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DBMS SQL JDBC 1. Integrated data


Academic year: 2021

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Often an enterprize or problem domain consists of data that can be organized on multiple attributes (multiple organizations).

This classroom has people with different roles {student,

professor}, associations {major, departments}, courses {sections and classes}

In a single program collections can be used to "manage" data objects (references to data objects).

For example, the CompSci department could use:

a TreeMap to hold professors data with their names "Barnes" as keys.

a HashMap to hold employment data using an employee id as a key

an ArrayList to hold professors that serve on a committee. The three collections hold references to the same data objects


Data w/ multiple organizations

All dynamic objects are "reference" variables – their "value" is a pointer / reference to their memory location.

Barnes 01010101 Computer Science renzo@csun.edu Noga 111110000 Computer Science noga@csun.edu Barkataki 90909090 Computer Science shan@csun.edu


Retrieval operations on integrated is easy. Access by key retrieval with the TreeMap or HashMap or search with the Arraylist accesses data object and "getter" methods can be invoked.

Retrievals do not affect the organizations.

What happens with insertion or deletions operations that update the organization?

All collections must be kept in sync. Insert / delete into one requires associated insert / delete into all.

The program must "know" and maintain the "semantics" of the

associations among the data records. The relationships exist and are defined by the collections.

There is no independence between data and management – between storage and application. Soln: Database Management Systems.



Database = collection of data organized for access, updated and managed.

Information is the interpretation of data… Database:

collection of tables (relations), files, or datasets

table is a collection of fields (columns of data items) attributes = table columns – domain of values tuples = table rows – attribute values of an entity

primary key = field(s) that uniquely selects table row foreign key = fields in one table that are primary keys

in another table.

no duplicates of tuples or attributes

order of rows and columns is not important


Relation && Relationships

RelationName (attribute0, attribute1, … attributen) key = attribute

profs ( pid, name, office)

section ( snum, profID, studentID, class) students( sid, name, major)

deptFacutly( dept, profID)

Relationships exist between tables w/ shared values

profs ( pid, name, office)

students( sid, name, major) section ( snum, profID, studentID, class)



deptFacutly( dept, profID)


These notes cover SQL (mySQL examples) and sqlite3. The sqlite3 shell program can be used to test sqlite3 queries. We will use an

"elections" database of USA Presidential elections since 1960.

A Windows "dos command prompt" window (console session) for sqlite3 is on the next page

java application JDBC


sqlite-jdbc connector Use posted SQLite – Java

Installation page notes to

download, configure, and test your sqlite3 – Java JDBC installation. SQLite (sqlite3) is a

zero-installation, serverless, SQL

compliant open source database. It is widely used in common


C: sqlite3 // run sqlite

SQLite version 2014-03-11 15:27:36 Enter ".help" for usage hints.

Connected to a transient in-memory database.

Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.

sqlite> .open elections.db // creates empty elections.db

sqlite> .mode columns // set output mode to columns

sqlite> .mode tabs // set input separator to tabs

sqlite> .read createTables.txt // enable tables from file

sqlite> .schema

CREATE TABLE President( // use blanks if not .mode tabs

Name text not null, Party text not null, Year int not null, primary key (Name, Year));

// ... shows VicePresident and Vote tables also ...

// the relations, tables have been defined, next load the data

sqlite> .import President.txt President

sqlite> .import VicePresident.txt VicePresident sqlite> .import Vote.txt Vote

sqlite> .tables

President VicePresident Vote sqlite3 session


// count: how many entries are there for President ? sqlite> select count(*) from President;


// select: who ran for President in 2000 ?

sqlite> select Name, Year, Party from President where Year = 2000;

Albert Gore 2000 Democratic Ralph Nader 2000 Green

Harry Browne 2000 Libertarian Patrick Bucannan 2000 Reform George W Bush 2000 Republican



SQL ("ess-que-el") ≡ Structured Query Language.

SQL is used to communicate with a relational database.

SQL statements are used to perform tasks :update or retrieve Relational database management systems that use SQL:

Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, MySql, Ingres … Use SQL and have proprietary extensions

SQL commands:

DML – Data Manipulation Language: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and other commands to load, read, data.

DDL – Data Definition Language: CREATE TABLE,

ALTER TABLE, and others can change the database's design. DCL – Data Control Language: GRANT, REVOKE, set privilege.


The elections mySql (and sqlite elections.db) database has 3 tables President(Name, Year, Party )

VicePresident ( Name, Year, Party ) Vote ( Party, Year, Percent )

mysql> SHOW DATABASES; +---+ | Database | +---+ | information_schema | | elections | | mysql | +---+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> USE elections; Database changed

sqlite and mySQL are case insensitive SQL commands shown uppercase sqlite commands shown lowercase

sqlite shell has its own commands (lowercase only)



mysql> SHOW TABLES; +---+ | Tables_in_elections | +---+ | President | | VicePresident | | Vote | +---+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> DESCRIBE President;

+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ | Name | varchar(30) | NO | PRI | | | | Party | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | | | Year | int(4) | NO | PRI | 0 | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

sqlite> .table

President VicePresident Vote sqlite> .schema President


Name text not null, Party text not null, Year int not null, primary key (Name,


The schema of tables below is shown with tabs and line feeds, as I

created the elections.db from a text files (createTables.txt, President.txt, VicePresident.txt and Vote.txt). I had .mode tabs set so the data values are tab separated.

sqlite> .schema


Name text not null, Party text not null, Year int not null, primary key (Name, Year)); CREATE TABLE VicePresident(

Name text not null, Party text not null, Year int not null, primary key (Name, Year)); CREATE TABLE Vote(

Party text not null, Percent int not null, Year int not null,


SELECT column1 [,"column2", ...] FROM tablename

[WHERE condition]; [] = optional


mysql> SELECT * FROM President; +---+---+---+ | Name | Party | Year |

+---+---+---+ | John Kennedy | Democratic | 1960 |

| Richard Nixon | Republican | 1960 | | Lyndon Johnson | Democratic | 1964 |


| Barak Obama | Democratic | 2008 |

| John McCain | Republican | 2008 | | Ralph Nader | Independent | 2008 |

| Bob Barr | Libertarian | 2008 | +---+---+---+


Note when using SQL commands (not sqlite shell commands) there is no "." before the command and the command terminates with a ";"

sqlite> select * from President;

Name Party Year

--- --- ---Barack H. Obama Democratic 2012

Jill Stein Green 2012 Gary Johnson Libertarian 2012 Willard Mitt Romney Republican 2012 ....

Lyndon Johnson Democratic 1964 Barry Goldwater Republican 1964 John Kennedy Democratic 1960 Richard Nixon Republican 1960


sqlite> select Name, Year from President order by Year; Name Year --- ---John Kennedy 1960 Richard Nixon 1960 Lyndon Johnson 1964 Barry Goldwater 1964 ... Barack H. Obama 2012 Jill Stein 2012 Gary Johnson 2012

Willard Mitt Romney 2012

Various sort orders can be used depending on column's data type.


mysql> SELECT Name, Year, Party FROM President WHERE Year = '2000';

+---+---+---+ | Name | Year | Party | +---+---+---+ | Albert Gore | 2000 | Democratic | | Ralph Nader | 2000 | Green | | Harry Browne | 2000 | Libertarian | | Patrick Bucannan | 2000 | Reform | | George W Bush | 2000 | Republican | +---+---+---+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT COUNT (Year) FROM President; +---+ | COUNT(Year) | +---+ | 50 | +---+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


sqlite> select Name, Year, Party from President ...> where Year = 2000;

Name Year Party

--- ---

---Albert Gore 2000 Democratic Ralph Nader 2000 Green

Harry Browne 2000 Libertarian Patrick Bucannan 2000 Reform

George W Bush 2000 Republican sqlite> select count (*) from President;

count (*)


The elections database for the mySQL examples had data errors. The count for the sqlite election.db is "more" correct.


JOIN: Return rows when there is at least one match in both tables An INNER JOIN is the same as a JOIN.

OUTER JOIN: return rows even when there are no matches through the JOIN critieria on the second table

LEFT JOIN: Return all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table. A type of "outer join".

RIGHT JOIN: Return all rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the left table A type of "outer join"

FULL JOIN: Return rows when there is a match in one of the tables A type of "outer join"

CROSS JOIN: Cartesian product of the sets of rows from the joined tables. There is no "on condition".

SQLite has three joins: cross, inner (default join), and left outer


Cross joins can return large tables  the product of table attributes

sqlite> select count (*) from President cross join Vote; count (*)


President has 48 rows, Vote has 48 rows (2304 = 48 * 48)

Does join, inner join, and left outer join give the same result for the above query with the election.db? Try it.


Query results can create "new tables" that are joins of existing tables. WHERE clause specifies the values to join tables on.

mysql> SELECT President.Name, VicePresident.Name

FROM President, VicePresident

WHERE President.Year = VicePresident.Year AND President.Party = VicePresident.Party; +---+---+

| Name | Name | +---+---+ | John Kennedy | Lyndon Johnson | | Richard Nixon | Henry Lodge | | Lyndon Johnson | Hubert Humphrey | | Barry Goldwater | William Miller |

| George Wallace | Curtis LeMay |



PresidentName and VicePresidentName might be better attribute labels, wrt to queries, or use an alias

sqlite> select President.Name as 'President', ...> VicePresident.Name as 'Vice President' ...> from President, VicePresident

...> where President.Year = VicePresident.Year ...> and President.Party = VicePresident.Party; President Vice President

--- ---Barack H. Obama Joseph R. Biden

Jill Stein Cheri Honkala Gary Johnson James P. Gray Willard Mitt Romney Paul Ryan


John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Richard Nixon Henry Lodge


DISTINCT removes duplicate rows from results

mysql> SELECT DISTINCT President.Party FROM President JOIN Vote;

+---+ | Party | +---+ | Democratic | | Republican | | American | | Libertarian | | Independent | | Green | | Reform | +---+

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

sqlite> select distinct President.Party ...> from President join Vote;

Party ---Democratic Green Libertarian Republican Independent Reform American


sqlite> select distinct Name, Vote.Year ...> from President, Vote

...> where Name = 'Ralph Nader'; Name Year --- ---Ralph Nader 2012 Ralph Nader 2008 Ralph Nader 2000 Ralph Nader 1996 Ralph Nader 1992 Ralph Nader 1988 Ralph Nader 1984 Ralph Nader 1980 Ralph Nader 1976 Ralph Nader 1972 Ralph Nader 1968 Ralph Nader 1964 Ralph Nader 1960

implicit join creates too many entries for 'Ralph Nader'


ON clause determines columns to search for matches between tables.

sqlite> select Name, President.Party, Vote.Percent, ...> Vote.Year

...> from President join Vote

...> on President.Party = Vote.Party ...> and President.Year = Vote.Year ...> where Name = 'Ralph Nader';

Name Party Percent Year

--- --- ---

---Ralph Nader Green 1 1996 Ralph Nader Green 3 2000 Ralph Nader Independent 0 2008



Insert values into tables. When a new row is to be inserted the columns are not needed with values in column order.

INSERT INTO tableName (columni, ... columnn VALUES (valuei ... valuen);

sqlite> insert into President (Name, Party, Year) ...> values ('Renzo Ghia', 'Yes please', 1999); sqlite> insert into President

...> values ('Renzo Ghia', 'Halloween', 2010); sqlite> select * from President

...> where Name = 'Renzo Ghia'; Name Party Year

--- ---

---Renzo Ghia Yes please 1999 Renzo Ghia Halloween 2010


When inserting values into tables that are related to other tables (foreign keys) all tables must have appropriate values inserted.

UPDATE is used to alter (modify) tables

UPDATE TableName SET columni = valuei, ... WHERE ...; sqlite> update President

...> set Party = 'Halloween' ...> where Year = 1999;

sqlite> select * from President

...> where Name = 'Renzo Ghia'; Name Party Year

--- ---

---Renzo Ghia Halloween 1999 Renzo Ghia Halloween 2010



If not WHERE clause is used with UPDATE then all rows in table are updated.

Delete a record from a table. Delete used w/o a WHERE clause deletes all rows from the table (no undo).

DELETE FROM tableName WHERE ...; mysql> DELETE FROM President

WHERE Name = 'Renzo Ghia';

Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM President

WHERE Name = 'Renzo Ghia'; Empty set (0.00 sec)

Deleting related records from a table.


Use ALTER to change a table's design. ALTER TABLE tableName

CHANGE columnNameOld columnName New columnType columnOptions;


ADD newColumnName columnType columnOptions; ALTER TABLE tableName

ADD newColumnName columnType columnOptions;

other add options: primary key, foreign keys, index,

ALTER TABLE tableName DROP columnName; sqlite's alter can't add composite keys

To delete a table



There are GUI based mySql administration tools to use for large databases: phpMyAdmin, MySqlWorkbench (updates




columnNamei, columnTypei, columnOptionsi);

mysql> CREATE TABLE Vote ( Party VARCHAR(20), Percent int(2), Year int(4),

PRIMARY KEY (Party, Year) );

mysql> CREATE TABLE President ( Name VARCHAR(30), Party VARCHAR(20), Year int(4),

PRIMARY KEY (Name, Year) );

mysql> CREATE TABLE VicePresident ( Name VARCHAR(30), Party VARCHAR(20), Year int(4),



SELECT * FROM columnName WHERE condition;

Fill table with data from local file


Query OK, 50 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Records: 50 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'President.txt'

INTO TABLE President; ...

mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'VicePresident.txt' INTO TABLE VicePresident;


========================================================== sqlite see page 8 for creating tables and loading them


SQL Backup / restore

Create can be used to make a backup of tables

CREATE TABLE backupTableName SELECT * FROM TableName;

Restore a table from a backup


INSERT INTO TableName SELECT * FROM BackupTableName;

Make a backup copy of entire database – done outside mySql at command prompt.

$ mysldump – u loginName –p databaseName > backupFile Enter password: xxxx

Restore a database.

$ mysql –u loginName –p dbname < backupFile Enter password: xxxx


sqlite shell dump command can be used to create a text file of sqlite commands to create (re-create) the database.

sqlite> .output election.bak // output sent to fileName

sqlite> .dump

// selected, representative, lines from election.bak



Name text not null, Party text not null, Year int not null, primary key (Name, Year));

INSERT INTO "President" VALUES('Barack H. Obama','Democratic',2012); ...

INSERT INTO "President" VALUES('Richard Nixon','Republican',1960); CREATE TABLE VicePresident(

Name text not null, Party text not null, Year int not null, primary key (Name, Year));

INSERT INTO "VicePresident" VALUES('Joseph R. Biden','Democratic',2012); ...



sqlite shell backup and restore

sqlite shell backup command can be used to create a "binary" file backup of named or current "main"

sqlite> .backup election.bak2 sqlite> .quit

// restart sqlite3

sqlite> .open election.bak2 sqlite> .tables

President VicePresident Vote sqlite> .schema


Name text not null, Party text not null, Year int not null, primary key (Name, Year));



Restore database from text file dump

sqlite> .read election.bak sqlite> .tables


// Code fragments from posted MakeDB.java example

import java.sql.*; public class MakeDB {

Connection connect = null; // connection to database

Statement stmt = null; // a SQL statement

ResultSet rs = null; // values returned from SQL query

String sql = null; // string for the sql statement

public int insertDataObjects(int n) {

// create values for id, age, name and gender here

try {

sql = String.format("insert into DataObject (ID, Name, Age, Gender) values (%d, '%s', %d, '%s')",

id, name, age, gender); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch ( Exception e ) {

System.err.println( e.getClass().getName() + " insert into table " + i + " " + e.getMessage() );

System.exit(0); }

// ...

return i; }


public makeDB() { try { Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); connect = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:dataObject.db"); // create statement stmt = connect.createStatement(); // create table

sql = "drop table if exists DataObject"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql);

sql = "create table if not exists DataObject " + "(ID int primary key not null," +

" Name varchar(10) not null," + " Age int not null, " +

" Gender varchar(10))"; stmt.executeUpdate(sql);

System.out.println("defined table DataObject"); }

catch ( Exception e ) {

System.err.println( e.getClass().getName() +

". attempt to create table: " + e.getMessage() ); System.exit(0); }


try { // Query table

rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select * from DataObject where Name = 'ginger';");

int id, age;

String name, gender; while ( rs.next() ) {

id = rs.getInt("ID");

name = rs.getString("Name"); age = rs.getInt("Age");

gender = rs.getString("Gender");

System.out.printf("%d \t %s \t %d \t %s \n", id, name, age, gender); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { System.err.println( e.getClass().getName() +

". attempt to query DataObject: " + e.getMessage() ); System.exit(0);


DBMS Normalization

Entity specification (aka relation) declares an entity’s attributes Normalization process “designs” an optimum set of entity

specifications for all types of modifications.

create many simple entity specifications from many associations minimizes update anomalies and data redundancy

single-valued dependencies: 1:1 primary key is the determinant A’s value determines B’s value (where B is all attributes) multi-valued dependencies: 1:N and M:N

A determines many B and B determines single A A’s value determines finite set of B values A determines many B and B determines many A

A’s value determines finite set of B values B’s value determines finite set of A values


Prof ( pid, office, name, dept)

pid  name, office, dept office  dept

Member( office, dept)

20 413 Barnes CS 21 414 Smith CS 25 404 Gumb CS 34 304 Wong EE 55 402 Katz EE 57 402 Schwartz EE 27 414 Schwartz CS 414 CS 413 CS 404 CS 304 EE 402 EE pid office name dept


If attributes of an entity are determined by the value of the determinant the semantics (associations that exist among attribute values) can be represented in the data – not in the application program (or database). functional non-key attributes of entity are determined by the

entire set of the primary key (not a subset).

partial entity non-key attributes is dependent on a subset of the primary key.

transitive exist within non-key attributes of an entity when a functional dependency exists among themselves. Boyce-Codd exists when a non-key attribute determines part of a

composite primary key set. Infrequent, not discussed.


Prof ( pid, office, name,)

pid  name, office, office  dept

Member( office, dept)

20 413 Barnes 21 414 Smith 25 404 Gumb 34 304 Wong 55 402 Katz 57 402 Schwartz 27 414 Schwartz 414 CS 413 CS 404 CS 304 EE 402 EE pid office name dept



E1 ( A1, A2, A3, B, C ) E2 ( A1, A3, C ) E3 ( F, G, H, I ) E4 ( H, I ) un-normalized example A1 A3 A2 B C F G H I

Normalization seeks to make all single-valued dependencies functional dependencies.


First Normal Form An entity specification is in first normal form if all its attributes are atomic values (not structures, or

repeating groups). All "flat files" (common files, files with nonvariant records) are 1NF.

All the entities on the previous slide are 1NF.

Second Normal Form An entity specification is 2NF if it is 1NF and there are no partial dependencies.

A partial dependency requires a composite key.

There exists a partial dependency in E1, C is functionally dependent only on A1, A3 – A2 is not required to determine C.

E1.1 ( A1, A2, A3, B ) // remove C from E1.


Third Normal Form An entity specification is 3NF if it is 2NF and there are no transitive dependencies.

E3 is not 3NF H is not a key (in E3) and it determines I

E3.1 ( F, G, H ) // remove I from E3


Normalized example


E1.1 ( A1, A2, A3, B ) E2 ( A1, A3, C ) E3.1 ( F, G, H ) E4 ( H, I ) F G H I A1 A3 A2 B C


20 cs132 456 20 cs132 457 20 cs182 458 30 cs182 458 20 cs182 459 30 cs182 459 38 cs242 461 42 cs242 461 38 cs242 463 42 cs242 463 42 cs440 540

A multivalued dependency (MVD) exists when key can determine more than one value (from a finite set of values) for another attribute. Texts ( bid, course, section)

bid  course course  bid

course  section

course section

bid A course could have multiple

sections. Each section could require a different textbook. The same text



Fourth Normal Form An entity specification is 4NF if it is BCNF and there is at most 1 MVD within the entity.

violations of 4NF have high data redundancy with possible update anomalies

Texts entity has 1 : N between course and section

1 : N between course and bid (book id)

M : N between course and bid

ClassTexts (bid, course) ClassSections ( course, section ) bid →→ course course →→ section section → course 20 cs132 20 cs182 30 cs182 38 cs242 42 cs242 42 cs440 cs132 456 cs132 457 cs182 458 cs182 459 cs242 460 cs242 461 cs440 540 bid course section


Fifth Normal Form An entity specification is 5NF if it is 4NF and dependencies cannot be decomposed into simpler entity specifications w/o loss of information.

Domain Key Normal Form Is the goal of normalization.

All dependencies in the data are represented by keys determining non-keys.

Practically, SVDs are designed to remove violations of 3NF MVDs are designed to remove violations of 4NF.

Complex entity specifications (stuff all attributes into 1 relation or 1 file) are prone to be poorly designed because dependencies can't be expressed as a function of primary keys.

(BCNF and 5NF violations are infrequent and usually non-intuitive entity specifications.)



Determine the normal form for each entity specification and normalize the set of entitites. R1 ( B, E, A, C, H ) R2 ( S, U, R, F ) R3 ( N, O, W ) ( B, E)  A, C, H C  H (S, U)  R, F U  F N  O, W W  O


SQLite tutorial


SQLite org, command syntax diagrams


MySQL on-line reference manual

http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/ On-line SQL guides, tutorials

http://www.sqlguides.com/sql_join.php http://www.sqlcourse.com


MongoDB, an open-source no SQL document database

Use posted notes to http://www.sqlite.org/lang.htm www.mongodb.org


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