 TH 8-11AM 2328 SEB Fortini For Elmac 17 students.
444 Tchg with Tech K-8 1.00
27822 P R LEC 001 W 830-12PM 2225 SEB Keren-Kolb 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 1.) Year 1.
27823 P R LEC 002 M 830-12PM 2228 SEB Keren-Kolb 1st semester Elem students only (Cohort 2.) Year 1.
445 Exceptionalities6-12 1.00
27851 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR Lamkin-Ferranti Concur reg in EDUC 302, EDUC 304 and EDUC 446-001. For permission, contact [email protected].
446 Tchg with Tech 6-12 1.00
27824 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR Keren-Kolb Concur reg in EDUC 302, EDUC 304 and EDUC 445-001. For permission, contact [email protected].
462 Place Out of Time 3.00 ADVISORY 30.00
15433 PI LAB 001 M 9-12PM 2346 SEB Stanzler, Fahy Meets with MENAS 591-002.
463 Arab-Israeli Conflic 3.00 30.00
24349 PI LAB 001 W 12-1PM 2320 SEB Stanzler
463 Arab-Israeli Conflic 3.00 30.00
P LAB 001 F 12-2PM 2320 SEB Meets with MENAS 591-001.
471 Topics in HE&PSE 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
21206 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR Strickland Dvlpmt Advancement Higher Ed
Departmental Consent Required
490 Topics Professnl Ed 1.00-3.00
30274 P R SEM 001 W 530-830PM ARR Bates Jr Exceptionalities
For TFA Corps Members. Meets at U-M Detroit Center.
21291 PIR SEM 003 M 6-730PM 2228 SEB Cawn Methods History/Social Science
Topic: Methods for History/Social Science Teaching Minors. For permission, contact [email protected]. Class will meet every other week for 7 sessions starting ???
27583 P SEM 004 TTH 10-1130AM 2340 SEB Jagers Youth Development Programs
Meets with EDUC 737-004. This section is for undergrads.
27584 P SEM 005 ARR ARR McBrady Teach & Learn History Scales
This is the lab section for students registered in EDUC 547-002.
500 Foundatns Literacy 3.00 ADVISORY
15434 P REC 001 TH 4-7PM 2218 SEB Palincsar .
504 Teach with Tech 1.00
504 Teach with Tech 1.00 P R SEM 001 TH 5-8PM ARR
Secondary MAC Cohort 1 (Maize) students and Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows only.
504 Teach with Tech 1.00
27846 P R SEM 002 TH 5-8PM 2228 SEB Stanzler, Hughes Secondary MAC Cohort 2 (Blue) students and Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows only.
510 Teaching & Learning 2.00
35858 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Robertson For Elmac 17 students only.
511 Records Practice I 2.00
22774 P R REC 001 F 10-1130AM 4212 SEB Birdyshaw Secondary MAC ENGLISH, SOCIAL STUDIES and WORLD LANG interns only. Class meets every other week.
22778 P R REC 002 F 10-1130AM 2228 SEB Dershimer
Secondary MAC SCIENCE and MATH students and Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows only. Class meets every other week.
518 Workshop Teach Math 3.00
10294 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Boerst Elmac 17 students only.
547 Current Iss Ed Stds 0.50-3.00
31759 P LEC 001 F 10-12PM 2346 SEB Jou Academic Writng grad student
Topic: Academic Writing for Graduate Students in Education.
28171 P LEC 002 W 4-7PM 4212 SEB Bain Teach & Learn History at Scale
Topic: Teaching & Learning History at Scales. Meets with History 594-001. 34872 PI LEC 003 ARR ARR Differentiated Secondary Readi
For Woodrow Wilson Fellows Cohort 2011 only.
552 Instruc Ldrshp Schl 3.00 ADVISORY
25678 P R LEC 002 M 530-830PM ARR Holmstrom
Class meets at U-M Detroit Center. For TFA Corps Members. Class will meet on these Mondays: 9/15, 9/29, 10/6, 10/20, 1025, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24. Will also meet from 9:00-3:00 on these Saturdays: 9/6, 10/25 and 12/6.
553 Admin Ldrsh in Schl 3.00 ADVISORY
27792 P SEM 001 TH 5-8PM 2334 SEB Covert
561 Intro Higher Educ 3.00
10295 P R LEC 001 F 1-4PM 2229 SEB Overton-Adkins Priority to Higher Ed MA students. Departmental permission required for others--contact Linda Rayle (lrayle)
580 Disability Studies 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
24667 PI W SEM 001 TH 1-3PM G463 MH Adams
593 Educational Ling 3.00 ADVISORY
19411 P R LEC 001 M 1-4PM 4212 SEB Graves Elmac 17 students only.
601 Trfrm Lrng Tchg Tech 3.00
10296 P SEM 001 M 830-1130AM 2185 NQ Fishman Crosslisted with SI 549.
604 Curr Dev & Eval 0.50-3.00
10297 P W REC 001 TH 1-4PM 2310 SEB Cervetti For ES MA students.
34873 PI REC 002 ARR ARR
605 Intern Learn Tech 3.00
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
621 Tch Writ Elesec Sch 3.00
23809 PI LEC 001 TH 2-5PM G449 MH Gere Intro to Composition Studies
Meets with English 570-001.
622 Higher Ed Proseminar 3.00
29576 P SEM 001 F 1-4PM 2218 SEB Lawrence Prereq: Higher Ed doctoral standing
626 Prin Soft Design 3.00 ADVISORY
29718 P SEM 001 T 4-7PM 2229 SEB Quintana Required for Learning Tech MA and PhD students. Crosslisted with SI 548.
628 Dem & Educ 3.00
26773 P W LEC 001 W 1-4PM 4212 SEB Cohen Crosslisted with PUBPOL 628.
638 Intrn&Dir Field Exp 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
18394 PI LAB 001 TH 10-12PM 2346 SEB Bates Jr
For ES MA students NOT pursuing building-level leadership certification. Students should obtain permission from instructor. Class meets every other week starting 9/11/14.
29641 PI LAB 002 T 5-7PM 2340 SEB Oberman For ES MA students pursuing building-level leadership certification. Students should obtain permission from [email protected].
640 Ind Study Ed Stdy 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
641 Hist of Amer Ed 3.00
643 Sociology of Educ 3.00 22560 P REC 001 M 1-4PM 2228 SEB Goldin
645 Educ&Cult Studies 3.00
33536 P REC 001 W 1-4PM 1315 SEB Wilson
649 Found Persp Ed Rfrm 3.00
27336 PI REC 004 M 5-8PM 2229 SEB Peurach For students in the Leadership and Policy strand of the MA in Educational Studies. Permission of instructor required: contact [email protected].
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
10299 P R LAB 001 TTH 830-12PM ARR Madden
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 001 W 830-330PM ARR P R LAB 001 W 4-6PM ARR Elmac 17 students only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
24882 P R LAB 002 TTH 830-12PM ARR Reischl
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 002 W 830-330PM ARR P R LAB 002 W 4-6PM ARR Elmac 17 students only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
24883 P R LAB 003 TTH 830-12PM ARR Wall
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 003 W 830-330PM ARR P R LAB 003 W 4-6PM ARR Elmac 17 students only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
25158 P R LAB 004 TTH 830-12PM ARR Newman
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 004 W 830-330PM ARR P R LAB 004 W 4-6PM ARR Elmac 17 students only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
25160 P R LAB 006 TTH 7-3PM ARR Aumen
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 006 F 830-10AM 2320 SEB Secondary MAC HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE students only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
25161 P R LAB 007 TTH 7-3PM ARR Butsic, Hoops, Coolican
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 007 F 830-10AM 2310 SEB Secondary MAC WORLD LANGUAGE students only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
25162 P R LAB 008 TTH 7-3PM ARR Jabulani
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 008 F 830-10AM 2241 SEB Secondary MAC SCIENCE interns and Woodrow Wilson SCIENCE Teaching Fellows only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
25163 P R LAB 009 TTH 7-3PM ARR Boileau
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 009 F 830-10AM 4212 SEB Secondary MAC MATH interns and Woodrow Wilson MATH Teaching Fellows only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
27380 P R LAB 010 TTH 7-3PM ARR Muehling
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
P R LAB 010 F 830-10AM 2218 SEB Secondary MAC English students only.
650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
32272 PI LAB 011 ARR ARR Fontichiaro For School Media Students only. For permission, contact Ari Bartolacci at [email protected].
33657 P R LAB 012 TTH 7-3PM ARR Sherwood P R LAB 012 F 830-10AM 2225 SEB
Secondary MAC SCIENCE interns and Woodrow Wilson SCIENCE Teaching Fellows only.
25766 P LAB 013 TTH 830-12PM ARR Sherman P LAB 013 W 830-330PM ARR
P LAB 013 W 4-6PM ARR P LAB 013 TH 830-12PM ARR Elmac 17 students only.
655 Dir Resear Ed Study 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
657 Practicum Ed Study 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY
Graduate World Language students concurrently enrolled in EDUC 420-001. Permission for this course is obtained by contacting Ari Bartolacci at [email protected].
662 Lrng&Dev Higher Ed 3.00 ADVISORY
665 Foundatn Stu Aff Edu 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10301 P RW LEC 001 T 1-4PM 2328 SEB Taylor
Graduate Standing; EDUC 662
690 Ac Aff&Stu Dev PSE 3.00 ADVISORY
17411 P RW LEC 001 T 9-12PM ARR Lawrence Prereq: Graduate Standing. Class meets in CSHPE Conference Room (2114 SEB).
695 Res Educ Practice 3.00
27337 PI LEC 002 W 5-8PM 2229 SEB Oberman For students in the Leadership and Policy strand of the MA in Educational Studies. For permission, contact [email protected].
17844 P R LEC 003 M 4-7PM 2346 SEB Matney Higher Ed students only.
706 Sem Literacy Res 3.00
29667 PI SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2228 SEB Cervetti Disciplinary Literacy
Meets with EDUC 737-001.
708 Cogn&Instr Classrm 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED
26326 P R REC 001 W 9-12PM 2328 SEB Miller Meets with Psych 958-003.
716 Ed Psych Adv Prosem 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED
29940 P R SEM 001 M 4-7PM 2328 SEB Ryan For advanced CPEP students year 4 and above.
728 Prac Learn Tech 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
737 Topics Educ Studies 3.00 ADVISORY
29721 P SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2228 SEB Cervetti Disciplinary Literacy
Meets with EDUC 706-001.
26914 PI W SEM 002 T 1-4PM 2310 SEB Moss Complementary Methodologies
34113 P SEM 004 TTH 10-1130AM 2340 SEB Jagers Youth Development Programs
Meets with EDUC 490-004. This section is for MA & PhD students.
752 Org Thry&Res in Ed 3.00 ADVISORY
32649 P LEC 001 M 430-730PM 2334 SEB
761 P S E Complex Org 3.00 ADVISORY
23808 P W SEM 001 TH 1-4PM 2340 SEB Bastedo Prereq: PhD or 2nd year Higher Ed MA standing or instructor permission
762 Curric in P S E 3.00 ADVISORY
29586 P SEM 001 W 1-4PM 2340 SEB Lattuca Prereq: graduate standing
764 Pub Pol Pse 3.00 ADVISORY
29575 P SEM 001 W 9-12PM 2340 SEB Rodriguez Prereq: graduate standing
767 Res Pract in HE 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
769 Philanthropy & HE 3.00
21920 P SEM 001 T 4-7PM 2320 SEB Burkhardt Graduate standing
770 Ind St High&Cont Ed 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
771 Topics High&Cont Ed 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY
26531 P SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2320 SEB Posselt Org HigherEd Equity&Diversity
Prereq: doctoral standing or instructor permission
24478 P SEM 003 TH 4-6PM 2346 SEB King Social Justice Educ & Research
Prereq: graduate standing
27351 P SEM 005 ARR ARR St John 9-16 Policy
Only graduate students who attended the May 19-23 workshop with Dr. St. John may enroll.
33669 P SEM 008 TTH 1-230PM 1220 WEILL Stange Higher Ed & Public Policy
Prereq: Graduate standing; PubPol 555; PubPol 529. Meets with PubPol 611.
775 Res Tchr Ed 3.00
34183 P LEC 001 M 1-4PM 2334 SEB Freeman
777 Admin Practicum MA 1.50-3.00 ADVISORY
19557 P SEM 001 TH 9-12PM 2229 SEB Madden Prereq: Higher Ed MA student.
781 Stdy Math Instr 3.00
29715 P SEM 001 W 9-12PM 4212 SEB Herbst
789 Rsrch Apprenticeship 1.00-3.00
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
790 Found of Schlng 3.00
19453 PI LEC 001 T 1-4PM 4212 SEB Cohen
793 Intr Quant Meth Res 3.00 ADVISORY
19454 A LEC 001 W 1-4PM 2229 SEB Bahr
Students are auto-enrolled in Lec 001 when they elect Lab 002 or Lab 003. 1st year Ph.D. students have priority. Open to ES and CSHPE students.
19455 P LAB 002 TH 8-10AM G444B MH Hengen Concur reg in EDUC 793-001 lecture. 1st year Ph.D. students have priority. Open to ES and CSHPE students.
19587 P LAB 003 TH 1-3PM G444A MH Howard Concur reg in EDUC 793-001 lecture. 1st year Ph.D. students have priority. Open to ES and CSHPE students.
794 Quant Mth Caus Anls 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED
23686 P R LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1110 WEILL Jacob
794 Quant Mth Caus Anls 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED
P R LEC 001 F 230-4PM 1230 WEILL P R LEC 001 F 230-4PM 1110 WEILL
Meets with PUBPOL 639-001. For Education PhD students only. Prerequisite EDUC 793 or equivalent.
798 Tchg Apprenticeship 1.00-3.00
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
817 Sem Soc Sci Meth 1.00 ADVISORY
16676 P SEM 001 W 4-6PM 6050 ISR Almirall, Xie
831 Thr&Res Lrn&Inst Sc 3.00
29738 P SEM 001 M 1-4PM 2229 SEB Bricker
835 Independent Study 1.00-3.00
Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at
863 Inst Res Higher Educ 3.00 ADVISORY
29591 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM 2225 SEB DesJardins Prereq: graduate standing
873 Race,Eth&Gend Hi Ed 3.00 ADVISORY
29594 P SEM 001 M 1-4PM 2320 SEB Overton-Adkins Prereq: graduate standing
890 Multi-level Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY
10303 PI LEC 001 ARR AR